The Harbinger Issue 1 2021

Page 7

SEPTEMBER 07, 2021 design by elise madden



L E F T The Chris Cakes pancake machine pours batter onto the stove top. Th e Gu in n ess World Record for the fastest f la p ja ck f l ip p ers in the world is currently 1,127 pancakes flipped in an hour h eld by C h ris. PHOTO BY MJ WOLF

The Lancer Dancers hosted their annual fundraser the pancake breakfast in collaberation with Chris Cakes on Saturday August 21

B E L O W Senior Toby Rodriguez and Junior Fritz Sullivan perform a d u et, sin g in g son g s from artists such as Maroon 5 and Jack Johnson. Fritz is throwing up his fist as the crowd claps for him after his p erforma n ce. PHOTO BY KATE BEAULIEU

A B O V E The Varsit y Lancer Dancers per form their team dance in the parkin g lot following a performance by th e drum line . PHOTO BY KATE BEAULIEU


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A B O V E Freshman Clara Peters and Junior Macy Crosser h o ld u p signs and cheer the ongoing cars on Mission Road to i nv i te t h em to th e b rea k fa st. PHOTO BY CHARLOTTE EMLEY L E F T J unior Wyatt Oligmueller plays the flute during the m a rc h i n g band performance led by senior Bre Ledbetter. “I t h o u g ht the pancake breakfast and band car wash being the s am e m o rn in g wa s a g rea t id ea to h el p su p p ort b oth g rou p s s i n c e we work together a lot of the time,” Oligmueller said. PHOTO BY MJ WOLF

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