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Flexible working Agencies

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I didn’t want my daughters to grow up in a world where the glass ceiling is still so stubbornly thick. Where if you have other commitments, societal attitudes make it hard for you to achieve your full potential. Never mind the countless studies that have shown that part-time and flexible workers are more productive!

And, I knew there must be some good employers out there - ones who value their staff and the output they bring, whatever hours they work. Through my job board, Investing in Women, I am determined to help you find the right job. One that works for you and your family, challenges you (in the best way possible), develops your skills and experience and allows you to continue progressing up the career ladder.



Because you are too talented for your skills to go to waste!

Are you ready? Search the Investing in Women job board to find your next flexible or part-time job.

And while you are there please consider this your invitation to join my empowering Facebook Group Working Mums UK. This is YOUR group where you can expect to find all the tools, strategies, training and inspiration you need to flourish at all stages of your career.

Pull up a chair, get cosy, and meet some new mum friends. Our community is full of like-minded female professionals willing to offer support, advice or a friendly ear.

I just hadn’t found them yet...

New beginnings

Full disclosure - I love Recruitment - I love helping people find their dream job as I know how transformative the right opportunity can be. But the Recruitment market I, and so many of my friends, experienced was broken. It was only working for those who could work full-time. Until Investing in Women, in my 12+ years of Recruitment, I had never (not even once) recruited someone for a part-time role. It is hard for those of us who prefer to work parttime or flexibly to find our dream roles as there are so few about. We end up having to apologise or justify why we want part-time. “I want part-time BECAUSE…”

And I want to change that.

In June, I launched the Investing in Women job board. We only advertise part-time or flexible roles and champion the positive effects part-time working has on society and the economy. Did you know, for example, that more flexible working could unlock £55bn and create 51,000 jobs? And almost six months in - I can promise you there are some amazingly thoughtful and considerate employers out there. Phew!

I can’t wait to get to know you better.

Lots of love,

Ones that want to recruit and progress talent – just like you, on hours that work for you and your family. Liz xxx

As we celebrate members and help to raise awareness of their product or service, we have some serious work to do. The Social Impact Report below was widely distributed since its publication in February this year, but we will continue to share it until it is no longer an issue…

Single Mums Business Network Social Impact Review

1. Barriers to Work, Cost to Economy and Solution 2. Barriers to Finance, Cost to Economy and Solution 3. Barriers to Home, Cost to Economy and Solution 4. Stigma, Misconceptions, and Ignorance

1. Barriers to Work, Cost to Economy and Solution

Most women, following reproduction, face barriers to work that did not exist prior to becoming a primary carer.


Drawing on my own personal experience I had a strong work ethic from age 14 when I began working part-time, I worked full-time immediately following my GCSE’s for 20 years prior to starting a family age 35. I had full expectation of maintaining a full-time salary albeit with a little flexibility, and being self-sufficient whilst continuing to pay my mortgage which at this point was 10 years and £60K down the line.

During maternity leave, when my request for flexible, or pro-rata, slightly reduced hours was declined, due to the full-time hours being required to suit the needs of the business under my job description, along with not wanting to set a precedent for other members of staff who may want to work flexibly, I found myself in a situation where I had to advise I would not be returning to work, simply due to the logistical problem of fitting work and the commute into childcare hours. Whilst some women will have (physical) co-parenting or grandparent support, millions do not, including those in marriage.

I was not too concerned initially as I had several qualifications and a strong work ethic and so I confidently went about searching for work that would support my needs as a primary carer to work a little more flexibly. This was when I was faced with the reality of suddenly entering a job market with millions of other, intelligent, capable, experienced, and qualified mothers, all needing this flexible / pro-rata work. I found work but it was incredibly low pay, under market value for the level of responsibility, due to the high demand for part-time work. Consequently, I needed to apply for Income Support, Housing Benefit, Council Tax Reduction, and I was living in relative poverty without a reasonable food budget, let alone any disposable income. In a short space of time my home was repossessed, and I was trapped in the private rental sector, further increasing my outgoings and need for benefits.

As I continued to search for work in line with my skillset and salary scale I was met on a daily basis with hundreds of social media posts inviting me to work for free, for companies with zero corporate responsibility with respect to the supply chain or Modern Slavery Act, under the ruse of selfemployment, or I was invited to work in the care sector, which, whilst is an incredible thing to do, is low paid and often underutilises your skillset.

Cost to Economy

The cost to the economy is evident. Instead of paying tax on a full time or 0.7FTE wage, I was in receipt of benefits, the long-term impact of this will be more evident throughout this review.


When I worked in Tenerife in 1998 the local government enforced a law that meant any ex-pat business had to employ a 20% local workforce, to ensure their native Canarians were not at a professional or financial disadvantage. It would be reasonable to ask the UK Government to introduce similar legislation to ensure that we do not suffer a disadvantage because of being a primary carer. It is presenteeism that drives benefits and costs the economy billions. Legislation would need to ensure at least 30% of the UK workforce are employed 0.7 or 0.8 FTE in every pay scale. Where flexible and part-time working does exist currently, it is mostly an option for support staff and not senior employees. Support staff are more likely to be on a lower wage and consequently are more likely to need universal credit to top up their income.

The real drivers of universal credit are the companies who have a pay scale that does not support levelling up the Country and UK economy, and insist on 9-5, 8:30 – 4:30, 9-5:30 or later with an hour for lunch. If you cannot commit to these hours you are often locked out of work in line with your skillset and salary scale that you have previously worked towards achieving.

We need to reformulate the company pay structure to visually support the circular economy, rather than the hierarchy economy. These companies would then have corporate responsibility for social impact and the UK benefits bill would be reduced by billions.

Equally we need to explore the possibility of a more modern school year. We no longer need children to work the farms on the summer or stay home in the heat. We are in the 21st Century, but still operating as if it were the 19th Century.

It is easy to see how a circular corporate structure would support a circular economy. The thinkers would not have an operation without the doers. We need to level up salaries and remove any structure that leaves the entry level or support staff without sufficient basic needs. This is relevant for every UK employee currently living in relative poverty because of a pay scale that is not in sync with the cost of living. Capitalism = benefits = cost to economy.

Social Impact Review continued...

1. Barriers to Work, Cost to Economy and Solution 2. Barriers to Finance, Cost to Economy and Solution 3. Barriers to Home, Cost to Economy and Solution 4. Stigma, Misconceptions, and Ignorance


2. Barriers to Finance, Cost to Economy and Solution

Once you enter a world of low income, relative poverty, and without means to put by disposable income for a rainy day, your barriers to finance increase significantly. Consequently, your level of debt further increases when life has a habit of facing you with unaffordable essential expenditure, and you end up in a trap that leaves you, and the economy, in tatters. Again, drawing on my own personal experience. Once I faced the barriers to continue my self-sufficient salary, in quick succession my home was repossessed, my credit file damaged to such a degree that I could not access affordable consolidation or rainy-day loans, and my only options were high interest loans, pay day loans, and other high interest borrowing. These loans were not used for luxury living, short breaks or big screen TV’s, they were used to cover essential bills, rent shortfall, and food. I was advised to declare myself bankrupt on several occasions, but my adversity did not sway my pride, and desire to repay all borrowing in full. I did not want to have a negative impact on the economy or supply chain, and with help entered arrangements to pay debts long-term rather than write them off. But I understand why people do write them off, as often it is unethical, capitalist lending that leaves you vulnerable to loss of life if you do not evidence the results of high interest lending.

Consequently, with a determination not to be reliant long-term on benefits as a result of low pay and high rent, I persevered with setting up my own company and working on a self-employed basis, alongside part-time work, studying a law degree and solo parenting. But of course, the credit score and lack of asset security, meant that banks and other high street lenders would not help me escape the financial pit of relative poverty and I was judged only on credit score, not on work ethic, acumen, or business potential. These barriers to finance resulted in me being unable to kickstart my business and walk away from needing to claim income support.

Cost to Economy

Again, it is clear how financial barriers cost the economy. From the costs of bankruptcy to the long-term need for benefits due to financial adversity. Already pensions are affected.

There are many ways to resolve the financial barriers that exist. Regulation of loans and cost of living alongside access to business finance and greater business support. Many women choose self-employment as a measure to continue working when society makes it very difficult for you to earn a living in line with your skillset in the sanctuary of employment security, pensions, and corporate responsibility. If the work force unwittingly holds primary carers back due to presenteeism and capitalism the UK must do better to help people help themselves generate a reasonable salary when they have a strong work ethic. The first solution would be to address the credit scoring system that leaves millions of people without access to finance. The UK is particularly good at offering student loans and it would serve well to offer similar selfemployment or small business loans. As with the bounce back loans, the bank could be obliged to lend to those in financial hardship with the promise of government underwriting. The best possible thing the Government can do is remove financial barriers and stop banks from holding people back from helping themselves. This money can either be recovered from company income, wages, or worst-case scenario benefits, as some other small loans are. But C19 has helped millions of UK constituents see that universal credit would never be a lifestyle choice by anybody who has ever drawn a wage, and that it is a truly degrading, humiliating and unsustainable way of living, if you want any life at all. This would save the economy billions in the long-term on benefits, and until the last breath, pension credits.

Equally more attention needs to be given to bank charges, and higher cost of bills due to lower income. To elaborate, when you earn a higher wage and have disposable income you are likely to pay your bills annually, or quarterly, from Council Tax, Car Tax, Home Insurance, Car Insurance, TV Licence, Water and Electricity. When you have been unable to budget for these due to living without disposable income, you have to pay these monthly, when you pay these monthly, you pay more for the ‘privilege’ of doing so. When you are paying bills monthly in adversity, normally this has to be by Direct Debit. If you pay by standing order you can easily move the payment by a couple of days if you are without means, which is often a reality when you live with negative income, in work poverty. Consequently, unable to self-manage direct debits, banks will charge you for unpaid direct debits, the company will also charge you for unpaid direct debits, because it is more administration for them, instead of you. With the reality of so many in financial hardship, we need to understand that this is not poor money management, this is poor governance of income v cost of living, and inability to have the autonomy to manage one’s outgoings on a weekly basis without incurring charges. Banks profit from poverty and refuse to help people out of poverty. This all costs the circular economy and has negative social impact. Disposable income is spent in the economy. Charges and debt cost the economy by increasing the need for benefits and debt relief.

Social Impact Review continued...

1. Barriers to Work, Cost to Economy and Solution 2. Barriers to Finance, Cost to Economy and Solution 3. Barriers to Home, Cost to Economy and Solution 4. Stigma, Misconceptions, and Ignorance

3. Barriers to Home, Cost to Economy and Solution


Entering a world of low pay or barriers to finance leaves you in a situation where you consequently face barriers to home. Again, drawing on my personal experience. I had worked for a decade prior to securing my first mortgage and I paid my mortgage for a decade prior to having to enter a world of low paid work and needing a benefit top up in order to survive. Due to the simultaneous adverse credit score I faced significant barriers to home. As part of my career journey I was a qualified estate and letting agent, and I not only witnessed, but was instrumental in, discriminating against prospective tenants with poor credit score or in receipt of benefits, and pricing both sale and rental property, at a rate that was pleasing only to the landlord or vendor, without real Governance or understanding in my twenties of how this would adversely affect the economy long-term, leave very vulnerable people destitute, and support the long-term rental trap. I am pleased that I was duly punished for this with my own experience. I returned to the same estate agent that I worked for when I was a married homeowner, and landlord, a year later as a single mum on benefits, with a poor credit score and without a guarantor, begging for an affordable property for myself and my daughter, after already being turned away by every other estate agent, and knowing fully why. They did not help me. I had to turn to private, accidental landlords, who advertised in press rather than through an agent. Consequently, these landlords / homes, were either more expensive, short-term, in poor condition, or unethical or unsafe in some other way. I moved several times with my daughter, always paying my rent, albeit with the help of pay day loans, with the constant lack of understanding from those closest to me. Asking why I lived in an expensive house instead of an affordable town house or why I was moving again, they did not understand that the affordable, longterm, secure town houses were let to those who looked good on paper, and without a guarantor I was turned away, over 100 times during 6 years of begging. Of course, my frustration, was that if I had had some help with my mortgage, I could have saved my home, my own estate, my child’s secure future, if there was help in this way I did not know about it. The UK creates booklets of advice for some minority groups, and I think if a similar booklet had been given to me in the maternity ward, the cost to the economy would have been significantly reduced.

Cost to the economy

Because of this rental trap, I needed benefits, the cost to the economy is clear, but when I was eventually awarded a social housing tenancy, my income covered my rent, and so I no longer needed housing benefit, so was it me on benefits, or my landlords. Landlords who profited and gained estates at the cost of the taxpayer. My rent was £200 more than my mortgage, every month for six years. The cost to the economy over a lifetime is significant. It is not only the cost of needing to apply for housing benefit to pay private rent, but also the long-term impact of that private rent leaving the tenant without disposable income, without means to improve the credit score, without means to apply for or save for a mortgage, yet the monthly outgoings of private rent are often equal to, or more than, monthly outgoings for a mortgage. This means reduced means to save a pension, and this means paying rent to the last breath.


If you remove barriers to homeownership, you remove the need for housing benefit and pension credits in later life. Of course, nobody would want benefits to buy somebody a house, although it is arguable that benefits are exactly what buy landlords houses. It is reasonable to set a standard for a person to evidence a decade of work, tax contributions, and ability to pay rent before they become a homeowner, at least then if they do fall on hard times and need benefits, they are still paying into their own estate and not that of another person. The long-term saving to the economy is great, and after a decade of payslips and financial autonomy nobody will choose benefits long-term. If a person can pay their own mortgage for 20 or 30 years, they can then spend disposable income into the economy for the last 1/3 or 1/4 of their life. If they do not have a mortgage, they will be struggling to pay rent in their 60’s, 70’s, 80’s 90’s and so on. This will have an impact on each generation in that family, without inheritance, security, or the bank of mum and/or dad to help them. Equally, governance of the private rental sector. This has come a long way with respect to discrimination and fees (albeit discrimination remains subtle), but price setting is ungoverned. Private rent is a capitalist enterprise, which could at the very least offer grounds for a mortgage where deposit or credit scoring is adversely affected due to barriers to finance and work in sync with salary and skillet. The Government have offered to grants to landlords, but this money could be used to put the estate in the rightful hands of the one paying for it. Credit scoring and barriers to deposit have a lifetime affect on the economy and carries a greater penalty than bankruptcy or manslaughter.

We must accept that houses are no longer £7000. We no longer live in a society where a man’s wage will pay for the cost of living, whilst his wife takes care of all childcare, school holidays, cleaning, cooking, sick days and so on and has equal share to his pension and permanent stability as a result. We live in a society where 1 in 4 households with dependents are single households. One salary no longer enables the cost of living or provides the opportunity to save a mortgage deposit. And women are no longer able to cover school holidays on top of full-time work, pension, homeownership, and high private rents. We need to make it okay for one salary to cover one cost of living, otherwise we force people to remain in abusive relationships and make adults less accountable for their behaviour and marriages hard to leave. A marriage should be a happy place, and a financial benefit, not a financial necessity.

Social Impact Review continued...

1. Barriers to Work, Cost to Economy and Solution 2. Barriers to Finance, Cost to Economy and Solution 3. Barriers to Home, Cost to Economy and Solution 4. Stigma, Misconceptions, and Ignorance

4. Stigma, Misconceptions, and Ignorance


It is often perceived that a single mum has made bad choices, that she has made a lifestyle choice, and that she is a single mum because she is work shy or uneducated. We must challenge this and help to raise awareness that most of us have a strong work ethic, happy and healthy children, and are single by being divorced or widowed after trying to do it by the book.


We do not need upskilling, we need barriers removed so that we can use our skills, we do not need a rich man, we need barriers removed so that we can create our own stability and estate, we do not need apprenticeships, we need work in sync with childcare. We do not need charity; we need access to 100% finance to build our own business regardless of adversity.


When I refer to ignorance, I never mean to cause any real offence, ignorance is simply lack of knowledge or experience. I was ignorant and was still a perpetrator to these barriers in my early 30’s. If you do not understand what holds people back and how easily that can be changed that is forgivable, but once you know, you must do something about it. These barriers are created by society. These barriers can be removed by governance of society.

Closing word

Thank you for reading the Social Impact Review created by the Single Mums Business Network, UK. Crucially many of us are in business as a measure to make work work as a primary carer. We do not want to suffer financial hardship because of procreation, and we are doing all that we can to be financially self sufficient whilst working hard to ensure that these barriers do not equate to long term cost to the economy. Until things change there are many ways that the Government can help us to succeed in self-employment and we would welcome an audience to discuss that. We can contribute to the UK economy; we can be considered for public sector contracts and we can import and export where we are in manufacturing or supply goods or services. We also need protecting from ungoverned unethical recruiters who enjoy great profit without corporate or social responsibility. We are fighting to build our own pension and provide some stability for our children. Whilst this document is relevant to all primary cares, single dads, and parents in marriage, the focus here is on the 90% of single parents and primary carers in the UK who are women, but it hopes to have a positive impact in

We have had some fantastic landmark rulings this year whereby mothers have successfully taken legal action against employers for not enabling them to work flexibly around their childcare barriers. This sets a lifechanging precedent and, this week [21.09.21] news suggests that the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) plans to allow millions of workers to request flexible working from day one at a new employer, replacing the current 26-week period…

For this we thank the Government and the Judiciary for taking positive steps in the right direction, but we do have a mountain to climb and we need legislation ensuring that childcare hours and working hours are governed properly to ensure that barriers to work no longer exist. When we are healthy and have a strong work ethic we should not need to touch the public purse at all.

In a recent response to my daughter’s school confirming that they would continue to close at 5:15 I argued:

'As it stands unless a role finished at 5pm on the dot in *town* or *town* and parking is outside of work and you are prepared to drive putting speed ahead of safety to park outside of school to meet the 5:15 deadline this is extremely stressful, and dangerous.

1 in 4 families are single parents. and most two parent families have one parent at home to avoid the childcare battle. In a two-parent family where one partner earns £28K and the other partner faces barriers, the UC entitlement is £3000, this rises to £4700 for £24K household income and so on. If you multiply this by a class of 30 these 45 minutes cost the economy approx. £115,000 per year in UC. For a single parent this likely to be more. Only a small % of the economy are top earners. If both partners could work full time their household income could increase by at least £18K per annum for your average office job, and the economy would benefit from an extra £4K per person in tax (£120K class of 30).

If 1 in 4 families are single parents this increases. So for a school with 150 pupils, 45 minutes of childcare provision looks something like this.

150 parents unable to work full-time

3 in 4 of those parents married = cost to economy £431,250

1 in 4 single parent = cost to economy £450,000 (150 / 4 = 37.5 x 1000 x 12)

17:15 childcare close cost to economy per annum per 150 pupil school £881,250 -this is average without knowledge of specific local data.

If all 150 can work full time for £18K would result approx. £500K annual tax income.'

I added

'I hope the school can provide a better opportunity and outcome for the families within it and the greater social impact. Funds from the public sector purse should be to support public sector pay and those with disabilities. They should not be used to cover childcare barriers with an able bodied work force.'

I cannot complain about this situation enough, and I cannot believe those who hold the public purse strings

and could easily legislate work in sync in childcare are not making this right! Needless to say I did not get a reply, and so neither me nor any 1 of those 120 parents who may be looking for work can apply for most full time roles out there… and the battle continues…Disclaimer—my figures may be out but pay me the treasurer’s salary

and I will sit down for an hour or two with a calculator! (hmmm...can the treasurer work flexibly?!)

About ELY The Charity was set up in memory of Emma Louise Young (E.L.Y.). Emma tragically lost her life in a road traffic collision. She was just 23 and our only daughter. We set up the fund in March 2011 with the objective to relieve financial hardship for families within the County if their son or daughter, between the age of 17 to 25, is tragically killed in a road traffic collision.

We provide a condolence gift to contribute towards the funeral costs so a family can mourn and arrange their child’s funeral without the added stress and financial burden.

We also provide help and support through other groups, such as looking into life insurance, will writing and emotional support for victims of road traffic collisions.

Our other objective is to support young people across the county to become safer drivers, educating them in road safety to help reduce road collisions involving young drivers.

Website: www.ely-memorial-fund.org.uk Email: hugs4u@ely-memorial-fund.org.uk Mobile: 07877591583 Facebook: /elymemorialfund Twitter: @ elymemorialfund

It’s amazing how quickly things can change isn’t it! For 23 years I had been a PE teacher at an inner city high school in Newcastle Upon Tyne. I had worked at the same school all that time. I got married, had two fantastic kids and got divorced, all whilst working there! WIll Guys! I am a great believer in things happening for a reason and I was delighted when they offered me redundancy instead. Best decision I have ever made!

Back in 2018 a colleague sent an email to all staff saying he was leaving teaching and was now a qualified Will Writer. My mum had been going on at me to get my Will in place, worried that my ex husband would potentially benefit from my estate! So, I replied to the email asking if I could get an appointment booked in. That’s when I realised…this sounded like a great opportunity and something I could work around my kids (then 8 and 11) and my school work! The Will Guys agreed to take me on and train me up! I realised very quickly that this was my dream job, I loved it! It was such a good feeling knowing I was helping people make sure they were protecting their loved ones.

I quickly became qualified in ‘Protection’ too so trained all through the summer to be able to advise clients on life insurance, critical illness cover, family income benefit, income protection and building and contents insurance. I absolutely love this too. I take great pride in making sure my clients understand their options and more importantly understand the products. I guess this is the teacher coming out in me. There is such a gap in people’s knowledge of all this, as people just think they are trying to be sold something. But actually, if you think about it, these products are here to protect you and your family if you aren’t able to work or sadly pass away. One thing the pandemic has taught us is that we don’t know what is round the corner and that anything can happen in a blink of an eye.

Then the pandemic hit. At this point in 2020 I was still a full time teacher and part time Will Writer. I decided to develop my knowledge further and signed up to do the ‘Estate Planning’ qualification. This is the hardest thing I have ever done, but, 3 tough exams later and 2 months down the road and I passed it! At around the same time I was called in for a meeting with my headteacher. They told me they wanted me to become Head of Sixth Form but wouldn’t get any more money or time to do this! This was a chance to get out! I feel very blessed and grateful for the job I am doing now. It’s the best feeling ever knowing that I am making a difference and helping others.

This was just the push I needed and I made a life changing decision that I would ask for a financial settlement, leave teaching and go full time with The

When I was 16 my dad died, not long after I had started a relationship with an older man. I worked in a shop and he was a local butcher.

He was very charming and good looking and he did meet my parents, my dad said to my mum that there was only one thing a man would want from me, being the age he was.

I got ready for my first date and said goodbye to my dad, he was hanging the washing on the line in the garden. He hadn’t been feeling well and had a doctors appointment earlier that day. So I asked him how it went, he told me that he had suffered a heart attack 2 weeks ago and that he wasn’t allowed to drive or work for 6 weeks. I told him that I wouldn’t go out and would stay at home but he insisted that I went.

My beautiful dad died later that evening of a massive heart attack, in front of my youngest brother and my older sister. My world collapsed and my heart broke, I have never gotten over losing him.

My relationship progressed but unfortunately the man was a predator and a womaniser and I was subjected to domestic abuse. I became pregnant and when I was 17 I gave birth to a gorgeous little girl who I named after my dad. I raised her in a “mother and babies” home for the first 2 years of her life.

I managed to get free of the relationship and I found arts and crafts really helped me with my mental state. On my 18th birthday my Nanna died, she was a seamstress and she also taught me how to knit. My heart shattered all over again but I got through and my daughter and I moved into our own house the following year. I have had many jobs over the years, but I have always kept my crafty side. I painted my daughters room with Disney characters and sold handmade cards too. I also made everything for my wedding when I was in my 30’s, unfortunately that relationship was also abusive but I wasn’t a young girl anymore and I soon became single once more.

My 30’s and 40’s were very difficult, I had 5 children, 3 of which had life threatening illnesses at birth and I also lost my home. I continued to use art and craft to cope and eventually life became easier.

When I was 45 I became chronically unwell and I had to give up my nursing career, something that I absolutely loved and worked so hard for. My son was also diagnosed with autism that very same year and he struggled to sleep, so I taught myself to sew and I made him a cuddle bed. Which I later patented and designed a whole range of sleep solutions, sensory items and soft furnishings. Which can be found in Robert Dyas and Wayfair.

Over the years I have created lots more products and I am now printing merchandise and starting my own crafty clothing range. Sadly I can’t sew anymore because of my illnesses but I am still very creative.

Last week I opened a shop, which has been something I have always dreamed of and I am surrounded by beautiful handmade items that I sell on behalf of crafters and artists. My shop is truly my happy place and I absolutely love what my Shop Handmade Team, and my children and I have created. We opened in 4 short weeks and I am so very thankful for all the help that I have received. In particular another single mum, Margaret Reid who fitted out the shop with her local business MRDS.

Please take a look at the pictures from our opening on the next page..

The SMBN supported me during my early planning of opening the shop and they recommended Purple Shoots who made it financially possible too. Another member, Susie Mackie officially opened the shop during Stroud’s Good Will evening which was absolutely incredible.

If you live in Gloucestershire please visit our shop that I have transformed from an old pub to a beautiful creative space. We are going to hold creative workshops, kids parties and crafty drop in sessions.

We are located on Union Street in the magical market town of Stroud. You can’t miss our beautiful hand painted door!

If you would like to sell with us please email craftology.sales@gmail.com


www.cuddlebed.co.uk www.shophandmade.co.uk

Tel: 01453 752448 or 07891162140

chrissie@cuddlebed.co.uk Unit 1E - Spillmans Court Middle Spillmans - Rodborough Stroud - Gloucestershire - GL5 3RU

HI, I'M REBECCA IN-The statistics around money and women are frightening. In short: we live longer, GRAM earn less, pay more and are more likely to live in poverty. Especially as single parents. I am passionate about women taking control of their finances and ensuring that they are fully equipped to deal with all their financial needs, independently. Some might think that earning and managing money is a simple case of charging enough and managing the expenditure, but for many women it’s not. There are multiple reasons why women struggle to charge their worth and take ownership of their finances. Negative feelings around money and success are often handed down to us from our parents or carers. They can leave us with feelings of guilt and shame connected to being great at making, saving and growing money. If you ever heard it said that ‘rich people are just lucky / greedy / bad…’ or ‘women are only good at spending money’, ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’ it’s likely you may have some money blocks. You might also be carrying some trauma around money. Perhaps you used to hear mum and dad arguing about money, or maybe you were shouted at for wanting something as a young child? Trauma and childhood programming leads to feelings, beliefs and thoughts that are blocking your wealth management now. These feelings and beliefs mean women, as a collective, are likely to play small in the money and success games.

Does any of this sound like you?

Do you avoid opening your bills? Do you leave your tax return until the last minute? Do you create unnecessary stress and anxiety around money? …… Perhaps you are excellent at making an abundance of money, but can’t hold onto it. Or maybe you are excellent at making and managing money but every time you go over your usual net worth, your relationships start to suffer? There is an emotional reason for these patterns of behaviour. Until you uncover them - and heal them - your subconscious will continue to replay them.

Why is the subconscious important?

Your subconscious runs approximately 96% of your life, yet it is primarily programmed before the age of seven. This means that all the unhealthy, unhelpful messages you absorbed like a sponge, are now your money beliefs. Think back to how your care-givers acted around money. Do their behaviours match the vision you have for your life? If not, you are climbing an uphill battle to achieve yours...until you rewire your subconscious and energy field. I’m helping create a feminine wealth movement, and I’d love you to be part of it :)

That is where I come in.

Who am I?

I am not a financial advisor, I am a business lawyer, hypnotherapist and coach and I work with women in business to unlock their money traumas so they can go on and handle money calmly, confidently and in a stress-free way to achieve their financial goals.

It is my mission to empower women (and girls) to understand their intrinsic worth and improve their confidence and selfbelief so they can earn, save, invest and spend with joy and peace.

Like all personal development, the money healing is never done. Every time we up-level and win a lucrative client, or we invest at a new level, all the same fears can come up. Which is why I have created my money membership. Think of it as a gym for your money mindset. It is a community of women all looking to create positive relationships with their wealth, and self-worth. In the membership, you can expect monthly group coaching sessions, practical tips and workbooks, subconscious work, energy clearing and more.

Members are always invited to share articles for the mag, but even if they don’t they still benefit from inclusion, so take a moment to

view members business cards on these next few pages, and don’t hesitate to contact them if you can use their product or service!

5% of membership fee will be donated to Purple Shoots via Work for Good.

Member – £2.50 per week or £10pcm (two DD frequency options)

As a member you will enjoy continued exposure throughout the year via our paid signposting and in magazine advertorials. You also benefit from free monthly zoom meetings, member only meet-ups and 1-1 support with partners. You also benefit from PAM Assist, which gives you access to clinical and professional expertise, giving you a chance to talk about all kinds of work and personal issues that may be affecting you. These might include; debt advice, relationships, managing money, stress management, moving house, health advice, work issues, domestic abuse, drug/alcohol addiction, family care or bereavement.

For business PR we continuously promote you in print outside of social media..

Your membership is not so that you can sit idle on our database – your membership is a small investment to contribute to much higher value exposure. When you are in business / a self-employed Single Mum this support is very high value.

You can join the SMBN as a member if you are a Professional Single Mum in employment, or a single mum wanting to be surrounded by positive information and advice around business or work, but we have strict rules against MLM recruiting, so if you join and are targeted for MLM, that person will be removed. It is a safe space to support you on your ‘ own’ business or work journey.

Essentially we are hard-working single mums who are proud of who we are and what we do.

Hello, my name is Laura and I work in the skin care industry and have been a massage/beauty therapist for over 20 years. I specialise in treating the skin from the inside out, skin health and well being are my passion. I offer bespoke facials to treat each individuals skin concern, using state of the art technology like CACI non surgical machine and Environ’s DF machine. The facials are from 30 minutes to 2 hours long. Most include a complimentary treatment of your choice, a scalp massage, a foot scrub and massage or a mini manicure- allowing some time for help towards feeling relaxed. I believe it’s important to take time out for ourselves from our busy schedules, when you feel your best, you look your best too! As my salon is called Aurora Beauty, inside and out, I offer skin specific supplements too, Jane Iredale cruelty free mineral make up, to treat your skin wholistically, along with a thorough consultation to look at lifestyle and how we can work together to achieve the best results for your skin.

Now recently becoming a SMBN member, I’m very inspired by other members stories and achievements and am so grateful to have been told about this group and be motivated by their support and efforts, wish I’d have found SMBN earlier! I’ll be sure to spread the word! One day I’d love to open a school teaching facials and massage.

Laura, Aurora Beauty 07988805482

Based in Australia but also working in UK online

What’s the point of being successful if it constantly feels like a lie?

People only see your mask; standing in a packed room, smiling, laughing, being outrageous and surrounded by people. They think you are so confident and have so much in life. And maybe you do: You may have the career, kids, the house, marriage...all the things that society and the status quo has told you that you should have to be happy and successful.

Physically, you are RIGHT there ……….. but emotionally, you feel a despairing emptiness and loneliness, just wanting to escape your mind and feeling trapped inside your own head.

You feel numb, fake and like you don’t really deserve any of this.

If they really knew, they'd think you're mad

So you throw yourself into tasks, try every fad from the gym, to getting dressed up, getting out there and putting positive affirmations all around the bloody house. But eventually that motivation burns off and here you are again in your pit of loneliness with nothing but the latest Netflix binge, feeling like a failure, broken, just not good enough, feeling like maybe nothing will ever really make you happy.

You want to feel connected, to really be able to love properly. You want motivation and confidence that lasts and doesn’t burn you out. And mostly, you just want to feel happy. To be able to enjoy life and the people around you.

It was becoming a single mum that broke me, but also made me

I was suddenly looked at differently; I remember being asked by a friend if I was going to dye my hair blonde and start drinking Lambrini out the bottle with a puffa jacket on (referencing TV’s popular Single Mum characters of Vikki Pollard or Bianca Jackson). I got a warning from work after a 10 year clean record as I struggled with childcare and balancing everything suddenly on my own.

You are not broken or irreparable

I was deemed a success to my friends and family and checked off every box of what a successful woman should have done by my age: I'd moved away, got the degree, house, marriage, kid and even the high flying job. To the outside world, I was unstoppable. I was constantly in work and in a £40k a year job, managing others and supporting others through trauma and abuse.

I got outstanding recognition from external agencies as well as my own colleagues and managers.

But in reality, I felt like a ship about to hit an iceberg, ploughing through every day hiding behind a fake smile and sense of humour to keep people from realising that I felt like an imposter. I felt alone even in the fullest of rooms, like a massive failure about to be caught out. I battled with my weight, my mind, and with anyone who said they loved me, cause what was there to love?

In 2015, My marriage broke down and I was thrown into the world of a single parent.

In April 2016, my 29 years of battling finally came to a head as I contemplated ending my life. I’d been talking to a counsellor and on the anti-depressants from the GP for months now and nothing had changed. I’d told myself for years, that maybe if I found love, or got more money, or weighed less, ate less, had more friends, was more fun, that I would be good enough and finally happy. But I had done all of these things, and nothing worked. Nothing stopped my mind from constantly making me feel more and more broken.

I finally realised that the biggest and most dangerous bad habit I had wasn't drink or work or anything external, it was my mind.

is more help being offered to the public, and less people feeling that the only way out is suicide.

What ensued was several years of getting real with myself and aware of all the thoughts that kept leading back to the same place. I left my

£40k a year job and took an £18k one with more flexibility, so that I could be a mum as well as retrain in something I believed would genuinely help others.

In my time of working with children and teenagers, my main undeniable strength was always being able to find a bespoke plan for each child, which is how I quickly progressed into management and creating my own in house training programmes - My approach with people was

always my strength, and I could easily combine different methods to find something that worked for each individual. This is what I do in my coaching work now.

As a society, we accept that people have different tastes in music, food, preferences in partners and respond to these different stimuli in varying ways, and so why do we think that one limited and dated method/approach will work for everyone who is struggling?

We explore how the mind works to understand why those thoughts are there and pinpoint where they have come from, so that we can challenge them and get back in control of your mind and life. You can get in control of the thoughts in your head, be confident, and then get motivation that is consistent because you aren't trapped by thoughts that you can't anymore.

If I could change one thing, it would be to make our GP surgeries more like a community hub for

Health and Social Care, whereby all local services are promoted and offered whether it is coach-

ing, a gym membership, reflexology, nutrition-

ists for allergies, etc. We browse shops, hair styles, cars, fitness classes, and so we should be supported to try out different methods when it comes to our mental health. I believe that this

would not only save the NHS and tax payers money by reducing the amount currently paid out in Sick Pay, but it would also mean for happier and more balanced people and better overall wellbeing in our workforce, children and

adults, which ultimately leads to less suicides and people leaving loved ones because they just didn’t know where else to turn.

One Size Does Not Fit All!

After working in Residential Care for over 10 years, using typical counselling skills, therapeutic and psychological skills, I realised that one size does not fit all, and this is why the Social Care and Health systems in this country had so often failed people; Everyone is squeezed into this tiny square mould, and if you don’t fit, then you are broken, unfixable, a ‘problem’. We are told to

either take pills, have counselling, or are just

left as broken and to feel irreparable. Generic counselling and medication does work for SOME of the population, but we need to realise that it doesn’t for all and start investing in other alternative and proven approaches so that there To book a free call with Nehaya go to www.calendly.com/nehaya

Or you can find out more at www.hiyascoaching.com

Genny Jones Accounting Trainer and Consultant

A bit about me

My name is Genny Jones and I am an accountant who can train you to understand the basics of bookkeeping and Accounts so that you can be able to confidently manage your business finances and be confident when you communicate with your accountant or other interested parties. With over 25 years of working in the profession with various accounting firms, businesses, charities and individuals, I have developed my services based on the needs which have identified and from the services I have provided over the years.

How I can help you

 Review of your current bookkeeping systems  Coach you to be confident in understanding the journey from when you buy or sell something to the end products of your profit and loss and balance sheet.  Help you to recruit, support or supervise your bookkeeper.  Training courses via zoom or in person:  Basics of taxation for self employed and businesses  Prepare sales projections and cashflow forecasts.  Pricing of your products or services  Understand your Profit and Loss and Balance sheet  Set up and use Xero, Sage or QuickBooks bookkeeping/payroll  Basics of bookkeeping, accounts and Payroll for newbies

My Charges 1st April 2021 to 31 March 2022

Free Initial consultation for 45 minutes

£30 per hour for one to one sessions 1 day training via zoom £147 Additional charges if face to face ½ day training vis zoom £75 – Additional charges if face to face Website: www.gennyjonestraining.com Email: infor@gennyjonestraining.com Mobile: 07490830038

Instagram @gennyjonestraining Twitter @gennyjones

I have been working in the accounting profession for 25 years in various roles. Over the years I have overcome a period of work burn out, depression and low self esteem to developing my own unique happiness and wellbeing sessions aimed at businesses to help employees manage their stress levels so that they can be more productive. I work to help people not to take themselves too seriously by having time for fun and

laughter. I specialise in using laughter and humour to help people cope with everyday issues. My services and sessions are very practical and I share the techniques which have helped me , as well as those learned from others through my continued training.

My services

 Practical Happiness Tool Box with items to help maintain happiness  One to one happiness and wellbeing coaching  Energiser at your event – 15 minutes to get your audience smiling and feel good as demonstrated during my appearance on Britain’s Got Talent

Escape to Happiness Island Sessions: -

Over the years I have developed this my unique sessions which can be for an hour or half a day and can also be used for team building and employee engagement. I had the pleasure of demonstrating some of my techniques when I appeared on Britain’s Got Talent and even got yeses from the 3 judges and also got listed in the Independent on Sunday happy list 100 of people who go out of their way to share joy with others The sessions are fun packed, interactive and can include: – Assessing your current happiness level  Tips on being happier  Visualisation  Laughter Yoga  Singing and Dancing  Arts and Craft

Benefits of the session -

At the end of the session participants will:  Have better understanding of the need to have time for fun  Feel good  Be more productive  Have a positive outlook to life  Take with them a simple booklet with practical tips to cope with everyday life  Happiness and Wellbeing Toolbox

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