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Because of the district’s “red snow day” celebrating the Chiefs’ win, many East students went to Grand Street on Wednesday, Feb. 15 to celebrate the Chiefs’ Super Bowl win
RIGHT With most of the front row arriving before 7 a.m. for the 12 p.m. start time, Chiefs fans wait for the parade at 7th & Grand street outside of the barber shop, Buffalo Mane. This was near the beginning of the parade route.
BELOW Inside UES Consulting Services, freshman Maile Tormohlen plays shuffleboard with her friends Lyla Weeks and Ella Slicker. They decided to stay inside and warm up when they arrived before the parade. The consulting office is located at 7th and Grand at the start of the parade.
Lyla Weeks takes a picture of her friends freshmen Ella Slicker and Ava Perez before the parade. “We really wanted to remember the parade and what it felt like winning,” Weeks said. photo by I
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