assignment understanding and analyzing forensic processes

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PLOs: 4.1 Understanding and Analyzing Forensic Processes and 6.1 Forensic Software Skills Criteria



Demonstrated little Knowledge and understanding of relevant Understanding concepts and principles. Unsatisfactory

Very Good Demonstrated a good Demonstrated some understanding of relevant understanding of relevant concepts and principles, concepts and principles, through explanation and using simple examples. examples. Satisfactory/Good Very Good

Identified information from Provided a summary of the the case relevant to the Identified and analysed case but no logical argument problems. Showed some information from the case was presented leading to a evidence of logical relevant to the problems. argument leading to a satisfactory conclusion. There was good evidence of conclusion. logical argument leading to Analysis and and supporting a conclusion. Wrote in an unclear and Communication unstructured manner with Wrote in a clear and structured manner with unsatisfactory spelling, Wrote in a clear, logical and punctuation, and grammar. satisfactory spelling, structured manner with good punctuation, and grammar. spelling, punctuation, Did not acknowledge sources. grammar and referencing. Acknowledged sources. Unsatisfactory

Technology Application


Competently used Incompetent use of computer and computer and communication communication technology. technology. Demonstrated lack of proficiency in the use of forensic software and summarising results.

Very Good

Demonstrated competence Demonstrated proficiency in in the use of forensic the use of forensic software software and summarising and summarising results. results.

Assignment The directors of IDEA Limited have approached your forensic accounting firm, Griffith Accountants, for assistance. IDEA is based in Sydney, Australia and sells custom made engineering software packages to countries all over the world. The end of this financial year (31/12/2008) has shown a significant increase in bad debts written off and it has impacted severely on net profit. The Directors are very surprised; as an internal audit review conduced during the year reported controls over granting of credit were very effective. The shortened

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version of the internal audit report, which was presented to the board,did not say how many countries were tested, etc. Each country is run by a national manager who is ultimately responsible for all dealings therein. At the end of each year, each country manager gets a bonus based upon gross turnover. The directors of IDEA Ltd. Have therefore made available to you two files: 

A file of all customers and their credit limits at the year-end (31/12/2008), CustomerDatabase1.1MD; and

A file of all outstanding invoices as at 31/12/2008. Sorted-Database1.1MD.

Due to the extremely confidential nature of their business, clients, products etc. the Directors will not release any more information to you. They want a report detailing the following factors: 

Whether or not any individual customers have exceeded their credit limits;

A list of countries where this has been allowed to happen, and what percentages of clients in those countries have exceeded their limits;

A list of countries, where the managers have been scrupulous and no errors have occurred; and finally

Any indication from you as to why these policy breaches happened and how they could be prevented in future.

Required: Write a brief report to the directors answering their four queries above. The report should just be a 2 page summary (in Word), professionally presented and backed up by appendices which should include all the printouts (using IDEA) you used to support your findings/recommendations.


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