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London School of Science & Technology Assignment front sheet Qualification

Unit number and title

Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing and Systems Development (QCF)

Unit 39:Computer Games Design and Development

Student name

Assessor name Anju Bansal

Date issued

Completion date

23rd December 2016

31st January 2017

Assignment title

2D/3D –FPS Computer Game.


Learning outcome (LO) Understand computer games development

AC 1.1


Submitted on

In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to: critically compare different types of

Task no.

computer games and platforms evaluate the characteristics of user interaction 1

LO 1

Be able to design computer games


evaluate the impact of computer-based gaming


Critically evaluate various Psychological factors that have influence on human beings when playing games. design a computer game for a given


requirement identify the components and data and file

LO 2


structures required to develop a computer game evaluate alternative designs and solutions to


meet a given requirement. Page 1 of 10


Evidence (Page no)

London School of Science & Technology

D1 Be able to develop computer games 3.1

Design various an appropriate GUI components that could be added to your game .Explain functionality of the component. implement a computer game to a given design using a suitable programming environment implement components to meet design


requirements implement a game user interface to meet


LO 3

design requirements identify and implement opportunities for error



D2 Be able to test and document




handling and reporting Adding a Score system to the game or show evidence of how the wining or proficiency will be assessed This criterion would be awarded by the robustness of the game developed based on the designed and the implementation. critically review and test a computer game analyse actual test results against expected

games. 4.2

results to identify discrepancies critically evaluate independent feedback on a

LO 4


developed computer game and make recommendations for improvements Create documentation for the installation, set-


up and support for a developed computer game.



Provide a critical review the meaning of Black box testing and White Box testing during the development of the computer game. This criterion would be awarded for the robustness of the report, like using the appropriate referencing, evidence of In-depth Page 2 of 10


London School of Science & Technology study and meeting all deadlines.

Learner declaration I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged. Student signature:


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London School of Science & Technology

Assignment brief Unit number and title

Unit 39:Computer Games Design and Development


Pearson BTEC HND Diploma in Computing and Systems Development

Start date

23rd December 2016


31st January 2017


Anju Bansal

Assignment title

2D/3D - FPS-Computer Game.

Purpose of this assignment: It is often easy to forget that behind the polished high-definition graphics and increasingly cinematic content of modern computer games is a highly skilled team of designers and programmers. With more sophisticated environments and new ways of interacting with computers, computer game developers now have the choice to extend into many software development realms. Linking to any of the programming units, this unit enables learners to use any suitable platform to Explore design requirements and methods of user interaction as well as the coding demands required for the differing types of gaming environments. Whilst it is essential to offer learners an Overview of the differing gaming environments, unit delivery for the development of a game should focus on one specific environment and the required user and technological interactions. This unit is not suited to learners who do not have experience in programming and should ideally be delivered when the learner has completed procedural programming, object-oriented Programming or event-driven programming. Company/Scenario: 2D/3D - FPS-Computer Game.:

You are to design and develop an FPS-Computer Game, using Unity Game Engine or any other Game Engine that you are comfortable with; the Game must meet the following specification among others. 1. Game Title; The title should be selected from the three titles given below and the developed game must reflect the chosen title. “Ball Shooter”, “Sniper Shooter ”, “ Enemy Sharp Shooter” . 2. Brief Game Description; Page 4 of 10

London School of Science & Technology A precise description of the game and what the game play is all about will be required you are a liberty to use 2D or 3D but a brief description of the game which would tell a user precisely what the game is all about must be provided on the first page of report. The Game must be a standalone on a PC with window platform and operated using common PC Inputs. You are at liberty to use any form Game Assets, Object and component designs software like Photoshop ,Maya or 3DMax, bear in mind the resources provided by the college laboratory and patent right for game resources. Among other this the game must have the following; Assets: Game object assets either developed of obtained from Unity Asset store or other FDX free game assets. Scene/Terrain: Game scene or Terrain developed or obtained free. Programming: Use an appropriate programming language or Game Engine Physics to implement and AI solution.

[The above scenario is a basic guide, creative imagination and sensible assumptions is encouraged and will be awarded the maximum marks]

Task 1: (LO1: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and M1) Word Limit (600-900) Critically compare different types of computer games. Identify different platforms on which computer games are played. (200 words - 300 words). Discuss different methods of user interaction with the games. (100 words -200 words). Evaluate the positive and negative impacts of computer-based gaming on society. (200 words - 300 words). M1: Critically evaluate various Psychological factors that have influence on human beings when playing games. (200 words - 300 words).

Task 2 (LO2: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and D1 ) Word Limit (500-600) Design a storyboard illustrating your selected game. (100 words -200 words). Your storyboard should illustrate a full design of minimum one level of your selected game. In particular you should illustrate the following:  The Playable Character (PC)  The design of the level (e.g., Terrain, Assets, etc.) Page 5 of 10

London School of Science & Technology

Write a list of all resources required to fully design and develop your selected game. (100 words -200 words). Following points must be considered among others :  The authoring tool needed to fully assemble the game, and the tool’s main characteristics  The tools needed to fully design and develop the game assets (e.g., Game characters, environment, etc.). If you are using copyright-free assets clearly state from where you acquire them. Compare the Storyboard design with Narrative and Pseudo-code design and provide some advantages of Storyboard design solutions over the other two. (100 words -200 words).

D1: Design various or an appropriate GUI components that could be added to your game .Explain functionality of the GUI component. (100 words -200 words).

Task3 (LO3: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 M2 and D2) Word Limit (400-500 words)

On the basis of your answer for task 2 (design specification), you are required: To implement a fully functional game fulfilling the design specification using Unity. Add Terrain, Assets, sound effects and back ground sounds and other special effect that suits the game. Show an appropriate user GUI that suits the game. Show evidence of having develop error handling functionalities like bugs fixes and creates a RESET button, syntax error as appropriate to your game

M2: Adding a Score system to the game or show evidence of how the wining or proficiency will be assessed. D2: This criterion would be awarded by the robustness of the game developed based on the designed and the implementations.

Task 4 (LO4: 4.1,4.2,4.3,4.4,M3,D3) Word Limit (500-600 words) In this task you are required to test the prototype you developed in task 3: To test the functionality of your game prototype. To analyse actual test results against expected results using tabular form to identify discrepancies. (100 words -200 words). Design the SUS questionnaire (Standard Usability Questionnaire) questionnaire with 10 questions and: (200 Page 6 of 10

London School of Science & Technology words - 300 words)

  

Calculate the individual scores for each user Calculate the average usability score for all three users (i.e., add all three scores and divide by three). Deliver minimum three recommendations for improvements to the game.

Create user documentation for the game, your documentation should include: (200 words - 300 words).  Screenshots of the game along with detail explanation what the user can do on the produced level(s). 

Help on how to play the game and what to do in case of problems.

M3 Provide a critical review the meaning of Black box testing and White Box testing during the development of the computer game. (200-300 words). D3 This criterion would be awarded for the robustness of the report, like using the appropriate referencing, evidence of In-depth study and meeting all deadlines.

Evidence checklist

Summary of evidence required by student

Task 1

Documents showing: different types of computer games and platforms, user interaction, impact of games on society.

Task 2

Documents showing the: storyboard, list of resources, alternative design solutions

Task 3 Task 4

Observation sheet to be completed by Tutor showing implementation of game Observation sheet showing the: testing of the game, document showing comparison of actual results with expected results , scanned SUS questionnaire completed by 3 users.usersdocUser document

Resources Harbour J, Smith J and LaMothe A (editor) – Beginner’s Guide to Darkbasic Game Programming (Muska & Lipman Publishing US, 2003) ISBN 1592000096 McShaffrey M – Game Coding Complete, 2nd Edition (Paraglyph Inc US, 2005) ISBN 1932111913 Website Allegro: Game Developer:

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London School of Science & Technology Game Programmer: Game Programming: Wiki Game Programming: programming Game Tutorials: The Game Creators: Ultimate Game Programming: Unity Software:

Achievement Summary Pearson BTEC HND Diploma in Computing and Systems Development Qualification Unit Number and title

Criteria Reference LO 1 1.1

Unit 39:Computer Games Design and Development

1.3 LO 2 2.1 2.2

Understand computer games development critically compare different types of computer games

evaluate the characteristics of user interaction evaluate the impact of computer-based gaming Be able to design computer games design a computer game for a given requirement identify the components and data and file structures required to develop a computer game

2.3 LO 3 3.1 3.2 3.3

evaluate alternative designs and solutions to meet a given requirement Be able to develop computer games implement a computer game to a given design using a suitable programming environment implement components to meet design requirements implement a game user interface to meet design requirements


Student name

To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to:

and platforms 1.2

Assessor name

identify and implement opportunities for error handling

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Achieved? (tick)

London School of Science & Technology and reporting LO 4

Be able to test and document computer games.


critically review and test a computer game


analyse actual test results against expected results to


identify discrepancies critically evaluate independent feedback on a developed computer game and make recommendations for improvements


Create documentation for the installation, set-up and support for a developed computer game.

Higher Grade achievements (where applicable)

Grade descriptor

M1: Critically evaluate various Psychological factors that have influence on human beings when playing games.

Achieved? (tick)

Grade descriptor


Design various or an appropriate GUI components that could be added to your game .Explain functionality of the GUI component. D2:

M2: Adding a Score system to the game or show evidence of how the wining or proficiency will be assessed.

This criterion would be awarded by the robustness of the game developed based on the designed and the implementations. D3:

M3: Provide a critical review the meaning of Black box testing and White Box testing during the development of the computer game.

This criterion would be awarded for the robustness of the report, like using the appropriate referencing, evidence of In-depth study and meeting all deadlines.

Assignment Feedback

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Achieved? (tick)

London School of Science & Technology Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor Signature


Student Signature


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