Tricky Word: (None in this story)
Notes for Parents: These readers use a structured sequence based on the Letters and Sounds phonic progression. The text only uses decodable regular words and tricky words (frequently used words not decodable at this phase).
If your child is stuck on a word say: ‘The sound is _, ’ or, ‘The sounds are _ _ _ ,’ If the reader still struggles, provide the word and carry on. Use pure sounds (e.g. ‘p’ - ‘a’ - ‘t’ not ‘puh’ - ‘a’ - ‘tuh’).
Written by: Fraser Milne1. What did you learn about bugs from this story?
2. What did the kids use to look at the bugs? (Magnifying glass)
3. Have you ever been bitten by a bug?
Each series has been written with a slightly different progression to offer reading opportunities at more stages.
1. s, a, t, p - Pat
4. d - Dad in a Pit
6. k - Tim’s Dog
8. u, r, h - Rat in a Sack 13. Revision - Run in the Fog 14. Revision - Big Bad Bug 15. Revision - Nuts in a Sack
16. Revision - Rick Rabbit
2. i - Pip Pat 3. n, m - Tim and Nat
5. g, o, c - Min
7. ck, e - Meg’s Pip 9. b - Can a Bug Dig?
10. f, ff - The Fun Run 11. l, ll - Bill and Val 12. ss - A Mess
Published by Smart Kids UK Ltd, 5 Station Road, Hungerford, Berkshire RG17 0DY, UK
Copyright © Smart Kids UK Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Pages 1-8 of this publication may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Smart Kids Ltd.
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Series I SBN 942-1-002413-85-7 Product Code: LT132 Printed in China through Colorcraft Ltd., HK