34 minute read
Know Safety - No Fire The World should say ‘no more’... RBPF Reports
AuguST 9TH
Arrest reference to Possession of Dangerous Drugs
Police on the Island of Eleuthera have taken into custody a number of persons in separate incidents for possession of dangerous drugs, during the month of September, 2022.
Arrest reference to Possession of DAngerous Drugs
On Wednesday 28th September, 2022 about 6:39 am Officers while on Pinder’s Lane, Governors Harbour stopped and searched an adult male. While searching his right pants pocket officers discovered one suspected homemade marijuana cigarette. As a result he was arrested and cautioned with reference to the same. The suspect was processed and charged for Possession of Dangerous Drugs.
Arrest reference to Possession of DAngerous Drugs & Ammunition On Wednesday 28th September, 2022 about 3:35am Officers executed a search warrant on a residence located Gregory Town. Present during the search were two adult males and an adult female. While searching the front room officers discovered one green/ brass 12 gauge shotgun shell. As a result all occupants were arrested and cautioned for possession of ammunition while not being the holder of a Gun License. Additionally, a search of a 2015 Nissan Litio owned by the occupants Officers found one clear plastic wrapping containing suspected Marijuana. As a result all persons were further cautioned. All suspects were subsequently processed and charged for those offences.
Arrest: reference to Possession of DAngerous Drugs with the intent to suPPly
On Wednesday 28th September, 2022 about 4:05 am the Operations team executed a search warrant on the residence of an adult male of Hatchet Bay. During the search Officers recovered one clear plastic bag from the right hand of the suspect after a struggle. Same was found to contain a quantity of suspected cocaine. Further, a search of a grinder in the bedroom resulted in the discovery of a quantity of suspected marijauna. Additionally, a search of a wooden shed housing a beauty salon resulted in the discovery of a quantiy of suspected marijuana. As a result an adult male and an adult female were arrested and further cautioned. Both persons were subsequently processed and charged.
Arrest: to Possession of DAngerous Drugs On Wednesday 28th September, 2022 about 5:17 am the Operations team while on Queens Highway James Cistern stopped and searched an adult male. While searching he right sock of the suspect the officers discovered a plastic bag consting suspect marijuana. As a result he was arrested and caution reference to the same.
Arrest: to Possession of DAngerous Drugs with the intent to suPPly
On Friday 23rd September, 2022 at about 8:25pm, Officers from the Harbour Island Police Station were conducting foot patrols when they observed a golf cart with two male occupants reversing for an extended distance along Colebrooke Street, Harbour Island in the area of Harbour Island Day Nursery. Officers conducted a stop and search of the two occupants. While conducting a search of an adult, Officers found (1) foil wrap containing suspected marijuana and (1) homemade marijuana cigarette in his front left pants pocket. As a result he was arrested and cautioned reference to possession of dangerous drugs. He was subsequently processed and charged with that offence.
Arrest: to Possession of DAngerous Drugs with the intent to suPPly
At about 4:30 pm on Thursday 22/09/22 Officers while on 8th Street Spanish Wells, searched the residence of an adult male where they discovered an unlabeled pill container containing two different types of medication. The same was examined and found to be Clonazepam 2mg (18 3/4 tablets). The suspect admitted that he did not have a prescription for the medication. He was further cautioned referenced to the Possession of Dangerous Drugs. The suspect was processed and charged for that offence.
Possession of DAngerous Drugs Arrest
On Friday 23rd September, 2022 at about 10:00pm, Officers while conducting mobile patrols along Bay Street, Harbour Island in the area of Princess Restaurant searched three adult males for dangerous drugs. While searching the suspects, (1) home-made marijuana cigarette and (2) clear plastic containing suspect marijuana was found. All suspects were arrested reference to Possession of Dangerous Drugs and transported along with exhibits to Harbour Island Police Station for safekeeping and further processing. They were subsequently processed and charged with that offence.
Arrest for Possession of DAngerous Drugs
On Wednesday 21st September 2022, sometime around 12:30pm, Officers while on mobile patrol stopped and searched two adult males who were sitting inside a light blue Nissan Cube acting in a suspicious manner. As a result officers approached this vehicle identifying themselves as officers and informed the males of their suspicion. Both suspects were searched, the driver was found to be in possession of a plastic baggie containing suspect marijuana, he was placed under arrest and cautioned in reference to possession of dangerous drugs. He was later processed and charged with that offence.
Arrest for Possession of DAngerous Drugs
On Monday 19th September 2022, sometime around 5:20pm, Officers while conducting a Traffic Check in the area of Oleander Gardens Gregory Town arrested an adult male of Palmetto Point in reference to possession of dangerous drugs. He was arrested and cautioned then taken to the Governor’s Harbour Police Station. The suspect was subsequently charged with the offence.
Arrest for Possession of DAngerous Drugs
On Monday 19th September 2022, sometime around 4:40pm, Officers while in the area Oleander Gardens Gregory Town, arrested an adult male of Lower Bouge in reference to possession of dangerous drugs. He was subsequently processed and charged with that offence.
Arrest for Possession of DAngerous Drugs
On Monday 19th September 2022, sometime around 8:25pm, Officers while in the area Queens Highway Governor’s Harbour arrested an adult male reference to possession of dangerous drugs after he was found in possession of plastic baggie containing suspected marijuana. He was subsequently processed and charged with that offence.
Arrest for Possession of DAngerous Drugs with intent to suPPly
Police contact numbers
HeadQuarters (GH) 332-3500
1. Governor’s Harbour 332-2111 OR 332-2117
O/C Governor’s Harbour 332-2723
Gov.Harb. Airport Station 332-2323
Deep Creek Station 334-8207
Tarpum Bay Station 334-4033
Rock Sound Station 334-2244
Rock Sound Sgt. Office 334-2212
Rock Sound Airport Stn 334-2052
L. Bogue Station (Airport) 335-1208
Harbour Island Station 333-2111
O/C Harbour Island 333-2327
Spanish Wells Station 333-4030
Gregory Town Station 335-5322
Hatchet Bay Station 335-0086
executed a Search Warrant on the residence of an adult male of North Palmetto Point in reference to Dangerous Drugs. During the search Officers discovered (3) small foil wraps in the kitchen along with a quantity of loose suspected marijuana in the ceiling. As a result, two males were arrested and cautioned for Possession of Dangerous Drugs with intent to supply. They were subsequently processed and charged with that offence.
Arrest for Possession of DAngerous Drugs
On Wednesday the 7th September 2022, sometime around 7:40am, Officers while conducting road checks arrested and cautioned an adult male in reference to Possession of Dangerous Drugs after a search of his person revealed a quantity of suspected Marijuana. He was transported to the Governors Harbour Police Station where he was processed and charged with that offence.
Eleuthera Reports via New Providence Police
three PeoPle chArgeD in connection with An eleutherA fireArm seizure:
Three men were found by authorities with a black and silver Springfield Smith & Wesson handgun on Saturday, September 24th at Governor’s Harbour, Eleuthera. During their arrest, 12 rounds of .40mm ammunition were also discovered. The incident reportedly occurred shortly before 5:00 p.m. According to initial reports, officers while conducting a road check in the area of Balara Bay, Governors Harbor discovered the weapon and a quantity of ammunition in nearby bushes after observing three (3) male occupants of a Ford SUV throwing an object into the bush. Two of the men arrested were reported to be from New Providence, and the other from Hatchet Bay, Eleuthera. All three men were granted bail on September 27th, 2022, by Magistrate Kara Turnquest-Deveaux, after they were charged in court with possession of an unlicensed firearm and possession of ammunition. The three men all pleaded not guilty to the charges. Magistrate Turnquest-Deveaux granted each of the accused men $7,500 bail with two sureties.
Electronic monitoring devices and sign in conditions were imposed as conditions of bail. November 30th, 2022 was the date set for the beginning of their trial.
**STOLEn gOODS RECOVERED: SuSPECT ARRESTED** Police on the island of Eleuthera are questioning a 23 year old male of Alice Street after he was found in possession of a number of watches, reportedly stolen from a business establishment on Dunmore Street, Harbour Island.
Preliminary reports indicate that around 12:00 noon on Wednesday 5th October, 2022 after receiving a complaint of a shop breaking, officers executed a search warrant on the suspect’s residence, where the items were located. Active police investigations continue.
Officers on the island of Eleuthera arrested a 38-year-old Jamaican national after he was found in possession of a quantity of dangerous drugs on Friday, 23rd September 2022. Preliminary reports indicate that sometime around 1:30 p.m. a team of officers while conducting routine road checks in the area of Queen’s Highway, Tarpum Bay stopped a male occupant of a gray Honda vehicle. The suspect, upon seeing the police began acting suspiciously, prompting officers to execute a search. During the search of his vehicle, officers discovered a small quantity of suspected marijuana. Police investigations continue.
Bahamas’ Mask Mandate Relaxed on October 1st
The Bahamas Ministry of Health and Wellness on Wednesday, September 21st, 2022, announced that the country’s mask mandate would be relaxed as of October 1st, 2022, with members of the public no longer required to wear a mask in most settings.
The Hon. Dr. Michael R. Darville, Minister of Health and Wellness, in his announcement detailed, “...the wearing of face masks will continue to be required in the following settings or by the following persons: 1. All persons accessing a health care facility for any reason (workers, patients, visitors, vendors, et al); 2. In any indoor classroom setting in an educational institution, except where Rule 27 (20 of the Health Services Rules (Covid 19) Prevention and Management of Community Spread) (2021); or 3. Any non-resident worker of a long-term care residential facility.” the Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Health & Wellness following a meeting today. Some Bahamians will continue to prefer to wear a mask for protection from COVID; their choice to do so should be respected by all. The MOHW will continue to distribute free medical-grade masks in schools.”
Minister Darville added, “The Ministry of Health & Wellness continues to advise persons to adhere to the safety protocols as it relates to handwashing/sanitizing, physical distancing, and personal responsibility. Persons experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 should get tested. The Ministry also reminds that free testing and free vaccinations continue to be available to members of the public.”
Source: Ministry of Health & Wellness
‘Illegal building construction in Blackwood will not be tolerated’ says Works and Utilities Minister

Minister Alfred Sears, along with his technical team, and local community leaders, inspect unregulated home construction in Blackwood, North Eleuthera.
Works and Utilities Minister the Hon. Alfred Sears is appealing to persons responsible for unregulated construction of buildings in the Blackwood community of north Eleuthera to cease.
Minister Sears, whose purview includes infrastructure, building control and town planning, along with a team of officials from his Ministry, toured the community on Thursday, September 22nd, 2022 during an infrastructural assessment visit to North Eleuthera. Also on the walking tour were: island administrators, representatives of the Commonage Committee, Local Government representatives, members of the Royal Bahamas Police Force and other government agencies.
Said Minister Sears, “We have toured the area and will be having our Building Control, with other government agencies, work closely with the Commonage Committee of Spanish wells, the owner of that area, and meet with stakeholders so we can address the issue and ensure first of all that we will put a stop to any further unregulated construction and regularize the construction that has been done. We will be meeting with the Commonage Committee and will be announcing shortly the way forward. “Those homes would have been built without building control, town planning and without any inspection to ensure compliance with the building code.
“In light of what has happened in Grand Bahama and Abaco during Hurricane Dorian in 2019, we are fearful on a number of grounds. We have spoken with the Commonage Committee; they have not given permission to build on the property and our Building Control officers have indicated that no applications were made, no inspections were made. We see electrical connections which appear to be irregular and therefore it is incumbent upon me as the minister responsible under the Building Control Regulation and the Planning and Subdivision Act to ensure that a proper and full investigation is done.” Minister Sears thanked George Sweeting, Chairman of the Spanish Wells Commonage Committee and Chief Councilor Robert Roberts, who led the tour; and he expressed emphatically that throughout the Commonwealth of The Bahamas the government will not tolerate unregulated construction. “It is a danger to the people themselves, to the community and of course we have to uphold the rule of law. As we build we have to build with resilience because we saw what happened in Abaco and East Grand Bahama. “We will call for a meeting with all of the stakeholders and we will resolve this matter in accordance with the law. We recognize that we are dealing with communities. These issues require a multidimensional response, which we will do. “I am asking all of the persons in Blackwood to cease any further construction; failing which we will have no choice but to actively enforce the law.
“We would like to go through a process of notice which the law requires before any demolition. We would like to engage because children are involved [and] we need to ascertain who the people are. We want to have everybody come forth and for us to see if it is possible to get people regularized but we cannot afford and we would not tolerate unpermitted construction of this magnitude because the people in the community are at risk. We saw what happened in The Mudd and we saw what happened in Pigeon Pea. We cannot allow a situation to become a mass disaster; plus we have to be compliant with the law.”
Minister Sears informed that the Building Control Unit has already submitted a report and Bahamas Power and Light (BPL) and the Water and Sewerage Corporation (WSC) will be asked to do likewise.
“We are in the middle of a hurricane season so it’s a matter of extreme urgency because this community is at risk. Also, we have to make sure we are apprised of all of the relevant factors so that an effective and humane solution can be implemented.”
Chairman Sweeting said, “When we reformed the Commonage Committee in 2018 we met the problem. From 2019 to the present it has exploded. From 2019 we have documented photographic evidence of 168 either new additions or new homes being built - all without any permission of the Commonage Committee. The total amount of photographic evidence from 2018 to present is almost 400. We have reports of them starting a home at 2 o’clock in the morning and moving in 6 o’clock in the afternoon.”
Town Planning Committee Chairman Keenan Johnson said, “It’s up for us to go to the discussion table and make a decision that’s based on the law and based on a humane approach. It’s about helping them as well - it’s not just about enforcing laws; it’s about helping the people here to ensure they are safe and these structures that are being built illegally are not safe.”
Minister Sears was primarily in Eleuthera to view public infrastructure and participate in a Town Meeting to discuss and address planning issues related to the proposed replacement of the Glass Window Bridge on the island.
Source: Bahamas Information Services
By Kathryn Campbell (BIS Photos/Ulric Woodside)
Thirtieth (30th) pan American sanitary Conference ends with regional agreements to improve pandemic preparedness and recover progress towards SDGs

‘Americas Health Corp’ to address the deficit of health care workers in the region. Dr. Jarbas Barbosa da Silva Jr elected the next PAHO Director.

The Pan American Health Organization’s (PAHO) 30th Pan American Sanitary Conference ended on Friday, September 30th, 2022, following a week of discussions by ministers of health and other delegates on health priorities in the region. The conference approved thirteen resolutions, including a commitment to recover equitable progress toward the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and a strategy to keep the Americas free of polio.
As the Region turns a corner on the “devastating COVID-19 pandemic”, there are yet “formidable challenges ahead,” the PAHO Director Dr. Carissa Etienne said.
“You have recognized that interactions at the human, animal, and environmental interfaces can trigger major crises and you have restated your support for the One Health comprehensive multisectoral, multi-stakeholder approach.”
The new regional initiatives approved by health leaders from throughout the Americas this week include those that seek to: -Recover progress toward the sustainable development goals with equity though action on the social determinants of health and intersectoral work -Promote increased investment in equitable and comprehensive community-based mental health care
-Strengthen the capacity of national health authorities to lead and manage system-wide transformations for integrated care -Strengthen national regulatory systems for medicines and other health technologies -Contribute to the expansion and consolidation of a regional genomic surveillance network -Develop and implement a prioritized and targeted polio mitigation plan
On Wednesday, 28 September, the Conference also elected the next PAHO Director. The Director-Elect, Dr. Jarbas Barbosa da Silva Jr is a national of Brazil, and will begin his five-year term on 1 February 2023, succeeding Dr. Carissa F. Etienne of Dominica, who has led PAHO since 2012.
During the Conference, Dr. Etienne presented her 2018-2022 Quinquennial Report, the final of her tenure. The report encapsulates the Organization’s work over the past five years and highlights the impact that COVID-19 has had on magnifying existing inequities in the Americas.
And as PAHO approaches its 120th Anniversary this December, an interactive exhibit celebrated the Organization’s milestones and crucial work ensuring the health of those throughout the Region of the Americas.
“If we ever doubted it, the pandemic has demonstrated yet again that the creation of PAHO 120 years ago was an act of incredible foresight,” the PAHO Director added.
Side events included the presentation of ‘Americas Health Corps’, a United States/PAHO initiative to address the deficit of health care workers in the Americas through the training of 500,000 public health professionals over the next five years.
Regarding monkeypox, PAHO called on countries to prioritize detection, surveillance and community engagement to reduce new cases and put an end to the outbreak in the region.
During an update on COVID-19, the Organization also warned that the pandemic is still not over and called on countries to continue surveillance, testing and increasing vaccination coverage to avoid the emergence of new COVID-19 variants and a prolonged emergency.
Michael Pearson, Branch Head, Office of International Affairs for the Health Portfolio, Public Health Agency of Canada, served as President of the Pan American Sanitary Conference following his election by Ministers and delegates from the 38 PAHO Member States and Participating States.
“As I prepare to lower the curtain on my tenure as Director of PAHO and hand over leadership reins to my successor, I am encouraged to observe a new generation of leaders emerging across the region,” concluded Dr. Etienne.
“You give me optimism about the future of PAHO and health for all in the Americas.”
Ministry of Finance Launches eProcurement Portal described as “new and
(new platform said to promote increased transparency and ease in Bidding on government procurement opportunities)
The Bahamas Ministry of Finance announced during September 2022, the launch of its ‘new and improved’ eProcurement portal, with the aim, “...to allow Government to fulfill its commitment of transparency and ease of access to procurement opportunities as required under the Public Procurement Act, 2021.”
The new platform, designed and built by GoBonfire, said the ministry, expands on the legacy procurement platform, allowing vendors the ability, among other things, to: - Receive procurement opportunity notices for which the vendor is eligible and that may interest the vendor; - Search procurement opportunities across all Government agencies; and - Download and receive instant access to all Government procurement opportunities.
Unique to the new eProcurement platform, according to the announcement, is the ease in ability of vendors to not only see the list of recipients of Government procurement opportunities, but also to obtain details of the contract decision making process.
Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, the Hon. Philip Davis officially launched the ‘GoBonfire eProcurement Platform’ at Margaritaville Beach Resort on Monday, October 3rd, 2022.
“I am very pleased to be here to launch GoBonfire, the eProcurement platform through which goods and services for all government and quasi-government will be sourced,” the prime minister said.
“Procurement is the basis of democracy, nation building, and strong, well-functioning economies; and it is often said that perception is reality,” said the prime minister. “This is because an impression of something defines how it is seen, regardless of the truth.”
He noted that his government’s Blueprint for Change “includes our Economic Plan to bring relief and dignity to Bahamians by creating more dynamic and inclusive solutions to kick-start the economy.”
The prime minister shared that in the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) of Transparency International for 2021, The Bahamas ranked 30th out of 183 countries with a score of 64 out of 100. And, particularly, firms in the United States of America identified corruption as an obstacle to the foreign direct investment (FDI) approvals process, and reported perceived corruption in government procurement.
“That is why we committed to fiscal consolidation and the modernisation of infrastructure to justify and procure public goods and services in an efficient, transparent, and accountable manner,” he said. “This New Day Government is solidly resolved in its ideals of good governance, integrity, and accountability. A new Public Procurement Bill will soon be publicised for consultation.”
Observing that GoBonfire is a necessary change, the prime minister also said that the retiring platform was launched in 2005, well before the passage of the Public Procurement Act, 2021. Unfortunately, its age limited its function.
“Our Blueprint for Change speaks directly to digital transformation and, specifically, the Government Procurement Platform. GoBonfire aligns with our Ease-of-Doing-Business approach to rescue the economy. From anywhere, a business entity can submit proposals for procurement opportunities with government and quasi-government agencies,” the prime minister said.
For fiscal year 2022/2023, approximately $795 million has been allocated for recurrent and capital expenditure. And according to the prime minister, that represents vast procurement opportunities for goods and services, and for construction services.
“The focal activities of the GoBonfire eProcurement Platform embrace our governance ideals and provide the requisite solution to facilitate our objective,” the prime minister said.
He added, “From GoBonfire, we will assist Government by enhancing our ability to gather accurate, real-time data to inform decision-making, to ensure that obligations (including payments) are being met on time, and to monitor the life cycle of the project.”
The prime minister explained that the fallout from Hurricane Dorian and the COVID-19 pandemic left many suppliers struggling to meet their business obligations because of lockdowns and business uncertainty. He noted the merits of competitive procurement processes and added, legislation would ensure that small businesses, Family Island vendors, and women are afforded access to and opportunities for participation in the economy. He also committed to allocating five percent of all government procurement contracts to businesses owned by young Bahamians.
Small businesses, Family Island businesses, businesses owned by women, and businesses owned by young Bahamians will be monitored as key performance indicators (KPIs) for this Administration.
“However, for the sake of clarity, let me say this. Nobody should be deprived of opportunities to contribute to national development through procurement,” the prime minister said.
Vendors and the general public were also invited to attend a free informational session on that Monday, October 3rd, 2022 at the Margaritaville Beach Resort, where participants had an opportunity to ask questions of the resource persons managing the Government’s procurement site and experience the new platform. The event was also streamed live on the Office of the Prime Minister and Ministry of Finance Facebook pages to allow participation from people not able to attend in person or who may have been located in one of the Family Islands.
Vendors are encouraged to visit the eProcurement website (www.mofvendors.gov.bs) to register to take part in future procurement opportunities. The Ministry invites and encourages the public to visit the national Budget Website (www. bahamasbudget.gov.bs) to stay aware of any updates.
Source: The Bahamas Ministry of Finance
Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, the Hon Philip Davis.

In Preparation for COP27 Ministers of Agriculture and Senior Officials from 30 Countries of the Americas Convened at IICA Headquarters in Costa Rica

San Jose, 21 September 2022 (IICA) - Ministers, secretaries and senior officials of the ministries of Agriculture of 30 countries of the Americas; as well as representatives of multilateral credit agencies and global climate funds met in Costa Rica to discuss the strategic role of the region’s agriculture sector in addressing climate change, ahead of the upcoming Conference of the Parties (COP27) in November.
The meeting, which took place on September 22 and 23 in San Jose, was entitled “Challenges for agriculture in the Americas to address the climate crisis”.
Organized by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), the ministerial meeting served as a regional coordination forum in preparation for COP27, in which the 197 countries that are signatories to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will participate and in which agriculture will play a leading role. At the meeting in Costa Rica, the agricultural authorities of the Americas, representatives of multilateral credit agencies and IICA sought to identify priority areas for climate action. In doing so, they took into account the unique role of regional agriculture in leading global efforts in this area, as well as potential benefits with respect to food and nutritional security, poverty reduction, sustainability, and water conservation and management, among others. The meeting was opened by 2020 World Food Prize winner Rattan Lal, IICA’s Special Envoy to COP 27 and a leading authority on soil science; Manuel Otero, Director General of IICA; and Costa Rican government authorities. In addition to the ministers and secretaries, the Vice President of the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), Christian Asinelli, and a representative of the government of Egypt, the host country of COP 27, were also in attendance.
Ministerial discussions focused on the challenges and opportunities for regional agriculture within the current context. The Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF), in turn, presented their multilateral financial perspectives. Participants also discussed how the financial mechanisms of the UNFCCC relate to agriculture, as well as reviewed their objectives.
The meeting “Challenges for agriculture in the Americas to address the climate crisis” was convened as a follow-up to a decision by the Ministers and Secretaries of Agriculture of the Americas, who, last May, identified the need to raise the profile of the agriculture sector in global discussions on climate change, and instructed IICA to coordinate this process. They also requested that IICA prepare messages to be presented in the lead-up to COP27, based on the regional consensus reached in preparation for the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit.
On that occasion, the continent presented a unified position — developed through an extensive debate process coordinated by IICA — which underscored the idea that agricultural producers and other food systems workers are an essential and central link in the food system, and that, without agricultural production, there would be no raw material to transform into food.
The Bahamas was represented by The Ministry of Agriculture, Marine Resources & Family Island Affairs. The Honourable Parliamentary Secretary Leonardo Lightbourne Member of Parliament served as Head of Delegation.

Leonardo Lightbourne, Parliamentary Secretary in the Bahamas Ministry of Agriculture, Marine Resources & Family Island Affairs.
Picture this... Young Tennis Players in Freeport Tourney; Appeal For Resurfacing
During the month of September 2022, Coach Hartie Johnson accompanied a small team of young tennis players (Andrielle, Rickai, and Ayia) from Eleuthera to a tournament hosted in Freeport, Grand Bahama. They all played well, reported Coach Johnson, but came up just short of the finals. Johnson also highlighted that the tennis court (Knowles Courts) in Palmetto Point, used for teaching and training, as well as summer tennis camp and volunteer sessions with local children, is in need of resurfacing. He is appealing for donations from interested members of the public to assist. Donors are asked to contact him or any member of the Eleuthera Tennis Association for further information.

Police Corporal Renardo Brown met with some of the young boys of the Eleuthera Royal Youth Corps (ERYC) Southern Boys Drill Team at the Catholic School Grounds in Rock Sound on Saturday, September 10th, 2022. He used the opportunity to discuss interests, goals and future plans with the young men and provided them with meaningful advice on remaining focused to achieve their goals. This was reinforced the following day on Sunday, September 11th, 2022 by attendance at the Rock Sound Church of God with Bishop Bradley Ferguson who gave an encouraging message and prayed for the the young men. Cpl. Brown continues to regularly engage the young men in meaningful activities. Both parents and the young men, he said, are excited and appreciative of these sessions which keep the young men away from anti-social behaviour. Coach Hartie Johnson stands with young trainee tennis players, Andrielle, rickai and Ayai.

Picture this...
Life Skills Workshop Hosted by Kiwanis and Key Club

kiwanis and key Club organizers of a life skills work shop, stand with presenters, along with participating parents and children, on Saturday, Sept. 17th, 2022.
Observing an increase in antisocial behaviour in the schools, the Kiwanis Club of South Eleuthera, in partnership with the Preston H. Albury Key Club, hosted a workshop in Rock Sound on Saturday, September 17th, 2022, inviting two special guest speakers to engage with children from the Youth Corp, Key Club, local church and schools within the south and central Eleuthera community, about key life skills, future goals, cell phone and social media responsibility, as well as peer pressure.
The workshop, which began at noon and went on up until 4p.m., saw parents and children listening to presentations by Ean Munra from the SURE Program (A Ministry of Education program for at-risk boys - “Success Ultimately Reassures Everybody”), based in New Providence, and Pastor Diallo Ingraham from First Ministry, based in south Eleuthera.
Ingraham and Munra were both said to have a wealth of information on the topics discussed, as well as a passion for sharing their time and knowledge with the younger generation.

Two Hundred (200) Bahamians recognized as nation Builders, thanked by Prime Minister Davis during National Honours Investiture

His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Cornelius A. Smith, Governor General and Chancellor of the Societies of Honour, conducted an Investiture of National Honours, applauding many deserving Bahamians in a National Honours Award Ceremony at Baha Mar Resort, Cable Beach, on Monday, October 10th, 2022. Prime Minister Philip Davis delivered the Keynote Address. A few of the persons receiving the awards were Philip Bethel (Order of The Bahamas), Neko Grant (Order of Distinction), Sybil Curtis (Order of Distinction), and Pastor Dave Burrows (Order of Merit). (BIS Photos/Letisha Henderson)
NASSAU, The Bahamas – Many Bahamians were applauded on National Heroes Day – for notable service to country. His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Cornelius A. Smith, Governor General and Chancellor of the Societies of Honour, conducted an Investiture and Presentation of National Honours to some 200 individuals in a ceremony held at Baha Mar Convention Centre, Monday, October 10th, 2022.
The Hon. Philip Davis, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, delivered the keynote address. He also spoke at a second ceremony, held Monday evening due to the large number of honourees.
“On behalf of the government and people of The
Bahamas, I have accepted this invitation from the Governor General to pay special tribute to the recipients of the 2022 National Honours during this series of investiture ceremonies,” said the prime minister before scores of high level government officials, family members and well wishers.
“I am indeed humbled and grateful to bring remarks on this most auspicious occasion as we celebrate these outstanding Bahamians whose work and contributions to national development have helped shape The Bahamas,” the prime minister said.
Receiving the highest honour – The Order of The Bahamas were: the Hon. Philip Bethel, Companion; Dr. Gail Saunders, Companion; the Rev. Dr. Michael Symonette, Officer; Rupert Roberts Jr., Officer; George Myers, Member; and the Hon. Mr. Justice Joseph Strachan (Retired), Member. There were 11 who were awarded The Order of The Bahamas, posthumously. Other categories of awards presented were: The Order of Distinction and The Order of Merit.
The prime minister observed that each of these honourees has a unique and important story that is interwoven in the fabric of Bahamiain history.
“It is in peering into the past that we recognize our own strength and draw courage to press forward into an ever-uncertain future.
“Our story is the story of Pompey, an enslaved man, who in 1830 rallied his fellow men in a valorous display against an oppressive power. Thirty-nine lashes and one hundred and ninety-two years later, we sit here, free, and sovereign,” he said.
The prime minister then noted some of the defining moments in Bahamian history and the names of trailblazers who helped shape and develop this country. There was the Burma Road Riot of June 1, 1942 – demanding fair and equal pay; and “heroes” such as Sir Lynden Pindling, Dame Doris Johnson, Robert Love, Sir Randol Fawkes, Stephen Dillet, Dame Ivy Dumont, Dame Janet Bostwick, Sadie Curtis, Dr. Keva Bethel, Cleveland Eneas, Kimbo Slice, Tony Mckay, Joseph Spence,
Amos Ferguson, Thelma Gibson, Sister Annie Thompson, and Anatol Rodgers, among others.
“These are our heroes,” the prime minister stated. “These 200 Bahamians honoured today represent but a small fraction of those who’ve lent their strength to the building of this great nation. These women and men truly embody the good, the righteous, and the worthy. Some of them, like the four brave Marines who lost their lives working in defense of the fledgling Bahamas forty-two years ago, serve as enduring reminders of the courage, tenacity and fortitude that make a hero. These honourees stand as stalwart pillars of our community—and today, we lift them up in the highest gesture of gratitude.”
The prime minister commended the efforts of the Minister of Foreign Affairs the Hon. Fred Mitchell, Loretta Butler-Turner, Freddie Munnings, Father Sebastian Campbell, Athama Bowe, the late Terence Bethel, and all those whose efforts he deemed indispensable in making this event possible.
In this vein, he also recognized the honours committee in San Salvador who organized and executed the Wall of Honour ceremony and banquet this past weekend. “This, we should replicate across The Bahamas,” he said.
“My government is grateful for their leadership, vision, and hard work,” added the prime minister.
Source: BIS By: Lindsay Thompson

Above: NEMA Director, Captain Stephen russell.
NASSAU, The Bahamas -- Officials of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) hosted incoming Family Island Administrators, in addition to officials from the United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) and the United States Forestry Service to a series of meetings at the Agency’s headquarters located Gladstone Road and NEMA’s Way.
The visit with the Family Island Administrators, on September 28th, 2022 was part of a long, and ongoing collaboration between NEMA and the Department of Local Government to bring incoming Administrators up to speed on the role of the Family Island Administrator, and the National Emergency Management Agency, in the country’s Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Strategy.
The Island Administrators got a first-hand view of NEMA in action as the visit coincided with the Agency’s National Emergency Operations Centre being in Partial Activation mode in anticipation of potential impacts of Tropical Storm-Force conditions from Hurricane Ian on the northwest Bahamas – particularly Grand Bahama and the Biminis.
Director of NEMA, Captain Stephen Russell said the Agency looks forward to all opportunities to dialogue with the various Island Administrators as to their roles in the country’s Comprehensive Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Strategy, in addition to NEMA’s role in that process.
Captain Russell said the collaboration also assists the Agency in building institutional capacity across the Family Islands. Teamwork, Captain Russell said, is essential in disaster risk management.
(BIS Photos/Mark Ford)

Students play their part in honour of National HeroesPicture this...

On Tuesday, October 11th, 2022, the Central Eleuthera High School (CEHS) held its National Heroes Day Assembly, where eight of Eleuthera’s national heroes were recognized and honoured. Honourees included: Reserve Assistant Superintendent of Police, Emily G. Petty; Hon. Philip M. Bethel J.P.; Mr. Joshua Culmer J.P., MO, MBE; The Late Dr. Percy A. Gibson; Mr. Cladwell Farrington; Mr. Lawrence Griffin; Mr. Austin Knowles Sr.; and former principal Mr. Kirkwood Cleare. Attending honourees and their supporting family members were welcomed on campus with a serenade from the CEHS band ensemble, and throughout the special assembly they were celebrated with song, dance, poetry, and recital.
diY Painting & Purse Making Tips
Each month, learn a bit about do-it-yourself painted designs and purse making with valuable tips and expert advice:
tip 10
If you’re asking top dollar for your product, be sure to provide quality materials with top-notch service. Cheaply made products will either stay on the shelf or receive horrible reviews..

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OCtOBEr 29th
2nd annual BEaCh Walk (FrEnCh lEavE BEaCh) Join the Cancer Society of The Bahamas Eleuthera Branch on a healthy and fun beach walk to encourage healthy habits. (Contact: Ms. Susan Culmer - (242) 3597969; (242) 332-1804; onesue28@hotmail. com; cancersocietyeleuthera@live.com)
nOvEMBEr 6th
• NOVEMBER 2nd - 6th
Governor’s Harbour Homecoming
This event is organized by the Governor’s Harbour Development Association. Funds raised assist with helping the community, projects, and senior citizens. There will be live entertainment, cultural activities, down-home food and beverages. (Contact: Mr. Kevin Pinder (242) 823-6824; kevin.pinder@bealiv.com)
James Cistern Heritage
This event encourages descendants, residents, and visitors to come out during the Thanksgiving holiday and enjoy the company of good friends, and great food. There will be live entertainment and games for the entire family. (Contact: Mr. Denario Evans; denario_evans@yahoo.com; (242) 4256136)
Music in The Garden Join the Cancer Society of The Bahamas Eleuthera Branch (Headquarters) as they bring in the joys of the holiday season. (Contact: Ms. Susan Culmer (242) 359-7969; onesue28@hotmail.com; cancersocietyeleuthera@live.com)
Mini Bayfest Hatchet Bay This is a great way to end the year 2022! A fun-filled time down in Alice Town Hatchet Bay. There will be performances by Bahamian Artists, live entertainment, good Bahamian eats & drinks for locals and visitors to enjoy.
(Contact: Ms. Melissa Dean (242) 551-0538; melissadean36@hotmail.com)