Smarthinking Brochure

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we are professional storytellers Since 2006, Smarthinking Inc. has solved business challenges through the creation of

compelling stories that businesses

tell everyday across a variety of Architectural, Operational).

mediums (Print, Digital,


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e x p e r i e n c e d e v e l o p i n g, i m p l e m e n t i n g a n d m e a s u r i n g b r a n d s e n s u r e s t h a t c l i e n t s h av e a r e m a r k a b l e p r o d u c t t h a t d e l i v e r s a n i n c o m p a r a b l e c u s t o m e r e x p e r i e n c e, d r i v e s s a l e s a n d u l t i m a t e l y solves problems.

W H E N BU I L D I N G WO R L D - C L A S S B R A N D S , I T ’ S T H E T H O U G H T T H AT C O U N T S.

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brand strategy A SYMPHONIC EFFORT Building remarkable brands truly is a symphonic effort. If you go to hear any philharmonic and only the winds or the brass play, it never feels as emotive or impactful as if the entire orchestra were playing together. The same concept holds true with brands. The careful and meticulous planning of these details playing together creates the depth and richness of a given product or service. This ultimately becomes the customer’s experience with the product or service. Preeminent brands are fanatically focused on the story and its daily execution throughout every experience.

The customer experience encompasses many components: ads, websites, collateral, personal interactions, physical structures, packaging‌the list goes on ad infinitum. Smarthinking Inc. designs brand strategies that incorporate all of these items to create brands with depth, longevity and adaptability.

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advertising Telling the entire story in three seconds or less. We create compelling advertisements that make the audience long to be a part of it all.

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the brightest gem in the state

Idaho is known as the Gem State, and Whitetail Club

We InvITe you To dISCover WhITeTaIl Club, the

is its crown jewel. here life brims over with adventure.

premier private community in the Pacific Northwest, located

The snow-capped mountains, glacier-carved lakes

in spectacular McCall, Idaho, just 100 miles north of boise.

and ancient forests set the stage for a life of exploration

> lIve a lIfe of unparalleled advenTure + luxury. Homes starting from the mid $800s

and tranquility. here, your fuTure IS brIGhT.

Explore more at or call 877.634.1725

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Obtain a Property Report required by Federal Law and read it before signing anything. No Federal agency has judged the merits or value, if any, of this property. Warning, the California Bureau of Real Estate has not inspected, examined or qualified this offering. Whitetail Club is represented by Whitetail Club Realty. We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the nation. Scenes and views may be of a location not on or related to the property. - 18 -

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Trailblazer Massage

Mountain lavender and natural peppermint oil combine to stimulate circulation and stop time! a new adventure is now available in mccall for all you splendor seekers. the cove, an authentic mccall spa, is the perfect escape. nothing ventured, nothing gained!

See our other adventures at 208.630.0280 LOCATED NEXT TO


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Did You Know?


FITNESS CENTER AND SPA • 119 WEST 56TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10019 • TEL 212.708.7340 - 23 -

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collateral We believe that everything communicates. EVERYTHING! From the exquisite brochure to the clever napkin, all collateral has the opportunity to further the story.

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SKOW Fall 2014 Collection - 28 -

ABOVE Sea Spa Brochure RIGHT SKOW Business Cards

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Norma’s Nor ma’s Cookbook

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PSYC Membership Card

SEA SPA Congress Hall Brochure

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photography & film They say that a picture is worth a thousand words‌so what else do we need to say? We will let you be the judge, and don’t forget the importance of film either.

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ABOVE MIMO Neighborhood Photography RIGHT MIMO Neighborhood Photography OPPOSITE PAGE Shore Lodge Lifestyle Photography

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SHORE LODGE Lifestyle Photography

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FLATS CHICAGO Lifestyle Photography

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OPPOSITE PAGE The Cove architectural UPPER LEFT Gravity architectural UPPER RIGHT Flats Chicago lifestyle LOWER LEFT Flats Chicago lifestyle

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THE COVE Spa Experience Film

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SHORE LODGE Hotel Room Film

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digital Standing out from the clutter is something we have grown accustomed to. We do this by building fresh, fun interactions.

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ABOVE Various digital ads UPPER RIGHT Shore Lodge pop-up page LOWER RIGHT Flats Chicago temporary landing page

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service design After all of your external marketing efforts, do not leave the customer experience to chance‌design it to be remarkable.

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ABOVE Shore Lodge Trip Advisor Service Cards RIGHT The Cove, Massage Services OPPOSITE PAGE PSYC Service Cards

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packaging The experience before the experience. When the package is as compelling as the product, then we know we have it right.

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ed on t n i r p o be t s c i h Grap cent film lu trans


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UPPER LEFT Whitetail Club Packaging MIDDLE LEFT Coca-Cola Concept Bottle BOTTOM LEFT SKOW Shoe Bag BOTTOM RIGHT The Cove Packaging OPPOSITE PAGE MIMO Canvas Tote Bag - 66 -

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