From the Desk of Swaminathan K, CEO, SmartLearn Dear Sir/Madam, At a White House event 24th November, President Barack Obama announced a national education initiative to strengthen America's economic competitiveness through leadership in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education. This vision is true not just for the US but is more apt and fitting for India that is seen as an emerging leader in science, engineering and technology in the next decade. In fact, our HounarablePrime Minister, Dr.Manmohan Singh, at the inaugural function of the 97th Indian Science Congress has remarked that India should plan to be among the leaders in science and technology. “Catch them young” is the mantra propounded by Prime Mininster Dr.Manmohan Singh.
At SmartLearn we share the ideals of these visionaries and strongly believe that the best way to build a nation is to start at the foundation. With the vision to bring about the Death of Distance in Education, SmartLearn contributes to nation building by taking the best of the science and math education by some of India’s finest scientific and academic brains delivered through our revolutionary WebTv platform (
To achieve India’s vision of being a technology powerhouse, our children should have a strong understanding of the fundamentals in science and math. To take world class science and math education beyond the barriers of time distance and cost, SmartLearn has developed Smart C.A.P. Program with emphasis on concepts, application and problem solving.
I sincerely believe that a school is a building with four walls and a tomorrow inside. Schools play a very significant role in enabling India surge ahead and realize MISSION 2020. We have a taken a mandate to partner with schools like yours and take this mission forward.
Table of Contents
1. About SmartLearn Telcomp Pvt Ltd. 2. About The Smart C.A.P. Program 3. Program – Fees and Terms
1. About SmartLearn Telcomp Pvt Ltd:
Vision: SmartLearn is a technology enabled learning company on a mission to take education beyond the barriers of time and geography and to bring about the “Death of Distance in Education” by harnessing the power of technology. SmartLearn Team: SmartLearn’s core team comprises of a group of stalwart professors from IITs and senior academicians from across the country with passion for education and with over 350 man-years of expertise in developing wholesome academic programs for students at the primary, middle and secondary school level. SmartLearn Expertise: Our key areas of expertise include • •
Curriculum Design Content delivery through technology platform
SmartLearn Users: SmartLearn has over 10,000 users on its website from across various parts of the country. A majority of the students on our website are in various schools across India where access to good teachers is a challenge for students with great aspiration.
2. About Smart C.A.P Program:
Laying a strong foundation in science and maths forms the basis of India’s grand vision to be the world leader in Science and Technology in the next decade. As our small contribution towards this endeavor, we have developed a unique Internet and Communication Technology (ICT) enabled Foundation Program in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Logical Reasoning and Critical Thinking for students in class VII through class X. Smart C.A.P Program prepares students for excellence in: a) Board Examinations b) NTSE Examination c) International Olympiads d) IITJEE and AIEEE Smart C.A.P. Programs Offered: a) Smart C.A.P. Foundation Program Senior: 2 year program for students entering class IX b) Smart C.A.P. Foundation Program Junior: 2 year program for students entering class VII
Smart C.A.P. Program Formats: The Smart C.A.P Program can be offered in one of the two formats a) Instructor led format b) Web based self study format It is the prerogative of Vidya Akshay to choose either of the formats that best suits the needs of the school and its students. Smart C.A.P. Program Components:
a) What a Student gets : a. Printed Materials: Complete set of books branded in the name of your school itself (with SmartLearn co branding) with emphasis on concepts, application and problem solving b. Virtual Text Books: All printed books provided to the students will be made available in the form of multicolor virtual text books for any time access and easy reference online.
c. Concept Builders: As a part of the program all students will have access to concept builder sessions with detailed explanation of concepts by expert teachers. d. Skill Builders: Video lectures by stalwart academicians and expert trainers with emphasis on problem solving & building application orientation in the students. e. Score Builders: Chapter wise tests to assess the level of understanding and application of the student f.
Speed Builders: Full length test papers with challenging problems that compel a student to interlink and apply multiple concepts into the same problem
b. What a Student Gets: i.
Implementation Schedule: To help the teacher to plan out the schedule for the whole year in a seamless manner.
ii. Power point presentations explaining learning objectives, points to be highlighted, expected learning outcomes in the form of printed material. iii. Teacher Reference Manual: Start-up and Implementation manuals -for teachers to implement this curriculum effectively. iv. Teacher Orientation Program: Training sessions to help teachers implement the classroom program effectively
3. Proof of Concept - Implementation Road Map
1. MoU Signup between Akshaya Patra and SmartLearn 2. Diagnostic test –Administer a unique diagnostic test to assess the level of students in concepts, ability to apply concepts and problem solving. 3. Teacher engagement and training- Weekend workshop for the teachers in the school by our expert teacher trainers on innovative teaching methods and teaching best practices that will enrich the learning experience of children. 4. Administer the instructor led program to the children. 5. Regular assessments and tests provided to the teachers to track the improvement of the students.
6. Review examination at the end of three months to assess the performance improvement of students and to identify areas of strength and suggest avenues of improvement.
4. The Fees:
Fees Charged to Student: Similar instructor led programs offered by leading players today cost between Rs.20,000 – Rs.60,000. Fees Charged by SmartLearn exclusively for Vidya Akshay: For both Foundation Program Junior and Foundation Program Senior SmartLearn will charge only Rs. 1498/- per student for 2 years for all subjects – Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Logical Reasoning & Critical Thinking The payment will be collected upfront before the pilot project for the five schools
Success Stories and other Social Initiatives
SmartLearn Telcomp Pvt. Ltd., New No : 48, Habibullah Road, T.Nagar, Chennai-17, India. Ph No: 044-4550 2442 Mobile: Sudha - 95000 91212