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From the Editors

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In Memoriam

In Memoriam

Dear Alumni,

Welcome to the summer edition of the Blue Banner

Although pu ing together the magazine is a long process, we truly enjoy sharing so many beautiful stories of success throughout the pages of this important alumni communications tool.

e alumni community at St. Michael’s College School is vibrant, dynamic, and full of energy now that the restrictions of the pandemic are in the rear-view mirror. As much as we are profoundly commi ed to delivering excellent Catholic education and formation, we realize that so much of our work is about people and relationships! Now that we can gather, rejuvenate many longstanding events, celebrate reunions, and discover new ways to connect, we can rebuild the strength of our alumni community in-person, as it was meant to be!

In this issue, we draw your a ention to the power of mentorship as experienced rst-hand by Gianluca Mazzanti ’09, thanks to the generosity and expertise of Peter urton ’81 (p.26). A er reading this story, we encourage others who have bene ed from alumni mentorship as SMCS students or alumni to share your story with us at bluebanner@smcsmail.com. ese connections are so critical to the foundation of the Alumni Association.

Our featured section, e Man of St. Michael’s, continues as we spotlight the accomplishments of Flavio Volpe ’94 (p.7) on his journey to be the best for the world. Although his peacetime work during the pandemic was incredibly impactful for the country, his recent work in the auto industry has caught the a ention of many at home and internationally.

SMCS is continuously grateful for the many donors who have stepped forward to support the school in a myriad of ways. is issue highlights a long-supporting alumnus and donor, Lou Ode e ’69, who has once again found a unique way to in uence SMCS students who excel in and are passionate about math (p.32) ank you to the Ode e family and the many other alumni who continue to demonstrate their support of SMCS through opportunities such as this one.

Finally, we thank our readers for continually showing your support through le ers, calls, visits, and more. Your help and feedback are essential to the success of the Blue Banner, so please keep on sharing! As always, you can nd a brief survey on this current edition at mybluebanner.com.

Congratulations and best wishes to our newest alumni, the Class of 2023! Please stay in touch and share your personal news and success stories as you move forward to university.

To all, have a safe and happy summer!

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MySMCS is the platform used to send community newsletters and other important updates, including our Vision E-Newsletter (monthly community newsletter), and Tradition (quarterly alumni newsletter). Address and contact information can also be updated in MySMCS mysmcs.com

Alumni, check out our searchable online business directory exclusive to SMCS alumni!

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