20 minute read
10,000 treeS
10,000 Trees for Eleuthera and Counting
By: Dorlan Curtis Jr. Cape
eleuthera islanD sChool
Deep Creek Middle School (DCMS) students preparing the ground for planting.
As our country and local communities continue to regroup in the wake of hurricanes and COVID-19, the Cape Eleuthera Island School and our Center for Sustainable Development (CSD) continue to look to nature to help mitigate the effects of climate change while tackling food insecurity. Over the past year and more recently during the national lockdown, we have made efforts to plant over 100 fruit trees to improve and create “food forests” which are simply gardens of edible plants and trees that mimic ecosystems found in nature.
Trees play an important role in our ecosystem and continuous sustainable development due to their ability to absorb greenhouse gases and filter toxic emissions from the air released by our vehicles, machinery and the open-air burning of waste at local dump sites. They in turn provide us with oxygen and clean air.
As one navigates tree planting to create a food forest, there are seven layers that must be implemented in its design - the overstory (large trees that provide a canopy), the understory (smaller trees), the shrub layer, the herbaceous layer, the root layer (root vegetables), the ground cover layer (crops/leaves that cover the soil) and a vertical layer (vines and climbing plants). The benefits to be realised from food forests are as follows:
High Productivity - High density planting of trees ensures high yields and encourages biodiversity that continuously produces food all year round.
Natural Mulch, Compost & Fertilizer - Just like a forest, fallen leaves are self-mulching and cover the soil on their own to retain moisture and their breakdown returns nutrients to the soil.
Natural Pest Control- No chemicals required! Food forests can be home to natural predators like birds, lizards, wasps, and ladybugs which help to naturally eliminate certain vegetable garden pests without use of pesticides or toxic chemicals.
Increasing Cases In Eleuthera Raise Concerns
As of Monday, October 26th, Eleuthera had seen a significant increase in Covid-19 cases on the island, with 33 cases added to its tally within the eleven-day period between October 15th and October 26th, bringing the total number of confirmed cases on island to 63.
Local Administrator in Central Eleuthera, Whelma Colebrook expressed a concern about people in the Central area, and across the island gathering and attending events with extended family members, as well as attending private event settings, like funerals and parties, that authorities may not be aware of.
With a number of funeral events having taken place in the Cen-
tral area during the past few weeks, she also commented that a possible source of exposure, may have been people flying in from New Providence, who according to emergency orders were supposed to quarantine, and in a number of instances claimed special privilege given in New Providence.
Guidelines for inter-island travel require individuals travelling from New Providence to take an RT/PCR test and have a negative result before applying for a travel health visa. On arrival in Eleuthera, or another Family Island they must quarantine at a government-identified or any other appropriate facility, determined by the Ministry of Health, at their expense, for 14 days or the duration of stay if for a lesser period.
Administrator Colebrook appealed to all residents to continue to practice the recommended safety measures, including physical distancing, wearing of masks, and frequent hand washing.
In recent digital meetings with town council members, she said she encouraged local leaders to monitor their areas, and to keep an eye out for people with no masks, and to report people gathering to police.
In North Eleuthera, where cases have grown less quickly to date, with four active cases on the Eleuthera mainland, as of Saturday, October 24th, Administrator Lynton Pinder commented that some contributors to the spread could be individuals not strictly adhering to the health and safety protocols of wearing face masks and social distancing. He confirmed that all active cases were being carefully monitored.
Administrator Pinder also shared that government agencies in the North Eleuthera district were working closely together at the sea and airports, in reference to properly processing people coming into Eleuthera. Eleuthera, with Eleuthera then at 30 confirmed cases, and expressed concerns about those developments on the island.
When asked about whether or not restrictions may be recommended for Eleuthera, in light of increasing cases on the island, Chief Medical Officer Dr. Pearl McMillan, responded saying, “The purpose of us monitoring those trends is to be able to make the necessary recommendations with respect to decreasing the likelihood of a surge on a particular island. As we begin to see those things, we will go ahead and make our recommendations with respect to how we can actually manage the increase in cases on the particular island.”
Dr. Jillian Bartlett, with responsibility for monitoring the situation in the Family Islands, added, “We have seen an uptick in cases in Eleuthera, as well as PUI’s or persons under investigation, presenting to health care providers, who are symptomatic - mostly between Central and South Eleuthera. So, yes, we have made recommendations, based on what we are seeing in the numbers, and what is happening operationally on the ground, that we would have more restrictive measures put in place in Eleuthera, mainly in the area of the Central and South - based on what is happening.”
As of Monday, October 27th, 2020, more than a week after those statements were made, and with 33 additional cases added to Eleuthera’s Covid-19 tally, no further public announcements had been made in relation to any changes in restrictions on the island.
On Tuesday evening, October 27th, Prime Minister Minnis announced he would hold a national Covid-19 update press conference on Wednesday evening, October 28th accompanied by Dr. Dahl-Regis. The press conference, which took place after this current issue went to print, held a distinct possiblity of announcements being made in relation to Eleuthera, and changes in the level of restrictions on the island.
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comm E N t a R y OAS: In danger of undermining the ‘Right to Protect’
By Sir Ronald Sanders
(The writer is Antigua and Barbuda’s Ambassador to the U.S. and the OAS. He is also a senior fellow at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies at the University of London and at Massey College in the University of Toronto. The view expressed are entirely his own)
A noteworthy event occurred on the afternoon of Saturday October 10, that could have implications for nations across the globe. It merits attention.
The Secretary-General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis
Almagro, issued a statement, indicating that he “designated international human rights lawyer Jared Genser as Special Adviser on the Responsibility to Protect (R2P)”. This appointment happened when the OAS is again facing dire financial circumstances and staff contracts are not being renewed.
Still, even in such difficult circumstances, an appointment of someone greatly needed to carry out the Organization’s work would be understandable. The difficulty with this appointment is that it is not a priority identified either by Ministers of member states or the Permanent Council of the OAS. Further, R2P is, rightfully, a matter on the agenda of the United Nations General Assembly and under the authority of the Security Council.
Consequently, it is intriguing that, in his statement, Mr. Almagro said unequivocally that: “If existing international mechanisms are not responding to the demands and needs of the victims of mass atrocities in the Americas, at the very least the OAS should try to design and build a regional mechanism that can prevent and respond more efficiently, and in a timely manner, to crimes of this nature in the Western Hemisphere”. Whether intended or not, this sounds like a dismissal of the UN Security Council and an arrogation by the OAS to act in its place “in the Americas”.
It is important to note that R2P was unanimously endorsed by the member-states of the United Nations at a World Summit in 2005. The agreement is designed to protect people the world over from four crimes: “genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and ethnic cleansing”. The question arises, therefore, about the identity of the countries “in the Americas” where Mr. Almagro suggests that such crimes are being committed and against which action is required “more efficiently, and in a timely manner”.
If such countries exist in the Americas, why have they not been brought before the UN Security Council? And why is this matter not being raised for discussion, with the evidence of atrocities, by member governments of the OAS in appropriate bodies of the Organization?
The way this matter has crawled into the OAS - not in the full light of transparent discussion and decision but in a weekend media statement from the Secretary-General - is why suspicion surrounds the OAS. It is a suspicion with which all its member states are tainted as complicit. Silence is taken as consent.
A further consideration is that the R2P does not replace the UN Charter; R2P is a UNled response to the problem of mass-atrocity crimes, and actions in furtherance of it require UN Security Council authorization. Therefore, why would the OAS – a group of only 33 governments – seek to usurp the UN of 193 states, and a 15-state Security Council?
Dr. Adrian Gallagher, Co-Director of the European Centre for the Responsibility to Protect, makes the following salient point: “R2P does allow states to consider all coercive and non-coercive measures under Chapters VI, VII, and VIII of the UN Charter when a government is “manifestly failing” to protect its population from the four crimes. Though this does include the use of force, any action taken has to be authorized by the UN Security Council”.
In his statement, Mr. Almagro makes another point that merits attention. He says: “The costs of not having an R2P regional mechanism at the OAS so far have been the continued loss of human lives and the persistence of impunity for mass atrocities crimes”. He continues: “Yet, over time, there have been mass atrocities committed in far too many countries by repressive and undemocratic regimes”.
Sadly, where there have been such instances in the past, in OAS countries, governments of other OAS member states have ignored them for narrow, political reasons. Such politically selective and convenient responses must stop if the OAS is to have any credibility in advancing the principle of R2P.
In this regard, another observation by Dr. Gallagher is worth recalling: “It is important that those who champion the R2P do not overstate the scale of the crimes being committed. OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro has invoked the Rwandan genocide as a pretext to justify R2P action in Venezuela, but clearly any such analogy is deeply flawed, as there is no pending threat of mass genocide”.
To be clear, the principle of R2P should be embraced by every country in the world. Every government should uphold the human, civil and political rights of its people, not oppress them and certainly not murder them or eliminate any ethnic group within them. Where governments execute heinous atrocities, the wider international community, particularly neighbouring states, should act to prevent and punish them within the UN agreed framework.
The OAS should be discussing this openly and transparently, paying attention to every country in the Americas, and not just to those where the political or ideological interests of powerful states are served, one way or the other. If the OAS continues the selective path that it has followed, it will reverse every step that it now makes to be P13
By Mike Lightbourn
the consumer.
Did you know landowners are responsible for keeping their tree branches off power lines? If the answer is No, you’re not alone. Quite a few people think BPL is responsible for trimming trees on private property if they interfere with overhead lines.
Works Minister Desmond Bannister cleared up this misconception recently. He said property owners are responsible for making sure their trees don’t disturb power lines.
URCA, the independent regulator, has confirmed the onus is on property owners to keep their trees clear of lines. BPL can go onto private property, cut the trees, bill the landowner and even put a lien against the property if they don’t pay, Mr. Bannister said.
“If you live in the Bahamas you are contravening rules. What happens is your tree knocks down a line and after a storm, before BPL can power a substation, it has to go along every single line in that area. That is complicated by the fact that so many people do not cut trees in their yard,” he explained.
SpaniSh WellS:
Spanish Wells is unique in that it has a private electrical provider - and a very reliable one at that. The provider, St Georges Cay Power Company, has a similar policy. The property owner is responsible for keeping their trees from interfering with the lines. If they neglect to do so, the power company will step in. However, the cost will be passed on to
Keep the treeS:
Now before you head for the chain saw to start cutting, stop right there! Understand that trees improve property values because they are beautiful, provide shade and soften hardscape. They are vital to life, the economy and the environment.
They feed us and give us oxygen, store carbon and combat climate change, the latter of which presents the biggest challenge to humans and wildlife. Trees help conserve energy. They stabilise the soil and provide us with materials for tools and shelter. They shield us from harmful ultraviolet rays, help prevent water pollution, conserve water and provide a habitat for wildlife. Trees relieve mental fatigue.
On the Flip Side:
Conversely, trees on private property can cause a lot of damage if not properly maintained. Just one strong hurricane can topple a sturdy tree, tear down power lines and cause significant home damage. If the ground is saturated with water, trees become especially vulnerable to falling.
Some trees may appear healthy when, in fact, disease or insects have weakened their overall structure. That’s why it’s important to keep trees pruned and clear of structures, including roofs. Trees that are particularly at risk have dense canopies, are dead or dying or have two or more trunks. Young trees also are more susceptible.
Branches that rub against roofs - even without storm conditions - will damage shingles if left unchecked. Regular pruning makes trees more resistant to damage from storms, insects and disease.
There is an art to pruning and maintaining healthy trees. Use a professional to safely prune or remove large trees. While there’s no such thing as a hurricane-resistant property, proper tree care and maintenance will go a long way towards preventing damage and the resulting mess from debris.
Next time you look at a tree on your property, stop and think. Surely, a little TLC is a small price to pay for all its amazing benefits?
Questions or comments?
Contact me at info@cbbahamas.com Mike Lightbourn is president of
Coldwell Banker Lightbourn Realty.
Page. 12
Commentary- ronald sanders
regarded universally as a credible and respected organization.
That is not an OAS that will serve the peoples of the Americas well.
As a regional organization, the OAS should not seek to supplant global efforts at the UN; it would better serve the region and the world by providing objective and non-discriminatory leadership in upholding and advancing the principle of R2P within the UN agreement of 2005.
Responses and previous commentaries: www.sirronaldsanders.com
15 October 2020
Web of Lies: Those Who Cry Wolf
Teri M. Bethel
You may have heard the phrase quoted from the romantic play “Marmion” by Sir Walter Scott, “Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.” Many smitten by a web of lies may muse that truer words have not been spoken. The question that begs an answer regarding deception in affairs of the heart is what makes a person lie to destroy innocent lives rather than choosing to walk away?
There is a growing number of cases where stories have been fabricated to accuse people of rape, causing innocent folks to spend an excessive amount of money to defend themselves, plus spend years in prison for crimes they did not commit. While what is being addressed in this article is women accusing men, unfortunately, growing numbers of women are also sexually abusing men. That being said, many statistics confirm that the number of violent crimes against women still far exceeds the same crimes against men. But does it make it right to destroy any life? Before going any further, let it be stated clearly that rape or sexual abuse in any form should be tried and prosecuted to the full extent of the law, as should those who cry wolf.
The woman who accused her fiancé of rape
I recently watched a documentary regarding an Australian, Dan Jones, a young man who had been wrongly accused of sexual crimes by his fiancé Sara Jane Parkinson and thrown in jail. As I watched the story unfold, it was easy to ask from my sofa, how did he not see this coming? He barely knew Sara, proposing to her only after a few months of meeting her. It was as though somebody had cloaked Dan’s mind from thinking and responding sensibly to blatant misgivings. Even though the police had called him in to question his fiancé’s atrocious claims, he continued with their relationship, believing that it was, as she insisted, a mistake.
It wasn’t too long after that the hardworking Dan, a prison officer, who had recently constructed his home, realized that there was indeed a mistake. His mistake was believing the soft-spoken Sara without verifying anything she said from the first day they met. Not long after the allegations, Dan was placed on house arrest and banished to his parent’s home. His life crumbled as he was forced from his home while Sara remained in it. But this was not enough for Sara. She continued to trump up indecent charges of assault and rape against Dan and, eventually, his father, ultimately landing Dan in prison. To add to the tragedy, Sara moved her new boyfriend, the cop who helped her file the ludicrous claims, into Dan’s house.
When good police step forward
Fortunately for Dan, Leesa Alexander, a detective, joined the department, and after reviewing the case, she immediately picked up on the inconsistencies of Sara’s story. Her lies were thin enough to see through. After many months in prison, Dan lost his job, his home, and nearly his mind. His parents lost their life savings and their home as a result of his legal fees. It wasn’t much longer that their 32-year-old marriage bit the dust—the once happy couple divorced. I guess you’re wondering what happened to Sara. Well, she admitted to the court that she wanted what his family had. Sara could have had the house her fiancé built when they married, but that was not enough; she wanted his parent’s home as well. She was willing to destroy them all to get what she wanted. This behavior was not new to Sara; she had conspired a similar plot against her best friend’s father, accusing him of rape, which almost cost the man his freedom, wife, and children. the life out of had no recourse to be reimbursed for the monies lost defending themselves. Nevertheless, the Jones family is grateful for Dan’s freedom. They are indebted to Detective Alexanpondered, especially those who were a crime was Archie Williams; an America’s got talent contestant who spent 35
der, who displayed character and courage as she pressed through to reveal the truth that not only led to Dan’s release but to Sara’s conviction.
Does it happen in The Bahamas?
That unfortunate event took place overseas, but what about similar situations taking place on our side of the watery fence. How does an innocent young man or woman stand a chance for freedom when there is undue influence against them? Recently, an 18-year-old young man was dragged before the courts on a false rape charge by an older young lady who had recently been ditched by her boyfriend. Believing that someone had to pay for her heartbreak, she selected a hander to learn to appreciate being alone? healthy relationship with someone?
some young lad—a sacrificial lamb she had recently met, who had no romantic leanings towards her, and no previous law infractions.
It didn’t matter to the arresting officer that the young lady picked him up from his home minutes before curfew, insisting that he accompany her home. Neither did it matter that she drove him home the following morning after he rejected her bold advances. Two days later, she filed a rape charge. Instead of pushing for the case, her family should have advised her that the hurt she experienced was not rape but rejection.
Nonetheless, like Sara Jane Parkinson, another young man was about to be unfairly handled by those sworn to uphold the law. Even though being publicly humiliated and his name and face flaunted in the news and social media, no-one did a follow-up story to clear the young man’s reputation when the case was thrown out. How many innocent people line the walls of our prison having been falsely accused of a crime? How many people have the character to admit that they were wrong or made person as a criminal?
Wrongful imprisonment
Some of us may wonder what would drive a person to formulate a lie to destroy the life of an innocent person? I’m sure that’s a question many people have victims of such lies. One victim of such years in prison for a crime he did not commit. Ricky Jackson, another American, was wrongfully accused and spent 39 years of his life in prison. Jackson was only 18 at the time of his imprisonment. Being placed on death row for a crime he had not committed was a prime example of how the criminal justice system could affect an innocent life.
Are you ready for a relationship?
Too many people have no clue what a healthy relationship looks like. Before falsely accusing someone of such a heinous act as rape, wouldn’t it be wisShould you focus on two parties coming together before you have a chance to develop yourself? If you have issues you need to deal with, why complicate your life further with another person before addressing your problems? Do you know what you are looking for in a relationship? What are the characteristics of someone you believe would be a great mate? Do you have the character or emotional maturity to maintain a a mistake in identifying an innocent
Quite often, people engage in relationships for superficial reasons thinking everything will pan out nicely. No-one told them good looks and sweet-talking are not enough to sustain a friendship. Noone said to them that before becoming intimate with someone, you should get to know them first. Had they done some research, they would have seen that shiny things they thought were medals of honor were merely chump change and loose screws.
aBout the
author: Teri M Bethel is a publisher and an author of relationship enrichment books, which include: Before We Say, I Do… and My Marriage Matters. She has also published romance and adventure novels, purse making, and fabric painting DVDs that seek to entertain, empower, and promote healthy lifestyles for adults and children. Her books are available where good books are sold in Eleuthera and New Providence, as well as on Amazon.com. Additionally, Teri provides a free online directory for local authors to showcase their family-friendly books. She and her husband have two adult sons. Visit her website, www.BooksByBethel.com, or e-mail her at tbethel@booksbybethel.com.