Magazine deployable structure workshop SMiA - AGU

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DEPLOYABLE STRUCTURES WORKSHOP Foldable Pavilion Kayseri, Turkey. 2017

DEPLOYABLE STRUCTURES WORKSHOP Foldable Pavilion 26 Sep – 03 Oct 2017 Abdullah Gül University Kayseri, Turkey SMiA Research Group SMiA Magazine Editing Omar Avellaneda Barcelona, Spain 2017


Currently deployable and transformable structures are more common in architecture; erecting, flexibility and lightness of materials, and easy transportability are the most important features of these systems. The deployable structures with straight bars enhance these features, occupying little space as possible when the structure is closed. The morphology of deployable structures is closely related to the concepts of solid geometry, and this is the starting point of this workshop. Exploring the transformability and the search for appropriate geometries for a system of livability. The exploration of form is very important because of double curvature surfaces looking sinclastic and anticlastic systems straight bars as a container element solution The main objective of this workshop is introduce students to the conceptual and practical world of deployable structures with the end goal of having the students develop their own lightweight-structural model that solves a real-world problem. They will gain an understanding of the behaviors of these complex structures using both physical models and software. The idea is to apply didactic strategies for comprehension and learning of design and structural concepts. Two different modes of application are implemented in classroom sessions and in structures workshop: First. a Theoretical class and Second. a Practical class.

SMiA Team.

“We want to thank all the people who made this possible and the students who participated in this adventure. We hope to see you soon along the road of geometry and structures.

Special thanks to the Chamber of Architects for their support and confidence in our work. To Abdullah Gßl University for giving us the opportunity to share our work without limits or barriers. And especially Valentina who connected all the circuits to make this possible.�

Index Solids Theory Deployable Structures: Straight Bars Angulated Bars Deployable Polyhedra Parametric Design Active Geometry Tensile Structures Prototype Deployable Dome PentaHex

System of deployable structures with straight articulated bars.

This workshop seeks the morphological potentialities to create habitable spaces offered by deployable structures (X frame), composed either by straight bars or angulated bars. Both independent kinetic structures and modular assemblies are investigated, whether to be used as stand -alone structures and interior design objects, but also as whole architectural components or integrated elements within roofs, facades, partitions of habitability systems. Students explore different groups with straight bars. And they analyze the possibilities of movement to make complex configurations. Starting from 2D structures and moving to even complex arrangements of 3D assemblies, students explore the possible shapes in motion of straight bars.

System of deployable structures with angulated bars.

The angulated scissors system consists of rigid elements with non-aligned joints. It can be employed in retractable structures. Its displacement is realized within a portion of circumference. Enables the movement of inscribed polygons. With these systems can also design deployable domes and facades with luminous control. Experimenting with angulated bar allows you to explore other possibilities of movement and flat and spatial configurations. Students explore the further possibilities of movement offered by angulated bars either in flat and spatial configurations. They are engaged in the design of deployable domes and facade elements capable of controlling daylight.

Parametric Design

The kinematic behavior of deployable structures relies upon geometric constraints. And such, scale models and digital simulations are mutually supportive processes in their design. Moreover, parametric design becomes the fastest option when one checks the movement of a complex system. Students are introduced to the kinematic behavior of deployable structures by working within the parametric design plug-in Grasshopper for the Rhinoceros CAD software.

Student Presentations

As the students' first approach to unconventional structures, the theoretical and practical workshop has an architectural perspective. The students make a presentation of their work proposing an architectural application. The presentation serves as an exercise for all students to share their different experiences and learn from each other.

Prototype The final activity is the construction of a complex deployable structure previously designed by the SMiA research group. Specifically, the proposed design is part of the doctoral thesis of Omar Avellaneda, researcher of SMiA. The construction phase allow the students facing materials and tools and thus technological problems of a real architectural structure. On the other hand, the group work in equipment and the processes of transformation of the material and the final assembly of the prototype, generate a dynamic of collective work. The students constructed a deployable structure dome with an area of approximately 30 square meters and 3 meters high.

Prototype The concept came from the need to create versatile, modulated spaces, with easy and fast assembly for different events. These constructive advantages are characteristics of the deployable structures and the motivation for the study and application of this type of structures, which generate benefits such as adaptability, flexibility and space transformation. The dome is a proposal as a place of rest and entertainment. The idea is to have a structure easy to assemble, compact, and lightweight. Wooden bars: Joins pvc Screws & Nuts:

180 80 480

Height: Area: Weight:

3 mts 28 mts2 20 kg Aprox.

right to left / Natalia Torres / Mehmet Gören / Valentina Beatini / Ayşegül Kıdık / Omar Avellaneda

Omar Avellaneda Arch.PhD Candidate. Researcher SMiA – LiTa. Polytechnic University of Catalonia

Natalia Torres Arch.PhD Candidate. Researcher SMiA – LiTa. Polytechnic University of Catalonia

Valentina Beatini Arch. PhD, Assnt. Prof., Dept. of Architecture, Abdullah Gül University, Kayseri

Ayşegül Kıdık Arch. PhD Candidate. Researcher. Dept. of Architecture, Abdullah Gül University, Kayseri

Mehmet Gören Arch. M.Arch. Researcher. Dept. of Architecture, Abdullah Gül University, Kayseri


Handegül SARIKOÇ

Şeyma Ezgi YILMAZ


Ufuk Tolga KURTCU

Şimal UÇAR

Abdullah EKINCI




Etulan Joseph

Ceren Gül ÇIKAN

Fatma ONAY





Esma Nur DEMIR


Mustafa Genar KORKMAZ

Hatice Hilal TOPUZ


Ibrahim Erdal DEMIRBILEK

Haci Ahmet AYDIN

Ibrahim Halil ÇATAK


Osman Mert YANTIRI

Mehmet Sait ÜZEN



Şeref Şahin


Yasemin ÜNAL






The experience of building prototypes to a medium scale of deployable structures is very positive. Scaling, the design of the joints, the mechanical behavior of the prototype, its weight, the transition from the digital to the prototype, and deformations, are some of the things, which can be seen in this practical. SMiA research group

Deployable Structures Workshop By SMiA Abdullah GĂźl University Kayseri, Turkey 2017

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