Labrys Smith College 2019

Page 17

Witch Sisters

Courtney Arnold ‘20 I told you there was an angel in your room. I sat across from him, the candle in my hand lighting the space between us, wax drooling off into my palm from WKH ÁDPH·V GDQFLQJ WRQJXH DV LW WULHG to gasp for any air it could get. 7KH FRORUV UHÁHFWHG RII KLV ZLQJV DV \RX dipped your red brush into blue to make the plum lips of your acrylic mother. When you charcoal-sketched the cigarette into her hand, he pulled one out of his white robe pocket, and lit it with the light from his halo. When you worked yourself to a sweat stippling in the cheekbone’s shadow, he exhaled, and a breeze bustled through the window, followed by the smell of summer FHGDU ÀUHV DQG WZR QRWH FULFNHW melodies. When you reached for your water to drink, he pushed it closer to you so that you wouldn’t accidentally sip from your paint water. When he touched the glass, its contents turned to wine. 16

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