Redington Value Journal November edition

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Issue 38 // November 2019

Commercial Bank of Dubai adopts the Microsoft Cloud to accelerate digitization The bank will be amongst the early adopters of Microsoft’s UAE cloud regions to avail high performance, security, compliance and data residency In a further boost to its digital transformation initiative, Commercial Bank of Dubai (CBD), one of the leading banks in the UAE, announced its partnership with Microsoft for the deployment of mission critical workloads on Azure Cloud aligned with the cloud strategy. The announcement comes after the recent launch of Microsoft’s two new cloud regions in the UAE, one in Dubai and one in Abu Dhabi that will aim to serve Middle East organizations by empowering them to avail the Microsoft’s trusted and intelligent cloud availing high performance, scalability, security, data residency and the broadest compliance standards.

Dr. Bernd van Linder, Chief ExecuWLYH 2ŕľśFHU RI &RPPHUFLDO %DQN RI Dubai, said: “As part of our commitment of becoming a ‘default digital’ bank, we are pleased to partner with Microsoft to leverage the Microsoft Azure Cloud, which will help us LQFUHDVH RXU EXVLQHVV HŕľśFLHQFLHV support digital culture change and better meet our customer needs.â€? “CBD has been focusing on digital transformation across all business lines, and this partnership will further reinforce our position as a digital and innovation leader in the ÂżQDQFLDO LQGXVWU\ XQGHUVFRUHG E\ Microsoft’s investment in security, transparency and regulatory complianceâ€? he added.

The next frontier of value Sayantan Dev - Senior Vice President, Redington Value talks about the company’s plans for the coming years amidst the constant changes in the IT industry. What are the pivots of focus for Redington Value? There are three areas we are focusing on most. One is cloud- as cloud adoption in the region is mainstream now; the second area is security, as there are numerous areas of security which are emerging and the third is about something that we forayed

into about three years back, a data science and analytics practice that has today evolved into a business application group. So, we have consolidated everything that has to do with delivering business outcomes to a customer within one portfolio DQG LW KDV D YHU\ GLŕľľHUHQW UK\WKP from what we used to do earlier.

CBD has been implementing several initiatives to promote innovation DFURVV WKH ¿QDQFLDO VHUYLFHV LQGXVtry and particularly in the area of digitization to deliver engaging customer experiences. The adoption of the Microsoft Azure cloud will further enable the bank to modernize its technology landscape, enhance its performance, reinvent customer engagement and promote innovation within the entity. The move will also boost CBD’s existing innovative initiatives such as Fraud prevention, AML, conversational banking user experiences, AI and analytics using the Microsoft Azure

Cloud services. “The UAE’s Financial Services Industry, in recent times, has exponentially prioritized the culture of LQQRYDWLRQ DFURVV LWV GLŕľľHUHQW OLQH of businesses, and banks like CBD have been at the frontier of this effort to achieve the vision of a truly digital bank,â€? Said Sayed Hashish, General Manager, Microsoft UAE. “The Microsoft Azure cloud will deliver on CBD’s vision to digitally transform itself into a modern banking institution that can adapt and respond to the ever-changing customer needs.â€?

With the industry’s move towards cloud how are you structuring the focus of your business? Cloud adoption is a reality now, so there is a huge demand, for both infrastructure and consumption on the cloud. We are working with almost all the technologies in that area, we are partnering with the leading providers of public and private cloud; with Microsoft, AWS, Oracle and VMware. ,Q DOO WKH WKUHH VLORV RI FORXG R྾HUings, Infrastructure- as- a service,

Sayantan Dev

SVP, Redington Value >> Continued on page 4

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November 2019 / 03

Nutanix announces new IT automation for private clouds

Abu Dhabi Municipality chooses Aruba for digital workplace transformation project

Company partners with ServiceNow team to deliver self-service for automating common IT workflows

Government agency will introduce a number of new applications that will enable employees to utilize their smartphones to become more productive. Aruba’s latest 802.11ax AI-powered WiFi 6 solutions were selected for the deployment across Abu Dhabi Municipality’s headquarters and 35 branches across the city. As defending against internal threats was a critical security requirement, the government agency automated security access control across its entire access network with Aruba ClearPass Policy ManMr. Ahmad Al Hammadi, IT ager, and enforced the continuManager at Abu Dhabi Munici- RXV DQDO\VLV RI 1HWZRUN 7UDŕľśF pality says, “We understand that and User and Entity Behaviour the future of work will be de- with the deployment of Machine ÂżQHG E\ VPDUW ZRUN H[SHULHQFHV Learning technologies provided enabled by the right technolo- by Aruba’s threat detection platgies. Our intention was to cre- form, Introspect. ate a smart workplace that will enables creativity, collaboration, With a high speed, secure wirespeed, and freedom. Our legacy less infrastructure as the founnetworking infrastructure was dation, Abu Dhabi Municipality a big hurdle in achieving this will introduce a number of new objective, with operational com- applications that will enable plexities and security issues, employees to utilize their smartand hence we decided to work phones to become more producwith HPE Aruba, a pioneer in tive. One such application will the wireless networking space. allow employees to book meetThey were one of the vendors ing rooms on their smart decapable of delivering a unique vices. The implementation will wireless ecosystem, thus acting EHQHÂżW WKLUG SDUW\ VXSSOLHUV ZKR as an overall solution provider visit the Municipality, who will now be able to connect securely for all our mobility needs.â€? and speedily to the new network Abu Dhabi Municipality has overhauled its legacy networking infrastructure and deployed powerful new Wi-Fi 6 technology from Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company, that has laid the foundation for its Smart Digital Workplace initiative, which will transform digital experiences for employees, suppliers and citizens.

Ahmad Al Hammadi IT Manager, Abu Dhabi Municipality

and transact business without having to go through slow and lengthy authentication procedures. Citizens visiting the four customer happiness centres in Abu Dhabi will also experience gigabit speed browsing capabilities when connecting to the new wireless network. “We are proud to have been able to play a role in Abu Dhabi Municipality’s digital transformation journey by delivering a robust wireless ecosystem, incorporating high-speed connectivity, secure access, BYOD support and centralized monitoring and management in a single solution. We hope to be able to continue this partnership as the Municipality’s digital aspirations evolve in the future,� concludes Gamal Emara, country manager – UAE at Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company.

Fortinet ranked high by Gartner for SDWAN equipment market share by revenue Total worldwide SD-WAN equipment revenue in 2Q19 was $417M, up 30% quarter-over-quarter Fortinet, a global leader in broad, integrated and automated cybersecurity solutions, announced that it is among the top three vendors in worldwide market share for SD-WAN equipment by revenue in Gartner’s Q2 2019 report titled, “Market Share: Enterprise Network Equipment by Market Segment,

Worldwide, 2Q19.� According to Gartner, total worldwide SD-WAN equipment revenue in 2Q19 was $417M, up 30% quarter-over-quarter. In 2Q19, Fortinet’s SD-WAN revenue is reported to have grown 234% quarter-over-quarter to $46M. This represents the third

highest revenue market share at 11.1%. “Cybersecurity has become a top-of-mind strategic business issue for enterprises deploying WAN edge solutions,� says John Maddison, EVP of products and >> Continued on page 5

Nutanix, a leader in enterprise cloud computing, announced today that the Nutanix hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) platform is integrated with the ServiceNow IT Operations Management solution to automate critical priYDWH FORXG ZRUNĂ€RZV :LWK WKLV LQWHJUDWLRQ ServiceNow customers can not only discover Nutanix HCI environments automatically, but also gain access to Nutanix-powered IT serYLFHV DQG JHW GLUHFW QRWLÂżFDWLRQ RI FULWLFDO LQcidents related to Nutanix HCI in their private clouds. Automating the mundane tasks of IT is essential to facilitating and accelerating digital transformation in enterprises. By automating WKH PRVW UHTXHVWHG VHUYLFHV DQG ZRUNĂ€RZV IT teams can reduce time spent on servicing LQFLGHQWV DQG LVVXHV DQG IRFXV RQ RŕľľHULQJ D public cloud-like experience within the data FHQWHU FRPSHWLWLYH GLŕľľHUHQWLDWLRQ DQG VWUDWHgic planning. “Automation is the key to harnessing the SRZHU DQG Ă€H[LELOLW\ RI SULYDWH FORXG UHmoving mundane tasks so IT can focus on FRPSHWLWLYH GLŕľľHUHQWLDWLRQ WKURXJK WKH XVH RI WKH ODWHVW LQQRYDWLRQV ZKLOH IXWXUH SURRÂżQJ their infrastructure investment,â€? said Rajiv Mirani, CTO, Cloud Platforms, Nutanix. “By integrating Nutanix software with ServiceNRZÂśV OHDGLQJ GLJLWDO ZRUNĂ€RZ VROXWLRQV ZH are making it easier to deliver end-to-end automation of infrastructure and application ZRUNĂ€RZV VR WKDW SULYDWH FORXG FDQ GHOLYHU WKH VDPH VLPSOLFLW\ DQG Ă€H[LELOLW\ DV SXEOLF cloud services.â€? In a new survey of 2,650 IT decision-makers around the world by Vanson Bourne, commissioned by Nutanix, nearly all (98%) said that automation of IT operations is important to their organization, with 56% saying it was “extremely important.â€? In addition, according to Gartner: “By 2022, intelligent infrastructure will add infrastructure machine learning, DQDO\WLFV DQG DUWLÂżFLDO LQWHOOLJHQFH IRU ,7 RSerations (AIOps) as software to 60% of HCI and composable integrated systems.â€? “IT leaders are increasingly demanding more automation across their cloud infrastructures so they can focus on higher-level, strategic drivers of their digital transformation,â€? said -Hŕľľ +DXVPDQ 93 DQG *0 RI ,7 2SHUDWLRQV Management at ServiceNow. “Leveraging ServiceNow IT Operations Management to establish visibility into the Nutanix environment will allow customers to better manage their overall operations footprint, proactively UHPHGLDWH LVVXHV DQG SURWHFW WKH HŕľśFLHQF\ and resiliency of their IT investments.â€?

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November 2019 / 04 >> From page 1

The next frontier... Software-as-a- Service and Platform-as-a-Service, there are numerous new dimensions coming in. We are working with a new set of partners that are possibly born in the cloud and ISVs, to KRVWLQJ LQ GLŕľľHUHQW FORXG LQIUDVWUXFWXUH FHUWLI\ing some of their products and taking them to the market. A lot of services elements have emerged and we are encouraging our partners to focus in specialized areas; we ourselves are building a strong practice along the services in a bid to address the market.

How is the rest of your business changing? Fundamentally we are changing our approach. Traditional distribution had two dimensions to it, the product management side, where you work with a set of innovators trying to take their innovations to the market, and the other way where

you are working with channel partners helping them create new revenue streams and bringing them new practices, enhancing the ecosystem. We are trying to bring in a third dimension; which is basically a layer of specialization model. If we take security as an example, conventionally we have looked at it in a way, whereby vendors proYLGH GL྾HUHQW W\SHV RI VHFXULW\ VROXWLRQV DQG WKHQ channel partners further take the services to the market. There is however a third element to it, which is becoming more important to work on, and this is the specialization layer. So, we are trying to create specialization around sub-categories of security such as perimeter security, application security, security at the cloud and a lot more. This is also similar for cloud and other businesses and applications; so we are working on analytics on one side, have specialization around ERP, and we are trying to bring in specialization in RPA as well. Since we’ve made an entry in the application stack, there is also the requirement building vertical wide specializations. So, this is how the new business frontiers are developing for us.

Kindly expound further on your entry into


We are working with Automation Anywhere at the moment for RPA solutions and on the AI side we have signed a key vendor in Freshworks. There are more announcements to come in this area and also on the analytics side. On the other fronts, we had partnered with Tableau and MicroStrategy, which are mature relationships now and we have started striking consistent revenue growth with these partners.

How would you sum up the chnages that Redingotn is underatking in its journey? From being a very pure play infrastructure player, an area which is almost getting commoditised with hyperconverged boxes, we are now trying to move up the value chain in trying to address the requirements in the business application layer. Security as a practice is drastically changing to keep up with the threat landscape. So, we have been introspecting on how to take our business to the next level and taking the necessary steps WR WKDW HŕľľHFW

Okta launches Okta SecurityInsights to protect global workforces New innovative approach to security turns targets into first responders, enabling administrators and end users to make informed security decisions, faster Okta, the leading independent provider of identity for the enterprise, today at Okta Showcase announced Okta SecurityInsights, a family of product innovations that provides global organizations with personalized security detection and remediation capabilities at the end user, administrator, and customer network level. Okta is introducing two features of SecurityInsights: UserInsight, suspicious activity reporting for end users, and HealthInsight, customized, dynamic security best practice recommendations for administrators. These end user and administrator functionalities build on Okta’s investments LQ 7KUHDW,QVLJKW QHWZRUN HŕľľHFW GULYHQ SURWHFtion that prevents threat actors from compromising user accounts by identifying and blocking malicious IPs pre-authentication. Collectively, SecurityInsights enables large enterprises to take meaningful action across their organizations to improve security. “Enterprises operating at tremendous scale are faced with the seemingly impossible task of managing technology access, with each application

UHTXLULQJ LQGLYLGXDO SROLF\ FRQÂżJXUDWLRQ LQ RUGHU to avoid potentially catastrophic risk. By centralizing identity, these organizations can not only deploy new technology faster, but do so secureO\ ´ VDLG 'L\D -ROO\ &KLHI 3URGXFW 2ŕľśFHU 2NWD “HealthInsight goes even further to secure large VFDOH RUJDQL]DWLRQV RŕľľHULQJ D WDLORUHG DVVHVVment of an organization’s security posture as well as providing the unique ability to automate policy responses across hundreds of apps. With UserInsight, CISOs can harness their massive user base to seamlessly report suspicious activity without impacting productivity, turning security targets LQWR ÂżUVW UHVSRQGHUV &ROOHFWLYHO\ 6HFXULW\,Qsights leverage the end user, administrator, and QHWZRUN HŕľľHFWV DFURVV 2NWDÂśV FXVWRPHU EDVH WR help keep enterprises secure, regardless of their size or complexity.â€? Global enterprises have built rapidly evolving, expansive workforces that continuously adopt new technology and engage with new markets. As a result, tens of thousands of employees, contractors, and partners are interacting with and accessing sensitive information. Aside from the

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Diya Jolly

Chief Product Officer, Okta

HŕľśFLHQF\ KXUGOHV D GLVWULEXWHG DQG GLVSDUDWH ZRUNIRUFH SUHVHQWV DQ LQFUHDVLQJO\ GLŕľśFXOW VHFXrity challenge, especially in the face of growing attacks and breaches where everyone from the UDQN DQG ÂżOH WR WKH H[HFXWLYH VXLWH FRXOG EHFRPH attack targets. In a global threat landscape in which 80 percent of attacks involve compromised or weak credentials, enterprises must maintain a security posture that accounts for dynamic and global workforces while still enabling robust protection at scale. That means implementing and maintaining access management best practices across global workforces and simultaneously turning those SRWHQWLDO YLFWLPV RI DWWDFNV LQWR ÂżUVW UHVSRQGHUV

November 2019 / 05

>> From page 3

Fortinet ranked high by... CMO at Fortinet. “We’re hearing from an increasing number of customers who are concerned about the security risks associated with SD-WAN H[SRVLQJ EUDQFK RŕľśFHV WR WKH ,QWHUQHW :H EHlieve our growing market share validates the need for Fortinet’s unique Security-Driven Networking approach, which tightly integrates security DQG 6' :$1 IXQFWLRQDOLW\ LQWR D VLQJOH RŕľľHULQJ Fortinet is committed to SD-WAN innovation; MXVW WKLV \HDU ZH UHOHDVHG WKH LQGXVWU\ÂśV ÂżUVW 6R& $6,& VSHFLÂżFDOO\ GHVLJQHG WR LQFUHDVH 6' :$1 performance and security. Fortinet’s Secure SDWAN solution includes best-of-breed next-generDWLRQ ÂżUHZDOO VHFXULW\ 6' :$1 DGYDQFHG URXWing, and WAN optimization capabilities as well as the ability to extend SD-WAN to the access layer via SD-Branch. Because we deliver our SD-WAN solution in-built into every FortiGate Next-GenHUDWLRQ )LUHZDOO FXVWRPHUV EHQHÂżW IURP VRPH RI the industry’s best threat protection and threat detection capabilities, fully integrated with one of the top SD-WAN solutions on the market.â€? Fortinet solutions have consistently demonstrated KLJK VHFXULW\ HŕľľHFWLYHQHVV DGYDQFHG IHDWXUH RI-

ferings, and superior performance when put to the test by third parties. Fortinet’s Secure SD-WAN solution has received two consecutive NSS Labs “Recommendedâ€? ratings and showcased the lowest TCO in the latest NSS Labs SD-WAN Group Test. Fortinet’s FortiGate Network Firewalls have received the Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice recognition (Feb 2018) for Enterprise Network Firewall Management Software and has the most reviews of all vendors in the Gartner Peer Insights Enterprise Network Firewall Market as of September 30, 2019. Fortinet’s Secure SD-WAN solution, an integral part of FortiGate Network Firewalls, has also received the most reviews of all vendors in the Gartner Peer Insights WAN Edge Infrastructure Market as of September 30, 2019. Fortinet believes that this additional customer recognition further highlights Fortinet’s leadership in the SD-WAN market. )RUWLQHW GHYHORSHG WKH LQGXVWU\ÂśV ÂżUVW 6' :$1 ASIC, which allows them to deliver the fastest SD-WAN security performance in the industry. This includes acceleration for responsive overlay VPN and a better overall WAN user experience across the enterprise. Fortinet’s Secure SD-WAN solution interoperates as part of a comprehensive

John Maddison

EVP of Products & CMO, Fortinet security architecture through the Fortinet Security Fabric, producing an integrated end-to-end security solution across the entire attack surface that leverages Security-Driven Networking. In DGGLWLRQ )RUWLQHW RŕľľHUV D WLJKWO\ LQWHJUDWHG 6' Branch solution that brings together the branch LAN and WAN environments to ensure consistent security, single-pane-of-glass manageability and visibility, and better TCO.

Automation Anywhere launches AI-Powered RPA-as-a-Service platform The platform, now available in more than 14 languages, dramatically reduces cost and infrastructure barriers to RPA adoption Automation Anywhere, a global leader in Robotic Process Automation (RPA), announced that it KDV ODXQFKHG WKH ZRUOGœV ¿UVW SXUHO\ ZHE EDVHG cloud-native Digital Workforce platform, Automation Anywhere Enterprise A2019. Enterprise A2019 is now available both on-premise and in any public, private or hybrid cloud, delivering RPA-as-a-Service seamlessly to any user and any business through any delivery channel anywhere in the world. The game-changing platform, now available in more than 14 languages, dramatically reduces cost and infrastructure barriers to RPA adoption. 7KH FRPSDQ\œV ÀDJVKLS SODWIRUP ¹ LQVSLUHG E\ the ways in which humans work – now includes PRUH WKDQ QHZ IHDWXUHV DFURVV GL྾HUHQW product capabilities to simplify business automation. It also incorporates feedback from more than 3,000 customers worldwide and thousands of hours of research and development to bring automation one step closer to recognizing the $100 billion market opportunity industry analysts have predicted1.

Âł$V WHFKQRORJLHV HYROYH WKH\ UHDFK DQ LQĂ€HFWLRQ point and to go further you must make important meaningful departures from what everyone else is doing,â€? said Mihir Shukla, CEO and Co-founder, Automation Anywhere. “Enterprise A2019 is that dramatic departure, with a refreshing, instant-on user experience that eliminates the friction many companies still experience in building, deploying and scaling bots. Beginning today, users can log on to the platform from any web browser, dramatically increasing the speed of deploying RPA while decreasing the time in which companies derive compelling business value.â€? 7KH QHZ (QWHUSULVH $ SODWIRUP RŕľľHUV HQWHUprises of all sizes unprecedented capabilities. “Many enterprises today are recognizing the benHÂżWV RI DXWRPDWLRQ DQG DUH FXUUHQWO\ LQ WKH PLGVW of understanding the best strategies for optimal implementation,â€? said Sarah Burnett, Executive Vice President and Distinguished Analyst, Everest Group. “With features such as a function-speFLÂżF XVHU H[SHULHQFH DYDLODELOLW\ RQ PXOWLSOH clouds, RPA-as-a-Service, and built-in AI capa-

Mihir Shukla

CEO & Co-founder, Automation Anywhere bilities, this new release from Automation Anywhere could simplify automation and reduce its cost of ownership. These types of developments will increase the market for automation, bringing LW ZLWKLQ WKH UHDFK RI PRUH HQWHUSULVHV ZLWK GLŕľľHUent budgets and tech skills.â€? “Automation Anywhere Enterprise A2019 has a new web interface that is streamlined for a variety of users, enabling a collaborative work HQYLURQPHQW ZKLOH HQKDQFLQJ HŕľśFLHQF\ DQG productivity,â€? said Marshall Couch, Intelligent Automation Consultant, Eastman. “Downloading and managing bots used to be cumbersome, but with the new cloud-based platform, bots are available on-demand for improved scalability as ZHOO DV VLPSOLÂżHG XVHU DFFHVV DQG IXQFWLRQDOLW\ ´ Automation Anywhere Enterprise A2019 is available globally to organizations beginning.

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November 2019 / 06

New Mimecast report finds staggering increase in BEC Attacks Report finds millions of spam, tens of thousands of BEC or impersonation attacks, dangerous file types and malware attachments being delivered to users’ inboxes ESRA report found a VLJQL¿FDQW LQFUHDVH LQ Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks, emails containing danJHURXV ¿OH W\SHV PDOware attachments and spam being delivered to users’ inboxes from incumbent email security systems.

Josh Douglas

VP of threat intelligence, Mimecast

Mimecast, a leading email and data security company, announced the availability of its latest Email Security Risk Assessment (ESRA). The quarterly assessment is an aggregated report of tests that measure WKH HྜFDF\ RI ZLGHO\ XVHG HPDLO security systems. This quarter’s

BEC attacks, also referred to as email-based impersonation fraud, is an issue that is not going away because these attacks can easily evade many traditional email security systems on a global scale. The latest ESRA found a 269% increase in these types of attacks, in FRPSDULVRQ WR WKH VDPH ¿QGLQJV LQ last quarter’s report. This trend was DOVR UHÀHFWHG LQ UHFHQW UHVHDUFK WKH State of Email Security 2019 report,

which found that 85% of the 1,025 global respondents experienced an impersonation attack in 2018, with 73% of those victims having experienced a direct business impact – like ÂżQDQFLDO GDWD RU FXVWRPHU ORVV “This ESRA report pointed out that impersonation attacks continue to menace all types of organizations, but I think the real issue is that there are tens of thousands email-borne threats successfully able to bypass the email security systems that orgaQL]DWLRQVÂś KDYH LQ SODFH HŕľľHFWLYHO\ leaving them vulnerable and putting a lot of pressure on their employees to discern malicious emails,â€? said Joshua Douglas, vice president of threat intelligence at Mimecast. “Cybercriminals will always look for new ways to bypass traditional defences and fool users. This means WKH LQGXVWU\ PXVW IRFXV WKHLU HŕľľRUWV on investing in research & developPHQW XQLÂżHG LQWHJUDWLRQV DQG PDN-

ing it easier for users to be part of security defences, driving resilience against evolving attacks.â€? The rise in BEC attacks underscores the need for organizations to add protection against well-resourced attackers. A 2019 Osterman Research Report titled “Ten Questions WR $VN $ERXW <RXU 2ŕľśFH 'Hploymentâ€?, concluded Microsoft 2ŕľśFH DORQH ÂłZLOO QRW IXOO\ meet many organizations’ requirements.â€? Today, close to half of Mimecast customers bolster the cyber resilience of their Microsoft OfÂżFH GHSOR\PHQWV ZLWK VHUYLFHV including, Targeted Threat Protection to defend against bad actors and BEC attacks. BEC attacks are not the only method cybercriminals have been successfully leveraging to target organizations. The ESRA report found 28,783,892 spam emails, 28,808 malware attachments and 28,726 GDQJHURXV ÂżOHV W\SHV ZHUH DOO missed by incumbent providers and delivered to users’ inboxes, an overall false negative rate of 11% of inspected emails. The results from the report demonstrate the need for the entire industry to continue to work toward a higher standard of email security.

Huawei stresses on key pillars for digital economy in the region Company focused on end-to-end solutions and global case studies revolving, in particular, around 5G and Artificial Intelligence Huawei stresses that 5G ecosystem, AI and cloud computing are key pillars for digital economy in the region as it concludes its successful participation at the 39th GITEX Technology Week. Throughout the event, Huawei announced new partnerships, launched several breakthrough 5G and AI products and solutions for operators and enterprises, hosted the fourth Huawei Middle East Innovation Day, and revealed the upcoming Huawei 5G OpenLab in the region, which will launch in December 2019. At this year’s GITEX event, Huawei focused on end-to-end solutions and global case studies revolving, in SDUWLFXODU DURXQG * DQG $UWL¿FLDO

Intelligence (AI). The company’s participation was under the theme of ‘Building a Fully Connected, Intelligent World’. Charles Yang, President of Huawei Middle East, said: “GITEX Technology Week has once again proven to be a successful and fruitful endeavor for Huawei. At this year’s event we demonstrated our commitment to bring digital to every person, home, and organization, through the introduction of advance intelligence and 5G-powered solutions that empower the digital econRP\ DQG GULYH EXVLQHVV HŕľśFLHQF\ and services’ success in the digital and intelligent era.â€?

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During GITEX, Huawei announced several new partnerships, including with Dubai Municipality and Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC) on Wi-Fi 6 and AI solutions. Several new products were DOVR ODXQFKHG IRU WKH ÂżUVW WLPH LQ the Middle East such as the 5G Data Network, the next generation carrier data storage solution and the next generation AI powered solutions that empowers a wide range of vertical sectors and industries. Huawei also announced the upcoming opening of its Huawei 5G OpenLab in 0LGGOH (DVW ZKLFK ZLOO RŕľśFLDOO\ launch in December 2019. The fourth Huawei Middle East Innovation Day was also held as part

Charles Yang

President, Huawei Middle East

of Huawei participation in GITEX, bringing together experts from within Huawei and its customers and partners to stress on the importance of creating a 5G Ecosystem in the Middle East, in addition to openly collaborate on AI and cloud computing implementation, and supporting developers in the region. The event also shed light on use cases and advances in 5G, AI, and mobile services.

November 2019 / 07

DU chooses Oracle to accelerate uptake of UAE FEDNet programme Partnership is set to Help UAE Federal Government entities deliver smart services tiatives including ‘mGovernment’ and ‘Big Data’.

du is driving major digital transformation with Oracle to accelerate the uptake of the UAE Federal Government Network (FEDNet) programme that provides a common infrastructure resource for any federal government entity. This implePHQWDWLRQ ZLOO DOORZ GX WR RŕľľHU FRVW HŕľľHFWLYH LQtegrated, secure and scalable cloud infrastructure services to power various Smart Government ini-

“The FEDNet programme is an important national initiative that aims to make the UAE one of the best countries in the world by 2021. At du, we are committed to support the comprehensive implementation RI WKLV LQLWLDWLYH E\ RŕľľHULQJ WKH best cloud infrastructure to Federal Government entitiesâ€?, said Farid Faraidooni, Deputy Chief ExecuWLYH 2ŕľśFHU Âą (QWHUSULVH 6ROXWLRQV du “Oracle’s unique cloud solution allows us to leverage the simplicity, agility and elasticity of a cloud based deployment, on our own premise. 7KLV Ă€H[LELOLW\ LV YLWDO IRU XV WR GHOLYHU UDSLGO\ scalable services while also complying with local regulationsâ€?, added Farid Faraidooni.

Under this initiative, du will deploy Oracle Exadata Cloud at Customer solution that will provide the simplicity of cloud coupled with the security and control of an on-premises deployment. With a subscription based, pay as you go model, this implementation will allow du to adopt an OPEX model to reduce cost while scaling with ease beVLGHV DOVR RŕľľHULQJ VXSHULRU GDWD PDQDJHPHQW FDpabilities to various FEDnet entities. “The FEDnet Cloud Service is at the heart of UAE’s Smart Government vision, and as the world’s most advanced database cloud that runs VHFXUHO\ RQ SUHPLVH EHKLQG \RXU ÂżUHZDOO WKH Oracle Cloud at Customer solution is a perfect ÂżW IRU GX WR VXSSRUW WKH LPSOHPHQW RI )('QHW programmeâ€?, said Abdul Rahman Al Thehaiban, Senior Vice President – Technology, MEA and CEE, Oracle. The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), has initiated the UAE Federal Government Network (FEDnet) programme to transform the UAE into a globally recognised mobile government that provides the best services to the people at any location, round the clock. FEDnet aims to provide a common infrastructure creating a convenient and on-demand network access to a VKDUHG SRRO RI FRQÂżJXUDEOH FRPSXWLQJ UHVRXUFHV for any federal government entity.

VMware ranked 1st in cloud systems, service management Company also extends leadership in IT automation and configuration management software VMware, a leading innovator in enterprise softZDUH WRGD\ DQQRXQFHG WKDW OHDGLQJ DQDO\VW ÂżUP IDC has ranked VMware the No. 1 vendor in both worldwide cloud system and service manDJHPHQW VRIWZDUH DQG ,7 DXWRPDWLRQ DQG FRQÂżJuration management software based on IDC calculations of 2018 calendar year revenues.

According to the IDC report, “Worldwide Cloud System and Service Management Software Market Shares, 2018: Multicloud Strategies Take the Lead,� VMware led in worldwide cloud system and service management software revenue--more than six percentage points ahead of the No. 2 ranked vendor.

VMware’s continued investment in the cloud management business, via both acquisitions and organic development, allows the company to realize its vision to help customers to quickly build and deploy applications in any cloud with more secure and consistent operations.

The report highlighted a number of contributing factors to VMware’s continued leadership in the space including the company’s acquisition of multi-cloud cost management and governance SaaS player CloudHealth, expanded partnerships with hyperscale public cloud providers (such as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud) and with Dell EMC hardware and services teams. It also noted the growing cloud management SaaS portfolio, such as VMware vRealize Automation Cloud (formerly known as VMware Cloud Automation Services). The report adds: “VMware’s rapidly growing cloud management SaaS portfolio, as well as continued adoption of the vRealize Suite and the SDDC Manager included with VMware Cloud Foundation, positioned the company as a major cloud system and service management vendor in 2018.�

“Our consistently top rankings in these IDC reports are testaments to the company’s commitment to helping customers successfully automate and operate their hybrid cloud and multi-cloud environments,� said Ajay Singh, senior vice president and general manager, Cloud Management Business Unit, VMware. “By focusing on meeting our customers’ cloud management and automation needs, we’ve continued to outperform our competitors in both cloud systems and service management and IT automation management software categories.�

The IDC report, “Worldwide IT Automation and

Ajay Singh, SVP & GM Cloud Management Business Unit, VMware &RQÂżJXUDWLRQ 0DQDJHPHQW 6RIWZDUH 0DUNHW Shares, 2018: Year of Market Expansion,â€? ranked VMware No. 1 for the second consecutive year, with IDC calculated revenue more than twice that of the nearest vendor. In the report, IDC notes that as the industry shifts towards automated IT management solutions that help orchestrate more complex workloads, VMware is strategically positioned to grow its core management suites to meet customer demands. The report adds: “VMware continues to take a strategic focus on its management portfolio, spreading R&D investments across core management suites (vRealize Suite and vCloud Suite) that can enable a lower TCO for its franchise products across datacenter, desktop, networking, security, telecom, and storage products.â€?

For more information, please write to

November 2019 / 08


Checkpoint Partner Training Event - Dubai - 17th October 2019

Splunk partner workshop - Dubai - 15th October 2019

DELL EMC IDPA Test Drive, Khobar 30 September

DELL EMC Isilon Test Drive, Riyadh 14 October

Fortinet NSE4 Technical Workshop, Khobar 18 & 19 September

Fortinet NSE4 Technical Workshop, Riyadh 25 September

Fortinet NSE5 Technical Workshop, Riyadh 24 September

Huawei WiFi 6 and All Flash Storage Training Session, Khobar 23 October

Huawei WiFi 6 and All Flash Storage Training Session, Riyadh 24 October

CrowdStrike Enablement Session, Riyadh 29 September

For more information, please write to

Microsoft end customer session with Information Dynamics - Dubai - 22nd October

November 2019 / 09


Microsoft Power Bi and Power Apps Group Event Dubai - 16th October 2019

Redhat For Ansible Automation Partner Event, Khobar 22 October

Redington Value at the Veeam on Tour, Riyadh 2 October

Splunk For Partner Session, Riyadh 16 October

VMWare For End User Computing BootCamp, Riyadh 23 October

Dell EMC Simplify The Path To IT Transformation Tanzania - 10 October 2019

Palo Alto Networks – Partner Enablement Session Ethiopia - 25 October 2019

Palo Alto Networks – Partner Enablement Session - Tanzania - 29 October 2019

Palo Alto Networks - See What The Right Next-Gen Firewall Can Do For You - Tanzania - 30 October 2019

Paloalto Networks - UTD Session - Ethiopia 24 October 2019

Redhat - Cocktails & Conversations Kenya - 16 October 2019

Palo Alto Networks - See What The Right Next-Gen Firewall Can Do For You - Kenya - 31 October 2019

For more information, please write to

November 2019 / 10


Avaya - Aura Contact Center Workshop - Kenya - 22 23 October 2019

Dell EMC Data Protection and Management Kenya - 15 October 2019

Oracle - Cloud Business Analytics Workshops – Data Visualization - Kenya - 29 October

Oracle Integration Cloud Service Workshop Kenya - 8 and 9 October 2019

Splunk - Security Strategy Session - South Africa - 09 October 2019

Palo Alto Networks - Heritage Bank, EcoBank And Union Bank Event - Nigeria - 22 October

Avaya - Aura Contact Center Workshop Nigeria - 15-16 October 2019

Cisco - Meraki Partner Event - Abuja - 10 October 2019

Oracle - Database options and BI Session Nigeria - 8 October 2019

Oracle Cloud Business Analytics Workshops Data Visualization - Nigeria - 22 October 2019

Palo Alto Networks - Next Generation Firewall Event - Nigeria - 7 October 2019

PAN - UTD Session WIth CIT Sys Ltd Ghana - 14 October 2019

For more information, please write to


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