Abstract This current research work mainly focuses on “ever changing consumer buying behaviours in retail market�. The researcher has made good attempt in making the comparative analysis between online shopping trend and traditional buying mode. In order to achieve the goal of the research work, the researcher has initially formulated research aim, research objectives and research questions. The researcher has also presented rationale of the study where a major issues associated with the research is critically discussed. On the other hand, the researcher has also discussed various types of theories and models related to the research work. In order to conduct this particular research work, the researcher has adopted postpositivism research philosophy, deductive research approach and descriptive research design. The researcher has collected while data and information from primary and secondary sources. On the other hand, the researcher has used both qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques for the conducting this research work properly. The sampling size of the research is 105 that comprised of 100 customers for quantitative data collection and 5 marketing managers of retail companies for the qualitative data collection. After the findings and discussion, the researcher has pointed out that both online shopping trend and traditional buying mode have major impact on the consumer buying behaviour. The researcher has also figured out that online shopping trend is more acceptable in the current retail market and it also influences the purchase intention of the customers to great extent. The researcher has also observed that one of the major issues found in the research topic is to influence the purchase intention of customer in retail market. The researcher has made different types of recommendation in order to overcome the research issues. Promotion of the products and providing sale after service by the retail companies will be the better option for influencing the purchase intention of the customers.
Acknowledgement Conducting this research over the subject of ever changing consumer behaviour in retail market has been a wonderful experience of my entire life. I have indeed gained various kinds information while I was doing the research. I have enhanced my skilled and expertise in the area of consumer buying behaviours, online shopping trend and traditional buying mode. However, I also admit that this all will not be possible with the supports and effective guideline of many persons. First of all, I would like to thank my supervisors for the true guideline and I would also like to thank all who have contributed their precious time with me while doing the research. Thanking you _______________________
Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction..............................................................................................................6 1.1 Introduction:.........................................................................................................................6 1.2 Background of the study:.....................................................................................................6 1.3 Research rationale:...............................................................................................................6 1.4 Research Aim:......................................................................................................................7 1.5 Research Questions:.............................................................................................................7 1.6 Summary:.............................................................................................................................8 Chapter2: Literature Review......................................................................................................9 2.1 Introduction:.........................................................................................................................9 2.2 Conceptual Framework:.......................................................................................................9 2.3 Previous research studies:....................................................................................................9 2.4 Customer buying decision and attitude:.............................................................................10 2.5 Identifying the factors penetrating the buying behaviour of the buyers:...........................12 2.6 Concepts of traditional marketing strategies:.....................................................................12 2.6.1 Concepts of online marketing strategies:........................................................................13 2.7 Online and the offline difference in terms of the shopping trends:....................................13 2.8 Gap analysis:......................................................................................................................14 2.9 Existing and previous research comparison:......................................................................14 2.10 Summary:.........................................................................................................................14 Chapter 3: Research Design and Methodology........................................................................16 3.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................16 3.2 Method Outline:.................................................................................................................16 3.3 Research Onion..................................................................................................................16 3.4 Research Philosophies........................................................................................................17 3.4.1 Justification of chosen research philosophy – Post positivism.......................................18 3.5 Research Design.................................................................................................................19 3.5.1 Justification for choosing research design- Descriptive research design:.......................20 3.6 Research approach.............................................................................................................20 3.6.1 Justification for choosing research approach- Deductive approach................................21 3.7 Data analysis plan..............................................................................................................21 3.7.1 Data sources....................................................................................................................21 3.7.2 Quantitative data collection.............................................................................................21 3.7.3 Qualitative data collection...............................................................................................22
3.8 Sampling............................................................................................................................22 3.9 Accessibility Issue:.............................................................................................................22 3.10 Ethical Considerations:....................................................................................................22 3.11 Research Limitations........................................................................................................23 3.12. Summary:........................................................................................................................23 Chapter 4: Findings and discussion..........................................................................................24 4.1 Introduction:.......................................................................................................................24 4.2 Quantitative data analysis:.................................................................................................24 4.3 Qualitative data analysis:...................................................................................................35 44. Summary:...........................................................................................................................37 Chapter 5: Conclusion and recommendation...........................................................................38 5.1 Conclusion:........................................................................................................................38 5.2 Objective linking:...............................................................................................................38 5.3 Recommendations:.............................................................................................................40 5.4 Limitation of the study:......................................................................................................40 5.5 Future scope of the research:..............................................................................................41 Chapter 6: Reflective report.....................................................................................................42 Reference list and Bibliography...............................................................................................45 Appendices:..............................................................................................................................48
List of Figures Figure 1: Conceptual Framework.............................................................................................10 Figure 2: Customer decision making elements........................................................................12 Figure 3: Research Onion.........................................................................................................18 Figure 4: Research Philosophies..............................................................................................19 Figure 5: Research Design.......................................................................................................20 Figure 6: Research Approach...................................................................................................21
List of Tables Table 1: Gender of the respondents..........................................................................................27 Table 2: Age group of the respondents.....................................................................................28 Table 3: Information delivers through social media sites........................................................29 Table 4: Types of purchasing mode of products.......................................................................31 Table 5: Effectiveness of online shopping mode.....................................................................32 Table 6: Influence of online shopping mode on consumer......................................................33 Table 7: Cost effectiveness of type of purchase mode.............................................................35 Table 8: Comprehensive of type of purchase mode.................................................................36
List of Graphs Graph 1: Gender of the respondents.........................................................................................28 Graph 2: Age group of the respondents....................................................................................29 Graph 3: Information delivers through social media sites.......................................................30 Graph 4: Types of purchasing mode of products.....................................................................32 Graph 5: Effectiveness of online shopping mode....................................................................33 Graph 6: Influence of online shopping mode on consumer.....................................................35 Graph 7: Cost effectiveness of type of purchase mode............................................................36 Graph 8: Comprehensiveness of type of purchase mode.........................................................37
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction: The dissertation paper emphasised more on the “ever changing consumer buying behaviours in retail market�. For understanding this note of changing attitude of the customer a comparative note of understanding between the traditional modes of buying with that of the online shopping craze has been done. It is found that the researcher underlay a background marking an inception to the variables those are framed in. Moreover the main area of progress cultivates some medium of shopping techniques made by the customers.
1.2 Background of the study: The current research work mainly pays much attention on the changing consumer buying behaviours in retail business market. It has been pointed out that customers are adopting different types of attitudes and behaviours and while purchasing a products and services. On the other hand, it has been also noted that online shopping trend influence the purchase intention of the customers to great extent. It has been observed that more than 45% of people across the world are using internet for their daily activities. Online shopping trend provides the customers a new concept of purchasing products and services. It is also supposed to be cost effective and provides different types of services like home delivery. On the other hand, it has been also pointed out that customers also value traditional mode of buying. Majority of the customers like to purchase products and services by going through the physical store and selecting the products and services as per their own choice and interest.
1.3 Research rationale: The continuous change in the behaviour moods or better to call it attitude that the customers have regards as the main area if issue that needs to be highlighted by the researcher. This is becoming as an issue, more in prominence with the changing marketing strategies incorporated by the recognised companies. Consequently, the nature of promoting the products as well as the services coming in connection to the pre or post sale area forms are found to remain in a changing pattern.
Presently there is a debate going on with the power of buying goods though online mode of marketing made by the customers. This has so greatly been perceived by the marketing strategies which hold a reaction to that of the inclusion of the social networking sites and the establishment of the Smartphone shopping applications in retaining the customers. All these have been a great help to the fast paced life where online shopping trend can feel the moon in contrast to the conventional platforms. This is more indicated in respect to the retail industry. The main motive of the research has been in identifying a difference in respect to the comparative note between the elements of the online as well as the traditional shopping models. Variables in reliance to the elements are addressed as well as their individual influences are well nurtured. The researcher has primarily focused on changing consumer buying behaviour in the current business market and how it influences the business profitability. The researcher has tried to understand the impact of consumer buying behaviours through the comparative analysis of traditional buying and online shopping trend.
1.4 Research Aim: The aim of the research work has been to understand the ever changing customer buying behaviours within the retail sector. According a comparative way of analysing the traditional buying and online shopping trends by putting their relevance to the retail sector has been conducted. The research objectives which have been well crafted for the research project in accordance to the aim lay on the below. These include: To analyse the factors that influences the customer buying behaviours in retail market. To understand the different between traditional mode of buying and online shopping trend. To analyze the impact of traditional buying and online shopping trend on consumer buying behaviours. To make proper recommendation for influencing purchase intension of customer in retail market.
1.5 Research Questions: What are the convenient factors often found in influencing the customer buying behaviours in retail market?
ď ś How can traditional mode of buying and online shopping trend differ against each other? ď ś How traditional buying and online shopping trend plays a great impact on consumer buying behaviours? ď ś What are the necessary recommendations can be made for influencing purchase intension of customer in retail market?
1.6 Summary: The main potential of the chapter acts as the guiding star for the reader while making proper insights to the theories or the techniques of methodology pursed by. It is the context that defines the variables or the concepts those are described in the upcoming chapters. Mean while a justification to the issue that has been the main area of drawing the researcher could be generated. As has been the inclusion of technology and social media sites making rampant cost effectiveness to the online media marketing made by the companies. All these implications as well as the variables individually are explored in the literature review part providing an area of conceptual frame work related to the topic.
Chapter2: Literature Review
2.1 Introduction: Literature review acts as the insights to the theories by relying more on the concepts, factors that had managed to connect with the realistic pattern. These theories have managed to consider an understanding of the variables like that of the customer buying behaviour which gets influenced with the main parameter of the traditional as well as the non-traditional marketing strategies. The given discussion put an emphasis of such variables but at the same referred to the earlier works in gathering the gap analysis. It is this gap which accounts to the need of doing the study on the respective topic within the given span of time.
2.2 Conceptual Framework: Customer purchase decision
Offline media marketing strategies
Online marketing techniques
Becoming the trends Figure 1: Conceptual Framework (Source: Created By Author)
2.3 Previous research studies: The main concern for the previous research studies made with the following research studies could be done by focusing on the two papers. The main intention is to categorise the gap which has been discussed at the final call. Some of the variables are common to both these,
may certainly not decipher the continuous change of the attitude prioritise a comparative not of understanding. Automatically signifying a cross analysis could be made. “Impact of Consumer Attitude in Predicting Purchasing Behaviour” as coined by the Cesar Augusto Carvalho, showcases a positive attitude that often showcased by the customer in making a purchase. This could be found in respect to the purchase intention of the products. Again there must be a frequency made by the customer in pursuing the purchase from a given platform. Reliability method could be found while making a purchase from one particular medium. Again this had managed to cater an expectancy value model which is important for the customer. Most of the factors relative to the variables are found to have corresponded with that of the beliefs (Heeseok Park, 2011, p.193). “A purchase decision-making process model of online consumers and its influential factor” have managed to enforce a key area of consideration to the people as perceived in the paper made by Sahar Karimi. It has been found that the purchase decision making of the customer could eventually be incorporated by considering the two important elements. The first come the style of the customer in taking a decision that is the attitude, and the second goes in relevance to the purchase on online marketing sites. The trends are found to cover up some of the business models as lamented by the organisations on a successive note.
2.4 Customer buying decision and attitude: Pickett-Baker and Ozaki, (2009, p.281) stated that if the market has been influencing the customers in making the choice of the product. This is found more in respect to the problem recognition accompanied by the gathering or accumulation of the information, proper evaluating of the information given by the promotional activities made by the companies. All these are found to have activated the purchase decision making potential of the customers. Finally this also considers the post or after sale services delivered by the companies more emphatically.
Problem recognition
Gathering or accumulation of the information
Proper evaluating of the information
Purchase decision making
Post or after sale services
Figure 2: Customer decision making elements (Source: Lin, 2009, pp.23) As has been found by Krishna (2012, p.266) some of the examples of the various retail organisations such as Tesco, ASDA who rely more on the delivery of the quality with that of the pricing strategy. It could be found in this connection that the quality of the production based on the information generated plays a vital role. Problem recognition: As conceived by Heeseok Park (2011, p.193) the issue of problem in this respect could make a strong base. It is often found that the internal as well as the external requisites note the purchase mechanism. In respect to the availability of the fresh vegetables made by the organisation ASDA, customers prefer healthy diet as a part of their healthy living. Hence the product feature made a major role. However this certainly does not over lays an emphasis on the pricing strategy made by the organisation plays a crucial driving force. Information accumulation: It is found that the information search could be effectively adhered by the organisation giving much of the emphasis on the role that has been performed. Organisations like that of Zara, ASDA, and Tesco are found to make strong promotional
activities for retaining more and more customers. Customers are found to refer to the various packaging modes and the offers delivered by the organisation where proper information is found. It could be stated in this connection that product quality as well as the pricing forms two main area of concern for the customers as commented by Henry (2012, p.424). Again some of the customers prefer to take account of the high pricing orientation. This is the reason as most of the product happens to rule down for they would have been absorbed in making a lifestyle impact. These form the part of the elite or the upper class of the people who prefer to show off their product in reliance to the status symbol. Moreover the customers are found to get hold of the other alternatives useful when they are made to compare with the product, pricing, promotional requisites as referred by Jaakkola (2011, p.93). Again brand as the concept also create a larger impact on the mind of the customer while making their choice.
2.5 Identifying the factors penetrating the buying behaviour of the buyers: Henry (2012, p.424) opined that four important factors enacts as the key influencing ways to ensure the purchase decision of the customer. These are the social factors, the cultural factors, the personal factor or the area of their own choice and finally the psychological factors. As a part of the cultural factors, both the needs as well as the values perceived by the people are found. The cultural exchange as delivered through the product or after sale service which are made by the online as well as that of the offline potentials of marketing. As a part of the social culture the customer’s purchase decision is often shaped by the reviews that they received though Word of mouth or peer reviews. WOM is a common tool practiced among the social factors, primarily from the social drivers by and large. Personal factors record the need by emphasizing more on the demographic connection or the situational requirement of the product. This also gives meaning to the lifestyle mechanism at the best. Additionally the psychological factor connect with the motivational aspects followed by the perception it hold. This comprised of the values, beliefs those are shared.
2.6 Concepts of traditional marketing strategies: Henry (2012, p.424) opined that the traditional medium of marketing strategies are accounted by the core area of competencies as identified by the four P’s. Most of the organizations are found to deliver these four P’s those are properly related with the marketing mix. The
traditional modes of marketing often used to prioritise the sale are more than the customers ‘needs. It was the price which had been the most prominent of all. The main elements as laid down by the traditional marketing trends did not refer to the proper innovation. Even if the innovation of the packaging are considered then also the old school process of seeking more and more money by earning profit becomes the main agenda. For the marketing managers it was sale and not the customer and their needs of the customer that have been the most significant. Generally the people are found not to consider some other areas of concern. This could eventually culminate in the strongest pattern making the most to the managers as asked for retaining the customers based on the cheap pricing pattern, without any post sale care.
2.6.1 Concepts of online marketing strategies: As the globalisation decade witnessed a widening effort for the people asked for generating some quality modifications. It has been the technological consideration which by the part of their ethical practices could meet up with the relevant perspectives. Heeseok (2011, p.193) coined that the main objective of the person centered approach managed to critically place the demands at the forefront. It is the interests, expectation of the customer in reliance to the value given to the products by the organization. Moreover the implications of the online marketing strategies are not only one dimensional but it has also managed to categories the quality, promotional activities pre sale process with that of the high selling perspectives. Retention could be made possible with the high rate of discounts on the pre-order services could be made with.
2.7 Online and the offline difference in terms of the shopping trends: Putting the key area of focus on the difference that the online or the e-commerce sector is gearing up with that of the offline setting case. Firstly, the period of 2008, onwards, has found to witness a rise in the increased e-commerce sites, like that of Amazon, e-bay and others. Most of these sites are part of the social media platforms. Even Facebook, Twitter were launched with the aim of dealing with the main area of concern for organisation in doing some promotional activities (Bowman, 2010, p.129).A revolution since the late 2010’s made with the inclusion of the Smartphone applications. It is found that the year 2008 had generated around 39% increase in the sale profit compared to the offline sale service. The
growth ratio was 120% within the year 2002 to 2008. Other than that the offline sale growth drops down to that of the $18.7. Abdul-Muhmin (2010, p.5) signified that the drop occurred with the discounts and the easy accessibility of the products within the comfort zone of the customers. The best thing about the online mode of purchase has been the browsing of the products despite of the fact of outstanding in long queue. Again the transaction could be made online with the availability of the cards. Now this is the best medium of the people sounding to the older people who do not find it much to walk or stand browsing the products. The most promising of the online strategy delivers in meeting the increased sale acceptance making the 21% inclusion of the wholesale organisations. Again 3.6% of the retail industries are found to make their investment in this online mode of marketing trends. Despite of the increased part the offline does not remain obsolete after standing in the 2015’s. The reliability as well as the trust factor also marks a key element for the customers. Hence the security concern of the people also summons some advantageous medium for the offline marketing trends. Transaction can be swift as case of website hacking or victims of cyber crimes could pretty well be avoided as stated by Chen (2013, p.259).
2.8 Gap analysis: The gap identified from the discussion encounter the comparative way of denoting the thing could be addressed. This could be done to deliver a successful completion of the project. Most of the issue concern to the differences that are found in connection to the possible features as the present research would lie down.
2.9 Existing and previous research comparison: The earlier studies all along focused solely on the attitude or the factors related to the customer decision making process. But in the present research emphasis have been made on the likes of the customer between the contemporary trends comprised of the social networking sites. This has altogether been conceived as the main potential for making a comparative analysis of both the traditional and online mode of marketing strategies. The trends are defined as per the other requirements as well.
2.10 Summary: The main potential of the chapter delivers in the spirit of the trust, values shared by the organisation through the buying and selling of the products. Significantly the main perspective of the customer elements in the pricing, discounts lad on the online platforms prior to the values perceived through the products. All this airs in the creation of the brand making it a perceived brand image. Most of the congruencies formed in connection to the maintenance of the business ethics. Hence organisations must ensure in keeping the same amount of profit but discounts or post services in building a concrete online service as a part of the contemporary trends.
Chapter 3: Research Design and Methodology
3.1 Introduction Research Methodology is considered as a process organised with the purpose of helping the designing as well as the structure for making the research work in an appropriate manner. It is found that such an organised structuring have made a helping hand for the academic researcher. This is giving an appropriate concept regarding the techniques for conducting the research investigation. Biddle and Emmett (2011, p.79) stated that a scientifically well constructed process have been adhered by the academic researcher in the attainment of a proper data obtain prior to the execution of the theme. In respect to the topic ‘ever changing customer buying behaviour in retail market: comparative study between traditional buying and online shopping trend’, the researcher has selected the post positivism research philosophy followed by a deductive research approach in doing a quantitative and qualitative research investigation to obtained detailed knowledge regarding the theme.
3.2 Method Outline: Method outline helps in conducting the study in an organised manner focusing on the research philosophy, research design and the research approach suitable for the given topic. The researcher made an acquisition of the data by considering the secondary sources of data. Relevant theories and the models help in the obtainment of significant data. For the said dissertation topic the underfollowed primary and secondary sources of data are found.
3.3 Research Onion Research onion unfolds the five layers comprising of the philosophies, strategies, choices of data collection, designs, approach, and time horizons very much in help for the researcher. All these have managed to critically analyse data. This is done within an enclosure of a specified path. Every stage that is adopted by the researcher has made a proper link to the theories and the models (Saunders et al. 2009, p.52).
Figure 3: Research Onion (Source: Saunders et al. 2009, pp- 52) The first and the second layer focus on the research philosophies and on the research approaches respectively. Coming on to the third layer, conduction of the data analysis plan that is commonly coined as the strategies or choices is present in detailed format. The said topic form a part of the case study based orientation based on the fourth layer. Finally the fifth layer relates with the time horizon.
3.4 Research Philosophies Research philosophies those are described for this particular research are found by understanding the research paradigms. Research paradigms are of three types, namely, epistemology, axiology and phenomenology as coined by Sprenger (2011, p.497).
RPI eno sat leit tiPr spoi vmsr ei stti mvi vi si ms m
R e a lis m
P o si ti v i s m
I n te rp re ti v i s m
P o st P o s i ti v i s m
Figure 4: Research Philosophies (Source: Sprenger, 2011, pp.497) Firstly, epistemology connects primarily the knowledge gathered through theories. Secondly, Axiology and phenomenology convinced more on the ethical and factual norms of the research. Rae (2013, p.456) suggested that the research philosophies are mostly derived out of the paradigms theories. These are positivism, interpretivism and realism. Philosophical aspects are reflected by the Positivism, making an inclusion of the post positivism data. This amends cross checking of the data based on the existing comparative note of analysis between the previous studies with that of the present one. Subsequently, a gap analysis is formulated.
3.4.1 Justification of chosen research philosophy – Post positivism The main purpose of the post positivism research philosophy consisted of giving an emphasis on the ethical as well as on the factual concerns that a topic provides with. This made a summation on the critically appreciated analytical analysis made by the researcher (Thomas et al.2011, pp.453). It must be noted that the selection of post positivism meant with the check out of the previously accessed factual understandings. Positivism theory managed to allow for the researcher in making or formulating a comparative study. This is done in comprise to the present research studies on the relevant
variables with that of the conventional theories. Post positivism has been a help for describing the psychological aspects of the topic, as it could access human populates as the subjects. In order to show the basic facts of the society the researcher can very well take account of the research samples.
3.5 Research Design The research methodology provides a discussion on the research design. It is mainly comprised of the three types that of research designs, chiefly, descriptive, explanatory, exploratory. Exploratory is used in conducting a long term projects. This primarily seeks the help of the inductive research approach. Apart from this, the explanatory design ensures the completion of the data meant for the research by addressing the entire theories and the models suitable. ERD ex sp cle aor inr pac th ioD vre eys i g n
Figure 5: Research Design (Source: Foster-Gilbert, 2013, pp.1072) For the given project the researcher has opted for the descriptive design. This reason for doing this has been a comparative understanding of the research could be meeting with. Again it is the descriptive research design which can relate to the presence of the information mentioned already in the scenario by taking account of the theories and models.
3.5.1 Justification for choosing research design- Descriptive research design: The first and foremost advantageous mode for doing a descriptive research design had been the accessibility of both the previous research theories which has provided a strong built in for the literature review part. Again going with the financial budgeting, as the researcher happens to be a student the main prospective had been its moderate cost dealings. Cost effectiveness as well as it longitudinal implications serve. It focuses on the acquisition of the entire data on particular subject. Making some of the most it could defeat the expensive nature as well as the time consuming manner of the explanatory and exploratory one’s. again it would not have been more appropriate as it does not provide with an explore or explaining task.
3.6 Research approach Inductive and deductive forms the two segments of research approaches generally summoned for the research methodological techniques by Blutner (2010, p.45). It is the deductive research process that has been referred in this respect. This was very much obvious with the selection of the descriptive research design for the said. I
e e
de du s u
at t
ce e p p p
h A A p p o o
o a h
hc h
a a
n c c vr v
r r
c c
Figure 6: Research Approach (Source: Foster-Gilbert, 2013, pp. 640) On the other side of the coin, Inductive approach found to correlate with the exploratory pattern with the emancipation of newer ideas and models for achieving the research
objectives. Inductive research is long term compared to that of the deductive one which relates to the previously existing data sources.
3.6.1 Justification for choosing research approach- Deductive approach Deductive call goes side by side with the inclusion of descriptive research design. In both the cases the theories which are already defined or crafted by renowned scholars are read and a gap analysis could be highlighted. A top to bottom approach has been approached in making the theoretical identification more concrete. First theory based framing of the hypothesis is done and winding up with the observation that are seeker for doing the data analysis part. Hence all the required things are confirmed in the end making the research a success. Inductive relies more on the bottom to top pattern starting with the observation to that of the hypothesis correlated with the theories and confirmed in the end.
3.7 Data analysis plan Research methodology deliberately talks about the acquisition of Data signifying an entire collected as well as refined data acquired out of the surveys or interview. These very processes are met with the efforts concealed with.
3.7.1 Data sources Now the primary sources of data re found by the 100 customers surveyed in the rescan project. It is the primary sources done though the acquisition of the raw data. The researcher has collected secondary forms of data and information from different types of books, journals, websites and articles. The researcher has collected primary data from the people who are directly and indirectly connected with the research topic. The researcher has also conducted an interview session with the 5 marketing managers of retail companies in order collect the primary data and information.
3.7.2 Quantitative data collection In consideration to the respective topic, both the qualitative and the quantitative research data have been performed. A set of questionnaire have been circulated among the 100 customers for the obtainment of data. Most of the questions are found to remain multiple-choice based
questions, followed by a closed ended or structured pattern in getting hold of the interviews of 5 managers of different retail business organisation.
3.7.3 Qualitative data collection Qualitative data collection indicates the attainment of the Interview oriented data. This has been carried out of the 5 managers of retail organisations. Therefore the researcher followed a combination of both the qualitative and quantitative data making it a mixed or combined data collection process.
3.8 Sampling Generally it is found that the non probability or non random mode, applying the convenience-sampling techniquehappens to refer to the 5 marketing managers of retail organisations for gathering the qualitative data. On the other probability sampling using the quota sampling technique preloads the 100 customer’s surveyed for the quantitative data. Proper graphs and charts are found in the data analysis part. Hence, the sampling size of this research is 105 that consist of the 100 customers for the quantitative data collection and 5 marketing managers of retail organisations for qualitative data collection.
3.9 Accessibility Issue: Various important information are part and has significantly drives the researcher to analyse the works. One thing should be kept in mind that it is not possible to get receive the required data. Still some of the contacts done through the help of the papers, beloved ones, help in receiving the same. Therefore, accessibility of all the information is difficult to reach out by the researcher for the project.
3.10 Ethical Considerations: As per the Data Protection Act of 1998 imposed by the UK legislative bodies, it has become a crucial task that issue of maintaining secrecy for respecting privacy of the customers is accorded. This was more due to the confidentiality maintaining factor, not to disclose the identities of the people. Any kind of monetary force or compulsion should not be appreciated. Finally the data obtained should be used only for the academic purpose; no involvement of the commercialisation of the data is acceptable. Therefore all these are activated to drive the greater cause. On the other hand, the researcher has ensured that there was not external forces
have been exerted on the respondents in order to provide relevant information about the research topic. The respondents have take part in the survey as per their own will and interests.
3.11 Research Limitations Often the academic researcher found to face challenges or limitation in respect to the lack of time. Budgeting too becomes crucial. Absence of specific time creates hurdles for the researcher in contacting important managers for acquiring the survey. One of the major limitation of the research work is limited time, fewer budgets and data authenticity. It might be possible that customers provide wrong information and ideas to the research during the survey. This wrong information provided by the customers will have the major impact on the outcomes of the research work.
3.12. Summary: The main significance of the chapter crafts in identifying the techniques those are followed. These are essential for enabling the research topic in a proper way. The researcher has also followed systematic process of methodology in order to collected extensive forms of data and information about the research topic. It has been noted that the researcher has targeted 105 samples for conducting this research work properly.
Chapter 4: Findings and discussion
4.1 Introduction: The data analysis and interpretation chapter is supposed to be one of the most important chapters of the research project. In this particular chapter, the researcher has mainly analysed the collected data and information based on the empirical knowledge and ideas gained from literature review. The researcher has analysed the data and information collected from survey conducted with 100 customers. The researcher has collected quantitative forms data and evidence from 100 customers and qualitative data from the 5 marketing managers of the different business firms in United Kingdom.
4.2 Quantitative data analysis: Quantitative questions for 100 customers: Q1. What is your gender? Options
Response rate (%)
Response frequency
Male Female
76% 24%
76 24
Total number respondents 100 100
Table 1: Gender of the respondents 80%
70% 60% 50% 40% 30%
20% 10% 0% Male
Graph 1: Gender of the respondents Findings: From the above collected data and information, the researcher has found that 76% of customers are male respondents where as 24% of the customers are female respondents. It has been also figured out that influence of the consumer buying behaviours have been mostly seen in male respondents rather than female. Discussion: From the findings, the researcher has pointed out that most of the respondents taken part in the survey are male. However, some of the female customers have also taken interest in responding the questions asked by the researcher in order to make the right justification of the research topic. Q2. In which age group do you belong to? Options
Response rate (%)
Response frequency
15-20 21-25 26-30 31-40
20% 25% 30% 10%
20 25 30 10
Total number respondents 100 100 100 100
40 above
Table 2: Age group of the respondents 35% 30%
30% 25%
25% 20%
20% 15%
15% 10%
10% 5% 0% 15-20
40 above
Graph 2: Age group of the respondents Findings: The researcher has figured out different types of findings from the above collected data and evidences. The researcher has seen that 30% of the customers belong to the age group 26-23. On the other hand, 25% of the customer of age group 21-25 has also shown their keen interest in taking part in the market survey and giving the sound response against the comparative analysis of traditional buying and online shopping trend. Apart from that, age group of above 40 also occupied 15% of the customers which are supposed to be the more comprehensive in term of consumer buying behaviour. Discussion: From the findings, the researcher has noted that most of the respondents taking part in market survey conducted by the researcher generally belong to the age group 26-30. On the other hand, the researcher has also analysed that most of the customers influenced by the traditional and online shopping trend fall in the age group of 26-30. Apart from that, the researcher has also pointed out that old aged people of more than 40 years have also been greatly influenced
by the online shopping trend. It has been also ready mentioned in the literature review that online shopping trend is supposed to be a new trend, which influence people of all age group to great extent.
Q3. Do you agree that social media sites prove to be effective in sharing information about the products and services? Options
Response rate (%)
Response frequency
Agree Strongly agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
36% 24% 8% 12% 20%
36 24 8 12 20
Total number respondents 100 100 100 100 100
Table 3: Information delivers through social media sites 40% 36% 35% 30% 24%
20% 15%
5% 0% Agree
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Graph 3: Information delivers through social media sites Findings: The researcher has found that role of social media sites are immense in online shopping trend and traditional buying trend. The above graph provides comprehensive ideas about the information about the products and services provided through the different social media sites.
The researcher has found that 36% of the customers agreed that social media sites are helpful in gaining various types of information products and services sold on online shopping websites. On the other hand, 20% of the customers also strongly disagreed with this point of view. The researcher has also pointed out that 8% of the customers remained silent and did not speak anything else regarding this. Discussion: As per discussed in the literature review, it has been mentioned that role of social media sites are supposed to be very critical in influencing the consumer buying behaviour. The researcher has also noted from findings that most of the customers believed that social media sites provide good deal of information regarding the products and services that help consumer in reaching to purchase intention of the products. On the other hand, it has been also figured out that some of the customers in the market think that sometime social media sites provide wrong information about the products and services which harm the loyalty of the customers towards the brand and has negative influence on the purchase intension. Q4. What types of purchasing options you like most? Options
Response rate (%)
Traditional mode 35% Online shopping 65% mode
Response frequency 35 65
Total number respondents 100 100
Table 4: Types of purchasing mode of products 70%
60% 50% 40%
30% 20% 10% 0% Traditonal mode
Online shopping mode
Graph 4: Types of purchasing mode of products Findings: From the collected data and information, the researcher has figured out that 35% of the customers believed that traditional buying mode is supposed to be more reliable than online shopping trend. On the other hand, 65% of the customers agreed with the online shopping trend in the current business market. Discussion: It has already mentioned in the literature review that online shopping trend is more acceptable by the majority of the people in the global market. Due to immense use of internet, people like to purchase products and services through online platform. From the findings, the researcher has pointed out that most of the customers in the market like to go online shopping mode as it is supposed to be more comprehensive and cost effective. However, some of the customers raised complaints against the online shopping trend due to its delivery services of products on time. In the literature review, it has been also mentioned that customers are more interested in buying the products from the physical store rather than online as it provides way of making choice of products and services at first hand. Q5 Do you agree that online shopping mode is better than traditional mode?
Response rate (%)
Response frequency
Agree Strongly agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
40% 15% 5% 18% 22%
40 15 5 18 22
Total number respondents 100 100 100 100 100
Table 5: Effectiveness of online shopping mode 45% 40%
35% 30% 25%
18% 15%
15% 10%
5% 0% Agree
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Graph 5: Effectiveness of online shopping mode Findings: From the collected data and information from market survey, the researcher has pointed out that 40% of the customers believed that online shopping trend is more effective than traditional buying mode. On the other hand, 22% of customers agreed in a fact that traditional buying is more effective than online shopping trend. However, the researcher has found that only 5% of the customers remained neutral and did not speak anything against the above mentioned statement. Discussion: It has been noted that there are so many arguments and criticism made over the effectiveness of the online shopping trend and traditional buying mode. The researcher has found from the
literature review that both have similar advantage and disadvantages and also have major influence on consumer buying behaviour. The researcher has believed that most of the customers agreed that online shopping trend is more effective than traditional buying as it cost effective and also save time. One of the most admirable services of online buying trend is that customers can place the order from their home and they can get their order delivered at their doorsteps. Q6. Do you agree that online shopping influence your purchase intention? Options
Response rate (%)
Response frequency
Agree Strongly agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
27% 33% 8% 12% 20%
27 33 8 12 20
Total number respondents 100 100 100 100 100
Table 6: Influence of online shopping mode on consumer 35% 30%
25% 20%
20% 15%
5% 0% Agree
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Graph 6: Influence of online shopping mode on consumer Findings: From the collected data, the researcher has pointed out that 33% and 27% of the customers believed that online shopping trend influence the purchase intention of the customers to great
extent. On the other hand, 20% of the customers strongly disagreed with the fact that online shopping trend influence the consumer purchase intention. Discussion: In the literature review, it has been mentioned that consumer mainly goes through different types of steps before going to reach at purchase intention. Seeking the products as per their needs and looking the more information are the major steps of the consumer buying process. From the findings, the researcher has noted that most of the customers believed that online shopping trend has major impact on the buying behaviour of the consumers as it provides various types of relevant information about the products and services. On the other hand, consumer also dislikes purchasing products and services through online mode due to insecure payment gateways and product delivery services. Q7. Do you think that online shopping mode is cost effective in comparison to tradition mode? Options
Response rate (%)
Response frequency
Yes No
60% 40%
60 40
Total number respondents 100 100
Table 7: Cost effectiveness of type of purchase mode 70% 60%
50% 40%
40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Yes
Graph 7: Cost effectiveness of type of purchase mode Findings: From the above graph, the researcher has also pointed out that 60% of the customers agreed that online shopping is cost effective than traditional buying trend. On the other hand, 40% of the customers believed that customers also get products and services at affordable price by going through the physical stores. Discussion: It is mentioned in the literature review that online shopping is supposed to be very cost effective. The consumers can get their products and services at economic price range. The researcher has also noted that most of the customers also agreed with it. Adding to this, the researcher has also figured out that online shopping has major impact on the consumer buying behaviour due to its cost effectiveness and provide huge ranges of products and services. Q8. Do you agree that online shopping more is more appreciated by the young generation? Options
Response rate (%)
Response frequency
Agree Strongly agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
33% 37% 2% 20% 8%
33 37 2 20 8
Total number respondents 100 100 100 100 100
Table 8: Comprehensive of type of purchase mode 40% 35%
37% 33%
30% 25% 20%
20% 15% 10%
0% Agree
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Graph 8: Comprehensiveness of type of purchase mode Findings: From the above data, the researcher has pointed out that 33% of the customers agreed that traditional buying is more comprehensive than online shopping trend. On the other hand, 20% of the customers completely disagreed with it. However, 37% of the customers strongly agreed that traditional buying trend is more acceptable in current business market. Only 2% of the customers remained silent in this concern. Discussion: As per discussed in the literature review, it has mentioned that most of the customers prefer to purchase the products and services through the physical stores for the various security reasons. On the other hand, the researcher has also noted from the findings that most of the customers believed that traditional buying trend is more comprehensive than online shopping due to security issues and authenticity of information.
4.3 Qualitative data analysis: Qualitative questions for 5 marketing managers of different retailers:
Q1. What are the major factors that influence customer buying behaviours in retail market? The researcher has initially asked to managers of the retail organisations about the major factors that influence customers buying behaviours in the retail market. The researcher has gained different types of answers from the different managers of the retail companies. 3 out of 5 managers said that cultural and social factors are supposed to be the major forces that influence the consumer buying behaviour to great extent. It has been also pointed out that culture of the customers is generally related to cultural environment from which they actually belong to. The managers have also stated that most of the customers believed in what the society and family members think about the products and services. On the other hand, most of the consumers in the market collect information about the products and services from the friend, family and society. On the other hand, 2 out of 5 managers have also commented that personal and psychological factors play major role in influencing consumer buying behaviour in retail market. It is believed that age and way of living of the customers do make a great sense in purchasing products and services. The products that the consumer is about the buy the products must fulfil their requirement. Apart from that, consumer must be motivated while purchasing products and services from some online store. The motivation of customers is generally related to the needs and requirement of the customers. Q2. How do the traditional modes of buying and online shopping trend differ against each other? In further, the researcher has tried to ask about the difference between traditional buying behaviour and online shopping trend. The researcher has pointed out that managers have given different types of opinion against the asked questions. 4 out of the 5 managers stated that the major differences of online shopping trend and traditional buying is that online shopping is supposed to be most reliable and cost effective than traditional buying. Online shopping trend also provide a service of home delivery of products that add value to the customers. On the other hand, one of the five managers said that traditional buying trend is more satisfactory as it is all about the going to physical store and selecting products as per their own choice and interest. It has been also observed that there is also a security issues related to payment gateways in the online shopping trend.
Q3. How traditional buying and online shopping trend do play a great impact on consumer buying behaviours? The researcher has than asked about the impact of online shopping trend and traditional buying on consumer buying behaviour. The researcher has figured out that 3 out of 5 managers said that online shopping has much and more impact on consumer buying behaviour than traditional buying mode. It has been noticed that customers acquire various types of information about the product and services through internet and they can also make an order from their home at single click. These things have mostly influenced the purchase intension of the customers. On the other hand, 2 out of the 5 manages also stated that most of the customers in global market also like traditional buying mode as it is supposed to be more secure and comprehensive in comparison to the online shopping. The managers have further stated that what customers mainly want is that satisfaction. In the traditional buying mode, the customers generally buy the products and make the selection of the products in the first hand or touching the products with hands. This make the customers satisfied that they are purchasing the products after the evaluation and right for them. Q4. What are the necessary recommendations can be made for influencing customer purchase intension of customer in retail market? After having the detailed understanding about factor influencing consumer buying behaviour, the researcher has then tried to know about what can be done for influencing consumer purchase intension in the retail market. 4 out of the 5 managers commented that promotional of the products and services is supposed to be the one of the effective ways to influence the purchase intention of the customers in retail market. On the other hand, one of the five managers has commented that creating value for the customers is also considered to be one of the most considerable ways to influence the consumer purchase intention. It has been figured out that consumers are going to be more informative and they would like to know much and more before purchasing products and services from online shopping trend or traditional purchase intention.
44. Summary: From the findings and discussion, the researcher has figured out that customers are greatly influenced by the online shopping trend and traditional buying mode. Although, most of the customers in modern business market like to purchase products and services through the process of online platform, but there are also some of the customers who value traditional buying as it seems to be more authentic and secure.
Chapter 5: Conclusion and recommendation
5.1 Conclusion: From the data analysis and interpretation, the researcher has figured out that there are so many factors that influence the consumer buying behaviours in the retail market. It has been also noticed that attitude and behaviours of the customers are rapidly changing in the current business world due to advancement of the information technology and changing trend in market. The researcher has also pointed out that both mode of purchasing called online shopping trend and traditional buying behaviours have major impact on the consumer buying behaviours. The researcher has observed that online shopping trend is supposed to be more acceptable in the modern retail market. Customers prefer to make order online for their products and services through use of internet. On the other hand, the researcher has also acknowledged that value of traditional buying is also accepted by the majority of the customers with great importance and significances. However, perception of the customers move from traditional buying to online shopping to great extent, but the importance of both always remain same to the heart of the customers in retail market. On the other hand, the researcher has also noted that there are so many ways by which issues of the research topic can be overcomes. One of the major issues figured out by the researcher is to influence the consumer purchase intention in the retail business market. It has been also noted that traditional buying and online shopping trend might influence the consumer buying behaviours, but the process of decision making also depend upon the several factors.
5.2 Objective linking: Objective 1: To understand the factors that influences the customer buying behaviours in retail market This particular objective has direct link with the quantitative questions 1, 2 and qualitative questions 1. In the literature review, it has been mentioned that social, cultural, personal and psychological factors are supposed to be the major factors that influence the consumer buying behaviours. On the other hand, it has also been not consumer generally seek for the right products and services which suit to their requirement at best. The customers mainly collect
various types of information about the products and services while buying products from their society, family and past purchase experiences. In the literature review, the process of consumer buying behaviours has effectively been discussed in order to make the suitable justification of the objective. Objective 2: To assess the different between traditional mode of buying and online shopping trend The researcher has linked this objective with the quantitative questions 3, 5 and qualitative question 2. It is clearly mentioned in the literature review is that one of the major differences between traditional buying mode and online shopping trend is the concept of cost effectiveness and sense of conformability. On the other hand, the researcher has also observed that both forms of purchase option have their own importance and significances. It has been also found that online shopping trend in the modern business market is more appreciated by the customers. It not only provides customers a sense of conformability but also saves the time. Objective 3: To analyze the impact of traditional buying and online shopping trend on consumer buying behaviours The researcher has linked this particular objective with the quantitative questions 4, 6 and qualitative questions 3 and 3. As per discussed in the literature review, both traditional buying and online shopping have major impact on the consumer buying behaviours. However, it has been also seen that impact of online shopping trend influence the consumer purchase intension to great extent. On the other hand, the researcher has also made it clear that most of the consumer in global as well as in the domestic market still love to adopt traditional mode of buying while purchasing products and services. The influence of the traditional buying is still seen in the current business market. Objective 4: To make proper recommendation for influencing purchase intension of customer in retail market This particular objective has linked with quantitative questions 5, 7, 8 and qualitative question 4. As per discussed in the literature review, it has been figured out that in the modern era consumer are supposed to be more information about the products and services. They generally like to get more and more knowledge about the products. On the other hand, the customers generally like to purchase the products which best suit to their needs and
requirements. Effective promotion of the products and services may the good option for influencing the consumer purchase intention of the customers. On the other hand, creating value for the customers in the market is also a way to influence the consumer to purchase the products and services through online or traditional ways.
5.3 Recommendations: As per understanding the issues and problems in the research topic, the researcher has made several recommendations in order to overcome the issues. The researcher has figured out that one of the major issues in the research topic is to influence the consumer purchase intension. Effective advertisement and promotion of products and services: Justification: It has noted the more customers are aware about the products and services the more they tend to purchase the products and services. The retail business organisation should have to focus on the advertisement of websites along with products and services in order to make them aware about the business firms bring for them. Apart from that, retail companies also need to develop the content of website effectively in order to draw the attention of the customers to great extent. Providing sale after services: Justifications: Giving sale after service to the customers is supposed to be the most distinctive way to influence the consumer purchase intention. It has been pointed out that most of the customers want to know about what companies offers to the customers after the products and services are sold out. It has been noted that most of the retail online business firms provide sale after services to the customers for making them loyal to the brand and creating value for them. The retail companies also should have to give value to the customers while they making the decision of purchasing products. If the customer comes to know that online business firms provide sale after service, then they are motivated in purchasing of products and services.
5.4 Limitation of the study: There are so many limitations associated with this research work. Apart from that time and budgets, limited scope is supposed to be the major limitation of the research work. It has been noticed that the outcomes of the research work has been generally made through market
survey among the 100 respondents only and it has been also conducted in United Kingdom only. It might b possible that findings of the research work over the same research topic will be different when it will be conducted globally and majority of the respondents across the world.
5.5 Future scope of the research: The researcher has ensured that all the information provided through this particular research is authentic and valid. On the other hand, the researcher has admitted that there are so many area related to the research topic such as impact of consumer buying behaviours on the business profitability on which, the researcher failed to shed much light due to the limited time. The learner can conduct future research on some of the others issues left in this particular research. However, the learner can take help from the data and evidences provided by this research to great extent.
Chapter 6: Reflective report Conducting this particular research work has been the wonderful parts of the academic career. I have gone through various aspects of my life during this research work. I have realised that the theoretical knowledge gained in the class room helped to great extent when the research has been conducted in the real account. I have felt that great changes taken place into my life when the research work completed. I have enhanced my skills and expertises in the area of consumer buying behaviours to great extent. I have also studied various types of theories and models about the process of consumer buying and decision making process. The proper study of different theories and model helped me gaining the information and data about the research work topic to great extent. In order to conduct this research work in best proper way, I have adopted post-positivism research philosophy, deductive research approach and descriptive design. During this research work, I have gained the proper understanding about the required research tools and techniques used in conducting research. One of the best parts of this research is the part of the data collection. I have collected all data and information from the primary and secondary sources. The primary data has been collected from the 5 managers of retail companies and 100 customers of United Kingdom. On the other hand, secondary data has been collected from the various books, articles, journals, and websites of different retail business firms. I have conducted a market survey among 100 customers and an interview session with the 5 marketing managers of different retail companies. During the data collection, I have enhanced my communication skills while taking the marketing managers of the different retail organisation. I have also met with people of different social and cultural life and learnt how the consumer make a decision while they going to purchase the products and services. I have also observed that data collection is one of the major parts of the research work. The failure to do so in this account effectively has major impact on the outcomes of the research work. I have also faced different types of issues and challenges during the collection of data and information related to the research. I have made appointment with the managers of the different retail companies after long conversation over the call. On the other hand, I have also realised that data authenticity is considered to be one of the major limitation of the research work. I have come a cross that some of the respondents tried to give wrong answer that lead the research in the wrong way. Apart from that, this particular research work also developed
mu personal life experiences and skills along with expertises. It has been pointed out that I have only known about the primary data collection sources in the theoretical aspects. Although, I have conducted various research work with different topic, but the current research work carried my attention to great extent. I have observed that primary research work is supposed to be more interesting and authentic than secondary research work. I have come to know that there are so many factors that influence the consumer buying behaviours in the retail business market. The comparative analysis of traditional buying and online shopping trend provide me comprehensive forms of information and knowledge about the how the consumer purchases intention is influenced in the current business market. During the primary research, I have noted that attitudes and behaviours of the customers are changing continuously due to passage of time and changing trend in the business market. One of the most considerable advantages of the present research is that it enhanced ideas and knowledge about the how the decision making process has been made by the customers while they going to purchase the products and services. On the other hand, I have also learnt about the different types of theories and models interlinked with the consumer buying behaviours and its application. On the other hand, I have also released that what kinds of research specifications are required for conducting the research work effectively. I have learnt that research aim, research objectives and research questions are supposed to be the main specification of the research work. Adding to this, the research methodology is also considered as the one of the major section of the research. I have developed my skills and knowledge in adopting the suitable research philosophy, research approach and research design as per understanding the nature of the research work. I have also come to know what kinds of research strategy and research method are used for conducting the research work in best proper ways. Adding to this, I have also realised that data analysis and interpretation is also supposed to be the most important section of the research work. I have used qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques for analysing collected data and information. I have also analysed data and information based the empirical knowledge gained from different types of authors in the history literature. At the end of the research work, I have noticed that online shopping trend is more acceptable by the customers in the current retail business market. However, there are some of others customers who like to purchase the products and services through traditional buying mode. This particular research work helped me in developing my future career in the area of marketing management and decision making process of the retail companies. On the other
hand, I have also been a wonderful experience in the application of theoretical knowledge into the practical life. Apart from that, I have also experienced that there are so many theories and models, which I have studied in the class room did not work properly when it comes to the practical life. I have realised that there are so contradiction between the practical knowledge and making it work in the real life incidents. Doing secondary research seems to be more reliable rather than conducting primary research. Doing both primary and secondary research provided me an enough understanding in making the right justification of the research topic.
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Appendices: Appendix 1: Quantitative questionnaire for 100 customers: Q1. What is your gender? Options Male Female
Response rate (%) 76% 24%
Q2. In which age group do you belong to? Options 15-20 21-25 26-30 31-40 40 above
Response rate (%) 20% 25% 30% 10% 15%
Q3. Do you agree that social media sites prove to be effective in sharing information about the products and services? Options Agree Strongly agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
Response rate (%) 36% 24% 8% 12% 20%
Q4. What types of purchasing options you like most? Options Response rate (%) Traditional mode 35% Online shopping 65% mode
Q5 Do you agree that online shopping mode is better than traditional mode? Options
Response rate (%)
Agree Strongly agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
40% 15% 5% 18% 22%
Q6. Do you agree that online shopping influence your purchase intention? Options Agree Strongly agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
Response rate (%) 27% 33% 8% 12% 20%
Q7. Do you think that online shopping mode is cost effective in comparison to tradition mode? Options Yes No
Response rate (%) 60% 40%
Q8. Do you agree that online shopping more is more appreciated by the young generation? Options Agree Strongly agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
Response rate (%) 33% 37% 2% 20% 8%
Qualitative questions for 5 marketing managers of different retailers: Q1. What are the major factors that influence customer buying behaviours in retail market? Q2. How do the traditional modes of buying and online shopping trend differ against each other?
Q3. How traditional buying and online shopping trend do play a great impact on consumer buying behaviours? Q4. What are the necessary recommendations can be made for influencing customer purchase intension of customer in retail market?