Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer knoxville If you suspect any form of nursing home abuse, call us today for a free consultation. We can make sure the abuse or neglect ends and your loved one is cared for. We can also help ensure a fair settlement is paid for the suffering endured.
Any harm or pain intentionally inflicted on a resident in a nursing home is considered abuse. This includes physical, mental, verbal, psychological, and sexual abuse, as well as corporal punishment, intimidation, and unwarranted isolation.
Nursing Home Abuse Attorney Knoxville Sending a loved one to a nursing home can be a very difficult thing to do. You want to make sure they they feel loved and cared for.
Abuse may be inflicted by a facility employee, a visitor, another resident, or an intruder. Physical abuse: hitting, slapping, punching, scratching, pinching, pushing, forcefeeding Psychological or emotional abuse: belittling, embarrassing, yelling, using foul language, ignoring, threatening, depriving, punishing Sexual abuse: inappropriate touching, coercing to perform sex acts For more info visit us neglect/