Labrys Smith College 2019

Page 10


Kat Mullins ‘ 20 I have been thirsting for years Licking shower mist off the corners of the mirror :KR LV WKDW VKH LQ P\ UHÁHFWLRQ ORRNLQJ VR FOHDQ I, Her, and no even breaks Nothing like the snap of a carrot stick I was nursing on the bougainvillea Like honey suckle and getting pricked Sucking on my blood like I would drag your heart Out from her chest and swallow it into my own I taste lungs and pollen She, Her, looking through the bottom of the glass And straight into my wine sodden eyes drooping Better now to be awake and watch you leave When I dream you stay and stay and Stay the night what could one night hurt I have already lost my kidney to you and my Everything melting down the side of a candle :KDW WKH ÀUH WDNHV IURP P\ KHDG LW PHOWV WR \RXU KLSV You, Her, making fuck me eyes and staring through me Throwing plates against the wall walking through The rubble of my house, the only house I’ve ever known, Like your blood is nothing and its rivers don’t haunt me Who is the ghost I, Me, begging for a drink Drowning in the mirror with so many (\HV EXUQLQJ RXW RI P\ UHÁHFWLRQ One for every false prophet That said forever and meant Nothing is certain except the way the sun looks On your bare back when I watch you sleeping Except the heat on my back in the early morning Accept the heat and drink, and drink, 9

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