The Eleutheran Newspaper June/July 2021 Issue

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Volume 14, 06/12, June/July Issue

Eleuthera, Harbour Island & Spanish Wells, The Bahamas

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` Information. We Deliver!’’ Monthly In Print & Daily Online. Since 2008 - ‘‘Eleuthera’s most reliable Source of News and

The Class of 2021

Harbour Island, Spanish Wells, & Eleuthera - North, Central & South BACK COVER: Damianos Sotheby’s Int’l P 3: Coldwell Banker Lightbourn Realty P 5: HG Christie

Ushered Out into a rapidly changing reality A full feature on the graduating classes of 2021 throughout The Eleuthera Education District.

Mural Art

Mother and Attorney Shares her story in a new book published by Inspire publication

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Pictured: Windermere HS Graduate Carissa St. Charles, surrounded by Family and Friends

Feature begins

ADVICE - 14 Paradise Islands....


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Miracle Baby Destiny Celebrates 10

ADVICE - 13 Trees, Homes & Property...

Second rollout for Covid vaccines on island. Bumpy start in several locations, smooths out over time... Page 36

OPINION -12 Resisting Global Tax...







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June/July, 2021


Family, Friends, Schools & Others join the Class of 2021 in celebrations across the Eleuthera District 32-34, 40-45 & 47

Graduates at the Harbour Island All Age School take their walk of celebration amid audience cheers.

A Myriad of Ceremony formats held across six schools. Senior High School graduation ceremonies took place across Eleuthera during the final half of June, completing a school year that began virtually for most locations in the country during October of 2020, later transitioning to a hybrid of face-to-face

and virtual in the first quarter of 2021. Ceremonies took on a gamut of different flavours this year to suit current restrictions, with an indoor church venue service with limited-capacity seating in Spanish Wells, an outdoor - under the gazebo setting on the school grounds in Harbour Island, while outdoor tented seating was the choice in North Eleuthera - also on the grounds of the school. Rock Sound mixed it up with drive-up guests as gradu-

ates were seated along the porch for the outdoor ceremony at the school. Central Eleuthera returned to the abundant sprawl of the Longley Newberry Park in Savannah Sound, where graduates and their guests drove-up in assigned parking spots, leaving space for a marked ‘green carpet’, used by celebrating students to catwalk-it to receive their Bahamas National High School Diplomas at the park’s concreted stage. P32



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June/July, 2021

OEF Awards $10,000 in Funding to

Budding Farming Entrepreneurs in Eleuthera Three aspiring agriculture entrepreneurs have been awarded a total of $10,000 in grant funding as the top finishers in the One Eleuthera Foundation’s “Seed to Succeed” business pitch competition, held on June 9th. This second instalment of the “Seed to Succeed” competition was offered exclusively to students enrolled in the Learn and Earn Hydroponics Program offered through the Centre for Training and Innovation (CTI) in Rock Sound. To fulfill the Hydroponics Program requirements, CTI students were challenged to put their newly acquired knowledge to use by creating and pitching their own hydroponics business in the Seed to Succeed competition. The event was organized by OEFSEA, One Eleuthera Foundation’s Social Enterprise Accelerator with grant funding provided through partnerships with the TK Foundation and The Bahamas Development Bank. The winning trio, Davinia Cartwright-Vanhorn (first place, $5,000 winner), Lynette Ferguson (second place, $3,000 winner) and Michelle Outten (third place, $2,000 winner) each received seed funding to invest in their own unique Hydroponic Farming Systems and businesses based in Eleuthera.

Above (L-R): Davinia Cartwright-Vanhorn - 1st Place Winner, Lynette Ferguson - 2nd Place Winner & Michelle Outten - 3rd Place Winner.

“All the students impressed the judging panel with their enterprise, enthusiasm, and social purpose. The experience exposed the students to a professional environment in which they learned to adapt and think quickly to answer questions and

accurately present information. To have the opportunity, to not only create, but also pitch a business plan to a panel of judges, P26 is very unique and something all the students should be very proud of,”



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June/July, 2021

‘The Flamingo Incident’ Survivor, Hatchet Bay veteran of RBDF - Cladwell Farrington releases book of the historic incident, penned 40 years ago On Sunday, June 13th, 2021, Cladwell Farrington of Hatchet Bay, Eleuthera, during the morning worship service at St. Stephen’s Baptist Church, took time out to say thank you to a number of his fellow church members who had supported in some way, in his efforts to publish his story, as one of the fated crew members of the surreal ‘HMBS Flamingo Incident’ on May 10th, in 1980, where four Bahamas Defence Force marines lost their lives, following an air attack and sinking of their vessel by Cuban fighter jets, while fifteen of their crew mates, including Farrington, managed to survive the harrowing experience. Farrington’s book, titled ‘Because of May 10th, 1980 - The Flamingo Incident’, details through the perspective of his experience during those events four decades ago. The work is not recent, shared Mr. Farrington, following the church service, as he talked about the process of finally being able to tell the story, which had been languishing in a drawer at his home. “This book was written 40 years ago. Just after the incident, I went to work on it while everything was fresh in my mind. It was hard doing, because it was so fresh that once I started to talk about it or think about it - it would bring back so many memories that I would break down. I would have to recompose myself - get my composure back, so

I could start again.” After completing the manuscript, Mr. Farrington, said that he sent a copy of it to the Defence Force, which would prove fortuitous later on. Attempts by him to get it published, however, hit a roadblock. “I had completed it, but every attempt I made to get it published, they would tell me that I needed to get authorization from this photographer, also the Tribune and Guardian even all the news clippings.” So, for a number of decades, the manuscript sat, tucked away in a drawer, shared Cladwell. It sat for so long that eventually, it was mistakenly destroyed. Early in 2021, through a contact of his wife, Genester Farrington, Cladwell was able to connect with an editor willing to assist in getting the story that had never left his mind, published. The copy of his manuscript that he had shared with the Defence Force had been saved and preserved, said Mr. Farrington. This enabled him to get a copy of 40-year-old work. Within weeks of making a connection with the editor, Farrington’s book was nearly ready. “We were trying to get it done in time for the 2021 HMBS Flamingo memorial in May. But it wasn’t published in time for that as we had to re-read and re-check - and get all the authorizations from the different writers of the newspaper clippings and as simple as my own pictures (images) - I needed authorization for,” smiled and chuckled Cladwell wryly, as he recalled the pro-

Author, RBDF Veteran and survivor of the “HMBS Flamingo Incident”, Mr. Cladwell Farrington of Hatchet Bay, Eleuthera. cess of finally getting published. Now that Mr. Farrington’s ‘The Flamingo Incident’ is out, he shared that the response has been even better than he had expected. “The book is doing pretty good. We had one hundred copies printed initially and all are now gone. The interest in the book seems high... I must thank persons like Father Sebastian Campbell, who really pushed me - as well as former Commodore


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Tellis Bethel, and former Commodore Clifford Scavella, and all those.” The book, which entails his memories of the events surrounding the May 10th, 1980 HMBS Flamingo Incident, is both an informative and easy read, said Far-

Lo c a l rington. “This book will give you a clear understanding - nothing fictional. Truly detailed from the time we left Eleuthera, went to Nassau, preparations, and out to sea, the incident, our arrival back into Nassau, the trip, the visit to the hospital, the public response, and the international press and so on… After reading, you would have no doubt as to what happened.”

Mr. and Mrs. Cladwell Farrington (front center) stand with fellow church members at the St. Stephen’s Baptist church in Hatchet Bay, who had all played a special role of support in the release of Mr. Farrington’s new book, titled, ‘Because of May 10th, 1980 - The Flamingo Incident’.

As a survivor of what was a profoundly traumatic life event, Mr. Farrington, in the book, also shared his concerns for the unmet mental and physical health needs of many of the survivors of the historically significant event. Amazingly, three men from the settlement of Hatchet Bay, were among the original crew of nineteen onboard the HMBS Flamingo - Cladwell Farrington, Maynard Miller (now deceased), and Denzel Clarke. Harbour Island’s Whitfield Neely was also part of the crew, along with Leo Kirby (now deceased) originally from Ragged Island, who later emigrated to Eleuthera with his wife Rose Kirby after retirement. To get a copy of ‘Because of May 10th, 1980 - The Flamingo Incident’, Mr. Farrington advised that it is available for purchase on, and more copies were expected to arrive on island during late June 2021. On island cop-

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ies, said Cladwell, are $20, and he is also willing to autograph it and you can get to meet him - he smiled (For purchase requests contact: 819-9252).


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June/July, 2021



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June/July, 2021

Attorney & Mother, publishes book on the tragic death of her sons

Agatha D. Bethel, Attorney and newly published Author.

Against the Odds:

The Agatha Bethel Story If you had placed a wager that newly published author Agatha D. Bethel would have collapsed like a rusted ironing board under the pressures of life, you would have lost the bet. In her recently released book, Against the Odds

- A Mother’s Story of Hope: Rising From the Ashes of Abuse, Betrayal & the Tragic Death of Her Children, Mrs. Bethel shares her story of loss, love, and restoration. The last of her mother’s 17 children, Mrs. Bethel, grew up in an over-the-hill community in New Providence in a fourroom clapboard structure to a financially poor family who was otherwise rich with

love. Mrs. Bethel became a teen mother who escaped domestic violence only to receive tragic news, not once but twice, concerning her two sons. But that didn’t stop her from overcoming hurdles to become a practicing attorney-at-law. Though extremely painful to relive the events while writing her book, Mrs. Bethel believes it is important to share her story to help others who may have found themselves on a similar path in life. Why now? “Firstly, I had to do it for my sons,” she said, “They didn’t deserve to die as they did.” Mrs. Bethel noted that her children had a good life despite their tumultuous start. She worked hard to provide for them, giving them every opportunity to dream big and pursue their dreams. These opportunities Mrs. Bethel reflected were terrific, but they did nothing to heal the emotional trauma experienced coming from a home rampant with domestic abuse. P11 “Secondly,” she added,

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Against the odds publication

“there are so many people suffering quietly through the same trauma I experienced. Like me, they may not know that they can receive help for themselves and their children.” Mrs. Bethel was grateful to have been rescued by the Bahamas Crisis Centre when she was at one of the lowest points in her early life. Her third reason—“The entire process of expressing myself through this book was cathartic. It allowed me to release emotions I thought were long gone.” What was the one thing that stood out in this book that got Mrs. Bethel through some of the darkest times in her life? Forgiveness. It is a common thread she speaks of. Mrs. Bethel was confronted with many extreme challenges that made her feel like the villain rather than the victim. To this end, she chose to forgive. She forgave the perpetrators and herself for the part she played knowingly or unknowingly that may have contributed to any of the tragedies in her life. “My peace came when I ran to God rather than running from Him,” Mrs. Bethel asserted. Pastor Martin Kemp of Gateway Kingdom Ministries in Eleuthera thought that the topic was in dire need of attention. “Mrs. Bethel,” he said, “should be commended for her boldness and willingness to be responsibly transparent in relaying her story, which I believe will aid in breaking chains from many lives to bring healing to our families.” Lay minister Mrs. Brenda Bethel (no relations), Director

of Women in Bloom at the Salem Union Baptist Church, called Against the Odds, “a book about hope and resilience and a ‘Purpose Driven Woman’ with fire in her belly!” Mrs. Bethel said that “women of all ages can learn, apply and grow” from Agatha Bethel’s life experiences. After having read her story, Bahamas Faith Ministries Fellowships’ Pastor Kersch Darville said, “I particularly love the fact that despite being a teen mother, Agatha could still pursue her education. I believe Against the Odds will especially heal women who have silently suffered for too long.” Published by Inspire Publishing (Bahamas) Against the Odds—can be purchased in paperback or Kindle (ebook) on, as well as local book stores in New Providence and Eleuthera, or by contacting the author.


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co m m e n ta ry

June/July, 2021

Joint endeavour or collective surrender: resisting global tax

By Sir Ronald Sanders

(The writer is Antigua and Barbuda’s Ambassador to the United States and the Organization of American States. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London and Massey College in the University of Toronto. The views expressed are his own)

The proposal by the U.S. government to establish a global minimum corporate tax is not a remote matter from the lives of people in the Caribbean. It is a real issue with deep implications for Caribbean economies, and, indeed, for the capacity of Caribbean countries to continue to participate meaningfully in the global trading and financial system. Neither Caribbean governments nor Caribbean people should ignore it. Their liveli-

hoods depend on it. Further, the countries of the region should already have launched an initiative to respond to the U.S. government’s proposal collectively. When the idea was mooted by Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, on April 5, every experience I had as a representative of Antigua and Barbuda, dating back to 1998 when the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) launched its assault on low-tax jurisdictions, told me that developing countries would be steamrollered into acquiescing to it. Consequently, I organized a meeting between officials of the U.S. Treasury Department and a few Caribbean Ambassadorial colleagues on May 7, to better understand the scope of the initiative and the pace at which it would move. It was clear from that meeting, at which the Caribbean Ambassadors present made their concerns and fears clear, that a minimum global corporation tax would be a juggernaut that would not easily be stopped. It would have been foolhardy to believe that, even in its transition period, the Biden finance team had not canvassed the minimum tax with officials of the OECD and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). It was no coincidence that, shortly after Secretary Yellen made the announcement of a minimum global corporation tax of 21 per cent, IMF officials were endorsing the idea. It took no more than two months for the G7 countries - the U.S, the UK, France, Germany, Canada, Italy and Japan, plus the European Union (EU) - to

adopt a minimum tax for corporations of 15 percent. They did so on June 7, proclaiming it “a landmark deal”. The G7 agreed figure is 6 percent less than the U.S. had proposed, but no one should believe that the matter has ended. It is only the beginning of a new phase in the onslaught that the OECD officially started in 1998 to end what its members called ‘harmful tax competition’. There is no guarantee that the minimum global corporation tax will remain at 15 percent, or, that intrusion into setting tax rates will not extend into other areas. The OECD members then – and now – regard low tax jurisdictions as competitors in attracting corporations and, therefore, their ability to tax them. Having heavily taxed their populations from the cradle to the grave and beyond (no hyperbole) and faced with little possibility of taxing them further without voters heaving governments out of office, these governments focused on low-tax jurisdictions, demonized them in the media and elsewhere. The OECD governments claimed they were operating on a playing field which was not level for them. Blacklists and threats of sanctions quickly followed, causing a procession of governments of developing countries to concede their sovereignty over tax matters. This ‘level playing field’ effort is now an attempt to force corporations to stay in rich nations by securing a minimum global rate of tax that would give them no great advantage in shifting to lower tax jurisdictions. The next step is to get the agreement of the G20 countries when they meet in October. These countries are the G7 and the European union with 12 others, including China, India, Mexi-

co, Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. If Caribbean countries, and other small developing states, are to try to put a brake on the steamroller, getting their case before the large, developed countries in the G20 is crucial. For, if the G20 endorses the plan, smaller countries will again be cast aside – the hapless victims of the world’s powerful states, as they are with Climate Change and getting vaccines to fight COVID-19. That is why vital alliances need to be struck now, starting within the Caribbean, extending to embrace countries in Asia and the Pacific, and then with other nations that are far from happy about being coerced into losing revenues and business to satisfy the tax hunger of a few. For instance, Switzerland is reported to be planning to give subsidies to companies, headquartered there, to offset the 15 per cent tax. Ireland – an EU nation – has an advantageous corporate rate of 12.5 per cent that has helped to grow its economy and improve its people’s lives. It wants no increase. These two countries and others could be important allies. The fact that Caribbean countries – and other developing countries – oppose the imposition of a global corporate tax rate, should not be mistaken as hostility toward the U.S. or any other country that favours higher taxes. But setting tax rates is a right of nations not an international prerogative of the powerful. All nations understand that in the U.S., President Biden has an ambitious plan to build-out needed infrastructure to keep the U.S. globally competitive, to create jobs and to rebuild after the COVID-19 pandemic. Other countries, especially, small developing ones have the same problems, but without the resources or the clout to establish a global rule that would suit them. They have to continue to compete on unlevel playing fields in almost every area of economic and commercial activity. Low taxes help Caribbean countries and others to attract investment they desperately need, because their exploitation and under development, for centuries, have made it difficult for domestic investment alone to drive their needed economic growth and social improvement. No time should be wasted by Caribbean governments to assemble a strong team to advance their joint cause. There is not much time until the G20 meets in October, and much work needs to be done to give its developing member countries a convincing case to champion. Giving-in again should not be an option, but no one country can stand up alone. This is a joint endeavour, or it is surrender – one by one. Responses and previous commentaries: www.sirronaldsanders. com


June/July, 2021


TREES, STORMS & PROPERTY VALUES Healthy, mature trees in a well landscaped yard improve property values. However, large trees close to a structure are a liability. There is the potential for damage and this may well diminish property appeal. Now that it’s hurricane season, it’s important to make sure your trees are healthy, so they have a better chance of withstanding high winds. Felled trees and broken branches cause major damage to structures and vehicles during hurricanes. Also, branches and coconuts can turn into deadly projectiles. Trees sometimes attract lightning because they provide a path for it to travel from cloud to earth. Even in good weather, branches that rub against a roof will eventually damage shingles and even create a pathway for leaks. Proper tree care will reduce the chance of property damage and enhance property appeal. Critical To Life Some owners raze a property to make way for construction. While it may be necessary to remove some trees, why get rid of valuable shade and fruit trees if they aren’t a threat? Sometimes, a property owner will then go to the expense of importing and planting new trees, having killed native trees or trees that have adapted and are better suited to the environment. Trees are critical to our economy and to life itself. Scientists say planting trees helps

take carbon monoxide out the air and tackle climate change. Trees feed us, give us oxygen and help conserve energy. They shield us from harmful ultra-violet rays, help prevent water pollution, conserve water and provide a habitat and food source for wildlife. Trees are beautiful. They soften hardscape, making properties more attractive. They lift our spirits. Eleuthera has some magnificent trees, including breadfruit, sapodilla and banyan. Many people are enjoying this year’s mango crop. The islands would be barren without these “green umbrellas.”

Pineapple Push The Ministry for trade and industry has selected a consultant to explore ways to strengthen Eleuthera’s pineapple industry with an emphasis on identifying new spinoff opportunities. This is a great idea. Everyone knows the Eleuthera “pine” is incredibly sweet and delicious and pineapple season is a high point of the year. Eleuthera made a name for itself as a pineapple exporter in the 19th century. The industry peaked in 1892, when more than eight million pineapples were exported, according to published reports. Unfortunately, Eleuthera couldn’t compete against Hawaii and the Philippines with their superior growing conditions, distribu-

tion networks and refrigerated vessels for transport. I visited a pineapple farm in Hawaii many years ago. It had about 30 types of pineapples on display, including one from the Bahamas. My Grandfather made a trip to New York at the turn of the last century and the entire cargo was pineapples. Happily, pineapple farming remains important to Eleuthera’s economy to this day. The industry gave birth to the Pineapple Festival in 1988. The festival has grown into a popular fourday event (pandemic years aside) and is a boost to the local economy. The Ministry’s pushing to open further avenues to build new revenue streams from the industry. When I think of all the wonderful arts and crafts produced locally, it’s not difficult to envisage “pineapple” souvenirs for visitors and home décor for locals and second homeowners. Items such as printed tea towels, kitchen mitts, jewellery, straw craft and woodwork, as an example. From a culinary standpoint, what could be better than pineapple ice-cream? Or gift baskets of chutneys, jams, and vacuum sealed pineapple rum cake and pineapple tarts attractively packaged for travel? The Ministry’s concept is interesting and one worth studying.

By Mike Lightbourn Questions or comments? Contact me at Mike Lightbourn is president of Coldwell Banker Lightbourn Realty.


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Paradise In The Islands Teri M. Bethel Does it really take a pandemic for us to step back and look at what we have before us? Most Bahamians don’t even know about the treasures they have in their own backyard. Those that do are willy nilly about taking full advantage of them. Historically as Bahamians, we want to travel during our summer breaks to catch a flight or cruise to destination: “anywhere but here.” It doesn’t matter if we’ve been there a trillion times before or that we’ve worn out the tiles at the foreign malls. We just want to be off the island. Whatever island we’re on—it’s just time for a break. Despite the pandemic, however, people continue to beat a path to our unique paradise. So, just what is it that our homegrown folks are overlooking? Our treasured family of islands, of course! That can be said without hesitation or reservation. Every island in our chain of islands has magnificent features to boast of. Take Bimini, for example; how many Bahamians have heard about the Bimini Road? A 1500 feet long un-

derwater walkway of straight stones in the waters west of North Bimini’s Bluff. Some say that it is a remaining road system for the lost continent of Atlantis. Whether it is or not, it is an intriguing sight to see if you are a scuba diver. If going into water a few inches higher than your knees is a concern of yours, you may consider exploring the island as Ponce de Leon did in the 1500s when searching for the fountain of youth. Although the Indians told him it was there, he never found it—but maybe you will. Martin Luther King Jr., however, visited Bimini on two occasions to write speeches, the first was his acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize, and the second was the I’ve Been To The Mountaintop speech. Like famed writer Ernest Hemmingway, King believed that the island’s ambiance was perfect for resting and writing. It was there Dr. King said he felt the presence of God on the island. The World’s Cinematic Backdrop Still in the north, Abaco and Grand Bahama have extensive underground caves that tourists visit. People travel from all over the world to dive into the Abaco caves, which look like

June/July, 2021 a virtual underwater crystal cathedral. Keep on the lookout for Abaco’s beautifully colored parrots. Though they’re not as profuse as in Colombus’ day when in the Bahamas he journaled that flocks of parrots darkened the sun. Grand Bahama’s caves are unique in their own way with their internal interconnecting waterways that feed the blue holes. Grand Bahama’s Lucayan Caverns is considered the longest surveyed cave system in the world. Just across the street is Gold Rock Beach, a part of the Lucayan National Park. If you missed the movie Pirates of The Caribbean, you could visit the jaw-dropping beach where a part of the movie was filmed. An endless, flat, white powdered sandy beach that makes you feel as though you can walk straight to the horizon on a clear day during low tide. Don’t try to though, you won’t outrun the incoming tide back to the shore. When traveling south to Long Island, you can’t miss the opportunity to visit the amazing caves or dive into the magnificent Dean’s Blue Hole. Unless your feet are as tough as a mountain goat’s, you should wear your sneakers to climb the heights should you wish to take a leap from the cliff. It’s fun but can be a prickly trek. If you’re not a jumper, the beach gives you a more gentle access to the blue hole.

retained its original Lucayan name. It is our most eastern island in the Bahamas; it’s known for its fresh seafood and small population. The 2010 survey indicated 280 people, just over a quarter of the number of people of the beautiful Berry Islands. So if you’re looking to be free of traffic jams for a weekend while you fuel up on fishing and enjoying great meals, this may be your place to visit.

We can’t touch on all of the islands, but how could we not mention Inagua? The island’s salt piles look like a snowy ski slope. Their amazing pink flamingos are just as beautiful as they are gracious. Inagua also boasts of its haven of wild donkeys. Andros, the largest island in the Bahamas, considers itself the bonefish capital of the world. They’re also known for the gazillion land crabs shipped out each season and the protected Rock Iguanas. These vertebrates are found only on Andros and Exuma and can grow up to four feet long, weighing some 20 pounds. Like the other islands, Andros has its ponds, blue holes, and magnificent forestry. Before making that trek further south, you may want to stop off at one of Exumas 365 cays. Have a tour guide show you the Thunderball Grotto just off the coast of Staniel Cay, where the James Bond film Thunderball was shot in 1965 with Sean Connery. Other films have since been shot there. The cay itself looks like a massive clump of sharp rocks to the naked eye, but for those given to exciting explorative jaunts, it’s so much more.

While still surrounded by natural jewels in the sea, Eleuthera is an island that many would consider the pearl of the Bahamas. Its long winding perimeter road takes you deep south to Lighthouse Point, where you can see Cat Island on a clear day. Another favorite place to visit in the south is the Rock Sound Blue Hole, where locals and tourists swim in the ocean hole and jump off ledges. For most people, what is intriguing is how the fish swim right up to you, hoping you’d give them a treat. Believe it or not, they love the island bread just as much as you do. This is a no-fishing zone, so they’re accustomed to being fed and not being the food.

Acklins and Crooked Island are known for their beautiful waters. Crooked Island boasts of having the first Post Office in the Bahamas, and if that’s not enough to get you interested in a quick stopover, their rolling hills should grab your interest. Mayaguana is one of the islands in the Bahamas that has

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Cat Island has its share of rolling hills, beautiful beaches, and historical sites as well. What many don’t know is that the island has the highest point in the entire Bahamas—206 feet. For a somewhat flat archipelago that some height. It’s called Mount Alvernia, but the locals call it Como Hill. A priest called Father Jerome by the locals was an architect and sculptor who built the Hermitage monastery on the peak of Mt. Alvernia in 1939 using local stones. The reason, well perhaps the same reason many people travel to the islands, to get away from the world. The climb is worth seeing his carvings and the spectacular 360-degree island view.

The Pearl of The Bahamas

Central Eleuthera has the fabulous Cliffs, Hatchet Bay’s Cave, Sweeting’s Pond has sea horses, then there’s Surfer’s Beach in Gregory Town if you love to ride the waves, the Queen’s Bath, and of course our breathtaking treasure, the famous Glass Window Bridge. Just past the bridge is Whale Point. At its tip, you can get a clear, almost touchable view of Harbour Island. This was also a transit point for visitors to the tiny cay many years back. A smoke signal back in the day would alert a ferry captain on Harbour Island of your need to sail to the island. It was not unusual to see


A uthor :

Teri M. Bethel is a publisher and author of relationship enrichment books, Bahamian inspired romance, and adventure novels for children that share our islands’ history and culture. She is also an artist and purse making instructor. Her books and DVD tutorials are available where good books are sold in Eleuthera and New Providence and on Teri and her husband have two adult sons. Website:


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whales swimming off the coast of Whale Point, neither is it uncommon to see turtles bobbing freely through the water a bit closer to the beach. If you’re driving north, don’t stop there, there’s so much more to see. You can visit the quaint settlement of Current and maybe even catch a ferry to Current Island, Harbour Island, or Spanish Wells. Another mustsee is the fabulous Sapphire Blue Hole. If you are visiting, be sure to take your swim gear. You really don’t want to miss the opportunity of jumping in the beautiful water and scaling the rope to get back up. Preacher’s Cave is also a must-see. The access road is a few minutes south of Sapphire. That’s the cave the Eleutheran Adventurers stayed in when they landed on the beach, a stone’s throw from it. It was probably considered a 3-star resort with the high cave wall and openings that welcomed the fresh sea breeze and light when they came ashore for the first time. Paradise Farms But in your quest to enjoy the Bahamas and Eleuthera in particular, it’s pretty easy to drive right past a hidden jewel

called Paradise Farms. If you do, don’t slam brakes, but you should consider including them in your island adventure. Once there, you may think of it as mango heaven because of the abundance of mango trees, but it has even more fruit trees than mangoes. This 52-acre non-profit farm is home to some of the friendliest animals on the island. With only a handful of food scattered on the ground, the nearby pond is quickly vacated of its ducks who want in on the treats. Their feathered friends

come a’clucking, and even the dogs who seem to live in harmony with other animals, join in the hustle to get a mouthful of the treats. You’ll be so delighted to see little piglets escaping their mama’s pens just to have fun scampering for treats with the chickens, ducks, and geese. If you are really an animal lover, you’ll love the goats Kayleigh and Chloe. A massive rescued pig named David is old and sluggish, but he knows his name and waddles his way to the fence to stand among the gawking animals for his treat. If you think the farm is just about the fruit trees and the farm animals, you’re sadly mistaken. A farm tour will take you to areas you can learn about the medicinal plants, enjoy your solitude at the water’s edge, have a private barbeque, or swim with the pigs. Perhaps, you shouldn’t let them know what you’re grilling, though, for sentimental reasons. As a side note, the farm animals are friends and are not raised for the plate. So if you’re in Eleuthera or planning to visit our paradise, you’ll see that there’s lots to do besides staying indoors. After having your wonderful visit, be sure to collect your trash and deposit it in a local bin. Littering is not cool. Let’s all do our part in keeping paradise clean.

June/July, 2021



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June/July, 2021



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The Eleutheran


Here’s What BPL Has To Say On Fuel Charges BPL Statement on Fuel Charge: The Bahamas Power and Light Company Limited is pleased to confirm that following the mandated 12-month review, the fuel charge for BPL customers will remain at about 10.5 cents per kilowatt hour (c/kWh) through June 2022. This new low fuel charge was first secured in July 2020, when BPL executed the first ever fuel hedge transaction in company history. On July 9 2020 BPL executed its first ever fuel hedge, which set the fuel charge at about 10.5 c/kWh from July 2020 through June 2022, subject to review after 12 months. That review has just been completed and the continuation of the rate was confirmed. BPL reiterates that fuel is a passthrough cost, therefore there is no savings to the company due to the lower fuel charge: all savings go to the customers. And in fact, average residential customer bills are down by 24% versus June 2018. The average residential customer saved $42 dollars on the fuel charge in June 2021 versus June 2018 (prior to the hedge). That extrapolates to an annual savings on the fuel charge of about $500. More broadly, the

research shows that from August of 2020 to June 2021, customers and the public treasury have saved $15 Million as a result of the hedge program. BPL executives are confident that if the current trend continues, the Company can project savings of about $40 Million to customers and public treasury from August 2020 to January 2022. This is especially important given the recent spike in oil price, which places upward pressure on the fuel charge: the BPL fuel hedging program allowed BPL to hold the fuel charge to 10.5 cents for the next twelve (12) months. To illustrate, in August 2020 the price of Brent was $45 per barrel and as at June 30 it was $73. That’s an increase of 63% in the market. Meantime, through the hedging action, BPL has held the fuel costs to the 10.5 c/kWh despite that sharp increase. In addition to the hedging, BPL continues to optimize performance efficiency which in turn facilitates the consumption of less fuel, thus lowering the cost to consumers. The Caribbean Electric Utility Services Corporation (CARILEC) – an association of electric energy solutions

providers and other stakeholders operating in the electricity industry in the Caribbean region – released a tariff survey earlier this month. That survey demonstrates that BPL rate ranks 3rd lowest amongst CARILEC utilities with the rate only being surpassed by two utilities that have natural resources. The hedge was part of the BPL Strategic Plan (Power2Prosper), in which the Company pledg-


es to “provide the lowest possible cost per kilowatt hour for electricity for residential, commercial and industrial customers, as may be applicable. Additionally, BPL should work to reduce the cost of fuel to its customers by utilization of the most fuel-efficient and cost-effective generation assets, and engaging in fuel hedging whenever possible.” Source: BPL


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June/July, 2021

Threats & Response: WSC Chairman details issues faced and steps taken

WSC Chairman, MP Adrian Gibson During his contribution in the House of Assembly to the budget debate on June 14th, 2021, MP Adrian Gibson offered up details on the recent spat between the Water and Sewerage Corporation (WSC) and private reverse osmosis (RO) water providers, which saw threats of a repeat of the water services stoppage seen by Eleutherans late in 2020. Gibson commented, “In recent months, WSC and the Government have been placed in a most unfortunate position by a RO provider. This provider has repeatedly threatened to cut water supply – even during a pandemic – and has demonstrably carried out such threats in Central Eleuthera and with cut backs in South Eleuthera. “In recent months, there was a threat to cut the water supply to South Eleuthera, San Salvador and Inagua. In a most unusual turn of events, this provider embarked upon a local public relations smear campaign, having foreign-based agents appear on local TV and radio, in social media as well

as distributing flyers to the local populace of each island whilst placing blame on WSC. “The facts are that the Inagua contract ended in 2018, San Salvador in 2019 and South Eleuthera in 2020. They were all month-to-month and the company had been given notice in each instance that WSC would move on.” He continued, “When our new plants arrived and were delivered to the various locations - that appears to have triggered a response and the most recent threats began. Quite honestly, we had been in communications with the local manager who told myself and the GM – in a joint telecom – that all they needed was a letter stating a fixed period that we would need them for before we transition to our plants and an undertaking we would pay outstanding balances. “That was provided; however, the goal post kept moving - only in what we have all concluded was an attempt to force us to enter into a new long term contract. Ultimately, a 6 month agreement was arrived at with the assistance of the Ministry of Finance/Prime Minister/and Deputy Prime Minister that would see their receivables paid down and current bills paid up. We look forward to a seamless transition. “For far too long, WSC has been paying absurd amounts to... buy back our own water from foreign providers. These contracts are absurd! WSC provides the land; pays the electricity for the production of the water; provides coverage for work permits and customs exemptions; in some cases pays for the drilling of the wells, for the construction of buildings for plants

not in containers, for consumables, etc. “Since coming to office, it was discovered that many of our Reverse Osmosis suppliers benefited from lucrative contracts, to the disadvantage of the Corporation, and ultimately the Bahamian People. From 1996 to present, the Water and Sewerage Corporation has paid out more than $395 Million to privately owned reverse osmosis suppliers. The Corporation has therefore undergone a major policy shift toward WSC owned and operated reverse osmosis plants, saving the Corporation millions of dollars. The average purchase cost per plant is some $306,000 with a 1.3 MIGPD Capacity. “With $395 million, I could put a plant in every settlement and have change leftover. Of that $395 million - $302, 489,398.60 cents has been paid to Consolidated Water; $60,000,000 to Aqua Design; $11.2 million to Water Makers; $1.7 million to Clearview; $7.3 million to Matrix; $1.1 million to TSG (we now own that plant); $9.9 million to Bimini Bay Water; $823,606.90 to Bimini Water Services; and $490,819.90 to Consolidate Water Bimini. “Today, the Corporation owns and operates plants in Sweetings Cay (slated to be upgraded by the end of Summer 2021); Moore’s Island (completed in October 2020); and Ragged Island (doubled the capacity May 2021). “We are completing the installations of plants in Deadman’s Cay, Long Island; San Salvador; Inagua and South Eleuthera. A new plant is being built for installation in Crooked Island in the coming weeks. “We expect to complete and commission all of these plants by the end of the summer.

We have hired RO specialist engineers and technicians and developed a rigorous maintenance plan that will be codified by policy; we expect to save millions of dollars per year via these operations. This is up from a figure of zero (0) since this the start of this Administration.” Outlining some of the capital works undertaken by WSC throughout Eleuthera, Gibson detailed, “In my capacity as Chairman of the Corporation, we have endeavored to ensure that all islands have been adequately serviced based on the needs of the day... In Eleuthera, we continued to improve supply with: “• The refurbishment of the Bogue Eleuthera Wellfields in North Eleuthera to provide for interim water quality relief, and long term wellfield sustainability for North Eleuthera at a cost of $86,000, and to facilitate blending wellfield water with RO water as needed. • Completed the upgrade of the distribution system on Harbour Island, to eliminate poor water circulation, and improve water quality at a cost of $80,000. • Installed a new pump station, piping and distribution pumps for all of North Eleuthera to compliment the completion of a new 600,000 IGPD reverse osmosis plant at an estimated cost of $250,000. Eleuthera is now mostly supplied by RO Water. • Completion of a new Commercial Office in Governor’s Harbour, Eleuthera for better customer service and staff efficiency, at an estimated cost of $50,000 by others. • Procurement of AuP19 tomatic Purging Systems for the entire island of Eleuthera, for more efficient


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systems maintenance and operations. These are now being systematically installed at a total estimated cost of $100,000 upon completion. • Upgrade of all of service laterals in Central Eleuthera at a cost of $1,1Mn. and laterals in Rock Sound and Tarpum Bay for increased reliability of water at a cost of $495,000. • The upgrades of mains in German Village and Freetown Boulevard - $70,000. • Provision of a new water Tanker for South Eleuthera to assist with emergencies, and un-serviced areas - $134,000.”

In terms of future works earmarked for the next 12 months in Eleuthera, Chairman Gibson, shared the intention of completing full back-up generator capacity in all Family Islands at an overall cost of $845,000. He also stated that Water Storage facilities in Central Eleuthera were slated for expansion this year at a cost of $1.6Mn.


Damianos Sotheby’s International Realty Announces

Record-Breaking Year For First Half of 2021

Built-up demand, amplified digital marketing efforts and excellence in all aspects of customer service have added up to a record-breaking six months so far this year for Damianos Sotheby’s International Realty. “At the beginning of 2021, we were hopeful that our market would experience signs of recovery due to the easing of local restrictions and the reopening of international travel,” said Lana Rademaker, Chief Brokerage Officer for the real estate firm. “However, the level of activity throughout The Bahamas since January has far exceeded our expectations and has broken all previous years’ sales records. Inventory is at a historical low and demand remains very strong, especially in the luxury markets.”

‘Caught Reading’ Library Awards

May 2021 was dubbed by the Haynes Library in Governor’s Harbour as “Get Caught Reading” month. Young patrons were encouraged to visit the library as often as possible between May 1st and May 29th for a chance to win prizes for ‘getting caught’ while reading. The fun event was simple. Whenever a child was caught reading by a staff member at the Haynes, they were given a raffle ticket. So, the more times a child got caught, the greater their chance of winning a prize in the drawing set for the end of May. Two young boys, Sadawn Baptiste, and Grabrielle Fox, were the lucky winners of the ‘Get Caught Reading’ event, gaining the title of ‘Reading Stars’. “These children were caught reading everywhere in the library, demonstrating that they love to read.

The Eleutheran

Well done to the Winners!”, shared Althea Willie, Head Librarian at Haynes. She also commented that many children through the month had made an effort, and she hoped that they would all continue to read. “This program was held to encourage reading. The fact that the winners were boys is also important. Young boys and men in the Bahamas need to know that reading and education are important,” she added. Mrs. Willie encouraged children and adults across the island to become a member at their local library and the Haynes Library by getting a library card, to take advantage of the wide variety of books and reference resources available at the historic location.

L-R: Mrs. Judy Chavis, Sadawn Baptiste, and Mrs. Laniece Thompson.

Rademaker added that Damianos Sotheby’s International Realty has experienced a 300% increase in sales volume YTD over 2020 and has achieved a new history-making average sales price of $2,700,000. “Properties in highest demand have been those located in top tier luxury gated communities like Lyford Cay, Old Fort Bay and Ocean Club Estates. We are also experiencing a surge in condo sales, vacation homes and vacant land investments from both local and international purchasers. While Nassau was the first market to feel the turnaround, activity in Abaco, Eleuthera and Exuma soon followed with sales activity now at unprecedented levP27 els,” Rademaker said.

20 www. EleutheraNews . com

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June/July, 2021

Pursuing Dreams: Chaela Goes To School Mom trying various means to help daughter seize awesome opportunity Markera Smith, mother of Chaela Dupuch, a young student who just completed her ninth grade year at the Deep Creek Middle School (DCMS) was excited to share her daughter’s story of success. Thirteen-year-old Chaela, who also became (junior) SCUBA certified during her time at DCMS is now looking forward to the next step in her academic journey. “They (DCMS) have a program where anyone who is interested can sit the PSAT and apply to attend a U.S. boarding school.” shared Markera. Chaela, she said, had successfully sat the PSAT, applied to a number of boarding schools, and was offered acceptance at a school on the west coast of the United States, in Oregon. “Chaela would like to travel the world, and she sees this as an opportunity... DCMS offered the opportunity for experiential learning and this option at the Oregon Episcopal School offers her the chance to continue in that vein.” “The school offered her a pret-

L-R: Markera Smith with her daughter, Chaela Dupuch.

( ty good discount (of 92%), so we are now just fundraising to cover what’s left ($5,000 in tuition, $2,300




July 1, 2021: Following consultation with key stakeholders and leaders of industry associations, the Government of The Bahamas has expressed its support, for the proposals of the G20/OECD Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting to reform the global taxation system. These proposals and the accompanying rules for international taxation are geared at addressing the tax challenges arising from the digitalization of the global economy. The government has at the same time lodged reservations particular to The Bahamas. The support of The Bahamas for the Inclusive Framework’s two tier reform proposal (referred to as Pillar 1 and Pillar 2) is consistent with, and informed by, the stated policy principles of the government

with respect to the pursuit of tax fairness and equity, as recently outlined by the Prime Minister during the Budget Exercise. The proposals seek to establish, inter alia, minimum tax measures for companies with gross annual earnings of 750 Million Euros (US$889 Million) or greater. The rules would not apply to companies under this threshold. As a member of the Inclusive Framework, The Bahamas has actively participated in the development of these measures and has ardently articulated the legitimacy of jurisdictions such as The Bahamas. It views these measures as a viable option for ensuring that small jurisdictions benefit from any measure to tax entities operating within its jurisdiction.

school life insurance fee and costs to travel and get her settled)... We currently have a ‘gogetfunding’ site open ( with a fundraising goal of $12,000 to get this year kicked off, and I always have my eyes open for opportunities. Today, I’m renting our guitars for extra income to go onto her account. I’ve also had crafts that we were trying to sell, with less success. I also had an art studio opened in Deep Creek where we reside, but that has not taken off. So, it’s mainly the ‘gogetfunding’, right now - but I do also have an adult coloring book that I produced that’s now available digitally, as well as in paperback format online. It’s called the ‘adult stress-free coloring book’. It’s a digital download you can print yourself, or there is a hardcopy available on that people can get.” Markera’s adult stress-free coloring book is a collection of 23 beautiful patterns, paired up with 23 inspiring words, and she invites you with her book, to take some time for yourself, release anxiety and stress as you colour a pattern, and focus on the accompanying word. Markera shared that their family are originally from New Providence. “We moved over from Nassau in 2016, because I heard about the Middle School, and I brought my son, as he is a hands-on learner and more active. I decided that was the place for him, and he got in. But, we knew noone here who he could come to, so I packed up and brought the whole

family. We’ve been here ever since.” Sharing their first time on the island, which was quite the adventure, Ms. Smith smiled and laughed at the memory, saying, “The only time we had been here (on Eleuthera) was for admissions day when my son applied. We brought a tent and our food, and we camped at Preacher’s Cave. He did admissions, then we went back home to Nassau.” When asked about how life has been for the family since moving to Eleuthera, Markera said, “It’s been amazing. It’s been more focused. That’s the only word I can find to describe it. My son could have been classified as a ‘problem child’, because he was not academically inclined, but DCMS helped with that, and he graduated in 2019. He and Chaela spent one year overlapping, and she had been gunning to go there since we got here. Because it’s the kind of place where they combine certain things, like they do - ‘school without walls’, where the kids are in the field for a week, they do scuba for PE in grade nine - and they make it affordable to attend.” Markera, after arriving on island with her family has spent time, she said, working with the French Leave Resort, as well as at the Cape Eleuthera Resort, before opening her art studio in Deep Creek. The pandemic early in 2020, however, forced its closure, as the ‘sip and paint’ and other group events she was promoting for the location were disallowed. With a personality not easily daunted, she now operates a number of services from home, including sewing. Chaela, chiming in about her excitement with the opportunity she was being offered, shared that one of the things she looked forward to during her upcoming years at Oregon Episcopal, in addition to the environment there, was their exchange program - with options to study even further abroad for a year. “I hope to do that, and I plan on learning as many new things as possible. They also have programs you can choose to specialize in depending on what your strengths are, so I’m looking forward to their arts program... I’m also excited about the time difference - there is a three-hour time difference,” she smiled. To those who are inspired to help in her efforts to get off to school, Chaela expressed, “Thank you so much. It’s going to a good cause, and it will help me get to school, so I can become an artist in the future, and I can beautify the world with my art.”




The Eleutheran

Coral Spawning is Upon Us!

Coral colony releasing gamete bundles from their polyps. These bundles contain the vital sperm and eggs that our scientists need to raise baby corals in the lab.


June 22, 2021 by Cape Eleuthera Institute

Microscopic view of three star coral babies (called recruits) growing in the lab.

Love is in the water! Why? Because many corals and marine invertebrates spawn between May and October. And when the water is warmest in July, August and September, we can observe massive spawning in many corals, like star, brain and Acroporid species. When this happens, corals of the same species release millions of gametes (i.e., eggs and sperm) into the water column all at once. On SCUBA, coral spawning looks like a swirling, pink and white underwater blizzard! For the Coral Innovation Hub, coral spawning is more than just a captivating underwater phenomenon. Our scientists take advantage of summertime spawning events to get into the ocean, collect coral gametes from different colonies, and grow thousands of genetically distinct baby corals in the lab. Then, we plant the baby corals onto damaged or degraded reefs that desperately need restoration. “The low abundance of corals on reefs is compromising their capacity to produce viable offspring during spawning events,” said Natalia Hurtado, Research Associate at the Perry Institute for Marine Science and Research Scientist at the Cape Eleuthera Institute. “Rearing sexually produced corals will improve genetic diversity and their adaptation capabilities.” In the long term, our team is hopeful these restoration efforts will create more coral habitat for reef fish and invertebrates. Are you eager to see coral spawning this summer? Or perhaps you work for a non-profit, dive shop, or organization that is interested in joining the fight to save coral reefs in The Bahamas? If so, check out our 2021 Coral Spawning Predictions for The Bahamas. You’ll discover:

1. Which coral species are expected to spawn this summer 2. The day(s) each species is likely to spawn 3. The time(s) each species is likely to spawn (& when you should plan your dives) For any questions, or to submit spawning observations (location, date, time & species) in The Bahamas, please contact: “Conducting monitoring dives during predicted spawning times, will provide important baseline information to upscale restoration efforts, enhance population recovery, improve population connectivity, and eventually contribute to the success of reproductive events,” Natalia said.

Lab-based nursery growing thousands of baby corals on cement substrates; individual corals are invisible unless viewed under a microscope.

Changes announced to

domestic travel testing requirements and provisions for fully vaccinated Prime Minister Hubert Minnis on June 21st announced several changes to the Emergency Powers Order, including adjustments to curfews, testing requirements for domestic travel, travel health visa fees, wedding receptions, funeral services and provisions for fully vaccinated individuals. Prime Minister Minnis said that progress achieved on the management of the virus during this current period has allowed the Government to make changes to the Emergency Powers Order.

As of Monday 21st June, the curfew on New Providence and mainland Abaco begins at 11pm – 5am; on Grand Bahama, at 12 midnight – 5am; and on Cat Island, North Andros and Central Andros, 10pm – 5am. The curfews on South Andros and the Berry Islands have been lifted. The RT-PCR test requirement for travel from Grand Bahama, Cat Island and Andros has been removed. Effective 1st July, the $10 Travel Health Visa fee for vaccinated Ba-

hamians and residents returning home from abroad will be waived; however, travelers are still required to apply for the health visa. Also effective Monday 21st June, on New Providence, funeral and memorial services are now permitted in a church or other indoor facility in accordance with the health protocols of the Bahamas Christian Council and approved by the Ministry of Health. There is no requirement to be fully vaccinated. Masks and physical distancing are still required. Repasts remain prohibited on New Providence and Paradise Island, Grand Bahama, mainland Abaco, Eleuthera, including Harbour Island, and Great and Little Exuma. The number of P36 people allowed to gather in groups on

22 www. EleutheraNews . com

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June/July, 2021

Edible Eleuthera - Coco Plum By: The Leon Levy Native Plant Preserve (LLNPP) Chrysobalanus icaco (Common Name: Coco Plum; Scientific Name: Chrysobalanus icaco; Family: Chrysobalanaceae) grows as a shrub, reaching up to 15 feet in height. Its trunk is medium short and can sometimes lean while its crown is dense and spreading. It grows well near coastal areas as well as in Dunes and around Fresh Water and Saline wetlands. It is also known as “Paradise Plum” and “Pork-Fat Apple” in other parts of the world. Chrysobalanus icaco occurs throughout the Lucayan Archipelago as well as Florida, the entire Caribbean region and Mexico south to northern South America. The fruit is a drupe that ranges in colour from white to pale-yellow to deep purple at maturity, depending on the

Ripe Coco Plum on the tree.

variety. Coco plums can bear fruit in summer, or off and on year-round according to their region. They are not known to be used medicinally in the Lucayan Archipelago. Coco plums are also used in horticulture and their fruit is edible. The fruit’s roundness might suggest it is flavourful, but the texture is slightly spongy, and it is almost tasteless, with the ripest of the fruit possessing a very mild and fleeting sweetness. Traditionally, as with most other Bahamian fruit, coco plums are enjoyed straight from the tree. Many young and old Eleutherans have at least one memory or tale of an afternoon of coco plum picking as a treasured family pastime. The seed is also edible. Coco plum jam or sauce is a common recipe in the Caribbean. On island? You’re in luck! Coco plums are in season. Enjoy.

Coco Plum in flower.

Coco Plums present in a variety of colours - here it is a dark purple ripe fruit.



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The Eleutheran


Local Student Jahzara Taylor Wins International Recognition Jahzara Taylor a student at Central Eleuthera High School, has been recognised internationally for her special contributions within her community, as a recipient of - The Diana Award. Established in memory of Diana, Princess of Wales, The Diana Award, with its stated mission - ‘to develop and inspire positive change in the future of young people’ - is a prestigious accolade a young person aged 9-25 years can receive for their social action or humanitarian work. The Award is given out by the charity of the same name and has the support of both her sons, The Duke of Cambridge and The Duke of Sussex. Jahzara founded ‘Jahzara Cares’ in 2018, helping children aged 7 to 16 to learn to read. Noticing that children were turning up to reading lessons hungry, Jahzara fundraised to purchase ingredients for healthy meals, given to the families of children she was supporting as well as elderly individuals in the community. Through the ‘Teacher Cadet Programme’, Jahzara spends up to four hours a week tutoring children for free and has organised several book drives. By giving her time to help others, Jahzara has learned you are ‘never too young to make a difference’. Her compassion and dedication have enabled young people to continue their education despite many obstacles. Jahzara is described as an outstanding example in her community - also, not just accomplished in academics but a true humanitarian and school leader. She is president of both the Central Eleuthera High School Student Christian Movement and Ranger Guides, a member of the Interact Club, Maritime Cadets, Ministry of Education Teacher Cadet Program, Junior Achievement, Power - Passion - Pursuit Girls Empowerment, and GEMS Empowerment Group. Furthermore, she is an active member of the Revival Baptist Church and founder of the Jahzara Cares program. In addition to all of this she is still able to be a part of the academic honour society at her school. “We congratulate all our new Diana Award

recipients from the UK and all over the globe who are changemakers for their generation. We know by receiving this honour they will inspire more young people to get involved in their communities and begin their own journey as active citizens. For over twenty years The Diana Award has valued and invested in young people encouraging them to continue to make positive change in their communities and lives of others,” said Tessy Ojo, CEO of The Diana Award. She continued, “There are 12 Diana Award Judging Panels representing each UK region or nation and a further three panels representing countries outside of the UK. Each panel consist of three judges; one young person, an education or youth work professional, and a business or government representative. The panels have an important main purpose: to determine which nominations from each UK region/nation/country will receive The Diana Award. Nominations are judged using the Criteria Guide and Scoring Guide which have been created to measure the quality of youth social action.” Jahzara’s parents, Ministers Jason and Dawn Taylor, after she was announced as an awardee in June 2021, said, “We are extremely proud of your hard work and dedication. Who would have imagined it? God did. From the small, picturesque town of Palmetto Point, on the island of Eleuthera, in the Bahamas - our daughter has become a Diana Award winner. To God be all the glory. He will make you the head and not the tail! We love you!”

COVID-19 vaccine distribution & supplies Statement from the National COVID-19 Vaccine Consultative Committee As of 2 July 2021, 95,992, doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine have been administered in The Bahamas. Fifty-nine thousand seven hundred and thirty-one people have received at least one dose of the vaccine. A total of 36,261 people have been fully vaccinated with two doses of the vaccine. The strategy of the National COVID-19 Vaccine Consultative Committee is to distribute all approved vaccines received as safely, as quickly and as efficiently as possible to all Bahamians and residents throughout The Bahamas, who wish to receive the vaccine. On New Providence, a total of 69,642 doses

of the COVID-19 vaccine have been administered, and on Grand Bahama, 13,737 doses. Both doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine have been successfully rolled out throughout the Family Islands. The Committee is encouraged by the uptake of the vaccine in the Family Islands. A total of 12,613 doses of the vaccine have been administered in the Family Islands to date. Among those eligible to receive a second dose of the vaccine, 86.1 percent of persons who have received the first P34 dose of the COVID-19 vaccine have presented to receive their second dose, across The Bahamas.

Jahzara Taylor, The Diana Award Winner.

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June/July, 2021


said Banu Devi-Nair, Academic Dean, CTI. Judging criteria was based on the participants’ ability to deliver a compelling, well thought out pitch as well as other factors including, the overall viability and unique selling proposition of the business, and the presentation of realistic assumptions and financials. The grant award covers expenses for the further development of the business plan, business license fees, and the purchase of products or services required by each respective business. Davinia Cartwright Vanhorn, won first-place with her pitch to further develop both her businesses, “Da Farm Yaad” and “Da Melting Pot.” Davinia started a successful catering and food business along with her husband in Nassau in 2019, which she recently relocated to Palmetto Point, Eleuthera. “Da Melting Pot” specializes in providing fresh, healthy, farmto-table meals using the best and freshest locally sourced ingredients. Davinia’s pitch included the integration of a hydroponics farm to supply her catering/food business and expand “Da Farm Yaad’s” output of fresh, organic produce for local sales and consumption. Novel services to be introduced also included pre-packaged wellness boxes comprised of fresh produce with daily deliveries to locals and tourists. Second place finisher, Lynette Ferguson proposed “Ancient Native Therapeutic Solutions,” a modern apothecary business providing native, holistic solutions steeped in time-honored Bahamian and African healing traditions. The product line would infuse an extensive array of medicinal herbs freshly harvested from Lynette’s organic hydroponic farm along with raw ingredients sourced naturally from the sea and land. Michelle Outten, earned third place with “Hydro Fresh.” Building on her deep passion for landscaping and growing clean and green, Michelle’s business concept was pitched on expanding her current landscaping business to provide customized hydroponic systems, and seedlings to the local market. Seed to Succeed competition runners-up also included fellow hydroponics students, Tate Bethel (HydroStart Non-profit), Donald Rolle (Rolle’s Hydroponic Solutions) and Charvette Strachan (B.L.I.S.S. Bountiful Living in Savannah Sound). “This is the second “Learn and Earn” cohort to participate in Entrepreneurship 101, an online course offered through the OEF Virtual Campus. It was a pleasure working with and coaching such a capable and energetic group of young Bahamians,” noted Mark Palmer, of the OEF Social Enterprise Accelerator. “I am proud of the achievements of all the students, not just the winners, and see a bright future for them all to continue to build on their business ideas and develop their entrepreneurship skills further.” Speaking on The Bahamas Development Bank’s involvement in this collaborative effort, Sumayyah Cargill, Unit Head of Strategic Development and Initiatives, (BDB) remarked, “The Bahamas Development Bank is proud to partner with the One Eleuthera Foundation with a $5,000 grant to support youth empowerment in our Family Islands. Innovative, climate-smart food production is a necessity for Bahamian self-sustainability. We look forward to the next round of participants and further financing opportunities on Eleuthera.” In closing the competition, special thanks were extended to the Seed to Succeed judges, Sharon

Above (L to R): Keyron Smith, Chief Project Officer, OEF; Yolanda Pawar, Chief Communications Officer, OEF; Michelle Outten, 3rd Place Winner; Charvette Strachan, CTI Hydroponics Student; Tate Bethel, CTI Hydroponics Student; Lynette Ferguson, 2nd Place Winner; Davinia Cartwright-Vanhorn, 1st Place Winner; Shaun Ingraham, CEO and President, OEF.

French, advisor and teacher with Access Accelerator, (SBDC); Deon Gibson, Agricultural Manager at CTI; Michelle Johnson, proprietor of Buccaneers Club and Restaurant; Brenda Harris-Pinder, Financial Services Consultant; and Melanie Rolle-Hilton, CEO of Blueprint Financial. Reflecting on her experience as a judge, Sharon French of the SBDC remarked, “This program provides a platform to showcase the knowledge acquired in the hydroponics class while combining it with a real-world competitive style project allowing the student to learn the art of a great pitch! My advice is to keep learning, take this knowledge and build on it. Keep moving forward with this initiative. Entrepreneurs are especially important to hydroponics. Learning and creating better models in this area will allow for increased crop production while lowering our carbon footprint making more sustainable food sources.” OEF’s Seed to Succeed Competition continues

to be a transformational and experiential tool providing local entrepreneurs with professional coaching, access to start-up funding, and the opportunity to better develop their business plans and models. This initiative supports OEF’s mission to strengthen entrepreneurship and financial inclusion in our community. The competition was launched in August of 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic to assist staff and associates in creating financial independence through entrepreneurial opportunities and personal development. (The Centre for Training and Innovation is a nonprofit tertiary education institution and a core partner of One Eleuthera Foundation. For more information on upcoming courses, and CTI’s Online Courses on its Virtual Campus which offers Professional Development, Workforce, Business Essential and Soft Skills Training call:242-815-3800, email: or visit:

PMH Confirms Incident with Infant in ICU The Public Hospitals Authority and the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) confirms recent reports regarding a situation occurring at the hospital affecting an infant. A one (1) month male infant was admitted to PMH Children’s Ward on Friday June 25 th at 3:00 am and was subsequently transferred on the 28th June to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) under the care of a Neonatologist. While in ICU, the infant experienced an intra venous (IV) infiltration, a common complication during IV therapy, resulting in injuries. The Hospital’s executive management and clinical teams have met with the infant’s immediate family and will continue to provide subsequent daily updates to the family as per

facility policy. The infant continues to receive specialized care for his condition. The public is reminded that visitation at the Princess Margaret Hospital remains restricted to ensure the safety of patients and staff during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Visitation for patients in ICU and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is determined on a case-by-case basis by the clinical team. The public is further reminded to follow all announcements and health advisories from the Ministry of Health and the Public Hospitals Authority for information regarding health and hospital services.


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The Eleutheran


In Tribute - Two Extraordinary Eleuthera Cancer Society Charter Members Laid to Rest Two stalwart members of the Eleuthera Branch of the Cancer Society of the Bahamas passed away recently, and were both laid to rest during the month of June 2021. Both women were renown for their community volunteerism, generosity, and strength of character. Mrs. Brenda Johnson, Charter Member of The Cancer Society Eleuthera Branch, was laid to rest on Saturday, 17th June, 2021. Mrs. Susan Roberts, Founding Member and former Treasurer, along with Dr. Williamson Chea, President extended their condolences on behalf of The Cancer Society of The Bahamas. Mrs. Roberts recalled the early years of the formation of the Cancer Society Eleuthera Branch, how Mrs. Brenda Johnson (affectionately referred to as “Ms. Brenda”) donated funds and cooked meals to raise funds for the construction of the headquarters for The Cancer Society Eleuthera Branch. Mrs. Johnson also donated free accommodations to doctors and nurses that travelled to Eleuthera to assist with free clinics for the residents of Eleuthera. Mrs. Johnson was a benevolent, communityminded lady who gave of her substance without hesitation. The Board members and volunteers of The Cancer Society Eleuthera Branch expressed their gratitude for the role Mrs. Brenda Johnson played and extended sympathy and condolences to her family and friends. Some people are gifted with the ability to assimilate themselves into a community and leave an indelible mark. Gretel Louise Nixon-Sands, affectionately known as “Ms. Ella”, who passed away on Wednesday, June 9th, 2021 was one of those persons. She was community-minded and had a love for

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Mrs. Brenda Johnson. Mrs. Gretel Louise ‘Ella’ Sands. helping people, which drew her to become a Charter Member and Volunteer for The Cancer Society Eleuthera Branch. She served tirelessly and volunteered to raise funds to assist persons suffering from cancer. The supporting role that she played was a vital one which she maintained until she could no longer do so because of ill health. For many years The Cancer Society Eleuthera Branch held Thrift Shops to raise funds and Ms. Ella was one of the leading volunteers who served in this capacity. Her magical smile and good nature

warmed the hearts of many and was sorely missed when she no longer was able to perform her volunteer duties. She was laid to rest on Friday, June 16th, 2021 as family and members of the community paid tribute to this humble spirited lady. The Board members and volunteers of The Cancer Society Eleuthera Branch said they had lost a volunteer extraordinaire and sympathy and prayers were extended to her family. May their souls rest in peace.

Damianos record year The vacation rental market has also seen accelerated

growth in 2021. “Prior to 2020, our rental business was typically seasonal, with the bulk of inquiries coming in during winter and holidays like spring break,” Rademaker said. “But we saw virtually no decline in inquiries throughout 2020, and 2021 is looking much the same. With the popularity and ease of working and attending school remotely these days, buyers are taking the option to rent for a few months to get a real feel for the communities where they’re considering purchasing.” Another stellar boon for the company’s bottom line in 2021 has been its strategic partnership with Baha Mar to exclusively represent Baha Mar Residences, the only Caribbean residential ownership project featuring impeccable turnkey residences by two acclaimed hotel brands: Rosewood Hotels & Resorts and SLS Baha Mar. This alliance has catapulted Damianos Sotheby’s International Realty listings volume to $925 million YTD. “Working with Baha Mar has been the most impactful strategic move we’ve made in the 76-year history of our company, with the exception of becoming a Sotheby’s International Realty franchise in 2005,” Rademaker said. “We cannot be more pleased to have been awarded the honor of exclu-

sively representing these extraordinary residences.” Rademaker also attributes this year’s phenomenal sales numbers to the company’s culture which emphasizes innovation, professionalism and market expertise, attracting the most elite real estate professionals in The Bahamas and resulting in the highest caliber of service for clients. “Despite the challenges and obstacles faced in 2020, our team pivoted and persevered, capitalizing on the enduring relationships we’ve cultivated with our clients over many years, and I think this set a strong foundation for us as we entered 2021,” said Rademaker. “Instead of entering the year at a deficit, we simply built on the steady flow of business we maintained throughout 2020. As the leading real estate brokerage in The Bahamas, Damianos Sotheby’s International Realty continues to grow in strength and numbers. Developing, mentoring and nurturing our team members are top priorities for our leadership team, and that’s reflected in our remarkable track record of success.” Damianos Sotheby’s International Realty has been an industry leader since 1945 specializing in the listing, marketing and sale of luxury and waterfront properties. With 10 offices throughout The Bahamas, Damianos Sotheby’s International Realty boasts the most experienced and successful team of real estate professionals, consistently ranking

among the top producers in The Bahamas real estate industry.

Now Open

10am to 5pm Mon. to Fri.

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28 www. EleutheraNews . com

June/July, 2021

Leadership Transition: Glenda Johnson-Ingraham is

new President of Rotary Club of Eleuthera The Rotary Club of Eleuthera celebrated their changing of the guard, with outgoing President Audrey Carey passing the annual leadership baton on to incoming President Glenda Johnson-Ingraham on Friday evening, June 25th, 2021 at a mixed virtual and face-to-face event hosted at the home of Past President, Julian Carey. It was a very special evening that was shared with Rotary family members, Rotaractors and friends. Special guests, joining the event via virtual meeting included Assistant Governor Carla Card-Stubbs who introduced the guest speaker for the evening, Past District Governor, Cyndi Doragh - from the Rotary Club of Fort Myers Sunrise - who gave the charge to the new president and her members for the upcoming year.

New Rotary Club board members being sworn in - (L-R): Maxwell Leary, Susan Culmer, Audrey Carey, new president Glenda Johnson-Ingraham, Audley Meadows, Jacqueline Gibson, Sherrin Cooper, and Leahnora Knowles.

PDG Doragh, in her charge, laud-

Outgoing president Audrey Carey pinning incoming president Glenda Ingraham.

bean, you are a mighty star!”

Susan Culmer presented with the ‘Rotarian of the Year’ award for 2020/2021 by outgoing president Audrey Carey. ed the Rotary Club of Eleuthera, saying that the members could hold their heads high, as they had set a high standard for other clubs to follow, as members with a heart to serve. “You are not just a little star in the Carib-

Outgoing President Audrey Meadows-Carey followed the guest speaker in addressing those gathered, welcoming everyone present. She spoke to having had to pivot, adapt, and be flexible in the environment of the pandemic. She also lauded her members in the roles they played in the club winning multiple awards and accolades during the past year, despite it being a challenging one. She also spoke to the partnerships fostered during the year, and the growth of the club during her term. She looked back on the year as one where she had the opportunity to serve her community, hone her leadership skills and forge new friendships and networks, add-

Audley Meadows presented with the ‘Service Above Self’ award for 2020/2021 by outgoing president Audrey Carey. ing, “I look forward to another exciting year, undership the leadership of our incoming President Glenda Johnson-Ingraham.” Before pinning the new President and passing on the gavel, Audrey recognized two special members who had contributed selflessly during her 2020/2021 tenure. The first was Susan Culmer of Palmetto Point, who she awarded with the ‘Rotarian of the Year’ award for the Club. Audley Meadows of Tarpum Bay, was also recognized and awarded for ‘Service Above Self’ during the past year. After receiving her instruments of leadership and taking her oath, with the assistance of Past District Governor, Cyndi Doragh, new Pres-

ident Glenda Johnson-Ingraham addressed the audience of colleagues, friends and well-wishers and expressed how honoured she and her incoming board were to receive the mantle of leadership for the new year. She committed to continuing the Club’s reputation of service - and encouraged members to accept the challenge laid down by the new Rotary Year’s presidential theme, “Serve to Change Lives”, by becoming even more involved in planned community service projects, saying, “Caring for and serving others is the best way to live, because it changes not only people’s lives, but also our own.”


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The Eleutheran


Top Eleuthera Primary Students Recognized at the 25th Annual Bahamas Primary School Student of The Year (Bright Minds) Nine bright student nominees from primary schools throughout the Eleuthera District, were selected this year to participate in the 25th Annual Primary School Student of the Year 2021 Awards ceremony. The Bahamas Primary School Student of the Year Foundation (BPSSYF) hosted their 2021 Awards Ceremony on Sunday, July 4th. The event honoured 100 students from public and private schools across New Providence, Grand Bahama and the Family Islands. Thanks to the generous support of Corporate and Individual Donors, the 100 primary school student nominees shared $162,000.00 in scholarships and $30,000 in prizes, with every student nominee receiving a minimum of a $1,000.00 scholarship. Already winners, chosen as the top all around student in both academics and extracurricular activities in their schools on the island, each of the nine students who participated represented as some of the best and brightest sixth graders within The Eleutheras. Commenting on the spirit and character of the 2021 nominees, BPSSYF President and CEO, Ricardo P. Deveaux shared, “For one year, our nominees completed their Grade 5 virtually and in

Deondra Smith

De’Anntae Hepburn

Michaela D

Markaiya Pinder

Rajon Louis

Tamia Knowles

Mckhaln Pinder

Aaliyah Demeritte

Grade 6, experienced a hybrid model of learning. We know that our children have been resilient in their learning environments and we commend them for continuing to strive despite the challenges. Each of our nominees have demonstrated that they are over-comers, and we are proud of them.” The nine Eleutheran primary school nominees, included: Wes Underwood of Samuel Guy Pinder All

PUBLIC NOTICE - Labour Survey On Monday June 21, 2021 the Ministry of Labour, in conjunction with the National Training Agency, the Department of Labour and the National Tripartite Council, formally announced the launching of the National Workforce Skills Gap Survey 2021. This national survey is designed to engage Employers and Business Owners in the Bahamas by inviting them to answer sixteen (16) questions which will assist in the gathering of critical data to enable the Ministry of Labour to (i) identify the skills required by the business community to make their enterprises more productive and efficient, (ii) design education and training programs to respond to the needs of employers and make the Bahamian Labour Force more competitive (iii) provide the Department of Labour with additional data to improve the delivery of quality service to both jobseekers and employers that utilize the Public Employment Services Unit of the Department and (iv) provide important data to our Policy Makers when making decisions on the

Bahamian Labour Market and establishing policies and programs for our national development. The Ministry of Labour cordially invites all employers and business owners throughout the Bahamas to participate in the survey. Interested persons can simply click on the link https://www. and kindly answer the questions and submit your responses as directed. The link is also available on the Facebook pages of: § The Ministry of Labour § The National Training Agency § The Department of Labour § The National Tripartite Council § Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and Employers Confederation

Wes Underwood

Age; Rajon Louis of Laura Anderson Primary; Mckhaln Pinder of Emily G. Petty Primary; Deondra Smith of Deep Creek Primary; Tamia Knowles of Emma E. Cooper Primary; Aaliyah Demeritte of Wemyss Bight Primary; Markaiya Pinder of Harbour Island All Age; Michaela Dorsette of Rock Sound Primary; and De’Anntae Hepburn of Tarpum Bay Primary.

30 www. EleutheraNews . com

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June/July, 2021

Shared Story: Miracle Baby Destiny Celebrates 10

Destiny Cartwright Young Destiny Cartwright, a student at the Laura L. Anderson primary school, who celebrated her 10th birthday during July 2021, is dubbed by her mother, Monique John, as a ‘miracle baby’. In recognition of her daughter’s milestone birthday, her current challenges, and how much she has overcome, Ms. John was inspired to put pen to paper, and share her daughter’s story of survival - expressing how thankful she is to have her daughter with her today. Beginning with her birth, Ms. John shared, “What started as a relaxing off-day for me, quickly turned horrific. On July 7th, 2011, at 8:00 am, I suddenly went into active labor at 28 weeks. I was fearful, especially knowing that my baby might have only a slim chance of survival. I thought, ‘we are on an island that does not have the means or equipment to provide quality care, around-theclock service to my premature infant’. Premature babies are more likely to have chronic health issues and problems along the way. “At approximately 8:45 am, my little miracle graced this earth so radiant and peaceful. I then began to panic. I didn’t hear a cry, and I was worried she had died already. I started to question myself - ‘what have I done wrong? Did I overwork myself? Why - was I not being so careful?’ My little

angel tipped the scale at just 1205 grams (just over two-and-a-half pounds), but she was a fighter and a mighty fighter at that. “During that time, Dr. Ajero was the attending medical physician. He stated that because my baby was born a bit early, she might not make it (tears flooded, and my emotions were everywhere). Nurse Scavella came over and comforted me, saying, ‘My dear, there is nothing too big for God, just pray and don’t blame yourself for this; things happen.’ Dr. Ajero then began to pace the floor nervously, stating, ‘She is not going to make it; she is too young. We need to get this baby out of here now!’ Nurse Cambridge, Nurse Colebrook, Nurse Scavella, and Nurse Asana were my baby’s heroes. They took turns with the pediatric ambu bag and slowly gave her oxygen to help her breathe. Her lungs were not fully developed. To this day, I applaud these hard-working nurses. They did not panic one bit; their aim was to help keep my daughter alive, and they did just that. “The emergency flight was called, and I was told the flight was en route to Abaco to retrieve a patient first and that we would receive notice when they were on the way to Eleuthera. The Nurses continued resuscitative measures helping my baby breathe and live. At noon, Nurse Colebrook asked, ‘Where is this flight, man? It’s been too long now.’ They reached out to the airline again; this time, we were told the baby is too young and might not make it. We were told that they were en route to pick up another patient. I managed to sit up a little and glanced over at my tiny pink baby struggling to breathe and thought, ‘hold on, baby girl’. We all waited to receive the call that help was on the way. At 2:00 pm, Nurse Scavella then called the flight again. She said frantically, ‘If you don’t come to pick up my baby, I will see that you and your company be reported. This child was born at 8:45 am, and we are doing the best we can. She needs to get to the hospital now!’ At about 3:30pm, the ambulance finally arrived at the Hatchet Bay clinic with Dr. Thomas and his team. She was then re-assessed and placed in an incu-

bator for transport. I cried as she left and prayed she would make it after such a long wait. “When we arrived at the hospital in New Providence later that day, she was placed in the Maude Stevenson Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. She was critical but resting comfortably. Tubes were everywhere, and she was placed on a breathing ventilator which she relied on for 100 days. As a result of her fighting to breathe, she developed a major bleed in the brain. As time went on, she developed chronic lung disease and neonatal seizures. To this given day, however, she is free from all medications. “My little miracle was given the name Destiny. She was hospitalized from July 7th, 2011, and finally released on November 12th, of that same year. This process was not easy, and I did it all along with God by my side. Never once did I give up hope. “To this date, Destiny is a very happy child. She enjoys singing and writing. Some days she has her challenges, but with God’s help, we get through them. She must have regular follow-ups with the neurologist, CT scans, and electroencephalograms (EEG) done to detect any abnormalities with the brain’s electrical activity. She is currently enrolled at the Laura L. Anderson Primary School. Ideally, she needs to be placed in a school to meet her special needs. Special needs schools are founded to help students with behavioral problems, learning disabilities, and physical disabilities get a good quality education. “However, she is a part of the EEO Outreach Program that helps her tremendously. It is imperative that we have specialists on the island to help children such as my daughter. It would be difficult having to relocate to a city where you don’t have family or help. Parents should never have to feel ashamed because of having a special needs child. I love my daughter, and I wouldn’t change her for the world. She is slowly progressing, and I am really proud of her accomplishments this far despite her delayed development and autism. “Please help me wish my miracle baby, a VERY Happy 10th Birthday! I give God all the thanks and a tremendous, special thank you to the nurses who fought to keep her alive to see this day. Thank you, thank you, thank you! God Bless my Destiny Cartwright!”

Brief Notes/2)

NASSAU, Bahamas, July 3rd, 2021 – Live musical performances and celebration were held at Pompey Square in Nassau as Crystal Cruises welcomed guests onboard the cruise line’s flagship Crystal Serenity for the inaugural Luxury Bahamas Escapes cruise. The Bahamas now serves as the official homeport for the boutique ship, which offers 7-night voyages exclusively within The Bahamas. With bands playing, national anthem ring-

Also: ing out and the pulsations of Junkanoo,

Bahamian leaders, businesses and stakeholders celebrated a long-awaited historic milestone June 12th, 2021 as more than 1,000 passengers boarded Royal Caribbean’s Adventure of the Seas ready to set sail from its embarkation port of Nassau for the first time in the cruise line’s history and a first for The Bahamas.



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The Eleutheran


National Art Gallery Mural Unveiled in Gregory Town, Eleuthera

Full Fathom Five Mural, 2021, by DeDe Brown, Gregory Town Pineapple Festival Park, Eleuthera. The NAGB team is pleased to announce the completion of the Full Fathom Five mural, commissioned by the The National Art Gallery of The Bahamas (NAGB) as a part of our Mural Programme. This new addition to our Family Island murals was conceptualised and created by Eleutherabased artist Dede Brown. It has found its permanent home at the Gregory Town Pineapple Festival Park on the island of Eleuthera. As with most of our Family Island murals, Full Fathom Five was commissioned for completion as an accompaniment to our bi-annual Inter-Island Travelling Exhibition (ITE) programme, last held in-person in March of 2020. Understandably, when the world changed, the mural project had to be put on hold until it could be completed safely with the community. The aim of the Mural Programme is to engage local artists and community members in the creation of a public art project that holds significance to the community. It is always our intention to ensure that the community has full ownership of the artwork; this typically means the artist is from the community and community members usually participate in both the design and painting process. Brown, in keeping with the InterIsland Traveling Exhibition’s theme, “From Time: Water Has A Perfect Memory” designed a piece with the intention to embody and merge local marine life with local culture in a large-scale, colourful mural that is celebratory, impactful and informa-

tive. This project tells a strong, visual narrative that impacts Bahamians and visitors alike - expanding our awareness of the surrounding marine environment and paying homage to pineapple farming, a once lucrative agricultural practice. Since 1988, Gregory Town has hosted its annual Pineapple Festival, which celebrates the tradition of harvesting pineapples and is held during the annual pineapple harvest. The mural features lined seahorses, octopi, brittle stars, crabs, clams and other organisms found in Sweetings Pond, a land-locked saltwater pond, located near the settlement of Hatchet Bay. It also features the opening of the underwater cavern found in Sapphire Blue Hole and the various sea life found within. Pineapple crowns sit on the heads of a young man and woman who are featured on the upper half of the mural. The crowns symbolise strength and empowerment, encouraging us to further engage and learn about our history, our environment, the impact of climate change and how we can rebuild consciously to ensure a more sustainable future. With such an impactful design, this mural was one that we had to complete despite geographical and pandemic-related challenges. So, once it was safe for painting to resume, we did so with COVID safety protocols strictly enforced. This meant very few people working on the mural at any given time, a longer

Artist, Dede Brown. installation process and a longer completion time for the painting process. We are therefore so grateful to the Gregory Town community and the wider Eleutheran community for their patience and commitment in seeing the project come to fruition. The muralist, Dede Brown, is an interdisciplinary artist who works in painting, photography, mixed media, sculpture and installation. She has formally trained and worked in the fields of Interior Design and Photography, which greatly influences her creative process. As she is located in Spanish Wells, she showed great dedication to this project over the last year, making frequent trips to mainland Eleuthera and rallying community support for the project. Without her on-theground leadership this would not be


possible and the NAGB is so happy to have had the opportunity to work with such a talented, committed artist. We would also like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who participated and assisted with this project, especially Joan and Billy, Julie and Steve, Geoff, Patsy, Allen, Kino, Kevin, Roderick and Allan for donating their time, materials, and efforts towards this mural. And finally, we extend an extra special thank you to The Gregory Town Commission and the Eleuthera Ministry of Tourism who are responsible for the Gregory Town Pineapple Festival Park and have been supportive of the project in every way possible from start to finish. This magnificent two-piece mural, each piece 18 feet high, is a testament to the community’s spirit, togetherness and culture. We are delighted to have played a part in such an important endeavour. In the modern context, murals serve as visual stimuli and vehicles for community and institutional transformation. Where there are murals, there is colour, there is a tale, there is memory. Murals serve as inspiration for hundreds of people and as creative fuel for artists and creatives. The NAGB’s Mural Programme is dedicated to fostering community collaborations and partnerships. It is one of several NAGB outreach initiatives that focus on involving communities in the creation of art while increasing the museum’s presence throughout The Bahamas and fostering an awareness and knowledge of the National Collection. If you would like us to visit your community, please reach out for more information at zmunroe@ Written by Zearier Munroe-Wilkinson

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June/July, 2021

Harbour Island All Age School A resounding theme at this year’s celebrations by Valedictorian’s in their speeches, was the fact that they and their Teacher, Michelle Willie, serenaded the graduating peers had all, ‘Made graduates on the saxophone. It’. The 2021 round of Commencement ceremonies began on Tuesday, June 22nd in Harbour Island at the Harbour Island All Age School (HIAAS) with twenty students participating in graduation exercises which began shortly after 10am that morning. “This is a dynamic class,” said principal Kenneth Roberts. “I am so proud of what they achieved in such a short period of time, and under such unusual circumstances. This class I think is going to set the bar for the rest of the students at this school, and I think the sky is the limit.” Principal Roberts who moved to Harbour Island All Age from the L.N. Coakley High School in Exuma, early in November of 2020, said that he had mixed feelings coming from a High school to an All Age school, Harbour Island All Age School’s Class of 2021 ‘set the bar’ for upcoming classes, according to Principal Kenneth Roberts. but that so far, the year had been a really rewarding one. “I must say that I feel enriched by this experience and exposure.” Graduating at the top of the class at the Harbour Island All Age School as Valedictorian this year was Madison Wilson, followed up by Salutatorian, De’Andra Grant. Their peers also celebrating as graduates included; Astralia Carey, Sophia Johnson, Africa Ferguson, Manay Higgs, Zarian Dean, Valedictorian Madison Sadeea Higgs, Rojihne Johnson, Wilson embraced by her De’Ann Grant, Javarez Barry, Tyqwana Graduate Javarez Barry (center), as well as other stubeaming parents during dents, received awards for character and leadership. awards presentations. Johnson, Dann Turene, Alicia Greene, Ashanti Farrington, Alishanay Lewis, Gabriella Sainvil, Petra Sands, Ditron Major, and Geovannie Robinson. Along with receiving their Bahamas National P33 High School Diplomas, as well as with certificates

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Sophia Johnson, a top graduate, who also received a Kay Markets scholarship, smiling happily with her proud parents and MP Rickey Mackey.

Salutatorian, De’Andra Grant, surrounded and supported by proud family members as her many academic achievements are announced - there were too many trophies for one person to hold. She and other top graduates received scholarships from a number of corporate sponsors in the Harbour Island community.



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The Eleutheran


Samuel Guy Pinder All Age School

Co-Valedictorians, Chandler Mullin and Colby Mullin deliver a combined speech.

Salutatorian Delano Armbrister presenting ‘Reflections’.

DSE Michael Culmer lent his support to each graduation ceremony. Here he presents to Salutatorian, Delano Armbrister.

Samuel Guy Pinder All Age graduating Class of 2021 (L-R): Cody Sweeting, Jessica Prophete, Kaitlin Johnson, Cherish Carey, Delano Armbrister, Amanda Kemp, Chandler Mullin, Colby Mullin, Gabriella Stubbs, Dianthe Anderson, Denicha Petit-Homme, Vedlin Pierre-Louis, and Allyanna Payne. and trophies for requisite academic, sport and community service achievements - top performing graduates were rewarded with various scholarship awards from corporate sponsors within the Harbour Island community.

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SAMUEL GUY PINDER ALL AGE The Samuel Guy Pinder All Age School (SGPAAS) 2021 commencement in Spanish Wells, with principal Chardel Brown-Gibson, was held on the following Wednesday evening, June 23rd, within the Chandler and Colby Mullin’s family members cheer Methodist Church, and began at 6pm with proudly during their awards presentations. Graduate, Cherish Carey, warmly embraced by her family. supporting family and friend groupings sitting together in assigned rows. Co-Valedictorians and also twin brothers, Chandler Mullin and Colby Mullin delivered a combined speech, where they advised their classmates to ‘own their path’, and to ‘claim their future’, saying, “We’ve made it this far, so we are strong enough to go on!” Guest speaker, Travis Newbold, from Spanish Wells, spoke to the young graduates about the power of humble service to mankind. Principal Chardel Brown-Gibson, who joined the Samuel Guy Pinder All Age school six years ago, at the same time that the SGPAAS Class of 2021 began their junior high journey in grade seven, was very emotional as she addressed the graduates and their supporting audience of family, and friends. She described the class as ‘her babies’, and as she said farewell to them as students, she announced that she would also be saying farewell to the school as principal, having been assigned to a new posting for September 2021. Salutatorian at SGPAAS, Delano Armbrister, who also received a special ‘Butterfly’ award during the evening for his growth P34 in character during his high school years also presented a Graduate, Vedlin Pierre-Louis beams brightly, as she, like many of her peers, stands piece, reflecting on the past six years for the thirteen graduwell supported by friends and family.

34 www. EleutheraNews . com

ates. Graduating at the Page. 33 top of the class at the Samuel Guy Pinder All Age School as CoValedictorians this year was Chandler Mullin and Colby Mullin, followed up by Salutatorian, Delano Arbrister. Their peers also celebrating as graduates included; Dianthe Anderson, Cherish Carey, Kaitlin Johnson, Amanda Kemp, Denicha Petit-Homme, Jessica Prophete, Cody Sweeting, Gabriella Stubbs, Vedlin Pierre-Louis, and Allyanna Payne. PRESTON H. ALBURY HIGH SCHOOL On Friday, June 25th, twin ceremonies took place at opposite ends of the island. Preston H. Albury High School’s (PHAHS) graduation service, with principal Tracey Mackenzie, took place on the grounds of the school in Rock Sound at 10am on Friday morning. Sixteen graduates marked the successful end of high school, and the beginning of their foray into young adulthood. Principal Mckenzie in his charge to the PHAHS graduates, congratulated them for having successfully maneuvered between the virtual and face-to-face modes of learning, and encouraged them to build on this independence in learning as they continued with their education. District Superintendent of Education for Eleuthera, Mr. Michael Culmer, who attended each public high school commencement ceremony, across the island, in his brief address to the students, highlighted to them that all the successes they were enjoying on that day, were as a result of efforts they had made earlier on. In the same way, he urged them to look at the graduation day not as an ending, but a beginning, where their efforts going forward could take them toward future successes “Do those things that are going to bring success!” P40 Graduating at the top

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June/July, 2021

Preston H. Albury High School

Preston H. Albury High School’s graduating Class of 2021, stand with Education officials - DSE Michael Culmer, DEO Fontella Knowles, Asst. DSE Kirkwood Cleare, Principal Tracy McKenzie, Sr. Mistr. Loretta Butler and VP Sharon Scott.

Co-Salutatorian Jubilee Roger, receiving her Diploma and academic achievement awards and trophies, with DSE Michael Culmer.

Co-Salutatorian Petra Butler, receiving her Diploma and academic achievement awards and trophies, with Mrs. Culmer.

BAHAMAS Covid-19 Vaccine Data

As a group, 91.2 percent of persons receiving their first dose in the Family Islands have returned for their second dose. On Nassau, 85.5 percent have returned for their second dose, and on Grand Bahama, 84.5. percent. Vaccines are distributed in The Bahamas once they meet emergency use approval by the World Health Organization; the country must also be able to secure the prescribed storage facilities, with the recommended transport and administrative measures, inclusive of management of waste. The following is the total number of vaccines received by The Bahamas so far: • 20,000 AstraZeneca vaccines donated by the

Government of India – received 10 March 2021 • 33,600 AstraZeneca vaccines pre-paid through the COVAX Facility – received 30 March 2021 • 33,600 AstraZeneca vaccines pre-paid through the COVAX Facility – received 11 May 2021 • 5,000 AstraZeneca vaccines through an exchange with the Government of Antigua and Barbuda – received 24 June 2021 The COVID-19 vaccine will continue to be administered for as long as possible until additional supplies of vaccines are received. A third tranche of 33,600 AstraZeneca vaccines, prepaid through the COVAX facility, is expected to be

received before the end of July. The Bahamas has been informed that it will receive this third tranche on the 26 July 2021. The Bahamas has also received an offer from the United States, through the CARICOM health agency CARPHA, for additional COVID-19 vaccines. This process is underway; however, The Bahamas has not yet received a specific timeline for delivery. This week vaccines will be administered at Loyola Hall on Gladstone Road in New Providence and at the Susan J. Wallace Community Centre on Grand Bahama, Monday 5 July through Wednesday 7 July. Vaccinations will pause on Thursday 8 July for the Independence Holiday and resume the following week, starting Wednesday 14 July 2021. Further updates on vaccine distribution and deliveries will be issued on an ongoing basis.

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June/July, 2021


Community Service: Eleuthera Lions Club Members begin action with a Focus on Education The Eleuthera Lions Club, says Nathalie Russell,a founding member of the recently formed club, now in the process of being chartered, was founded during December 2020, with twelve charter members, including: Shuvagla Carey, Donald Rolle, Pastor Lincoln Young, Wayde Thompson, Denise Clarke, Margarita Culmer, Genester Farrington, Nathalie Russell, Cladwell Farrington, Leshanda Brown, Anthony Smith (the late) and Renardo Brown. Key focus areas of the fledgling community service group, shared Russell, are health, hunger, education and the environment. With the restrictions on travel within the current pandemic environment, an early initiative to have doctors

{In the photo) Founding Eleuthera Lions Club Member, Nathalie Russell, stand with Essay Competition Winners.

PUBLIC NOTICE Immigration Digital Services As the Department of Immigration continues to drive innovation and growth through digital transformation, the public is advised of the following new online services launched Monday, 28th June, 2021: 1. Submission of renewal resident spouse card 2. Submission of short term work permit (31 to 90 days only) Clients are likewise reminded to access the portal for the following digital services: 1. Track the status of application 2. To submit renewal application for permit to reside and long term work permits 3. To pay associated fees To access the portal, simply log on to www.immigration/ onlineportal For more information, you can contact us at: Telephone: 225-5337 (Call Center) Email: or Website: Facebook: Bahamas Department of Immigration

visit the island to assist with screenings for ailments like diabetes, cancer and others had to be pushed back, so, efforts most recently were directed towards education. To this end, said Russell, the Club recognized and awarded the top BJC and BGCSE students from each of the government schools on the Eleuthera mainland, including Preston Albury High (PHAHS), Central Eleuthera High (CEHS), and North Eleuthera High (NEHS). Top BJC award recipients were Alexandria Culmer of CEHS, Mark Bullard of NEHS, and Chalie Sanders of PHAHS. Top BGCSE award recipients were Sarah Carey of PHAHS, Roihyan Adderley of CEHS, and Kyle Collins of NEHS. Earlier initiatives by the Club, included a hot meals giveaway to 200 individuals and families during January of 2021. Also, during May of 2021, a Mother’s Day essay competition, said Russell, saw 16 participants take part in primary and junior high divisions. Prizes were awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers in the primary division (to Tashae McDonald, Ronald Carey and Vardo Lashon McKenzie), and 1st and 2nd place prizes in the junior division (to Terrinique Sands and Mareko Clayton).

All-Purpose Workers to be hired by the Ministry of Education One hundred sixty-nine All-Purpose Workers will soon be hired in public schools throughout the country the Hon. Jeffrey Lloyd, Minister of Education announced Wednesday, June 2nd in his 2021/2022 Budget Contribution to the House of Assembly. “We recognize that the pandemic is not over and that we still need to exercise continued caution to minimize risks to students

and staff on our campuses,” said Minister Lloyd. The new hires will conduct temperature checks, ensure students are masked, maintain social distance, and follow any other protocols prescribed by the Ministry of Health. “These workers, will in the first instance support the safety measures in our schools and allow our administrators and security officers to do their respective jobs. They will

also be required to fill HR deficits on the various campuses where they are posted. “This is a well-thought out recruitment drive precipitated by the climate in which we live today. We cannot place the responsibility of maintaining safety protocols on already overburdened teachers, administrators and security personnel,” he added.

Bahamian Fishermen Brought in by RBDF for Fishing Violations A total of eleven fishermen were apprehended for fisheries violations by members of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force in the northern Bahamas. While on routine patrol, Defence Force patrol craft HMBS LIGNUM VITAE, under the command of Sub Lieutenant Miska Clarke boarded and searched a Bahamian registered fishing vessel named “Dawn Celeste” approximately 28 nautical miles south of Bimini. The crew, consist-

ing of Bahamian nationals, were taken into custody after being found in possession of illegal fishing apparatus, namely diving compressors, along with fishery products. The vessels and crew were escorted into Bimini and turned over to the relevant authorities for further questioning. Source: RBDF

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June/July, 2021

Second Roll Out for Covid - Vaccines on island Bumpy start in several locations, smooths out over time A second rollout of Covid-19 vaccinations took place at five different location across Eleuthera on Wednesday, June 23rd and Thursday, June 24th, 2021. Vaccinations teams were available for both second dose and first dose inoculations on those days in Rock Sound, Palmetto Point, The Bluff, Spanish Wells, as well as Harbour Island. Residents, ahead of the follow up rollout, were advised to make an appointment online to register for their shot and that a Bahamas government issued form of identification was required. People who were unable to take advantage of the online registration were also able to register on-site and reportedly were not turned away. On Wednesday, the first day of the rollout, a number of the sites were described being disorganized to start, as flow processes were ironed out, and some system failures reported. In Harbour Island, a recipient of the first vaccine shot who had an appointment at noon on Wednesday for the second, near 3pm shared, “It is a bit of a mess down here. The system keeps crashing, so the process keeps shifting. People are getting restless.”

An hour later at 4pm, some people were still in line who had been given 12 noon appointment times. It was not until later in the day, that flow times were said to have improved. At 4:30pm, a noon appointee, who had finally made it inside the Clinic, commented, “It’s amazing what a cool room and seating can do for the psyche.” Similar experiences in The Bluff were reported, and in Palmetto Point the process was described as having a bit of a chaotic start on Wednesday as well. However, Nurse Tamica Knowles, Nursing Lead with the visiting team in Palmetto Point, shared that the first day there ended on a high note in terms of organization. “In total we saw 215 second doses, and we did about 95 first doses. So, give or take a few, we did about 300 (on the Wednesday).” By Thursday, residents being serviced at the Harbour Island Clinic also reported a much more organized experience. Nurse Knowles also informed that residents who received their second dose during this most recent round of vaccinations would be considered fully vaccinated after two weeks, and could expect to receive their vaccination certificates by email. For those receiving their first jab, she advised that the

PM/Covid Emergency Order Changes Page. 21 beaches and parks has been increased from five to 15. This applies to New Providence and Paradise Island, Grand Bahama, mainland Abaco, Eleuthera, including Harbour Island, and Great and Little Exuma, where restrictions were previously in place. Private gatherings and other social events in homes and elsewhere may now be held, provided that all attendees are fully vaccinated with both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. This applies to New Providence and Paradise Island, Grand Bahama, mainland Abaco, Eleuthera, including Harbour Island, and Great and Little Exuma, where restrictions were previously in place. Hosts will be responsible

for verifying vaccination status of their guests. Hosts and guests

will be subject to fines for noncompliance.

Wedding receptions will now be permitted on New Providence and Grand Bahama, provided that all attendees are fully vaccinated. All performance groups and artists, including bands, Junkanoo groups, dance troupes and acting groups may perform at all activities permitted under the Emergency Powers Order, provided that all performers are fully vaccinated. The Prime Minister emphasized that mask and sanitization requirements remain in place for everyone. “Our aim is to fully re-open in several months if various conditions are met and advised by health officials,” said Prime Minister Minnis. “As always, we will continue to follow the science and consult with our health team on how best to move forward.”

second dose was recommended to be done between seven and twelve weeks after the first dose. She was not aware of exactly when the teams would be back on island for a third visit, but commented, “We will be back. I cannot say exactly when, but I am sure that we will be back, because we are all on board with getting the whole Bahamas vaccinated. We don’t want Family Islanders to feel that we are only doing these initiatives in New Providence.” When asked about the length of time a vaccination can be considered to be certified for Nurse Knowles said that was still to be determined, “We are not certain if this is going to be something like the flu-vaccine where you get a booster shot every season, so we are not sure yet. What we do know is that what we are offering will provide you with coverage - it doesn’t make you immune to catching or contracting Covid-19, it just makes your chances of becoming really ill, small. That’s why we are encouraging persons, especially those with predisposing factors or co-morbidities, like those with hypertension, diabetes, asthma and the like, who already have conditions, that if

they were to get Covid could make it that much worse. Those are the people who we are really targeting. However, we still want our younger population, who are ‘healthy’ to come, because those same persons are our ‘superspreaders’ who could take it home to their older parents and grandparents, and those are where our fatalities are coming.” She added, “There is a lot of negative information about the vaccine out their, and I just want people to know that they should do their own research. Get it from credible sources. Think about it, and make an educated decision for yourself. I think professionally and personally that it’s a good thing, but just do your research.” Before the second vaccine rollout on Eleuthera, 1,370 residents were reported by the Ministry of Health to have received a first dose of the vaccine. After the June 23rd - 24th rollout, the Ministry reported that 2,103 residents had received a first dose - indicating that an additional 733 persons had been inoculated with their first jab, and 1,211 residents were reported to have received a second vaccine dose.

Picture This

(NASSAU, The Bahamas) - The Bahamas welcomed Frontier Airlines Inaugural Flight, on June 25th, with excitement as it landed at the Lynden Pindling International Airport. Frontier is the first ultra-low fare carrier to enter the Caribbean market with multiple travel days per week. Frontier will operate direct flights from Miami International Airport to Nassau four times a week, starting July 2021. On hand for the welcoming ceremony were: Minister of Tourism & Aviation, the Hon. Dionisio D’Aguilar; Director General of Tourism Joy Jibrilu; Vernice Walkine, President and CEO of Nassau Airport Development Company (NAD); Ricardo Rolle, General Manager, Nassau Flight Services; and other officials. (BIS Photos/Kemuel Stubbs)

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June/July, 2021


“Cashless” Roll-Out Continues Across Gov’t (Royal Bahamas Police Force and Department of Labour go cashless with new DigiPay integration) The Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) joined the Department of Labour and a number of other government organizations in going cashless in New Providence on Monday, June 7th, 2021. The Department of Labour made its transition on June 1st, 2021. With the integration of the new Bahamas Digital Payment Platform (DigiPay), these two entities will now process payments via debit or credit card or with cash at third-party vendors Omni Financial, Sun Cash, or Cash & Go. “The transitions to cashless environments represent our administration’s larger goal of modernizing the way the government does business with Bahamians,” said Minister of State for Finance J. Kwasi Thompson. “By diversifying the payment methods we accept and continuing to grow the number of services offered online, it is now easier than ever to do just that. With modern technology comes not only safer and more efficient ways of handling government payments, but also increased accessibility to our services. Our DigiPay platform

streamlines our revenue collection by providing a single payment platform for our ministries, departments, and agencies. Revenue is reported in real-time to the Treasury Financial Management System.” The RBPF will be accepting debit or credit card payments inoffice for character references, gun license renewals, new gun license certificates, traffic reports, towing fees, fingerprint requests and chassis checks. Applications and payments for many of the RBPF services can also be made online via the government’s growing service portal or with cash at a third party vendor. While the current phase only applies to the operations in New Providence, residents in the Family Islands can expect similar cashless environments and online access to the Department of Labour and RBPF to have been introduced by the end of June. “As we continue to revive our economy after the damaging effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and Hurricane Dorian, DigiPay and its cashless environments will steadily assist our revenue collection and help to improve access to government services.” said Minister Thompson. The Ministry of Finance will

Wells Outlines Health Projects in the Works for Eleuthera During his budget contribution in the House of Assembly on June 16th and 17th, 2021, Minister of Health, Renward Wells commented on some of the health facility projects that Eleutherans could look forward to during the 2021/2022 fiscal year, as well as further considerations to be given to improving health services on the island. Projects in the pipeline to take place during the next 12 months, said Wells, included: • “The Phase 2 repairs to the Spanish Wells and Harbour Island Clinics; • a redesign and repairs of the Lower Bogue clinic and residence is anticipated; • Phase 1 repairs and renovations of the Old Governor’s Harbour Clinic and Residence; and;

we will also begin the construction of a state-of-the-art facility on mainland Eleuthera.” Aside from his oblique reference to a ‘state-of-the-art facility on mainland Eleuthera’, no further details were offered up by Minister Wells about this project. Residents in Eleuthera are well aware of the large mounds of quarry created in the township of Palmetto Point by the previous administration in preparation for a promised ‘medical facility’ in Eleuthera, as well as talks in 2019 about the possibility of converting the Worker’s House facility in Governor’s Harbour for the same purpose, both of which have not materialized to-date. Minister Wells also thanked MP of North Eleuthera, Ricky Mackey, saying, “Eleuthera now has a newly

continue with its cashless initiative throughout the remainder of the year. The Customs Department and Road Traffic Department are among the agencies scheduled to begin the transition in earnest by December.

renovated Bluff Clinic. I would like to thank my colleague, who spearheaded this renovation and we will open this Clinic at the end of July once we have procured the necessary medical equipment to be housed there” Wells went on to comment on the generally poor state of health facilities in Eleuthera, informing, “Here

is a national health fact. The Island of Eleuthera has a total of sixteen (16) clinics which accounts for 17.0% of all Primary Health Care Facilities or Clinic Services in the country. What is disconcerting, Mr. Speaker, is the fact that seven (7) or 44.0% of the 16 clinics on the Island of Eleuthera, especially Mainland Eleuthera, do

not meet healthcare standards. Assessments show that

they only can provide basic care and unless there is massive injection of capital they will never meet licensing standards. “Consequently, plans are underway between the central and local executive management teams in South Eleuthera to strengthen the provision of home care services. Later in the year, a healthcare conclave or workshop will be held with the Ministry of Health and the community to determine the best way forward. We will discuss - the access to healthcare services on the island; the construction of new facilities; and extended hours of the clinical operations. “We will not leave Eleuthera in that current state. The built environment throughout the Bahamas will be busy in this coming budget period,” concluded Wells in his commentary directed to the state of health affairs in Eleuthera.

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Crime News

Select police reports, shared by the RBPF locally and 2:30pm on 22/6/2021 while at Lighthouse Beach some unknown On Tuesday 22nd June 2021, person/s stole $375.00 cash, (1) at about 4:35pm, an adult female re- black Apple IPhone 11 valued ported to the North Eleuthera Police $900.00, (1) long and shirt sleeve Station that sometime between Mon- shirt valued $90.00, (1) black IPhone day 21st June 2021 and Tuesday XR value$750.00. Police action re22nd June 2021, some unknown quested. As a result of investigations person/s stole a black water pump from her place of employment Police into this matter, two adult males were Action Requested. This matter is un- arrested, interviewed and charged with Stealing, Two IPhones and a Go der active investigation. Pro Camera were recovered. Ferocious Dog Attack Report Drug Arrest: On Saturday 26th On Monday 21st June, 2021 at about 10:15am, an adult male June 2021, sometime around 2:50 came into Harbour Island Police Sta- pm, Officers while conducting ention and reported that on Thursday quiries in the area of Waterford, 17th June, 2021 sometime around observed a group of young men 2:30pm he was attacked by two seated near a pink apartment builddogs, one of which was grayish in ing, the officers took note as one of color and the other being brown the young men removed a leafy suband white which bit him on the left stance from a “Grabba” tobacco leaf arm puncturing his skin and causing pack, and placed it into his mouth. As a result, the officers bepain. The dog was not able to latch on to him as he was moving. Police came suspicious and quickly apaction requested. On Tuesday 22nd proached the suspect, and retrieved June, 2021 at about 3:00pm while the “Grabba” leaf package, which at Harbour Island Police Station, Of- they examined and found to contain ficers arrested and cautioned an a quantity of suspected marijuana. adult male reference to Permitting a The suspect was arrested, cauferocious dog to be at large. He was tioned, and taken to Rock Sound Poprocessed and charged with that of- lice Station where he was processed and charged. fence.

Stealing Reported

Ferocious Dog Attack Report On Monday 21st June 2021 at about 7:20pm an adult female came to the Governor’s Harbour Police Station and reported that sometime around 6:20pm on 21/06/2021, while walking her dogs and her friend’s eight month old Rottweiler dog on the beach, her friend’s dog attacked a Caucasian male, biting him on the right calf and chased him into the seawater. She further stated that the male refused her help and told her to leave. At 9:43pm Monday 21st June 2021, an adult male came to the Governor’s Harbour Police Station and reported that sometime around 6:00pm on 21/06/2021, while walking on the beach he was attacked by a Rottweiler dog who bit him on the left calf causing injuries; the dog was a part of several dogs being walked by a Caucasian woman off leash. Police action requested. On Saturday 26/06/21 while at the Governor’s Harbour Police Station the suspect in this matter was arrested and cautioned for permitting a ferocious dog to be at large. She was then processed and charged with that offence.

Dangerous Drugs Arrest On Saturday 26th June, 2021, sometime around 12:05pm, Officers reported arresting a male for possession of dangerous drugs. The said officers reported that while conducting road traffic point duties, they stopped a Black vehicle with three male occupants. Upon searching the vehicle, they found a foil paper with a quantity of grassy substance suspected to be Marijuana. They were all processed and charged with that offence. POSSESSION OF D/DRUGS Arrest At about 11:50am on Wednesday 23rd June, 2021, Officers reported arresting one adult female and one adult male reference to Possession of Dangerous Drugs. They reported that they were both arrested in the area of Queens Highway, Burrows Pond, Governor’s Harbour, and Eleuthera. Both persons were processed and charged.

Drug Arrest: On Friday 18/06/21 sometime around 1:50 pm Officers while conducting road checks along Queens Highway, in area of Salt Bluff, Tarpum Bay reported arresting an adult male and an adult female, for Possession of Dangerous Drugs after a homemade Marijuana Stealing Report On Wednesday 23rd June, cigar was found in a Blue backpack 2021 sometime around 5:00pm an in their vehicle. After additional inadult male came in at Governor’s formation was received by officers Harbour Police Station and report- a team was sent to the residence of ed that sometime between 2:00pm the male suspect to conduct further

investigations. Upon arrival, officers seized a quantity of suspected Marijuana from a northern dining room. Also, the suspect led officers, North of his residence to a nearby 10’ by 14’ field hidden by bushes which contained (20) Marijuana plants. The suspect was further cautioned reference to Cultivation of Marijuana. The exhibits were seized and the suspects were later processed and charged. Possession of Dangerous Drugs Arrest On 17/06/21 Officers reported that while conducting a road check on Queens Highway Savannah Sound they observed the a male suspect who appeared to be attempting to evade the Police as a result a search was conducted of his vehicle conducted where they found a clear plastic wrapping with a grassy plant like material suspected to be marijuana in the center console, as a result he was placed under arrest and cautioned. He was processed and charged with that offence. Arrest reference to possession of Dangerous: Acting on intelligence, at about 12:25 p.m. on Thursday 17th June 2021, Officers from the Spanish Wells Police Station armed with a search, which resulted in the arrest of three adult females and the two adult males after a quantity of suspected marijuana, pills, vapor cartridges and oils containing high concentrations of THC were found hidden about the apartment. They were all escorted to the Spanish Wells Police Station for processing and later charge. Possession of Dangerous Drugs: On 17/06/21 Officers reported arresting an adult male, after he was found in the area of Governor’s Harbour Airport with suspected marijuana. He was later processed and charged for possession of d/drugs. Arrest ref. Possession of Dangerous Drugs: On Tuesday 15th June 2021 sometime around 12:00 p.m., Officers were on mobile patrol on Leo Pinder Road Spanish Wells. When they observed a black 2004 Club Car golf cart being driven east on the mentioned road by an adult male without a rear plate affixed. Officers observed the driver attempting to throw

June/July, 2021 something into bushes as he drove along. Officers were able to recover a small amount of suspected marijuana from the street. At about 12:15 p.m. the suspect was placed under arrest and cautioned reference to possession of dangerous drugs. He was later processed and charged with that offence. Drug Arrest - On Tuesday 15/06/21, sometime around 11:06 am, Officers while on enquiries in the area of Martin Luther King Road, Rock Sound reported observing a male sitting inside of a white vehicle, who began acting in a suspicious manner upon seeing the police. As a result, the officers approached the suspect and informed him that they suspect him to be in possession of dangerous drugs and/or firearms. A search was conducted and a quantity of suspected marijuana was found which led officers to arrest and caution the suspect. He was later processed and charged for that offence. Drug/Immigration Violation Arrest Report: On Thursday 10/6/21 at about 10:14am Officers at Harbour Island Police Station reported arresting an adult male of Pitt Street Harbour Island reference to Possession of Dangerous Drugs namely Marijuana and Immigration violation.. The suspect was processed and charged with the offence of possession of d/drugs. Search warrant executed (Drug Arrest): On Thursday 10/06/21 sometime around 10:35 am Officers while armed with a search warrant visited the residence of an adult male located at Princess Street, Harbour Island. While searching the bedroom officer discovered foil wrapping containing a quantity of suspected marijuana along with a light blue package labeled cookie with an additional quantity of suspected marijuana. The suspect was arrested and caution reference to possession of dangerous drugs and was later transported to the Harbour Island Police where he was later charged for the offence. Drug arrest Report On Thursday 3rd June 2021 at about 9:03pm Officers came in at Hatchet Bay Police Station with an adult male of George Street

Police Contact Numbers

HeadQuarters (GH) 332-3500

Governor’s Harbour 332-2111 OR 332-2117 O/C Governor’s Harbour 332-2723 Gov.Harb. Airport Station 332-2323 Deep Creek Station 334-8207 Tarpum Bay Station 334-4033 Rock Sound Station 334-2244 Rock Sound Sgt. Office 334-2212 Rock Sound Airport Stn 334-2052 L. Bogue Station (Airport) 335-1208 Harbour Island Station 333-2111 O/C Harbour Island 333-2327 Spanish Wells Station 333-4030 Gregory Town Station 335-5322 Hatchet Bay Station 335-0086

Hatchet Bay under arrest reference to possession of dangerous drugs. He was processed and charged with that offence. Arrest: Possession of Dangerous Drugs Case - At about 9:45pm on Wednesday the 2nd June 2021, Officers while on mobile patrol along Spring Street, Bluff stopped and conducted a search of a Red vehicle that was occupied by one adult male driver who was later arrested and cautioned after a Silver foil wrapping containing Marijuana was found on the floor of the passenger seat He was later processed and charged with the offence. Arrest: Possession of Dangerous Drugs At about 10:00pm on Wednesday the 2nd June 2021, Officers while on mobile patrol in Bluff observed a male in area of Hilton Motel, who upon seeing the police began to act in a suspicious manner. Officers stopped and conducted a search of this person who was found with a clear plastic containing a grassy substance, believed to be Marijuana. The suspect was arrested and cautioned. He was later processed and charged with that offence.


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Photo moment

The Eleutheran


A Heart For Helping: Merionette Hall of Rock Sound, South Eleuthera, an avid volunteer with the Eleuthera Branch of the Cancer Society of the Bahamas, was described by former president Juanita Pinder as having ‘A huge heart’ for raising funds for the cause. She is pictured here in June 2021 doing just that, with the little that she has to help in any way that she can.

Deputy Governor General, Mrs. Lonnie Emmeline Rolle, pictured with the Hon. Sir Brian Moree, Kt., QC, Chief Justice of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.

Mrs. Lonnie Rolle Sworn-In as Deputy GG

The Office of The Governor-General advised on Wednesday, June 16th, 2021 that Their Excellencies The Most Honourable Sir Cornelius A. Smith, O.N., GCMG, and Lady Smith departed The Bahamas for Florida shortly before mid-day on the same day. The Governor-General traveled on vacation leave and was scheduled to return to The Bahamas on Saturday, July 3rd, 2021. Mrs. Lonnie Emmeline Rolle, Former Senator, of Gregory Town, Eleuthera, acted as Deputy to the Governor-General during his absence. Mrs. Rolle, was sworn in as Deputy to the Governor General by the Hon. Sir Brian Moree, Kt., QC, Chief Justice of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, at the Office of the Governor General, One Montague Place on Wednesday, June 16th, 2021. Mrs. Rolle was last sworn in as Deputy to the Governor General by the Hon. Senior Justice Estelle Gray-Evans, Acting Chief Justice, at Government House, on Friday, February 28th, 2020. Also present for the 2020 swearing-in was her husband Cedric Rolle.

RBDF receives Vessels and Equipment from

US Government

In keeping with the Commander Defence Force, Commodore Dr. Raymond King’s strategic intent of professionalizing the organization and responsiveness to the security environment nationally and regionally, three vessels and technology equipment were presented to the Bahamas Government by the US Government on Tuesday June 22nd, 2021. Bringing remarks during a brief ceremony at the Royal Bahamas Defence Force Base, Coral Harbour, were Ms. Usha Pitts US Chargé d’Affaires, and the Minister of National Security, the Honourable Marvin Dames. US military officials also included Rear Admiral Daniel Cheever, Director of Strategy, Policy and Plans, United States Northern Command, Major General Michelle Rose, Director of Logistics and Engineering, United States Northern Command and Major General Christopher Callahan, Adjutant General, Rhode Island National Guard. According to Minister Dames, the vessel, technological and biometric system equipment, which were donated by the US Government through the US Embassy to the Bahamas Government, is worth 5.9

million dollars. In thanking them, he assured his government’s commitment to continue the mutual partnership that was established since the 1980’s. Commodore King reiterated that the safe boats will complement the existing Damen vessel classes to counter drug trafficking operations, particularly in the southeastern Bahamas, as well as counteracting migrant smuggling in the northwest Bahamas, and also increase the RBDF’s capacity and capability as a result of the donations. “We are now phasing into decentralization, whereby these assets will greatly assist with personnel and logistics needed in the southern and northern Bahamas, who may be there for predetermined periods. We are making positive progress in this regard,” said Commodore King. “The communication equipment enhances our capability to have effective command and control in our operations. The biometric equipment gives us the opportunity to validate individuals we may interact with at sea. We will be able to determine which countries they are from, and background checks to see if they are wanted criminals.” The US delegation was taken on a tour of the Defence Force Base, and also on a brief ride aboard the newly donated safe boat.

The sign pinned to the table where Merionette is seated indicates that proceeds from the sale of mangoes on that day, would go to the Cancer Society (Eleuthera).

Snapshot Covid -19

In The News: British PM Boris Johnson confirmed at the beginning of July that pending a final review of data on July 12th, his government plans as of July 19th to end most rules in England related to COVID 19.

As it was July 4th, 2021

For more information visit

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June/July, 2021

Poised to take their next step. Some of the graduates of Preston H. Albury High School (PHAHS) stand, being overlooked by the image of the school’s namesake. PHAHS Graduates pictured from (L-R) are: Darren Thompson, David Elliott, Jadon Knowles, Azaria Brown, Alexio Sands, Shondira Daxon, Tyrone Saunders, Tauje Evans, Sidron Johnson, Kelvano Rolle, Ramiyah Colebrooke, and co-Salutatorian Petra Butler. of the class at the Preston Albury Page. 34 High School as Valedictorian this year was Tanai Sands, followed up by co-Salutatorians, Petra Butler and Jubilee Rogers. Their peers also celebrating as graduates included; Kelvano Rolle, Ramiyah Colebrooke, Christiano Knowles, Tauje Evans, Sidron Johnson, Tyrone Saunders, Shondira Daxon, Alexio Sands, Azaria Brown, Jadon Knowles, David Elliott, Darren Thompson, and Shawnthia Spencer. NORTH ELEUTHERA HIGH SCHOOL Later the same Friday afternoon, at the North Eleuthera High School in Lower Bogue, with principal Kevin Hepburn, commencement exercises began on the grounds of the school at 2pm. Family, friends and well-wishers sat comfortably tented on what was an extremely warm afternoon. Thirty-eight

students took part in the graduation ceremony, with seventeen of them receiving Bahamas National High School Diplomas. Principal Hepburn, shared that in conversation with many in the twelfth grade class, he had been asked the question, ‘Where do we go from here, and what is next?’. As he addressed the graduating class, his answer was, “It is thoroughly up to you. The future is yours. You are ready and more than able to grasp the opportunities before you.” In his Valedictorian speech, Kyle Collins, who also achieved induction into the National Honours Society, walked down the memory lane of the past six years with his classmates - the changes they experienced, the struggles, as well as the characters that made their high school journey unique. Special guest speaker that afternoon was, Phillip Moss, an alumnus of the school who graduated in 2016. He encouraged the graduating class to stay focused on

NEHS Salutatorian, Damari Johnson, receives his academic awards and accolades during the ceremony with proud teachers and DSE Michael Culmer on hand to make the presentation.

the goals they set, and to not allow others to discourage their progress. Valedictorian for North Eleuthera High School this year, Kyle Collins was joined at the top of the class by Salutatorian, Damari Johnson. Their peers also celebrating as graduates included; Rodgeno Albury, Nadia Alcira, Dayshanae Collins, Shkeil Darrell, Rayven Gibson, Tierra Kemp, Sherlinda Ladresse, Robendjina Louima, Jayden McDonald, Paulsen Paul, Richardson Pierre, Promise Russell, Rakem Sweeting, Gabrielle Thompson, Witlien Ti-Paul, as well as completion certificate holders - Juantae Brown, Richard Brown, Trinique Cash, Courtney Cooper, Gerrica Cooper, Shataraney Higgs, Achilene Jean, Tenaeja Johnson, Stephon Kelly, Anthony McCartney, T’Nell McDonald, Jacob Morley, Asher Munroe, Hervens Pame, Elrico Ranger, Jameisha Sands, Eddison Saunders, Lofton Saunders, Nichia Saunders, Myesha Thompson, P44

Myesha Thompson was one of several members of her graduating class receiving awards on this day.

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June/July, 2021


North Eleuthera High School

Graduate Robendjina Louima smiling brightly ahead of the start of the NEHS commencement.

Looking Sharp: Some of the sudents in the NEHS Class of 2021 show off their colours (L-R); front row: Promise Russell, Valedictorian Kyle Collins, Shataraney Higgs , Courtney Cooper, Juantae Brown, Richard Brown; middle row: Hervens Pame, Sherlinda Ladresse, Jacob Morley, Richardson Pierre, Trinique Cash back row: Eddison Saunders, Witlien Ti-Paul , Paulsen Paul, Jayden McDonald, Rakem Sweeting, Rodgeno Albury, and Salutatorian Damari Johnson.

Family: (Above) - Valedictorian Kyle Collins is cheered on by his family in the audience.

Graduate, Gabrielle Thompson, receiving her Diploma and an inspirational book, courtesy of Mr. Sylvanus Petty (presented to all graduates in North Eleuthera, Harbour Island and Spanish Wells).

Graduate Jayden McDonald embraced by supportive family, Shirley Saunders.

Moments: Graduates, visibly emotional, wait with roses in hand to thank their loved ones.

NEHS’ Dayshanae Collins basking in the joy of taking the final walk before graduation.

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June/July, 2021

The Sky is the Limit... for this CEHS Class of 2021

With each personality bursting out, hats are tossed on the shoreline of the Savannah Sound by CEHS graduates. The graduating class comprised: Sharico Farquharson (Valedictorian), Salutatorian Medwick Rolle, Barry Cadet, Santee Johnson, Andreon Gardiner, Roshaad Burrows, Andrae Murray, Caelen Gaitor,



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Jaden C. Carey, Mya Rolle, Alia Albury, Taija Major, Daphny D’Haiti, Neva Dorvilus, Bithiah Rahming, Don Alex Alcime, Kamesha Carey, Glenyee Cartwright, Kyla Sands, and Jaden K. Carey

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June/July, 2021

Central Eleuthera High School

In the photos above: Central Eleuthera High School Graduates walk the marked green carpet to receive their Bahamas National High School Diplomas and academic achievement awards, as family members, friends and well-wishers cheer them on.

CEHS graduates stand with Principal Marie Galanis, and District Education officials, DSE Michael Culmer, DEO Fontella Knowles and DEO Andrea Carey. and Kevin Ti-Paul. The final public high school graduation for the Central Eleuthera High School, with principal Marie Galanis, was held on Tuesday morning, June 29th, at the Longley-Newberry Park in Savannah Sound, getting started shortly after 10am. The drive-up audience of family, friends and well-wishers were neatly parked in assigned spots across the spacious area, with a marked out cat-walk carpeted in natural green in the middle,

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leading to the stage - where the twenty graduates were called out to take their individual celebratory walk to receive their Bahamas National High School Diplomas. Principal Marie Galanis, who welcomed all to the commencement, told graduates that this was their day, after working and pushing to achieve the successful completion of their high school careers. “The last year and a half has proven to be the most challenging of all years - Covid-19 hit all of us and changed the platform of schooling. For some, it was

an easy transition, and for others, a difficult one. Today, there are twenty of you who fought hard...” She went on to outline some of the challenges overcome by the body of graduates - affirming that they had finally made it, and invited them to enjoy their day. Mrs. Galanis also acknowledged that she would also be moving on, as she enters retirement from her more than forty-year career in education. Valedictorian this year for the Central Eleuthera High School, Sharico FarP47 quharson, in his address to his class-


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Salutatorian Medwick Rolle all smiles as he celebrates his high school success with delighted family.

Valedictorian Sharico Farquharson stands with his very proud mom as he culminates his high school career at the top of his class.

Graduate Kyla Sands, surrounded by an excited and very proud group of supporters

L-R: Graduates Medwick Rolle, Alia Albury, and Sharico Farquharson.

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Graduates Kyla Sands, and Mya Rolle celebrate friendship as they prepare to move on.

Graduate Santee Johnson celebrates with his mom, siblings and uncles.

Above: Peers and their families share in the joy and pride of the graduates’ achievements.

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June/July, 2021

Attorney General Explains the Digitalization of the Country’s Legal System By Llonella Gilbert

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs Sen. the Hon. Carl Bethel presented his Contribution to the 2021/22 Budget Debate in the Senate on June 24, 2021. (BIS Photo/Patrick Hanna)

Handy Tip! DIY Painting & Purse Making Tips Each month, learn a bit about do-it-yourself painted designs and purse making with valuable tips and expert advice: TIP 11. Not all paints have to be heat set to be washable. If you wish to avoid the heat-setting step, consider choosing fabric paints that are glue-based or have a binder in them like dimensional paints. If heat setting is required, using an iron, conveyor oven, or heat press machine is adequate. Ensure that your paints are completely dry before heat setting.

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs Sen. the Hon. Carl Bethel said the world has changed and been transformed overnight. “Ninety-eight per cent of meetings are now done virtually, including all court hearings in the Court of Appeal,” the AG said during his Contribution to the 2021/22 Budget Debate in the Senate on June 24, 2021. “In all three branches of the Courts, i.e. Magistrates Courts, Supreme Courts and Court of Appeal, payments for all manner of services can be done cashless by using a credit or debit card or using one of the electronic money providers.” He also noted that the new Bail Management System to allow persons on bail to check in electronically will commence in July, 2021. The Industrial Tribunal will be launching and enhancing its e-filing with its new electronic connection to and integration with the Department of Labour. “A world transformed indeed and I am proud to state that the Office of the Attorney-General and Ministry of Legal Affairs has kept pace and been revolutionized right along with it.” The AG explained that the Judiciary commenced its court modernization and reform initiative referred to as COMRIN, prior to the onset of COVID-19. One of the main objectives of this initiative was to make the court processes more efficient through the greater use of technology thus transforming the courts into paperless courts. The initiatives include the following:1. the digitization of the court files; 2. the implementation of the ICMS (Integrated Case Management System) in all of the Courts (Magistrates, Supreme Courts and the Court of Appeal) which will facili-

tate e-filing; 3. the Bail Management system in the Magistrates and Supreme Court; 4. the implementation of Digipay in New Providence in the Magistrates Courts, Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal; 5. the Court Automated Payment System (CAPS); 6. the establishment of The Bahamas Judicial Education Institute (BJEI) and 7. the recent appointment by the Judicial and Legal Service Commission (JLSC) of five Judges and four Magistrates all collectively contributes to the objective of increasing efficiencies and assisting with the reduction in the backlog of cases which will also contribute to this objective. It will also assist in greatly reducing the backlog of cases which can occur for a myriad of reasons which include the transport of files from the various registries to the judicial officers (where files are routinely misplaced in this movement). The increase of judicial officers will replace those who retired or who were elevated to a higher court. The AG stated that the Judiciary has established its own Digitization Unit which is expected to commence training in how to scan directly into the Integrated Case Management System (ICMS) in July, 2021. He said the Anchor Group (the vendor for the ICMS) will commence the training of the staff of this unit in early July, 2021. The unit itself will be responsible for scanning files post December, 2020 and any other files not scanned by ZCOM. The software to be used by the unit is based on the ICMS, which will allow for significant cost savings to the Judiciary.


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Windermere High School Page. 44

mates, looked back at their growth together as a class, declaring that they may have started junior high as children, but were now leaving as young adults. He emphasized that this was just the beginning of their individual journeys in life as they each now chose the path they would follow - and urged his peers to take with them not only the academic knowledge, but also the life lessons and values instilled in them by parents and teachers. He said that now was the time to put the tools that they had L-R: Ceremony emcee Kirknell McCartney, Principal Myrtle McPhee, Valedictorian Alisha Carey, Co-Valedictorian been given, to good use. Sharico Farquharson, Valedictorian for Perrell Cooper, Guest Speaker Dr. Barrett McCartney, Graduate Keitrion Gilbert, Graduate Carissa St. Charles, Central Eleuthera High School this year, Graduate Robin Rankine, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Schrag, and Mr. Godfrey Bourne. was joined at the top of the class by Salutatorian, Medwick Rolle. Their peers also celebrating as graduates included; Barry Cadet, Santee Johnson, Andreon Gardiner, Roshaad Burrows, Andrae Murray, Caelen Gaitor, Jaden C. Carey, Mya Rolle, Alia Albury, Taija Major, Daphny D’Haiti, Neva Dorvilus, Bithiah Rahming, Don Alex Alcime, Kamesha Carey, Glenyee Cartwright, Kyla Sands, and Jaden K. Carey. Windermere High School rounded out the 2021 commencement season on island with their graduation ceremony which took place on Friday, July 2nd, at 10am in Savannah Sound at the Methodist Church, with principal Myrtle McPhee. Although a small class of five graduates, the caliber was high with Co-Valedictorian Perrell Cooper having attained the highest BGCSE results on Eleuthera in the 2020 national examinations. Windermere’s Valedictorian Alisha Carey, was joined at the top of the class this year by Co-Valedictorian Perrell Cooper. Their peers also celebrating as graduates included; Keitrion Gilbert, Robin Rankine, and Carissa St. Charles. Above: Graduate Keitrion Gilbert all smiles and surrounded by happy family members, and friends.

Valedictorian Alisha Carey beams as she celebrates her achievements with her family on this special day.

Co-Valedictorian, Perrell Cooper, who transferred to Eleuthera after his family experienced the destruction of hurricane Dorian in 2019, all smiles on graduation day, surrounded by his mom, family & friends.

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