7 Ways As a Parent You Can Motivate and Support Your Little Gymnast

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INTRODUCTION Ev ery p arent wi shes the bes t fo r the ir c hi ldren. Gym nas ti cs i s a demand ing s p o rt, and w hen yo ur kids a re sta rtin g o ut, i t is es s enti al to g i v e them mo ti va ti on. Mo ti vati on need no t b e verb al ; p arents o ff er perso nal is ed gym nas ti cs c lo thi ng to enc o u rag e ki ds to attend gymn astic s cl as ses , w hi ch is a g reat wa y to moti v ate them to attend gymnastics classes.

WAYS PARENTS CAN MOTIVATE LITTLE GYMNASTS Here are some ways in which parents can motivate their little gymnast:

- Start Small - Get Her Proper Clothing - Keep It Fun - Do Not Pressurize Your Child - Adequate Rest - Pay Attention to Physical and Emotional Health - Check-In With Your Gymnasts’ Coaches

START SMALL Initially, your child may feel overwhelmed and lose motivation. As a parent, you should not overburden your child. Always start small. Have one or two classes per week, and gradually build it up.

GET HER PROPER CLOTHING You should choose correct gymnastics outfi ts for kids. In the absence of appropriate clothing, your child may feel uncomfortable in performing certain moves. Loose and ill-fi tted clothing wrap around the equipment resulting in injury. For practice sessions, you can choose girls gymnastics shorts, personalised hoodie gifts, etc. You can buy a personalised leotard for your daughter as well, which is a must-have gymnastics wear.

KEEP IT FUN Keep gymnastics fun. Avoid pointing out the mistakes to your child; coaches can help rectify her moves. Listen to your child’s gymnastics session stories, address her fear and frustrations.

DO NOT PRESSURIZE YOUR CHILD Never pressurize your child into doing more. It is not a great idea to always ask your little gymnast to push her limits.

ADEQUATE REST Your gymnast should take suffi cient rest. It is diffi cult when your gymnast attends school. Do the best you can do. Make sure shegoes to bed early and let her catch on sleep on weekends.

PAY ATTENTION TO PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH It is mandatory to pay attention to the physical as well as the emotional well-being of your gymnast. In the case of chronic pain, take her to the doctor.

CHECK-IN WITH YOUR GYMNASTS’ COACHES You can check the progress of your child with her coaches. You can ask any queries and share your concerns. You can ask the coaches if there is anything you could do to support their work.

FINAL WORDS Gymnastics require a lot of hard work. Keep motivating your child and make the sport fun. Involve yourself, see her practicing, praise her skills, and encourage her when a particular technique is tough for her. Buy personalised gymnastics outfi ts for your gymnast to boost her confidence.

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