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Year 11

Personal por3olio Personal 20XX por3olio Work on individual crea:ve porIolio

Work on individual crea:ve porIolio Year 10

Perfec:ng crea:vity Year 9


Developing crea.vity Portraiture, Julian Opie, Self-­‐ Iden:ty, Watercolour pain:ng Insects, The Natural World, 3D making, Printmaking, Research Perspec:ve, View from a Window, Landscape

Sweet treats, Pop Art, Andy Warhol, Joel Penkman, Observa:onal Drawing, Sculpture Growth Mindset, Typography, Ben Eine, Graffi:, Graphic Design Pop Art, Fashion Design, Shoe Design, Trainers, PaGern making, Colour

Year 8 beginning

Year 7

S:ll life, Colour, Theory, Drawing, Pain:ng, Michael Craig Mar:n Animals, Eric Carle, Collage, Illustra:on, Texture, Shape Indian Culture, PaGern making, Line Drawing, Mandalas, Mindfulness, 3D making in papier-­‐mache or clay

Human Resources Communica7on, recruitment and mo7va7on

Year 11

Finance net Gross and

profit margin ARR


Produc7vity and managing stock

Marketing Product, price, place and promo7on

Growing the Business Ways to expand and ethics Making the Business Effective Business ownership, loca7on and marke7ng mix

Spotting a Business Opportunity Market research, market segmenta7on, market mapping

Year 10

Understanding the External Influences on a Business Stakeholders, legisla7on and the economy

Finance Pu<ng a business idea into prac7ce (revenue, cost, profit and break-­‐ even

Enterprise and

Entrepreneurship How and why new ideas come about, risk and reward, adding value

Year 11

Computer 20XX systems Systems architecture, Memory and storage, computer networks, connec.ons and protocols, network security, systems soAware, ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impacts of digital technology.

Computa&onal thinking, algorithms & programing

Algorithms, programming fundamentals, producing robust programs, Boolean logic, programming languages and integrated development environments

Year 10

Year 9


Algorithms & Computa.onal thinking Programming in Python-­‐ Selec.on Introduc.on to Spreadsheets Using computa.onal thinking to solve problems – understand the concepts of abstrac.on and decomposi.on, Be able to design algorithms to solve a range of computa.onal problems and analyse the effec.veness of a range of different approaches to problem solving.

Compu&ng Past, Present & Future Introduc&on to Programming in Python-­‐ sequence Compu&ng Components Developing an apprecia.on of the history of word processing , how to use a range of word processing tools, the design life cycle and how to create well designed publica.ons using word processing soAware. Know about important figures in the development of Understand the widespread use of computer programming, write programs that ask for user input and produce suitably formaEed output. Using escape characters to include punctua.on and basic formaFng in an output message. Understand the basic data types: strings , integers and real or­‐point numbers. Use index values to iden.fy individual characters in a string, Slice a string, join strings together using concatena.on.

Year 8

Year 7

File Management Computer Systems Basics Introduc&on to Cryptography Programming using BBC Microbits Spreadsheets Office online applica.ons – Teams – Assignments, posts, Online mee.ngs(Live lesson features), OneNote – class notebook features – and assessing work, OneDrive and managing files (Files, folder management, extensions, Saving work), Baseline and privacy rule. Characteris.cs of a computer system – Input process output, peripherals, Internal components of a computer system, health and safety at work to use of IT technology, Data representa.on and basic number systems. Introduc.on to cryptography -­‐ Simple subs.tu.on ciphers – Atbash, pigpen, Caeasar cipher – encryp.on and Caeasar Cipher Decryp.on. Use cryptography to solve murder mystery challenge . Introduc.on to using the Microbit computer and the blocks editor, Understand why programs need to be interpreted before computers can execute them -­‐ Programming fundamentals – Events and manipula.on of data in variable.

Half term 6

KS3: Athle0cs & Cricket (boys) or Rounders (girls) KS4: Athle0cs, Tennis, Rounders or So;ball

KS4: So;ball, Tennis or Cricket Half term 5

Half term 4

Yr7 & 8: Gymnas0cs & Football (boys) or Netball (girls) Yr9: Trampolining & Football (boys) or Netball (girls) KS4 Girls: Netball & Fitness KS4 Boys: Basketball & Dodgeball

All Years: Cross-­‐ country and Rugby (boys) or Hockey (Girls)

KS3: Tennis, Athle0cs, Badminton or Rounders

Yr7 & 8: Outdoor and adventurous ac5vi5es & Football (boys) or Netball (girls) Yr9 + KS4 : Badminton & Handball (girls) or Football (boys)

KS3: Fitness & Basketball (boys) or Rugby (girls) Half term 3

KS4: Fitness & Football (boys) or Trampolining (girls)

Half term 2 Half term 1

Yr7 Baseline testing

Baseline assessments completed in Crosscountry and Football (boys) or Netball (girls)

Year 13

Set text, crea6ng drama & performance

Exploring drama & making theatre

Exploring genres, wri/en set text recap, Making theatre, realising, reflec7ng & evalua7ng, performance exam, evalua7on & preppera7on

Yea 12

Set text: Dario Fo, crea7ng original drama prac7cal and crea7ve log performance, revision & live theatre prepara7on, complete wri/en mock, 20XX start year 13 prac7cal workshop

Year 11

Set Text, assessment & performing Set text recap, wri/en assessment, performing from a text, wri/en exam, performing from a text examiner,

Set text, prac6ce & exam Set text, Complete

prac7ce & wri/en exam, Devising explora7on, performance, porZolio & evalua7on, live review

Ac6ng and plays Ghost Stories, Melodrama, Mid Summer Night’s Dream, physical theatre, Genres text explora7on

Year 10

Year 9

Year 8

Drama techniques & Plays

Drama techniques, Romeo & Juliet, Prac77oners, working from s7muli & log, DNA

Introduction to Drama Year 7

Fairy tales, mini plays, Charlie & the Chocolate factory, The Jabberwocky & Macbeth

NEA Make NEA Evaluate

Year 13

NEA Make, Unit 7: Public interaction, Maths focus: Use of statistics & probability as a measure of likelihood, NEA Make, Revision, NEA Evaluate, Revision

KS5 Design & Technology

Product Design 1

NEA Research/ Design, Review material & mechanics

Yea 12

Product Design 2

NEA Design/ Make, Review electronics & smart materials

Skill practice, Unit 3: Processes. Design & make Challenge (Mini NEA), Unit 1: Designing & Innovation, Unit 6: Human responsibility, NEA Research, Unit 4: Industrial & commercial practice. NEA Design, Unit 2: Materials. NEA Design, Unit 5: Product analysis & Systems.

Food & Nutrition

NEA Make/ Evaluate, Review design & technology & our world, NEA 1: food trials, Food processing & production revision, NEA 2: Food trials, food choice & nutrition revision, NEA 2: Practical exam, Food science & scientific investigation revision, NEA 2: written exam revision, revision

Product Design 1

Design communication skills Materials theory: Woods, Metals

Year 11

Futuristic Furniture Project Biomimicry mood board, Futuristic mood board, Product analysis

Product Design 2


Product Design 1

Materials theory

Trebuchet & Projectile (Angry Birds)

Plastics, Woods, Card, Metal assessment

Mechanical systems & movement, modeling & testing, Beanbag Manufacture – Templates, buttons, hand sewing , sewing machines ( Subtractive & assembly

Design ideas/ Developmet, Modelling, Evaluate

Futuristic Furniture Project

manufacture. 3D CAD Modeling Work planes, Referencing & dimensioning, 2D to 3D commands, Rendering, 3D printing ( Additive manufacture)

Year 10

Designer Focus Lesson

Product Design 2 MP3 Speaker Project

Design process - Research, Design, Shaping & forming MDF, Acrylic, Electronics theory & sustainability, Electronics (Assembly, subtractive & forming manufacture, Graphic skills, Lamination

Designer Focus Homework Project – Presentation lesson

Year 9

Food & Nutrition

Year 8

Heat transfer

Process & the effect of heat on food, Coagulation & Gelatinisation, Practical experimentation

Costing & nutritional analysis

Food & Nutrition

Beanbag Practical, Material theory: Textiles, Smart, modern & composite materials theory, Food processing & production, practical work: Bread Enriched Dough, pasta, lemon cheesecake, salmon En Croute, fish cakes, jam, Lemon Curd, cottage pie, Food safety & the hygiene certificate, Food choice, Practical: Toad in the hole, profiteroles, pesto/ carbonara, Chicken chow mein, babotie/ lamb madras, Jewish cookery, Gluten free chocolate brownies, Nutrition, Practical: Meal high in protein, quiche, Dish high in Vitamin A preschool children’s meal, Food Science, Functional properties of ingredients, practical: Key lime pie, cheese soufflé, caramelised onion tarte, Meringues, Egg custard, mayonnaise.

Product Design 1

Book Stand Deck Chair

Manufacturing to a specification, Orthographic drawing, Assembly & components (Subtractive & Assembly manufacture), textiles theory & sustainability, Tie dye/ Batik, Using a sewing machine

Calculation of portion cost, Break down of calories & macro & micro nutritional values, Energy Define explain energy, Sources of energy in the diet, Energy needs of Different users groups, Consequences of imbalance, Practical - Baking

Laser cutting

2D design program, Laser cutter/ Vinyl Cutter, Laser cut outcomes

Product Design 2

Product Design 1 Block Head

Timber theory & sustainability, Shaping & forming timber (Subtractive assembly manufacture), Isometric drawing, Production plans

Year 7

Eco Keyring

Poduct Design 2 Graphics Night Light

Aluminium animal

Paper modeling, Sheet metal work

Designer Focus

Smart & Modern Materials

What are smart materials? Polymorph pen with anthropometrics practical

Designer Focus

Polymers theory, Sustainability Designer & consumer responsibility,Shaping & forming polymers

Design process – research, Design, Typograph/ Tesselllating shapes, Nets, Orthographic drawings,Graphic materials & Sustainability, Soldering (Assembly manufacture)

Programmable Money Box

Soldering (Assembly manufacture), Programming a tune, Subtractive manufacture money bpx – Finger joints.

Food & Nutrition

Food & Nutrition Hygiene & Safety

Hygiene, Bacteria growth, Pathogens, Practical – Washing up

Safe use of kitchen equipment Kitchen Equipment, Sensory analysis of products.

Eat well Guide

Food groups, Nutrition.

The digestive system

4 Phases of digestion, Food as fuel, Practical – Macaroni Cheese

Food Miles, Sustainability & Farming

Renewable & non-renewable resources, Seasonality, Organic Farming, Food miles, Intensive farming.

Food Packaging & Labeling

Aims of packaging, Importance of packaging, Examples of packaging.

GCSE Literature Paper 1A, 2B & 2C GCSE Language Paper 1A, 1B

GCSE Literature Paper 1B, 2A GCSE Language Paper 2A, 2B

Year 11

Can I analyse Shakespeare’s language in Macbeth? Can I analyse Orwell’s Purpose & inten.on in Animal Farm? Can I select relevant informa.on from non-­‐ fic.on source & draw comparisons? Can I shape non-­‐fic.on text for effect using a range of techniques?

Can I analyse Dickens’ purpose & inten.on in A Christmas Carol?


Can I draw comparisons between Power & Conflict poems? Can I read a literary extract for meaning & analyse authorial methods? Can I engage my reader in my using a range of linguis.c & structural techniques?

Year 10

Can I analyse unseen poems & interpret layers of meaning in them?

Year 9


Power in Poetry to persuade, Romeo & Juliet, Literary Fic.on, Of Mice & Men, to Describe

Can I confidently read poems & make independent judgments? Can I apply terminology accurately?

Myths & Legends The Tempest or Midsummer Night’s Dream Sci-­‐Fi Descrip<ve wri<ng The Woman in Black Poetry through the Ages Year Opinion wri<ng 8

Can I cra( texts deliberately for purpose & audience? Can I analyse implied meanings in the play in detail? Can I confidently write a range of non-­‐fic.on texts? Can I explore wider themes & contexts? Can I analyse texts in detail & engage with 19th Century context? Can I retrieve informa.on from a range of literary texts? Can I evaluate authorial methods & link to writer’s inten.on Can I write with technical accuracy?

Biographical & Autobiographical wri<ng, poetry, Gothic wri<ng, Shakespeare shorts, Oliver Twist, Wonder

Can I show awareness of the newspaper form in my Can I make deliberate vocabulary choices in Can I evaluate audience reac.on to characters & events? Can I use a range of literary devices across extended

Can I cra( my non-­‐fic.on for purpose?

Can I draw upon an ambi.ous vocabulary?

Can I develop technical accuracy in my own

Can I evaluate character presenta.on across a whole novel?

Can I select quotes to support points?

Can I analyse the writer’s methods?

Can I iden.fy key features of the Gothic genre?

Can I analyse poe.c, literary & structural features?

Can I organise ideas in extended deliberately?

Can I draw comparisons between poems?

Can I draw links between texts & contexts?

Can I write convincingly & convey a clear viewpoint?

Can I understand character development in a drama text?

Can I include a range of relevant ideas?

Year 7

Can I iden.fy explicit & implied meanings in a text? Can I understand writer’s inten.on? Can I write with accuracy & variety? Can I make deliberate language choices to convey character

Year 13

Les changements dans la société française, L’éduca7on, Le monde du travail, Les Choristes, Les médias, fes7vals & les tradi7ons

Yea 12

Year 11

Les changements dans les structures familiales, la structure de la famille en France, l’ins=tu=on du mariage, es rela=ons en famille, l’enseignement en France, l’école me stresse, l’enseignement supérieur, de l’enseignement au boulot, l’équilibre travail-­‐vie personnelle, les grèves et les Français, l’égalité homme-­‐femme au travail, les maisons de correc=on et de rééduca=on, la France d’après guerre, l’éduca=on dans les années 1940, La vie dans les années 1940, themes. Le bien et le mal, la musique, l’éduca=on, Scene summaries, un appel de, France – le rêve de Pépinot, characters, essay skills, la musique francophone, les tendances musicales, l’influence de la musique, Peut-­‐on tout dire? La presse écrite en voie de dispari=on? L’influence des medias et des nouvelles technologies, les célébra=ons francophones, les fes=vals francophones, les coutumes et les tradi=ons en France, les coutumes du monde francophone


Free 7me, town, world, Sports & health TV programmes likes and dislikes, talking

Year 10

Family and describing people Place in the town and ac=vi=es, friends and friendships, Family rela=onships, present tense, adjec=ves, nouns and genders, making arrangements to go out, near future tense, describing a night out with friends, perfect tense Life when you were younger, imperfect tense, role models, sport and music, technology, films and TV, life online, books and reading, TV programmes Cinema, actors and film, food and meals, discussing and shopping for clothes, daily life, food for special occasions, family celebra=ons, fes=vals and tradi=ons, using a combina=on of tenses, talking about where you live, weather and transport, describing a town and asking the way, describing a region, my town, community projects

Year 9

Family, town, holidays, fes7vals & tradi7ons

My family, pets, describing people, where you live, breakfast tradi=ons, bas=lle day, In the café – ordering food and drinks, what there is and isn’t in my town, using the verb aller, using the future tense, weather, using the present and future tense together, Perfect tense with –er verbs, saying what you did in the holidays, describing a visit to a theme park, using irregular verbs in the past tense, saying where you went and how, using the perfect tense of verbs which take être, using nega=ves in the perfect tense, asking and answering ques=ons, using the present and perfect tense together, fes=vals and dates, likes and dislikes,present tense or irregular verbs, at the market, recipes and celebra=on meals in different cultures, School trips to Alsace, tradi=ons and fes=vals in French-­‐speaking countries

Local, na7onal, interna7onal, global areas of interest Current, future study, employment Talking about where you live, weather and transport, describing a town and asking the way, describing a region, my town, community projects, School subjects, likes and dislikes, my school, Schools in France, school rules, School exchanges, Primary school and imperfect tense,, exam skills and revision, Mock feedback , Jobs and work preferences, career choices, talking about plans, hopes and fears, understanding case studies, environment, ethical shopping, volunteering, big events, revision and exam skills

Thérèse Desqueyroux, literature study, Independent Research project, l’impact posi=f de l’immigra=on sur la société française, les contribu=ons des immigrés à l’économie et à la culture, répondre aux défis de l’immigra=on et l’intégra=on en France, les ac=vités des communautés; la marginalisa=on et l’aliéna=on du point de vue des immigrés, l’extrême droite, la montée du Front Na=onal; les leaders du Front Na=onal; l’opinion publique, la France occupée, la collabora=on; l’an=sémi=sme, le régime de Vichy, maréchal Pétain et la Révolu=on na=onale, Jean Moulin, Charles de Gaulle et les femmes de la Résistance; la résistance des Français, revision and examina=on skills.

Year 8

about celebri=es, digital technology, cinema, Leisure ac=vi=es in French-­‐speaking countries, perfect tense, using present, perfect and future tenses together, talking about where you live, descrip=ons of regions, your own and in the French-­‐ speaking countries, helping at home, daily rou=ne, moving house, holiday des=na=ons – discovering new regions, talking about sports, giving opinions, direc=ons, injuries and illness, interviewing a sports person

Year 7

Alphabet, Numbers, Dates, Brothers and sisters, my likes and dislikes, personality, what I do, describing photos, telling t he =me, colours, school subjects and opinions, School uniform, daily rou=ne, French schools, differences in school systems, my ideal school, countries, weather, sports, faire / jouer, sport in French-­‐speaking countries, saying what you like to do, asking ques=ons, My family, my pets, describing people, where you live, breakfast tradi=ons, Bas=lle day

Resource Management Global Weather Hazards and Climate Change

Year 11

How is the climate affected by humans?

How can ci9es be sustainable?

20XX What can be done to improve development of countries?

How can energy resources be managed sustainably?

How do coasts and rivers impact the landscape?

Year 10

How can deciduous woodlands be managed? What are tropical rainforests like?

Tectonic Hazards Russia 20XX Brazil Rivers What are plate tectonics? How are countries affected by tectonic hazards?

Year 9

What are the biomes of Russia like? What are Russia’s natural resources? How can Favelas be improved?

Changing Cites Coasts and rivers Ecosystems, Biodiversity and management

Coasts Popula=on Kenya Weather and climate China How do waves shape the coast? How are people affected by coastal erosion?

Year 8

How can the coast be protected?

What issues are affec9ng the Amazon Rainforest?

How many people are there in the world and where do they live? Why do people move from one place to another?

Se#lement India Africa

What is the physical and human Geography of Kenya? What is Britain’s climate like? How can I help tackle climate change?

What makes a seFlement sustainable? Can you describe physical and human factors influencing the site of seFlements? What is the human and physical Geography of India? How is India affected by globalisa9on? What differences are there in quality of life across the con9nent?

Year 7

My place in the world?

How can you locate your house on a map? I can locate the Equator. I can name Oceans and con9nents. I can use a map and compass.

Churchill 1930 Britain 1951-­‐1997

Year 13


Did the Industrial Revolu2on make Britain a world power?

Why did Churchill become Prime Minister in May 1940?

Was the Second World War a con2nua2on of the First?

Why did Margaret Thatcher win three General Elec2ons? Was the English Civil War actually a Bri2sh Revolu2on?

How I fit into this narra2ve?

Yea 12

Year 11

20XX Medicine Elizabeth 1 1558-­‐1588 Change and Con2nuity Interpreta2ons Using Sources Who was Mary Queen of Scots? Why did the Spanish Armada fail

Year 10

Knowledge and Understanding

Year 9


Weaving Historical knowledge, skills and understanding into the new Na2onal Curriculum Important World Individuals

The Roman Empire

Year 8

Medieval Realms 1066

Cause and consequence is important in history because………

Germany Superpower Conflict Exams

How did the Anglo-­‐Saxons go to war? Did the Saxons invent England? What was it like to live through the war? How did the Normans conquer England? How did the Normans Keep power?

Cause and Is working out the reasons why things happen and what the results of that event are.

France Individual Study Exams

Year 7

Islamic Civilisations How do we know about History? What is Chronology? Why were the Romans successful? How did the Romans change Britain?

Year 13

Los cambios en la estructura familiar Diversidad de las familias, las relaciones hoy en día, el matrimonio

El impacto posi,vo de la inmigración en España. España como des,no migratorio, influencia árabe.. Los desa<os de la inmigración y de la integración en España. Aprendemos gracias a las diferencias, la vivienda, el tratamiento de los inmigrantes. La reacción pública y social a la inmigración. Vida detrás de las polí,cas de inmigración, opiniones de la inmigración, la España del futuro. Literatura-­‐ CDUMA. Franco, la Guerra Civil, los horrores de la Guerra Civil y su resultado. Patria religión y orden, bajo el control franquista, Las “dos Españas”. La democracia, Adolfo Suarez, el año 1977, la sociedad de España de hoy.

Yea 12

Los cambios en la estructura familiar. Diversidad de las familias, las relaciones hoy en día, el matrimonio. El mundo laboral. Dificultades para los jóvenes, el trabajo inestable, las mujeres en el mundo de trabajo. El impacto turís,co en EspañaContexto histórico del turismo, impacto social/económico/ medioambiental del turismo, los beneficios del turismo para España. La música Cantantes y músicos, la guitarra española (flamenco), la evolución del tango, el baile español. Los medios de comunicación. La televisión, telebasura, telenovelas, teleadictos, la prensa, las redes sociales. El papel de los costumbres y las tradiciones. Tradiciones gastronómicas en España, fiestas, tradiciones en Hispanoamérica, fiestas religiosas en España. Introducción al proyecto de inves,gación. Considera,on of ,tle, discuss research strategies.

Year 11


Local, na8onal, interna8onal, global areas of interest Current, future study, employment, Health, Social, economic, holidays, transport & School

Healthy Lifestyle, Environmental problems and solu,ons. Social and economic problems and poten,al solu,ons. Holidays and transport, regional geography of spain, holiday ac,vi,es and using various tenses. Subjects, teachers, choices, opinions, ,metable, school rules, uniform, facili,es. Post 16 choices, university, jobs, careers, future plans.

Year 10

Year 9 Cultural ac,vi,es. Reading habits and music, film and TV programmes. Italian fes,vals and tradi,ons. Describing the are you live, direc,ons, Italy. Learning about holidays in present, past, future and condi,onal tenses. Describing school day, school life, school facili,es, school uniform School rules, school in Italy, primary school, extra-­‐ curricular ac,vi,es.

Rela8onships Role models Going out Technology & social media

Family and friends, gehng on well with family members and friends, complex reasons. Talking about role models in present and imperfect tense. Making arrangements to go out, going out with friends (present and past). Food and meal. Food and meals, shopping for a special meal. Revision of perfect tense. Use of technology and social media, advantages and disadvantages

Year 11

Similarity Developing Algebra Geometry Propor%ons & Propor%onal Change Delving into 20XX data Using number Expressions Congruence, similarity & enlargement, Trigonometry, Represen5ng solu5ons of equa5ons & inequali5es, Simultaneous equa5ons.

Graphs Algebra Reasoning Revision & Communica%on

Gradients & lines, Non-­‐linear graphs, Using graphs, Expanding & factorising, Changing the subject, Func5ons. Mul5plica5ve, Geometric, Algebraic, Transforming & construc5ng, Lis5ng & describing, Show that… Revision & Examina5ons

Year 10

Angles & bearings, Working with circles, vectors, Ra5os & frac5ons, Percentages & Interest, Probability.

Year 9

Collec5ng, represen5ng & interpre5ng data, Non-­‐calculator methods, Types of number & sequences, Indices & Roots, Manipula5ng expressions.


Reasoning with Algebra Construc5ng in 2 & 3 Dimensions Reasoning with Number, Geometry, Propor5on Representa5ons Straight line graphs, Forming & solving equa5ons, Tes5ng conjectures, Three-­‐dimensional shapes, Construc5ons & congruency Numbers, Using percentages, Maths & money, Deduc5on, Rota5on & transla5on, Pythagoras’ Theorem

Propor%onal Reasoning Representa%ons Algebraic Techniques Developing Number & Geometry Reasoning with Data Ra5o & scale, Mul5plica5ve change, Mul5plying & dividing frac5ons, Working in the Cartesian plane, Represen5ng data, Tables & Probability. Brackets, equa5ons & inequali5es, Sequences, Indices, Frac5ons & Percentages, Standard index form, Number sense. Angles in parallel lines & polygons, Area of trapezia & circles, Lines symmetry &reflec5on, The data handling Cycle, Measures of loca5on.

Enlargement & similarity, Solving ra5o & propor5on problems, Rates, probability, Algebraic representa5on, Revision

Year 8

Year 7

Algebraic Thinking Place Value & Propor%on Applica%on of Number Directed Number Frac%onal Thinking Lines & Angles Reasoning with Number Sequences, Understanding & use algebraic nota5on, Equality& Equivalence, Place value & ordering integers & decimals, Frac5on, Decimal & Percentage equivalence. Solving problems with addi5on & subtrac5on, Solving problems with mul5plica5on & division, Frac5ons & percentages of amounts, Opera5ons & equa5ons with directed number, Addi5on & subtrac5on of frac5ons. Construc5ng, measuring & using geometric nota5on, Developing geometric reasoning, Developing number sense, Sets & probability, Prime numbers & proof.

Media unit 8: Responding to commission, revision Film revision, timed assessments

Interven1on – Recap all exam content for unit 1: Media Representa1ons Film past papers & mark schemes End of topic tests & exemplar responses for component 1 & 2

Media unit 1: Representations Film Component 2, Section B Documentary

Media Revison –recap all exam content for unit 1: Media Representa1ons Film Searching for Suggrman (2012) Component 2, Sec1on C ideology-­‐ Conflict, Us Independent, English Language (non-­‐US) Non-­‐European non-­‐English Language

Media Unit 4: PreProduction portfolio Film Component 3 – Production & Reflective Analsis

Media Unit 1: Representations Film component 1 section B

Year 12

Explore audi-­‐visual media products & analyse the media messages & representa1ons Film History the silent era 1930-­‐1960 & 1961-­‐1990 US cinema

BTEC Media Studies Unit 12+ 14 – Digital magazine & website A Level Film Studies Component 3- Production & Reflective Anaylsis Create a digital magazine or website, Wix or Canva to produce own produc1ons & Year Review them 13 A complete shot film or photographic storyboard, screenplay, essay

Study requirements of planning & delivering a digital media product Film NEA Planning, Script, Loca1on report, Storyboard, Shortlist & Screen shots

Media Exam prac1se, Revision, Exam European film movement, German Expressionism, Nosferatu (F.W. Murnau, 1922) EE

Commission provided for a media produc1on, external assessment, respond to the commission brief with idea based on the required content, style, audience, purpose & approach proposed by Film English language (non-­‐US), Non-­‐European non-­‐English language, Component 2 – Sec1on A Contemporary Bri1sh & Us Film

Media Unit 4: PreProduction portfolio Film NEA – Intro to research skills & preliminary work for NEA

Learning Aims A, B, C & D, Study the requirements of planning & delivering a digital media product A complete short film or photographic storyboard, screenplay, essay

Media Unit 1 Representations Film Component 1, Section A – Film History

Media unit 8: Responding to a commission Component 2 Section C Ideology - Conflict

Media Unit 1: Representations Film Component 1 Section B

Media case studies for the following plaUorms – Magazines, Newspapers, Television, Film & Gaming European film movement surrealism Un Chien Andalou (Bunel 1929), L’Age D’or (Bunuel 1930) BTEC Media Studies A Level Film Induction

Media Four core macro elements: Genre, Narra1ve, Representa1on, Audience & Industry Film history, Narra1ve theory, Micro elements, Genre

Year 13

French, Spanish & Italian Les changements dans la société française, L’éducation, Le monde du travail, Les Choristes, Les médias

French, Spanish & Italian L’immigration et la société multiculturelle française, L’Occupation et la Résistance La reacción pública y social a la inmigración Thérèse Desqueyroux Literature study.Independent Research project. Répondre aux défis de l’immigration et l’intégration en France. Les activités. Front National; les leaders du; l’opinion publique. La France occupée, La collaboration, Revision and examination skills. Inmigración en España, España como destino migratorio, influencia árabe. inmigración, La reacción pública. Evolution of the Italian family, relationships, marriage, translation of the text, phenomenon of “mammoni”, Knowing new people, civil partnership and cohabitation , Italian school system and comparison, students pressures (bullying, exams), Io non ho paura literature equality,unemployment, family businesses, Political and artistic culture

Yea 12

Year 11


French, Spanish & Italian Identity, holidays, family hobbies & activities Identity and culture, national, international and global areas of interest, Holidays, School life, family, free time activities, Places in town. Sports and hobbies, Italian festivals and traditions, My area

French & Spanish Family, town, holidays, festivals & traditions

French, Spanish & Italian Local, national, international, global areas of interest Current, future study, employment, Health, Social, economic, holidays, transport & School Where you live, weather and transport, School subjects, in France, rules, exchanges, Jobs and work, career choices, environment, ethical shopping, volunteering, big events, revision and exam skills, healthy lifestyle, environmental problems and solutions, Social, economic problems, potential solutions, h olidays and transport, subjects, school, jobs, careers, future plans

Year 10

French, Spanish & Italian Free time, town, world, Sports & health Year 9

French & Spanish Introduction, my world, School & Family

Year 8

My family, pets, describing people, where you live, breakfast traditions, Bastille Day. Places in town, directions, arranging to meet, weather and seasons, future weekend plans. In the café – ordering food and drinks, what there is and isn’t in my town, using the verb aller Using the future tense, weather, using the present and future tense together. Countries, transport, accommodation, activities, past tense in Key food vocabulary, using the verbs comer and key verbs. Perfect tense with –er verbs, saying what you did in the holidays, describing a visit to a theme beber, to talk about mealtimes in Spanish with time park, using irregular verbs in the past tense, saying expressions, shopping for food using higher numbers, where you went and how, using the perfect tense of eating at a restaurant and understanding the verbs which take être. Television, Films, inviting someone to go out, making excuses, saying what difference between tú and usted, talking about a past meal using the preterite of –er and –ir verbs along someone likes or dislikes, using phrases with infinitives. Using negatives in the perfect tense, with others. Recipes and celebration meals in asking and answering questions, using the present different cultures, School trips to Alsace, traditions and perfect tense together. Talking about clothes, school uniform, using comparatives and superlatives and festivals in French‐speaking countries. Learning in Spanish, demonstrative pronouns, using 3 tenses, parts of the body and “me duele”, describing using se puede with shopping, prices. Festivals and symptoms and remedies, talking about healthy and dates, likes and dislikes, present tense or irregular unhealthy food, resolutions for the future, talking verbs, at the market. about lifestyle changes.

TV programmes likes and dislikes, talking about celebrities, digital technology, Key food vocabulary, Family and friends. Using present, perfect and future tenses together. Learning parts of the body, health. Going out. My world. Job and future plans. Sports and health. Young people in action. Revision of perfect tense, Technology & social media

Year 7

Alphabet, phonics practice, numbers, introducing yourself with various key questions and answers. Dates, brothers and sisters. My likes and dislikes, personality. nationalities, pets and colours. What I do, describing photos. Telling the time, colours, school subjects and opinions. Family members, adjectives of personality, adjectival agreement, physical aspects, eyes and hair. School uniform, daily routine, French schools. School subjects, opinions, teachers, introduction to food role plays. Differences in school systems, my ideal school, Countries, Weather. Rooms of the house, bedroom, key phrases to describe house, daily routine, introduction to present tense. Sports, faire / jouer, sport in French‐speaking countries, saying what you like to do, asking questions. Time, sports, activities, opinion phrases which take the infinitive & giving justifications, places in town, directions, arranging to meet, weather and seasons, future weekend plans. My family, pets, describing people, where you live, breakfast traditions, bastille Day

Development of the symphony Musical Eras Composi7on Development of the symphony Analysis of Haydn Exam Ques8on Prac8ce Introduc8on to A Level Composi8on Musical Eras (Features & Year Development) of Renaissance – Early Roman8c 12 Aural Awareness Wider Listening Unprepared listening ques8ons Begin Free Composi8on (Western Classical Tradi8on) Mini Mock Recital Pick from AOS B/C.D Musical Eras (Featured & development) of ‘popular’ Music Free composi8on Prepara8on in Instrumental lessons for full Mock Recital Second Mock Recital Decide specialism for preforming/ composi8on

Year 13


Year 11

Recap of KS3 Music AOS3: Film Music AOS2: Music for Ensemble

Understanding/ Studying music Familiarity with sharps & flats Composing

AOS1 Musical Forms & Devices ASO4 Pop Music

Music Futures Theme tunes composing Songwri7ng Year 9

Year 8

An understanding of The Blues – 12 bar blues chords, waking bass & improvisa8on Becoming more familiar with sharps & flats – In the Hall of the Mountain King Composing a melody – The Sea An understanding of Caribbean Music – Yellow Bird Studying World Music Part I – Gamelqn & Djembe drumming Studying World Music Part II – Samba & Stomp

Star8ng the ‘brief’ composi8on & finishing the free one Analysis of Mendelssohn Exam Ques8on Prac8ce Start analysis of Debussy & Poulenc set works Con8nue learning about History of the Blues & repertoire Con8nua8on of Debussy & Poulenc set work analysis, Wider Listening, Exam Ques8on Prac8ce Finish & submit two composi8ons & final Performing recital, Revision for exam

Musical Forms & Devices Second Brief Composi8on Mock Solo performance Mock Ensemble performance AOS4 Pop Music Second Brief Composi8on Recording of Final Solo & Ensemble performance All Course work submiJed, marked & sent off Revision


Recap of KS3 music theory Set work 1 – Fine Kleine Natchtmusik Year First Free Composi8on 10 First Solo performance Film Music First Ensemble performance Film Music First Free composi8on Set work 2 – Since You’ve Been Gone Music for Ensemble First Free Second Solo performance Composi8on submiJed

Composi7on, Analysis, Finish & Submit

Year 7

Music Futures I – Cover of World Up Music Futures II – Cover of their choice Theme tunes in Film Music – Learning film themes Composing Music for Film – Composing a soundtrack to go with a film clip Songwri8ng – Crea8ng chords, bass line, lyrics & melody Songwri8ng -­‐ Rehearsing this in teams & performing it

Notes, Hand skills, Different insturment, Creativity

Learning the notes on the keyboard – Frere Jacques Learning how to read nota8on – Wallace & Gromit Developing right & LeA hand skills on the keyboard – Walking in the Air Recognising different instruments – Carnival of the Animals An understanding of Folk Music – What shall we do with the drunken sailor Crea8ng a remix – Twinkle Twinkle LiJle Star

Year 13

Rela%onships & Sex Educa%on Physical Health & Mental Wellbeing Year Bri%sh Values & 20XX 12 Careers Right to say no, Challenging Bigotry, Sexism, Mindfulness, Sex,ng, Nutri,on, Healthy Lifestyles, First Aid, Tex,ng & Driving Financial Awareness & Services, Poli,cs, Gender, Double Standards, Ins,tu,onal Racism, Coercion, Consent, Personal Safety

Bri%sh Values & Careers Rela%onships & Sex Educa%on Physical Health & Mental Wellbeing

UCAS & Next Steps, Study Skills, Appren,ceships, Student Finance Revenge Pom, Coersive Control, Consent, STIs Sex,ng, Nutri,on, Healthy Lifestyles, Binge Drinking, Alcoholism, Risk-­‐taking behaviour Child Labour, Poli,cs, Homophobia, Savings, Workplace Bullying

Year 11

Physical Health& Mental Wellbeing Bri,sh Values & Careers Rela,onships & Sex Educa,on

Rela%onships & Sex Educa%on Physical Health & Mental Wellbeing Rela%onships & Sex Educa%on CommiUed Rela,onships, Teenage Pregnancy, Bereavement, Equal Rela,onships, Respect for all Faiths, peer on peer harrassment Common Mental Health Issues, Body Image & the Media, How exercise promotes mental health posi,vity, influences on Ea,ng Habits, Laws of Work, Work Experience, Health & Safety at Work, Employability, Extremism, Radicalisa,on, Homelessness, Fake News & Cri,cal Thinking, Consent, How Drugs & Alcohol Affect Behaviour Physical Health & Mental Wellbeing, Consequences of drugs, Maintaining your own Health

Physical Health & Mental Wellbeing Bri%sh Values & Careers Rela%onships & Sex Educa%on

Year 9

Year 8

Mental & Emo,onal Health, Healthy Coping Strategies, Bereavement & Loss, Risk of online gaming, peer on peer harrassment Cultural Expecta,ons in Britain, BREXIT, Aspira,ons, Enterprise, Personal Safety Balanced Diets, Legal & illegal substances, substance misuse, cancer & preven,on Posi,ve peer rela,onships, discriminatory language, tolerance, explicit images & crime, FOMO, rela,onship changes

2 0

Bri%sh Values & Careers Physical Health & Mental Wellbeing Rela%onships & Sex Educa%on

Year 10

Year 7

Violent Crime & Gangs, Op,ons, Employability, Social & Moral use of Money, Rela,onships & Sex Educa,on, Peer on peer harrassment, Importance of Marriage, Challenging Stereotypes, Racism, Online Privacy, Consent, Different levels of in,macy & their consequences Ea,ng Disorders, Self-­‐Harm, Unhealthy rela,onships, Self-­‐Discipline, Risks of Gambling, Young people & the Media Risks of both Die,ng & Obesity, Drugs & the Law, Addic,on, Safe to use Prescrip,on Drugs, Importance of Sleep

Relationships & Sex Education Physical Health & Mental Wellbeing British Values & Careers

Types of Rela,onship, Families, Friendships, Diversity, Safe use of data & images, Peer pressure, Peer on peer harrassment Well being, Confidence, Posi,ve Body Image, Self-­‐ Esteem, Internet Safety, Posi,ve links between physical ac,vity & mental health choices Challenging Discrimina,on, Human Rights & the Law, Using the Library, Types of Learning, Revision Techniques, Different Types of Work Physical Health, First Aid, Personal Hygiene, Oral Hygiene, Periods, Risks of smoking & drinking

Year 13 Psychology 2 Idiographic US nomothe2c research approach Content analysis Repor2ng inves2ga2ons How to answer a design ques2on Psychology as a science theories o20XX f gender development Influence of culture & media on gender iden2ty Diagnosis of schizophrenia Biological explana2ons & therapies for schizophrenia Psychological explana2ons of therapies for schizophrenia Theories of human aggression Ins2tu2onal aggression Influence media of culture & 20XX media on aggression

Year 12 Psychology 2

Ethical issues in research Material depriva2on Year Types of social influence 12 Self report ques2ons & interviews Ash’s research Milgram’s research Psychology in the economy Minority influence & social change The origins of psychology Behaviourist approach Social learning theory Cogni2ve approach Biological approach Year 7 biopsychology Definitors of abnormality The behavioral approach to explaining & trea2ng phobias The cogni2ve approach to explaining & trea2ng depression OCD Sta2s2cal analysis The sign test Pieen Review Year 12 Research project

Year 13 Psycholoy 1

Year 13

The ethics of socially sensi2ve research Humanis2c approach Psychodynamic approach Comparison of approaches Year 2 Biopsychology Ways of inves2ga2ng the brain Plas2city & func2onal recovery Biological rhythms Assessing & improving reliability Assessing & improving validity

year 12 Psychology 1

Design an Experiment Explana2ons of memory Assessment objec2ons Case studies Explana2ons of forgeRng How to answer applica2on ques2ons Memory in eye witness tes2mony How to evaluate and unite psychology essays Data analysis How to study for psychology Types and stages of aSachment Observa2onal design Explana2ons of aSachment Cultural varia2ons

St Mary’s Catholic School

Triune God Redemp.on Eschatology Revision GCSE Exams

Year 11

20XX Year 10

Rela6onships Incarna6on Human Rights & Social Jus6ce Judaism Prac6ces Revision, Exam, Work Experience

Origins of the World Religions Ini.a.on in World Year Religions 9 Worship in World Religions Introduc.on to GCSE GCSE C1: Crea.on GCSE C5: Church & Kingdom of God

Year 8

Gathering & Old Testament – New Covenant Voca.on & Agape Forgiveness & Healing

2 0

Year 7

Crea.on Prophets & Prophecy Jesus of Nazareth: God & Man Jesus’ Passion: Holy Week & Easter The Birth of the Early Church Chris.anity Comes to Britain

Energy, ecosystem, equilibrium & matter Biology Energy, ecosystem, nutrient cycles, photosynthesis, respiration, survival, response, receptors, controlling heart rate, populations, inheritance, homeostasis, nerve impulses, muscles as effectors, mutations, DNA technology. Chemistry Equilibrum, acids and bases, buffers, enthalpy, entropy, amines, aromatics, cabonyls, carboxylc acids, redox, electrode potentials, transition elements, organic synthesis, chromatography, spectroscopy Physics Oscillations, Themodynamic matter, radioactivity, particle accelerators/ detectors, particle zoo, capacitance, electromagnetic effects, Astrophysic

Oil & fuels, chemical analysis, Earth, evolution, light, ecosystem & biodiversity Crude oil and fuels, chemical analysis, the Earth’s atmosphere and resources, electromagnetism, variation, genetics and evolution, organic reactions and polymers, light, adaptations, interdependence and competition, organising an ecosystem, biodiversity, using our resources and space

Year 13

Cell, atoms & mechanics

Yea 12

Year 11


Cell, Atoms, energy, digestion & energy

Year 10

Year 9

Cell structure and transport, atomic structure, conservation and dissipation of energy, Energy transfer by heating, the periodic table, cell division, energy resources, structure and bonding, organisation and the digestive system, electric circuits, organising animals and plants, revison

Introduction to science skills, cells, Tissues, organs, electricity & sound Science skills, cells, tissues and organs, sexual reproduction in animals, energy, mixtures and separation, acids and alkalis, electricity, muscles and bones, the partide model, forces, sound, atoms, elements and molecules, revision.

Biology cells structure, transport across cell membranes, cell recognition, immune system, carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, ATP, water and inorganic icns, surface area to volume ratio, gas exchange, digestion and absorption, mass transport, DNA, genes and chromosomes, protein synthesis, genetic diverity, species and taxonomy, biodiversity. Chemistry Atoms, ions and compounds, electrons and bonding, molecule shapes, substance amount, periodicity, basic organic chemistry, alkaries, acids, redox, reactivity, alcohols, haloalkanes, organic synthesis, enthalpy, reaction rates and eqm, aromatics, reaction rates analytical techniques. Physics Measurements/ errors, mechanics, matter, radiation, quarks, leptons, materials, quantum phenomena, electric/ direct current, waves, further mechanics

Disease, chemicals, electricity, molecules, photosynthesis, respiration, nerves, force & hormones Communicable, preventing and treating diseases, non-communicable diseases, chemical calculations and changes, electrolysis, electricity in the home, radioactivity, molecules and mater, photosynthesis, respiration, the human nervous system, energy changes, rates and equilibrium, forces in balance and motion, motion, hormonal coordination, reproduction, wave properties, EM waves, force and pressure, homeostasis in action and crude oil and fuels

Year 8

Year 7

Food, digestion, breathing, reproduction & organisms Food and digestion, fluids, combustion, the periodic table, plants and their reproduction, breathing and respiration, metals and their uses, light, energy transfers, unicellular organisms, the Earth and space, rocks, revision.

Year 13

Los cambios en la estructura familiar Diversidad de las familias, las relaciones hoy en día, el matrimonio

España. Aprendemos gracias a las diferencias, la vivienda, el tratamiento de los inmigrantes. La reacción pública y social a la inmigración. Vida detrás de las polí,cas de inmigración, opiniones de la inmigración, la España del futuro. Literatura-­‐ CDUMA. Franco, la Guerra Civil, los horrores de la Guerra Civil y su resultado. Patria religión y orden, bajo el control franquista, Las “dos Españas”. La democracia, Adolfo Suarez, el año 1977, la sociedad de España de hoy.

Yea 12

Los cambios en la estructura familiar. Diversidad de las familias, las relaciones hoy en día, el matrimonio. El mundo laboral. Dificultades para los jóvenes, el trabajo inestable, las mujeres en el mundo de trabajo. El impacto turís,co en EspañaContexto histórico del turismo, impacto social/económico/ medioambiental del turismo, los beneficios del turismo para España. La música Cantantes y músicos, la guitarra española (flamenco), la evolución del tango, el baile español. Los medios de comunicación. La televisión, telebasura, telenovelas, teleadictos, la prensa, las redes sociales. El papel de los costumbres y las tradiciones. Tradiciones gastronómicas en España, fiestas, tradiciones en Hispanoamérica, fiestas religiosas en España. Introducción al proyecto de inves,gación. Considera,on of ,tle, discuss research strategies.

Year 11


Iden)ty, h olidays, family hobbies & ac)vi)es

Holidays, talking about what you do during summer, talking about past holiday, reserving a room. School life, subjects, facili,es, teachers, school rules, school exchange, extracurricular ac,vi,es. Talking about family, describing people, social networks, comple,ng a dialogue in Spanish, reading preferences, rela,onships with family and friends. Free ,me ac,vi,es, tv and film, sports, entertainment, role models to follow. Places in town, shops, souvenirs, features of a region, shopping, problems in a town, describing a past visit to a town.

Family, town, holidays, fes)vals & tradi)ons

Places in town, direc,ons, arranging to meet, weather and seasons, future weekend plans. Countries, transport, accommoda,on, ac,vi,es, past tense in key verbs. Television, Films, invi,ng someone to go out, making excuses, saying what someone likes or dislikes, using phrases with infini,ves. Talking about clothes, school uniform, using compara,ves and superla,ves in Spanish, demonstra,ve pronouns, using 3 tenses, using se puede with shopping, prices. Key food vocabulary, using the verbs comer and beber, to talk about meal,mes in Spanish with ,me expressions, shopping for food using higher numbers, ea,ng at a restaurant and understanding the difference between tú and usted, talking about a past meal using the preterite of –er and –ir verbs along with others. Learning parts of the body and “me duele”, describing symptoms and remedies, talking about healthy and unhealthy food, resolu,ons for the future, talking about lifestyle changes

El impacto posi)vo de la inmigración en España El impacto posi,vo de la inmigración en España. España como des,no migratorio, árabe.. y de influencia Los desa<os de la inmigración la integración en

Local, na)onal, interna)onal, global areas of interest Current, future study, employment, Health, Social, economic, holidays, transport & School

Healthy Lifestyle, Environmental problems and solu,ons. Social and economic problems and poten,al solu,ons. Holidays and transport, regional geography of spain, holiday ac,vi,es and using various tenses. Subjects, teachers, choices, opinions, ,metable, school rules, uniform, facili,es. Post 16 choices, university, jobs, careers, future plans.

Free )me, town, world, Sports & health Key food vocabulary, using the verbs comer

Year 10

Year 9

Year 8

and beber. Difference between tú and usted. Using the preterite. Learning parts of the body and “me duele”, describing symptoms and remedies, talking about healthy and unhealthy food, lifestyle changes. Job and future plans, describing a disastrous day at work, ideal job, talking about future jobs. Describing day to life in a job, dic,onary skills. Young people in ac,on. Learning about children’s human rights, Fairtrade, importance of recycling, describing city life in the past, fundraising opportuni,es.

Introduc)on, my world, School & Family Alphabet, phonics prac,ce, numbers,

Year 7

introducing yourself with various key ques,ons and answers. In the classroom, na,onali,es, pets and colours. Family members, adjec,ves of personality, adjec,val agreement, physical aspects, eyes and hair. School subjects, opinions, teachers, introduc,on to food role plays. Rooms of the house, bedroom, key phrases to describe house, daily rou,ne, introduc,on to present tense. Time, sports, ac,vi,es, opinion phrases which take the infini,ve & giving jus,fica,onsPlaces in town, direc,ons, arranging to meet, weather and seasons, future weekend plans

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