1 minute read
Extension Activity
One of the beautiful things about poetry is that it is accessible to everyone. As evidenced by the teens in the film, it is an excellent medium through which you can express your unique experiences and the personal lens you bring to the world. Try writing and performing a slam poem of your own, and you may discover a new and exciting art form. 1. Choose a topic: Pick a theme or story close to your heart that you would like to explore in a poem. No step is as important as picking an authentic, personal topic that you feel strongly about. 2. Brainstorm: Make a list of words, phrases, memories, and sensory details that will help convey your emotions. 3. Draft: Try not to worry too much or censor yourself as you write a first draft. Let the ideas flow, treating this more like a freewrite than anything else. 4. Record your poem: Use your phone or another device to record a reading of your poem. Because slam poetry is a performative art, you want to pay attention to the sound and rhythm of both the words and your delivery. 5. Revise: After listening to your poem, assess if your poem is achieving the tone and style that you have in mind, and then write a new draft. 6. Refine: Repeat steps four and five as many times as you need to until you are happy with your piece. 7. Rehearse: Practice your poem in front of a mirror or by recording a video of yourself. Think about your vocal and physical delivery of your piece. 8. Perform: Find a place to perform your poem! This might be in class, or at a school/community-sponsored poetry slam. You might be able to find local poetry slams by asking at your local library or one of your teachers. You can also record a video of your poem to share with friends and family!