The Quiz

Notes for Parents: These readers use a structured sequence based on the Letters and Sounds phonic progression. The text only uses decodable regular words and tricky words (frequently used words not decodable at this phase).
If your child is stuck on a word say: ‘The sound is _, ’ or, ‘The sounds are _ _ _ ,’ If the reader still struggles, provide the word and carry on. Use pure sounds (e.g. ‘p’ - ‘a’ - ‘t’ not ‘puh’ - ‘a’ - ‘tuh’).
1. What was the name of Quinn’s teacher?
2. Do you think you could have got all the answers correct?
3. What do you think was the silliest question in the quiz?
Each series has been written with a slightly different progression to offer reading opportunities at more stages.
1. j, v, w, x - Jess at the Vet 4. qu - Fix-It Fox 7. ng - Fish and Chips 9. ee - A Wait in the Rain 11. oa - At Night 12. oo, oo - Look at my Things 14. oi - Cow’s Boil Up 16. ‘r’ controlled - The Letter
Phase Three - Non-fiction Series
2. y - Jim the Vet 3. z, zz - The Bug 5. ch - The Quiz 6 sh, th - Ash and the Shellfish 8. ai - Set Sail 10. igh - Moths 13. ow - At the Zoo 15. ‘r’ controlled - On the Farm
Published by Smart Kids UK Ltd, 5 Station Road, Hungerford, Berkshire RG17 0DY, UK
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Series I SBN 942-1-002413-86-4 Product Code: LT133 Printed in China through Colorcraft Ltd., HK