1 minute read
I Am Alive, Madalyn Larkin
I Am Alive By Madelyn Larkin
i look back at my darkest times and i see how often i lied lied to the people who loved me most promising them i don’t want to die
in my darkest times, i thought i had nobody in whom i could confide my comfort was found in slicing up my thighs because i thought that was the only thing that could possibly stop my cries turns out i’m my own best confidant
today i am alive
today i will thrive today i will accept life for all of its thrown knives i will not dodge them anymore but accept they’re how i learn to survive take the good and the bad because both are essential to my design
i am made of broken pieces i am made of the pain i’ve felt each broken piece i’m made of teaches me how to climb out of hell
i am alive i love my scars deeply i love my strength even deeper so i will wake up on this beautiful morning and allow my emotions to be felt for i am my own healer
The mission of SheThey Magazine is to open more dialogues about the experiences of women and gender non-conforming folks through impactful art and literature. With an intersectional feminist lens, I want to give this community a resource where they have a voice to share what it is like to live in their skin and showcase their creative work. My goal is to cover any and all subjects relevant to these folks, including but not limited to; sex, race, LGBTQ+ rights, body positivity, reproductive justice, ability, racism, colorism, sexual assault, Indigeneity, trans* rights, white supremacy, age, gender fluidity, domestic violence, patriarchy, sexuality, menstruation, relationships, toxic masculinity, sex positivity, uplifting favorite artists, writers, musicians, activists, etc. I hope to share perspectives from women and non-binary folks of all races, abilities, ages, religions, nationalities, and sexualities. Any and all forms of art and literature are accepted.
Thank you to everyone who supported this dream of mine and helped create a community around speaking our truths.
If you are interested in submitting work for the next issue, please contact me by email at syd.mislam13@gmail.com
Until next time.