Imam Ali(a.s) born In Kaba

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Imam Ali (A) is the only person ever to be born in the Ka'ba. Fatima binte Asad (the mother of Imam Ali) went to the Ka'ba and prayed to Allah that the baby she was going to have would be born safely. She was standing near the wall opposite the door of the Ka'ba, praying to Allah when suddenly there was a crack in the wall near her. The crack became bigger and bigger until it was big enough for Fatima binte Asad to go through it and enter the Ka'ba. When Fatima binte Asad had entered the Ka'ba, the crack began to get smaller and smaller. This crack is still there to this day on the wall of the Ka'ba. Some people who had been near the Ka'ba saw what had happened and started telling other people. Now these people wanted to see what was happening inside the Ka'ba, so they went and got the keys of the door of the Ka'ba. But the door would not open. Prophet Muhammad (S) had been away when all this happened. When he came back from his trip and went to the Ka'ba, the lock on the door of the Ka'ba fell open all on its own and Fatima binte Asad came out holding her new little baby - Imam Ali (A).

When Prophet Muhammad (S) held Imam Ali (A), he opened his eyes for the first time. So the first thing Imam Ali (A) ever saw was the face of Prophet Muhammad (S).

The Miracle of Ali's (a.s) Birth

Ali was born on the 13th of Rajab of the 30th year of the Elephant (A.D. 600). His cousin, Muhammad, was now 30 years old. Ali’s parents were Abu Talib ibn Abdul Muttalib, and Fatima, the daughter of Asad, both of the clan of Hashim. Ali was born inside the Kaaba in Makkah. The great historian, Masoodi, the Herodotus of the Arabs, writes on page 76 of Volume II of his book, Murooj-udh-Dhahab (The Golden Meadows), that one of the greatest distinctions that Ali enjoyed was that he was born in the House of Allah.Some of the other authorities who have affirmed Ali’s birth in the Kaaba, are: 1.Muhammad ibn Talha el-Shafei in Matalib-us-saool, page 11. 2.Hakim in Mustadrak, page 483, Vol. III. 3.El-Umari in Sharh Ainia, page 15. 4.Halabi in Sira, page 165, Vol. I. 5.Sibt ibn al-Jauzi in Tadhkera Khawasil Ummah, page 7. 6.Ibn Sabbagh Maleki in Fusoolul Mohimma, page 14. 7.Muhammad bin Yousuf Shafei in Kifayet al-Talib, page 261. 8.Shablanji in Nurul Absar, page 76. 9.Ibn Zahra in Ghiyathul Ikhtisar, page 97. 10. Edvi in Nafhatul Qudsia, page 41.

Among the modern historians, Abbas Mahmood al-Akkad of Egypt writes in his book Al-’Abqarriyet al-Imam Ali, (Cairo, 1970), that Ali ibn Abi Talib was born inside the Kaaba Main akela hee chala the janib e manzil mager Loog aate hee gaye kaarwaan banta geya.

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