August 2010 Lancer Newsletter

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Shawnee Mission Public Schools East Lancers 52 Years

Lancer Newsletter Shawnee Mission East High School

August 2010—Published On-line Monthly

Message from the Principal — Return To A Lancer Day Tradition Over the past 12-15 years, the Lancer Day Parade has been associated with Homecoming. For the 2010-11 school year, the Lancer Day Parade will be returning to its previous timetable. The parade will be held on Thursday, September 2, 2010, and will align with the playing of our first regularly scheduled football game. The theme for this year’s parade is “Lancers in Toyland.” Student Council decided on the theme, and it was announced at the closing of school to help groups prepare over the summer for the planning of floats. The parade will continue to march from SME to the Prairie Village Shops and will begin at 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon. We will close the festivities with a pep rally. The change was due to several factors: – first, we ran into difficulties scheduling our football games around several religious holidays; second, our Homecoming falls on the same week in October as the ACT PLAN and PSAT tests for sophomores and juniors, College Night, and the end of the first-quarter. (Freshmen and seniors don’t attend school on Wednesday of that week; College Night is on the same date in the evening; and there is no school for students on Friday, October 15 because it marks the end of the first quarter.) Despite the need to make some changes in the Homecoming schedule, we are really excited about returning the Lancer Day Parade to its more traditional time. We certainly hope parents will have the opportunity to join us for the parade and celebration as we kick off the start of the fall sports season.

Karl R. Krawitz Ed.D, Principal

Key Dates: 8/16 8/16 8/17 8/19 8/19 8/23 8/23

First Day of Classes—9th Grade Only Fall Sports Begin First Day of Classes—10-12th Grades Picture Make-Up Date Back to School Night 7pm Last Day to Add a New Class Mandatory Meet the Coach Night for all Fall Sports 6-8pm 8/24 Meet the Debate Coach Night 8/25 Senior Panoramic Picture– 7am 8/27 Link Crew Dance 9//6 NO SCHOOL, Labor Day 9//7 9th Grade Parent Night 7pm 9/9 Picture Make-Up Date 9/14 EARLY DISMISSAL 1:10pm 9/15 College Planning Presentation Parents/Students 9/23 Parent-Teacher Evening Conferences 9/24 NO SCHOOL, Conferences

Lancer Launch 2010! Picnic for incoming freshmen and all school watermelon feed Thursday, August 12 at 5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m.

Freshmen and parents “Lancer Launch” Picnic Two Guys & a Grill in the new spirit circle by gymnasium doors. Burgers, brats, hotdogs, chips, and drinks! $5.00 per person

6:30 p.m.

Pep assembly in gymnasium featuring the SME band, cheerleaders, Lancer Dancers, pep club, and Chamber Singers Special introduction by Dr. Krawitz

7–8:00 p.m. All school watermelon feed sponsored by the SME All Sports Booster Club Freshmen will have the opportunity to meet reps from school clubs after the pep assembly. Please bring your checkbook to join SME booster clubs and PTA. Lancer wear will be available for purchase!


District Information SMSD is no longer printing the hazardous weather or philosophy of homework brochures. They can be accessed on the district website. In addition, applications for free and reduced lunch are no longer mailed home. Parents can apply online at or come to the counseling office at SME for a paper copy.

Important Dates: Fee Payment: August 2- noon -7:00 p.m. August 4- 7:30am – 2:30 p.m. August 5- 7:30am – 2:30 p.m. Lancer Launch & Watermelon Feed: August 12 @ 5:30 p.m. 1st Day for 9th graders: August 16 1st Day for 10th – 12th graders: August 17 Back to School Night: August 19

Fee Payment Reminder We are asking all students to come by SME during fee payment. They can pick up course schedules and take new ID photos. 9th – 11th graders can also have their yearbook photos taken at that time. (Yearbook photos are taken at no charge, but families who want picture packets will pay separately to DeCloud Studios.)

SME Newsletter Publication Guidelines     

The SME Lancer Newsletter is published online at the end of each month during the school year. Deadline for submissions is the 2nd Friday of each month. Submissions in Word are preferable. You may also send articles in other word processing formats or graphically as a pdf or jpeg. Hard copy material can be placed in the “Newsletter” folder located in the PTA mailbox. Your submissions may be edited due to space considerations. Questions? Contact Heather Royce, SME Associate Principal at 913-993-6600,; or Joan Beahm, PTA Newsletter Editor at 913-341-3725,

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Back to School Night Back to School Night at SME is August 19. This is your opportunity to meet your student’s teachers as you follow her/his schedule throughout the evening. Please report to the auditorium at 6:45 p.m. for a brief convocation with Dr. Krawitz. You can then proceed to your child’s 1st hour class.

Important Contact Numbers    

Main Office – 913-993-6600 Attendance – 913-993-6645 Nurse– 913 -993-6616 Counseling – 913-993-6631

New Teachers for 2010-11 Greg Smith - social studies Geneva Grogan - social studies Nathan Southwick - science Vincent Miller - industrial technology Jerrod Bardwell - science

Hawar Khalandi - science Kelly Pisani - English Virginia Hammes - gifted Erica Jablonski - science Jeff Finnie - Spanish

Welcome to SHARE SHARE is the largest student-led, school-based, youth volunteer organization in the country. We've got something for everyone. Please check out our web-site at for more information and a list of our projects. The SHARE Fair this year is on September 21 during seminar. Your students will see a video about SHARE and be able to talk to all of our SHARE Chairmen about their projects. SHARE is run by 6 Senior Student Execs and over 130 Project Chairmen. We're also planning a number of "Freshman Only" projects that your students will learn about at the SHARE Fair. SHARE is given space (room 463) by the Shawnee Mission School District, but all of our other expenses are paid by our fund-raisers and our generous donors. Save the date for our Annual Garage Sale on October 23. Our drop-off dates this year are Saturdays from 9:00 a.m.-noon on October 2, 9, and 16. Also, Save the Date for our Renovation Sensation Homes Tour on September 15 and The Patron's Party on September 14. If you have questions about SHARE, please contact me at or call me at my home number 913-677-1839. It's Great to be a SHARE Lancer!!!!!! Pat Kaufman, SHARE Director, 913-993-6820

48th Annual College Clinic Wednesday, October 13 Come to the 48th Annual Shawnee Mission College Clinic at SME! Representatives from over 250 colleges across the country will chat and share information with high school students. Freshmen through Seniors and their parents are welcome on October 13. SME Newsletter - August 2010

Wanted: College Clinic Volunteers      

Help with mailing in August & September Help set-up October 13 afternoon Help with dinner for the college reps before the clinic Greet at school entrances during the clinic (1hr shift) Help clean up after the clinic Miscellaneous duties before and/or during the event

Be a part of the best college clinic in the region!

If you can help, please email Mary Shirling at Page 3

Student Drop-Off Routes Student drop-off for school is off of Mission Road. Traffic will be directed toward the new main entrance. Please do not stop in front of the library doors to drop off your student. Continue toward the new gym and drop off students at that point. Do not use the 75th street lot to drop off students. The 75th street lot is reserved for bus pick-up/delivery. When exiting the Mission Road lot, either exit Delmar (via the swimming pool parking lot) or exit back onto Mission Road (south exit). You can only make a right-hand turn when exiting onto Mission Road. Remember, the 75th Street lot is reserved for bus pick-up/delivery. Throughout our day, there are several busses picking up students and dropping students off. Juniors and Seniors who drive to school: juniors with parking permits will park in the 75th Street lot as usual. Seniors with parking permits will park in the Mission Road lot. Seniors, please access this lot from Delmar.


No Entrance

Mission Road

Dr op No

Drop Off Here

Of fs

75th Street

To Delmar

SME Newsletter - August 2010

No turns allowed from Mission Road into the main parking lot for school drop off and pick up. Students parking in the lot should enter from Delmar

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Reminders from the Nurse Welcome back to Shawnee Mission East. Here are a few reminders to start the year: IMMUNIZATION INFORMATION: Letters were mailed home this spring regarding the new state immunization requirements. Please make sure your students immunizations are up to date AND that the current shots are on file with the nursing office. The first exclusion date for noncompliance will be October 20, 2010. If your student does not have proof of having received all required immunizations by October 10, KS State and SMSD policy dictates they be excluded from school until it is completed. Please do not delay; we do not like having to exclude anyone from school, as these are unexcused absences. MEDICATION POLICY: SMSD policy prohibits students from carrying any medications prescription or overt the counter medications (OTC) on their person. The exceptions to this policy are inhalers and/or Epi-pens and diabetic management supplies Students may self carry these medications with written permission from a physician and parents (which must be updated yearly). Students may carry/use cough drops and rewetting drops for contacts. Students found to be in violation of the district policy are subject to suspension. Information regarding this policy is in the student handbook signed at the beginning of each year. Over the counter medications will be administered sparingly when indicated to make your child more comfortable and able to remain in school. For example, the medication may be used for dental pain, mild headaches, or orthopedic pain related to recent injury. The school nurse will stock generic brands of Tylenol, Advil, and Tums. A signed consent from the parent or guardian must be on file in the nurse's office and renewed annually before any medication will be administered to your student. If a student is to receive a prescription medication at school, the medication must be sent to the school nurse’s office in the original prescription bottle accompanied by a permission form from a parent and physician. All medications orders expire at the end of the school year and the nurse is required to dispose of any medications not picked up by the parent at the end of the school year. All medication forms and policies may be found on the district web page: and the nurse’s web back pack page. CHANGES IN HEALTH STATUS: If there have been any new diagnoses of health problems or changes in existing ones, please be sure to notify me at once so that I may provide the best care possible. VISION AND HEARING SCREENING: Screening for hearing (10th grade) and vision (9th and 11th grades) and both for all new students to our district will be done during the school year if possible. If results of screening indicate a need for further evaluation, parents/ guardians will be notified. Please advise the nurse in writing if you choose not to have your student tested, otherwise they will be tested per state law. If your student is on a yearly hearing check you will be notified only if there is a significant change. ILLNESS AT SCHOOL: If a student becomes ill while at school, he/she must come to the nurse’s office and a parent must be contacted before he/she can leave the building. If a student leaves without checking out through the nurse’s office, the absence will be considered unexcused. PHYSICAL EDUCATION EXCUSES: Please bring all PE excuses to the nurse for approval before going to your PE classes. Students are excused for 2 school days with a parent’s note. A doctor’s note is required for a longer period of time. PARENT PHONE NUMBERS: Please be sure to keep me notified of any changes in your phone numbers at home or work and for your emergency contacts in case your child becomes ill while at school. No students are allowed to leave unless my office contacts a parent, so it is imperative that I have current working phone numbers. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the nursing office at 913-993-6616. SME Newsletter - August 2010

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Counseling Office News— Website Please visit the Shawnee Mission East Counseling Website at Our Web Back Pack contains a wide variety of information about the counseling department and staff, opportunities, career, college, scholarships, and enrollment. Please note that we will no longer be using the website.

Counselor Assignments The new alphabet breakdown will be: A-Bt (Lili Englebrick); Bu-Hah (Barb Johnson); Hai-Mar (Don Baker and Deanna Griffey); Mas-Sa (Deanna Griffey); and Sb-Z (Laurie Carter). Rebecca (Becky) Wiseman is our Social Worker who will continue to do Personal Social Counseling.

Schedule Changes If your student’s schedule contains an error, please have her/him contact the academic counselor. We will only be able to make schedule changes to address these situations: computer error, failure of a prerequisite course, graduation requirements, or inappropriate placement. The Schedule Change Request Forms are located in the Counseling Office and must be signed by the parent.

PSAT/PLAN Tests The PSAT/PLAN tests will be administered on Wednesday, October 13, 2010, from 7:40 a.m.-11:30 a.m. We encourage all sophomores to take the PLAN Test. The PLAN test is the practice test for the ACT test. The cost of the PLAN test is $15. The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) is a program cosponsored by the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC). It's a standardized test that provides firsthand practice for the SAT®. It also gives juniors a chance to enter the NMSC scholarship programs. The cost will be $16 for the Wednesday administration. Sophomores who wish to take the PSAT in addition to the PLAN Test can do so on Saturday, October 16, at Broadmoor Technical Center. The cost of the Saturday test for sophomores will be $18. The PSAT/PLAN test Registration begins on September 13 and ends on Friday, October 8, in the Counseling Center. You can also register for PSAT/PLAN tests on Thursday, August 19, during Back to School Night.

East for Excellence East for Excellence (E4E) is an after school tutoring program to provide SME students with individual assistance. It is led by SME teachers and is provided at NO COST to students. The first session will be Wednesday, September 29. Sessions are Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2:50-3:50 p.m. in Rooms 503 and 504.

Save Some Money on College Tuition. 2010 -2011 Concurrent Enrollment Options Simply stated, concurrent enrollment means a student enrolled in a high level high school class has the option to enroll and pay tuition at Johnson County Community College or Baker University and earn college credit. The list of high school classes offered for concurrent enrollment is on page 65 of the Program Planning Guide. The guide is available on line at Click on Curriculum under Public Information, and from that page click on High School 2010-20011 under planning guides. The state schools in Kansas accept JCCC and Baker Credit earned through concurrent enrollment. Although many colleges accept college credit earned through concurrent enrollment, some do not. It is wise to consider where the student plans to attend college and contact the admissions office to see if they will accept college credits earned in this manner. The good news is that college credit earned in this manner is an economical purchase when compared to the cost of attending a four-year college.

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Counseling Office News— College Now With the exception of American Government Honors, Physics 1 Honors, and Psychology AP all the courses listed on page 65 of the Program Planning Guide are offered for college credit through the College Now Program at Johnson County Community College. All pertinent information about College Now can be accessed on line. Google JCCC. On the home page search for College Now. The List of Shawnee Mission East courses can be accessed by selecting College Now course – academic from the column on the left. Classroom instructors will talk to their students about the College Now option. Enrollment materials are available in the counseling office. This is a list of College Now dates for the Fall: September 1, 2010  JCCC Application submission deadline  Authorization form submission deadline (signed by your principal)  ACT/SAT test score submission deadline, if applicable September 14, 2010  COMPASS (JCCC placement test) deadline, if applicable

September 14, 2010  Enrollment/Payment deadline September 15, 2010  Last day for 100% refund September 15, 2010  Last day to withdraw without a "W" on transcript November 15, 2010  Last day to request pass/fail grade

Last day to withdraw with a "W" on transcript: These deadlines cannot be extended. Students are strongly encouraged to begin the process early. Exceptions to the deadlines will not be granted! The fine print: College Now students are considered students of JCCC and are afforded the same privileges as oncampus students - access to the library, tutoring, gymnasium, etc. College Now students are also subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Visit and search FERPA for more information on this federally-mandated privacy law. JCCC is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools; therefore, a majority of our credits will transfer. It is your responsibility to check with the admission or advising office at the institution you wish to attend to ensure transferability of courses. State statute limits the number of College Now credits a student can earn to 24. Quick Step Plus Two years ago Johnson County Community College began offering College Algebra credit as a concurrent enrollment option for the Shawnee Mission East course College Prep Math. Information about this concurrent enrollment option can be found on the internet. On the JCCC homepage search for Quick Step Plus to access this information. The College Prep Math instructors will talk to their students about the Quick Step Plus program.

Concurrent Enrollment through Baker University This year is the first time that Shawnee Mission will be offering concurrent enrollment with Baker University. The three courses that will be offered in this program are American Government Honors, Physics 1 Honors, and Psychology AP. Mrs Laura Carter, SME counselor, will talk to the students in these classes and distribute enrollment materials to interested students.

Questions? Call Miss Carter with any questions you have about these programs. Her phone number is 913-993.6633.

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Lancer Athletics

Jeremy Higgins, Athletic Director

Prepare Now For the Fall Sports Season Practice/Tryouts for the fall 2010 athletic season will begin on Monday, August 16. Please keep the following in mind as you prepare for the upcoming school year and our fall athletic season: 

Before an athlete can practice or try out, we must have a KSHSAA physical exam form on file. Signatures from the physician, the athlete, and the athlete’s parents are required on this form, which is available through or from the SME Office.

The physical must be dated on or after May 1, 2010. Please note also that the physical exam must be performed by an MD (medical doctor), a DO (doctor of osteopathic medicine), DC (doctor of chiropractic medicine), or an RPA (registered physician’s assistant). An RNP (registered nurse practitioner) may perform the exam, but it then must be co-signed by a physician.

To ensure your physical is not misplaced, please hand deliver it to Mrs. Gayle O’Grady, the AD Secretary, in the office prior to the first fall tryout/practice. No athlete will be allowed to participate until we have received the physical form.

In addition to having a physical on file, all athletes must complete the district athletic participation packet. This document is available through and must be signed by both the athlete and their parents. There are numerous places to sign, so make sure you get them all!

There are seven fall sports available for athletes to participate in: Cross Country, Football, Boys’ Soccer, Volleyball, Gymnastics, Girls’ Tennis, and Girls’ Golf

In accordance with KSHSAA and Shawnee Mission District Policy, all students involved in athletics, debate, forensics, and cheerleading must be passing five subjects from the beginning of the semester to the end of the week in which the competition occurs. The student must have passed five new subjects the previous semester in order to be eligible for athletics at SM East. Credits for serving as a lab assistant do not count towards academic eligibility.

Varsity Sports – Fall 2010 Before we know it, the 2010 sports season will be under way. Below are the first home competition dates for all of our fall sports. Let’s show our Lancer Pride and support all athletes by attending games and cheering on our teams! Football

Thursday, Sept. 2

vs. SMNW

@ North Stadium



Thursday, Sept. 9





Tuesday, Sept. 21

vs. SMN

@ Soccer Complex #3 7:00PM


Wednesday, Sept. 8

vs. SMN




Monday, Aug. 20

SME Inv.

@ Meadowbrook


Cross Country

Saturday, Sept. 4

Greg Wilson




Tuesday, Sept. 14




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Lancer Athletics

Jeremy Higgins, Athletic Director

Meet the Coach Nights Meet the Coach Night for all fall sports will be held on Monday, August 23 at 6:00 p.m. in the SM East Auditorium. Meet the Coach Night provides parents an opportunity to meet their son or daughter’s coach and receive information regarding team rules, expectations, procedures, etc. Parents and athletes in a fall sport are required to attend. After meeting with coaches, we will re-convene in the auditorium @ 7:00pm for a special program. Meet the Coach Night for winter sports will be held on Monday, November 22 at 6:00 p.m. in the Auditorium. Meet the Coach Night for spring sports are held at different times and locations depending on the activity.

2010-2011 Important Dates Thursday, August 12

Lancer Launch

Monday, August 16

Fall Sports Begin

Monday, August 23

Fall Meet the Coach Night

Friday, October 2

Homecoming Football Game vs. Leavenworth (at North Stadium)

Monday, November 15

Winter Sports Begin

Monday, November 22

Winter Meet the Coach Night


KSHSAA “No Practice” Dates

Monday, February 28

Spring Sports Begin

New SME Sports Website Check out the new SME Sports website at You will find up-to-date information on all SME Sports teams including news, schedules, scores, participation and physical forms, photos, weather forecasts, and links to live broadcasts.

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SME PTA SME PTA SME PTA SME PTA SME SME PTA 2010-2011 General Meetings PTA advocates the education and well-being of SME students through the many programs that the PTA membership and volunteers supports. SME PTA does no fundraising. Our primary source of operating revenue is YOUR PTA DUES. Please become a PTA “family� member today for just $28. This moderate fee makes a big difference in many programs that serve teachers and students at SME. Last year, PTA provided $10,000 to teachers through the Teacher Grants. Other important, upcoming programs include: PTA General Meeting, September 7. Dr. Krawitz will give his insights and updates on the new school year. Parent Principal Coffee, September 29. Stay connected to key information regarding education, activities and challenges facing high school students and families. College Clinic, October 13. Attend the largest annual college expo in the heartland region showcasing nearly 200 US colleges and universities for high school students throughout the area.

Support Your SME PTA A PTA membership form is included in this newsletter. Additional copies of the form are available in the SME office, at Back-to-School night, and on the SME web site:

SME PTA Executive Officers Co Presidents: VP Administration: Co-VP Programs: Co-VP Membership: Recording Secretary: Corresponding Secretary: Treasurer:

Joletta Woolwine / Becky Johnston Cathy Handy Denise Clark / Mary Schrock Molly Mitchell-Danciger / Sara Armer Lisa Lowe Deb Schneider Karen Bailey

SME PTE Committee Chairs Lancer Launch Newsletter Transfer Student Event Publicity Student Pictures Student Directory After Graduation Event College Clinic College Connection Volunteers Culvers Night Website Carnation Sales

Julie Norton Joan Beahm Suzanne Henley Ann Spivak OPEN Cynthia Jarrold Mary Schrock Kelly Kendall / Julie Foster Ellen Cray Cathy Handy Cathy Handy Shelly Kirkpatrick Lori Sherk, Julie Sykes

Freshman Lancer Event Hostess Parent Principal Coffees Visual Arts Civic Duty Hospitality Reflections/Citizenship Presidential Service Coord Landscape Bridge Instructional Grants Mailing

Ginnie Derusseau / Karen Johnson Jennifer Stradinger Dianne Ryan Nonie Newman Carlene Anderson Kelly Kendall OPEN Lindsay Mohn Kimberly Reene Karen Bailey Michelle Twibell OPEN

PTA General Membership Meetings September 7, 11:30 a.m. October 5, 11:30 a.m. December 9, 7:00 - 10:00 a.m. February, 7:00 p.m. March 1, 11:30 a.m. April 5, 11:30 a.m. May 3, 10:00 a.m.

SME Newsletter - August 2010

Village Presbyterian Church Village Presbyterian Church SME Library Location to be announced Village Presbyterian Church Village Presbyterian Church Village Presbyterian Church

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Booster Clubs and Organizations Lancer Band Members and Parents!! Have you returned your Booster Registration forms? If not, please return them immediately to Tanya Harold, Treasurer, 6617 W. 79th Street, Overland Park, KS 66204. Phone: 913-271-8834 If you haven’t received your registration forms either via e-mail or snail-mail or both, please e-mail Karen Dees at PLEASE REMEMBER BAND CAMP STARTS 8/2/10 FOR FRESHMEN AND SOPHOMORES AND 8/4/10 FOR ALL CLASSES. Any questions, please call or e-mail Karen Dees, 913-236-6319, e-mail above. Karen Dees, Band Booster President

Fund Raisers to Support the SME Band Get Ready for Fall Yard Clean-up with the Lancer Band trash bag sale. We have paper or plastic yard bags and large kitchen trash bags available. To purchase bags call: Pam Lanza, 913-432-7128 -if you live north of 75th Street and Cathy Philpott, 913-341-4146 -if you live south of 75th Street. Be the first in your neighborhood to have a 2011 Entertainment Book! The SME Band will be selling books during the first weeks of school. More local venues are included in this year’s coupons. You may also easily order another location edition, useful for travel or outof-town relatives. Contact a band member or call Cindy Shedor at 913-825-3975. Sale ends September 1.

The East Fund The Shawnee Mission East Educational Excellence Fund (The East Fund) raises money to support and enrich our students’ learning environment. Your gift to The East Fund creates immediate and long-term benefits! The East Fund puts money to work right away each year on grant requests which make available exceptional new programs, technology, and staff training for our SME community. The East Fund supplements dwindling government funding. It does not reduce our state allocation, which is mandated by law. Every project funded is one that would otherwise go unfunded by the district. The East Fund is your Booster Club for Education. Let’s continue the long-standing SME tradition of academic excellence. To learn more about The East Fund, the grant process, and ways to donate and volunteer, visit our website at

Celebrate Tradition Lancer Blues & BBQ Saturday, November 6, 2010, Milburn Country Club

A Party and Auction benefitting The East Fund.

Join in the fun, socialize with old friends, and meet new ones as patrons of SME come together for an evening of celebrating the great tradition of SME by supporting this live and silent auction. If you would like to volunteer your time, donate items, or help underwrite the auction, please contact this year’s auction chairs: Deb Schneider. 816-686-5733, or Jenny Wentz, 913-642-2541,

Lancer Gridiron Club The Lancer Gridiron Club was founded to support and promote the Shawnee Mission East football program and all high school Lancer football players and coaches. Our organization is open to anyone in the community; parents, alumni, and businesses. Our goal is to provide year-round support to ensure that the program is successful in creating a winning football environment for the players, coaches, students, parents, and fans in the SME community. For more information, and a list of volunteer opportunities, check out our website at

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Booster Clubs and Organizations More than 300 students involved in SME Choral Music!

2010 Choral Music Calendar

Sept. 30, Oct. 1 & 2 Musical Revue at SME With more than 300 students in the choral music proOct. 6 Fall Concert, 7 p.m. at SME gram this year, the SME Choirbooster parent organizaNov. 9 East Area Choral Concert, 7 p.m. at SME tion is off and running with lots of activity! The first is a car wash. Choir students will wash your car on Satur- Dec. 9 Holiday Concert, 7 p.m. at SME day, August 21 from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. in the SME circle drive. Car wash tickets will be pre-sold by choir students for $10.00 each. Contact Dede Daves at or 912-224-1288 if you are interested in buying tickets or helping with the car wash. Find your favorite SME singer and plan to have your car washed! Secondly, all Choraliers are invited to the first-ever Choraliers picnic. Come meet your choir friends on Sunday, August 22 from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. at the Harmon Park Pavilion (next to the Prairie Village Pool). Hotdogs, hamburgers, and drinks will be provided by SME Choirboosters. All Choralier students are asked to bring a side dish or dessert to share. A few more parent volunteers are still needed. Please contact Kristy Moore at or 913-383-2282 if you are interested in helping with set-up or running the grills with Mr. Foley. Parents, please encourage your student to come and have a great time. Get excited to be a Lancer‌.SME Choirboosters are offering spirit wear items for sale this year! These items are available to ALL Lancer fans, not just choir students. Items will be sold at Lancer Launch on August 12 and an online order form is posted at Support the choral music program by purchasing a cool, new Lancer t-shirt that tributes the Beatles, flannel PJ bottoms with the SME logo and a polar-fleece sport blanket with the SME logo on it. Students will be selling these items during the school year and at football games. Contact Dede Daves at for more information. If you are interested in getting more involved in SME Choirboosters, please contact any of our exec board members listed below or check out our website: 2010-2011 Choirbooster Executive Officers: President:

Shelle Jensen


Kristy Moore


Martha Shackelford


Patty Mader

V.P. Communications:

Ann Spivak

V.P. Membership:

Mary McCarthy

V.P. Fundraising:

Dede Daves and Chris Nash

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Support Shawnee Mission East Athletics!

There are TWO easy ways! 1. Become a member of the SM East All-Sports Booster Club Multiple sponsorship levels available; Special recognition in the SM East Sports Program; and Receive two free season passes to all home SM East athletic events.

  

2. Buy an ad in the SM East Sports Program Guide A cost-effective way to promote your business to the East community; Available in a variety of sizes and prices; East families and friends can also purchase ads; For one price, ads appear in all three – Fall, Winter and Spring – Sports Program Guides; and All ads include two FREE season passes to all home SM East athletic events.

   

About the SM East All-Sports Booster Club Founded in 1968, the All-Sports Booster Club has a rich tradition of supporting all Lancer sports teams and cheerleading on an equal basis. The Shawnee Mission School District provides approximately $50,000 in funds to support all of our sports programs. Funds raised by the Club provide significant additional support to student athletes and their coaches, helping pay for new equipment, travel, banners, uniforms, special training events, and more.


2010-2011 SM East All-Sports Booster Club Check one or both of the following ways to support East Athletics

___ Advertise. A board member will contact you with more information. ___ Become an All-Sports Booster Club Member. Please check the level of your choice: ___ Gold, $300 and above ___ Silver, $225 to $299 ___ Bronze, $125 to $224 ___ Lancer, $75 to $124 ___ Standard, $50 ___ Single, $30 (one pass only) Name (as you want it to appear in the Guide) ____________________________________________________ Your student’s name/grade ___________________________________________________________________ Phone (



Email address _______________________________________

Address ____________________________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________________ State _______ Zip __________________________

Return this form to: Kelley Colby, 4408 W. 66th Street, Prairie Village, KS 66208 Questions? 913.432.6483

The President’s Volunteer Service Award Here is a Chance for Your Student to be Recognized This a national program to recognize students who demonstrate outstanding service to their community, nation or abroad during the 12 – month period between April 1, 2010 and March 31, 2011. Both SHARE hours and other volunteer hours conducted independently may qualify. For most SME students, age 15 or older, the awards are: GOLD:

250 or more hours of service


175 – 249 hours of service


100 – 174 hours of service

For those SME students who will not have turned 15 by April 1, 2011, the awards are as follows: GOLD:

100 or more hours of service


75 – 99 hours of service


50 – 74 hours of service

A variety of volunteer services qualify. Fundraising for community services and faith – based service can be included. Activities must be unpaid. Travel time and actual work time on volunteer trips counts. The following do not qualify for volunteer service hours: Fund-raising for sports teams, choir, plays, etc., from which the student benefits, Court – ordered community service, Sleeping or entertainment time after you traveled to the volunteer location. An application and log of service hours follows this page. It can also be found online at Award applications and log forms may also be picked up outside the SHARE office room 463. Questions? Contact SHARE advisers Pat Kaufman or Lesley Multer at 913-993-6820 or or PTA rep Lisa Erickson at 913-341-3623 or All forms are to be returned to the SHARE office (Attention: Lesley Multer) by April 1, 2011. Also, you may email the form to: or post mark it by April 1, 2011 to:Lisa Erickson, 8914 Maple Drive, Overland Park, KS 66207

SME Newsletter - August 2010

Page 15

PRESIDENT’S VOLUNTEER SERVICE AWARD Application and Log of service hours

NAME: ______________________________________________________________ NAME PREFERRED ON CERTIFICATE: ___________________________________ STREET ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________ PHONE: ________________

E-MAIL: _________________________________

AGE as of 4/1/2011: _____ GRADE: _____ TOTAL HOURS 4/1/10 – 3/31/11: ___________ LOG OF VOLUNTEER HOURS April 1, 2010 – March 31, 2011 Date(s)

Volunteer Service Description

Organization name / Contact Name / Phone (for verification)


Please complete and return to SHARE office (room 463) by April 1, 2011 or mail to Lisa Erickson, 8914 Maple Drive, Overland Park, KS 66207 with a postmark of no later than April 1, 2011. Contact Pat Kaufman or Leslie Multer 913-993-6820 or or Lisa Erickson at with questions.

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