Labrys Smith College 2019

Page 27


&UHVVLGD %ODNH 5RH Âś at the altar you break me OLNH ZDIHUV Ă HVK VSOLW DQG FRQVXPHG D VDFULĂ€FH not of want but of need. slow regret and despair as I rise, dripping red, from the chalice of your mockery. the bitter draught of poison VWDLQV WKH SXULW\ RI YLUJLQ VDFULĂ€FHV open your mouth: digest me. taste the old wine just poured from the new skins. at this Eucharist, we lie about whose body, whose blood drips across the tongue and teeth of the late-coming worshipper. o saviour, saviour, forgive us when we have sinned, for we know what it is we are doing.


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