1 minute read
• Trigeminal Neuralgia
• Trigeminal neuralgia is a painful complaint caused when a blood vessel medias against the trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal nerve carries messages from your face to your brain. It offers sensation to the major portion of your face, including your jaw, causing jaw pain if compressed.
• Joint Problems
• Autoimmune diseases affecting joints, like rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis, can cause irritation in the joints, including your temporomandibular joints. This can cause pain to develop in your jaw. Autoimmune environments cause our body to attack its healthy tissues. These autoimmune diseases distressing your joints can also cause your bones to wear away. They may damage the spongy cartilage between your jaw joints, allowing it to move effortlessly and triggering your jaw to feel stiff, too.
• Dental Issues
• Occasionally jaw pain can be caused by severe tooth infections. Poor oral health can lead to gum infections that can cause pain in your jaw. Skewed teeth can also easily cause jaw pain. Different treatment options are available for position issues like an overbite.