June visual and product design Portfolio Ver 1.5

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“Like a chameleon”

Ver 1.5

INTRO PROFILE Name Joon-hyun Kim

Birth 11. 08. 1984

E-mail mrcalburn@hotmail.com

Mobile 82) 10 - 9377 - 7287

Education Pukyong National University Depart of Visual Design


Skills Photoshop, Iillustration, Flash, Premiare, 3ds max(& V-ray) Rhino 4.0, Ms Office, Keyshot, Namo webeditor

Design is the communication without talking. When we try to communicate without talking, Design can share my idea even I don't talk about my thinking. Of course, It's my part to study the way how to coomunicate for making an exception of misunderstanding. This is my design philosophy. Someone can crticize it. But, It is me. Someone will crticize it, I will never change.

Experience Design Membership Korea design membership (KDM) 2010. 3 ~ 2012. 1



Human Plus Design Exhibition (in Busan Design center) 2010. 6

Velvet in Estonia 2012. 8 - 2012. 10 (3month)

Division of Design Graduation Exhibition (in Pukyong National University) 2010. 11


Design Week(Thanks Day) Eco Exhibition (in Busan Design center) 2010. 11

CDFNY (In NY SVA) 2011. 7 ~ 2011. 8

Award Visual 4th Advertisment Contest of Mersilon Grand Prize (2007) 3th International Eco Poster Contest Speical Choice(2007) 10th International Love Earth ContestSpecial Prize of President of Korea Forest Service(2010) Product Haus & Design International On-Line design contest winners(2010) Danahan Design contest winners(2011) Busan Industrial Design compettition Special Prize(2011)

ABILITY Value of skilled tools


Good Very good

Not bad Normal


Tool is just tool. But, I think experienced using tools means There is no limit to express what i want For that reason, I’ve made an effort to improve. Now, I’m sure that these are my strong points when I do design


Good Very good

Not bad Normal


To Visual designer, 3D could not be important. But, I think It could be strong weapon. Sometime, We need to show more detal view to the client for their understanding. Sometimes, we are supposed to make some object that we can’t take a photo in the world. That is the reason why I learned 3D tools. Even, I am Visual designer.

Contents Things what I did

1 2 3 4

5 6

Art Work The Velvet Destroy your fixed Idea Have you ever seen the Heaven Creative Splash HAITI(We need your help) For dream(Run to make your own way)

Book design KDM with SVA New York Diary



Popkooripidu Nuri sunshine Sweat morning Pann’D

A d ve r t i sm e n t We are same Alma Keep the safe pink line Earth would be different in 2050

Pr o d u c t d e s i g n Bangle Books Rolling Bag Spring Bin Change Pliers Electricity bridge Lighting mushroom

Art work

Designer needs mind of a poet, hands of engineer and heart of marathoner - Designer Gangchul Go

Chapter. 01

Things to show who I am and what I think

The Velvet Destroy your fixed Idea Have you ever seen the Heaven Creative Splash HAITI(We need your help) For dream(Run to make your own way)

2012. 08

Art work

Chapter. 01

Things to show what I think


The Velvet This work is for the present to The Velvet which gave me a chance to participate in the internship. They didn’t have any 3D logo, so I wanted to give the present as an art work for giving the chance. The yellow rose means their symbol and I wanted to make it very powerful like thier the passion of design.


Present For The Velvet

2009. 01

Art work

Chapter. 01

Things to show what I think


Destroy your fixed idea Many people have a fixed idea. But if you want to design something which is better than before. You should throw it out. It must be discouragement when you make something creatively. So, I made it to show my message as poster.


Fixed Idea we have to throw it away

2009. 01

Art work

Chapter. 01

Things to show what I think


Have you ever seen the heaven? We have never seen the heaven. But, we always say there is the heaven at end of our life. I also think there is the heaven. Sometime I imagine how it would be like that. This is my think about the heaven, if It exists...


Present For The Velvet

Art work

Chapter. 01

Things to show what I think


Creative splash When we design something, we are confronted with a hard problem. The source of our imagination has been exhausted. In this situation, I usually say the idea falls from the sky. This art work was made by my wish. Maybe, it would represent your thinking as me!


Idea The pain by creative

2009. 03

Art work

Chapter. 01

Things to show what I think


Haiti, we need your help Date 01. 12. 2010, When I watched News from TV, I really suprised about the Haiti earthquake. It was terrible. Many people died and starved. After the earthquke, they were dying because of starving. So, I wanted to do something for them. So, I made it with involved my mind.


Help For their life

2009. 01

Art work

Chapter. 01

Things to show what I think


For Dream Sometime, I thought it is right to keep going on doing design. It is really hard to make a conclusion. Design makes me happy and smile. But, sometime when I meet the person who designs doing better than me even the person younger than me, I doubt “I really have the sense to design?� But, I have realized it does not matter. Because, there is no correct answer in our life.


The way Make your own way

2009. 04

The workers who are supposed to think creatively would be pained by creative work until resignation- J Branding

Chapter. 02

Things to show who I am and what I think

Popkooripidu Nuri sunshine Sweet morning Pann’D


Chapter. 02

The brand identity Mot


C : 51 M : 14 Y : 97 K:0 C : 62 M : 39 Y : 100 K : 0.5

C : 66 M : 81 Y : 98 K : 57

Popkooripidu (in Estonia) Branding

Popkooripidu is one of the bigest concert in Estonia. The Client wanted to change everything about the concert identity. So, i made the logo more linked symbol than before. A Swallow represent Estonia and forsest is also famous to represent.

Detail guide line

Sub symbols

to represent Estonia



Color Guide


C : 76 M : 28 Y:0 K:0

C : 49 M : 8.5 Y : 99 K:0



C : 8.5 M : 52 Y : 94 K:0

C : 66 M : 81 Y : 98 K : 57


Chapter. 02

Popkooripidu (in Estonia)

The brand identity

Graphic application



Eco bag


Chapter. 02

The brand identity

Popkooripidu (in Estonia)

Music Cover

Band type USB




Chapter. 02

Team work

The brand identity

warm [달콤한 아침]

Sweat morning? The only thing the client needed was a logo would be warm Morning Sun

Freshly baked bread

Sweet morning Branding

The project was started in design volunteer activity. the client would run a bakery with bakers of breadmaking institue by community groups, there are the difficulties of capital. So, we tried to be helpful to the revitalization of the local economy in the KDM.

e tiv Mo

C : 51 M : 14 Y : 97 K:0

C : 62 M : 39 Y : 100 K : 0.5

Package set

C : 75 M : 69 Y : 72 K : 37

Chapter. 02


The brand identity



C : 62 M : 30 Y : 6.2 K:0

ra p


C : 45 M : 9 Y : 4 K : 0



C : 46 M : 6 Y : 74 K : 0 C : 5 M : 26 Y : 73 K : 0 C : 9.5 M : 55 Y : 72 K : 0

C : 13 M : 77 Y : 73 K:0

C:0 M:0 Y:0 K : 100

Nuri-shunshine Branding

The project was started in design volunteer activity. the client would run a bakery with bakers of breadmaking institue by community groups, there are the difficulties of capital. So, we tried to be helpful to the revitalization of the local economy in the KDM.

Even they are little bit different, they have big potential.

Document application with business card


Chapter. 02

The brand identity



판디 [판디 : 판다의 사투리]

Design Gallery

C : 6.5 M : 51 Y : 93 K:0 C : 42 M : 5.9 Y : 97 K:0


C : 66 M : 81 Y : 98 K : 57

(for Korea designers)


I made it for making better the situation of design area in Korea. There are so many designers who have a lot of potential to be a star designer in Korea. But, It is reality there are no many famous people in designer field as Korea designers. So, I researched what a problem is and how to make it better. PANN`D would be the solution or not. But, it is sure we have to do something for improving the situation of design filed for our next generation designers.

1,000,000 The number of cumulative designer

= 2%

2 percent of the population who work in design field

Need to improve the value of the designers for making a Korea star designer, not the change of design field

It is not impossible this huge number of designers do not have potentials to be strar designer. This is caused the problem of Korea design filed. Even, Major companies which are in Korea design field do not enforce design real-name financial transaction system to prevent making a stardesigner because the companies do not like premium paying to a star designer. So, I thought the solution to make it better by PANN’D

Change the condition of Design

Lead the change by goverment and companies

methodical and creative education

Realistic Limit


Reason why there is no star designer in Korea


Chapter. 02

The brand identity

The reference to solve this problem Structure of Art Gallery

bridge between artist and collector

distribution gallery

marketing and sales artist management support production cost make infrastructure(network)

make the artist’s value improve

The suggestion of Design gallery Structure of Art Gallery Market

producer artist transfer of ownership


consumer collector

distribution gallery


Direction of Design gallery BENCHMARKING | Art gallery



There is two point to refer from structure of art gallery. One thing is network system each artist and gallery and another thing is management. Design gallery is running by using network and management.

Function of design gallery shopping -mall design real-name financial transaction system value creation

Square form sense of closeness Experiential design space

Gallery rise awareness management improve design value


Chapter. 02

The brand identity



Chapter. 02

The brand identity

Promtion type


Annual exhbition scheldule


Chapter. 02

The brand identity




Exhbition Room

Front Desk

Chapter. 03

Advertisement to give a message

We are same Keep your health with Alma Keep the safe pink line The globe would be different in 2050

Design is thinking made visual - Saul Bass



Chapter. 03

Advertisement to give a messege




We are same

Today, there are many people who live in another country to make money. But, there is remained raical discrmination even we are same. When we buy an egg, we don’t think about the color of eggs. Because we know the color of eggs are just color. we have to change our mind skin color is just skin color.


Chapter. 03

Advertisement to give a messege




Keep your health with Alma

When I paricipated in internship, I worked for Tolm stuido which was one of the studio at the Velvet. They were in the middle of making animation with advertisment. So, they wanted to make a poster for their project. The client needed to make the poser as looks fresh yogurt. So, I made dropping yogurt with cow surfing.

4th Advertisment Contest of Mersilon (2007)

Grand Prize

Chapter. 03

Advertisement to give a messege



Keep the safe pink line

This is made for the contest. the topic of the contest was to notice using contraceptive made you safe from the relationship. So, I expressed it indirectly because exposing the words about related sex was like taboo in korea. It appears when you use the pill, it help you prevent pregnancy as the subway safe line and I changed the color of the line to Pink because the products color was pink. It showed directly the product identity.

Main Color


How to expose? Exposing the words about related sex is taboo in Korea


10th International Love Earth Contest (2011)

Special Prize From President of Korea Forest Service

Chapter. 03

Advertisement to give a messege

4 Global warming

Result of Global warming

Warming temperatures caused temperatures anormales


The problems what we have been making

The globe could show directly our future, if we do nothing

The globe would be different in 2050 The global warming have came to the fore since several years ago. It causes many porblems such as a risse sea level and temperatures. Even, we know why it happened, we do not recognize seriously. We must recognize the global warmingthreatens our life. So, I made it to show directly. the globe is one of the item what the earth is and people realize easily. If we do nothing for the earth, how it would be.

Chapter. 04

The memory about NY

Book Design

The essential part of creativity is not being afraid to fail - Edwin Land

KDM with SVA

New York 케이디엠 뉴욕일기


Book Design

Chapter. 04

the memory about NY

The Book / - Mmemory about NY About this 2011 0709 29 SEP 08

Intro & contents


NewYork diary This book was made to remember the

Hangul Diary

memory when KDM was in NY. The book is like a diary about The program CDFNY which was held from School of Visual ART(SVA). This book be composed three type chapter. First

English Diary

chapter is our reports style what we thought about whole things about NY Second chapter is a Korea diary. I intended the book looks like travel book. Last chapter is also a diary which is made up of english. This chapter was intended the book looks like real diary which is wirtten by young girl.

Book Design

The Book / - Mmemory about NY

Chapter. 04

the memory about NY

Intro & contents

About this

Intro & contents


Hangul Diary

English Diary

NewYork diary

The Book / - Mmemory about NY

Book Design

Chapter. 04

the memory about NY


About this

Intro & contents


Korea Diary

English Diary

NewYork diary

This chapter are reports about NY. What we felt and thought during the CDFNY. Someon wrote their culture, someon wrote thier design enviroment. Each poerson wrote reports by each sight about NY.

The Book / - Mmemory about NY

Book Design

Chapter. 04

the memory about NY

Hangul Diary

About this

Intro & contents


Hangul Diary

English Diary

NewYork diary

This chapter are Hangul Diary. We particpated in various class. Drwaing, Packgage, Idea and english class. This chapter focused on class and clture of NY.

The Book / - Mmemory about NY

Book Design

Chapter. 04

the memory about NY

English Diary

About this

Intro & contents


Hangul Diary

English Diary

NewYork diary

This chapter are English diary. After class, we experienced many things like food, art, cliture and so on. Almost the stroy is about our travle. I intend to make it look like real dairy by attaching picture and stamp.

Chapter. 05

The works which are my another interest

Bangle books Triangler Spring bin Change pliers Electricity bridge Lighting mushroom

Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future - Rober L. Peters

Chapter. 05 The works which are my another interest Turn Ur Books!

team 02

Bangle books Many book shelves are high to children and the disabled, because they are made to focus on practicality not user. So, they can’t reach to take a book from some book shelves. I thought the way how to solve this problem. Finally, I found the solution from the wheel. When I designed this, I try to make it kind and harmony with enviroment.



How to operate

Detail view





Chapter. 05 The works which are my another interest

Triangler Wherever to gowith the Triangler

team 02

Triangler All people go to travel and take a baggage The baggage hold our stuff during our travle. It is a convenient thing. But, it change a inconvenient thing when we go up the stairs 'the Triangler' can be a solution to make up for the bag's fault . It can be the perfect bag 'the Triangler' has a new type wheels. So, everyone go up the stairs easlily by the 3 wheels. Now, you don't have to lift your bag when you go up the stairs anymore. Let's enjoy our travel with 'the Triangler'




We ususally use a travel bag when we have a travel. This bag has wheels because of the weight of the bag to move easily. But, normal bags are considered to move flat ground. So, we have to lif t the bag to go up or down stair. Especially, Women, the old and infirm are hard to lif t the bag. It is the weakness of the travel bag.

How to operate ‘Triangler’ can move the stairs easily by use of triangle structure. ‘Triangler’ moving on flat ground by use of two wheels. When going up the stairs, triangle and 3wheels rotate upon an axis. It makes ‘Triangler’ move naturally between the stair

Arrival ! move foward move up

move up When moving on the plains (Use of two wheels)


Chapter. 05 The works which are my another interest Why do I have to do it?


single 01

We usually press down the trash which is in plastic bag to knot the bag or use full of space, but there are some problems such as you get dirty from some trash or the plastic bag is torn, So We suggest the spring bin to solve the problem.

Spring Bin It is of practical use and convenient because it is spring type bin. It means when You press the bin to reduce the space You don’t have to get dirty anymore and It can make the person press the bin without any additional action the foot put on the bug symbol.

The symbol for inducement to press the bin Center of power focuses on the part of the bug side

Full use of

Chapter. 05 The works which are my another interest

team 04

Change Pliers We have some plier tools in home. When we use the tool, have you ever thought why the front part of the tools are made differently, although the tools have same hilt. If we change the front part of the tools as inerchangeable dreivers, It weill be convinient to use. So, we suggest 'Change pliers' which can change the front part of the tools by a simple method.

Pliers type

How to replace


Chapter. 05 The works which are my another interest

team 04

Electricity bridge People always use portable equipments such as a cell phone. Sometimes, We experience the situation that a battery of the equipment is almost dead When We don't have an extra battery, we face the situation that we have to use the equipment occasionally but we can't do anything. Is There nothing to do for the situation?

Electricity Bridge


We thought sharing energy to solve this situation and We designed 'Electricity Bridge' 'Electricity Bridge' can give energy to other people who's battery has gone dead and take energy from other people Now, Let's share engergy each other with smile

Oh!! No


Chapter. 05 The works which are my another interest

team 03

Lighting mushroom We designed 'Lighting mushroom' to offer better life to the people. During the day time, sunlight come through the PET bottle and water reflect the light dispersedly. Water in the PET bottle helps the light reflects more and spread the light deep inside of the house. During daytime, solar panel, at the top, saves solar heat into the discharged mobile phone battery. Then, it can be used during the night time. Discharged mobile phone battery saves solar energy.



By developing of electricity, human being has light. Nowadays, we cannot imagine living without light. But, 1.5billion people still live without light day and night. Cause, they cannot use electricity. In some developing countries and Third world, people use kerosene lamp. Its smoke is not only harmful for health and but also it generates environmental pollution. In addition, it is also uneconomical.




1.5 Billion 7 Billion

Approximately, 1.5billion in 7billion people can not use electricity in the world. Li-ion Convert

2billion mobile phones are produced every year. 400million mobile phones are discharged every year. 0.4 Billion 2 Billion


Around 22billion PET bottles are used every year. Among those, 15.4billion PET bottles are discharged without collecting. 15.4 Million 22 Billion


Water Bleaching agent


Solar Energy

Lighting Mushroom Benefit



Saving money


Chapter. 05 The works which are my another interest The battery is charged by solar energy during the daytime. Sunlight goes through the PET bottle, which is full of water and a bit of bleach, and light in the house without electricity.







CDS The sensor which controls the switch to turn on/off automatically by amount of light




At the night time, the PET bottle will be lit by the solar energy which is saved at the disposal mobile battery during the daytime.

Non finished story These are all about my works that I want to show U just for the heck of it

the things are composed web invitation package icon illustration

Chapter. 06 The works just for the heck of it


2009, The Lasvegas Project The invitation was made for the Lasvegas Project. The Lasvegas Project is one of the exhibition about Fashion Brand. The Dream Control is also fashion brand they make premium hats and cap,

Pebble Story We have made effort to hold the nature into our things Natural inspired us to have made it


Mi-ryu Korea traditional alchol bottle design HOLD THE NATURE INTO YOUR SKIN LIKE THE OCEAN

Pebble story Woongin cosmetic package design

Chapter. 06 The works just for the heck of it


Character design

Gold fish illustration

Interior design



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