Labrys Smith College 2019

Page 36

The Transplant 6DJH 7KHXQH Âś

7KH ÀUVW WLPH , WRRN \RXU IRUP , ZHQW WR WKH SDUN \RXU parents brought you to when you were young. I sat on your favorite bench and picked the dandelions that grew below it, brushing their small and velvety petals against the whorls of \RXU ÀQJHUWLSV WKH ZD\ \RX GLG ZKHQ \RX ZHUH VPDOO <RXU hands are beautiful, you know. Out of all the people I’ve beFRPH \RX KDYH P\ IDYRULWH SDLU <RXU ÀQJHUV HVSHFLDOO\³ORQJ DQG GHOLFDWH ÀQJHUV DV GDUN DV WKH ULFK VRLO \RX WDPS GRZQ around your potted plants. It’s a shame how you use those ÀQJHUV VXIIRFDWLQJ WKHP LQ PHPEUDQH WKLQ JORYHV WKDW EDUHO\ GXOO WKH VHQVDWLRQ RI à XLGV DQG ZDVWH DV \RX WRLO DZD\ IRU WKH sick, the bloodied, the ones with the cracked skulls and bileUDZ WKURDWV , UHPHPEHU ORRNLQJ DW \RXU ÀQJHUV WLQWHG VRIW pollen yellow, and thinking: when these hands are truly mine, I’ll give them a better fate. The mothers down the hill began to stare up with wary eyes and I remembered the way you hold yourself: still, deliberate—the kind of posture not welcome from a childless man at a playground. I knew the possibilities that lay within a paranoid 911 call and although they were tempting, I was not yet ready to have you face them. I pocketed the dandelion and left. You don’t know this, of course, but your parents still live in the same house, three blocks away from that park. The denim collar of your jacket brushed against the body’s neck as I walked. Your clothes were easy to recreate, much easier than many of those before you. Take the girl who always wore expensive silk dresses; I dissolved away from your world and practiced for days before I got all the details right, all the lace and petticoats. But with your simple clothes, it was almost instant, like a magician pulling a scarf from a hat (although you 35

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