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Art Law



Argentina TAX CONSULTANT OF THE YEAR, GUILLERMO N. PéRE Z, GRUPO GNP TAX LAW FIRM OF THE YEAR, GRUPO GNP GRUPO GNP TAX | LEGAL| BUSINESS CONSULTING Grupo GNP offers international and local tax solutions, according to the requirements of each industry. We provide a wide range of tax services working close to our clients, understanding their philosophy and transforming consulting and compliance of tax regulations into strategies and business opportunities.

• Nomination to Grupo GNP as: “Professional Firm of the Year" in the Transfer Pricing area - International Tax Review - Americas Awards – 2012 -2013.

Grupo GNP focuses on high quality and understanding, pursuing and improving its clients’ needs. This led Grupo GNP, in only 7 years, to achieve a top position in the local Tax market, and a strong presence at regional level.

• Special Mention to Grupo GNP: for participation in the “Business Institutional Excellence Award", - IDEA 2012.

We are sponsors and speakers in the major congresses and Business Forums in Argentina (IDEA; IAEF; Vistage, UCES, UCA; Cronista Comercial, etc.). Grupo GNP and its CEO Guillermo N. Pérez have received prestigious awards and nominations, both locally and internationally:

• Nomination to Grupo GNP as: “TAX Firm of the Year" International Tax Review - Americas Awards – 2013.

C E O a n d C o u nt ry Ta x L e a d e r Gu illermo N. Pérez gu

• Award to Grupo GNP as: “Best Tax Firm, Argentina” World Finance Legal Awards - 2013.

I nt e r n at i o n a l , C o r p o r at e a n d I n d i r e c t Ta x S e b a st i á n M a n c u s o s e b a st i a n . m a n c u s o @ g r u p o g n p . c o m Va l e r i a B r o c o s va l e r i a . b r o c o s @ g r u p o g n p . c o m Leonardo De Gennaro

Tax Service lines: Tax returns • Due Diligence• Fiscal Strategy and Tax Planning • Tax Audit • Tax Litigation• Local and International Advise• Transfer Pricing• Outsourcing

T r a n s f e r P r i c i n g – O ut s o u r c i n g J u a n E l i a s P é r e z B ay – j p e r e z b ay @ b e y t e c h . n e t beyTech, a GNP Group Member Firm Tel: +54 11 5218 4600


Parris Whittaker C O U N S E L


Important corporate sectors in which Mr Parris has worked with notable success include licensing, Securities Commission work, deals, complicated corporate formations, and the management of both Bahamian and foreign-owned companies.

Parris Whittaker C O U N S E L






Senior litigator Arthur K Parris jr at award-winning Bahamas law firm ParrisWhittaker cements his position as top corporate lawyer, building on his formidable reputation as one of the leading legal authorities in the Bahamas. Having commenced his career in 1979 at the legendary Bahamas law firm Callenders & Co, Mr Parris joined with an associate in 2011 to create ParrisWhittaker - a leaner, more modern practice designed to respond effectively and efficiently to the demands of the contemporary corporate world. The firm has since moved from strength to strength, swiftly gaining status as one of the most sought-after practices in the Bahamas, and a top destination for corporations seeking the most incisive, expert corporate legal advice. Arthur K Parris jr combines more than thirty years’ experience and expertise in corporate law with an ability to convey the most complex and intricate matters in the clearest terms, working alongside firms ranging from local sole traders to large-scale international corporations to ensure their business thrives. This unique combination of experience and superb client handling skills has been acquired over the course of a wide-ranging and thriving corporate legal practice. He applies the same integrity, dedication and fierce determination to act in his clients’ best interest whatever the project, from new shopping centre and condominium complexes to commercial transactions and local financing affairs.


Award-winning lawyer Kenra Parris-Whittaker ’s status as leading shipping and maritime lawyer in the Bahamas has been achieved by a combination of exceptional dedication to her clients’ interest, and a thorough grasp of the often complex legislation in the maritime and shipping sector. Whether working for individual crew members to secure their rights, or on behalf of major international shipping corporations, Mrs Parris-Whittaker ’s legal practice is guided by her central belief that access to justice should be open to all.

Other key practice areas include: Shareholder Disputes

Joint Venture Agreements

Intellectual Property, Trademarks, Trade Names

Conveyances & Mortgages

Copyright and Designs

Corporate Services

Company Law

Ebusiness & Ecommerce Law

Share Purchase Agreements

GBPA License applications

Commercial/Contractual Matters

Government Relations

Promissory Notes

Subdivision Matters

Lease Agreements

Insolvency & Restructuring

Mr Parris has a sound international reputation, working with clients from the US, UK, Canada, South Africa, Italy, France, and other countries. Nonetheless, he retains a deep connection to the Bahamas: he is a member of the Bahamas Bar Association, and his clients benefit from his professional relationships with Bahamian financial and corporate institutions. ParrisWhittaker is a local law firm founded by two top lawyers: Arthur K Parris jr, real estate/commercial expert, and Jacy Whittaker, a litigator with extraordinary energy and an outstanding track record. With the addition of partner Kenra Parris-Whittaker, the firm has a combined 60 years of experience, and brings a new level of energy and commitment to the Bahamian legal market.

A rt h u r K P a r r i s j r p a rt n e r P A R R I S W H I T TA K E R S u i t e 1 0 , S e v e nt e e n C e nt r e , B a n k L a n e P.O. Box F-4301 8 F r e e p o rt , G r a n d B a h a m a , T h e B a h a m a s T: + 242 352 6110 W: w w w. p a r r i s w h i t t a k e r. c o m

As recent high-profile cases have indicated, her legal expertise and determination to achieve the best possible outcome for her client meets with notable successes. From pursuing personal injury compensation for crew members, to achieving an important High Court ruling in which a significant sum was successfully secured for a client, Mrs Parris-Whittaker applies the same dedication to each case, often achieving remarkable outcomes for her clients. Perhaps central to her successful approach is an understanding of the need for speed when it comes to maritime law. Once at sea, shipping and maritime clients too often discover how quickly their rights become a distant prospect on the horizon. Mrs Parris-Whittaker responds with legal advice as swift as it is incisive, implementing every legal tool at her disposal on behalf of her clients.

Among the many areas in which Mrs Parris-Whittaker has successfully advised shipping and maritime clients are: • • • •

Effective resolution of maritime lien disputes; Swift and effective ship arrests; Satisfactory resolution of ship arrests; and Advocacy for the rights of crew members.

Crucially, she places a particular emphasis in developing mutually productive professional relationships with institutions such as the Port Authorities. Her reputation and status as a top maritime and shipping lawyer is such that her professional partnerships pay important dividends when acting on behalf of clients. Above all, she is guided by that central ethos – that all clients, from crew members to major shipping corporations, deserve fair and open access to justice. ParrisWhittaker is a local law firm founded by two top lawyers: Arthur Parris, real estate/commercial expert, and Jacy Whittaker, a litigator with extraordinary energy and an outstanding track record. With the addition of partner Kenra Parris-Whittaker, the firm has a combined 60 years of experience, and brings a new level of energy and commitment to the Bahamian legal market.

K e n r a P a r r i s - W h i t ta k e r p a rt n e r P A R R I S W H I T TA K E R S u i t e 1 0 , S e v e nt e e n C e nt r e , B a n k L a n e P.O. Box F-4301 8 F r e e p o rt , G r a n d B a h a m a , T h e B a h a m a s T: +242 352 6110 E : k w @ p a r r i s w h i t t a k e r. c o m W: w w w. p a r r i s w h i t t a k e r. c o m




T he Mi l a ré A d vog a d os La w F i r m has, f o r c onse c utive yea rs , b een aw ar ded w i t h r em ar ks and honors t h a t cert if y its ex cel l ence. Re c e ntl y, t h e f ir m wa s m ent i o ned as t he best i nsti tuti on in t er ms of cu st o m er ser v i ce. By al l me ans, th is q u a lif ica t ion , i n addi t i o n t o bei ng a gre at h on or, en cou ra g es a co nt i nuo usl y pe r fe c te d p er f or ma n ce. We shou ld p oin t ou t t h a t t hi s char act er i st i c o f M i l aré A d vog a d os is t h e r esul t o f an i nt er nati onal scen a rio t h a t h a s est abl i shed t he e vol uti on of en viron men t al adv o cacy si nce t he 1980s: awa ren es s of t h e f i ni t e nat ur e o f natural r es ou rces a n d t h e need f o r pr o f o und c hange s in h u ma n societ y 's r el at i o nshi p w i t h the natura l world . Th is aw ar eness began t o take shap e wit h t h e Un it ed Nat i o ns Co nf er ence on the Hu ma n En viron ment , hel d i n S t o ckho l m i n June , 19 72 , mea n in g t hi s aw ar eness has e xi ste d for a lit t le over 4 0 y ear s. A co m pr ehe nsi v e s t u d y on t h e in d i sput abl e l i m i t s t o growth h a s op en ed t h e ey es o f sci ent i st s, pol i ti c i an s a n d b u s in ess peo pl e f r o m al l o v er the We ster n world , b eca u se i t i s i n t he West , w i th i ts own st yle of civi l i z at i o n, w her e t her e w as and s t ill is a g rowin g dem and f o r re sourc es f or econ omic gr o w t h. T hi s i s no t , howe ve r, a n eces sa rily p l ausi bl e dev el o pm ent mode l beca u s e it d oes no t t ake i nt o acco unt e nv i ronmen t a l a n d socia l dem ands. T hi s awa ren es s f a vored t he ho l di ng o f t he Uni te d Na t ion s Con f eren c e o n E nv i r o nm ent and De v elop men t in Rio de J anei r o i n J une, 1992 ( R io 9 2). Th is Con f er ence w as pr eceded by data collect ion b y t h e Wo r l d Co m m i ssi o n on Envi ron men t a n d Devel o pm ent , co m pr i sed of sc i e nt is t s f rom a ll over t he w o r l d. In 1987, thi s Commission p resen t ed i t s f am o us r epo r t e nti tl e d “ Ou r C ommon Fu t ur e, ” al so kno w n as “The Br un d t la n d Rep ort ,” w hi ch t o o k pre c e de nce in s p ea k in g abo ut S ust ai nabl e De ve l opmen t . A s a resu lt, co ncer n r egar di ng the susta in a b ilit y of p la n et E ar t h becam e a c atc hphr a se t h a t s t ill d et er m i nes po l i ci es and ac ti ons to recon cile econ o m i c gr o w t h w i t h e nv i ronmen t a l a n d socia l needs. It i s e asy t o u n d ers t a n d w hy t he busi ness w orl d beg a n t o s eek n ew f o r m s t o r el at e w i t h the natura l world a n d it s r eso ur ces, r eso r t i ng to sc i e nt if ic s t u d ies a n d st andar ds, i ncl udi ng Env i ronmen t a l La w p rin c i pl es and t hei r re spe c ti ve p olicies . B ra z i l w as o ne o f t he pi one e rs of t h is ren ewa l w hen, i n A ugust 1981, i t p a ssed t h e Na t io nal E nv i r o nm ent P ol i c y ( La w 6 93 9/1 98 1) w hi ch def i ned c onc e pts a n d est a b lish ed act i o ns t o ensur e the pe r ma n en ce a n d t h e qual i t y o f t he e nv i ronmen t a n d of n a t ur al r eso ur ces.

Bachelor of Law from Universidade Cândido Mendes, worked in large offices of Brazil, among them, Sergio Bermudes’ firm, where she worked during eleven years. She was also a partner of Trench, Rossi e Watanabe Firm (Baker & McKenzie), being responsible, in Brazil, for the civil and commercial litigation area, from July, 2002 to December, 2005. She is a post graduate in North American Law from Wisconsin University, and is a specialist in civil and commercial litigation as well as in arbitration. She taught Civil Law in the Post Graduation Course of the Escola Superior de Advocacia (Lawyer ’s Superior School), from 1993 to 2001, and she’s the author of several books about corporate law.

Co nseq u e n tl y, i n k e e p i n g wi th s c i e n ti fi c a n d t echni c a l s tu d i e s , E n vi r o n m e n ta l L a w wa s enco ur a g e d i n te r m s o f d e ve l o p i n g a D o c tr i n e and su b s i d i e s fo r th i s l e g i s l a ti o n . Th i s c a n b e seen i n th e fa c t th a t th e C o n s ti tu ti o n o f th e R epub l i c , i s s u e d i n O c to b e r 1 9 8 8 , h a d a speci f ic c h a p te r d e vo te d to th e E n vi r o n m e n t i n ar t i cl e 2 2 5 . M a n y n a ti o n a l p o l i c i e s g e a r e d t o w ar d s th e va r i o u s a s p e c ts a n d n e e d s o f th e E nv i r on m e n t i n B r a zi l ' s e xte n s i ve n a ti o n a l t er r i t o r y we r e d e r i ve d fr o m th i s a r ti c l e .

Brazilian Bar Association during period of July 2005 to December 2006, and of the Special Committee to Fight Piracy and Unfair Competition of the Federal Committee of the Brazilian Lawyers Association, which she is still a member of. She is also a member of the Editorial Committee of the Arbitration and Mediation Magazine, and member of the Corporate law Committee from the Escola da Magistratura (Judge’s School) of the High Court of the State of Rio de Janeiro. She is a professor in Fundação Getúlio Vargas, in the Arbitration post graduation course. In December 2010, she was elected a member of the TRE – Tribunal Regional Eleitoral (Electoral Court).

From 2004 to 2006, she was the President of the Mediation and Arbitration Chamber of the Brazilian Bar Association, in which she also acted as President of the Lawyer's Association Committee, from October 2003 to December 2006, Vice-President of the Arbitration Committee, during the same period, besides being elected as Chief Counselor of the Brazilian Bar Association during the three-year periods from 2000 to 2003 and 2003 to 2006. Additionally, she was appointed as member of the Committee to Fight Piracy and Unfair Competition of the Federal Committee of the

We ca n n o t o mi t th i s p o l i ti c a l , e n vi r o n me n ta l and ad mi n i s tr a ti ve p a n o r a ma th a t i l l u s tr a te s and l a ys th e fo u n d a ti o n s fo r E n vi r o n me n ta l Law an d E n vi r o n me n ta l Ad vo c a c y. Th e M i l a r é A dv o ga d o s L a w Fi r m h a s b e e n a l i g n e d wi th t hi s pr o c e s s s i n c e D e c e mb e r 1 9 9 5 . Th e f o unde r o f th e fi r m , É d i s M i l a r é , c r e a te d th e f i r st D e p a r tm e n t fo r P u b l i c Pr o s e c u ti o n fo r E nv i r on m e n ta l i s s u e s i n th e mi d - 1 9 8 0 s . Th e D epar tme n t h a s b e c o m e a n e ffi c i e n t s u p p o r t cent er fo r th e M i n i s tr y o f J u s ti c e o f th e S ta te o f S ão P a u l o i n B r a zi l . H e wa s a l s o th e S ecr eta r y o f S ta te fo r th e E n vi r o n m e n t, a n d l at er Pr e s i d e n t o f th e Fu n d a ç ã o Fl o r e s ta l f o unda ti o n . H e th e n l e f t to c r e a te th e fi r m , w hi ch h a s b e e n o p e r a ti n g fo r 1 8 ye a r s . T he f i r m b e g a n s m a l l a n d g r e w b y o p e n i n g new pa th s . I t h a s fo r m e d a n d c o n s o l i d a te d i ts st af f o f l a wye r s a n d p a r a l e g a l s a s s i s te d b y t echni c a l a d vi s o r s . Th e r e a r e n o i n te n ti o n s fo r t he cu r r e n t Fi r m to g r o w i n d e fi n i te l y, h a vi n g ado pt i n g th e s tyl e a n d d i me n s i o n s o f so - call e d b o u ti q u e fi r m s . I t c u r r e n tl y h a s 1 5 l aw y er s , e i g h t p a r a l e g a l s a n d fi ve te c h n i c a l adv i so r s . Th e r e l a ti o n s h i p wi th c u s to me r s i s o pen a n d c o r d i a l , a s th e y a r e r e g a r d e d a s agent s o f s u s ta i n a b l e d e ve l o p m e n t, a d vi s e d to w o r k w i th i n l e g a l p a r a m e te r s a n d g o b e yo n d l egal r e q u i r e me n ts to a d o p t a tti tu d e s o f ci t i z en s h i p . Th i s i s h o w M i l a r é Ad vo g a d o s h a s par t i cip a te d i n ma jo r i n fr a s tr u c tu r e p r o je c ts f o r nat i o n a l d e ve l o p m e n t i n va r i o u s p a r ts o f t hi s co u n tr y wi th c o n ti n e n ta l d i m e n s i o n s .


Founded in 2003 and ranked among the 10 largest law firms in Brazil, DLBCA has built a reputation with clients for being more than just a large law office or an association of excellent professionals. Innovation, creativity and an approach to business that proposes tailor-made solutions are the hallmarks of DLBCA to be found in its clients’ projects across a wide range of business sectors and fields of Law. Responsible for directly managing a portfolio of over 150,000 lawsuits, DLBCA stands out for its efficiency and the high levels of success that its operations entail.

It i s i mp o s s i b l e to d i s c o n n e c t th e fi r m' s wo r k f r o m c a r e fu l d r a f ti n g o f l e g a l e n vi r o n me n ta l do ct r i n e . Th e b o o k D i r e i to d o Am b i e n te ( E nv i r o n me n ta l L a w), b y É d i s M i l a r é , h a s f o l l o we d a l l o f th i s g r o wth i n d o c tr i n e a n d pr act i c e , h a vi n g b e c o me a r e fe r e n c e o n th e subj ec t. T hi s ha s b e e n th e tr a je c to r y o f th e M i l a r é A dv o ga d o s L a w Fi r m . Th e a wa r e n e s s o f th e need t o g r o w i s n o t a i me d a t q u a n ti ty, b u t r at her a t q u a l i ty a n d c o n s ta n tl y u p d a ti n g th e f i r m 's wo r k

Mil a ré Advoga d os R u a C lo d o m i ro A m a z o n as , n º . 1 0 9 9 1 2 º a n d a r , I ta i m B i b i C E P - 0 4 5 3 7 - 0 1 2 , S ã o Pa u lo / S P – Bras il Phone no.: 55 (11) 3046-7470 - Fax: Extens ion 7424

DLBCA’s team of talent is headed up by specialist professionals who are constantly updated on new trends and practices and who have an enhanced approach to business; the team consists of 400 professionals of whom 250 engage in Law, and whose experience provides the legal security required for handling the most diverse operations within the field of business of their clients, as well as for successful lawsuits and case management.

An a Tereza Bas il io L AW Y E R

B A S I L LO A D V O G A D O S A v e n i d a P r e s i d e nt e W i l s o n , n ú m e r o 2 1 0 – 1 2 º a n d a r , C e nt r o , R i o d e Janeiro, Brasil – (zip code) Cep 20030-021 T:

55 (21) 2277 4200


ab as il io@b as il io a dvoga d


www.b as il io a dvoga d

In the light of the constant growth, DLBCA now has specific departments that optimize the office’s results and administration, including finance, logistics, human resources, sales, institutional, engineering and IT. All this enables DLBCA to offer solutions, ranging from a client’s start-up activities, to legal support for product development, to lawsuit portfolio management, contingency mapping, reducing litigation and correcting operational failures. Given its holistic approach, DLBCA has also advanced in Information Technology, developing the “4DATA” platform that combines ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and Business Intelligence solutions providing real-time, precise and transparent information so that clients can take the best decisions quickly, in addition to monitoring the activities being developed by the different departments of DLBCA and the client themselves. DLBCA is member of the Association of Tax Consultant – AITC & AVRIO, an alliance with 73 law firms in Europe, Asia and Oceania with the purpose of promoting a network of worldwide legal practice and with the objective of supplying legal services to Clients as if it were a single global law firm. Growing development has hoisted DLBCA to the position as one of the leaders in the legal industry. The 2012 edition of the Análise Advocacia 500 yearbook saw DLBCA among the Top 3 offices that were most to the fore in Consumer Relations, the 10th largest law firm in Brazil and ranked 8th in the full-service category.


Av. Juscelino Kubitschek, 28 6th, 7th and 10th floors 04543-000 - São Paulo - Brazil T +55 11 2149 5423 F +55 11 3167 3805


2013 •10



Maritime Law • Aviation Law • Commercial Law • Environment • Legal Opinion Santos São Paulo Brasil


T: +55 13 3219 4329 - F: +55 13 3219 2578


Human Capital Drive organizational success through human capital In today ’s globally integrated, tightly regulated and increasingly competitive business environment, one critical success factor stands out: people. Our Human Capital services offer a “total picture” perspective, integrating global mobility, workplace effectiveness and talent and reward. Through our comprehensive approach, we can help you make the most of your investment in your people. Mobility Services How well are you managing your mobile workforce? Our Mobility Services help our clients manage the complex compliance, reporting and risks inherent in deploying a globally mobile workforce. We offer a suite of mobility services that can help make your global mobility program more strategic: · · · · ·

Global mobility tax and advisory Global immigration Assignment services International social security Business traveler services

Talent and Reward Align your talent to your business strategy

SAMMARCO E ASSOCIADOS ADVOCACIA(SAMMARCO LAW OFFICE) Maritime Law • Aviation Law • Commercial Law • Environment • Legal Opinion Santos São Paulo Brasil T: +55 13 3219 4329 - F: +55 13 3219 2578 Email:

Our Talent and Reward services help clients address the range of issues that are associated with reward strategies, talent programs and maintaining workforce effectiveness. To reach its potential, your organization must continuously improve its performance — and sustain that improvement. We can help you optimize these particular business areas:

Established in 1969 by maritime lawyer Osvaldo Sammarco, Sammarco e Associados Advocacia (Sammarco Law Office) serves the legal branch of Maritime Law and other areas related to the international carriage of cargo by sea and air, with an expertise gained over the years in defending the interests of P&I Clubs, as well as acting directly on behalf of owners, charterers, sub-charterers and shipping agents.

· Remuneration · Pensions and benefits · Talent management · HR transactions (due diligence, transaction integration and divestitures) · HR compliance and risk · Global employment tax services HR Performance Improvement Manage your organization’s assets effectively with human resources. Today there is increased pressure on HR departments to be more efficient by leveraging the organization’s talents, driving profitability and creating meaningful change — all amid budget cuts and hiring freezes. We can help your company develop and implement programs specifically designed around these areas of HR performance improvement: · HR strategy · HR and payroll risk · HR and payroll transformation · HR and payroll service delivery and sourcing

Tat i a n a P o nt e | P a rt n e r - S o ut h A mer ica Region Lea der | Hu ma n C a p i ta l A v . P r e s i d e nt e J u s c e l i n o K u b i t s c h e k , 1 8 3 0 , S ã o Pa u lo - S P , 0 4 5 4 3 - 9 0 0 , B r a s i l Phone: + 55 11 2573 3773 tat i a n a . p o nt e @ b r . e y . c o m Fax: + 55 21 3263 7003 Webs ite:


Professional Memberships: Prof. Saddi is working in the Senate Committee to reform the Brazilian Commercial Code (2013).

Our office is one of the most traditional and experienced in Brazil and has its head-office at Santos, the largest port in South America, also serving all Brazilian ports and cities through local correspondents. Our reputation and credibility are the result of experience gained by the performance throughout our history, always guided by ethics, quality and transparency. Such work has been recognized by Chambers and Partners; the office has been nominated for 2014’s Latin America Award on the “Shipping Category”.

Osvaldo Sammarco is the Founder of Sammarco e Associados Advocacia (Sammarco Law Office): lawyer, graduated from the Catholic University of Santos in 1969, retired Municipal Public Attorney (Santos/SP), chairman of the Santos Lawyers Association in the bienal 1978/1979, member and Vice-President of the Brazilian Maritime Law Association (ABDM), Professor of Maritime Law since 1996.


- LEA DING BANKING & FINANCE: REGULATORY LAWYER OF THE YEAR, JA IRO SA DDI Practice Areas: Prof. Dr. Jairo Saddi is an expert in Banking Law and Financial Market Regulation. He sits at the Board of Governors of FGC (Fundo Garantidor de Créditos), Brazilian Bank Deposit and Credit Insurance scheme. Presently, he is Chairman of the Board of Insper School of Law as well as Director of IASP - Instituto dos Advogados de São Paulo. He is also member of the Editorial Board of Ed. Revista dos Tribunais. He has been a Visiting Professor at St. Gallen University and at The Law School of Coimbra University. He holds a Doctorate Degree (PhD) in Economic Law from São Paulo's University School of Law. (USP) and a Post-Doctorate degree from Oxford University (UK).

Leading Lawyer of the year: Osvaldo Sammarco


( T e l e c o m m u n i c at i o n s & T e c h n o lo g y ) , S i lv i a M e l c h i o r ( M e lc h io r , M ic h e l et t i & A m e n d o e i r a )

Career: Prof. Saddi has been in practice for over 25 years, counselling for brazilian and foreign financial institutions as well as large multi-national corporations.

Funding partner of MELCHIOR, MICHELETTI & AMENDOEIRA Law Firm, member of Lexing, an international network dedicated to advanced technologies and IT law. She has over 20 years’ experience in consultancy and litigation on telecommunications, media, high technology and IT fields with a large experience in startup companies and business:

Publications: Prof. Saddi has authored over 12 legal textbooks on banking law and regulation as well as various technical articles published in specialised magazines and in the Brazilian press. He has a monthly column at "Valor Econômico", Brazil's leading financial newspaper

- has participated actively on the privatization process advising public authorities regarding the installation of infrastructure and regulatory questions including the developing model legislation for use and occupation of urban land, procedural rules for obtaining licenses, sharing resources and sectors organization.

Ja iro Saddi Sa d di A dvo ga d o s A sso ci a d o s Av. São Gabriel nº 477 - 11º andar 0 1 4 3 5 - 0 0 1 - I ta i m B i b i S ã o Pa u lo - S ã o Pa u lo Tel. 55 11 - 3165 3100 Fax. 55 11 - 3165 3101 E-ma il: ja Webs ite:

provides consultancy for numerous operators, service providers, manufactures, certification entities, ISPs, data centers, and new players on regulatory, tax and commercial issues and is frequently consulted by regulatory or local authorities on regulatory issues affecting the telecommunications, technology or communications sector, including competition and antitrust law, in an effort to understand the introduction of new technologies in a convergent environment with emphasis in new services as IP voice, cloud computing, big data, IPTV, MVNOs, new radiofrequencies to data services, including privacy and data

protection policies, security and data governance. Also responsible for developing of several bills of laws in these fields. Presentation: Founded in 1999, by lawyers highly-experienced in the legal-economic Brazilian scenario, the Law Firm developed its business during a period of increasing internationalization of the Brazilian economy, marked by problematic privatization and massive corporate transactions. By setting precedents in face of administrative bodies and courts, the FIRM has helped its clients to obtain new interpretations of existing laws. Its members are actively involved in monitoring and developing standards before the National Congress and specific regulatory agencies. Also works with key Government ministries providing our clients with a fundamental understanding of the relationship between government and business. The FIRM concentrates its activities in sectors related to high technology, telecommunications, communications, information technology and computing, including privacy, big data, security, and also business franchise and retail sector companies.

S i lv i a M e l c h i o r L AW Y E R

M e lc h io r , M ic h e l et t i & A m e n doeira R ua d o R ó cio , 3 5 1 cj 1 0 2 – 0 4 5 5 2 - 0 0 0 S ã o Pa u lo – S P – Brazil. T:

+ 11 3845 1511


m m a l aw @ m m a l aw . c o m . b r


w w w . @ m m a l aw . c o m . b r


Latin America


Juan Pablo Cappello was recently named one of the “Most Influential Hispanics” in by Poder magazine in the areas of science and technology and in 2012 was selected as a “Top 50 Entrepreneur ” by Business Leader magazine. Juan Pablo is a Principal Shareholder in the Latin American Group of Greenberg Traurig, an international 2,000 lawyer law firm. Juan Pablo was a partner in and a director of, which was sold to Banco Santander for a transaction value of over US$750 million. He was named Lawyer of the Year (2013) in derivative and futures law from the Miami area by Best Lawyer.

RDA is a specialized Law Firm, counting with more than 20 years of cumulated experience, with national and international broad regulatory and commercial expertise in the energy industry. The firm’s overall projects represent national and foreign investments for over USD$5.5bn.

He also serves on the advisory board of the Pino Entrepreneurship Center at Florida International University, as well as the advisory board of the Institute of Global International Effectiveness at the Kelly School of Management, Indiana University. Juan Pablo also is a Senior Advisor of and on the Legal Committee of the Latin American Venture Capital Association.

Juan Pablo is also a well known entrepreneur and deeply involved in supporting venture capital in Latin America. He co-founded (i), the first Latin America crowdfunding site and (ii) Sauber Energy, a green energy company in Chile that resolves the problem of “harmonics” in the electrical grid, while remaining a serial ”seed investor ” supporting many projects including Senzari (an international music site like Pandora only better), Urbita (a regional travel site), and LinkedStore (an Argentina site that supports SMEs).

RDA has a proven and recognized record in infrastructure projects (natural gas, LPG, LNG, crude oil E&P, basic petrochemicals, sulphur, gas and liquids transportation pipelines, fuel management projects and business development, renewable energy, power generation, cross-border transactions, finance and credit facilities, guarantees, risk management mechanisms and techniques, Mexican, U.S., and international industry standards and best practices, purchase and sale agreements, transportation, storage, and exchange agreements, maritime trade agreements, and corporate governance, administration and counseling).

J u a n Pa b lo C a p p e l lo , E s q . 400 NW 26th Miami, FL 33127 j p @ p r i v at e - a d v i s i n g . c o m w w w . p r i v at e a d v i s i n g . c o m

RDA is known for its experience as professional lobbyist and for their proximity with the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) & its subsidiaries, the Ministry of Energy, and the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), in all project stages, such as: (i) planning, (ii) development, (iii) negotiation, (iv) implementation, (v) operation and (vi) management. RDA looks forward to the upcoming energy reform which appears to be an important investment opportunity for the development of infrastructure and economic growth for Mexico. “Mexico has still a long path ahead in the Energy Industry and RDA intends to be at the forefront of this industry.” says Rodríguez.

“RDA is deeply engaged in offering value-added and integrated services to its clients to successfully achieve and develop projects; as well as rendering the most qualified representation.” Says Jesús Rodríguez Dávalos, RDA´s President, Founding Member and Senior Partner., “We are recognized for our participation in the development of “ first of a kind” projects”.

J E S Ú S R O D R Í G U E Z D ÁVA LO S P r e s i d e nt , F o u n d i n g M e m b e r a n d S e n i o r Pa rt n e r . M o nt e H i m a l aya 4 5 0 , L o m a s d e C h a p u lt e p e c , 1 1 0 0 0 Ci u d a d d e M é x ic o , D . F. México.


N : w:




Rivera Gaxiola, Carrasco y Barrera, S.C is a law firm specialized mainly in litigation, specifically Bankruptcies, Financial Restructurings, Shareholders Controversies, Commercial, Civil and Administrative Litigation. We distinguish as an aggressive firm on the court, with strict coordination between paralegals at court and associates at the office to enhance a greater control of our cases. Also, we consider having a magnificent client-lawyer relationship, in order to explain the procedures and strategy throughout the cases.


Individual Profile

Rivera Gaxiola, Carrasco y Barrera, S.C is a law firm specialized mainly in litigation, specifically Bankruptcies, Financial Restructurings, Shareholders Controversies, Commercial, Civil and Administrative Litigation. We distinguish as an aggressive firm on the court, with strict coordination between paralegals at court and associates at the office to enhance a greater control of our cases. Also, we consider having a magnificent client-lawyer relationship, in order to explain the procedures and strategy throughout the cases.

Alonso Rivera Gaxiola, Founding and Senior Partner of Rivera Gaxiola y Asociados, S.C., is an Attorney by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, he has extensive experience in civil, commercial, corporate and administrative litigation throughout the country, as much as in national and international arbitration, Bankruptcies and Financial Restructurings.

The law firm was founded on December 2, 2002. Our headquarters are located in Mexico City, with an office in Nuevo León, Monterrey, we have practice all over the country, through our own staff or through strategic alliances and associations with local top firms. Nowadays our firm is one of the most important and well known firms in Mexico.

The law firm was founded on December 2, 2002. Our headquarters are located in Mexico City, with an office in Nuevo León, Monterrey, we have practice all over the country, through our own staff or through strategic alliances and associations with local top firms. Nowadays our firm is one of the most important and well known firms in Mexico.

Areas of expertise:

Areas of expertise:

• • • • • • • • • •

Civil, Commercial and Administrative Litigation. International and Domestic Arbitration. Bankruptcies. Financial Restructurings. Shareholders Controversies and Disputes. Telecommunications Aviation Law. Bonds and Bails. Insurances. Energy.

Tel. (5255) 5202-0405 . www.r daboga

M r . A lo nso R i v e r a Ga x io l a F o u n d i n g a n d S e n i o r Pa rt n e r

R i v e r a G a x io l a y A so ci a d o s , S . C . B o u l e va r d M a n u e l Á v i l a C a m a c h o 3 2 , 1 1 t h F lo o r , L o m a s d e C h a p u lt e p e c , M e x i c o C i t y , M e x i c o N : w: w:

+52 55 1084 1230. ar

• • • • • • • • • •

Civil, Commercial and Administrative Litigation. International and Domestic Arbitration. Bankruptcies. Financial Restructurings. Shareholders Controversies and Disputes. Telecommunications Aviation Law. Bonds and Bails. Insurances. Energy.

Individual Profile Alonso Rivera Gaxiola, Founding and Senior Partner of Rivera Gaxiola y Asociados, S.C., is an Attorney by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, he has extensive experience in civil, commercial, corporate and administrative litigation throughout the country, as much as in national and international arbitration, Bankruptcies and Financial Restructurings.

M r . A lo nso R i v e r a Ga x io l a F o u n d i n g a n d S e n i o r Pa rt n e r

R i v e r a G a x io l a y A so ci a d o s , S . C . B o u l e va r d M a n u e l Á v i l a C a m a c h o 3 2 , 1 1 t h F lo o r , L o m a s d e C h a p u lt e p e c , M e x i c o C i t y , M e x i c o N : w: w:

+52 55 1084 1230. ar




Currently the globalization of markets, evolution of technologies, and sophistication of commercial and financial transactions require continuous professional counseling that provides secure and objective solutions. Such circumstances motivated the incorporation of the Firm of Jiménez, Márquez, Sentíes, Sosa & Reyes Retana (JMSR ABOGADOS, S.C.), born as a result of the synergy of forces of exceptional legal practitioners members and founders of diverse legal firms that have been servicing the Bajío region for more than 30 years, rendering high quality sophisticated services to the industrial corridor of Querétaro, Guanajuato and San Luis Potosí. JMSR ABOGADOS was established with the purpose of creating a legal advisory firm capable to offer integrated and consolidated services to its clients, with the main objective to grow along side with our clients and to ultimately become an additional component to stimulate its development, attained through the construction of relationships based on both trust and our values of honesty, quality and effectiveness in which our services are provided, ultimately protecting and defending our client’s proprietorship and legal interests. The firm is integrated by attorneys specialized within diverse juridical disciplines, who have additionally participated as Chairmen of several companies, thus consolidating traditional legal services, same which are provided in entirely bilingual (English-Spanish) and multicultural manner, thus offering our clients with the highest level of legal security and competitive advantages. The members of the law firm have established many friendly and professional ties with other law firms located in various cities of the Mexican Republic, South America, the United States and the European Community, thus providing our Firm with the benefits of an eminent reputation towards the community and our clients.

JMSR Abogados, S.C. 3 . A v . Pa s e o C u e sta B o n i ta N o . 3 5 1 - B F r a c c i o n a m i e nt o C u e sta B o n i ta S a nt i a g o d e Q u e r é ta r o , Qro. C.P. N : w: w:

0052 442 2139511 rmarquez@jmsr aboga

Dumont Bergman Bider & Co., S.C. is a Mexican Intellectual Property firm. The practice includes all aspects of intellectual property such as obtaining, registering and protecting inventions (patents, utility models and industrial designs), distinctive signs (marks, trade names, brand slogans and appellations of origin), copyrights (owner and author ’s rights, related rights), information technologies (domain names and internet assets) and data protection issues. It also has an extensive expertise in litigation, anti-counterfeiting and related commercial law (corporate, licensing, immigration, regulatory and tax) and our capabilities provide a full array of IP related legal services. Founded 73 years ago, Dumont Bergman Bider has remained contemporary and responsive to ever-changing client needs. Consistent with its commitment to technology, efficiency and the highest quality service, the firm is ISO 9001:2000 certified. Dumont has been ranked as a leading firm in Intellectual Property - Chambers Latin America - in Mexico, as well as Laura Collada and Jorge Gomez as leading lawyers (as well in other specialized publications). It is one of the very few firms in Mexico that performs in-depth examination of patent applications. This service allows to deliver the best possible advise while prosecuting the applications and avoiding the issuance of official actions since we foresee which amendments will be required by the National Office. Also the firm is highly specialized in providing patent linkage services. In the trademark field we plan strategies tailor up to the client’s needs attending not only to legal issues but commercial aspects that sometimes is a must for them.


Brazil LEA DING LAWYER OF THE YEAR (Gener a l Bus iness Law) T i ago Ca r ne iro Lima

T i a g o Ca r ne i r o L i ma i s t he f o und i ng a nd ma na g i ng p a r t ne r o f L i ma e F a l cã o A d v o g a d o s. H e l e a d s t he ne w b usi ne ss d e v e l o p me nt t e a m a nd t he i nf r a st r uct ur e a nd ne w t e chno l o g i e s t e a m i n t he L a w F i r m a nd i s f l ue nt i n E ng l i sh a nd It a l i a n. H e g r a d ua t e d f r o m Uni v e r si d a d e F e d e r a l d e P e r na mb uco L a w S cho o l i n 1985, a nd ha s he l d ma ny ma na g e me nt p o si t i o ns i n S t a t e a nd M uni ci p a l G o v e r nme nt s i n P e r na mb uco . H e i s a f o r me r Pr o f e sso r o f R o ma n L a w i n F DC a nd f o r me r Co unse l l o r a nd E x a mi ne r o f Ci v i l L a w a nd Ci v i l Pr o ce d ur e L a w o f t he B r a z i l i a n B a r A sso ci a t i o n ( OA B /P E ) . L i ma e F a l cã o A d v o g a d o s i s o ne o f t he mo st r e sp e ct e d l a w f i r ms i n t he N o r t he a st o f B r a z i l , a d v i si ng so me o f t he l a r g e st B r a z i l i a n a nd mul t i na t i o na l co mp a ni e s. F o und e d i n 1995 a nd he a d q ua r t e r e d i n R e ci f e , t he f i r m ha s a t r a d i t i o n i n co r p o r a t e l e g a l co nsul t i ng a nd l i t i g a t i o n. It i s hi g hl y r e no w ne d f o r t he q ua l i t y a nd a g i l i t y o f i t s se r v i ce a nd i t s se nse o f p r i o r i t y t o cl i e nt s’ d e si r e s. L i ma e F a l cã o A d v o g a d o s i s co mp r i se d o f a mul t i d i sci p l i na r y t e a m o f o v e r 150 p r o f e ssi o na l s, w ha t g i v e s i t t he ca p a b i l i t y o f me e t i ng d e ma nd s o f a ny st r a t e g i c i mp o r t a nce . T hi s e x p e r t i se p ut s t he f i r m i n a p r i v i l e g e d p o si t i o n o f p r o v i d i ng l e g a l a nd b usi ne ss a d v i ce – g i v e n i t s e x p e r i e nce a nd kno w -ho w i n a sse ssi ng p r o j e ct s t ha t f o cus o n t he B r a z i l i a n N o r t he a st . L i ma e F a l cã o A d v o g a d o s ha s a na t i o na l a nd i nt e r na t i o na l co v e r a g e . In a d d i t i o n t o i t s b r a nche s i n se v e r a l ci t i e s i n B r a z i l , si nce 2009 i t e st a b l i she d a p a r t ne r-

In both areas we are highly successful in litigation and also in getting agreements or settlements. Many of our clients do not want to wear out in long litigations, so because our client profile, we are highly specialized in negotiations. Moreover, Dumont is the only IP firm in Mexico that has received the ISO 9001:2008 certification by the German Organization TUV Rheinland®. The certification indicates that the firm meets high quality standards for its management systems including for counseling, filing, prosecution and consulting services, litigation and managing of intellectual and industrial property rights (including filing, prosecution, etc.). It means that the quality of the firm’s legal work is consistent, constant and reliable in each and every case. Consistent with the firm’s commitment to modern technologies that enable the firm to offer the highest quality and most complete intellectual property service, Dumont Bergman Bider has implemented PATRIX® HELPWARE System, a state of the art docketing system. The firm also has digitalized its archives and is fully able to service clients that wish a paperless environment. The main contracts of the firm, as well as other colleagues, receive training in different areas, not only on the legal or technical areas, but in order to achieve client satisfaction. The firm also has a PR department that is in constant communication with their clients.

shi p i n M i l a n, It a l y w i t h S t ud i o L e g a l e P e nco , o f f e r i ng sp e ci a l i z e d sup p o r t t o It a l o -B r a z i l i a n cl i e nt s. In 2013, t he f i r m d e ci d e d t o e st a b l i sh a n o f f i ce i n L o nd o n, a i mi ng a t p r o v i d i ng sp e ci a l i z e d mul t i d i sci p l i na r y se r v i ce s t o i nd i v i d ua l s a nd co mp a ni e s i nt e r e st e d in Brazil. L i ma e F a l cã o A d v o g a d o s f e a t ur e s a mo d e r n ma na g e me nt o nl i ne sy st e m, e na b l i ng i t t o p r o v i d e ma na g e r i a l e l e me nt s o f hi g h p r e ci si o n. In a d d i t i o n, t he f i r m i s p r o ud o f sup p o r t i ng t he d e v e l o p me nt o f so ci a l r e sp o nsi b i l i t y p r o j e ct s, g i v i ng si g ni f i ca nt co nt r i b ut i o ns t o t he a r t i st i c a nd e d uca t i o n i n t he S t a t e o f P e r na mb uco .

w w w . l i m a e fa lc a o . c o m . b r

S ã o Pa u lo

S a lv a d o r

Avenida Governador Agamenon M a g a l h ã e s , 1 4 7 0 , To r r e ã o , R e c i f e , Pernambuco. CEP: 52030-2 10

R u a F u n c h a l , 4 1 8 , E di f íc io E - To w e r . 3 5 º a n da r , s a l a s 3 5 0 5 e 3 5 07 V i l a O l í m p i a , S ã o Pa u lo , S P . C E P : 04551-060

Rua Frederico Simões, 98, Sala 1205, C a m i n h o d a s Á rv o r e s , S a lva d o r , B A . C E P : 4 1 8 2 0 - 7 74

Tel.: +55 81 2121.5600 Fax: +55 81 2121.5656 l i m a e fa lc a o @ l i m a e fa lc a o . c o m . b r

+55 11 96724 2886 l i m a e fa lc a o @ l i m a e fa lc a o . c o m . b r

+55 71 9977 4638


João Pessoa


SCN, Quadra 05, Bl. A, Salas 829/830, B r a s í l i a S h o p p i n g T o r r e N o rt e A s a N o rt e , B r a s í l i a , D F . C E P : 7 0 7 1 5 - 0 0 0

Av . J o ã o M a c h a d o , 5 3 3 , E m p. P l a z a C e nt e r , S a l a 6 0 1 , C e nt r o , J o ã o P e s s o a , P B. C E P : 5 8 0 1 3 - 52 0

+55 61 9614 0822 l i m a e fa lc a o . d f @ l i m a e fa lc a o . c o m . b r

+55 83 8113 0980


( H e a d q u a rt e r s )

1 7 C av e n d i s h S q u a r e M ay f a i r , W 1 G , U K Tel: +44 78 69 63 14 90 or : +44 75 10 14 76 38


l i m a e fa lc a o . b a @ l i m a e fa lc a o . c o m . b r

l i m a e fa lc a o . p b @ l i m a e fa lc a o . c o m . b r

Via Melegari, 4 - 20122 - Milano. Tel: +39 02 76 39 82 48 Fax: +39 02 76 39 22 75

USA Laur a Colla da M a n a g i n g P a rt n e r



S . C . , A v e n i d a I n s u r g e nt e s S u r 1 8 9 8 P e nt O f fi c e 2 1 F l o o r , C o l o n i a F l o r i d a C . P . 0 1 0 3 0 , D e l . Á lv a r o Obregón. Mexico City, MEXICO.

Tel: (52) (55) 5322-6230 Fax: (52) (55) 5661-3056 lc o l l a d a @ d u m o nt . c o m . m x w w w . d u m o nt . c o m . m x

Marashlian & Donahue, LLC, The CommLaw Group, is not your ordinary law firm. Together with The Commpliance Group (, its affiliated consultancy, The CommLaw Group is a professional services “organization” that was specially designed and staffed to service the full-range of legal, consulting and compliance needs of the telecommunications, broadcast, information technology and Internet services industries. Boasting a vibrant and diverse communications law practice, The CommLaw Group currently serves hundreds of clients throughout the U.S. and internationally. The firm’s loyal base includes clients of all shapes and sizes, from start-ups to Fortune 100 enterprises, and from practically every sector of the communications and info tech industries. The firm also serves the intellectual property, privacy law, litigation and general business law needs of its clientele. In 2005, anticipating the seismic shift in the market for effective, yet affordable legal services, the firm set out to engineer its one-of-a-kind, “Full Spectrum” professional services business model. The ground-breaking processes developed by the firm enable it to provide value-driven, high-quality professional services that deliver businesssavvy solutions for reasonable, predictable, project appropriate costs; all provided with the customer-friendly approach that has become the firms’ hallmark characteristic.

Our professional services rates, flexible billing arrangements, and compensation system are all structured to promote stability and accommodate growth. We work hard to avoid sticker shock through proactive and candid communications with our clients and by ensuring our clients’ objectives are properly aligned with their budgetary expectations, and vice versa, prior to embarking on projects. And in a world in which “customer service” is considered a relic, we turn back the clock by pushing our attorneys and consulting professionals to continually expand and deepen not only their professional services skills, but their client servicing skills, as well. The CommLaw Group is led by its founder and managing partner, Jonathan S. Marashlian, an AV Preeminent Rated, nationally-recognized expert in the areas of communications taxes, regulatory fees, regulatory litigation, audits, advocacy and defense. Mr. Marashlian was awarded two 2013 Client Choice Awards by Lexology / International Law Office; named overall winner in the Telecommunications Law – USA category. In addition to multiple ACQ Global and ACQ Law Awards, The CommLaw Group is the recipient of InterContinental Finance Magazine’s End of Year Country Award and Lawyers World Annual Award, both in the category: “Customer Service Law Firm of the Year in the USA.”

J o n at h a n S . M a r a s h l i a n M a n a g i n g Pa rt n e r

1420 Spring Hill Rd. Suite 401 McLean, Virginia 22 102 E: W:

J S M @ C o m m L awG r o u p . c o m w w w . C o m m L awG r o u p . c o m





José Antonio Velázquez is an attorney (Universidad Católica Andrés Bello-UCAB, Caracas), with an LL.M. in Tax Law from UCAB, graduate courses on the US Tax Program at Harvard University (MA) and Finance Executive Program at Kellogg School of Management (ILL). He is the leading partner of the Tax and Legal Division of Mendoza, Delgado, Labrador & Asociados, member firm of Ernst & Young Global. With over 20 years of experience in advisory services, José Antonio has ample experience in assisting E&Y clients in the identification, development and implementation of creative strategies regarding tax and transaction matters, in different competitive areas: energy, mining, telecommunications, manufacturing, beverages, hospitality, fast food, among others.

ACQ Magazine Na mes The Entrep reneu r Law Center Best Ventu re Ca p i ta l Law Fir m a n d In depen dent Bout ique Law Fir m of the Yea r in the Un i ted States A CQ Maga zin e, a lea d in g Lo ndo n- based m agaz i ne ser v i ng th e M& A advis or y commu n it y has nam ed T he E nt r epr eneur Law Ce nte r the B est Ven t u re C api t al Law F i r m i n t he Uni t ed S t a te s a n d t he Inde pen d en t B ou t iq u e Law F i r m o f t he Year i n t he Uni t e d State s i n it s 20 13 A CQ Law A w ar ds. T he f i r m had pr ev i o u s l y won the I n d ep en d en t B ou t i que Law F i r m o f t he Year i n t he AC Q Gl obal Awa rd s, h a vin g recei v ed 8, 762 no m i nat i o ns i n t hi s cate gor y of a wa rd s f rom near l y 58, 000 i ndust r y peer s, r e p r e se nti ng over 1 5% of t h e v o t e t o w i n t he aw ar d. The Entrep ren eu r La w C en t er di f f er ent i at es i t sel f si gni f i ca n tl y f rom tradit ion a l la w f ir ms by o f f er i ng no t o nl y a br o ad r an g e o f t radi ti onal leg a l ser vices r el at ed t o st r uct ur i ng and nego t i a ti n g me rge rs a n d a cq u is it ion s, but al so r el at ed m ul t i di sci pl i na r y se r v i c e s su ch a s d u e d iligence, f o r ensi c acco unt i ng and fr a u d ex ami nat ion , b u sin ess p lanni ng, t ur nar o und and o ut so ur c e d g e ne ral cou n sel s er vices . “ Wi nni ng t hese aw ar ds i s a gr e a t h onor and I s in cerely t h ank al l o f m y i ndust r y peer s f o r t h e i r endorse men t a n d recog n it i o n, ” sai d Ken Ham ner, t he f i r m ’ s Managi ng Memb er. W it h cl i ent s no t o nl y t hr o ugho ut F l o r id a , b u t a c ross the U n it ed St a t es, i n Chi na, S o ut h Ko r ea, t he Net he r l a n d s , Moroc c o, Ven ezu ela , a n d t hr o ugho ut t he Car i bbean, t he f i r m mai ntai ns a g lob a l f oot p r i nt despi t e i t s bo ut i que si z e. Hav i ng st a rt ed h is ca reer near l y 25 y ear s ago at A r t hur An d e r s e n a nd the n movin g on t o Er nst & Yo ung’s co nsul t i ng pr act i c e , Ke n late r se r ved a s a C FO of an ear l y st age i nt er nat i o nal v ent u r e b e fore becomin g a n a t t or ney. A s an at t o r ney, bef o r e f o un d i n g t he Entrep ren eu r La w C en t er, he w as t he m anagi ng par t ne r fo r a smal l full ser vice mod el law f i r m . Ken i s no t o nl y a pr ac ti c i n g a ttor ne y, b u t h a s a ls o s t udi ed i n pr est i gi o us pr o gr am s suc h a s MIT’s Entrep ren eu rs h ip Dev el o pm ent Pr o gr am and t he Uni ve r s i ty of South Florid a ’ s Ma s t er o f S ci ence i n E nt r epr eneur shi p in A ppl i e d Tech n olog ies p rogr am . He al so ho l ds a m ast er ’s d e g r e e in fore ns ic a ccou n t in g a n d an MBA . T hese addi t i o nal ski l l s e ts p rov i de a d if f eren t p ers p e ct i v e t o t he pr act i ce o f l aw, aug m e n ti n g a more en comp a ssin g st r at egi c f o cus. Stanl e y an d Deb b ie B rit t , w ho o w n a hi ghl y successf ul e- tr a ve l ve nture a n d a C FO/Gen er al Co unsel cl i ent f o r t he past f i ve ye a r s , sai d the f ollowin g , “ Th e E nt r epr eneur Law Cent er has pl ay e d a p i v otal ro le in h elp in g our co m pani es gr o w o v er t he past fi ve ye ars. Th e f ir m h a s p rov i ded us w i t h v al uabl e t r ansact i o n a l a n d corporate st r u ct u re a d vic e, w hi l e hel pi ng us po si t i o n f o r p r i va te equi ty c ap it a liza t ion t o f u el a nat i o nal gr o w t h st r at egy. We consul t wit h Ken b ef ore ini t i at i ng any st r at egi c pl ans and h i s insi ght h a s b een t remen do usl y hel pf ul i n o v er co m i ng past chal l e nges a n d a void in g m i st akes. Gr o w i ng a co m pany f r o m a smal l busin ess t o a mid dl e m ar ket co m pany can be har de r th a n t he growt h t h a t f ollows. A bo ut i que f i r m o f f er i ng such a b r o a d r ange of ser vices h a s b een a m aj o r asset i n hel pi ng us ge t t he re .”

D e n n i s W i l k i n s o n , a l o n g s ta n d i n g c l i e n t a n d ve te r a n s e nior e xe c u ti ve wi th n u m e r o u s fr e i g h t fo r wa r d i n g c o m p a n ie s , inc luding h i s c u r r e n t r o l e d i r e c ti n g tr a n s p a c i fi c s e r vi c e s fo r D H L G lobal Fo r wa r d i n g s a ys , “ I h a ve wo r k e d wi th m a n y a tto r n eys bot h on a p e r s o n a l a n d p r o fe s s i o n a l b a s i s a n d Ke n wa s a b s olut e ly t he be s t . W i th o u t a d o u b t h i s c o mm o n s e n s e a p p r o a c h c o u p le d wit h fl a wl e s s s tr a te g y p r o d u c e d p o s i ti ve r e s u l ts fa r g r e at e r t han e xp e c te d . B e i n g a C h a r te r e d M e r g e r & Ac q u i s i ti o n Prof e s s ional wi th th e M i d d l e M a r k e t I n ve s tme n t B a n k i n g As s o c i at ion, a C e r ti fi e d M e r g e r & Ac q u i s i ti o n Ad vi s o r, a M a s te r An alys t in Fi n a n c i a l Fo r e n s i c s , a C e r ti fi e d B u s i n e s s I n te r m e d i ar y, a C e rt if ie d D u e D i l i g e n c e Pr o fe s s i o n a l , a n d a C e r ti fi e d Fr a u d Exam ine r are s i mp l y n o t s k i l l s e ts c o mm o n l y fo u n d i n e ve n l a r g e law f ir m s , mu c h l e s s i n o n e a tto r n e y d i r e c ti n g h i s o wn b o u ti q ue f ir m .” Th r o u g h th e ye a r s , th e E n tr e p r e n e u r L a w C e n te r h a s provide d D e n n i s ’ c o m p a n i e s wi th s e r vi c e s r a n g i n g fr o m s tr u c t uring me r g e r s a n d a c q u i s i ti o n s to d u e d i l i g e n c e o f p o te n t ial ac quis it ion ta r g e ts o n b e h a l f o f m u l ti n a ti o n a l fr e i g h t fo r wa r d e r s . “ Ke n ’ s d i ve r s e e xp e r i e n c e a n d p e r s p e c ti ve s e ts h i m apart f rom ma n y a tto r n e ys wh o h a ve n e ve r s to o d i n th e s h o e s of t he ir c l i e n ts . Ke n ’ s a b i l i ty to th i n k o u ts i d e th e b o x c o u p l e d wit h his va s t k n o wl e d g e h a s p r o ve n i n va l u a b l e to m y b u s i n es s in t he C a r i b b e a n ” , s a ys Ti m C o l l i n s , Pr e s i d e n t o f C a r i b b e an Trading C o mp a n y, a l o n g s ta n d i n g c l i e n t. An o th e r l o n g s ta n d i n g c l i e n t, R o n C l a r k B a l l , a n e xec ut ive in t he d e fe n s e i n d u s tr y fo l l o wi n g a c a r e e r a s a U S N a vy F- 1 4 A Tom c at p i l o t, e n d o r s e d Ke n a s fo l l o ws , “ Ke n h a s b u i l t a fi r m t ailore d t o r e s p o n d to th e s tr a te g i c n e e d s o f a va r i e d g r o u p o f high- prof ile , g l o b a l b u s i n e s s l e a d e r s th a t a r e h i s c l i e n ts . H i s c ont ribut ions tr a n s c e n d l e g a l a d vi c e i n to a m o r e c o h e s i ve a n d e n c om pas s ing s tr a te g i c i n s i g h t, wh i l e ma i n ta i n i n g th e “ b i g p i c tu r e” pe rs pe c t ive . H a vi n g b e e n a s tu d e n t o f l a w a t H u mb o l d t U n i ve r s i t y in B e rlin, th e C h i n a U n i ve r s i ty o f P o l i ti c a l S c i e n c e a n d L a w i n B e ijing, and th e U n i ve r s i ty o f th e We s t I n d i e s i n B a r b a d o s , c o u p le d wit h h a vi n g g r o wn u p i n Fr a n k fu r t, G e r ma n y a n d R i ya d h , Saudi A rabia, Ke n h a s a n i n - d e p th , e xp e r i e n c e d u n d e r s ta n d i n g o f a wide s p e c tr u m o f i n te r n a ti o n a l i s s u e s , fr o m b o th a c u l tural as we ll as a n i n te r n a ti o n a l b u s i n e s s p e r s p e c ti ve . W h e n I fa c e im port ant b u s i n e s s d e c i s i o n s , b e i t mi c r o o r wi d e a n g l e d , Ke n is always m y fi r s t c a l l . ” Ke n we n t o n to s a y i n c l o s i n g , “ h a vi n g s e r ve d l a r g e m ult inat ional c l i e n ts o n p r e - a c q u i s i ti o n d u e d i l i g e n c e e n g a g e m e n t s as we ll as s i mi l a r tr a n s a c ti o n a l s e r vi c e s to a n g e l i n ve s to r s l o ok ing at s ta r t- u p s , I c a n h o n e s tl y s a y th a t a b o u ti q u e fi r m c an c om pe t e in th e g l o b a l ma r k e tp l a c e . Th e c l i e n ts a r e d i ve r s e b u t de live ring s e r vi c e s a t a p e r s o n a l l e ve l d o e s n ’ t c h a n g e n o m a tt e r t he s ize of th e c l i e n t. I t’ s s i mp l y a ma tte r o f d e p l o yi n g a s e t of s k ills and a tte mp ti n g to p r o vi d e a “ b e tte r, c h e a p e r, fa s te r ” mode l t o m y c l i e n ts . ”

He has been instructor at several tax seminars in Venezuela and the US on topics such as income tax and planning opportunities. He is a Professor of Tax Law post graduate courses in Caracas. His clients include the following: Gazprom, Smith International, Chevron Texaco, Cliff Drilling, MI Drilling, BJ Services, Alstom, Shell, Anadarko, Baker Hughes, Baker Energy, among others.

José. A. Velázquez C o u nt ry Ta x a n d L e g a l Pa rt n e r

Men d oza, Delga d o, Labrador & Asociados

José Antonio is bilingual (English-Spanish)

Phone +58 212 905 6659 Fax +58 212 954 0069 Mobile +58 424 110 5113

Australia M&A Law Fir m of the yea r – (Melbou r ne) Bout ique Law Fir m of the yea r Clarendon Lawyers is honoured to be recognised by ACQ Magazine as the Australian M&A Law Firm of the year and Australian Boutique Law Firm of the year in the ACQ Law Awards 2013. These awards not only acknowledge the service that we provide to our clients, but are also validation of the boutique/specialist law firm model in Australia’s current legal market. At a time when many firms are looking to expand their practice areas and geographical reach, we remain focused on doing what we do best and where our specialist skills and experience lie. With all the founders coming from careers at top national and international firms, the vision of the firm has always been to provide a top tier service in a smaller environment. Our longer term vision is to be recognised as the leading Australian boutique corporate law firm (and a real alternative to the top tier national and international law firms) in our core practice areas, such as M&A. We firmly believe that we are well on the way to achieving that vision. In the past year, our team has advised on a number of

significant transactions, including the sale of Australian Truck and Auto Parts Group and Auto Brake Service to Metcash, the acquisition of mgt-Labmark Environmental and Agrisearch Services by Eurofins Agrosciences, the sale of airway management device supplier and innovator, Ultimate Medical, to global medical devices provider, Teleflex Incorporated, and the acquisition of online discount daily deals website from by AussieCommerce Group. The global consolidation of law firms, particularly in Australia, has also created many new cross-border opportunities for our firm, mainly in the form of referrals from international firms without a presence in Australia and which are reluctant to refer their Australian matters to firms with whom they now compete in other parts of the world. The tougher economic conditions have also assisted our firm break down the barriers with the large domestic and international firms as clients increasingly look for firms that deliver better value, particularly in the mid-market where the transaction value does not necessarily justify using a large team at a large national or international firm.

T o ny S y m o n s M a n a g i n g Di r e cto r

C l a r e n d o n L aw y e r s A d d r e s s : L e v e l 1 7 , R i a lt o N o rt h T o w e r , 5 2 5 C o l l i n s St r e et , M e l b o u r n e , V icto r i a , 3 0 0 0 , A u st r a l i a T:

+61 3 8681 4400


t o ny . sy m o n s @ c l a r e n d o n l a w y e r s . c o m . a u


w w w . c l a r e n d o n l aw y e r s . c o m . a u /




Nick Weston, principal of eponymous law firm Nicholas Weston Lawyers, has been ranked among Australia’s most effective intellectual property lawyers for the second consecutive year. Nicholas Weston Lawyers is a top private law firm in Australia with a focus on commercial matters that involve IP or technology. He has more than 15 years of experience in domestic and international commercial transactions, and general corporate law, providing strategic advice and litigating franchise, copyright, trade secret, trade-marks, trade practices and contract matters for Australian and international small cap and private companies in the film, music, advertising, sport, government, FMCG, publishing, logistics, retail, games, digital business, biotechnology and technology sectors. Representative clients include Electronic Arts, U. S. Department of Defense, AusIndustry (Australian Government), Camera House and Renegade Films. In 2013, Mr Weston successfully represented Independent Sports, a buying group of 70 Australian sports stores, in licensing negotiations with Intersport, a US12B European vertically integrated sports retailer to become the Australian arm of Intersport. His advice in connection with the structuring and implementation of their franchise program was implemented to form Intersport Australia Ltd and a shared services company.


The engagement to handle this transaction and corporate restructure is representative of his experience in structuring and drafting agreements implementing complex franchise, licensing and distribution relationships, in regulatory compliance and disclosure work and in synthesising the interests of a diverse group of independently owned stakeholders with the strict requirements of the world’s largest sports retail organisation.

Dacheng – Chinese Antitrust/Competition Firm Dacheng Law Offices (“Dacheng”) is one of the first partnership law firms in China. It is headquartered in Beijing, with more than 40 domestic branches nationwide and 9 overseas branches throughout North America, Europe, North and South Asia. As the largest law firm in Asia, Dacheng has been developing rapidly into having more than 3,000 PRC qualified lawyers, most of whom graduate from the most prestigious law schools in China or have distinguished education background abroad.

Mr. Weston has a compelling record of obtaining litigation results in a wide range of commercial cases in Federal and State courts across Australia. Known for his creativity, superior technical expertise, professionalism and integrity, Mr. Weston has earned a high level of respect among other leading lawyers for his abilities. In 2013, he has provided advice and worked behind the scenes for a number of other IP law firms. In 2013, Mr Weston has also served as sole Panelist in WIPO domain name cases involving brands including TT Net (Turkey), Vita-Mix, Costco, Allianz, RBS Group, Wordpress, Lori Blu, Gucci and Lavazza.

Our lawyers share the belief of optimizing the service and success for every client and avoiding any unnecessary legal exposure. Following the principle of high quality, high efficiency and reasonable charge in rendering full range of our professional services, Dacheng always maintains close communications with clients to assist them in making the right decisions in a timely manner. N i c h o l a s W e st o n P R I N C I Pa l N i c h o l a s W e st o n L AW Y E R S G r o u n d F lo o r , 1 5 6 C o l l i n s St r e et , M e l b o u r n e , V I C . 3 0 0 0 A u st r a l i a T: + 61 1300 132 551 E: m a i l @ n i c h o l a s w e st o n . c o m W : w w w . n i c h o l a s w e st o n . c o m


I P o w ne r s s e e m t o b e s lo wly wa ki ng up to the po t e nt i a l t h e y h a v e lo c k e d awa y i n the i r p a tents, tr a d e m a r ks an d de s ig n s . C e rta i nl y the re i s a gr o w i ng a w ar e n e s s o f I P as a d d i ng v a l ue to a c o m p a ny, w h e t h e r it b e r e g istra b l e IP or not. W ra y s’ pr a c t i c e i s s e e in g gr o wt h t h at i n m a ny wa y s re fl ects th i s g r e a t e r a wa r e n e s s o f t h e v a l ue of IP a nd a n inc r e a s e d in c lin a t io n t o a s s ert or d e fend tha t IP. T h e W r a ys P at e n t an d Tr ad e Ma rk Attor ney p ra cti ce be g a n i n 1 9 2 0 a s We s t e r n A ustra l i a ’s onl y such pr a c t i c e a n d r e m ain e d s u c h u nti l 1 9 8 0 . W ra y s i s st i l l t he l a r ge s t s u c h p r ac t ic e b a se d i n WA . Thi s ha s pr o vi d e d W r ay s w it h a s ig n if i ca nt d om esti c cl i ent ba s e i n, p ar t ic u lar ly, t h e r e s o urces, a g ri cul tura l a nd e ng i n e e r i n g s e r v ic e s s e c t o r s for whi ch WA i s we l l kn o w n . Si nc e t h e m id - 1 9 8 0 s w h e n a num b e r of the curre nt Wr a ys Pr i n c ipa ls c am e t o ge the r, Wra y s ha s u n d e r t a k e n a w e ll p lan n e d and ca re ful l y ex ecuted gr o w t h s t r at e gy, f o c u s in g o n d ev el op i ng the fi r m ’s ove r s e a s c lie n t b a s e a n d as soci a te network, whi l st al s o m a i nta in in g an d gr o win g i ts d om esti c p re se nce. T h e d i r e c t r e s u lt h as be e n s igni fi ca nt g rowth i n the di ve r s i t y o f W r a y s ’ I P pr ac t ice cl i ents a nd a g rowth in t h e f i r m t o ac c o m m o d a t e thi s. T h i s g r o w th p r o v ide s wh at is now a tr ul y na ti ona l pr e s e nc e , in c o r p o r a t in g o f f ic e s i n ea ch of Ad el a i d e,

With proficiency and collaboration, Dacheng antitrust team has provided efficient, premium legal service on Chinese Anti-Monopoly Law to a wide range of leading multinational and domestic companies, and has accumulated a significant amount of on-the-ground experience in handling antitrust matters. Our services in this area include antitrust compliance, merger control filing, investigations of authority and private antitrust litigations, among which some cases have become milestone precedents of antitrust practice in China. Increasingly more clients are turning to Dacheng antitrust team for professional service, with the rise of antitrust enforcement in China. Having a rich history of innovation and achievement, Dacheng antitrust team expects to bring outstanding services to more clients and continue contributing to the prosperity of Chinese antitrust.

Ken Da i Pa rt n e r B e i j i n g D a c h e n g L a w O f fi c e s , L L P (Shanghai) 3 F , 5 0 0 S o ut h P u d o n g R o a d , P u d o n g D i st r i c t , S h a n g h a i , C h i n a

T: E : W:

+86-21-5878 1965 j i a n m i n . da i @ dac h e n g l aw . c o m w w w . dac h e n g l aw . c o m

Hong Kong


Growth is K ey – A Tru ly Nat ion a l Presence

Antitrust is a newly emerging practice field in China and Dacheng stands at the cutting edge of this field, having established close links and clear channels of communications with Chinese antimonopoly enforcement agencies. Dacheng antitrust team is made up with competent antitrust lawyers, each having more than 10 years of practical experience. Besides, Dacheng antitrust practitioners are highly active in antitrust legislation and academia to promote the development of antitrust in

China. We come together to constitute an excellent team with diversity, rigor and comprehensiveness, as a potent component of Dacheng.


Bri sb a ne an d Sydn ey, in addition to P erth , for a b roa d ran ge of ser vic es, n ow in c lu din g th e origin al p a te nt an d trade mark filin g an d prosec u tion prac tic e i n a d d i tion to Wrays Lawyers (Litigation an d Contra cts), Wrays M an agemen t an d Strategic Se r v i ce s (I P M an agemen t) an d Wrays Bran d & Cul ture . Ea ch Wrays paten t grou p c omprises a team of e x p e ri e n c ed paten t attor n eys respon sible for th e d ra f ti ng, filin g an d prosec u tion of paten t applic ati ons i n th eir respec tive tec h n ology areas. Th e m a jori ty of th e paten t attor n eys in eac h team are e ng a g ed in ser vic in g both domestic an d overseas cl i ents, wh ic h provides a n u an c ed an d prac tic al a p p roa c h to paten t prac tic e th at c an ’t be gain ed throug h exposu re to on ly on e for m of prac tic e. Pa rti cul arly importan t to th e fir m’s rec en t growth h as b een the establish men t of Wrays Lawyers, allowin g ser v i ce s th at wou ld previou sly h ave been referred out to be provided on a ‘on e-stop’ basis. I n part, Wra y s Lawyers was for med to provide c lien ts with a m ul ti - d i sc iplin ar y I P ser vic e, in c lu din g paten t an d tra d e m ark litigation ser vic es, wh ic h h as allowed Wra y s to en tic e a sign ific an t n u mber of c lien ts away from tradition ally ‘top tier ’ fir ms. Peter Capor n is a Prin c ipal at Wrays, h avin g been at the fi r m sin c e 1994. I n 1997 P eter bec ame Head of wha t was at th e time Wrays’ Ch emic al Paten t Grou p, l e v era g in g off h is tertiar y c h emic al train in g.

John Hu Migration Consulting (JHM) offers our unique integrated immigration legal advice and professional visa processing services for our clients in Hong Kong, China and other countries covering a wide visa categories including investor, entrepreneur, skilled and family visas to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, U.S., U.K. and Spain.

business growth in the region. JHM’s strong market position as a leading immigration consulting firm has earned its distinguished reputation and customer satisfaction through its commitment and passion to provide its proactive customer care and support for its clients. JHM has been nominated as the “Best Valued Immigration Firm” and “Best Investment Immigration Consulting Firm” in Hong Kong in 2013.

Our experienced immigration attorneys and consultants in the above countries have a wide range of successful experience and expertise to provide expert immigration advice and onshore local support to our clients. Led by John Hu as the Director, JHM has served many satisfied clients in processing their investor, entrepreneur, skilled and family visas to various countries. John is a registered Australia Migration Agent and a licensed New Zealand Immigration Adviser. He has many years of successful experience in business and global immigration consulting.

Peter Ca porn P r i n c i pa l p e t e r . c a p o r n @ w r ay s . c o m . a u tel: +61 9216 5100 w w w . w r ay s . c o m . a u

The last few years in China and Hong Kong have seen the wave of immigration due to the political, economic and environmental reasons. While China is more polluted than ever, the Chinese in Mainland China who are becoming richer will pursue a better quality of live by emigration overseas. More Hong Kong people are emigrating overseas for better business opportunities, further career development and better quality education for their children. JHM has been providing our clients with our reliable and professional immigration services in Hong Kong, China and other countries. Working in partnership with its global partners JHM has been increasing its brand strength and sustaining its continuous

J o h n H u M i g r at i o n C o n s u lt i n g F l at A - C , 7 / F L u c k y P l a z a , 3 1 5 L o c k h a rt R o a d , W a n c h a i , H o ng Ko ng Tel : 852-3568 1436 Fax : 852-3568 1439 Mobile : 852-9485 5200 Skype : john.hu80 Email :

Hong Kong



TAX CONSULTANT OF THE YEAR, ROHAN SHAH, ECONOMIC LAWS PRACTICE Twiggy M H Liu Law Office is a law firm of solicitors based in Hong Kong, having a strong practice in Intellectual Property law. It is founded on the basis of many years of experience of Ms Twiggy LIU in the Intellectual Property field. The firm specializes in all types of IP related cases including trademarks, patents, designs, litigation, enforcement relating to infringement of IP rights, tort of passing off, licensing, franchising, merchandising and commercial matters. Through the experience and contacts in the Greater China Region, the firm has developed both the expertise and skills necessary to successfully represent clients' interests in a manner appropriate to local practices and market considerations. The Firm also provides efficient and cost-effective services for registration of patent, design and trademark in different countries of the world. The client base is diverse and includes both local and international businesses across a wide range of industry sectors. With a focused yet professional operation, the firm is able to offer competitive fees scales to clients. The objective is to provide cost-effective solutions to safeguard and enhance clients’ legal rights in the Greater China Region and beyond. People Twiggy Liu is the principal of Twiggy MH Liu Law Office. Prior to founding her own law practice in 2006, Twiggy had been engaged in the Intellectual Property law practice for over 25 years. She has set up and headed the Intellec tual Property

Twiggy handles all types of intellectual property related cases including non-contentious, contentious, licensing, enforcement, franchising, merchandising and commercial matters. She is particularly skilled and experienced in handling IP portfolio protection, development, brand building and strategy planning. Twiggy has extensive experience and has been very successful in intellectual property rights enforcement in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan; as well as on the Internet.

Our firm: Economic Laws Practice (“ELP”) is a leading multi-disciplinary law firm founded in 2001 by eminent lawyers from diverse fields. The firm’s lawyers constitute an ensemble of exceptional legal talent having extensive global and local expertise that brings to its clientele a unique opportunity to complete complex transactions in a practical and cost efficient manner. Apart from legal professionals, the ELP team includes chartered accountants and economists and is thus able to bring together cross-practice experience and top-of-the-line skill sets for its clientele.

In 2013, for ten consecutive years since 2004, Twiggy was identified as an Asialaw Leading Lawyer by Asia Law and Practice. Twiggy is a member of various professional organizations including INTA, AIPPI, LES, ITMA, APAA and HKITMP. She also sits on various committees and sub-committees of these organizations. Twiggy obtained her LLB from University of London and PCLL from University of Hong Kong. She was admitted as a solicitor in Hong Kong in 1984. She is also admitted in Australia, Singapore and the United Kingdom. Over the years, Twiggy has been playing an active role in the development of intellectual property practice and legislation.

T w iggy M H Liu M a n a g i n g Pa rt n e r

ELP has offices in Mumbai, New Delhi, Pune, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru and Chennai with a team of around 130 qualified professionals having professional acumen in defined and varied practice areas. The firm works closely with leading global law firms in the UK, USA, Middle East and Asia Pacific region. It also has associations with law firms throughout India, which allows ELP to provide a pan India and global service offering to its clients. Our key practice areas:

T w i g g y M H L i u L a w O f fi c e 4 1 0 4 H o p e w e l l C e nt r e , 1 8 3 Q u e e n ’ s R o a d E a st , H O N G K O N G

T: E : W:

(852) 2155 0288 w w w. t l i u - l a w o f f i c e . c o m

• Banking & Finance

• Litigation & Dispute Resolution

• Competition Law & Policy

• Policy and Regulation

• Corporate & Commercial

• Private Equity & Venture Capital

• Hospitality

• Hospitality

• Infrastructure

• Securities Laws & Capital Markets

• International Trade & Customs

• Technology, media and telecommunications (TMT)

Departments of different law firms in Hong Kong.


Rece nt represen tation s in c lu de;

T h r o ug h l aw s c h o o l J u s t in t ra i ne d wi th U d wa d i a U d e s h i a nd B e r j is , a n d j o in e d the m a s a n a ssoci a te af t e r q u a l if y in g . He m o v e d to J Sa g a r a nd Associ at e s w i t h th e r e s t o f h is d e pa rtm ent, a nd the re a f ter joi ne d A ma r c h an d & M an ga lda s i n 2 0 0 4 . J usti n joi ne d B ha r u c h a & P ar t n e r s a s a found i ng p a rtne r to fu l f i l t h e v is io n o f b e in g pa r t of a l a w fi r m d ed i ca te d to e xc e l l e n c e an d c lie n t s at isfa cti on.

Hi s p r a c t i c e in v o lv e s f r e q u e nt i nte ra cti on wi th re g ul a t o r s, an d J u s t in h a s a hea l thy worki ng re l a t i o ns h ip w it h t h e F o r e ign Inv e stm ent Prom oti on B o a r d , t he R e s e r v e B an k o f Ind i a , a nd the Se curi ti e s and E xc h an ge B o a r d o f I n dia.

ELP has assisted various Fortune 500 companies, across industry sectors in a wide range of matters ranging from legal advisory to assisting clients in taking key business decisions in relation to their business and transactions, whether in India or overseas. ELP has also represented the Government of India in various trade disputes, including disputes with USA and the European Union. ELP has rapidly emerged as a firm of clients’ choice and has a unique positioning amongst law firms in India in offering comprehensive qualitative services across the entire spectrum of transactional, advisory and litigation work.

E c o n o m ic L aws P r act ic e 1 5 0 2 , A W i n g , D a l a m a l To w e r s N a r i m a n P o i nt M u m b a i – 4 0 0 0 2 1 , I N DI A

T: E :

+91 22 6636 7000


Pr a c t i c e Ex p e r ie n c e

J u s t i n 's M & A p r ac t ic e is c o mp l em e nte d b y a si g n i f i c a n t f in an c in g pr ac t ic e. H e sp e ci a l i zes i n st r uc t u r i n g do m e s t ic an d in t er na ti ona l consorti um le nd i n g , s tr e s s e d as s e t s a le s a nd se curi ti sa ti on, a nd O T C a n d E T D pr o d u c t s .

On a pure tax engagement basis ELP has the largest practice by both volume and value amongst all Indian law firms across transactional, advisory and litigation related tax work. ELP integrates a transaction and litigation based practice, and this amalgamation gives ELP and its clients an edge in its transactional matters and advisory work. If, and when, a dispute arises, ELP is able to seamlessly address these and offer redressal.



I n a d d i t i o n t o ge n e r a l c o r po ra te a d v i ce, J usti n's pr a c t i c e f o c u s e s o n M & A a nd fi na nce. J usti n's M&A pr a c t i c e i n c lu de s a d v is in g o n a cq ui si ti ons b y a nd fr o m no n -re s ide n t s ( t r an s ac ti ons ra ng e from org a ni c joi nt ve nt u r e s t o f in an c ial s t a kes b y v enture ca p i ta l and P E i n v e s t o r s ) , e s p e c ially i n se ctors whe re fo r e i g n i n v e s t m e n t is s u bj e c t to restri cti ons, il l us t r a t i ve ly, r e al e s t at e , de fence, a nd re ta i l . J usti n h a s a l s o s t r u c t u r e d t r a n s ac t ions, a nd a d v i se d Ind i a n c l i e n t s a c q u ir in g c o m pa n ie s offshore .

ELP has a unique positioning amongst law firms in India as being the only law firm which has consistently offered comprehensive qualitative services across both indirect and direct taxes (including transfer pricing), as also, across the entire spectrum of transactional, advisory and litigation work. In any accounting year, ELP consistently services in excess of 150 client engagements in relation to the entire spectrum of tax work. This includes most of India’s most powerful domestic companies and a large cross section of the Global 500 MNCs operating in India.

• • •

• •

In the course of LGS’ more than 28 years of service, we have secured our position as the premier Indonesian corporate transaction and commercial litigation law firm. This combination of commercial law experience and litigation uniquely positions LGS to deal with the full range of commercial issues faced by our clients. We have experience representing a diverse range of clients, including domestic and multinational corporations, public and private companies, Government instrumentalities and State Owned Enterprises. We work closely with our clients to understand their problems, determine their needs, and arrive at practical solutions that are both cost-effective and viable over the long term.

Advisin g th e Relian c e AD A Grou p on th eir divestmen t of M u dra Commu n ic ation s. Advisin g Relian c e Capital Asset M an agemen t on th e divestmen t by Eton Park. Advisin g th e Relian c e AD A Grou p on several man dates relatin g to in vestmen ts th ey h ave made. Advisin g an d represen tin g th e Relian c e AD A Grou p in respec t to th e proc eedin gs before th e Spec ial Cou rt, D elh i High Cou rt, an d Su preme Cou rt in th e ‘2G Sc am’ c ase. Advisin g D an on e S.A . on th eir I n dia Bu sin ess in c lu din g th e join t ven tu re with th e Naran g Grou p. Advisin g Verizon on th e exit of th eir I n dian join t ven tu re partn er from VCI P L.

We strive on addressing the challenges faced by our clients and approach them with a pragmatic view that is driven by a deep understanding of their business needs and of the surrounding practicalities of the legal and business landscape that they operate in. Tel: +91 22 6132 3900 Mob: +91 98201 45774 E - m a i l : j u st i n . b h a r u c h a @ b h a r u c h a . i n

One of our unique selling points is the combination of our long-standing commercial law practice and our premier litigation department that has extensive experience in dealing with commercial disputes in the context of alternative dispute resolution as well as litigation in the Indonesian courts. This allows our corporate transaction departments to benefit from such litigation experience to ensure that any transactions handled by the firm are carried out with a view to the potential for future disputes and any existing risks.

LGS has obtained Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance certifications of ISO 9001:2008 for Quality Management systems and ISO 14001:2004 for Environmental Management systems to ensure the quality of the firm’s operations. Representative Clients: Adaro Indonesia; American Bureau of Shipping; Astra International; Astratel Nusantara; Bank Mandiri; Charoen Pokphand Indonesia; DBS Bank; Goldman Sachs; Government of the Republic of Indonesia; Hitachi; Hutchison (Hong Kong); Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund; Japan Tobacco International Indonesia; Krakatau Steel; Liga Primer Indonesia (LPI); Medco Energi International; Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia; Mitsui & Co.; Mitsui Banking Corporation; Pamapersada Nusantara; Sampoerna Strategic; Sime Darby (Malaysia); Simpson, Spence & Young (SSY); Standard Chartered Bank; Sumitomo; Temasek Holdings; and Unilever Indonesia.


M e n a r a I m p e r i u m , 3 0 t h F lo o r , J l . H . R . R a s u n a S a i d K av . 1 , J a k a rta 1 2 9 8 0 , I N D O N E S I A

Te l N o + 6 2 2 1 8 3 1 5 0 0 5 g a n i e @ l g s l a w. c o . i d w w w. l g s o n l i n e . c o m




In the course of LGS’ more than 28 years of service, we have secured our position as the premier Indonesian corporate transaction and commercial litigation law firm. This combination of commercial law experience and litigation uniquely positions LGS to deal with the full range of commercial issues faced by our clients. We have experience representing a diverse range of clients, including domestic and multinational corporations, public and private companies, Government instrumentalities and State Owned Enterprises. We work closely with our clients to understand their problems, determine their needs, and arrive at practical solutions that are both cost-effective and viable over the long term. Mohamed Idwan (‘Kiki’) Ganie is the Managing Partner of Lubis Ganie Surowidjojo (LGS). He graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Indonesia and holds a PhD in Law from the University of Hamburg. Dr. Ganie has more than 30 years of legal experience, and specializes in commercial transactions and commercial litigation, and is a member of the Indonesian Association of Capital Market Lawyers.


In the course of LGS’ more than 28 years of service, we have secured our position as the premier Indonesian corporate transaction and commercial litigation law firm. This combination of commercial law experience and litigation uniquely positions LGS to deal with the full range of commercial issues faced by our clients. We have experience representing a diverse range of clients, including domestic and multinational corporations, public and private companies, Government instrumentalities and State Owned Enterprises. We work closely with our clients to understand their problems, determine their needs, and arrive at practical solutions that are both cost-effective and viable over the long term.

LGS is known as one of the Indonesian leading law firms in the capital market area. It has provided legal services to its clients (issuers and underwriters) in more than one hundred capital market transaction projects including Initial Public Offering (IPO), bonds issue, rights issue, merger and acquisition of public companies, investment and divestment of public companies, tender offer, conflict of interest transactions, etc. Some of LGS’ clients are those among the “blue chips” companies such as Astra International, Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna, Charoen Phokphand groups, Ramayana Lestari Sentosa, Bank Universal, United Tractors, Astra Otoparts and others. Our representations include Legal Consultant for Underwriters, Bonds Issue in Foreign Stock Exchanges and Transaction under 144A Rules and/or 1065 Rules. LGS has obtained Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance certifications of ISO 9001:2008 for Quality Management systems and ISO 14001:2004 for Environmental Management systems to ensure the quality of the firm’s operations.

LGS has obtained Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance certifications of ISO 9001:2008 for Quality Management systems and ISO 14001:2004 for Environmental Management systems to ensure the quality of the firm’s operations.

We strive on addressing the challenges faced by our clients and approach them with a pragmatic view that is driven by a deep understanding of their business needs and of the surrounding practicalities of the legal and business landscape that they operate in. LU B I S G A N I E S U R O W I DJ OJ O

M e n a r a I m p e r i u m , 3 0 t h F lo o r , J l . H . R . R a s u n a S a i d K av . 1 , J a k a rta 1 2 9 8 0 , I N D O N E S I A

Te l N o + 6 2 2 1 8 3 1 5 0 0 5 g a n i e @ l g s l a w. c o . i d w w w. l g s o n l i n e . c o m


One of our unique selling points is the combination of our long-standing commercial law practice and our premier litigation department that has extensive experience in dealing with commercial disputes in the context of alternative dispute resolution as well as litigation in the Indonesian courts. This allows our corporate transaction departments to benefit from such litigation experience to ensure that any transactions handled by the firm are carried out with a view to the potential for future disputes and any existing risks.


M e n a r a I m p e r i u m , 3 0 t h F lo o r , J l . H . R . R a s u n a S a i d K av . 1 , J a k a rta 1 2 9 8 0 , I N D O N E S I A

Te l N o + 6 2 2 1 8 3 1 5 0 0 5 g a n i e @ l g s l a w. c o . i d w w w. l g s o n l i n e . c o m



In the course of LGS’ more than 28 years of service, we have secured our position as the premier Indonesian corporate transaction and commercial litigation law firm. This combination of commercial law experience and litigation uniquely positions LGS to deal with the full range of commercial issues faced by our clients. We have experience representing a diverse range of clients, including domestic and multinational corporations, public and private companies, Government instrumentalities and State Owned Enterprises. We work closely with our clients to understand their problems, determine their needs, and arrive at practical solutions that are both cost-effective and viable over the long term.

corporate/company law, banking law, finance, bankruptcy and restructuring, mining, investment, acquisitions, infrastructure projects/project finance, antitrust, and shipping/aviation, with a particular focus on corporate governance and compliance.

We strive on addressing the challenges faced by our clients and approach them with a pragmatic view that is driven by a deep understanding of their business needs and of the surrounding practicalities of the legal and business landscape that they operate in.

Adaro Indonesia; American Bureau of Shipping; Astra International; Astratel Nusantara; Bank Mandiri; Charoen Pokphand Indonesia; DBS Bank; Goldman Sachs; Government of the Republic of Indonesia; Hitachi; Hutchison (Hong Kong); Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund; Japan Tobacco International Indonesia; Krakatau Steel; Liga Primer Indonesia (LPI); Medco Energi International; Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia; Mitsui & Co.; Mitsui Banking Corporation; Pamapersada Nusantara; Sampoerna Strategic; Sime Darby (Malaysia); Simpson, Spence & Young (SSY); Standard Chartered Bank; Sumitomo; Temasek Holdings; and Unilever Indonesia.

Mohamed Idwan (‘Kiki’) Ganie is the Managing Partner of Lubis Ganie Surowidjojo (LGS). He graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Indonesia and holds a PhD in Law from the University of Hamburg. Dr. Ganie has more than 30 years of legal experience, and specializes in commercial transactions and commercial litigation, including alternative dispute resolution and has acted as an expert in a number court and arbitration proceedings. His expertise covers general

In litigation, due to the differences of legal systems and legal realities, we have a close and intense working relationship with our foreign clients to ensure that they understand any legal impact and options available under Indonesian law (which might not be similar to the impact and options in their own jurisdictions in the same situation), so that they can have the available results and options commercially “translated” and realistically analyzed at each stage of the proceedings.


In the course of LGS’ more than 28 years of service, we have secured our position as the premier Indonesian corporate transaction and commercial litigation law firm. This combination of commercial law experience and litigation uniquely positions LGS to deal with the full range of commercial issues faced by our clients. We have experience representing a diverse range of clients, including domestic and multinational corporations, public and private companies, Government instrumentalities and State Owned Enterprises. We work closely with our clients to understand their problems, determine their needs, and arrive at practical solutions that are both cost-effective and viable over the long term.

LGS has obtained Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance certifications of ISO 9001:2008 for Quality Management systems and ISO 14001:2004 for Environmental Management systems to ensure the quality of the firm’s operations. Representative Clients:


M e n a r a I m p e r i u m , 3 0 t h F lo o r , J l . H . R . R a s u n a S a i d K av . 1 , J a k a rta 1 2 9 8 0 , I N D O N E S I A

Te l N o + 6 2 2 1 8 3 1 5 0 0 5 g a n i e @ l g s l a w. c o . i d w w w. l g s o n l i n e . c o m

One of our unique selling points is the combination of our long-standing commercial law practice and our premier litigation department that has extensive experience in dealing with commercial disputes in the context of alternative dispute resolution as well as litigation in the Indonesian courts. This allows our corporate transaction departments to benefit from such litigation experience to ensure that any transactions handled by the firm are carried out with a view to the potential for future disputes and any existing risks.

LGS is proud to underline the role it has played in the restructuring process of the Indonesian banks. Since the aftermath of the economic crisis, LGS has become one of the leading law firms involved in the rebuilding of the economy its role as the primary counsel to the Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA). LGS has been actively involved in the process of suspension, take over and due diligence of the troubled banks. It has also played vital roles in the drafting of banking law amendments, Indonesian banks re-capitalization, settlement arrangements with the former owners, due diligence and negotiations in debt restructuring under IBRA supervision, as well as implementing other IBRA assignments. LGS has obtained Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance certifications of ISO 9001:2008 for Quality Management systems and ISO 14001:2004 for Environmental Management systems to ensure the quality of the firm’s operations. LU B I S G A N I E S U R O W I DJ OJ O

M e n a r a I m p e r i u m , 3 0 t h F lo o r , J l . H . R . R a s u n a S a i d K av . 1 , J a k a rta 1 2 9 8 0 , I N D O N E S I A

Te l N o + 6 2 2 1 8 3 1 5 0 0 5 g a n i e @ l g s l a w. c o . i d w w w. l g s o n l i n e . c o m


Cho & Partners

South Korea


Dr. M. Idwan Ganie Mohamed Idwan (‘Kiki’) Ganie is the Managing Partner of Lubis Ganie Surowidjojo (LGS). He graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Indonesia and holds a PhD in Law from the University of Hamburg. Dr. Ganie has more than 30 years of legal experience, and specializes in commercial transactions and commercial litigation, including alternative dispute resolution and has acted as an expert in a number court and arbitration proceedings. His expertise covers general corporate/company law, banking law, finance, bankruptcy and restructuring, mining, investment, acquisitions, infrastructure projects/project finance, antitrust, and shipping/aviation, with a particular focus on corporate governance and compliance.

clients to understand their problems, determine their needs, and arrive at practical solutions that are both cost-effective and viable over the long term.

Lubis Ganie Surowidjojo Law Firm

LGS has obtained Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance certifications of ISO 9001:2008 for Quality Management systems and ISO 14001:2004 for Environmental Management systems to ensure the quality of the firm’s operations.

In the course of LGS’ more than 28 years of service, we have secured our position as the premier Indonesian corporate transaction and commercial litigation law firm. This combination of commercial law experience and litigation uniquely positions LGS to deal with the full range of commercial issues faced by our clients. We have experience representing a diverse range of clients, including domestic and multinational corporations, public and private companies, Government instrumentalities and State Owned Enterprises. We work closely with our

One of our unique selling points is the combination of our long-standing commercial law practice and our premier litigation department that has extensive experience in dealing with commercial disputes in the context of alternative dispute resolution as well as litigation in the Indonesian courts. This allows our corporate transaction departments to benefit from such litigation experience to ensure that any transactions handled by the firm are carried out with a view to the potential for future disputes and any existing risks.


M e n a r a I m p e r i u m , 3 0 t h F lo o r , J l . H . R . R a s u n a S a i d K av . 1 , J a k a rta 1 2 9 8 0 , I N D O N E S I A

Te l N o + 6 2 2 1 8 3 1 5 0 0 5 g a n i e @ l g s l a w. c o . i d w w w. l g s o n l i n e . c o m


Awarded Myanmar‘s Corporate Tax law firm of the year (ACQ Magazine), we are widely recognized and uniquely equipped for investment and M& A transactions, and for specialized corporate tax advisory. In addition, we offer a wide range of top-end commercial legal services. WHAT SETS US APART IN MYANMAR? • Size matters: with over 25 foreign and local lawyers and advisors on the ground, we are a leading firm in Myanmar. • We do not cover Myanmar largely from an overseas location. Our team of advisors, including expatriates and the partners, actually reside in Yangon full-time. • In Myanmar, the unpublished practices by authorities are of singular importance to how things will work in reality. Based on our unique working relationship with the authorities, we are able to advise with a higher degree of detail and certainty.

OUR PRACTICE AREAS Legal Advisory Our lawyers have built up a wealth of knowledge and expertise in a broad range of areas with leading international or regional law firms. At VDB Loi, the legal team focuses mainly on transactions in M&A, investment, real estate, resources, energy, infrastructure and capital markets. • • • • •

Corporate tax structuring Tax efficient market entry advisory services Real estate tax structuring Oil, gas and mining tax services Customs and excise advisory

• • • • •

Investment transactions Mergers & acquisitions Real estate transactions Oil, gas and mining transactions Capital markets

The firm was established in 2002 by two senior members who decided to leave a large firm environment to create a more focused, efficient and responsive practice. Based on the reputation and capabilities of the founding members, as well as the established trust and loyalty with their clients, the firm was immediately active representing multi-national clients. The firm’s clients are among the most recognized names and leaders in various business sectors, such as software and technology, retailing, luxury goods and fashion, energy, etc.

owners and manages among the most active and effective anticounterfeiting and enforcement programs in the country.

Since its establishment, the firm has continued to grow, a result of the firm’s uncompromising emphasis on maintaining its reputation for the highest level of service, professionalism and integrity. This philosophy and commitment has been essential in developing and servicing the firm’s prestigious list of clients, whose needs are sophisticated and whose matters have global impact.

Another member of the firm, Ik Hyun Seo, serves as a panelist for WIPO. The firm’s litigation practice is particularly active. The firm has successfully obtained several landmark decisions for its clients and is at the forefront of new developments in Korea.

• • • • •

Energy Infrastructure Compliance Corporate & commercial law International trade

The firm is also very active with domain name disputes, successfully reclaiming domain name registrations from cyber-squatters for trademark owners. Tae-Yeon Cho serves as outside counsel for the Internet Address Domain Name Dispute Resolution Committee, the government body that administers Korean domain name disputes.

Languages Spoken: English, Korean, Japanese, Portuguese and French Number of lawyers: 12 Contacts: Tae-Yeon Cho, Ik-Hyun Seo

Intellectual property practice


The firm has a strong and diverse practice in all aspects of intellectual property. It is very active with both domestic and international prosecution practice in both trademarks and patents, as well as related disputes and administrative proceedings. Aside from prosecution matters, the firm and its members have become particularly well-known for its capabilities in the areas of litigation, anti-counterfeiting and internet related matters.

Patents, Trademarks & Copyrights Administrative Actions Domain Names & Internet Issues Unfair Competition Litigation IP Enforcement Programs Licensing & Distribution Legislative Matters

In the area of anti-counterfeiting and enforcement, the firm has developed a very strong reputation for its effective and creative programs in combating many difficult problems in

Mergers & acquisitions and tax due diligence International and regional tax optimization Transfer pricing advisory Taxation of banks and financial services Controversy and litigation

Tax Advisory VDB Loi is widely recognized as a leading tax advisory firm. We offer a full range of professional tax services, from corporate tax structuring to due diligence. With tax advisors working in close conjunction with our transactional lawyers, VDB Loi is in a unique position to structure transactions in a tax efficient manner. • • • • •

Korea. The firm represents many brand

The firm is proud of its approach and reputation for nurturing very close and personal relationships with its clients, the foundation of the firm’s ability to know its clients and thereby serve their needs more effectively and efficiently.

CORPORATE TAX LAW FIRM OF THE YEAR VDB Loi provides the highest quality integrated legal and tax solutions for transactions and investment in Myanmar. With over 25 foreign and local lawyers and advisors in our offices in Yangon and Nay Pyi Taw, we are a leading firm in Myanmar.

Firm overview

J ea n L oi J e a n L o i i s w i d e ly r e c o g n i z e d a s o n e o f t h e r e g i o n ’ s m o st e x p e r i e n c e d p r o f e s s i o n a l a d v i s o r s w i t h a C PA b a c kg r o u n d . S h e wa s f o r m e r ly a p a rt n e r w i t h P r i c e w at e r h o u s e C o o p e r s i n S o ut h e a st A s i a . A s t h e m a n a g i n g p a rt n e r o f V D B L oi , J ea n h as ex t e ns i v e ex p e r i e nc e w i t h l i c e n s i n g e n e r g y , p o w e r , p r o p e rt y a n d c o n s u m e r p r o d u c t p r o j e c t s . H e r M ya n m a r ta x e x p e r i e n c e i s u n s u r p a s s e d . S h e l i v e s i n Ya n g o n .

V D B L oi F lo o r 8 , U n i t 8 A , C e nt r e p o i nt To w e r s , N o . 6 5 , C o r n e r o f S u l e Pa g o d a R o a d & M e r c h a nt S t r e e t , K ya u k ta d a T o w n s h i p , Ya n g o n T : E : w:

+95 942 112 9769 j ea n @ v d b - loi . c o m w w w . v d b - loi . c o m

C H O & PA R T N E R S 6 t h a n d 1 3 t h F lo o r s A n n J ay To w e r 208 Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu S e o u l 1 3 5 - 0 8 0 S o ut h K o r e a Tel: +82 2 6207 6800 Fax: +82 2 6207 6801 E m a i l : i h s e o @ c h o l aw . c o m W e b s i t e : w w w . c h o l aw . c o m




BEST LABOR LAW - MANAGEMENT LAW FIRM OF THE YEAR BEST LABOR LAW - MANAGEMENT LAWYER OF THE YEAR, KATHARINA VÖLKL, VÖLKL. RECHTSANWÄLTE Facing challenges in the corporate world these days it will be easy to become aware of the most imminent problems that are rarely tackled on their root causes. Companies have to be a substantial step ahead of competition in terms of customer value unless they want to struggle in the lowest price segment. This substantial step ahead always dwells on one fundament: innovation.



Prosecution Infringement Litigation

1 3 th F l. , 2 7 Se c. 3, Chung Sa n N. Rd ., Taipei 104, Taiw an , R.O.C. Te l: 8 8 6 - 2 -2 5 856688 Fax: 886- 2- 25989900/ 25978989 e m a i l @ d e e p n f a r. c o m . t w w w w. d e e p n f a r. c o m . t w

本所有如璞玉或玉礦,得永續無盡開採,讓所擁知識產權生輝' We are just like an uncut jade or unexplored gem mine. If you use us, you shall soon feel like discovering treasures and find your IP portfolio shining its light forever.

深邃胸懷、淵博知識與精進不懈,始見榮耀之肇。 Deep In Mind, Knowledge and Efforts, Far Goal In.

Vietnam BANKING & FINANCE / CAPI TAL MARKE TS / CORPORATE / M&A LAW FIRM OF THE YEAR VCI LEGAL is a full-service business law firm founded by Mr. Tuan A. Phung with the practice began since 2002. The firm provides a wide range of legal services and has gained strong reputation for successfully handling corporate, commercial, financial and contentious matters. It advises extensively on corporate, securities, banking and finance, M&A, FDI and cross-border transactions, antitrust, dispute resolution, tax and transfer pricing, IP and real estate matters. VCI Legal has developed strong working relationships with a network of leading law firms worldwide and works closely with banks, financial institutions, funds and other legal professionals to successfully support business in Vietnam’s fast growing economy. The high quality of VCIL services has been consistently acknowledged by various international legal publications rating agencies and its clients. The firm’s ability to provide well-reasoned and comprehensive legal advice to SMEs, Fortune 500 companies, financial institutions has led to the firm’s expansion to become one of the leading firms in Vietnam, with offices in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. With 27 fee earners in its team, and the extensive corresponding firms, VCI Legal is large enough to advise on any complex transaction, yet small enough to care about personal needs of each client. VCI Legal’s lawyers all have strong international backgrounds and extensive experience to provide business-oriented legal solutions to both international and local companies.

VCI Legal has represented and advised a number of international MNCs and SMEs, including Shell, Total, BP, KONE, HP, Schneider, Nestlé, Coca-Cola, Samsung, New World Group, Accor, Starwood Hotels and Unilever, as well as Prudential, IBM, Deutsche bank, the Overseas Commonwealth Bank of Australia and the Bank of India. Tuan Phung, Managing Partner of VCI Legal, has over 20 years’ of experience advising companies such as. He is also one of the few Vietnamese corporate lawyers who is internationally-trained in private practice and possess vast in-house experience. Currently serving as the Honorary Consul General for Finland in Ho Chi Minh City, Mr. Phung also serves as Vice Chairman for the Vietnam Association of Financial Investors – VAFI, Board Member for the EUROCHAM and the Young Business Association in HCMC, Mr. Phung has advised investors on a wide range of matters since Vietnam first opened its doors to foreign investment, including corporate and securities, banking and finance, M&A, commercial transactions, antitrust, venture capital, IP and real estate.

Tuan Phung

M a n a g i n g Pa rt n e r

vci lega l H o C h i M i n h C i t y O f fi c e S u i t e 5 0 1 , 5 / F S a i l i n g To w e r , 1 1 1 A Pa st e u r S t r e e t , D i st r i c t 1

H a n o i O f fi c e

9 t h F lo o r , A C B B u i l d i n g 1 0 P h a n C h u T r i n h St r e et , H o a n K i e m D i st r i c t E : w:

tu a n p hu ng@vci-lega www.vci-lega

„We at Völkl Rechtsanswälte with 80 years of successful client relations are proud of having reacted in a swift way to the newest and most critical market demands. International clients can now rely also on our new initiative Stadtt, that accompanies their business transformation to success.“ explains Katharina Völkl. As a business law firm leader, Katharina discovered how law prudence and business grit can diverge. The excellent concepts of lawyers too often lack the foundations of market realities. On the other hand, management consulting too often excludes the juridicial viewpoint in its high-gloss elaborations. The answer is a company that is founded from both sides: law and management consulting. Together with Peter Buchas, who brings in year-long experience from international business excellence consulting projects and training, Katharina explains, where the success of Stadtt is rooted: „We understand that innovation is crucial for success on a long term. Where is innovation coming from? The answer is simple though hard to accept from most clients. It’s all about simplifying processes, and

optimizing legal frameworks for a nurturing working environment. Rising complexity only can be transformed into productivity by motivated and creative employees. We create companies of success and workplaces of meaning.“ What seems sound and evident, under the pressure of cost reduction and fastest time-to-market, most companies cannot realize a working framework wherein motivated colleagues create products and services of high customer value. Stadtt accompanies humans on their path to a solution. Katharina’s partner Peter Buchas summarizes the success of Stadtt: „We never change people or firms. Rather we foster a development that is nurtured by relations, communication, mindful interaction up to more „technical“ improvement, that is built upon process improvement or legal due diligence. Therefore we lead an integrated approach of alternative conflict resolution, project remediation and corporate culture development.“ Stadtt—active in Europe and overseas—is reknown as highly effective intervention when enterprises encounter crises, face conflicts or want to increase their organisational innovative power.

K at h a r i n a V ö l k l

Katharina Völkl together with her partner Peter Buchas develops companies. And changes law and consulting business.


+43 1 317 71 01


o f fi c e @ r a - v o e l k l . at


h t t p : / / w w w . r a - v o e l k l . at /

V ö l k l . R e c h t s a n w ä lt e V ö l k l . R e c h t s a n w ä lt e N u s s d o r f e r st r a ß e 1 0 - 1 2 1090 Wien




AFSCHRIF T, listed 3 times in and 3 times recipient of the Belgian legal awards, is a multi-awarded 24 lawyers boutique law fir m established in Br ussels, Antwerp, Geneva, Luxembourg, Madrid, Tel Aviv and, lately, Hong Kong. AFSCHRIF T’s lawyers engage in all matters (inter national) business law and more specifically tax and inter national law, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, inter national tax planning and optimization, consultancy and litigation, as well as consultancy on taxation related to financial instr uments. The fir m provides state-of -the-art tax legal ser vices to its clients, while respecting the highest standards of integrity and professional ethics. It has adopted a boutique for m, as tax law requires a constant and almost exclusive practice of the tax law, a high level of confidentially and a personalized ser vice. The fir m remains, continuously, in an in-depth and up-to date knowledge condition, as its clients evolve in an ever-changing world on crisis, while complying with an important number of laws and regulations, and all this in an increasingly competitive business environment; this is also the case of individuals who, within the sphere of their private life, tr y to optimize their planning in order to transmit their fortune to the future generations when they do not defend their selves against the tax administration. This year ’s recipient of the Lawyer of the year award for Belgium, Mrs. Muriel Igalson leads the fir m’s real estate practice and is considered as one of the most prominent lawyers in her field. She has participated in the most important real estate transactions of the last years and also concentrates on complex planning of real estate assets and relevant tax litigation. Further more, in the fir m’s culture, it is essential to couple the traditional lawyer ’s practical approach to a solid scientific background. Most of its partners our partners, as well as several associates, teach tax law in Belgian universities; actually, they are either professors at the Solvay Business School, either professor-assistants at the Free University of Br ussels.

Professor Thierr y Afschrif t, the managing partner of the fir m, is the founder and Chair man of the Master on Tax Management; he is also a deputy judge to the Court of appeal of Br ussels, while being admitted to the Br ussels, Antwerp and Madrid Bar, while being member of Luxembourg, Geneva and Hong Kong bars. The fir m’s lawyers participate actively to most of the conferences on tax topics organized either by Belgian or foreign universities, private companies or the Bar. The fir m is famous for its creativity in the field of tax and estate planning for individuals; notwithstanding today ’s particularly difficult legal and economic environment, where gover nments through Europe constantly set new tax measures, AFSCHRIF T’s lawyer help their clients to overcome difficulties and prepare the future in the most advantageous tax way. This is AFSCHRIF T lawyers’ more important activity, on a legal as well as human level, as AFSCHRIF T’s lawyers provide all the help necessar y to individuals who, within the sphere of their private life, tr y to optimize their planning in order to transmit their fortune to the future generations. The fir m’s clientele also includes industrial and commercial companies, Luxembourgian, Swiss and Belgian banks, as well as companies established out of Belgium. Due to the partners’ expertise on European tax law, as well as their specific knowledge of Swiss, Belgian, Luxembourgian, Spanish, Israeli and Hong Kong companies and tax law, AFSCHRIF T’s lawyers are in position to help companies to achieve the best optimization of their tax situation. In this frame, the fir m has also been a pioneer in the field of Islamic banking and finance, because of the possibilities offered by the particular mechanisms of Islamic finance, especially for the companies. Moreover, the fir m is the only Belgian member of ISFIN (Islamic finance lawyers) and created several financial products for its clients, based on the Islamic finance principles. In conclusion, the AFSCHRIF T’s lawyers constantly tr y to achieve their client’s targets, while respecting the law and their professional ethics; and they always accomplish their mission inspired by the fir m’s distinctive philosophy: go off the beaten tracks.

M rs . M u r i e l IGA LS O N L AW Y E R AFSCHRIF T Av e n u e Lo u i s e 2 0 8 B-1050 Bruxelles


+ 32 2 646 46 36


W: w w w.afschr if


Czech Republic

LAW FIRM OF THE YEAR Established in 1984, Christodoulos G. Vassiliades & Co. LLC (CGV) swiftly developed a reputation of excellence and diligence, and is now internationally acknowledged as one of the leading law firms on the island. The firm has a sizeable national and international corporate network with two offices in Cyprus (Nicosia, Limassol) and affiliated teams in Russia, Hungary, Greece, Belize, Malta and Seychelles. This complex structure enables CGV to provide international perspectives and support for cross-border transactions. CGV is a pioneer in the concept of providing comprehensive services that meet all client needs. It offers the diverse professional skills of approximately 140 employees including qualified lawyers, legal tax consultants and administrators, all dedicated to the prompt provision of personalised advice and quality services. Our competitive advantage is comprised of our broad, nonetheless, in-depth industry knowledge in an array of areas. We are a one-stop firm, equipped to advise high-profile corporate and private clients, both on domestic and international law, in matters of: • • • • • •

Corporate and Commercial M&A Contractual Drafting Intellectual Property Trusts and Property Banking and Finance

• • • • •


Maritime and Admiralty Tax and International Tax Planning European and Competition Migration Dispute Resolution

In evidence of our high quality services, we have been recognised by a world-renowned rating organisation, namely Legal 500, as a top-tier firm in a number of these practice fields. CGV also maintains an extensive international network of correspondent law firms like Interlaw and Mackrell International, equipping it to promptly and efficiently cater for international clientele. It is also a member of prestigious associations such as the International Fiscal Association, International Tax Planning Association and International Trademark Association, hence ensuring its lawyers remain abreast of legal and business developments.

M r . C h r i st o d o u l o s G . Va s s i l i a d e s

A d v o c at e / M a n a g i n g D i r e c t o r E m a i l : c g v @ va s s l a w . n e t

Finally, Managing Director (Christodoulos G. Vassiliades) and Deputy Managing Director (Louisa Massonidou) have been appointed by the Belize International Services Commission as Deputy Registrars of the International Merchant Marine Registry of Belize (IMMARBE) for Cyprus and Greece. Furthermore, Mr. Vassiliades has been appointed as the Honorary Consul of Belize. This constitutes another unique selling point since CGV is duly authorised to administer vessels under the Belize Flag immediately from Cyprus or Greece.

Ms. Louisa Masson idou

A d v o c at e / D e p ut y M a n a g i n g D i r e c t o r

Ms. Kou ll a De metr iou

A d v o c at e / H e a d o f t h e C o r p o r at e D e p a rt m e nt

Va s s i l i a d e s & C o L LC 1 5 , A g i o u Pav lo u S t r e e t , L e d r a H o u s e , Agio s A n d r eas , 1 1 0 5 N ic o si a , Cy p r us T: E : W:

Above all we deal with, among the advisory on real estate property transactions (e.g. sale, purchase or lease of apartments and commercial property), drafting all documents relating to real estate financing, drafting all security related documents (mortgages, lien over property and other assets including sets of movable assets, lien over IP or a business or part thereof, security / collateral agreements relating to banking accounts, shares and ownership interests, as well as numerous fiduciary assignments of rights demanded by banks), arranging registration and all other related steps, including advice on governing law. Moreover, we focus on advisory to developers, on investment in real estate, lease and sublease agreements, liens on real estate, creation of easements, building law.

+86-21-5878 1965 c g v @ va s s l aw . n e t w w w . va s s l aw . c o m


Our law firm provides its services at a high professional level, quickly and with complete independence. Two of our key values that help to drive businesses of our clients are flexibility and personal approach that we manage to maintain through the hard work of our young but skilled colleagues who are at all times prepared to offer tailor-made solutions. Within the scope of legal assistance, our law firm provides prevailingly advisory services in selecting the most suitable procedure with a view to clients needs, prepares various documents and arranges for the preparation of opinions and legal analyses. The highest level of professionalism that we try to maintain encompasses taking into account forthcoming legal amendments, detailed continuous study of judicature of both the national and European courts. However, while focusing on professionalism we never forget that it goes hand in hand with a personal approach which ensures that clients can always rely on our services and we provide our best in the shortest possible time with a broad level of transparency and detailed records of our performance.

JUDr. Rich a r d Gür l ich, PhD. GÜRLICH & Co. Po litickych veznu 19 110 00 Prague 1 Czech Republic T: E : W:

+420 222 101 591



Tas s o s P a p ad o po u lo s & A s s oci a tes L LC i s one of the l e a d i n g l a w f ir m s in C y p r u s t ha t p rov i d es a ful l ra ng e o f l e g a l s e r v ic e s . T h e F ir m is p rofe ssi ona l l y com m i tt e d t o p r o v id in g h igh q u alit y a nd cost- effecti v e l eg a l s e r vi c e s , a f a c t w h ic h is r e f lecte d throug h i ts v a l ued c l i e n t e l e . T h e f ir m ’ s o b j e c t ive a nd com m i tm e nt i s to pr o vi d e h igh qu alit y, sp eed y re sp onse a nd c o s t -e f f e c t iv e le ga l s e r v ic e s and to m e et the d e m a nd s o f t h e mo d e r n s p e c ializ e d le ga l p ra cti ce wi th sp e ci a l em p h a s i s o n c o n f ide n t ialit y. In t r a ns a c t io n al an d n o n - c ontenti ous b usi ne ss, the f o c u s o f t h e f ir m ' s wo r k is i n b a nki ng a nd fi na nce, c o r p o r a t e la w, f in an c ial s e r v i ce s, a cq ui si ti ons of c o m p a ni e s an d p r o p e r t y, pu bl i c tend ers, m e rg ers a nd jo i nt ve n t u r e s , t h e f in a n c in g o f m a jor ca p i ta l p roje cts, IP Os a nd pu blic lis t in g s . In t h e a r e a o f lit iga t io n , t h e fi r m ha s a v e r y strong t e a m o f h i g h ly e x p e r ie n c e d liti g a ti on l a wy e rs i n e v er y m a jo r f i e l d o f c iv il lit ig a t io n and a rb i tra ti on i ncl ud i ng ba n k i n g an d f in a n c e , c o m p eti ti on, corp ora te a nd c o m me r c i al, c o n s t r u c t io n , in sura nce, a nd contra cts. The c l i e nt e le o f t h e f ir m in c l ud es l oca l a nd i nte r na t i o na l b a n k in g in s t it u t io n s, sem i - g ov er nm enta l o r g a n i z a t i o n s in c lu d in g t h e Cy p r us Stock Ex cha ng e , m un i c i p a l i t ie s an d o t h e r lo ca l a uthori ti e s, i nd i v i d ual s , l o c a l a n d in t e r n a t io n al b ui l d i ng a nd e ng i ne eri ng c o n t r a c t o r s, p h ar m ac e u t ic al com p a ni e s, m e d i ca l eq ui p m e nt c o m pa n ie s , s h ipp i ng ente rp ri ses, l oca l a nd i nt e r na t i o n a l in f o r m a t io n t e c hnol og y com p a ni es,

Our law firm focuses mainly on the following areas of law: Civil law, Corporate and business law, Bankruptcy proceedings, Real Estate law, Family law, Intellectual property, Labor law and Litigation.

p ub l i cl y listed c ompan ies, in vestmen t fir ms, i nsura nc e c ompan ies, profession al fir ms, large b usi ness c on c er n s in c ommerc e, tou rism, h otels, g e ne ra l trade, oil an d oth er fields. The fi r m h as also advised on mergers of in su ran c e com p a nies in Cypr u s an d ac ted in takeover work by v enture c apital fir ms. Th e fir m h as regu larly re p rese n ted loc al an d in ter n ation al c ompan ies before the Cy p r u s Competition Commission on c ompetition l a w i ssues arisin g ou t of takeover, join t ven tu re an d m e rg er agreemen ts as well as in alleged c artel c ases. The Fi r m main tain s an exten sive experien c e in pu blic p rocure men t law. I t h as ac ted for ec on omic operators i n the b iggest BOT projec ts on th e islan d (Airport an d Ma ri na Projec ts) an d is c u rren tly ac tin g on beh alf of econom ic operators or fin an c in g agen ts in th e biggest p rojects ever u n dertaken on th e islan d. B ei ng p r ou d of its h igh ly experien c ed team of lawyers b oth i n c orporate an d litigation fields, th e Fir m ensures th at all c lien ts n eeds are met by offerin g hi g hl y p rofession al legal ser vic es.


N i c o s P a p a e f stat h i o u C E O a n d M a n a g i n g P a rt n e r

Ta s s o s P a p a d o p o u l o s & A s s o c i at e s L L C 2 S o f o u l i S t r e e t , C h a nt e c l a i r B u i l d i n g , 1096 Nicos i a, Cyp rus TEL (+357) 22 889 999 FA X ( + 3 5 7 ) 2 2 8 8 9 9 8 8 n p a p a e f stat h i o u @ t p l a w . c o m . c y m e l i a d e s @ t p l aw . c o m . c y a pa pa d o p o u lo s @ t p l aw . c o m . c y w w w . t p l aw . c o m . c y

Kauttu & Co is a business law firm, helping businesses to navigate the Nordic corporate landscape. We assist domestic companies with local and overseas matters, while also helping foreign companies to do business and invest in Finland and the Nordic region.

effective and to offer real value, we must be able to react to your legal needs and to make ourselves available whenever required. We pay special attention to getting to know and understand your businesses and operations rather than simply pointing out problems.

We assist with commercial transactions and international operations in a diverse collection of industries including technology, manufacturing, heavy industry, energy, transportation, wholesale business, and banking. We provide corporate law services to our clients and advise them on corporate governance issues. Our lawyers counsel industry leaders on competition issues relating to both European Community and national law. We help high-tech companies in developing tomorrow ’s technology and managing risks arising from intellectual property issues. We represent corporate clients, institutional investors, individuals and others, in acquisitions and other transactions involving the purchase or sale of businesses, as well as in related financing and taxation matters. Our attorneys represent developers and contractors in the purchase and development of real estate, the construction and leasing of facilities, and the financing of these activities.

We have extensive experience in serving the business community regarding various aspects of business law in an efficient and cost-effective manner. As an example of our expertise, Kauttu & Co was the winner of the Commercial Law Firm of the year Finland award by ACQ Law Awards in 2013. Our lawyers are highly ranked experts in their fields of practice, with multiple honorees in various areas of business law. Beyond having distinguished themselves in practice, our lawyers are widely recognized speakers and writers. They also are active participants in professional organizations, representing their specialized fields of expertise.

Being a boutique law firm, we aim to assist clients by delivering the quality of professional service expected from large firms, but with greater flexibility, efficiency and responsiveness. We fully realize that in order to be

Kauttu & Co is an exclusive member of the International Referral Group (IR); the largest exclusive group of advisory firms in the world. IR has over 750 members in more than 120 countries, and expertise in over 70 sectors and practice areas. Beyond this, we have established direct professional relationships with law firms across Europe, in North America, and in Asia.

K A U T T U & C O At t o r n e y s Lt d B u l e va r d i 6 FI-00120 Helsinki Finland e : w:

o f f i c e s @ k a ut t u . fi w w w . k a ut t u . fi

T : f :

+358 9 3157 4100 +358 9 3157 4110




Savin Martinet Associés offers a cross-disciplinary range of consulting and litigation corporate-law services in the following areas: -


environmental law (contaminated sites ans soils, classified installations, water, sanitation, waste, pollution…) health and safety law – chemical products and substances (REACH, biocides…) natural resources law (mines, quarries...) urban planning, construction and sustainable real estate law new regulations law (biotechnologies, CO² market, renewable energies...) food law – consumer law labor and economic law litigation, arbitration, mediation

In all of the above fields, the Firm has developed specific expertise in: -

drafting and negotiating contracts (sale and purchase contract, leases, VEFA, BEFA…) legal opinions due diligence for purchase (shares or assets) regulatory audits, risk audits environmental and social reporting criminal, civil or administrative litigation arbitration mediation


KUHNEN & WACKER is a full service intellectual property (IP) law firm which was established more than 35 years ago in Freising/Munich, Germany. The firm represents individual and corporate major global technical innovators. We have a fine blend of senior attorneys with huge experience over time, and younger very energetic attorneys who may, in case of need, rely on the experience of their more senior colleagues.

In analyzing cases, a multi-disciplinary approach is used, which emphasizes specific expertise and teamwork. To ensure effective and optimum processing of the case, teams are composed of lawyers with particular expertise in the relevant areas. Given the organization and management choices (first law firm in Europe to earn the triple certification ISO 9001/year 2000, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001) made by the Firm, its focus on the legal and organizational links between corporate governance, the global quality procedure and corporate social responsibility is a continuous and systematic priority for the Firm’s lawyers. Furthermore, the Firm is located in a haussmannian building which has been renovated according to High Environmental Quality (HEQ) standards. Certivéa delivered in September 2009, the HEQ certificate to the Firm who successfully achieved five “ very high performance” targets, three “high performance” targets and which energetic performances complied with THPE (Très Haute Performance Energétique – Very High Energetic Performance) label’s requirements. The Firm is certified as a training institute by the Ministry of Labor under No. 11.75.38578.75. These training sessions are financially assumed as part of the “1% training”. The Firm also provides client training and performs relevant legal monitoring.

We are a diverse team of presently about 90 persons, 18 of whom are specialized attorneys and attorneys at law. These attorneys are supported by 9 expert patent engineers and specialists, as well as by a highly qualified and multilingual administrative team. As such, we are prepared to handle also complex cases. In order to document the high quality standards that the firm has upheld for years, KUHNEN & WACKER obtained the official ISO 9001:2008 certification. S a v i n M a rt i n e t A s s o c i é s S av i n M a rt i n e t A s s o c i é s 3 3 r u e d e s M at h u r i n s 7 5 0 0 8 Pa r i s France T: E : W:

+33 1 53 43 22 20 m a rt i n e t @ s m a p a r i s . c o m w w w . s m a pa r i s . c o m


The firm is active in the field of Franchise Law throughout Germany and other European countries. Today, BUSSE & MIESSEN are advisors to more than 150 franchisors in Europe and North America. The firm has particular experience in the development, reorganization and expansion of franchise networks. Its Franchise Practice Group focuses exclusively on advising Franchisors and Master Franchisees in the optimization and management of franchise network. It is BUSSE & MIESSEN's paramount priority to advise Franchisors not only in the field of Franchising Law but, equally important, also in strategic questions with respect to international expansion.

Patents, Utility Models, Designs, Trademarks, Domains, Licenses, Topography Protection, Plant Variety Right Protection, Copyrights and Trade Secrets, Intellectual Property Evaluation and Assessment, Defense and Enforcement of intellectual property rights, Portfolio analyses, Due Diligence, Benchmarking, and Consultation Services re the development of IP Strategies. Location: Our offices are conveniently located near Munich airport and are also close to both the European Patent Office and the German Patent and Trademark Office, the Federal Patent Court, as well as to various civil courts. Member of, among others: ABA, AIPPI, AIPLA, INTA, EPI, FICPI, LES, UNION, VPP. K U H N E N & WA C K E R P ri n z - Lu dw ig - St r . 4 0 A 85354 Freising/Munich G e r m a ny

We add value for our clients in many areas, such as licensing, portfolio analysis and management, arbitration and mediation, antitrust issues, competitive benchmarking, and due diligence. Some components of this added value arise from our internal teamwork, external networking, internal technical and IT staff, and frequent seminar presentations in Japan, the U.S.A., China and Europe.

T: E : W:

+49 8161 608 0 i n f o @ k u h n e n - wa c k e r . c o m w w w . k u h n e n - wa c k e r . c o m



BUSSE & MIESSEN combines a fresh perspective with more than 60 of tradition. With a total of more than 25 lawyers, BUSSE & MIESSEN, a medium-sized operation by German standards, pursues a policy preferring strict quality standards, highly personalized client-lawyer relations and arm's length working processes over rapid growth. Long-standing relationships provide a high degree of insight into clients' specific legal concerns, financial issues or personal situation, allowing the professionals at BUSSE & MIESSEN to identify, avoid or resolve conflict, and enabling sensitive and capable problem-solving.

Our services include:


According to the Who’s Who Legal, Dr. Patrick Giesler, who is an essential part of the Franchise Practice Group, is one of the leading German franchise lawyers. He is the author of numerous books and publications on Franchising Law. Furthermore, Dr. Giesler is President and founder of the International Franchise Lawyers’ Association, a worldspanning network of law firms specializing in this field.

Gehrke Zumbroich & Partner, newly established in 2011, is a small and independent integrated, multidisciplinary law firm. Our teams of lawyers, tax advisers and chartered accounts in Bonn and Berlin offer custom-made, individual advice on highest level. Our clients comprise companies, entrepreneurs, freelancers and self-employed persons. We act for companies of various forms and sizes: start-ups, craft businesses, small and medium-sized companies as well as listed companies. Our expertise especially comprises corporate and real estate law, with a specific focus on transactions. In the last years Gehrke Zumbroich & Partner demonstrated its expertise in various real estate and corporate transactions and bidding processes with volumes of up to € 450 mio.

Catering to the needs of foreign clients also outside and beyond the domain of franchising, BUSSE & MIESSEN, from its Berlin, Bonn and Leipzig offices, operates several practice groups where lawyers fully conversant in English provide advice and guidance to companies from all fields of business life, to banks, real estate partnerships and individual investors. Other key specialisations are in Real Estate, Construction and Labour law.


F r a n c h i s e L aw P r a ct ic e G r o u p Ox f o r d St r . 2 1 53111 Bonn G e r m a ny Phone: +49 (0)228 98391-26 Fax: +49 (0)228 630283 E-Ma il: buero.giesler@busse-m Webs ite: www.busse-m

Individual Profile Matthias Gehrke Matthias Gehrke Corporate / M&A Matthias is founding member and managing partner of Gehrke Zumbroich & Partner and heads the Berlin office of Gehrke Zumbroich & Partner. He studied law in Bonn, Bochum and Los Angeles and advises his domestic and foreign clients in German, English and French. With more than 15 years of experience, Matthias advises in all aspects of corporate and real estate law, with a specific focus on merger & acquisitions. He was responsible for various real estate and corporate transactions. Most recently he managed the structural optimization of the real estate portfolio of GSG Asset GmbH & Co. Verwaltungs KG (ORCO-GSG), Berlin. With approx. 815,000 sqm ORCO-GSG is a leading provider of office- and commercial space in Berlin. The transaction, which involved the transfer of real estate with a value of more than EUR 400 Mio., required a

comprehensive amendment of a EUR 269,6 mio. loan agreement and the negotiation of an agreement with the Investitionsbank Berlin and the State of Berlin. Transactions samples: Gehrke Zumbroich & Partner advised a in the course of a reorganization of one of the largest Berlin based real estate portfolio with a transfer of real estate valuing more than € 450 Mio. and comprising a re-negotiation of a € 270 club loan agreement and a privatization agreement with the State of Berlin. Again, the policy of Gehrke Zumbroich & Partner to combine excellent legal advice with a consequent hands-on approach and a client-oriented pragmatism helped to reduce the stress and work load for the client. Gehrke Zumbroich & Partner advised an investor in a bidding process for the acquisition of a quasi-privatized undeveloped land plot in a very attractive Berlin area. The investor and the project partners plan a unique concept for a sustainable development project, combining three areas with (a) an incubator, student apartments and commercial space, (b) a cultural and creative complex with inter alia club, restaurant and creative village and (c) a hotel complex. Areas of Expertise • • • • • • •

Corporate Law. Real Estate. National and international Mergers & Acquisition. Strategic Restructuring. Private Equity and Venture Capital Transactions. Capital Markets Law. Trade and Distribution Law.

G e h r k e Z u m b roic h G e h r k e Z u m b r o i c h & P a rt n e r M at t h i a s G e h r k e B r e g e n z e r St r a ß e 3 D - 1 0707 B e r l i n G e r m a ny

T: E : W:





Apostolos Georgiades & Associates is a highly respected law firm actively involved in both domestic and international transactions and disputes, with a long legal tradition and profound expertise in most areas of Greek law. The firm has been established in 1969 and in the past twenty years has grown and expanded steadily to become one of the leading corporate firms in the country. Currently the firm advises a wide range of national and international corporate clientele on all areas of Greek business law and has developed strong and longlasting liaisons with leading foreign and international law firms in Europe and the USA. The firm stands out for its leading expertise in dispute resolution and for its international arbitration practice. The senior partners of the firm in particular have been serving as umpires, arbitrators, counsellors and experts for more than thirty years in some of the most important disputes in Greece and abroad. The firm has a strong reputation for international construction arbitration, but also undertakes civil and commercial litigation work. The litigation team of lawyers of the firm has discreetly handled some of the weightiest cases ever presented before the Greek and European Courts of Justice.

Apostolos Georgiades & Associates is also active in the fields of implementation of foreign investments in Greece focusing mainly on major real estate development projects and franchising agreements.

Popovici Nitu & Asociatii is one of the main players on the Romanian legal services market, acting primarily in private transactions where it generally represents the interests of investors.

The world leader in client-led intelligence Chambers and Partners directory has commented on Apostolos

By unparalleled focus and intensity in legal work, the Firm brings the best for each and every client, being entirely committed to contribute to the success of its projects. The Firm is renowned for superior legal work, dedication and loyalty towards its clients cause and for the ability to find innovative solutions to the most complex legal issues.

Georgiades & Associates: “This well-respected Athens practice is based on the reputation of its founder Dr Apostolos Georgiades, one of Greece’s most senior and authoritative legal figures. The office specializes in civil law disputes and arbitration and is involved in almost all major cases, either through being chosen by clients themselves or brought in as counsel by other firms be-cause it is a recognised name in the eyes of judges”.

Ass. Prof. George Georgiades M a n a g i n g Pa rt n e r A p o sto l o s G e o r g i a d e s & A s s o c i at e s

1 8 H at z i k o n sta nt i S t r . 1 1 5 2 4 At h e n s G r e e c e

Another major area of work is public procurement, public contracts and privatization. The firm has represented and advised domestic and foreign bidders in international tenders for infrastructure projects and for capital share in public owned companies. It has also significant experience in contract management and administration in relation to infrastructure projects.

Tel.: +30 210 6930960

The Team continues to advise Clients such as São Lourenço do Barrocal, Quinta da Ombria, Companhia Agrícola da Apostiça and Discovery Fund on real estate projects, and also counts a number of high-profile architect practices amongst its client roster. It recently acted for ECS on the development of a prime real estate project in Lisbon and for Sana Hotels and Onyria Group on two high-profile law-suits.

fl o r i a n n i t u M a n a g i n g p a rt n e r

Focusing traditionally to the private sector and to foreign investment projects, the Firm is acknowledged by the vast majority of observers and peers as the transactional law firm among the market leaders.

P O P O V I C I N I T U & A S O C I at I I 2 3 9 C a l e a D o r o b a nt i , 6 t h E x e c ut i v e F lo o r P o sta l C o d e 0 1 0 5 6 7 , 1 st D i st r i c t B u c h a r e st , R o m a n i a T : E : w:

+40 21 317 79 19 o f fi c e @ p n p a rt n e r s . r o w w w . p n p a rt n e r s . r o



The wide range of services provided allow Clients to have “A to Z” legal counseling, regarding every project: from rigorous land planning diagnosis, followed by close preparation and monitoring of all administrative and contractual procedures needed to drive the investment forward, all the way through to market placing of the products (combining all of this with a reputed litigation expertise, whenever needed).

Through its local capabilities, the Firm covers a full range of legal services such as Banking & Finance, Capital Markets, Competition & Antitrust, Corporate & Commercial, Electronic Communications, IT & Media, Employment & Pensions, Energy & Natural Resources, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals, Insurance, Intellectual Property, International Arbitration, Litigation, Mergers & Acquisitions/Privatization, Project Finance/PPP, Concessions & Infrastructure, Public Procurement, Real Estate, Restructuring & Insolvency, Tax.



The Planning & Tourism Team is known for its hands on approach, providing Clients with advice that combines a solid theoretical background and an in depth knowledge of the real estate market and its key stakeholders.

Popovici Nitu & Asociatii was constantly ranked as a top tier counsel by the most prestigious international publications on the legal market, in various areas such as Banking & Finance, Capital Markets, Competition, Energy & Natural Resources, IT & Telecom, Mergers & Acquisitions, Real Estate, Public Procurement and Project Finance.

Popovici Nitu & Asociatii has been ranked first for M&A in Romania by number of deals successfully concluded in 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, and during the period 2005-2011, according to DealWatch’s M&A League Tables.

For all of this, the Team has experienced a sustainable growth led by partner Sofia Galvão, unanimously considered as the reference in Portugal’s planning lawyers and ranked as such in all major international directories. Combining real estate, tourism and planning law, she has an unique approach and her insight is praised by both Clients and Colleagues alike.

Since 2003 ACQ, one of the world's leading markets magazines has singled out of the outstanding institutions and individuals in the sector. Over the years, the Awards for Excellence have evolved with the markets they cover. ACQ's Awards now incorporate more global product categories than any other title in the arena, best-in-class awards in all regions around the world.

In addition to this, Sofia is frequently invited as a guest speaker in national and international events, and was recently appointed by the Government to revise Portugal’s Land Planning Law. Sofia’s second in command, senior associate Hugo Nunes, is widely recognized as one of the most promising planning lawyers in the country, and considered to be a rising star. V ie ir a de Alme ida A v . D u a rt e Pa c h e c o , 2 6 1 0 7 0 - 1 1 0 L i s b o a , P o rt u g a l T : E : w:

+95 942 112 9769 l i s b o a @ v d a . pt w w w . v d a . pt

Since 2008, the ACQ LAW Awards have been celebrating achievement, innovation and brilliance in their annual awards. Anybody can make that claim, but ACQ really is different. It boast a legitimately independent nomination process, most importantly, it’s award winners, are chosen by the industry itself. It deserves special attention that Inmar Legal Ltd was recognized as a leader among Russian regional companies in category Corporate/M&A. Inmar Legal Ltd’s specialists know that from the moment of the creation each company needs the qualified legal support practically on all questions of the activity.

Further, with the development of business, there is necessity of diversification, the structure becomes more involved, and the number of business processes tends to widen. As a result, an acute demand arises in the complex security of legal control for activity of the company and its divisions. The Inmar Legal Ltd has a significant experience of legal consulting on the issues of Corporate Law. The corporation in modern business is much more than the organizational legal form. These are issues of culture of business, image of your company and formation of relations with partners and clients.

i n m a r l e g a l lt d 6 9 0 0 9 1 , 8 fl . , 5 a , U b o r e v i c h a S t r e e t , V l a d i v o st o k , R u s s i a T : E : w:

+7 (423) 265-19-01 s e c r e ta ry @ i n m a r l e g a l . r u




Sojuzpatent is a Russian law firm specializing in the protection of intellectual property. It is the oldest intellectual property law firm in Russia and the former USSR. Organized in 1922 under the auspices of the national Chamber of Commerce, for 70 years Sojuzpatent remained the only organization in the Soviet Union authorized to deal with foreigners in the field of intellectual property protection. Nowadays Sojuzpatent retains major clients and a notable share of the market in Russia, the C.I.S., the Eurasian Economic Community, and the Baltic States. Sojuzpatent’s team of over 100 qualified specialists includes 45 registered Russian and Eurasian patent and trademark attorneys and litigation lawyers. They provide highly professional services in all areas of science and technology. Most of the specialists have extensive practice in trademarks, patents and IP litigation as former employees of the Russian Trademark and Patent Office, the Chamber for Patent Disputes or the All-Union Centre of Patent Services; a number of them are former key players in the patent departments of major industrial companies or former assessors and judges of the Russian courts.


Sojuzpatent concentrates on international IP services by representing foreign clients in Russia and the C.I.S (prosecution, enforcement and litigation) and by providing services for Russian companies on registering trademarks and patents abroad.

The law firm Rojs, Peljhan, Prelesnik & partners was established in 1989. Today the law firm numbers 16 attorneys, 4 attorney candidate, 7 trainees and support staff. The firm’s headquarters are located on Tivolska 48 in Ljubljana. The firm is probably the largest Slovenian law firm in terms of the number of fully qualified attorneys specializing in commercial and corporate law and providing services solely (with very rare exceptions) to legal entities (companies, governments, financial institutions).

Sojuzpatent has been the headquarters of the national group of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property since 1965 and participates fully in its aim of fostering international cooperation in the field of IP protection. The firm’s patent and trademark attorneys and lawyers are qualified to resolve any IP issue arising in Russia or the C.I.S. They cover a full range of scientific technological expertise in order to provide clients with the highest-quality IP protection services.

Svetl a n a Fel i ts in a, M a n a g i n g Pa rt n e r

s oj u z p at e nt

M ya s n i t s k aya S t . , 1 3 , B l d g . 5 , Moscow, 101000, Russia T : E : w:

+ 7 495 221 88 80 i n f o @ s o j u z p at e nt . c o m w w w . s o j u z p at e nt . c o m

According to the legal directory Chambers and Partners our law firm is the only Slovenian law firm to hold a Band 1 ranking in all the researched categories: Competition/Antitrust, Corporate/Commercial, Employment, Intellectual Property and Real Estate. Corporate Intl Magazine (2013 Legal Awards) has chosen our law firm as the winner of the M&A, Banking & Finance, Construction and Dispute Resolution Law Firm of the Year in Slovenia and Global Law Experts Magazine has chosen our law firm as 2012 Slovenian Law Firm of the Year.


O d v et n i š k a d r u ž b a / L aw F i r m Rojs, Peljhan, Prelesnik & p a rt n e r j i o . p . , d . o . o . Tivo lska 48, 1000 Ljubljana tel.+3861 2306 750, 2306 752 fa x + 3 8 6 1 4 3 2 5 1 2 3



ZMP is a full service Intellectual Property Law Firm. Through the network of ZMP Offices across Central and Eastern Europe they are able to provide overall protection of all Intellectual Property rights including both prosecution and enforcement of such rights. Further, ZMP’s Alicante Office is able to provide all legal services in relation to European Community Trademarks (CTMs) and Registered Community Designs (RCDs). ZMP’s constant presence in all the countries of Central Eastern Europe, allows them to provide the clients with immediate and simultaneous service in different countries of the region, by simply contacting one of the offices. That is why the service which ZMP provides is unique in the region.

Over the last thirty years, ZMP’s primary activity has been the protection, via prosecution and litigation, of all Intellectual Property rights.

Office History

Services provided by ZMP include filing and prosecution of IP rights, search and watching service, IP portfolio management, handling of conflicts; advice and representation in infringement and enforcement matters. ZMP is particularly active in providing expert advice and legal assistance in anti-counterfeit and anti-piracy matters.

The law firm was established in 1939 in Belgrade, Yugoslavia as a general practice law firm. It has grown progressively and today, it consists of 12 offices. The service is provided through the network of ZMP offices which cover the Balkan Peninsula and Central Eastern Europe, located in:

Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Kosovo

The core of our business are the following practice areas: M&A, joint ventures, due diligence, capital markets transactions, banking, general corporate & commercial law, competition law, labour law, construction, public procurement, real estate transactions, insolvency law, litigation and dispute resolution.

The firm has developed a nationally recognized expertise in the full range of merger and acquisition transactions. The firm acts for purchasers, sellers and financial advisors in stock and asset deals, mergers, takeovers, restructuring and joint ventures, both Slovenian and cross-border.



• • • • • •

All the partners have gained extensive experience by leading in-house legal departments of larger companies, working for companies abroad, representing clients in various courts and in arbitration, working as liquidation and bankruptcy administrators and practicing as attorneys. Some of our attorneys have obtained cross-border experience while working at law firms such as Eversheds and Linklaters.

The firm assists clients active in various economic sectors/industries such as automotive, technology, banking and finance, life sciences, construction, infrastructure, tourism, media and retail.

• • • • • •

Macedonia Montenegro Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain (Alicante)

ZBM was founded in 2003 with the clear goal of changing the patent landscape in Spain. As ZBM is celebrating its 10 years existence, ZBM is proud that it has achieved that goal and is widely considered to set the new standard for patent practice in Spain. Along the way, it has dramatically increased IP awareness in Spain. The firm has grown considerably in a short time and now has 25 patent experts in its team, including European and Spanish patent attorneys, and an in-house US patent attorney.

Zivko Mijatovic & Partners offers a full range of intellectual property services in the areas of patents, designs, copyright and trademarks as well as in the field of Commercial Law. Services ZMP’s offices provide legal assistance and advice in protection of IP rights, management and enforcement of the same across Central Eastern Europe.

ZMP and its attorneys are authorized to represent the clients before the judicial authorities, before the Intellectual Property Offices, before the Customs Offices and before different administrative authorities of the countries where they have their offices.

Quality and integrity

z i v k o m i j ato v i c & p a rt e n e r s

P . O . B o x 1 1 1 , P l aya S a n J u a n , 0 3 5 4 0 A l i c a nt e , S p a i n T : E : w:

+34 96 515 42 44

ZBM’s patent experts have an in-depth understanding of clients’ technologies and their business needs, and the firm is committed to providing services that create value for its clients. ZBM distinguishes itself from other patent firms by a relentless commitment to quality. All work products are crosschecked to ensure that they are of consistent quality. At ZBM the attorneys believe that something is not worth doing if it is not done well. ZBM’s outstanding quality work has been recognized both nationally and internationally from the beginning: • In 2013, ZBM has won the award for “Partnership IP Law Firm of the Year ” in Spain from Acquisition Internal in the ACQ Law Awards, from Global Law Experts in the International Global Law Experts Awards and from Corporate Intl Magazine.

• In both issues of the IAM Patent 1000 – The World’s Leading Patent Practitioners, Intellectual Asset Management magazine has listed ZBM in the highly recommended category for patent prosecution. • ZBM is the only Spanish firm that has been consistently listed in the top tier of Managing Intellectual Property magazine’s ranking every year since 2007 to 2013. SMEs, multinationals, patent firms and lawyers from the United States, Latin America, Asia and the Middle East increasingly find their way to ZBM, particularly for European patent prosecution. Areas of expertise ZBM’s patent attorneys are trained and experienced in a wide range of technical areas, such as pharmacy, chemistry, biotechnology, mechanics, electronics, and computer technology. Its patent services include patentability and freedom-to-operate studies, patent drafting in both English and Spanish, (European) patent prosecution, and European Oppositions and appeals. In addition to patents, ZBM provides a full range of services for other IP titles, such as trademarks, design protection and domain names.

Bernabé Zea

F o u n d i n g Pa rt n e r

Z B M P at e nt s & T r a d e m a r k s P l . C ata l u nya , 1 E S - 0 8 0 0 2 B a r c e lo n a T : E : w:

+34 933 426 472 z b m @ z b m - p at e nt s . e u w w w . z b m - p at e nt s . e u

Turkey M&A LAWYER OF THE YEAR, Fethi Pek in - Pek in & Pek in

Fethi Pekin has been the Managing Partner of Pekin & Pekin since 1996. He is also co-head of the Corporate/M&A team and has been recognised as a prominent figure in the Turkish M&A market, receiving industry acknowledgements and awards for his work such as ACQ’s Turkish M&A Lawyer of the Year 2013. Fethi leads cross-border transactions of a complex nature. Among recent celebrated projects Fethi has advised on that hit Turkey ’s investment hotspots (tourism, infrastructure, industrial Manufacturing and professional services) the Corporate team advised the acquirer, Aeroports de Paris, on its acquisition of a stake in listed companies TAV Havalimanlari Holding A.S. and TAV Yatirim Holding A.S., airport handling services companies. The acquisition included various concession agreements. The deal value was USD874mn (38% of TAV Havalimanlari Holding’s issued share capital) and USD49mn (49% of TAV Yatırım Holding’s issued share capital). During the M&A boom of 2005-6 Fethi led numerous deals in the banking and telecommunications sector, which progressed to media, energy, services and health in 2007-8, deals that cemented Pekin & Pekin’s expertise in highly regulated industries. Fethis Main area of activity for 2009/10 was renewable energy with financial services being of interest for 2011-13 together with privatisation and infrastructure

and energy being the major focus of his M&A team. As Managing Partner Fethi is also responsible for developing preferred law firm networks with international counsel and for driving the vision of Pekin & Pekin as a boutique style service-orientated law firm. The Firm is full-service assisting clients involved in large or sophisticated cross-border transactions with Turkey. The Firm has 8 partners and 34 associates. The main practice teams are Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, Banking & Finance, Capital Markets, Corporate/M&A, andTax withe 12 specialist sector teams ranging from Energy to Financial services.

• Pekin & Pekin is the only Turkish member of Lex Mundi and TerraLex the world’s leading networks of independent law firms with in-depth experience in over 100 countries worldwide. Pekin & Pekin’s membership provides clients with outstanding opportunities to access global legal resources, enhancing the value provided by lawyers, ensuring high-quality legal representation.

Fethi Pek in

Pa rt n e r

T : E : w:







Da n iel O’Con nell

Nick Bi tel

+44 (0)20 7539 7272

+44 (0)20 7539 7272

da n iel.o’con nell@ker m a m

n tel@ker m a m

L a w y e r o f t h e Y e a r ( C o r p o r at e ) D a n i e l O ’ C o n n e l l , M a n a g i n g P a rt n e r

E n e r g y L aw F i r m o f t h e Y e a r a n d O i l & G a s L aw F i r m of the Year

Daniel O’Connell has built a reputation over the years for being a top corporate and commercial lawyer, advising owner-managers and entrepreneurs in the SME market. Daniel studied law at University College Dublin. He was admitted as a solicitor in the Republic of Ireland in 1988, and in England and Wales in 1991. He trained at William Fry Solicitors in Dublin, and moved to Forsyte Kerman in 1987, where he met Kerman & Co LLP’s other co-founder Andy Kerman. Commenting upon his award Daniel said: “I am very proud of the Corporate and Commercial Department that we have built here at Kerman & Co LLP. It has been the work undertaken in the Oil & Gas and Mining & Resources sectors in particular, in addition to our portfolio of M&A clients, that has made us a successful practice. We have assembled a great team of practical commercial lawyers and we are looking forward to the growth of our corporate and commercial offering leading to continued success in the coming years.”

Kerman & Co LLP’s award winning energy team is a well regarded and diversified practice serving the needs of its clients in the global energy industry. It has been particularly successful in advising clients listed on AIM. The firm is consistently ranked in the top three for the number of its oil and gas clients on AIM (Adviser Rankings Guide). The team has advised on a broad range of areas from the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas and other fossil fuels such as anthracite coal and uranium to developing and implementing alternative energy concepts. This includes advising clients who are active in developing cleantech offerings including solar, wind and water power. The team advised Victoria Oil & Gas Plc on its over-subscribed £23.4 million placing. The Firm’s energy litigation practice has played a crucial role in safe guarding its clients’ assets and interests overseas. This team regularly handles international commercial energy litigation disputes, arbitration and alternative dispute resolution proceedings.

A I M A d v i s o ry L a w F i r m o f t h e Y e a r

L a w y e r o f t h e Y e a r ( S p o rt ) , N i c k B i t e l : S p o rt L a w Firm of the Year.

For the fifth consecutive year Kerman & Co LLP’s AIM and ISDX Growth Market teams have been recognised by ACQ as leaders in this market. Despite the economic downturn the team has worked on a steady stream of transactions for its AIM and ISDX Growth Market listed clients. The Firm advised clients with international interests in jurisdictions including the USA, Russian Federation, Australia, Philippines, Peru, Colombia and many African countries. The Firm advises clients with international interests in jurisdictions including the USA, Russian Federation, Australia, Philippines, Peru, Colombia and many African countries. The Firm’s performance in the basic materials sector, and in relation to oil and gas, has remained strong. The Firm has acted on admissions, placings, acquisitions, and other equity and debt raising transactions including the increased use of convertible debt instruments, off-take arrangements and royalties (reflecting the difficult market conditions). Kerman & Co LLP advised Chinese based client Zhongrun International Mining Co. Ltd. on a US$40 million strategic investment in Vatukoula Gold Mines plc, undertaken secondary issues for a number of existing clients (including Metals Exploration Plc, Top Level Domain Holdings Limited, Gold Oil Plc, Equatorial Palm Oil Plc) and advised on significant and wide ranging M&A activity.

The Firm’s Sport team, led by Nick Bitel, provides practical commercial advice to global brands, international sporting bodies and events and high-profile individuals. The team is at the forefront of the development of areas such as ticketing, event management, licensing and brand protection. In addition it regularly provides advice on copyright infringement, image rights, passing off and trademark infringement, particularly in the run up to, and during, the events. The team is often instructed to draft and implement anti-infringement programs and to maintain on-site offices to ensure 24/7 coverage. Nick Bitel and the team recently drafted and negotiated all of the sponsorship and supplier contracts for their long standing clients the Ryder Cup, London Marathon and RideLondon. The team has also drafted regulations and provided advice concerning the scope and interpretation of regulations for a number of disciplines and Associate Suzanne Proctor has had success in contentious proceedings, most notably for the ECB, the RFU and Wimbledon. Nick has recently been credited in the Legal 500, 2013, as being ‘great to have on your side in complicated negotiations’. Also referenced was Associate, Zane Shihab who is described as being ‘quick, and fantastic at drafting’. Nick was also appointed as Chair of Sport England in April this year.

F ul cr um Cha mb e r s L L P i s a n i nno v a t i v e l a w f i r m co mp r i se d o f b a r r i st e r s, so l i ci t o r s a nd o t he r p r o f e ssi o na l s. It ha s e st a b l i she d i t se l f a s a n a w a r d -w i nni ng f i r m p r o v i d i ng e x p e r t a d v i ce a nd r e p r e se nt a t i o n f o r p ub l i c, p r i v a t e a nd co mme r ci a l cl i e nt s. Cl i e nt s a r e d r a w n f r o m ma ny se ct o r s, i ncl ud i ng : p ub l i shi ng , f i na nci a l se r v i ce s, o i l & g a s, e x t r a ct i v e i nd ust r y, e l e ct r o ni cs, co nst r uct i o n, t r a nsp o r t a nd i nf r a st r uct ur e . T he f i r m p r o v i d e s r e co g ni se d , e x p e r i e nce d -b a cke d e x p e r t i se t o a ssi st co r p o r a t e s, i nd i v i d ua l s, d e v e l o p me nt b a nks, r e g ul a t o r s a nd na t i o na l g o v e r nme nt s w i t h t he i r b r i b e r y a nd co r r up t i o n cha l l e ng e s. F ul cr um ha s a d v i se d a nd a p p e a r e d a s t r i a l a d v o ca t e s i n a numb e r o f t he l a r g e st i nt e r na t i o na l co r r up t i o n ca se s t o d a t e . T he f i r m ha s p a r t i cul a r e x p e r i e nce i n ne g o t i a t i ng f i na nci a l se t t l e me nt s t hr o ug h se l f -r e f e r r a l s i n cr i mi na l ca se s w i t h r e g ul a t o r s a nd p r o se cut o r s i n t he Uni t e d S t a t e s a nd w i t h t he mul t i -l a t e r a l d e v e l o p me nt b a nks. T he f i r m ha s a l so co nd uct e d w i d e r a ng i ng i nt e r na l i nv e st i g a t i o ns o n b e ha l f o f i t s co r p o r a t e cl i e nt s, b o t h i n t he UK a nd i n hi g h-r i sk j ur i sd i ct i o ns. F ul cr um l a w y e r s ha v e p a r t i cul a r e x p e r t i se i n a d v i si ng a nd r e p r e se nt i ng cl i e nt s i n r e l a t i o n t o mo ne y l a und e r i ng i ssue s. T he y o f t e n a ssi st i n co mme r ci a l t r a nsa ct i o ns, p r o f e ssi o na l o b l i g a t i o ns, t he r e g ul a t e d se ct o r a nd r e g ul a t o r p r o se cut o r l e a d i nv e st i g a t i o ns. F ul cr um a p p r e ci a t e s t ha t ci r cumst a nce s o f t e n d e ma nd q ui ck a nd p r a g ma t i c a d v i ce .

In a d d i t i o n, t he f i r m ha s a ssi st e d co r p o r a t e cl i e nt s i n t he d e v e l o p me nt o f a nt i -mo ne y l a und e r i ng st r a t e g i e s, t r a i ni ng a nd g ui d a nce t o e nsur e co mp l i a nce w i t h p r o f e ssi o na l o b l i g a t i o ns, na t i o na l a nd i nt e r na t i o na l l e g i sl a t i o n. F ul cr um ha s ma ny y e a r s o f e x p e r i e nce i n t he co nd uct o f co mp l e x f r a ud ca se s a nd ha s a ct e d a s a d v i se r s a nd a d v o ca t e s f o r o r g a ni sa t i o ns a nd i nd i v i d ua l s f a ci ng g l o b a l f r a ud i nv e st i g a t i o ns. T he y ha v e a l so a ct e d f o r p a r t i e s t o t he Int e r na t i o na l Co mmi ssi o ns o f E nq ui r y, e x a mi ni ng co mme r ci a l t r a nsa ct i o ns i nv o l v i ng a l l e g a t i o ns o f ci v i l a nd cr i mi na l f r a ud . F ul cr um ha s si g ni f i ca nt e x p e r t i se i n a d v i si ng cl i e nt s o n co r p o r a t e g o v e r na nce , r a ng i ng f r o m p r o v i d i ng sp e ci a l i st g ui d a nce o n t he v a r i o us r e g ul a t o r y r e g i me s, t o a ssi st i ng i n t he d e v e l o p me nt o f r o b ust a nd e f f e ct i v e co mp l i a nce p r o g r a ms. T he f i r m’s cl i e nt s ha v e i ncl ud e d a numb e r o f l a r g e co r p o r a t i o ns, i ncl ud i ng o ne o f t he UK ’s l a r g e st r e t a i l a nd i nv e st me nt b a nks.

11 O ld Square, Linco ln’s Inn, Lo n d o n WC 2 A 3 TS

T : E : w:

+44 (0)20 7186 0420 e nq u i r i e s @ f u lc r u mc h a m b e r s . c o m w w w . f u lc r u mc h a m b e r s . c o m

UK BOUTIQUE EMPLOYMENT LAW FIRM OF THE YEAR GQ Employment Law LLP is a “magic circle boutique” firm based in the City of London with one overriding focus – to work in partnership with its clients, concentrating on individual needs and risk appetites to deliver practical results. A senior lawyer at a major bank recently described GQ as “the future of legal services, because of its business model, its pricing and its delivery.” The firm (made up of lawyers who previously worked in the top tier of international firms in London) advises employers in all sectors with particular expertise in financial services. GQ’s clients include blue chip companies, investment banks, and asset and fund managers. They also partner with law firms without specialist employment law capability (including other specialist law firms and the London branches of overseas firms). GQ’s team equals or surpasses many larger firms’ employment teams in terms of experience and capacity: they understand the real issues facing businesses, as well as the psychology that creates and fuels employment disputes. They are committed to finding commercial solutions that facilitate businesses’ objectives. To support this, they develop an individual risk profile for each client that enables them to deliver tailored advice with clear recommendations rather than options. GQ has also been recognized as a market-leading practice by the UK's legal directories.

P a rt n e r s Pa u l Q u a i n E : p a u l . q u a i n @ g q e m p l o y m e nt l a w . c o m

Jon Gilligan E : j o n . g i l l i g a n @ g q e m p l o y m e nt l a w . c o m

Darren Isaacs E : D a r r e n . i s a a c s @ g q e m p l o y m e nt l a w . c o m

21 Ironmonger Lane, Lo n d o n EC2V 8EY Tel: 0203 375 0330 Fax: 0203 375 0332 E : g q @ g q e m p l o y m e nt l a w . c o m For details of future seminars, training and news updates visit l to r : Sophie Vanhegan, Hannah Wilcox, Paul Quain, Thomas Weatherill, Hannah Riley, Suzanne Moore, Darren Isaacs, Jon Gilligan, Caroline Baker

w w w . g q e m p l o y m e nt l a w . c o m

Complex Change Projects * Litigation (High Court and Employment Tribunal) * Senior Dismissals * Pay and Bonuses (including Employee Incentive Schemes and the Regulatory Aspects of City Pay) * Restrictive Covenants * Poaching and Team Moves * Redundancy and Business Restructuring *Executive/Senior Employee Exits Discrimination * Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace * Whistleblowing * Outsourcing, Insourcing and Off-shoring.



Bargate Murray is a multi award winning boutique City law firm, based in the heart of the City of London. The firm was founded by Senior Partner Quentin Bargate in 2004, who has over 30 years experience as a solicitor. With regard to the firm winning ACQ5 awards in the Shipping & Maritime and Commercial Litigation categories, Quentin says: “It is a great honour, and also a testament to the work the firm has been involved in this year.” “ We have particular strength in Shipping and Commercial Litigation, and our Superyacht and Aviation Group has undertaken some exceptional work in 2013 and enjoyed strong growth.” Quentin is also the recipient of the ACQ5 Insurance Lawyer of the Year award: “Prior to setting up Bargate Murray, I was a Partner in Simmons & Simmons for 14 years and a member of their Insurance Group. It is an area of law that complements my Maritime background very well, and one that I enjoy.” Bargate Murray has also won the Boutique Law Firm of the Year award. The firm understands that being a good boutique firm means shaping the firm to suit the needs of its clients, not the other way around. The only rules that the firm insists on applying to each client relationship are providing high quality advice in a friendly manner. Shedding further light on the firm’s ethos, Quentin comments: “We do not compete solely on price, although we do of course offer exceptional value for money. We differentiate our services by reference to knowledge, the quality and clarity of our advice, a proven track record, personal testimonials from happy clients and of course, great service. Our strapline is “Business Matters”, a play on words but we really mean it.”

Bargate Murray ’s client base is international, from Russia, Central and Eastern Europe, Asia and the Middle East, as well as the US and UK.

Notable work recently undertaken by the Group includes:

On the firm’s global reach, Quentin comments:

Handling the sale of a 63m commercial charter yacht, including the associated tax, certification and crewing issues.

Advising on the build, delivery, warranty, expert determination and regulatory issues in respect of a €200m superyacht.

“We speak our clients’ language – often literally as well as metaphorically. For example, our Director of Business Development is of Russian/Ukrainian origin and she speaks Russian, Ukrainian and Polish, which are key markets for us…” The firm has undergone exciting changes recently, becoming a limited company and seeing the promotion of Senior Associate Adam Ramlugon to Partner. On his appointment Adam says: “Having undertaken my training with the firm, joining the partnership was a particularly special moment for me. I was naturally delighted to accept the appointment and look forward to contributing further to the firm’s growth and success. Given that I have spent much of my time working in our Superyacht and Aviation Group, it is gratifying to see the Group go from strength to strength over the past twelve months. We have needed to add top quality people to the Group this year to keep up with demand, most recently with the addition of Lauren Payne, our new aviation associate.” In keeping with Quentin and Adam’s comments, much of Bargate Murray ’s Shipping work is Superyacht related, although the firm also handles more mainstream commercial shipping work, for example bills of lading and Charterparty disputes, alongside maritime arbitration. The Superyacht and Aviation Group regularly advises yacht owners, prospective buyers, yards, yacht managers and other professionals within the yachting industry on all aspects of a yacht’s construction and commercial or private use. The skill-set on the aviation side of the Group is similarly broad. The team has the capability to advise on transactions including sale, purchase and leasing, and advises on various commercial contracts common to the industry, from aircraft charter agreements to maintenance and other ground service agreements.

The Group’s continued success and recognition was recently acknowledged by the Cayman Islands Shipping Registr y, who appointed Quentin Bargate to CISAC, its global yacht committee which is made up of experts taken from throughout the industr y. Bargate Murray ’s Litigation and Dispute Resolution Group handles a wide range of matters from major cross border receiverships to professional negligence and partnership disputes. Naturally the Group also handles the contentious aspects of the firm’s yacht and aviation work, such as yacht insurance claims and contractual disputes. The team handles numerous high value commercial matters, often with an international/crossborder element.

Advising on the operational and logistical aspects of crew employment and MLC compliance.

Handling a construction dispute in relation to a zero energy prototype vessel built in Asia.

Advising on the issues associated with yacht security, including the carriage of armed personnel.

Quentin is also head of the Litigation and Dispute Resolution Group. “Good business sense is at the heart of everything our Litigation and Dispute Resolution Group does,” he says.

Preparing MLC-compliant Seafarer Employment Agreements and advising in respect of the first vessel to be awarded its MLC letter of compliance by the Cayman Islands Shipping Registry.

“We use our considerable experience and extensive knowledge base to cut straight to the key issues of a dispute, and our track record for resolving disputes cost effectively speaks for itself.”

Handling the VAT importation of a 48m commercial charter yacht into the EU via Malta.

Advising the ultra-high-net-worth owner of a 99m superyacht and narrow body jet airliner in relation to their use in the EU pursuant to the Temporary Admission regime.

Advising a major EU jet engine manufacturer on the terms of a leaseback agreement with a substantial Asian conglomerate.

Providing regulatory advice in connection with operating non-EU aircraft in the EU.

Drafting charter agreements in respect of passenger and cargo charters.

Asked what makes the firm unique, Quentin comments “our USP has been and continues to be top City quality or better at a considerably lower price point. It is a compelling proposition.”

B a r g at e M u r r ay , 5 t h F lo o r , 2 0 - 2 2 C u rta i n R o a d , L o n d o n EC2A 3NF

© Q u e nt i n B a r g at e 2 0 1 3

Tel: 0207 375 1393 W e b : w w w . b a r g at e m u r r ay . c o m E m a i l : i n f o @ b a r g at e m u r r ay . c o m

UK London

Budapest CEE coverage

HEALTHCARE & LIFE SCIENCES - MOST RESPECTED LAW FIRM OF THE YEAR Clearwater House, 4-7 Manchester Street, London W1U 3AE Regus House, Kalman Imre u.1, Budapest 1054

We place grea t e m p h a s is o n d e v e l o p i n g l o n g - st a n d i n g r elationships a nd a n in-d ep t h kn o w l e d g e o f c l i e n t s' businesses. Wha t ev e r t h e c o m p l e x i t y, w e a l w a y s f o c u s on providin g p ra c t ic a l, s uc c inc t , c o m m e r c i a l a d v i c e i n r esponse to o ur c lient s ' leg a l is su e s. I n t h e L e g a l 5 0 0 , Travers Smit h is p ra is ed f o r it s " e x t r e m e l y c o m p e t e n t , practical an d h e lp f u l f ra nc h is in g t e a m w h o sh o w r e a l commercial s a v v y ". We ha v e re c e n t l y a d v i se d :

In 2006 she q ua l i f i e d a s a S o l i ci t o r A d v o ca t e ( Ci v i l Pr o ce e d i ng s) a nd a p p o i nt e d De p ut y Di st r i ct Jud g e . 'Cha mb e r s UK ’ ha s r a nke d K i r a n a s a l e a d e r i n he r f i e l d a nd d e scr i b e d he r a s "e x t r e me l y a ssur e d f r i e nd l y a nd sup p o r t i v e , "b e i ng a b l e t o e x p l a i n l e g a l co mp l e x i t i e s ca r e f ul l y a nd i n a st r a i g ht f o r w a r d ma nne r " a nd ha v i ng a n "e x ce l l e nt g r a sp o f t he me d i ca l i ssue s, o ut st a nd i ng cl i e nt a nd w i t ne ss ha nd l i ng ski l l s.” H e r a d v i ce o n d a t a p r o t e ct i o n ha s r e ce i v e d p a r t i cul a r p r a i se a s ha s he r “g r e a t ski l l i n me nt a l he a l t h, f und i ng i ssue s a nd i nq ue st s”. K i r a n ha s a p a r t i cul a r i nt e r e st i n me d i ca l e t hi cs a nd t he l a w a nd ha s a ct e d i n so me o f t he l e a d i ng ca se s i nv o l v i ng t he p r o v i si o n a nd w i t hd r a w a l o f t r e a t me nt .

• • • • • • • • •

Re L (An Adult: DNR Orders) [2012] R (on the application of Hussain & Ors) v Secretar y of State for Health [2011] EWCA Civ 800 Re RB (A Child) [2009] EWHC B26 (Fam) Re OT (A Child) [2009] EWCA Civ 409 (Family Division & Court of Appeal) Independent Investigation into the care and treatment of RR and AT [March 2009] Gosport War Memorial Hospital Inquests [March 2009] Independent review into the board leadership of Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Tr ust [May 2008] Surrey County Council v (1) MB (2) SB (3) A PCT [2008] (Court of Protection: MCA 2005) W Healthcare NHS Tr ust v KH [2004] EWCA Civ 1324 (Family Division & Court of Appeal) Rand v East Dorset Health Authority [2000] (Wrongful Birth Claim)

Weightmans LLP S e c o n d F lo o r , 6 N e w St r e et S q u a r e , N e w F et t e r L a n e , Lo n d o n , E C 4 A 3 B F Tel: 020 7822 1900 Fax: 020 7822 1901



Franchising w o rk is h a n d led b y a d e d i c a t e d t e a m l e d b y Tom Purton , t he h e a d o f t h e C om m e r c i a l , I P a n d Technology De p a rt m e n t a t Tra v e r s S m i t h , w h o h a s extensive kn o w led g e a nd e x p eri e n c e o f t h i s a r e a . To m i s r ated by the L e g a l D ire c t o ries a s o n e o f t h e l e a d i n g franchise la w y ers in t he UK a nd h e i s p r a i se d f o r t h e " knowledge he h a s o f [ his c lie n t ' s] b u si n e ss" a n d h i s ability to "f ind is s ue s t h a t a re b o t h l e g a l a n d c o m m e r cial".

Ca se s o f no t e :

Tel: +44 870 753 0925 Email: Tel: +36 1 577 9936 Email:


Travers Smit h L L P is o n e o f t h e U K ’s l e a d i n g l a w f i r m s. We regularl y a c t f o r b o t h f ra n c h i so r s a n d f r a n c h i se e s o n complex fra nc h is ing d e a ls , o f t e n w i t h a n i n t e r n a t i o n a l dimension, a c ro s s a b ro a d ra n g e o f se c t o r s, i n c l u d i n g financial se r v ic es , ret a il, res t au r a n t s, h o t e l s a n d healthcare.

K i r a n B ho g a l i s he a d o f H e a l t hca r e i n We i g ht ma ns L o nd o n o f f i ce . S he ha s 20 y e a r s e x p e r i e nce o f a d v i si ng t he he a l t h a nd p ub l i c se ct o r o n me d i co l e g a l i ssue s i ncl ud i ng me nt a l he a l t h l a w, chi l d p r o t e ct i o n, co mp l a i nt s ha nd l i ng , co mp l e x a nd se nsi t i v e i nq ue st s, r i sk ma na g e me nt , cl i ni ca l a nd co r p o r a t e g o v e r na nce , se r i o us unt o w a r d i nci d e nt s, ho mi ci d e i nq ui r i e s, me d i ca l e t hi cs ( co nse nt a nd co nf i d e nt i a l i t y ) , j ud i ci a l r e v i e w, p ub l i c co nsul t a t i o n, t he H uma n R i g ht s A ct , Da t a Pr o t e ct i o n A ct , F r e e d o m o f Inf o r ma t i o n A ct a nd e me r g e ncy a p p l i ca t i o ns f o r t he p r o v i si o n a nd w i t hd r a w a l o f t r e a t me nt . W i t hi n p r i ma r y ca r e she r e g ul a r l y a d v i se s o n co mmi ssi o ni ng a nd f und i ng d e ci si o ns, co mmuni t y a nd co nt i nui ng ca r e , co nt r a ct ua l a nd p e r f o r me r s’ l i st ma na g e me nt a nd t he p ha r ma ce ut i ca l r e g ul a t i o ns.


F r a nci s W i l ks & Jo ne s L L P ( F W J) w a s f o und e d i n 2002. We sp e ci a l i se i n p r o v i d i ng l e g a l se r v i ce s t o a numb e r o f b usi ne ss se ct o r s t o g e t he r w i t h mo r e b e sp o ke a d v i ce t o i nd i v i d ua l s. We co unt a mo ng st o ur cl i e nt b a se me mb e r s o f t he A sse t B a se d L e nd i ng i nd ust r y, i nso l v e ncy p r a ct i t i o ne r s, a nd d i r e ct o r s a nd sha r e ho l d e r s o f S M E s, a nd ha v e a p a r t i cul a r e x p e r t i se i n t he r e cr ui t me nt , f r e i g ht a nd ha ul a g e i nd ust r i e s. F W J i s p r i ma r i l y a b o ut i q ue co mme r ci a l p r a ct i ce w i t h a st r o ng e mp ha si s o n i nso l v e ncy a nd r e st r uct ur i ng , l i t i g a t i o n, sha r e ho l d e r a nd p a r t ne r shi p d i sp ut e s, d e b t r e co v e r y, co mme r ci a l f i na nce a nd g e ne r a l co mme r ci a l a nd p r o p e r t y w o r k.

• Select Ser v ice Partn er on fran c h isin g arran gem e n t s f or its Caffè Ritazza an d U pper Cr u st bran ds, an d i t s r u n n in g of WHSmith , M &S Simply Food, Starbu c ks an d B u r g e r Kin g fran c h ises. • Barin g Priv ate Equ ity Partn ers on in ter n ation al f r a n c h i sin g arran gemen ts for in depen den t priv ate equ ity b u si n e ss es to operate u n der th e " Barin gs" bran d. • M almaison /Hotel du Vin in relation to d e v e l o p i n g a pan - Eu ropean fran ch ise model as th e basis f o r a si g n ific an t ex pan sion ou tside th e U K. • LK Ben n ett on its ex clu siv e arran gemen ts with p a r t n e r s wish in g to open retail c on c ession fran ch ises u n d e r t h e LK Ben n ett n ame in th e U AE, Ku wait, Leban on a n d Q a t ar. • Pin ewood Stu dios on arran gemen ts with o v e r se a s stu dios in Ch in a an d th e U SA to operate as f r a n c h i ses u n der th e " Pin ewood" bran d. • YO !Su sh i on its fran c h isin g of th e YO ! bran d for u se i n r elation to v ariou s c ommercial v en tu res ou tside t h e r e st au ran t sec tor. • Caffè Nero on its fran c h ise agreemen t with a l o c a l b u sin ess operatin g mu ltiple fran c h ises to operate t h e Ca f f è Nero bu sin ess in Cy pr u s.

T o m P u rt o n T r av e r s S m i t h L L P 10 Snow Hill Lo n d o n E C 1 A 2 A L Tel: 020 7295 3000 Fax: 020 7295 3500 Email: t o m . p u rt o n @ t r a v e r s s m i t h . c o m W e b : w w w . t r av e r s s m i t h . c o m

Our i nso l v e ncy so l i ci t o r s ha v e a b r e a d t h o f e x p e r i e nce t ha t co v e r s b o t h p e r so na l a nd co r p o r a t e i nso l v e ncy a nd b o t h t r a nsa ct i o na l a nd co nt e nt i o us i nso l v e ncy ma t t e r s. M a ny i n o ur t e a m ha v e p r e v i o usl y w o r ke d f o r t he Inso l v e ncy S e r v i ce , a cco unt a ncy f i r ms a nd i nso l v e ncy p r a ct i ce s, g i v i ng us an i n-d e p t h und e r st a nd i ng o f o ur cl i e nt s' ne e d s. We r e g ul a r l y a ct f o r i nso l v e ncy p r a ct i t i o ne r s, se cur e d cr e d i t o r s, d i r e ct o r s o r i nd i v i d ua l s i n r e l a t i o n t o a l l a sp e ct s o f f o r ma l i nso l v e ncy p r o ce e d i ng s, i ncl ud i ng i n r e sp e ct o f p r e -a p p o i nt me nt st r a t e g y a nd r i sks a nd p o st a p p o i nt me nt ma t t e r s such a s t r a d i ng , p r o p e r t y o r e mp l o y me nt i ssue s. F W J i s hi g hl y e x p e r i e nce d i n d e a l i ng w i t h t he sa l e a nd a cq ui si t i o n o f i nso l v e nt b usi ne sse s, a ct i ng f o r e i t he r i nso l v e ncy p r a ct i t i o ne r s o r p ur cha se r s, a nd ca n a ssi st i n t he ne g o t i a t i ng a nd d r a f t i ng o f t he ne ce ssa r y t r a nsa ct i o na l d o cume nt s. Our co nt e nt i o us i nso l v e ncy

e x p e r i e nce i ncl ud e s b o t h b r i ng i ng a nt e ce d e nt t r a nsa ct i o n cl a i ms. We t r a ck r e co r d o f he l p i ng d i r e ct o r s b usi ne sse s t o d e f e nd d i sq ua l i f i ca t i o n o b t a i n l e a v e t o a ct .

a nd d e f e nd i ng ha v e a p r o v e n o f d i st r e sse d p r o ce e d i ng s o r

Our p e r so na l i nso l v e ncy e x p e r i e nce r a ng e s f r o m a ssi st i ng t r ust e e s t o r e a l i se a sse t s i n a b a nkr up t ’s e st a t e t o he l p i ng a n i nd i v i d ua l a nnul a b a nkr up t cy o r d e r.

Ambuja Bose Pa rt n e r A m b u j a . B o s e @ f r a nc i sw i l k s a n dj o n e s . c o . u k Mob: 07904 420 921

We a r e a b l e t o a d v i se cr e d i t o r s, i ncl ud i ng l a nd l o r d s o f i nso l v e nt t e na nt s, a b o ut t he i r r i g ht s i n r e sp e ct d i st r e sse d b usi ne sse s f r o m a d v i si ng a b o ut t he a b i l i t y t o d i st r a i n a nd a ssi st i ng w i t h r e t e nt i o n o f t i t l e cl a i ms t o r e co v e r g o o d s t o a r r a ng i ng r e p r e se nt a t i o n a t cr e d i t o r s’ me e t i ng s. F W J e mp l o y s a hi g hl y ca p a b l e t e a m o f so l i ci t o r s a nd sup p o r t st a f f, a l l o f w ho m a r e a cce ssi b l e t o o ur cl i e nt s. T hi s e nsur e s p r o mp t a nd e f f e ct i v e r e sp o nse t i me s, t o g e t he r w i t h t e chni ca l l y so und a nd co st e f f e ct i v e so l ut i o ns f o r o ur cl i e nt s, so me t hi ng o f t e n una t t a i na b l e f o r o ur l a r g e r co mp e t i t o r s. Our a i m i s si mp l e , w e w a nt t o he l p o ur cl i e nt s t o d o b usi ne ss i n a w a y t ha t mi ni mi se s r i sk a nd ma x i mi se s r e sul t s. We a r e co mmi t t e d t o e x ce l l e nce a nd a i m t o p r o v i d e t he hi g he st p o ssi b l e q ua l i t y o f l e g a l se r v i ce s t o o ur cl i e nt s a nd w e l o o k f o r w a r d t o w o r ki ng w i t h y o u i n t he f ut ur e .

T im Fr a ncis Pa rt n e r T i m . f r a nc i s @ f r a nc i sw i l k s a n dj o n e s . c o . u k Mob:07793 394 500

Fr a ncis Wilks & Jones LLP 6 C o l d b at h S q u a r e , L o n d o n , E C 1 R 5 H L Tel: 020 7841 0390; Fax: 020 7841 0398 w w w . f r a nc i sw i l k s a n dj o n e s . c o . u k



IP & Tr a dema r k Law fir m of the Yea r

Elkington and Fife are ver y pleased to receive this award. We are a leading fir m of patent and trade mark attor neys with a worldwide reputation. We have a substantial practice in relation to trade marks act ing for a full range of clients from large multi-national companies through to SME’s and start-up companies. We have a wealth of expertise in trade mark clearance both in the UK and worldwide and the handling all aspects of UK, CTM, foreign and inter national applications. We also have substantial experience in relation to handling UK and CTM oppositions and Europe and worldwide trade mark disputes, with experience of handling cases up to the Boards of Appeal and the General Court. Work includes advice and liaison with Trading Standards offices regarding anti-counter feiting matters. We also have a burgeonin g domain name and dispute resolution practice.

As a fir m, we regularly punch far above our weight in ter ms of the quality of work and clientele. The partners and fee ear ners are acknowledged experts in their fields, many having worked previously in house in large multi-national corporate IP departments, law fir ms or at the EPO. A consistently high standard of work is achieved by having a high degree of partner involvement in most work. The fir m prides itself on giving high quality responsive advice which is also commercial in nature and geared to the needs of its clients. For us, our clients are paramount and we are happy to look at ways of fitting our ser vice to our client’s individual requirements. We are not afraid to listen.

This le ading lit igat ion f ir m s pe c ialis e s in c om m e rc ial dis put e s in t he Englis h H igh C ourt and Int e r nat ional arbit rat ions , unus ually c onduc t e d alm os t e nt ire ly on a ‘ no win no f e e ’ bas is . Spe c ialis t are as inc lude c om m e rc ial, s hare holde r, c om pany, ins olve nc y, and re ve nue dis put e s , prof e s s ional ne glige nc e and de f am at ion. C lie nt s are , in t he m ain, e nt re pre ne urs pre dom inant ly in t e c hnology and f inanc ial s e r vic e s . The f ir m is of t e n ins t r uc t e d t o re pre s e nt ot he r lawye rs and ac t on be half of ove rs e as law f ir m s , who do not have a s ubs t ant ial lit igat ion bas e in L ondon.

M a r k H i d d l e st o n

We handle work for a wide spectr um of clients including blue chip companies in the chemical and phar maceutical, telecommunications, IT, telecommunicatio ns, computer hardware and sof tware, toy retail, automobile and engineering, medical and enter tainment industries, entertainment and publishing. The department is happy to conduct a review of client’s trade mark portfolios.

T : E : w:

01732 458881 m a r k . h i d d l e st o n @ e l k fi f e . c o m w w w . e l k fi f e . c o m


In 2013 w e w e r e a w a r d e d t he a c c o l a d e s o f B e s t L i c e n s i n g F i r m b y C or p or a t e I N T L L i c e n s i n g L aw F i r m o f t he Ye a r b y I nt e r n a t i o n a l G l o b a l L a w E x p e r t s L i c e n s i n g L aw F i r m o f t he Ye a r b y A C Q 5 B o u t i qu e L i c e n s i n g L a w F i r m o f t he Ye a r b y I n t e r C o n t i n e n t a l F i n a n ce Ou t s t a n d i n g b y t h e B r i t i s h I n s t i t ut e of I n n k e e e p e r s L i c e n s i n g L aw F i r m o f t he Ye a r b y L a w y e r s Wo r l d Ou r P e o p l e A l u n T h o m as – P a r t n e r Tho m as O ’ M aoi l e oi n – P a r t ne r J ac k S pi e gl e r – S o l i c i t o r Ti l l y B u r t o n – L i c e n s i ng A s s i s t a nt A m y C a t l i n – L i c e ns i n g A s s i s t a n t Ra c h e l H e p w o r t h – L i c e n s i ng A s s i s t a nt Wh a t We D o

C A N D E Y L L P , 8 Sto n e B u i l di n g s , L i n c o l n ' s I n n , L o n d o n W C 2 A 3 TA ( w w w . c a n d e y l l p. c o m ) D DI : + 4 4 ( 0 ) 2 0 3 3 2 8 7 7 8 2 Tel: +44(0)20 3370 8888 Fax: +44(0)20 3328 7778

C lie nt s are part ic ularly drawn t o t he s t raight t alk ing, s upport ive and part ne r drive n s e r vic e . L e ad by k e y part ne rs A s hk han C ande y and A ndre w D unn, t he f ir m ’ s lit igat ors all aim t o s t rik e at t he he art of m at t e rs and are appro-

R ust e m G ua r d i a n ha s q ui ckl y e st a b l i she d i t se l f a s a ni che cr i mi na l d e f e nce l a w f i r m i n t he Ci t y o f L o nd o n w i t h a r e p ut a t i o n a sso ci a t e d w i t h hi g h p r o f i l e a nd hi g h co st cr i mi na l ca se s i n sp e ci a l i st p r a ct i ce a r e a s S e x ua l Of f e nce s a nd F r a ud . A s a y o ung f i r m, i t i s w e l l -kno w n a s t he und e r d o g a g a i nst t he b i g p l a y e r s. A l e a d e r i n i t s se ct o r, R ust e m G ua r d i a n i s uni q ue i n t ha t i t ho use s b o t h so l i ci t o r s a nd b a r r i st e r s; d r i v i ng i nt e r na l l e g a l kno w l e d g e ma na g e me nt a nd co nst a nt i nno v a t i o n i n ho w t he f i r m a p p r o a che s ca se p r e p a r a t i o n.

A w e l l - co n n ected practi ce wi th a go o d Wes t E n d cl i en t bas e, do i n g a f a n t a s t i c j o b. A cted fo r R o bi n B i rl ey o n th e l i cen s i n g o f h i s 5 H ertfo rd S t r e e t p r i v ate cl u b i n S h eph erd M ark et, i n cl u di n g o btai n i n g a l i cen ce t o o p e r a t e u n ti l 3 am an d as s o ci ated pl an n i n g per mi s s i o n . A dv i s ed t h e F r e n ch bu rl es qu e s h o w Crazy H o rs e o n al l l i cen s i n g as pects o f i ts a u t u m n a n d wi n ter s eas o n o n Lo n do n 's S o u th B an k . S o u rces des cri be A l u n T h o m as as an ex cel l en t practi ti o n er wh o bu i l ds a " s u ppo rti v e r a p p o r t w i t h cl i en ts " an d h as a fl ai r fo r " deal i n g wi th tri ck y matters ." H i s k n o w l e dge o f th e appl i cati o n s o f l i cen s i n g l aw to th e S o h o n i g h t l i f e s c en e i s s i n gl ed o u t fo r s peci al co mmen t. Fi r m co -fo u n der T h o m a s O ' Mao i l eo i n i s h i gh l y regarded acro s s a wi de ran ge o f l i ce n s i n g a n d rel ated pl an n i n g i s s u es . O n e s o u rce co mmen ts th at h e m a i n t a i n s th ei r " abs o l u te co n fi den ce" . S i gn i fi can t cl i en ts i n cl u de Th e C a f é R o y a l , Th e G ro u ch o Cl u b, Th e I n s ti tu te o f Di recto rs an d Th e J a m i e O l i v e r Fo u n dati o n . Chambers UK Our Clients A r e p r e s e n t ati v e s ampl e i n cl u des :

• R e g ul a t o r y – e q u a l i t y, f i r e s a f e t y, f o o d s a f e t y, h e a l t h a n d s af e t y, m a r r i ag e l i c e n c e s , noi s e a b a t e m e n t n o t i ce s , s m o k i n g re gu l a t i o n s , sp e c i a l t r e a t m e nt s , t r a d i n g s t a n d a r d s a n d w e i g h t s a n d measures. Wh a t Ot h e r s S a y

We a l s o a c t fo r a n u mber o f pri v ate members cl u bs i n cl u di n g:

B o u t i qu e l i c e n s i ng f i r m T h o m a s & T hom a s P a r t n e r s L L P c o n t i n u e s t o a ct f o r l e a di n g l i c e ns e d p r e m i s e s a n d o p e r a t o r s i n t h e U K , i n cl u d i n g We s t f i e l d, M c D o na l d ’ s , B u r g e r & L ob s t e r, a n d T h e G r o u c h o C l u b . Re c e n t h i gh l i g h t s i n c l u d e ob t a i n i ng a 3 a m l i ce n c e a n d p l a n n i n g

B o o d l e s , Bro o k s ’s , Carl to n , Cal edo n i an , Ci ty o f Lo n do n , Ci ty U n i v e r s i t y, Ci v i l S er v i ce, Far mers , Fl y fi s h ers , G arri ck , H u rl i n gh am, L a n s d o w n e , O ri en tal , O x fo rd an d Cambri dge, N ew Cav en di s h , P o l i s h H e a r t h , P ortl an d, Pratts , R efo r m, R o y al Th ames Yach t, R A C, R A F, R o e h a m p t on , R o y al O cean R aci n g, R o y al O v er-S eas Leagu e, S av age,

• L i c e ns i n g a nd p l a n ni n g – c e r t i f i c a t e s o f l a w f u l u s e , c h a n g e o f u s e , c l u b pr e m i s e s c e r t i f i c a t e s , i n t e r i m a u t h o r i t y n o t i ce s , p e r s o n a l l i c e n c e s , pr e m i s e s l i c e nc e s , p l a n ni n g a p p l i ca t i o n s , p r o v i s i o n a l s t a t e m e n t s , r e v i e w s , t e m p or a r y e v e nt n o t i c e s , t r a n s f e r s , v a r i a t i o n s a n d j u d i c i al r e v i e w.

The f ir m ac t s on it s prom is e of be ing an e nt e rpris ing law f ir m t hrough t he large num be r of high value ‘ no win no f e e ’ agre e m e nt s it has t ak e n on and it s pre f e re nc e f or value bas e d agre e m e nt s ove r hourly rat e s . Founde d as a bout ique lit igat ion prac t ic e in M arc h 2 0 0 9 t he f ir m has e xpande d s ignif ic ant ly as a re s ult of s uc c e s s ive and s ubs t ant ial wins and s e t t le m e nt awards f or it s c lie nt s .


p e r m i s s i o n fo r 5 H ertfo rd S treet, an d l i cen s i n g a n ew wi n e bar i n th e We s t E n d Stres s A rea fo r Del l a Terra. A l u n Th o mas an d Th o mas O ’ Ma o i l e o i n are ‘tr u e l i cen s i n g s peci al i s ts ’. The Legal 500

5 H e r t f o r d S treet, A n gel a H artn ett, A rgen t (K i n g’s Cro s s ), Bel l amy ’s , B e n t l e y ’ s , B o u j i s , Bri ti s h Li brar y, Bu ddh a B ar, B u rberr y, Bu rger an d L o b s t e r, C ado gan H o tel , Café P u s h k i n , Café R o y al , Can ar y W h ar f P l c., C h e l s e a P h y s i c G arden , Ci rr u s I n n s , Co ri n th i a H o tel , Crazy H o rs e P a r i s , D a n ny Bo y l e’s S h u ffl e Fes ti v al , Del fo n t M ack i n to s h Th eatres , D u k e b o x , GB K , th e G h erk i n , th e G reen h o u s e, G ro u ch o Cl u b, H ar v ey N i c h o l s , H a wk s mo o r, H o u s e o f S t B ar n abas , I mperi al Co l l ege Lo n do n , I n s t i t u t e o f Di recto rs , J ami e O l i v er ’s Fi f teen , J u s t Fal afel , Lan gan s , M o r t o n ’ s , Pau l , P l an et H o l l y wo o d, P ey to n an d B y r n e, P o l po , R o y al B a l l e t S ch o o l , th e R o y al H o u s eh o l d, th e R o y al P ark s , S earcy s , S h a f t e s b u r y P l c., S h ak e S h ack , th e S h ard, S k etch , S o dex o , S t r i n g f e l l o w s , S u s h i S amba, Tex tu re, Tramp, U n i v ers i ty Co l l ege L o n d o n , U n i v ers i ty o f th e A rts , U mu , Wes tfi el d S h o ppi n g Cen tres an d Zuma.

We p r o v i d e l e g a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l a t i o n t o :

C lie nt s rat e t he c los e c ollaborat ive joint ve nt ure part ne rs hip be t we e n c lie nt and lawye r, f os t e re d and e nc ourage d by t he f ir m ’ s e t hos .



We a r e a n a w a r d w i nn i ng b out i q ue l i c e n s i n g l a w f i r m a n d t h e o n l y f i r m t o b e t o p r a nk e d i n b ot h l e a d i n g d i r e ct o r i e s , t h e L e g a l 5 0 0 a n d Cha m be r s U K . We a c t f or b a r s , hot e l s , m e m b e r s ’ cl u b s , m u s i c f e s t i v a l s , n i gh t c l ub s , p u b s , r e s t a u r a n t s , r e t a i l e r s a n d t h e a t r e s . T h e f i r m ’ s s pe c i al i s t t e a m of l a w y e r s a r e s e a s o n e d a d v o c a t e s a n d re c o g n i s e d l e a d e r s i n t h e i r f i e l d w i t h e x t e n s i v e e x p e r i e n ce b e f o r e l oc al au t h o r i t i e s a nd t he c our t s .

priat e ly aggre s s ive but s e ns ible in t he ir approac h agains t oppone nt s . Enjoyable lawye rs t o work wit h, ge ne ral c lie nt f e e dbac k is t hat t he C A N D EY L L P t e am is t he one you want on your s ide , who are quic k t o t hink c om m e rc ially, and re c ognis e t he c om m e rc ial angle s and opport unit ie s f or t he ir c lie nt s .

T h o m as O ’ M aoi l e oi n 3 8 a M o n m o ut h S t r e e t Lo n d o n W C 2 H 9 E P T: 020 7042 0414 E : t o m a o i l e o i n @ ta n d t p . c o m W : w w w . ta n d t p . c o m

R ust e m G ua r d i a n ha s a n unusua l l y hi g h succe ss r a t e i n p r o v i ng a cl i e nt ’s d e f e nce ca se i n se r i o us S e x ua l Of f e nce a l l e g a t i o ns, w hi ch e l e v a t e s t he i r succe ss r a t e w a y a b o v e t he na t i o na l a v e r a g e . T i mur R ust e m, f o und e r a nd M a na g i ng P a r t ne r, l e a d s a n e x p e r i e nce d l e g a l t e a m w ho a r e f o cuse d o n e x ce l l e nt cl i e nt se r v i ce a nd cl i e nt ca r e . It i s und e r hi s l e a d e r shi p t ha t a l l cl i e nt s ha v e a d e d i ca t e d t e a m b ui l t a r o und sp e ci f i c cl i e nt r e q ui r e me nt s. It i s t hi s a t t e nt i o n t o d e t a i l , t he p e r so na l a nd huma ni sa t i o n o f ca se ma na g e me nt w hi ch cl i e nt s co mme nt o n:

co mp l e x a nd l i f e d e st r o y i ng a l l e g a t i o ns. T he f i r m’s e x p e r t i se b r i ng s f o cus i n t hi s ni che cl i e nt se r v i ce s a r e a , w i t h T i mur o f t e n a ske d t o co mme nt i n t he me d i a o n t hi s sub j e ct . T i mur succe ssf ul l y a chi e v e d e x cl usi v e p a ne l st a t us f o r t he Ve r y H i g h Co st ( Cr i me ) Ca se s P a ne l i n t he f i r st y e a r o f t he f i r m’s i nco r p o r a t i o n. T i mur 's t e na ci o us a nd f o r mi d a b l e l e g a l r e p r e se nt a t i o n i n t he A i r l i ne B o mb i ng ( Te r r o r i sm) ca se i n 2006 w o n hi m t he L a w y e r o f t he Ye a r A w a r d i n 2007. T i mur ha s a w e l l -f o und e d r e p ut a t i o n i n F r a ud a nd i s cur r e nt l y r e p r e se nt i ng a cl i e nt a ccuse d o f Insi d e r De a l i ng i n t he l a r g e st e v e r i nv e st i g a t i o n ca r r i e d o ut b y t he F i na nci a l S e r v i ce s A ut ho r i t y.

R u st e m G u a r d i a n L L P 15 New Br idge Street London EC4V 6AU

“I f i na l l y ha v e p e a ce o f mi nd . Yo u w e nt a b o v e a nd b e y o nd t he ca l l i n a ssi st i ng me . I a p p r e ci a t e t he a t t e nt i o n, und e r st a nd i ng a nd ca r e y o u p r o v i d e d t o t hi s ma t t e r.” M r P, 2013

Tel 07921 728 332 Tel 020 7936 8000

Cl i e nt s cho o se R ust e m G ua r d i a n a s t he f i r m i s kno w n f o r i t s d i scr e e t a nd se nsi t i v e a p p r o a ch t o w ha t ca n b e

Email i n f o @ R u st e m G u a r d i a n . c o . u k

Fax 020 7936 8001



NICHE LAW FIRM OF THE YEAR (EDUCATION) D ouglas Silas S o lic it o rs a re a n a t i o n a l l y a c c l a i m e d f i r m s pecialising e x c lu s iv ely in c a s e s c o n c e r n i n g S p e c i a l Educational N e e d s ( ‘ S E N ’ ) . D o u g l a s a n d h i s t e a m a d v i se a n d represe n t p a re n t s o f c hild re n w i t h S E N f r o m t h e v e r y b eginning o f t h e a s s e s s m e n t p ro c e ss, r i g h t t h r o u g h t o a n a ppeal to/a g a in s t t he S p e c ia l E d u c a t i o n a l N e e d s a n d D isability (‘S E N D ’ ) Trib un a l, if t h a t b e c o m e s n e c e ssa r y. D uring his c a re e r, D o u g la s h a s h e l p e d t h o u sa n d s o f p arents get t h e rig h t ed uc a t io n a l p r o v i si o n f o r t h e i r ch ild, even w h e n t he y t h o u g h t t h a t t h e r e w a s n o h o p e l ef t. Dougla s s p e c ia lis e s in h a n d l i n g t h e m o r e d i f f i c u l t o r co mplicated c a s e s , s o m e t im e s su c c e e d i n g w h e r e p a r e n t s have already b e e n u n s uc c e s s f ul . D ouglas's w e b s it e a t w w w.S p e c i a l E d u c a t i o n a l N e e d s. c o . u k is also a ve r y p o p ula r res o u rc e u se d b y b o t h p a r e n t s a n d professionals w it h it ’ s v a s t a rray o f f r e e i n f o r m a t i o n o n it on a rang e o f S E N , Dis a b ilit y a n d E d u c a t i o n i ssu e s I t r egularly rec e iv e s o v e r 50,000 v i si t o r s e v e r y m o n t h . Douglas has b e e n n a m e d a lea di n g e x p e r t i n E d u c a t i o n law for mor e t ha n a d e c a d e b y t h e U K l e g a l d i r e c t o r i e s who have st a t ed , a m o ng s t o t he r t h i n g s:


“Dou g la s Sila s is w ell know n for his "p a s s ion" a nd exper tise in t he a r ea of s p ecia l ed uca t iona l need s . He h as a na t iona l r ep ut a t ion for his cons id er a b le exp er ience in t his a r ea ." [Ch ambe r s a nd Pa r t ner s ' Guid e t o t he Leg a l Pr ofes s ion] “He is, a ccor d ing t o one t op b a r r is t er,'p r ob a b ly t he best so licit or t her e is for cla im a nt - t yp e w or k in t he field of ed uca t ion la w ' [T he Leg a l 500]

Churchgate Legal LLP is a boutique Dispute Resolution/ Litigation practice that offers clients the full range of dispute resolution services, whether acting for claimants or defendants. Unlike many firms of solicitors, we at Churchgate Legal LLP do not usually charge at our hourly rates but prefer instead to agree fees for discrete stages of the work involved in disputed or litigated matters. We will therefore always seek to assist our clients by offering a value proposition rather than a "time spent" proposition.

I n O c t o b e r 2 0 1 1 , Dou glas was sh ortlisted by th e Law S o c i e t y f or it' s prestigiou s ' Solicitor of th e Year ( Priv ate Pr a c t i c e ) ' award.

We have extensive experience in advising in our specialist areas, so our lawyers are quickly able to assimilate complex problems and analyse the legal position giving our clients the best chance of a successful outcome.

I n S e p t e mber 2 0 1 3 , Dou glas bec ame th e first recipien t o f t h e ‘ O utstan din g Ac h iev emen t; award at th e M oder n L a w A w a rds.

RECENT/NOTABLE CASES Our lawyers have been involved in the following cases: • Representing an established architect in a £2.5 million pounds claim brought by the claimant developer for alleged professional negligence that was settled in the architect’s favour with no payment of damages by them to the other party;.

I n J a n u a r y 2 0 1 4 , Dou glas Silas Solicitors were n amed ‘U K N i c h e Law Fir m O f Th e Year ’ by th e ACQ Law Awards 2013. D o u g l a s i s ph y sic ally disabled an d u ses a wh eelch air. He h a s a r a r e & progressiv e, n eu rological con dition c alled Ce r e b e l l a r Atax ia wh ich affects h is n er v ou s sy stem an d w h i c h c a u ses h im a n u mber of difficu lties, in c lu din g with h i s b a l a n ce/coordin ation , speec h an d ey esigh t. Bu t, as h e l i ke t o say, it does n ot affect h is cogn itiv e abilities, l i f e e x p e ctan c y or h is sen se of h u mou r!"

• Representing two individuals in a Building Act notice brought by a Council for repairs to a retaining wall that was settled outside of the court;

D o u g l a s S i l a s S o l ic i to r s Gable House 2 3 9 R e g e nt s P a r k R o a d Finchley London N3 3LF T: 020 8349 7700 F: 0 2 0 8 3 4 9 7 7 0 9 E : i n f o @ d s s l a w. c o . u k w w w. S p e c i a l E d u c a t i o n a l N e e d s . c o . u k

• Acting for two clubs against asset finance companies and receivers of in high value, highly complex litigation, which included obtaining emergency injunctive relief in the High Court preventing an immediate sale of assets. • Acting for a large sector specific manufacturer in defending a claim for £750,000 brought by a customer for breach of contract and a potential counterclaim against a Third Party subcontractor; • Representing an individual in response to a claim brought by a contractor for alleged unpaid costs and setting the claim in the individual’s favour without payment of any costs;

• Acting and advising in respect of negligence actions against IFAs; • Acting for a company director relieved of his duties with both criminal and civil actions running concurrently; • Representing a developer on a multimillion pounds development in respect of a dispute with an established contractor in which the developer was successful in dismissing a claim for an extension of time and claiming liquidated damages; • Representing two clients in a professional negligence claim against solicitors who conducted their purchase of apartments in Egypt. Our clients paid all of the purchase monies required by the developer seller but could not get access to their properties which our clients believed were subsequently “double sold” to other buyers. Our investigations revealed that the solicitors had failed to carry out the proper due diligence checks to ensure that the terms of the sale contract between the seller and our clients protected their interests. We argued that the solicitors had been negligent and were successful in recovering 90% of our clients’ outlays for the properties plus their legal costs. • Representing clients in a professional negligence claim where our clients had lost their case and were ordered to pay their opponent’s costs in proceedings where the solicitors representing them had failed in their duty to consider obtaining after the event insurance for clients. Our clients alleged negligence. The defendant’s insurers agreed to pay 75% of our clients’ claimed damages, plus their legal costs. • Representing a client in professional negligence claim against a solicitor who had acted in a lease purchase where our client had not been properly advised about an onerous rent review clause. The solicitors' insurers admitted liability and, as a consequence, we were able to recover substantial damages for our client, together with her legal costs.

C h u r c h g at e L e g a l L L P , 1 4 Pa r k R o a d , W h i tc h u r c h , C a r di f f , CF14 7BQ T : E : w:

029 20 660 157 e n q u i r i e s @ c h u r c h g at e l e g a l . c o . u k w w w . c h u r c h g at e l e g a l . c o . u k

Contact our Damian Croucher for a free initial discussion regarding your claim..




EC3\Lega l was launched by David Coupe in July 2012 aiming to bring a fresh attitude and commercial approach to legal ser vices for brokers, Lloyd’s agencies, MGA’s and other insurance businesses. David Coupe has been practicing for over 25 years, principally around the London and Lloyd’s insurance market. He is a founder member of the Managing General Agents’ Association. EC3\Lega l has rapidly established a reputation as a straightfor ward, commercially-minded law fir m with a desire to “get the deal done”. Rather than alienating clients with high fees, and the inflexible processes and ser vices synonymous with the large fir ms, we set out to be business partners sharing the pain of our clients. We have achieved our aim by providing advices that are relevant, commercial and direct without passing on the cost of huge over heads. As a result, we have broken into the circle of insurance advisers dominated by a small cartel of large law fir ms. EC3\Lega l is not a one dimensional stereotypical law fir m. Our clients use us to provide much wider support than just legal advices. We are recognised as “the fir m to go to” on inter mediated market matters by banks, venture capital houses, corporate finance advisers and accountants supporting the sector.

Two years ago Ian Gilthorpe and Alan Fletcher saw an opportunity in the shifting legal landscape to set up a new type of law firm that was a more flexible and entrepreneurial model and offered increased value to clients.

The EC3\Legal team has grown from one to 12 in one year. We provide a wide range of corporate, commercial, insurance, employment and property ser vices. By combining this expertise with our “partnership” approach to legal ser vices, and the efficient use of technology, we deliver ser vices more effectively.

To create a new legal brand in today ’s competitive legal sector they literally went back to square one and feedback from clients made it was clear they wanted experienced lawyers who have a real understanding of their business and market sector and not be delegated to inexperienced members of a larger team. In the same way that companies have had to streamline their businesses and become more entrepreneurial to stay competitive, Square One Law has stripped out rigid corporate structures, are not based in expensive city centre offices and have invested in new cloud-based, technologies which allows them to work in a different, more efficient and responsive way. It is a leaner and more agile model and has invested in great people who have proven quality, experience and excellent client relationship skills.

We have been able to treble the number of clients we expected in our first year, and we have surpassed tur nover expectations by over 100. We have now been instr ucted on over £150m worth of transactions and have over 55 clients. We have been able to treble the number of clients in our first year. We have now been instr ucted on over £200m worth of transactions and have over 60 clients. We acted in relation to the sale of Contego Under writing Agencies to AJ Gallagher ; the purchase by Integro of Allan Chapman & James and Doodsons Insurance, and the sale of Prime Professions Limited to Willis, and 15 other transactions.

1 0 6 L e a d e n h a l l St r e et , Lo n d o n , EC3A 4AA

T : E : w:

+44 (0) 203 553 4888 dav i d . c o u p e @ e c 3 l e g a l . c o m

Their offering also differs in that they have access to a wide network of other specialist lawyers and consultants where additional skills are required. They project manage their contribution as an integral part of their client service team, at no cost to the client, to ensure a seamless service and a successful outcome. After only two years, Square One Law is developing a regional, national and international reputation. The firm’s core areas of work are: corporate, commercial, property, banking, employment, commercial dispute resolution, sports law and personal business.

Square One Law ’s clients are: entrepreneurs, owner managed businesses, AIM listed companies; property companies, energy companies, high net worth individuals and some public sector. The firm has grown rapidly and now has 11 partners and a total of 50 people. It is involved in some of the region’s leading projects and has a diverse client base including Able UK, Shepherd Offshore, Tharsus, Miller and Vardy Group. It also works for an increasing number of clients in London and acted for Aker Solutions on its new headquarters site at Chiswick, recently opened by David Cameron.

F o r f u rt h e r i n f o r m at i o n p l e a s e c o nta c t

I a n G i lt h o r p e , S e n i o r Pa rt n e r Tel:0843 2247901 Anson House, Fleming Business C e nt r e , B u r d o n T e r r a c e , J e s m o n d , N e w c a st l e u p o n Tyne,NE2 3AE Tel: 0843 224 7900 w w w . sq u a r e o n e l aw . c o m





Baroudi & Associates (formerly known as Eddé & Baroudi Law Firm) was founded in 1912 by Emile Eddé, former President of the Republic of Lebanon and is the one of the oldest and largest law firms in Lebanon.

Coca Cola, Smith Medical, Tesco, Orange, Exxon Mobil, Zurich Financial Services, Royal & Sun Alliance, Ricoh, Flowserve, Britsh Midland International, Cessna Finance Corporation, Kellogs, HSBC and Various Lloyd’s Syndicates.

Our Firm has twenty lawyers and legal consultants admitted to practice in Lebanon. All our lawyers are fluent in English, French and Arabic.

The firm is preeminent in Transportation law in Lebanon, with a long and distinguished history of serving an international and exclusive clientele, including international carrier and airliners, operators and charterers, underwriters FD&D associations. Baroudi & Associates currently acts for major London and Scandinavian Insurers in various litigations and matters.

Baroudi & Associates specialize in various fields of law including corporate, banking, media, real estate, maritime, aviation, insurance, energy, international transactions, agency laws, retail, hospitality, construction, arbitration, contract, structured finance, corporate finance, project finance securitization, privatization, M&A, taxation and litigation, regulatory and administrative laws, intellectual property, employment and litigation.

Baroudi & Associates is an exclusive member of TAGLaw, a major global alliance of high quality, independent law firms with 150 member firms comprising 7,500 lawyers based in nearly 100 countries.

The list of clients of Baroudi & Associates includes amongst many others: A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S, Motorola, Nokia, Volvo Construction Equipment, Al Jazeera Media Network, William Grant & Sons Distillers Ltd., Taylor Nelson Sofres, Marks & Spencer, Yahoo, CCTV, Sony Corp., Microsoft Corp., Sinopec,

B a r o u d i & A s s o c i at e s L E B A N O N B e i r ut A c h r a fi e h 5 5 8 5 B u i l d i n g P . G e m ay e l A v e n u e Pa l a i s d e J u st i c e D i st r i c t P.O. Box 11-7236 T : E : w:

It s a b i l i t y t o h an dle c o m ple x consul ti ng e x erci se s, a n d p ul l t og e t h e r t e a m s c o mb i ni ng e x p e rts i n i m mi g r a t i o n , t a x , e m plo y m e n t a nd other a rea s, me a ns t h e y ar e t h e o n ly o r g a ni sa ti on offe ri ng tr ul y i n no va t i ve s o lu t io n s a n d ar e i d e a l l y p l a ce d to ta ke a d va nt a g e o f c u r r e n t t r e n ds . It h a s a n e x t e n s iv e c lie n t ba se a cross fi na nci a l i n s t i t u t i o n s , m idd le - m a r k e t c om p a ni e s, l a rg e p ri v a te b u s i n e s s e s a n d h igh n e t w o rth i nd i v i d ua l s. L e a d b y Ju lia O n s lo w - C o le , Pa rtne r a nd H ea d of G l o b a l I mm igr at io n , w h o h a s ov e r 2 0 y e a rs’ e xp e r i e n c e in p r o v idin g s pe c i a l i st i m m i g ra ti on a d v i ce a n d i s r a n k e d No . 1 in t h e le g a l d i re ctori es. She ha s a l s o b e e n v o t e d t h e U K ' s ' E x perts Ex p ert' b y L eg a l B us i ne s s Ju l i a h a s e x t e n s iv e e x p e r t is e i n g l ob a l i m m i g ra ti on g o ve r n a n c e a n d r is k m a n ag e m e nt for i nte r na ti ona l businesses.

F.John Matouk is the co-founder and Managing Partner of Matouk Bassiouny and heads the firm’s Dispute Resolution and Commercial groups. A New York qualified lawyer and dual national, John has been practicing in Cairo for over 15 years and is consistently ranked as a leading lawyer in Egypt in legal periodicals – including recently being named Corporate & Commercial Lawyer of the Year (Egypt) in Lawyer Monthly. John primarily advises clients on strategic management of risks arising from doing business in Egypt and has significant experience successfully advising clients on cross-border transactions and disputes in Egypt.

Matouk Bassiouny is in good standing before all competent judicial, administrative and regulatory authorities in Egypt, including but not limited to the Central Bank of Egypt, the Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority, the Egyptian Exchange, the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones and the Commercial Registry department. Over the past years, Matouk Bassiouny has been consistently ranked as a leading law firm in Egypt in legal periodicals.

F . J o h n M at o u k M a n a g i n g p a rt n e r M at o u k b a s s i o u ny 1 2 M o h a m e d A l i G e n a h St r e et Garden City, Cairo E g y pt T: E : W:

+(202) 2795 4228 j o h n . m at o u k @ m at o u k b a s s i o u ny . c o m w w w . m at o u k b a s s i o u ny . c o m



P w C h a s su b s t a n t ia l e x pe r ie nce i n a d v i si ng on a w i d e r a ng e o f s e r v ic e s a n d prov i d e s i nsi g ht on the d e ve l o p men t o f im m ig r at io n p ol i cy to ena b l e c o mp a n i e s t o s u p p o r t t h e ir f uture i nter na ti ona l g r o w t h.

I n d i v i d u a l p r o fi l e

Matouk Bassiouny is a full-service independent law firm based in Cairo, Egypt. We specialize in advising multinationals, corporations, financial institutions and governmental entities on all legal aspects of investing and doing business in Egypt and the region. Our team of 7 partners and over 65 fee earners are trained both locally and internationally and are fully conversant in English, Arabic and French. The firm prides itself on its in-depth understanding of cross-border cultural and business practices and on providing a commercial problem-solving approach to its legal services. Our firm is ideally placed to advise on high profile and high value complex transactions and we routinely work on cross-border and international transactions. Our sector capability in Egypt combines the firm’s in-depth knowledge of the local markets with an understanding of our client’s businesses.

+ 961 1 428777/8


Pr i c e w a t e r h o u s e C o o p e r s L e ga l LLP offers a uni q ue s t yl e o f i n t e gr at e d le ga l a d v i ce , wi th a cce ss to a g l o b a l n e t wo r k , c o m p r is in g more tha n 6 0 0 e x p e rts i n 126 c o un t r ie s .

F i r m p r o fi l e :


She ha s led a n u mber of h igh profile immigration cri si s man agemen t projec ts in c lu din g th e Arab Sprin g a nd Al geria Crisis. Ju lia advises bu sin esses, th e ed uca ti on sec tor an d h igh n et worth in dividu als on a ra ng e o f c omplex, h igh profile an d disc retion ar y i m m i g ration matters.Ju lia represen ted Bu sin ess at the Pri me M in ister ’s I mmigration Stoc ktake M eetin g a nd i s also Ch air of Lon don First’s Workin g P arty on Im m i g ration represen tin g Bu sin ess an d th e Edu c ation se ctor. The l a st few years h ave seen th e immigration debate b e com e even more politic ised an d P wC is able to ke ep their c lien ts u p-to-date with c h an ges to loc al l eg i sl a tion , market prac tic es an d opin ion s th rou gh the i r unrivalled ac c ess to gover n men ts, in du str y ex p e rts an d lobbyin g grou ps. P wC ’s relation sh ip an d re p uta tion with th e Home Offic e is exc eption al an d the y ha ve a proven trac k rec ord of effec tively worki ng with th e Home Offic e. Worki ng in partn ersh ip with c lien ts PwC h as seen an i ncre a sed deman d for c on su ltan c y advic e as com p a n ies begin to u tilise strategic immigration p l a nni ng as a mean s to su pport growth – P wC ’s uni q ue position in th e market mean s th ey are th e onl y fi r m able to offer c lien ts th is type of su pport.

J u l i e O ns low - C o l e Pa rt n e r

1 E m b a n k m e nt P l a c e , Lo n d o n , W C 2 N 6 D X T : E : w: w:

+44 (0) 20 7804 7252 j u l i a . o n s low - c o l e @ pwc l e g a l . c o . u k w w w . pwc l e g a l . c o . u k w w w . pwc . c o . u k

Baroudi & Associates (formerly known as Eddé & Baroudi Law Firm) was founded in 1912 by Emile Eddé, former President of the Republic of Lebanon and is the one of the oldest and largest law firms in Lebanon.

Coca Cola, Smith Medical, Tesco, Orange, Exxon Mobil, Zurich Financial Services, Royal & Sun Alliance, Ricoh, Flowserve, Britsh Midland International, Cessna Finance Corporation, Kellogs, HSBC and Various Lloyd’s Syndicates.

Our Firm has twenty lawyers and legal consultants admitted to practice in Lebanon. All our lawyers are fluent in English, French and Arabic.

The firm is preeminent in Transportation law in Lebanon, with a long and distinguished history of serving an international and exclusive clientele, including international carrier and airliners, operators and charterers, underwriters FD&D associations. Baroudi & Associates currently acts for major London and Scandinavian Insurers in various litigations and matters.

Baroudi & Associates specialize in various fields of law including corporate, banking, media, real estate, maritime, aviation, insurance, energy, international transactions, agency laws, retail, hospitality, construction, arbitration, contract, structured finance, corporate finance, project finance securitization, privatization, M&A, taxation and litigation, regulatory and administrative laws, intellectual property, employment and litigation. The list of clients of Baroudi & Associates includes amongst many others: A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S, Motorola, Nokia, Volvo Construction Equipment, Al Jazeera Media Network, William Grant & Sons Distillers Ltd., Taylor Nelson Sofres, Marks & Spencer, Yahoo, CCTV, Sony Corp., Microsoft Corp., Sinopec,

Baroudi & Associates is an exclusive member of TAGLaw, a major global alliance of high quality, independent law firms with 150 member firms comprising 7,500 lawyers based in nearly 100 countries.

B a r o u d i & A s s o c i at e s L E B A N O N B e i r ut A c h r a fi e h 5 5 8 5 B u i l d i n g P . G e m ay e l A v e n u e Pa l a i s d e J u st i c e D i st r i c t P.O. Box 11-7236 T : E : w:

+ 961 1 428777/8

Miller du Toit

South Africa

Cloete Inc



Miller du Toit Cloete Inc is a specialised Family Law firm dealing exclusively with family law and related constitutional law matters. Miller du Toit Cloete Inc in conjunction with the University of the Western Cape annually host and present a Family Law Conference dealing with developing aspects of Family Law in South Africa and internationally. Zenobia, the director of Miller du Toit Cloete Inc, is assisted by a team of 4 dedicated attorneys, who have a special interest in and passion for Family Law. Zenobia du Toit was admitted as an attorney in 1982 and has practiced exclusively in Family Law, human rights and related and commercial law issues from 1998 onwards. She:

• Co-edited the collection of papers presented at the annual conference (The Trials and Tribulations, Trends and Triumphs: Development in International African and South African Child and Family Law). •

KBH Kaanuun is a boutique law firm based in the Arabian Gulf with offices in Dubai, Kuwait and Bahrain, with the Dubai office having been founded in 2006.

She is a committee member of the International

Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers and is a member of the Family Law Committee of the IBA where she chairs the sub-committee on the rights of the children. She is a committee member of both the Family Law Committee of the CLS and LSSA. • Was appointed in 2013 to the International Working Group at the Hague Conference on Private International Law to develop a guide to good practice on the interpretation and application of Act 13(1)(b) of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention.

• Was an expert member of the Technical Committee on the Transitional Executive Council at the Multi-Party Negotiating Process, Kempton Park – prepare legislation in committee (April – October 1993)

M i l l e r d u Toi t C lo et e I nc M i l l e r d u T o i t C lo e t e I n c 8 0 St r a n d St r e et 1 0 t h F lo o r , C a p e T o w n

• Presents various workshops and talks regarding family law matters, developing family law and gender equality, children's rights, constitutional aspects of family law, and constitutional law, both in South Africa and internationally.

T : e :

+27 (0) 21 418 0770


Arbitration processes are subject to their own, international rules, but also national rules. In particular, the local Civil Procedure Law at the place of arbitration can have a major impact on the arbitration strategy. Handling a case and dealing with arbitrators, disputing parties and counsels from diverse cultural and legal backgrounds require considerable know-how, experience and sensitivity. International proceedings also necessitate team¬work and co-operation with foreign colleagues and experts. Our lawyers have the advantage of possessing extensive skills and a thorough understanding to meet these requirements. We have the experience and know-how to see a conflict and the possible dispute resolution mechanism through to the end and therefore, we also know how to assist clients in resolving disputes prior a trial through negotiations and meditation.

DK Singh –

M a n a g i n g Pa rt n e r a n d D i r e c t o r

KBH Kaanuun

D u b a i I nt e r n at i o n a l F i n a n c i a l C e nt r e G at e V i l l a g e 7 , L e v e l 2 PO Box 506546, Dubai, U n i t e d A r a b E m i r at e s T : E : w:

+ 971 4 709 6700

Channel Islands


Azhari Legal Consultancy is a boutique law firm that specializes in the resolution of international and national disputes by means of arbitration with a clear geographical focus on the GCC-States. Our firm has handled a broad spectrum of commercial and foreign investment disputes in the GCC that arise out of business activities in a wide variety of sectors. Our firm brings together specialized expertise and experienced lawyers from European and Arabic jurisdictions. Our lawyers act as counsels for companies and investors before institutional and ad hoc arbitral tribunals. We are specialists in the field of commercial law, construction law and investment law.

As a full-service firm, our expertise spreads across a broad span of business disciplines and major industries, including real estate, M&A restructuring, joint ventures and corporate and commercial matters. We also specialise in commercial dispute resolution, covering litigation, mediation and arbitration. We are privileged to cater to an ever-growing list of esteemed clients, who value our commitment to exemplary service and reputation for clear, honest judgment. Our dedication has not only helped our clients achieve results, but has also earned us their confidence and trust. Founded on this principle of first-class quality service, our professional team of experienced lawyers and support staff provide a customised approach to address the specific business requirements of each client. The close proximity of our offices allows us to draw from our highly diversified, multi-disciplinary teams according to the specialised skills and experience required by each project. The partners of the firm have rights of audience in the English, DIFC, Kuwaiti and Bahraini Courts. We also pride ourselves in our extensive global network that provides us with valuable resources as and when required and allows us to assist clients in other GCC countries and beyond, particularly UK and India.

DISPUTE RESOLUTION LAW FIRM OF THE YEAR - Babbé At Babbé we have an exceptional dispute resolution team.

Azhari Legal Consultancy was founded in 2006 in Dubai, the arbitration hub in the Middle East by Dr. Ghassan Azhari who is a member of the German Bar (Berlin) and an accredited tax lawyer.

Forceful and effective, we work across the full range of commercial activity, but with a particular focus on finance related matters. We have represented clients in some of the largest and most complex cases ever to have taken place in Guernsey. We are widely acknowledged to be among the foremost Guernsey law firms in fields including contentious trust litigation, commercial fraud, insolvency, and professional indemnity. Due to the nature of Guernsey's status as an offshore jurisdiction we have developed significant expertise in matters that have an international dimension. In addition to acting in the court of Guernsey, our lawyers also provide a wide range of services in support of overseas litigation, often acting as the local agent for leading international law firms. Experience you can trust

A z h a r i L e g a l C o n s u lta n c y

E x e c ut i v e T o w e r D ( A s p e c t T o w e r ) O f fi c e 9 0 1 B u s i n e s s B ay , D u b a i

T : E : w:

+971-(0)4- 4473557 i n f o @ a z h a r i - l aw . c o m w w w . a z h a r i - l aw . c o m

We have successfully taken a preliminary issue to the Privy Council in an action where we act for a local corporate trustee defending a claim for breach of trust arising out of the trust's investment strategy. This £65 million pound claim involves legal issues at the heart of Guernsey trusts law and the Privy Council has now upheld our arguments. We won an appeal to the Guernsey Court of Appeal on behalf of Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC), enabling it to be joined as a party to a Hastings-Bass application. This was the first such joinder anywhere in the world.

We are involved in several major funds litigation cases, variously on behalf of investors and on behalf of the fund, including giving expert evidence of Guernsey law in foreign proceedings. We successfully acted on behalf of a major Trust Company, recently obtaining judgment for in excess of €3million from a fiduciary agent. We also obtained a worldwide freezing order in support of the judgment and the first ever order in Guernsey for interest on costs. We recently acted in a shareholder dispute arising out of a major onshore joint venture conducted through a Guernsey corporate vehicle. Having demonstrated the strength of our client's case in emergency injunctive proceedings, we were then able to obtain third party commercial funding for an unfair prejudice action. We achieved a satisfactory settlement of the dispute within 5 weeks. We are acting for construction professionals in a multi-million pound dispute concerning a major mixed use development. This is one of a number of cases in which we are involved pioneering the use of e-disclosure in Guernsey. We obtained a freezing injunction as part of a worldwide claim arising out of allegations of the fraudulent use of voyage and time charter parties for an Eastern European tanker fleet. Ian Swan, a partner at Babbé and head of the Dispute Resolution team said, “Our success is down to the quality of our lawyers and the strength in depth we now have.”

Ian Swan Babbé Advocates P O Box 69, La Vieille Cour La Plaiderie, St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 4BL T : +44 (0) 1481 746176 F : +44 (0) 1481 712245 E : w w w. b a b b e l e g a l . c o m

Channel Islands




Bedell Cr ist in We a r e a l e a d in g o f f s h o r e la w fi r m , hea d q ua rtere d i n J e r s e y w i th o f f ic e s in Gu e r n sey, Lond on, Ma uri ti us, BV I a n d S i n g a p o r e . As a f ul l -s e r v ic e o f f s h o r e la w fi r m , we ha v e cl i entfo c u s e d c o r e b u s in e s s lin e s i n corp ora te a nd fi na nci a l se r vi c e s ( b a n k in g, p r iv a t e e q ui ty, fund s a nd ca p i ta l m a r k e t s ), lit ig a t io n a n d in s o l v ency, a nd p ri v a te cl i ent wo r k (l o ca l a n d in t e r n a t io na l , tr usts, found a ti ons, e mp l o yme n t , pr o p e r t y an d prob a te) . We p r o vi d e o n s h o r e an d o f f s hore a d v i ce a nd e x p e rti se to c l i e n t s w o r ldwide . We ha v e the ex p e rti se a nd re s o u r c e s t o h an dle la r ge a nd com p l e x cross- b ord er tr a ns a c t i on s . Wo r k in g wit h our tr ust com p a ny Bed e l l Tr us t , w e o f f e r e f f ic ie n t , com p l e m e nta r y offshore le g a l a d vic e an d f idu c iar y se r v i ce s i n ke y fi na nci a l centres.

As a p a r t n e r- le d o f f s h o r e la w fi r m , our te a m cul ture i s fo c u s e d o n pr o v idin g e x c e pti ona l cl i e nt se r v i ce . We ta k e p a i n s t o a t t r ac t a n d r e ta i n the m ost ski l l ed a nd e xp e r i e n c e d la wy e r s an d s u p p ort sta ff – a i d e d b y our e xc e p t i o n a l r e pu t at io n an d b a l a nced worki ng e nv i ronment.

As a l e adin g offsh ore law fir m, c on sisten t rec ogn ition i n p romin en t legal direc tories is an in depen den t e nd orsemen t of ou r stan din g an d ac h ievemen ts.

Babbé – a leading Guernsey law firm with a reputation for delivering world class legal services. We are one of Guernsey's leading law firms and our corporate and commercial, trust and fiduciary, and funds teams represent a significant number of global businesses and institutions. Our "exceptional" dispute resolution team acts for many of these clients in contentious matters and also frequently works in partnership with international law firms on multi-jurisdictional matters.

Awa r ds O ffshore Law Fir m of Th e Year L eg a l 5 00 2013 O ffshore Law fir m of th e Year U K Ca p tive Ser vic e Awards 2013 L eg a l a nd Fidu c iar y Ser vic es Provider of th e Year M &A Inte r na tion al - Global Awards - 2013

Setting the standards in offshore commercial markets

Wi nner – I n ter n ation al Law Fir m of th e Year Ci ty wealth M agic Circ le Awards 2013 Shortl i sted - Offsh ore Law Fir m of th e Year Ci ty wealth I n ter n ation al Fin an c e Cen tre Awards 2013

M a r k H e lya r

L ea d i ng Jersey Law Fir m ILO Cl i e n t Ch oic e Awards 2012

B e d e l l C r i st i n G u e r n s e y Pa rt n e r s h i p

O ffshore Law Fir m of th e Year Win n er Ci ty wealth Offsh ore Awards 2012

Pa rt n e r

(t) +44 1481 812855 (f) +44 1534 754280 www.bedellgrou

Channel Islands

We have a core team of four lawyers whose time is dedicated to supporting our clients on trusts and other related fiduciary matters. However, because so much of the firm’s client base is made up of Guernsey trust companies, many of our other specialist lawyers who work for those clients also have a detailed knowledge of and experience in trusts law. What we do: Our lawyers advise on the most appropriate structures to serve particular applications and clients choose us for our independence, our expertise across the full range of trust related legal services and for our commitment to providing an approachable and responsive service. In practical terms, we support our clients. This usually means being available to: (i) prepare documentation from the less complex, such as a deed of appointment of a beneficiary, to the very complex, such as preparing the documents needed to effect a restructuring of a trust; or (ii) to give advice in relation to a particular set of circumstances that have arisen and what our client’s options are, what it should and should not do and the practical steps it needs to take to implement its decision. We think that how we do this makes all the difference to our clients and sets us apart from our competitors. We talk to our clients about how they want us to deliver our service. Our basic model is to have a contact lawyer who is the primary contact for a client (and all individuals within it). That lawyer will generally undertake the client’s work to ensure a consistent level of service that can be tailored to that client’s need and consistently maintained, whether in terms of style of documentation or advice, in turnaround times or just being available as a ‘sounding board’.

Andrew Laws Babbé Advocates P O Box 69, La Vieille Cour La Plaiderie, St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 4BL

Our clients choose us for our responsiveness to their needs, for our close understanding of the industries in which they operate, for our careful stewardship of their interests and, where appropriate, for our forceful and effective litigation.

T : +44 (0)1481 746107 F : +44 (0)1481 716956 E : w w w. b a b b e l e g a l . c o m



At Babbé we have one of the strongest trusts practices in Guernsey, covering both private and commercial trusts.

We have developed a range of legal specialisms in tandem with the development of Guernsey as a world-class offshore centre. We offer expert legal advice and representation to a wide variety of commercial clients, including multi-national banks, fiduciary companies, funds investors and insurers.

Martyn Baudains and his team at Babbé have been involved in a significant proportion of the major property transactions that have taken place in Guernsey in the last few years.

Contentious Trust Litigation: We have significant and much sought after expertise in contentious trust litigation, representing our clients in all disputes arising out of trusts, and we provide trust mediation services where appropriate. We frequently work with lawyers from other jurisdictions on the use of trusts in international transactions.

Clients choose Babbé for the breadth of their expertise and for their ability to make the buying, selling or leasing of property as straightforward a process as possible.

Experience you can trust We act for a large number of trust companies on a daily basis. These range from trusts set up by private individuals to more recent applications, for example employee benefits or pension trusts. The exact nature of the work we do is confidential, but includes drafting all types of trust deeds and advising on any matters relating to trusts throughout their lifetime, including: • Change of trustees • Dealing with assets held in trusts, including asset protection • The rights of beneficiaries to information • Migrating or winding up trusts • The apportionment of assets to beneficiaries.

Nicholas Donnithorne Babbé Advocates P O Box 69, La Vieille Cour La Plaiderie, St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 4BL T: + 4 4 ( 0 ) 1 4 8 1 7 4 6 1 7 9 F: +44 (0) 1481 716956 E: w w w. b a b b e l e g a l . c o m

Guernsey property law is a highly specialised area. Babbé advise their clients on all aspects of property transactions, including planning considerations and environmental liabilities. Babbé assist with the development of large-scale commercial projects, and have experience with projects that have an international investment dimension. Babbé lawyers have substantial expertise in helping to resolve disputes between interested parties, including landlords, tenants, and developers. Experience you can trust Babbé acted for Harmsworth Pension Funds Trustees Limited, the purchaser of “Park Place” for £9.514 million and they recently acted for the funder of the highest value commercial property transaction ever to have taken place in Guernsey.

Babbé continue to be at the forefront of many of the major property transactions in Guernsey including: • The purchase of a warehouse/business continuity suite for £4.7m • The purchase of the B&Q building at £14m • The purchase of several office blocks and complexes ranging in value from £3m to £7m. Babbé have also acted in many Landlord and tenant matters including for landlords in prominent “High Street” retail premises, industrial units, office blocks and other commercial premises and for tenants the leases of retail and office premises. Babbé are also very active in commercial property financing arrangements and have been involved in a wide range of commercial property transactions.

Martyn Baudains Babbé Advocates P O Box 69, La Vieille Cour La Plaiderie, St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 4BL T +44(0) 1481 746173 F +44(0) 1481 726324 E w w w. b a b b e l e g a l . c o m

Jersey LI TIGATION LAW FIRM OF THE YEAr - V IBERTS Viberts is a full ser vice law firm providing an effective and personal ser vice to a wide range of clients. We focus on building long-term relationships and tailoring our ser vices to meet the client’s needs. We put our clients at the heart of ever ything we do, providing excellent ser vice to private clients, financial institutions, corporations and governments. Viberts is the first law firm in the Channel Islands to be accredited with the Lexcel quality mark, demonstrating our high standards of client care and business management. Specifically, our dispute resolution team has an eye for detail and a reputation for working closely with its client. Pragmatic and effective, we work across a wide range of commercial activities, and focus on Jersey businesses across a wide spectrum of market sectors: finance, retail, tourism and leisure, instruction, transport & distribution, to name but a few. We have represented clients in some of the ground breaking and law making cases in Jersey and are proud of our reputation for being responsive and successful. We are acknowledged for our expertise in fields including commercial litigation, commercial fraud, insolvency, professional indemnity and disputes between one organisation and the other, and internal disputes.

Christina Hall is the partner who heads the litigation team. Qualified since 2001, she originally started her legal career working as a corporate lawyer before changing her focus to litigation. In the last 6 years, she has been involved in some of Jersey’s most high profile cases and in doing so, has gained an impressive breadth and quality of experience. Christina undertakes a wide range of civil and commercial litigation, including frequently acting for and against trustees. She is a member of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board. Our key dispute services are: • • • • • • • • • •

Trust litigation Insolvency and liquidation Shareholder and director disputes Professional negligence Asset tracing, disclosure orders and asset freezing Compliance, regulatory and fraud Obtaining injunctive relief Reciprocal enforcement of international judgements Contract law and disputes Employer and employee disputes

Christina Hall Litigation Partner

Viberts Viberts House, P O Box 737, D o n S t r e e t , S t . H e l i e r, Jersey JE4 8ZQ T: E : W:

+44 (0)1534 888666 j e r s e y. l a w y e r @ v i b e r t s . c o m w w w. v i b e r t s . c o m

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