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Edible Eleuthera



By The Leon Levy Native Plant Preserve (LLNPP)

Bananas (Common Name: Banana; Scientific name: Musa x paradisiaca; Family: Musaceae; Musa x paradisiaca is the name derived from a hybrid of Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana) aren’t native to the Lucayan Archipelago. They originated in the Philippines and Malaysia and are now found throughout the world in tropical and subtropical regions, predominantly in Human Altered environments (yards, gardens, farms).

What we typically call a ‘hand’ of bananas is a group of flowers and the fruits are actually fleshy “berries”.Musa x paradisiaca is used medicinally in the Lucayan Archipelago to treat hypertension and arthritis as well as colds and flu.

The fruits, roots, leaves and flowers can all be used medicinally. The fleshy part of the leaf, nearest the stalk, can be used as a bandage over wounds to stop bleeding and for disinfection. The leaves can be heated and used as poultices. The high alkalinity of bananas makes them ideal for treating gastrointestinal issues.

The fruits are usually consumed raw. The “hog’ banana, a shorter, fatter variant has a slight lemony flavor. The “sugar” banana is small and narrow but has a distinct sweetness.

The sugars in the fruits are very easily assimilated into the body when ripe and the fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals. They provide a good energy boost and are recommended for diabetics due to their slow release of glucose.

When green, the fruits are Flowers of the Musa paradisiaca

placed in boiling water with the skins on. Once cooked, the fruit is peeled and eaten, with a taste like a potato.

The nutritional content of the banana is at its peak when its very ripe. It’s at this degree of ripeness that they are prized in banana breads and “panny cakes”, which are thick and doughy.

Tell us how you enjoy your bananas.

Burro Bananas

Fallen Eleuthera Officer Remembered During National RBPF Church Service

on duty. So, this year it was a somber moment for us, as we remembered her contribution to the Eleuthera District. She will definitely be missed - she was such a quiet, gentle soul, and an effective officer. May her soul rest in peace,” said C/Supt. Adderley.

Reserve Officer Pratt, said Adderley, served on many islands, including Grand Bahama and New Providence, before coming back to Eleuthera. She was a Senior Reserve added Adderley, having served for many years - also working as a Police Civilian within the Public Service at one point - a seasoned veteran.

OIC Adderley and his Executive team of officers, in a brief ceremony before the start of the national church service on Sunday afternoon, formally laid a wreath at the foot of the flagpole at the front of the Eleuthera RBPF Headquarters, in memory and honour of the late Reserve Officer Melinda Pratt, and others who had fallen from the ranks of the RBPF nationally during 2020.

In a brief interview following the service, C/Supt. Adderley commented on the plethora of accidents that have taken place on island this past year, saying that the main cause in each incident had been speeding. So, he implored Eleuthera residents to heed the traffic laws as well as the speed limits within the settlements and on the highway.

Above: Lost Reserve Police Officer, Melinda Pratt, pictured on duty. (File Photo 2015).

The Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) began the New Year with their annual church service hosted on the grounds of the RBPF Headquarters in New Providence, on Sunday, January 3rd, 2021. Executive RBPF teams from Family Islands throughout the Bahamas, including the Eleuthera Division, attended the service virtually.

“Before we chart our way forward, we have traditionally assembled in the House of God, to give thanks and praise for the successes of the year gone past, and guidance for the future year,” said Officer-InCharge of the Eleuthera Division, Chief Superintendent Stephen Adderley about the annual service, adding, “It gives us a spiritual foundation, on which this nation is built.”

A significant part of the service each year recognizes members of the Force who have passed away, or fallen from the ranks. The Eleuthera Division in 2020, lost Reserve Officer Melinda Pratt. “She died tragically on the street just outside of the Eleuthera Headquarters in August, via a road traffic accident, while she was

Eleuthera Division RBPF Officers ceremonially lay a wreath at the foot of the Eleuthera RBPF Headquarter’s flag pole, in memory of their fallen colleague.

First Ministry Spread Christmas Cheer on Christmas Eve with Toy Giveaway

Above: First Ministry leaders, members and volunteers spreading happiness and joy on the eve of Christmas Day in Tarpum Bay. Right: Santa and helpers give out wrapped toys and special treats bringing smiles to young faces.

December 24th, 2020, on the eve of Christmas Day, First Ministry church in Tarpum Bay, led by Pastor Diallo Ingraham and his wife Mrs. Lashal Ingraham, hosted a drive-thru toy giveaway event on the parking lot of the church called, ‘Spread the Joy’. The giveaway, which was targeted at children from the ages of 1 to 11, was available for children throughout South Eleuthera and further, shared Mrs. Ingraham. Church members were decked out in Christmas colours, and joined by Santa, giving away wrapped gifts prepared by age, cool drinks and treats like popcorn, cotton candy and Christmas cookies, as cars with parents and children filed in, enjoying the Christmas cheer.

The inspiration for the event, Mrs. Ingraham shared, saying, “Everyone knew that there was a pandemic, and we are always looking for opportunities and ways that we can give back to the community. So, being Christmas, what we decided to do was to have a toy giveaway for the children in South Eleuthera and even further. So whoever came, no one was turned away. Just to bring joy. First Ministry decided to bring joy to the faces of some of our kids today.”

“We will continue with our community initiatives”, said Lashal adding, “We are looking to see where help is needed. There was a school breakfast program that basically shut down, because of the school closures this past year. So, we could not continue to do that on a monthly basis, and I thought about how we couldn’t get to them, so let’s bring them to us - hence the toy giveaway.”

Coins pour in for Cancer Society’s Penny Drive

With the Central Bank of the Bahamas demonetarizing the Bahamian penny at the end of 2020, a board member of The Cancer Society of Eleuthera, Assistant Treasurer, Cindy Pinder, had the idea to use the opportunity to raise funds for their cause. Members of the public were encouraged to donate their pennies to the Cancer Society before the penny was discontinued, and former president, Mrs. Juanita Pinder, said the pennies came ‘pouring in’, along with other coins that the public wanted to donate to the work of the Society.

More than $1,300 was raised as a result of the effort. President Sherrin Cooper, said that she and her team were so appreciative for the overwhelming support. She, along with the Cancer Society Board, and members of the Eleuthera Cancer Society, gave special thanks to the many donors from across the island who gave sacrificially to the Penny/Coin Drive, despite the pandemic, as well as to the volunteers who spent many hours counting and rolling the coins, as required for deposit by the local banks. Above and Below: Members of the public donated generously to the Eleuthera Cancer Society’s Penny Drive.

Reports are printed to keep the public informed of the incidents of crime that are reported within our communities. All reports are to be treated as allegations only.

Reports issued by the RBPF locally.

Eleuthera Reports

Causing Harm

At 8:40pm on 6/1/21 medical personnel contacted the Governors Harbour Police Station and reported that a male contacted the medical emergency line and stated that he has injuries as a result of being hit to the face and is on his way to the Palmetto Point Clinic and requested medical assistance. Police assistance is requested. Officers responded and spoke with an adult male. He reported that he was approached by a male known to him who hit him to the face with an object causing injuries and pain. He requested Police action. On Thursday 7/01/21 Officers arrested the suspect in this matter. He was processed and charged with Causing Harm.

arrest referenCe to Possession of Dangerous

Drugs: On Friday 08th January 2021 at 5:00am Officers came in to the Governors Harbour Police Station with an adult male reporting they had arrested him at his residence at 4:55am in reference to Possession of Dangerous Drugs. The suspect was processed and charged with that offence. arrest ref Possession of Dangerous Drugs: On Thursday 7th January, 2021 Officers came in at the Rock Sound Police Station with an adult male under arrest in reference to Possession of Dangerous Drugs, after a search was conducted of his person and a small foil wrapping was found with a grassy substance inside suspected of being marijuana. The suspect was processed and charged with that offence.

arrest ref to Possession of Dangerous Drugs

On Thursday 7th January, 2021 Officers came in at Rock Sound Police Station with an adult female under arrest in reference to Possession of Dangerous Drugs, after a search was conducted of her person and a single foil wrapping was discovered on her person with a grassy substance inside suspected of being marijuana. The suspect was processed and charged with that offence. roaD aCCiDent rePort: On Sunday 3rd January, 2021 sometime around 4:30pm, an anonymous female caller contacted the Governor’s Harbour Police Station and reported that there is a traffic accident on Queen’s Highway Governor’s Harbour just south of the Coco De Mama Resort. Damage and injuries involved. Police assistance requested. Officers visited the scene which involved a black 2008 Honda Odyssey driven by an adult male and a white Buick Regal driven by an adult male. The driver of the Buick complained of pain in his right shoulder. His front seat passenger an adult female and her son, the rear seat passenger, complained of pain in their chests. The H.A.C.E transported the injured parties to the Palmetto Point Clinic where they were treated for their injuries and discharged by Dr. Cho, District Medical Officer. Both vehicles involved were damaged extensively. N.O.I.P forms were served on both drivers and measurements were recorded. Investigations are ongoing. tHreats of DeatH: On Tuesday, 5 January 2021 at about 11:18am, an adult male reported at Rock Sound Police Station that on Monday, 4 January 2021 at about 7:30pm, he was approached by a male known to him who asked him for money, and when he refused to give him any money, the male threatened to ‘jick’ and kill him. He became in fear for his life and requested police action in the matter. Investigations are ongoing. arrest referenCe to stolen Vessel: On Saturday 2nd January, 2021, sometime around 12:00pm Officers came in at Rock Sound Police Station with three (3) adult males of Nassau all under arrest in reference to a Stolen Vessel. They were all arrested while at Davis Harbour Marina, South Eleuthera after they were found in possession of a 19ft white and black Grady-white boat with an 115hp Yamaha outboard affixed. The vessel was moored at Davis Harbour Marina without proper documentation of ownership. The suspects were processed and charged with this offence. searCH Warrant exeCuteD: Sometime around 12:00am on 2/01/21 Officers executed a search Warrant on the residence of an adult male in reference to Dangerous drugs, Firearms and Stolen Goods. The search ended with negative results.

searCH Warrant exeCuteD & susPeCts arresteD:

Sometime around 12:15am on 2/01/21 Officers executed a search Warrant on the residence of an adult male in reference to Dangerous drugs, Firearms and Stolen Goods. The search ended with negative results, however, two adult males were arrested and cautioned in reference to Shop Breaking.

Drug arrest: On Thursday 31st December, 2020, sometime around 5:15pm, Officers came into Rock Sound Police Station with an adult male under arrest in reference to a small quantity of dangerous drugs. The Officers reported arresting the suspect, sometime around 4:30pm. The suspect was later interviewed and charged with Possession of Dangerous Drugs and released on Police bail to appear before magistrate’s court on Monday 18th January, 2021 at 10:00am. Drug arrest: On Thursday 31st December, 2020, sometime around 8:05pm, Officers came into Rock Sound Police Station with an adult male under arrest in reference to a small quantity of dangerous drugs. The suspect was later interviewed and subsequently charged with Possession of Dangerous Drugs and released on Police bail to appear before magistrate’s court on Monday 18th January, 2021 at 10:00pm. Drug arrest: On Thursday 31st December, 2020, sometime around 8:05pm, Officers came into Rock Sound Police Station with two adult male suspects under arrest in reference to a small quantity of dangerous drugs. The Officers reported arresting the suspect, sometime around 7:10pm. Both suspects were subsequently charged with Possession of Dangerous Drugs and released on Police bail to appear before magistrate’s court on Monday 18th January, 2021 at 10:00pm. arrest referenCe to Possession of D/Drugs: Officers came in at the Governors Harbour Police station at about 9:50pm 31.12.2020 with two adult males under arrest and reported that they were arrested, in reference to Possession of Dangerous Drugs. Both men were processed and charged. arrest referenCe to Possession of D/Drugs: Officers came at the Governors Harbour Police station at about 11:00pm 31.12.2020 with an adult female under arrest and reported that she was arrested for possession of D/Drugs. The suspect was processed and charged with that offence.

Drug arrest rePort: On Tuesday, 29th December, 2020 sometime around 1:00pm, Officers came in at the Rock Sound Police Station with two adult male suspects under arrest in reference to Possession of Dangerous Drugs. Both were processed and charged with that offence.

Causing Harm rePort: On Monday 28th December, 2020 at around 7:35pm an adult male came into the G.H.P.S and reported that about 10-15 minutes ago he was struck in the back of his head by a male known to him without provocation. Police action was requested. On 29/12/20 the adult male suspect was arrested, processed and charged with Causing Harm. traffiC aCCiDent: On Monday 28th of December 2020 at about 10:40pm an adult male came to the GHPS and reported that sometime around 9:00pm while driving South on the three - mile stretch heading south he was involved in traffic accident in his 2011 white Nissan Juke. Police assistance was requested. Officers visited the scene. On arrival at the scene, they observed a white Nissan Juke jeep crashed into the nearby bushes, with its extensive damage. The scene was processed. A written statement was recorded from the driver and a police hospital form was issued after he complained of experiencing pain in the left side of his body. Enquiries are ongoing.

Possession of Dangerous Drugs arrest: On Saturday 26th December at about 12:15pm Officers came into G.H.P.S with an adult male whom was cautioned and arrested for Possession of Dangerous Drugs, namely marijuana. He was processed and charged with that offence. roaD traffiC aCCiDent: Sometime around 9:50pm on Saturday 26/12/2020 an adult contacted the Governor’s Harbour Police Station by telephone and reported a traffic accident with injuries in the area of Juice City Restaurant and Bar located at Queens Highway where an adult male pedestrian had been struck by a car. Officers responded to the scene where they met medical personnel attending to an adult male. Officers also noted two vehicles parked on a boat ramp on the eastern side of Queens Highway. Vehicle No: 1 a silver 2002 Nissan Skyline which had extensive damage to the front end and rear driver’s side. Vehicle No:2 a blue 1996 Honda Civic registered to an adult male was parked immediately behind vehicle number one and had extensive damage to the rear passenger side. An adult male identified himself as the owner and driver of vehicle number one. He stated under caution that he was traveling north on Queens Highway, and as he came around the corner by the restaurant his rear-end started to skid because his tires were bald. He then collided into the western side of the building at the same time he struck two males who were standing in the area of the door of the club, then collided into the Honda Civic which was parked off the road on the boat ramp. Measurements were recorded in his presence and he was served an NOIP. stealing: On Tuesday 22nd December, 2020 at 2:00pm an adult male came to the Governors Harbour Police Station and reported that On Tues-

day 22nd December, 2020 at 10:30am, while making a check of his 18ft Boston Whaler Boat, he noticed that some unknown person/s removed his 15 Horse Power Yamaha Outboard Engine valued at $2500.00 serial number 6AGK- 1036964, Model # F15SMHA from his 18ft Boston Whaler Boat which was on his property, by cutting the cable and detaching it. Police Action requested. This matter is under active investigation. roaD traffiC aCCiDent rePort: On Tuesday, 22nd December 2020 sometime around 10:05am, an adult male contacted Rock Sound Police Station via phone and reported a traffic accident on Queen’s Highway, Green Castle. Police assistance requested. Officers arrived on the scene and observed a purple van resting on its left side, facing north off the southbound lane. No driver or passengers were on the scene. Measurements were taken at the scene. Officers then visited the Rock Sound Clinic, where a statement under caution was recorded from the driver, an adult female. She reported that she was travelling south on Queen’s Highway when the vehicle suddenly swerved off the road and flipped over. She received soft tissue injuries to her right cheek and right foot. She was served with a NOIP form. Eight passengers received minor soft tissue injuries. Investigations continue in this matter.

arrest ref to DisorDerlY BeHaV-

iour: On Monday 21st December 2020, at 12:45pm Officers came in at the Governors Harbour Police Station with an adult male and reported arresting him at his residence for disorderly behavior and obscene language. The suspect was processed and charged with Disorderly Behavior - contrary to Section 206(1) and Obscene Language - Cont. to Section 208(1) - both offences punishable under the Penal code, Chapter 84. He said nothing in answer and was further cautioned. He was later released on bail with one suretor, for court appearance on Thursday 21/01/2021 at 9:30am.

arrest referenCe to immigration Violation

On Monday 21st December 2020, at 12:45pm Officers came in at the Governors Harbour Police Station with an adult male Haitian National who indicated that he had no documentation. He was later handed over to the Dept. Of Immigration for processing.

arrest referenCe to immigration PurPose

On Monday 21st December 2020, at 1:37pm came in at the Governors Harbour Police Station with two adult male suspects and reported arresting them in reference to an Immigration violation after they were not able to produce any legal documentation. They were handed over to the Dept. of Immigration for processing.

Causing Harm rePorteD: On Saturday 19th December, 2020 at about 1:45pm an adult female contacted the Governor’s Harbour police Station and reported that she was at the Clinic with her adult nephew who was suffering from a stab wound inflicted by a man known to him. Police assistance was requested. Officers subsequently arrested, processed and charged an adult male with this offence.

arrest referenCe to Possession of D/Drugs

At about 1:50pm 18.12.2020, acting on information received, Officers armed with a search warrant executed the same on the residence of an adult male. Upon arrival, a male on seeing the police ran and threw a clear plastic from his hand which was found and discovered to contain a quantity of suspected Marijuana. The suspect, was subsequently arrested and cautioned. A search was then conducted of the residence of the male where a large quantity of compressed grassy substance believed to be Marijuana was found. This male was also arrested and cautioned. A further search of the yard and property around the area also revealed a clear plastic bag containing suspected Marijuana. All persons and exhibits were escorted to the Governors Harbour Police Station where they were processed and charged.

arrest referenCe to Possession of D/Drugs

Officers came in at the Governors Harbour Police station at about 2:35pm on the 18.12.2020 with an adult male under arrest and reported that he was arrested at about 2:20pm on the same date in reference to Possession of D/Drugs. He was processed and charged with that offence.

arrest referenCe to Possession of Dangerous

Drugs: Officers came in at the Hatchet Bay police Station with an adult male under arrest reference to possession of dangerous drugs. He was processed and charged with that offence. searCH Warrant exeCuteD: On Monday 14th December, 2020 at 5:55pm Officers executed a search warrant on the premise of an adult male in reference to dangerous drugs and firearms. The search ended with negative results. However, officers searched an unfinished building situated east of the residence and found in the rafters near above the main entrance a small clear plastic bag containing a grassy substance believed to be Marijuana. Investigations are ongoing. stealing rePort: On Saturday 12th December, 2020 sometime around 12:45pm an adult male came to the Governor’s Harbour Police Station and reported that sometime between 5:00pm on Friday 11th December, 2020 and 12:30pm on Saturday12th December, 2020 some unknown person(s) stole his black extra-large Cannondale bike that has thick tires for off-road valued at $500.00 from underneath the staircase of his residence. Police action requested. Investigations are ongoing.

North Eleuthera Reports

PoliCe Warning requesteD: On Tuesday 5th January 2021, sometime around 8:05pm, a man of Bluff, Eleuthera, came into the North Eleuthera Police Station and reported that he is constantly being harassed verbally and threatened of bodily harm by two males. He requested that these two individuals be warned to not have anything else to say to him.

PoliCe information/Hit &run:

Location - Genes Bay Dock: On Tuesday 5th January 2021, sometime around 3:05pm, a female of Current, Eleuthera, came into the N.E.P.S. and reported that sometime around 10:45am she parked her vehicle in the parking area at Gene’s Bay Dock, and travelled to Spanish Wells. She stated that she returned sometime around 2:42pm and discovered that someone had caused damage to the left driver’s side door and side mirror of her vehicle. She also found a note on her vehicle, which gave a name a number and said “call me”. She suspects that the person who left the note, is the individual that caused the damage to her vehicle. She further stated that she made a number of attempts to contact the person, with negative results. She reported the incident for Police information.

Drugs / Location - Lower Bogue: On Monday 3rd January 2021, sometime around 1:22pm, the a police crew arrived in at the North Eleuthera Police Station, along with one male and one female suspect both of Skyline Drive, Lower Bogue, and reported that sometime around 1:15pm, while executing a search warrant at the suspect’s residence, they discovered a gold and green tobacco leaf pack, which was examined and found to contain a quantity of suspected marijuana. As a result, both suspects were arrested and cautioned reference to possession of dangerous drugs. On Monday 3rd January 2021 the suspects were interviewed separately under caution. On Monday 21st January 2021, both suspects were charged with possession of dangerous drugs contrary to section 29(1) and punishable under section 29(2)(b) of the Dangerous Drugs Act, Chapter 228. They were both further cautioned and did not respond. On Monday 21st January 2021, sometime around 4:05pm, police released the suspects on bail in the amount of $500.00, respectively, with (1) suretor to appear before Harbor Island Magistrate Court.

tHreats of DeatH

Location - Current, Eleuthera: On Tuesday 29th December 2020, sometime around 6:45pm, a woman of Current Eleuthera, came into the North Eleuthera Police Station and reported that sometime around 3:50pm, she was threatened by her husband,, who sent her a voice note stating that he is going to send her missing, and also that he is going to travel to Nassau and put a hit out on her, and that when he gets home that she will be a dead woman. She stated that she and her husband are currently separated, and she is now in fear for her life. She is requesting Police action in this matter.

Drug arrest rePort

Location - Bluff, Eleuthera: On Tuesday 8th December 2020, sometime around 12:10am, a police while in the area of Lower Bogue, arrested and cautioned a male suspect, of Lower Bogue in reference to possession of dangerous drugs. The suspect was interviewed under caution, and later charged with possession of dangerous drugs. He was further cautioned. On Tuesday 8th December 2020, sometime around 3:10pm, he was released on bail in the amount of $500.00 with (1) surety to appear before Harbor Island Magistrate Court.

Drug arrest rePort

Location - Bluff, Eleuthera: On Tuesday 8th December 2020, sometime around 12:55pm, a police crew arrived in at the North Eleuthera Police Station along with a man of Lower Bogue and reported that while in the area of Lower Bogue, they arrested and cautioned the suspect after he was found in possession of a small quantity of suspected marijuana. Police later released the suspect, from custody pending further investigations.

Drug arrest rePort

Location-Bluff, Eleuthera: On Tuesday 8th December 2020, sometime around 1:22pm, a police crew came in at the North Eleuthera Police Station along with two young men and one juvenile male suspect, all of The Bluff, under arrest in reference to possession of dangerous drugs with intent to supply. The suspects were taken to Harbor Island Police Station for safekeeping and further investigations.

Causing Harm/arson

Location -Harbor Island, Eleuthera: On Sunday 13th December 2020, sometime around 12:05pm, a police crew came in with a male suspect of Three Island Dock, and reported that sometime around 12:00pm, while at the suspects resiP36


dence, they arrested and cautioned him in reference to Causing Harm and Attempted Arson. On Sunday 13th December 2020, sometime around 12:55pm, police cautioned and interviewed the suspect who allegedly denied the allegations made against him and stated that he was attacked with a cutlass by a male. Sometime around 1:48pm, police released the suspect, from custody pending further investigations.

tHreats of DeatH, tHreats

of Harm anD stealing: On Sunday 13th December 2020, sometime around 10:00pm a woman reported that while at Three Island Dock, Eleuthera she was approached by her ex-boyfriend of Harbour Island and he got into an argument with her where he made threats to kill her putting her in fear for her life, he also took a Samsung cell phone without her permission valued at $346.88. He also made Threats to a male occupant of her to have some of his friends “to warm him up”. Police action requested.

stealing rePort

Location - Current, Eleuthera: On Tuesday 22nd December 2020, sometime around 5:15pm, a man of Current, Eleuthera, came into the North Eleuthera Police Station and reported that sometime between the hours of 4:30pm on Sunday 20th December 2020 and 11:36am on Tuesday 22nd December 2020, an unknown person/s entered into the yard of a residence on Current Ridge, for which he is the caretaker, and stole the lower unit from a 225 HP Yamaha engine, valued at $3,000.00, which was mounted on a 22ft Maco Vessel parked at a residence in current.

Drug arrest rePort

Location-Current, Eleuthera: On Wednesday 30th December 2020, sometime around 10:15am, a police crew arrived in at the North Eleuthera Police Station along with a male suspect of Current, Eleuthera, and reported that sometime around 10:00am, while executing a search warrant on the residence of the suspect, the officers discovered a white plastic pill bottle, labelled “Immune Power Plus”, which they examined and found to contain a quantity of suspected marijuana. As a result, the suspect was arrested and cautioned reference to possession of dangerous drugs. The suspect was interviewed under caution. He was later cautioned and charged with possession of dangerous drugs contrary to section 29(6) and punishable under section 29(2)(b) of the Dangerous Drugs Act, Chapter 228. He was further cautioned and did not respond.

susPeCt releaseD on Bail:

On Wednesday 30th December 2020, he was released on bail in the sum of $1,00.00 with (1) surety to appear before Harbor Island Magistrate Court.

Drug arrest rePort

Location-Lower Bogue Eleuthera: On Wednesday 30th December 2020, sometime around 2:10pm, police while conducting special operations throughout the community of Lower Bogue, observed when the driver of a white Honda Accord looked in the direction of the marked Police vehicle and began reversing on the main road. As a result, the officers became suspicious and beckoned the said vehicle to stop. The officers then approached the vehicle and informed the driver, who identified himself, that he is suspected to be in possession of dangerous drugs and firearms, and that a search would be conducted reference to the same. While searching the CD player console of the said vehicle, the officers discovered an orange translucent tube, which was examined and found to contain a grassy like substance, suspected to be marijuana. As a result, the suspect was arrested and cautioned reference to possession of dangerous drugs. He was then taken to the North Eleuthera Police Station, where he was handed over for further investigations. The suspected was interviewed and later charged with possession of dangerous drugs contrary to section 29(6) and punishable under section 29(2)(b) of the Dangerous Drugs Act, Chapter 228. He was further cautioned and did not respond. On Wednesday 30th December 2020, sometime around 3:45pm, police released the suspect on bail in the sum of $500.00 with (1) surety to appear before Harbor Island Magistrate Court.

sHotgun surrenDereD for DestruC-

tion: On Thursday 31st December 2020, sometime around 2:45pm, a man of Current, Eleuthera, came into the North Eleuthera Police Station along with (1) brown rustic shotgun and stated that he owned the said shotgun for many years and no longer has any need for it. Therefore, he is now handing same in and requesting that it be destroyed.

DisturBanCe rePorteD: On Thursday 31st December 2020, sometime around 7:28pm, a Sgt. Governor’s Harbor Police Station contacted the North

Police contact numbers

HeadQuarters (GH) 332-3500 Governor’s Harbour 332-2111 OR 332-2117 O/C Governor’s Harbour 332-2723 Gov.Harb. Airport Station 332-2323 Deep Creek Station 334-8207 Tarpum Bay Station 334-4033 Rock Sound Station 334-2244 Rock Sound Sgt. Office Rock Sound Airport Stn L. Bogue Station (Airport) Harbour Island Station O/C Harbour Island Spanish Wells Station Gregory Town Station Hatchet Bay Station 334-2212 334-2052 335-1208 333-2111 333-2327 333-4030 335-5322 335-0086

Eleuthera Police Station and reported that a female caller contacted the G.H.P.S. and reported that she and a man of Bluff, were involved in a physical altercation at his home in the Bluff. She is requesting Police assistance in this matter. Police visited the residence where they saw and spoke with a young woman of the Bluff, who reported that she and the man got into an argument, which resulted from an altercation between her and a female at a Bar. The argument between them escalated and he hit her. However, she requested that he be warned reference to the same. The warning was issued, and all was left in order.

PoliCe information: On Friday 25th December 2020 at 12:00pm a Bluff man came to North Eleuthera Police Station and reported that at 11:30am on the mentioned date his infant child’s mother came to his residence to collect their son and as a result of her seeing his girlfriend she became angry telling him not to have that b*(*ch around her child and saying degrading remarks towards his girlfriend. He asked her to leave and she refused to leave which resulted in an altercation. Same reported for Police Information. assault rePorteD: On Friday 25th December 2020, at about 1:00pm a woman of Palmetto Point, Eleuthera came to North Eleuthera Police Station and reported that at 12:00pm on the mentioned date while picking up her child from the residence of his father she was assaulted by him kicking her to the thigh area. Police action requested. arrest/assault: On Sunday 3rd January 2021, around 10:35am police arrested a man of the Bluff, Eleuthera in reference to assault complaint made by his child’s mother. He was interviewed under caution and was later charged and the matter set before Magistrate’s court.

Harbour islanD

searCHeD Warrant exeCuteD

Firearm & Dangerous Drugs: On Tuesday 5th January, 2021 at about 12:50pm a police Crew executed a searched warrant on the premises of a male of Alice Street, Harbour Island who was present at the time with negative results.

Causing Harm rePort: On Monday 28th December, 2020 at about 2:10 pm a male of Alice Street, HBI came to the Harbour island Police Station where he was arrested and cautioned in reference to Causing Harm. At around 2:15 pm a Pc charged the suspect with Causing Harm c/s 135(1) of the Penal Code Chapter 84. The suspect was subsequently released on bail in the sum of $500.00 with one suretor to appear in Magistrate Court.

stealing from a DWelling Home

rePort: On Wednesday 23rd December, 2020 at around 3:45 pm a male visitor from Canada c/o a House located King and Princess Street came to the Harbour Island Police Station and reported that sometime between 7:30 pm on Tuesday 22nd December, 2020 and 8:00 am on the 23rd some unknown person/s entered his rental home and stole his silver Apple Macbook Pro laptop valued at about $1,000.00 from a table in the living room. Police assistance requested.

HouseBreaking/Damage rePort: On Monday 21st December, 2020 at about 9:41Am, a W/Sgt. arrested and cautioned suspect, a female of Barrack Street, Harbour Island while at Harbour Island Police Station in reference to Housebreaking and Damage.

House Breaking rePort

Police Action requested: On Thursday 17th December 2020 sometime around 7:15Am a male of Pitt Street Harbour Island contacted the Harbour Island Police Station and reported that his girlfriend break and entered his mother’s residence situated Pitt Street Harbour Island on Thursday 17/12/20 sometime around 6:20Am.Police action requested.

stealing rePort (major)

On Friday 18th December, 2020 at about 11:10am, a male of, Whale Point, North Eleuthera, came into Harbour Island Police Station and reported that sometime between 5:00pm 17.12.2020 and 7:30am on the 18th some unknown person/s stole his Yamaha 15hp engine valued at $2,500 off his dinghy which was moored at Bottom Harbour, North Eleuthera. Police action requested. Investigations into this matter continue.

stealing rePort (minor)

On Friday 18th December 2020 at 4:15pm a male visitor of California, U.S.A came to Harbour Island Police Station and reported that sometime around 10:00 Pm on the 8-12-20 and 10:30Am on the 9-12-20 he discovered that person(s) unknown stole his JBL Navy blue portable

Speaker valued at $80.00 off a rental Golf Car that he had parked opposite Sammy’s Bar Bay Street Harbour Island. Police Action Requested.

assault WitH a Dangerous

instrument rePort: On Friday 18th December 2020 at 10:40pm a male of Princess Street, Harbour Island came to Harbour Island Police Station and reported that sometime around 10:30pm on the mentioned date while on Dunmore Street, Harbour Island a boy attempted to hit him with a baseball bat but a female who was with him stopped him and then they left the area. Police Action Requested.

Causing Harm rePort (major)

On Saturday 19th December, 2020 at about 1:40 am an anonymous caller contacted the Harbour Island Police Station via phone and reported that a man got his throat cut by a male while at Beyond the Reef Night Club on Bay Street, Harbour Island. Police Action Requested. A police crew arrived on scene where information was that the suspect fled the area in an unknown direction and the victim was taken to the clinic via private vehicle. • The crew proceeded to the Gov’t clinic where unit saw and spoke to the victim of Bay Street who stated that a male known to him approached him from behind and slit his throat on the right side with a box cutter before running away. A Sgt. issued the suspect with a police hospital form.

DisturBanCe rePort / oBsCene language - Police Action Requested: On Wednesday 16th December 2020 at around 10:20Am a female of Nesbitt Street Harbour Island contacted the Harbour Island Police Station and reported that while at her place of work situated Barrack Street Harbour Island, her husband’s nephew came there and used obscene and abusive insulting words to her annoyance. Police action requested.


At about 1:30pm, Tuesday 15th December, 2020 while at Harbour Island Police Station, a PC. arrested and cautioned, a male of Trianna Shores, Harbour Island in reference to Causing Harm. An interview was conducted under caution of the suspect. He was subsequently charged with Causing Harm contrary to section 266 of the Penal Code chapter 84. At about 3:00pm, the accused was released on bail in the amount of $1,000.00 with one suretor to appear before Magistrates Court at Harbour Island.

stealing / tHreats of Harm

rePort: On Monday 14th December, 2020 at about 9:4am, a Sgt came in at the HIPS with one male of Coconut Grove Ave, under arrest in reference to Threats of Harm and Stealing. He was arrested and cautioned while at the N.E.P.S. The suspect was interviewed under caution. A Sgt. subsequently charged the accused with Stealing contrary to section 140(1) and Threats of Harm contrary to section 203 of the Penal Code chapter 84. He was further cautioned and said nothing in reply. The accused was released on bail in the amount of $1,000 with one suretor to appear before the Magistrates Court at Harbour Island.

Damage/ attemPteD esCaPe from

PoliCe CustoDY rePort: On Monday 14th December, 2020 at about 5:40pm, while at Harbour Island Police Station, a Cpl. while making checks of prisoners in the cell block area, observed one of the prisoners, namely a male of Duke Street, Harbour Island attempting to escape lawful custody through the bottom of the steel cell block door which was seen to be damaged and separated from its frame. The suspect was taken out and secured in another cell for security purposes. He was cautioned reference to damage and attempted escape from lawful police custody.

assault WitH a Dangerous

instrument & tHreats of DeatH: On the 14-12-20 at 6:33pm a Sgt. while at Harbour Island Police Station attempted to interview a male under caution in reference to assault with a deadly weapon where he stated that he wanted his lawyer present for this interviewed as a result the Sgt. discontinued. On the 14-12-20, police charged the man with Assault With A Deadly Weapon contrary to section 265 (5) and another male with Assault With A Dangerous Instrument contrary to section 265 (5) and Threats Of Death contrary to section 418 all of chapter 84 of the penal code to appear before the Magistrate’s Court.

Causing Harm rePort: On Sunday 13th December, 2020 at about 3:35Am, a male of Nesbitt Street, Harbour Island came to the Harbour Island Police Station and reported that while walking along Barrack Street Harbour Island in the vicinity of the Vichum Night Club he was assaulted by two (2) males he knows. They reportedly beat him about the body and struck him with a block to his back and forehead causing pain and injuries. Police action requested. Police issued the complainant with a hospital form reference to the matter to seek medical attention.

assault WitH a Dangerous

instrument rePort: On Sunday 13th December 2020 at about 3:55Am a woman of Duncan Lane came to the Harbour Island Police Station and reported that 3:20Am, while on her porch at her residence situated Duncan Lane two males known to her - one who was armed with a cutlass threatening to chap her up and the other male who pulled a hand gun out his waist band on she and her daughter and later caused damage to the front door at her residence. Police action requested. arrest: On the 13-12-20 at 10:08am, police came into Harbour Island Police Station with a man of Duke Street Harbour Island under arrest in reference to Assault with a deadly instrument and threats of harm , he was arrested and cautioned at 10:00am on Duke Street, Harbour Island. He appeared to be well.

Damage BY fire:On Sunday 13th December 2020 a man came to the Harbour Island Police Station at around 7:30Am and reported that at around 3:00am he woke and went to use the restroom while walking back to his bedroom, he smell a scent what appears to be of smoke on the outside of his residence. He further reported that as a result he made a check upstairs at his residence where his sister and elderly mother resides and discovered that person(s) unknown lit a fire at a Eastern door. He further reported that he extinguished the fire and sometime around 4:10am two (2) unknown males one clad in a gray hooded jacket and the other clad in a black hooded jacket lit a box of trash again and fled the area in an unknown direction. Police action requested. arrest: On the 13-12-20 at 10:45am, police came into Harbour Island Police Station with a male of Three Island Dock, Lower Bogue Eleuthera under arrest in reference to Damage By Fire, he was arrested and cautioned at 10:40am on Church Street, Harbour Island. He appeared to be well.

stealing BY finDing rePort

On Sunday 13th December, 2020 at about 7:30pm, a female of Colebrooke Street, Harbour Island reported that while at Beyond the Reef nightclub between 1:00am and 1:40am some unknown person/s stole her white Iphone 8 valued at $800.00 after it dropped on the floor of the club. She suspects that a female she knows to be responsible. Police action requested Investigations continue into this matter.

suDDen DeatH rePort

On Friday 1st January, 2021 at around 11:36 am Nurse Saunders c/o Harbour Island Community Clinic contacted the Harbour Island Police Station and reported that Mrs. Cheryl Saunders DOB 17.11.1954 of Trianna Shores, HBI died suddenly at her residence. Police assistance requested. No foul play suspected.

Causing Harm/Damage rePorteD

On Saturday 2nd January 2021 at 12:20am a man of Bay Street, Harbour Island came to Harbour Island Police Station and reported that sometime around 11:45pm on the 1-1-21 while on Bay Street, Harbour Island in the front Big Red Convient Store he was hit to the back of the head and face by another man with an unknown object causing pain and discomfort and also damaged his prescription glasses. The value of the glasses is $450.00. Police Action Requested in a PuBliC PlaCe rPt: On Saturday 2nd January 2021 at 2:25am police reported that while on mobile patrol on Bay Street, Harbour Island in the area of Beyond The Reef - which was closed at 2:00am, they observed some persons in the front of the club tiding up and two other persons engaged in a verbal argument with each other. The Officers approached the man and woman and separated them along with the other persons, they then went back at each other and started to argue again and as a result got into a physical altercation with each other where they were separated by Officers and other persons. The officers then informed both individuals that they were being reported for Disorderly Behavior and Fighting in a Public Place and they were warned of prosecution. assault rePort; On Saturday 2nd January, 2021 at around 7:25 am a woman of Barrack Street came to the Harbour Island Police Station and reported that sometime about 7:15 am while at her residence, her husband grabbed and tore her shirt. She further reported that he did so with so much force that his fist hit her right face cheek causing immediate pain and bruising. Police action requested. A W/Cpl. escorted the V/C to her residence where she was able to pack her belongings and return her house keys without incident.

traffiC aCCiDent rePorteD

On Sunday 3rd January 2021 at 12:01am police reported that while on mobile patrol on Coconut Grove Avenue, Harbour Island in the area of Gusty’s Night Club they came across a traffic accident involving a parked vehicle ( Brown Nissan Tida LP#EL9346) and a Blue Club Cart Golf Cart driven by a visitor of North Carolina U.S.A. Both vehicles received extensive damages and no one was injured. Investigation Continues.

BreaCH of quarantine rPt

On Sunday 3rd January 2021 at 2:02am police reported that while checking Beyond The Reef Night Club they saw two individuals after the said establishment was closed and they were quarantined reference to Covid-19 when asked by an Officer about their reason for being out from quarantine they stated it’s the 3rd January 2021 and their time is up. The Officer informed them that they have to be cleared by the medical personal and told them they are in Breach Of Quarantine (Covid-19) and warned of prosecution.

BreaCH of quarantine rPt

On Sunday 3rd January 2021 at 2:05am police reported that while checking Beyond The Reef Night Club saw an individual after the said establishments was closed. When asked by Officer Taylor-Major her reason for being out from quarantine she stated it’s the 3rd January 2021 and her time



up. An Officer informed her that she have to be cleared by the medical personal and told her she is in Breach Of Quarantine (Covid-19) and warned of prosecution.

liCenseD Businesses CHeCkeD

(nigHt CluBs): On Sunday 2nd January 2021 between 1:40am and 3:35am, police made checks of the business establishments (night clubs) namely; Sammy’s Bar, Lotus Bar, Gusty’s and Daddy D’S which were closed prior to the Police arrival and Beyond The Reef and Vicum Night Club which were closed by the said Officers at 2:00am. All appeared to be in order. assault arrest: On Monday 7th December, 2020 at around 8:58 am a woman of Johnson Road came to the Harbour Island Police Station where she was arrested and cautioned by police in reference to Assault. The suspect was interviewed under caution where she admitted to the offence. She was subsequently charged with Assault contrary to section 133 of the Penal Code, Chapter 84 and later released on bail in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) with one suretor to appear in Magistrate Court.

Causing Harm arrest: On Tuesday 8th December, 2020 at around 6:00 am a police crew came to the Harbour Island Police Station with a woman of Pitt Street. She was reportedly arrested and cautioned while at her residence in reference to Causing Harm. The suspect was interviewed under caution and later released from police custody pending further investigations.

Drug arrest: On Tuesday 8th December 2020 at 1:22pm police came in at North Eleuthera Police Station with one male suspect of the Bluff North Eleuthera under arrest in reference to Possession of Dangerous Drugs with intent to supply. He was reportedly arrested and cautioned at 12:00pm while in the area of Bluff Eleuthera after a search was conducted of his person which revealed 27 silver foil wrappings of suspected marijuana which was found in his front right pants pocket. He was later transported to the Harbour Island police Station along with the exhibit for safe keeping and further investigations. • The suspect was interviewed under cautioned and subsequently Charged in reference to Possession of Dangerous Drugs with intent to supply contrary to section 22 (1) and punishable under section 22(2) b of the Dangerous Drug Act Chapter 228.

Drug arrest: On Tuesday 8th December 2020 at 1:22pm police came in at North Eleuthera Police Station with two young men and one juvenile male - all of the Bluff, Eleuthera under arrest reference to Possession Of Dangerous Drugs with Intent To Supply. They were arrested and cautioned at 1:00pm at a private residence after Officers executed a search warrant on the premises and recovered a Blue & Black Back Pack containing (3) Clear Wrappings of Suspected Marijuana. The suspects were interviewed under caution and charged with possession of dangerous drugs with intent to supply. traffiC aCCiDent: At about 4:18pm on Tuesday December 8th, 2020 the police at Harbour Island received reports of a traffic accident which occurred at the junction of Nesbitt Street and Coconut Grove Avenue Harbour Island. Police visited the scene and met three Caucasian individuals, two adult males and one adult female. A blue Club Cart Registration number EL 2270 was observed on the side of Coconut Grove Ave. The driver identified himself and complained of having an headache. the front seat passenger gave her name and address and complained about pain to her left side and the back seat passenger gave his name and address he had injuries to the left side of his head. Measurements were taken. The driver was asked to produce the rental insurance to the HIPS within 48hrs.. All injured parties refused medical attention at the scene from Nurse Singh. Investigations are on going staBBing rePort: On Wednesday 9th December, 2020 at about 7:20pm, a woman of Pitt Street, Harbour Island came into Harbour Island Police Station and reported that sometime around 6:00pm while at her residence on Pitt Street, her boyfriend, while appearing to be under the influence, stabbed her to her left arm with a scissors after getting upset that she slept out last night. She is unsure how she wishes to proceed at this time. Same reported for police information. Police completed a hospital form bearing the victim’s name and advised her to seek medical attention at the local clinic. At about 8:24pm., the victim returned to Harbour Island Police Station after receiving medical care for a wound to the left arm requesting that her boyfriend be warned in reference to this matter. She was further advised and added that she will be staying at her mother’s residence for tonight. assault rePortl On Wednesday 9th December, 2020 at 7:30pm, a Cpl in care of Governor’s Harbour Police Station contacted police in Harbour Island via radioset and reported receiving information of a disturbance at a residence through Ripley Street. Police arrived on scene, where they saw and spoke with the complainant – woman of Munnings Street who stated that a male she knows approached her and propositioned her for sex after which he placed two fifty dollar Bahamian bills in her hand. However, she wasn’t interested but took the money anyway. Sometime later, he approached her and her boyfriend demanding his money back, creating a disturbance and pulling a cutlass on her putting her in fear for her life. The complainant was advised to go to the Harbour Island Police Station and make an official complaint. At about 8:05pm, the accused man of Bay Street, was located on Barrack Street, in the area of the Vichum Nightclub and was invited to the police station. He stated that he had given the complainant a hundred dollars to hold for him but denied attacking them with a cutlass. At about 8:45pm, he was allowed to leave as the virtual complainant had not arrived at the station to make an official complaint and efforts to contact her were negative. The man was advised to stay away from the complainant and return to said station in the morning for further enquiries. At about 9:27pm, the complainant came into Harbour Island Police Station requesting police action in this matter.

assault WitH DeaDlY instrument

rePort: On Thursday 10th December, 2020 at 9:15am, police arrested and cautioned a man of Grant Street, Harbour Island in reference to this matter. The suspect was interviewed under caution at which time he denied the allegations made against him. He was released pending further investigations.

oPeration Pride

searCH Warrant exeCuteD

On Friday 11th December, 2020 at around 5:20 am a police crew executed a search warrant at the residence of a man of Dunmore Street in reference to Dangerous Drugs and Firearms with negative results. searCH Warrant - Possession of Dangerous Drugs ArresT: On Friday 11th December, 2020 at 5:20 Am a police crew executed a search warrant at the residence of a young man of Barrack Street. During the search, officers found two foil wraps containing a grassy like substance suspected to be marijuana. As a result, Insp. S. Farquharson arrested and cautioned four suspects, all of the same address in reference to Possession of Dangerous Drugs and transported them to Harbour Island Police Station for further investigations along with the suspected marijuana. While at H.I.P.S., interviewed one of the people arrested and he admitted to care, custody and control of the suspected marijuana. He was taken into Police Custody, The other suspects were interviewed at separate times under caution where they denied knowledge of the marijuana and they were released on bail to appear before Magistrates Court in, Harbour Island.

Possession of Dangerous Drugs

arrest: On Friday 11th December, 2020 at around 6:40 am a police crew came in at the Harbour Island Police Station with a man of Love Lane. The suspect was reportedly arrested and cautioned at 6:34 am while along Colebrooke Street in reference to Possession of Dangerous Drugs namely marijuana (one foil wrap). While at H.I.P.S., the suspect was interviewed under caution. He was subsequently charged and further cautioned in reference to same. At about 5:55pm, the accused was released from police custody on bail in the amount of $1,000 with one surety to appear before Magistrates Court at Harbour Island.

Possession of Dangerous Drugs

arrest: On Friday 11th December, 2020 at around 6:50 am a police crew came in at the Harbour Island Police Station with a man of Colebrooke Street. The suspect was reportedly arrested and cautioned at 6:48 am while along Dunmore Street in reference to Possession of Dangerous Drugs namely marijuana (one plastic baggie). While at H.I.P.S., the suspect was interviewed under caution. He was subsequently charged and further cautioned in reference to same. At about 8:30pm, the accused was released from police custody on bail in the amount of $1,500 with one surety to appear before Magistrates Court at Harbour.

Possession of Dangerous Drugs

arrest: On Friday 11th December, 2020 at around 6:55 am a police crew came in at the Harbour Island Police Station with a man of Duncan Lane. The suspect was reportedly arrested and cautioned at 6:40 am while along King Street in reference to Possession of Dangerous Drugs namely marijuana (one foil wrap). While at H.I.P.S., police interviewed the suspect under. He was subsequently charged and further cautioned in reference to same. At about 8:05pm, the accused was released from police custody on bail in the amount of $500 with one surety to appear before Magistrates Court at Harbour Island on Wednesday 21st January, 2020 at 10:00am. He appeared to be alive and well with no complaints.

Possession of Dan-

8:05am a police crew reported that while on road checks on Dunmore Street they stopped a burgundy a vehicle with three occupants all of Colebrook Street Harbour Island. It was searched and a clear plastic bag with suspected Marijuana, (7) foil wrapping with suspected marijuana and a silver grinder with suspected marijuana was found. As a result police arrested and cautioned all occupants for possession of Dangerous Drugs. While at H.I.P.S.,police conducted interviews under caution of the suspects at which time one admitted to care, custody and control of the suspected marijuana. The other suspects both denied the offence. All parties were subsequently charged and further cautioned reference to same. They were all released from police custody on bail in the amount of $1,000 with one surety to appear before Magistrates Court at Harbour Island.

assault WitH a Dangerous instru-

ment rePort: On Saturday 12th December, 2020 at about 6:45pm, a woman of Grant Street, Harbour Island contacted Harbour Island Police Station and reported that there was a disturbance at a residence opposite the ball park. Police assistance requested. Police visited the scene and met two males involved in a scuffle. One of the males later identified as a male of Queens Highway, Lower Bogue Eleuthera appeared to be covered in blood with apparent injuries to the head. Officers intervened and the bloody man was made to leave enroute to Harbour Island Community Clinic for medical treatment assisted by his sister. The other party, identified as a man of Grant Street, Harbour Island was advised to make his way to Harbour Island Police Station for further investigations after stating that the bloody victim had trespassed on his property placing him in fear as a complaint was made in reference to Threats of Death against him previously. Two machetes were collected .. • At about 7:25pm, while at Harbour Island Community Clinic, officers saw and spoke with the Doctor who stated that the injuries, two lacerations to the left side of the head and laceration to the left hand were serious but not life threatening. A Hospital form was issued to the patient, bearing his name. The patient gave a verbal account as to what occurred and was advised by a Cpl to visit the Harbour Island Police Station after receiving medical attention if he’s desirous in making an official complaint. An investigation continues into this matter……. sHoP Breaking rePort: On Sunday 20th December, 2020 at about 6:28am, a woman of Colebrooke Street, Harbour Island contacted Harbour Island Police Station and reported that sometime between 2:00am and 5:00am, some unknown person/s broke into her establishment, by gaining entry through a southern entrance door or western window and stole a few bottles of alcoholic beverages along with a camera surveillance receiver, value unknown. Police assistance requested. Upon arrival on scene, a police unit saw the complainant who directed officer to the bar section where same appeared to be as reported. She requested that same be reported for police information at this time. The complainant was advised to visit the Harbour Island Police Station if she’s desirous of filing an official report.

arrest referenCe-assault WitH

a Dangerous instrument: On Sunday 20th December 2020 sometime around 5:15Pm while at the Harbour Island Police Station police and cautioned a juvenile mal suspect in the presence of his father in reference to Assault with a Dangerous Instrument - a complaint made on the 18th December 2020. Police interviewed the accused under caution in the presence of his father. He was Charged in reference to Assault with a Dangerous Instrument contrary to section 265(5) of the penal code chapter 84. Police later released the accused in the custody of his father and granted him bail in the sum of $1500.00 with one suretor (Father) to appear before Magistrate court.

susPeCt in CustoDY interVieWeD

referenCe:- assault WitH

a Dangerous instrument/tHreat of Harm

On Sunday 20th December 2020 sometime around 7:15Pm police conducted an interview under caution with a male suspect in reference to Assault with a Dangerous instrument and Threat of Harm a complaint made on 20/9/20.He denied knowledge of the incident and decline to participate further in the interview. Police Charged the accused in reference to Assault with a Dangerous Instrument contrary to section 265(5) of the penal code chapter 84. The suspect was taken into police custody pending arraignment in New Providence regarding numerous crimes against person(s). failure to Wear mask: On Thursday 24th December, 2020 at 7:45pm a police crew and a Covid Ambassador while on mobile patrol in the area of Romora Bay Resort on Colebrooke Street, Harbour Island stopped a man who was not wearing a face mask. He was informed of the offense and was issued a citation by Covid Ambassador Johnson for the same. failure to Wear mask: On Thursday 24th December 2020 at 8:00pm police and a Covid Ambassador while on mobile patrol in the area of Church Of God Prophecy on Chapel Street, Harbour Island they stopped a male where the Covid Ambassador informed him of the offense of not wearing a face mask in public and issued him a citation for the offense. gun sHots rePort: On Saturday 26th December 2020 sometime around 7:30am an anonymous Caller contacted the Harbour Island Police Station and reported that sometime between 2:00am and 4:00am he heard what sounded like gun shots being discharged in the area of the Vichum Night Club Barrack and Munnings Street Harbour Island. Police assistance requested. Police visited the scene in the area of Barrack and Munnings Street at the vicinity of the Vichum Night Club. While searching the South Eastern side of the Vichum Night Club PC 3616 Austin recovered a total of four (4) silver .40 calibers spent casings which were in the dirt. The same was collected and secured for future evidential value.

Causing Harm rePort: On Saturday 26th December 2020 a man of Nesbitt Street and c/o Bluff North Eleuthera came to the Harbour Island Police Station and reported that at around 12:00pm, while leaving his Job site situated South Bar community (Harbour Island) a white Caucasian male approached and stopped the vehicle he occupied driven by his manager and had an exchange of words with him regarding their company heavy equipment on the property. He further reported that the white Caucasian male whom he only knows by face, became very angry and irate and slammed the right passenger door which was open at the time on his shoulder causing pain and discomfort. Police action requested. • Statements were recorded from the complainant and the manager who was with the accused. Police issued the complainant an official police hospital form to seek medical attention, as he stated that he is experiencing pain and discomfort in his shoulder and also has a heart condition. Fighting, Disorderly Behavior in a Police Station and Obscene Language On Sunday 27th December 2020, at about 2:30am police arrested and cautioned two females of Alice Street, in reference to Disorderly behavior in a Police Station , Fighting in a Public Place and Obscene Language. figHting anD DisorDerlY BeHaVior: On Sunday 27th December 2020, at about 2:30am police arrested and cautioned a young woman and a juvenile of Clarence Street Harbour Island in reference to Fighting in a Public place, Disorderly Behavior in a Police Station and Obscene Language.

Causing Harm rePort PoliCe

aCtion requesteD: On Sunday 27th December 2020 at around 4:50am a woman of New Providence came to the Harbour Island Police Station and reported for her daughter of the same address that while leaving Beyond the Reef with her cousin she was attacked by a woman and her husband. She was beaten about the body causing injuries. She further stated that the woman threatened to jook her up with a silver object that appeared to be a knife putting her in fear for her safety. Police action requested. • Police while at the Harbour Island Police Station arrested and cautioned the accused man of Alice Street Harbour Island at around 12:40pm on the same date 27/12/20 in reference to Causing Harm. • He was interviewed and later released agreeing to return at S-3 at around 11:00am on Monday 28th December 2020.

figHting in a PuBliC PlaCe arrest

On Sunday 27th December, 2020 at around 3:00 pm a woman of Alice Street, HBI came to the Harbour Island Police Station where she was arrested and cautioned by police in reference to Fighting in a Public Place, Disorderly Behavior in a Police Station and Obscene language. She was interviewed under caution and subsequently charged with Fighting in a Public Place c/s 208(6), Obscene Language c/s 208(2) and Disorderly Behavior in a Police Station c/s 206(2) all of the Penal Code, Chapter 84. She was later released on bail in the sum of $800.00 to appear in Magistrate Court.

figHting in a PuBliC PlaCe arrest

On Sunday 27th December, 2020 at around 3:57 pm a young woman of Alice Street, HBI came to the Harbour Island Police Station where she was arrested and cautioned by police in reference to Fighting in a Public Place while along Goal Lane. She was interviewed under caution and subsequently charged with Fighting in a Public Place c/s 208(6) of the Penal Code, Chapter 84. She was later released on bail in the sum of $500.00 to appear in Magistrate Court.

figHting in a PuBliC PlaCe arrest

On Sunday 27th December, 2020 at around 4:25 pm a young woman of Alice Street, HBI came to the Harbour Island Police Station where she was arrested and cautioned in reference to Fighting in a Public Place while along Goal Lane. She was interviewed under caution and subsequently charged with Fighting in a Public Place c/s 208(6) of the Penal Code, Chapter 84. She was later released on bail in the sum of $500.00 to appear in Magistrate Court.

Bahamas Government’s Annual Fiscal Strategy Report Released

ABOVE: Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance, Senator the Hon. J. Kwasi Thompson provided an overview of the Government’s 2020 Fiscal Strategy Report on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 in the Senate, which the public can review in detail on the official budget website: www.bahamasbudget.gov. bs. (BIS Photo/Ulric Woodside)

On Wednesday, December 16th, 2020, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance the Most Hon. Dr. Hubert A. Minnis tabled in the Lower House, the Government’s 2020 Fiscal Strategy Report (or FSR).

See full FSR ONLINE here: (http://eleutheranews. com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/2020FSRCommuni cation-MinofState_FINAL-Dec-16.pdf)

Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance, Senator the Hon. J. Kwasi Thompson provided an overview of the 2020 FSR, which the public can review in detail on the official budget website: www.bahamasbudget. gov.bs.

This year, the Ministry also produced a Citizen’s Guide to the FSR to ensure Bahamians can easily access and digest the technical information contained within the report. This Guide will be published online and via the Ministry’s social media channels on Friday, December 18th, 2020.

Sen. Thompson explained that as the Prime Minister would have stated during his presentation, the Fiscal Responsibility Act, 2018 requires the Government to publish an annual FSR to outline its medium-term fiscal framework, including economic forecasts, fiscal targets, and priorities for revenue collection, spending, and borrowing. Importantly, this framework is used to guide the preparation of future budgets.

He said since the passage of the Fiscal Responsibility Act, the Government has received local and international recognition for its implementation, and commitment to meeting the fiscal targets.

“Prior to Hurricane Dorian and COVID-19, the Government’s efforts not only produced improved levels of transparency and accountability, but also resulted in improvements to the Government’s fiscal performance. In FY2018/2019, the fiscal deficit dropped to an historic low of 1.6 percent of GDP, coming in even below the 2018/2019 deficit target of 1.8 per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

“In September 2019, however, due to the unprecedented damage caused by Hurricane Dorian to the islands of Grand Bahama and Abaco, the Government was forced to deviate from its fiscal targets to fund over $138 million in direct support to impacted families and businesses during the 2019/2020 fiscal year.”

Sen. Thompson stated that these included $11.7 million to rehabilitate the water supply, $41 million on the electricity supply, $8 million on temporary housing, $21.9 million on hurricane clean-up activities and $10 million to assist small businesses.

He noted that in addition to these direct costs, the Government contended with significant revenue losses of $541 million versus the original budget and unplanned but necessary funding requirements to rebuild critical public infrastructure such as the Rand Memorial Hospital in Grand Bahama, the power and water supply infrastructure, as well as to provide support to rebuild residential communities and small businesses. Dorian and COVID-19 on The Bahamas’ fiscal position resulted in a decline in the Government’s key deficit to GDP ratio in the 2019/2020 fiscal year to 6.5 per cent, greater than its targeted deficit of 5.3 per cent of GDP established post-Dorian.

He stated that this impact also necessitated a revision in the timeline to achieve the targeted deficit of 0.5 per cent of GDP from 2020/2021 to 2024/2025 to allow for rebuilding and restoration of the domestic economy as outlined in the Government’s 2019 FSR.

Sen. Thompson said, “The 2020 FSR is the third to be approved by Cabinet and submitted to Parliament under the Fiscal Responsibility Act. It is the second FSR to be prepared under unprecedented circumstances.

“The Bahamas recorded its first cases of COVID-19 in March 2020, around the time that the Coronavirus was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organisation. Our proactive and robust response necessitated the imposition of extreme health and safety measures to protect Bahamian lives.

“These life saving measures included not only restrictions on the movement of persons, but also border closures which limited economic activity. Although these measures were absolutely necessary, the consequences have been far reaching, including a severe contraction in economic activity and a record increase in unemployment.”

He stated that while the economic fall-out from the pandemic hit The Bahamas in the last quarter of the 2019/20 fiscal year, the full impact has extended into the current 2020/21 fiscal year. And in our assessment, the risks of the COVID-19 pandemic to the Government’s fiscal plan are likely to remain elevated in the near term. “However, I am pleased to say, there are several domestic and global developments that provide hope for a positive turnaround.”

Sen. Thompson explained that to cushion the impact from the first and second wave of the pandemic, the Government implemented several relief initiatives to support health care, business continuity, employment, and social assistance needs—amounting to over 1.5 per cent of GDP in the 2020/2021 fiscal year.


Source: Bahamas Information Services Written by: Llonella Gilbert

2020 In Review: The Bahamas (MOTA) Reflects on a Difficult Year and Looks Forward to Brighter Days

As 2020 came to an end, the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism & Aviation reflected on a remarkably historic and challenging year. After celebrating a record-breaking seven million visitors in 2019, the country was poised for continued growth and tourism-driven prosperity, thanks to planned increases in airlift from several major airlines, not to mention the endorsement of international media outlets, such as The New York Times, Frommer’s and The Globe and Mail, among others, that had touted The Bahamas as a must-visit destination in 2020.

The COVID-19 pandemic was an unforeseen crisis that has had an unprecedented impact on the global tourism industry, the effects of which have been felt greatly in The Bahamas. Tourism is the heart of the country and, therefore, is everyone’s business. As was seen after Hurricane Dorian, Bahamians are no strangers to making history under difficult circumstances. Now, the Bahamian people have come together as a family of islands, united in strength and resilience to help curb the spread of COVID-19 and ensure that business can soon prosper again. There is great optimism in that the islands will see a return to record breaking visitor numbers, once it is safe for all to travel freely again. In the meantime, the government is doing all that is possible to get Bahamians back to work.

“It is with the consistent support and collaboration of The Bahamas’ tourism stakeholders, promotion boards, agencies, media and other travel partners that the country has been able to establish the on-island guidelines and preventative measures to help curb further spread of COVID-19,” said the Bahamas Minister of Tourism & Aviation, Dionisio D’Aguilar. “Our new, streamlined protocols for entry and inter-island travel, adjusted after careful monitoring, diligent analysis and swift response from all government entities, responsibly enforce public health and safety measures while allowing travellers to more freely enjoy our vacation experience.”

The latest protocols have been well received by consumers and tourism partners alike and coincide with news of hotel property reopenings and increased airlift resumption. Of note, three of the largest hotel properties in Nassau - Grand Hyatt Baha Mar, Atlantis Paradise Island and British Colonial Hilton - reopened mid-December, with additional hotel inventory coming back in January and February. Also started in mid-December, top U.S. airline carriers including JetBlue, American Airlines, United Airlines and Delta added flights to their schedules.

“It is our duty at The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism & Aviation to promote tourism to our beautiful country, and while 2020 brought unprecedented roadblocks to that task, our optimism and dedication to that mission never wavered,” said Joy Jibrilu, Director General of the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism & Aviation. “As we look ahead to 2021, we will continue to find new and unique ways to promote our islands offerings through expanded programs and initiatives that will bring even more visitors back to our shores as quickly as possible.” The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism & Aviation continues its aggressive public relations and marketing campaign to reach key markets in the U.S. and promote that The Bahamas is open for business, while sharing entry requirements and travel protocols necessary to keep the country safe. Promotional tactics include: • Targeted Media Plan - Since the beginning of March, a strategic, geo-targeted media plan has been underway with the goal of keeping The Bahamas in the consideration set for travellers, specifically those living in key markets such as South Florida, Houston and New York, and enticing those who have frequented the destination in the past to return. • Robust Media Outreach – Consistent and widespread communication to tourism, lifestyle and news media has informed consumers that The Bahamas is open for visitors, while sharing accurate information on entry requirements and on-island protocols that will impact visitors. Publications that cover key vertical markets such as private aviation and boating were also targeted to ensure their audiences are informed of the latest requirements for visiting The Bahamas. • Recent Awards - The Bahamas swept the awards circuit this year, winning several top accolades. The Still Rockin’ campaign, narrated by Bahamian-American rock legend Lenny Kravitz, was awarded the best destination advertising/marketing campaign in this year’s Travel Weekly Magellan Awards, the premier awards for the travel industry. Additionally, Caribbean Travel Awards named The Bahamas Innovative Destination of the Year; four Bahamian hotels including Kamalame Cay, Rosewood Baha Mar, Grand Hyatt Baha Mar and SLS Baha Mar were recognized by Condé Nast Traveler’s Readers’ Choice Awards, and The Islands of The Bahamas has been recognized in this year’s Scuba Diving Magazine’s Readers Choice Awards, with placements highlighting the destination’s vast dive offerings across 700 islands and cays. The awards included The Bahamas winning top spots in many categories but most notable #1st in the big animals’ category. Caribbean Journal’s Caribbean Travel Awards Recognizes The Bahamas in Three Categories – In Caribbean Journal’s 7th annual Caribbean Travel Awards, The Bahamas was awarded Innovative Destination of the Year for its continued flexibility throughout the pandemic and setting a standard for destination entry practices. Additionally, Nassau’s Lynden Pindling International Airport was named Caribbean Airport of the Year and Graycliff was recognized as the Caribbean Restaurant of the Year. • Bahamas Extended Stay Program - The Islands of The Bahamas announced its new Bahamas Extended Access Travel Stay (BEATS) program, a one-year residency permit designed to allow professionals and students to pack their laptop and their swimwear as they march to the beat of their own island drum, remotely, from The Bahamas. • Refreshed Website - A new, revamped Bahamas.com website was launched, offering a more user-friendly interface and including additional tools to promote key passion points for potential travellers. New sections highlight romance, events, adventure and an extensive focus on how to get to the Out Islands. • Virtual Sales and Vertical Market Offerings - As sales and vertical market promotion could not be conducted in-person this year, the Ministry of Tourism’s sales team worked quickly to come up with virtual offerings that would keep the travel trade community engaged. This work included the development of a new virtual platform for webinars and trade shows. The Bahamas specialist program was newly redeveloped to close the gap between education, inspiration and sales. With this new

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