The Facts About Carpet Cleaning and Allergies

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THE FACTS ABOUT CARPET CLEANING AND ALLERGIES Allergies affect millions of people every year, and things such as bacteria, mould, dust, pet hair, and pollen are very often the reason behind respiratory issues and asthma attacks. Carpets host a lot of these allergens – therefore, your house can easily become dangerous if you don’t take care of this aspect. Carpet cleaning can be the solution you need if you want a safe home free of allergens, and in this article, we will explain why.

WHAT ARE ALLERGENS? Allergens are foreign substances that cause an immune response in the body, resulting in allergies. Everyone is allergic to different things, but the most common allergens are pollen, dust mites, mould, and pet dander. For Australians, dust mites represent one of the main reasons why people deal with allergies. Symptoms such as runny nose, watery eyes, shortness of breath, sneezing, rash, and hives, as well as swelling and inflammation, can arise after coming in contact with allergens.

How to Reduce Allergies in Homes with Carpets There are a few things you can do to keep allergies away and still enjoy carpets in a home, such as:

1.Regularly Vacuuming the House Vacuuming is a great way to keep allergens away from your carpets, but also remove the existing ones. This works no matter the type of allergen. Some vacuums are better than others at this task, and HEPA filter ones are the best allies. They are able to trap 99.97% of 0.3-micron dust particles. Therefore, they can also be effective in dealing with allergen particles.

Allergens will be removed from the carpets and will not be blown back into the air. Meanwhile, a vacuum cleaner that doesn’t have a HEPA filter will only handle the larger allergens, while the rest get recirculated into the house’s air.

2.Getting Rid of VOCs VOCs are present in many carpets. The organic compounds will be released into the air as a gas, particularly when the carpet is new, and you will be able to smell them. This is dangerous because it can result in allergic symptoms in some people, which is why VOCs should be removed. Apart from vacuuming, you should also keep windows closed during allergy seasons, reduce house humidity, use a special vacuum cleaner to remove pet hair, and keep pets clean.

3.Remove Spills Spills should be cleaned up as soon as possible, and the carpet should not stay wet for more than a day. This is because humidity encourages the growth of mould, which then triggers allergy symptoms.

WHY CARPET CLEANING IS BENEFICIAL Professional carpet cleaning can help people with allergies in the following ways: 1.Reducing the Risk of Asthma and Other Respiratory Issues Carpets are allergen collectors – so, your favourite carpets can be harmful to you if you don’t take action. Asthma attacks and different other respiratory problems can be triggered by tiny organisms that settle in your carpets. Dust mites are especially troublesome, as their droppings are often responsible for allergic reactions. Some pollutants in the carpets may even lead to eczema. As such, carpet cleaning comes as a solution, as it will eradicate all the harmful allergens and pollutants and ensure you’re safe in your home.

2.Pollen and Allergen Removal Opening your window for a short amount of time every day is a good way to get some fresh air inside. As convenient as this is, it also leads to some problems, such as the accumulation of pollen and other allergens on your carpet. They combine with the allergens you also bring inside. The small, numerous fibres in your carpet can quickly host various allergens that are dangerous when you’re dealing with respiratory problems. Keeping things clean through a professional carpet cleaning service will keep pollen and other allergens away, preventing allergy symptoms.

3.Getting Rid of Grime, Dirt, and Other Pollutants Carpet cleaning services can help you get rid of things such as tar, pet lint, pollen, and bacteria from your carpets. Believe it or not, but when you walk over your nice carpets you basically allow all these things to go crazy by releasing them. They can lead to congestion or make you feel sick at times. Unfortunately, you may not be able to remove them properly, even if you vacuum your carpet regularly. Carpet cleaning services can help you get rid of built-in dirt, grime, and other pollutants from your carpets, and you can even rent professional equipment to use on your own.

Conclusion Carpet cleaning is very important for every home as it can get rid of dirt, grime, pollen, and various allergens that cause allergic reactions. You’ll be able to live more comfortably in your own home, without having to worry that your allergies or asthma will be triggered. Hire professional carpet cleaners or rent cleaning equipment, and you will improve the quality of your daily life.

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