5 minute read
Dandelion Readers
from Catalogue - UK
by Smart Kids
10 BOOKS Dandelion Readers
A structured synthetic phonics reading scheme designed to bridge the gap between learning initial phonics and the first level in available reading schemes. A5 Size.
Dandelion Readers, Units 1-10 (Sets 1, 2 & 3)
Books in Units 1-10 cover the most common letter sound relationships in a systematic sequence, in a fun and engaging way. Each pack contains 10 books (one per unit). Covers: a, i, m, s, t, n, o, p, b, c, g, h, d, e, f, v, k, l, r, u, j, w, z, x, y, ff, ll, ss.
PB04 Readers Units 1-10 , Set 1 £19.99 SB180 6 sets of PB04 (1 free set ) £99.95 PB01 Readers Units 1-10, Set 2 £19.99 SB178 6 sets of PB01 (1 set free) £99.95 PB07 Readers Units 1-10, Set 3 £19.99 SB182 6 sets of PB07 (1 set free) £99.95
Dandelion Readers, Units 11-20 (Sets 1 & 2)
The books in Units 11-20 move beyond the single letter to teaching digraph sounds, again in a systematic sequence. Each series pack contains 10 (one for each unit) full colour books with lively illustrations. Covers: ch, sh, th, ck, ng, qu, ve, wh, two syllable words ending with; -ed, -ing, -le.
“With 4-6 sounds the children can have success in reading. These have been a great addition to supporting our learners and their needs.” - Jason C.
PB05 Readers Units 11-20, Set 1 £19.99 SB181 6 sets of PB05 (1 set free) £99.95
PB02 Readers Units 11-20, Set 2 £19.99 SB179 6 sets of PB02 (1 set free) £99.95
Dandelion Readers, Units 8-15 Games
Spiral bound, 14 page book of photocopiable reading games. 0
Dandelion Readers, Workbooks Units 1-20
Spiral-bound books of photocopiable, multi-sensory activities linked to the Dandelion Readers Sets (120 pages each).
PB06 Workbook Units 1-10 , Set 1 £19.99 PB69 Workbook Units 1-10, Sets 2&3 £19.99 PB16 Workbook Units 11-20, Set 1 £19.99 PB17 Workbook Units 11-20, Sets 2 £19.99
Dandelion Readers, Extended Code Level 1
14 enchanting books, each introduces one spelling for a vowel sound (Letters & Sounds Phases 3 and 4); Book 1 (ai); 2 (ee); 3 (oa); 4 (ur); 5 (‘ee’ spelt ea); 6 (ow); 7 (oo); 8 (igh); 9 (oo); 10 (or); 11 (oi); 12 (ar); 13 (air); and 14 (ear).
PB10 Dandelion Readers, Extended Code Level 1 £27.99 SB183 6 sets of Extended Code Level 1 (1 set free) £139.95
Dandelion Readers, Extended Code Level 2
Each book introduces two or three alternative spellings for the vowel sounds presented in Level 1 (Phase 5): Book 1 (‘ae’ ai, ay, a); 2 (ee, e, ea); 3 (oa, o, ow); 4 (ur, er, ir); 5 (ea, e, ai); 6 (ow, ou); 7 (oo, ew, ue); 8 (igh, i, y); 9 (oo, oul, u); 10 (or, a, aw); 11 (oi/oy); 12 (ar, a, al); 13 (air, are, eer); 14 (eer, ear, ere).
PB11 Dandelion Readers, Extended Code Level 2 £27.99 SB184 6 sets of Extended Code Level 2 (1 set free) £139.95
Dandelion Readers
Dandelion Readers, Extended Code Level 3
Alternative spellings for the vowel sounds introduced in Levels 1 & 2 (Phase 5): Book 1 (ai, ay, a, a-e, ea); 2 (ee, e, ea, y); 3 (oa, o, ow, oe, o-e); 4 (ur, er, ir, or, ear); 5 (‘ea’ as ee or e); 6 (ow, oe); 7 (oo, ew, ue, u-e); 8 (igh, i, y, ie, i-e); 9 (oo as in boot or look); 10 (‘or’ spelt or, a, aw, au, al); 11 (oi, oy, uoy); 12 (ar, a, al, au, ear); 13 (air, are, ere, ear, eir); 14 (ear).
PB12 Dandelion Readers, Extended Code Level 3 £27.99 SB185 6 sets of Extended Code Level 3 (1 set free) £139.95
Dandelion Readers, Extended Code Level 4
Alternative spellings for the vowel sounds, letters and suffixes presented in Phases 5 & 6: Book 1 (ue); 2 (u); 3 (o); 4 (s); 5 <c>; 6 (l); 7 (j); 8 <g>; 9 (f); 10 <-ture>; 11 <-tion>; 12 <-ssion & -cian>; 13 <-sure>; 14 <-sion>.
PB46 Dandelion Readers, Extended Code Level 4 £27.99 SB242 6 sets of Extended Code Level 4 (1 set free) £139.95
Dandelion Readers, Split Vowel
Six books introducing the split vowel spellings a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e.
PB27 Split Vowel (6 books) £14.99 PB28 Split Vowel Workbook (82 pages) £14.99 SB187 6 sets of PB02 (1 set free) £74.95
Dandelion Readers, Workbooks Levels 1-4
Spiral-bound books of photocopiable, multi-sensory activities linked to the Dandelion Readers Extended Code Sets.
PB13 Workbook Level 1 (173 pages) £29.99 PB14 Workbook Level 2 (173 pages) £29.99 PB15 Workbook Level 3 (200 pages) £29.99 PB54 Workbook Level 4 (199 pages) £29.99
Dandelion Readers, Levels 1-4 Games
Spiral bound, 64 page book of photocopiable reading games. 0