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Since 1993, Resiblock Limited, the block sealer expert, has sold block paving sealers. Resiecco is a water-based product and seals flagstones, while also binding the grouting between them.
Why consider Resiecco?
The failure of wide cement joints between flagstones is a common problem in South Africa. This can be attributed to the expansion, contraction and movement of both the flagstones and the jointing material at different degrees and various rates. Ressieco offers an alternative, proven jointing solution for flagstones. An additional benefit is that Resiecco was originally developed to be a superior cast-stone sealant.
What are the benefits of Resiecco?
• It stabilises sand and creates a rock-hard bind between sand particles and pavers. • Resiecco expands and contracts with the pavers. • It is deal for larger flagstone joints, but could also effectively stabilise sand jointing between cobbles. • It is resistant to digging ants and weeds. • Its application is fast and simple. • There is no staining, as is the case with cement grouting. • It doubles as sealant.
Resiecco is easy to apply in just a few simple steps:
• Apply Resiecco when it is cool, early in the morning or late afternoon. • Sweep sand into paving joints (silica sand with a grading analysis of 0.4-0.85 is recommended). • Use a pump sprayer with a mist nozzle to spray on the joints at a low pressure. • Ensure joints are saturated. Leave them to dry for a few minutes in order to stabilise the sand. • Apply Resiecco to the flagstones. • A paint roller could be used to ensure even application. • Ensure that there is no traffic over the sealed area for a day after application. • Remove any excess sand particles from the flagstones with a paint scraper. • A second coat might be required.