The CSCP (UNEP/Wuppertal Institute Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production), Deutsche Telekom, T-Systems China and the China Guanghua Foundation is glad to welcome you to the
ICT Multi- Stakeholder Dialogue on the Future of Sustainable Business and Entrepreneurship in China 信息通讯技术行业多方利益相关者关于中国未来 可持续经营和创业的对话 Time: 9.30 am – 4:30pm, Friday, October 21st, 2011 Location: T-Systems, Unit 1902-1904, Henderson Metropolitan, No.155 Tianjin Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai 200001, P.R.China, 上 海 黄 浦 区 天 津 路 155 号 名 人 商 业 大 厦 1902-1904 室 200001 Meeting Hosts: UNEP/Wuppertal Institute Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP), Deutsche Telekom and T-Systems China, China Guanghua Foundation Contact: Language: English
The SMART Start-up ICT Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on Sustainable Business and Entrepreneurship, is a unique opportunity to get a practical insight into:
Defining the state-of-the-art of Sustainable Business and Entrepreneurship in China,
Sketching current trends, mechanisms and tools for enhancing the capacity of sustainable entrepreneurs/sustainable business especially at the early stages of business development,
Exploring social innovation, new business models and entrepreneurial solutions that are the signposts to future market opportunities and the building of the Green Economy,
Networking with experts from the sustainability field and the ICT sector
The event will open an interdisciplinary dialogue to a broad range of international Sustainable Business and Entrepreneurship stakeholders, from entrepreneurs to policy makers including NGOs, academicians, grant makers, companies and investors as well as the next generation of Chinese sustainable entrepreneurs. Discussions on the meta level will be built upon practical insights, among which the sustainable business ideas and business models developed by the participants of the SMART Start-up ICT Educate-the-educators Training, 1
taking place on 18 – 21 October 2011 and bringing together graduate students from Tongji University, Fudan University and Jiaotong University as well as young professionals from several companies and start-ups. The expected outcomes of the SMART Start-up ICT Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on Sustainable Business and Entrepreneurship are:
Increasing the knowledge of existing and future ICT sustainable business models,
Building a common understanding of the existing challenges, opportunities and needs to enhance the quality of entrepreneurs in China,
Defining how their contribution to the Green Economy can be reinforced,
Exploring potential collaboration areas and examining future directions on how the invited stakeholders can jointly foster the capacity of Sustainable Entrepreneurship field.
Background information on the SMART Start-up ICT Programme: Under the framework of the SMART Start-up Programme, the UNEP/Wuppertal Institute Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP) has been providing trainings and developing tools to sensitize the academic community and the youth to Sustainable Entrepreneurship and develop the capacity of entrepreneurs. The SMART Start-up programme aims to stimulate sustainable entrepreneurship particularly in rapidly growing economies. It presents the concept of sustainability as an opportunity for potential entrepreneurs to develop sustainable business ideas and provides a platform for collaboration between multinational companies, micro entrepreneurs, and supportive civil society organizations. The first edition of the SMART Start-up programme (2009-2010) targeted the African academic world and policy makers and took place in Mauritius and in Germany in the form of an “Educate-the-Educators” workshop gathering students, professors and practitioners from fifteen African and European universities. The second edition of the programme, also known as SMART Start-up ICT was launched in 2010 in collaboration with Deutsche Telekom. It stemmed from the need for improving the capacity of entrepreneurship and ensuring sustainable practices in the ICT industry. Within the SMART Start-up ICT programme, three trainings are to be conducted: in Cape Town, South Africa (April 2011), in Shanghai, China (October 2011), and in Sao Paulo, Brazil (February 2012). More information at: 2
Agenda ICT Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on the Future of Sustainable Business and Entrepreneurship in China Time
Welcome and Opening speeches: CSCP, T- Systems China, China Guanghua Foundation
Impulse Presentations and Discussion: Landscape and practical insights of Sustainable Entrepreneurship in China and beyond •
Speaker 1 – Mr. Heinz-Gerd Peters, Deutsche Telekom AG, Group Headquarters Corporate Responsibility Sustainable Development and Environment: Sustainable business practices in the ICT sector Speaker 2 – Ms. Cheng Qian, Project Officer at International Labour Organization, ILO Beijing, Green Jobs Initiative: Chinese policy and best practices from the area of green jobs creation Speaker 3 – Mr. Prof. Liu Fuqiang, Vice Dean of Tele-Communication, Tongji University: Trends in ICT in China – Enabling access to ICT for Sustainable Entrepreneurs
Lunch and Networking
Testing sustainable business ideas for the ICT sector Entrepreneurs from the SMART training for sustainable entrepreneurs present some of their business ideas for the ICT sector. Participants make a reality check through a hot spot analysis. Participants get an insight to the SMART Training and are familiarised with the hot spot analysis - a very useful and competent tool for assessing sustainable business models.
Coffee break
Identifying trends and success factors for sustainable ICT business in China Discussion on new trends and exploring potential collaboration opportunities for fostering Sustainable Entrepreneurship in the ICT sector in China by exploring questions such as: Which are current and future trends regarding sustainability in the ICT sector in China? What did you experience to be success factors and challenges for sustainable entrepreneurs in China? How can intermediaries (e.g. financial institutions, grant makers, universities, consultants and other business providers) improve and facilitate their capacity and awareness for Sustainable Entrepreneurship? How to scale out good practices on sustainable entrepreneurship into other regions and enterprises in China?
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Closing and Hand out of Certificates Closing remarks by Deutsche Telekom and hand out of certificates to participants of the SMART training for sustainable entrepreneurs.
日程 信息通讯技术行业多方利益相关者关于中国未来可持续经营和创业的对话 起止
欢迎暨开幕致辞:联 合 国 环 境 规 划 署 /伍 珀 塔 尔 研 究 所 可 持 续 消 费 和 生 产 合 作 中 心
(CSCP)、 德 国 电 信 集 团 中 国 公 司 、 中 国 光 华 科 技 基 金 会
演讲及讨论:中国及国外可持续创业的全貌及实践见解 • • •
演 讲 人 1 — Heinz-Gerd Peters 先 生 , 德 国 电 信 集 团 :可 持 续 发 展 和 环 境 — 信息通讯技术产业的可持续经营实践 演 讲 人 2 — 程 茜 女 士 , 国 际 劳 工 局 ( ILO Beijing)“ 绿 色 就 业 ” 目 人: 演讲人 3 ̶ 刘富强教授,同济大学电信学院副院长:中国信息通讯技术发展趋 势 — 让走可持续发展之路的企业家应用信息通讯技术
为信息通讯技术企业测试其可持续性商业创意 参加睿智起航可持续创业培训项目的企业家们表述一些他们关于信息通讯技术行业的商 业创意。学员们通过热点问题分析来进行实际实施的检验。学员们深入了解睿智起航培 训项目并熟悉热点分析节目 — 一个非常有用且功能强大的用来评估可持续性商业模型的 工具
确定中国可持续性信息通讯技术企业发展趋势及成功要素 通过探索以下问题来讨论关于中国信息通讯技术行业鼓励可持续创业的新趋势及潜在合 作机遇:
如何改善和推动中介机构(例如金融机构、资助者、大学、咨询顾问及其他业务提供 商)可持续创业的能力和意识?
如何将可持续创业的优良实践经验扩展到中国的其他地区和企业? 闭幕并颁发结业证书 由德国电信公司致结束语,并为参加睿智起航可持续创业培训项目的学员颁发结业证书