3 minute read
1 Marin Odioso, Cheryl Cort, and Stewart Schwartz, “Cool Communities: Identifying Climate-Friendly Developments in the Washington D.C. Region.” SmarterGrowth. net. Coalition for Smarter Growth, 12 Apr. 2010. Web. 16 June 2016. <http:// www.smartergrowth.net/wp-content/ uploads/2012/11/Cool_Communities_Full_ Report.pdf>
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4 “Region Forward.” MWCOG.org. Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, 2010. Web. 16 June 2016. <http://www.mwcog.org/ planning/regionforward/>
5 Odioso et al 38
6 Eric Jaffe, “The Strongest Case Yet That Excessive Parking Causes More Driving.” CityLab. Atlantic Media, 12 Jan. 2016. Web. 16 June 2016. <http://www.citylab.com/ commute/2016/01/the-strongest-caseyet-that-excessive-parking-causes-moredriving/423663/>
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8 Kyle Smith, “Stalled Out: How Empty Parking Spaces Diminish Neighborhood Affordability” CNT.org. Center for Neighborhood Technology, Mar. 2016. Web. 16 June 2016. <http://www. cnt.org/sites/default/files/publications/CNT_ Stalled%20Out_0.pdf>
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12 Rogers, Jonathan. E-mail to the author. 12 Apr. 2016.
13 “How Much Parking Does Our Region Need?” The Kojo Nnamdi Show. American University Radio. WAMU 88.5, Washington. 14 Apr. 2016. Radio. <http://thekojonnamdishow.org/
14 Cheryl Cort, “Testimony to DC Zoning Commission on Zoning Update (ZC 08-06A Subtitle C – Parking & IZ FNL).” SmarterGrowth. net. Coalition for Smarter Growth, 20 Nov. 2013. Web. 16 June 2016. <http://www. smartergrowth.net/resources/testimony/ testimony-to-dc-zoning-commission-on-zoningupdate-no-08-06a-subtitle-c-parking-iz-fnl/>
15 Steve Walz et al, “Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory for Metropolitan Washington - 2005 and 2012.” MWCOG.org. Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, Apr. 2016. Web. 16 June 2016. <https://www. mwcog.org/uploads/pub-documents/ v15aXlY20160422103434.pdf> Page 16
16 Adam Millard-Ball, “Crediting LowTraffic Developments: Adjusting Site-Level Vehicle Trip Generation Using URBEMIS.” Nelson\Nygaard. Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, Aug. 2005. Web. 16 June 2016. <http://nelsonnygaard. com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/ TripGenerationAnalysisUsingURBEMIS.pdf>
17 Ibid.
18 Janet L. Collins and Janet E. Fulton, “Taking Steps to a Healthier Nation: Increasing Physical Activity Through Walking.” JPAH Journal of Physical Activity and Health 12.6 Suppl 1 (2015): S1-S2. Web. 16 June 2016. <http://journals. humankinetics.com/jpah-supplements-specialissues/jpah-volume-12-supplement-june/takingsteps-to-a-healthier-nation-increasing-physicalactivity-through-walking>
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20 “10,000 Steps” ShapeUp.org. Shape Up America, 2016. Web. 16 June 2016. <http:// shapeup.org/10000-steps/>
21 Pre-Hearing Statement of the Applicant for BZA Application No. 18744 ANC 2B, 6 May 2014. Testimony of SB-Urban (now Saul Urban).
22 Rachel Weinberger, Karina Ricks, Jason Schrieber, and Liza Cohen, “Trip Generation Data Collection in Urban Areas.” Nelson\ Nygaard. Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, Sep. 2014. Web. 16 June 2016. <http://nelsonnygaard.com/wp-content/ uploads/2014/04/2014-01_Urban-TripGeneration-Final-Report.pdf>
23 “Incorporation of Transportation Demand Management (TDM) into the Development Review Process: Final Report and Recommendations.” DDOT.DC.gov. District Department of Transportation, July 2010. Web. 16 June 2016. <http://ddot.dc.gov/sites/default/ files/dc/sites/ddot/publication/attachments/tdmfinal-report.pdf>
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25 “SHIFT - Encourage Sustainable Travel.” SFPlanning.org. San Francisco Planning Department, 18 May 2016. Web. 16 June 2016. <http://sf-planning.org/shift-encouragesustainable-travel>
26 “Transportation Demand Management for Site Plan Development.” CommuterPage. Arlington County Department of Environmental Services, 2016. Web. 16 June 2016. <http://www. commuterpage.com/pages/special-programs/ tdm-for-site-plans/>
27 “SmartBenefits.” WMATA.com. Washington Metropolitan Area Transportation Authority, 2016. Web. 16 June 2016. <http://www.wmata. com/business/employer_fare_program/>
Coalition for Smarter Growth
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