3 Signs That You Need A Root Canal
The root canal is the dental procedure that cleans the decay in the tooth’s pulp and root. Your teeth have a layer of enamel on the outer surface, below which there is a layer of dentin. Then there is a soft inside core that extends to the root in the jawbone. The dental pulp consists of nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue in the core. When decay reaches the softcore, the pulp becomes inflamed or infected and in some cases dead. A root canal is required to clean the decay. So when do you need to for a root canal Huntsville? 1-Chronic Pain If you are grappling with persistent tooth pain, it is one of the signs that you may need a root canal. The
pain in the tooth might trouble you all the time, or it may go away only to come back again. There may be pain deep in the mouth's bone, or you may feel referred pain in the face, jaw, or the other teeth. There could be other causes besides the root canal. It could be gum disease, a cavity, a damaged filling, a tooth that may be infected. No matter the cause, it is good to see a dentist if you are suffering from the pain—an early diagnosis and treatment for tooth pain that leads to a better outcome. 2-Sensitivity to Hot and Cold Temp. Does your tooth hurt or gives sensation when you eat warm food or when you drink a cup of warm tea? It may also be possible that your tooth feels sensitive when you eat ice-cream or drink icy cold water. The sensitivity is like a dull ache or sharp pain. You may need a root canal if the pain lingers for long, even if you don’t eat and drink. If your tooth hurts when you eat or drink something hot or cold, it may indicate that blood vessels and nerves in the tooth are infected or damaged. 3-Discoloration If there is an infection in the pulp of your tooth, it can make the tooth discolored. Trauma to the tooth or breakdown of the internal tissue can damage the roots and give them a grey-black appearance. Finally, Swollen gums near the painful tooth is a sign of an issue that needs a root canal. With root canal Huntsville, you can surely give your teeth good health. Don’t wait to give the best oral health.