The Northwest Passage, Vol. 52, Issue 7

Page 19

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WE HEARD YOU Students share their opinions about spring break travel + by Rory Dungan

Junior Austin Oakerson

Freshman Emelia Fothergill

“I don’t think it’s the best move to travel this spring break, especially with full-time, in-person starting. I do understand that people want to travel to see people and visit places more than ever, and so do I, but I would rather stay home this break instead of the possibility of needing to quarantine.”

“I think people who travel are fine. It’s good to see family and go places during spring break. As long as they are being safe, there should be no problems.”

Sophomore Paige Mullen

Senior Matt Steinmetz

“I personally don’t think it is an amazing idea to travel, but I did travel during winter break so I understand the want to just get out of here. As long as precautions are being taken, [like] masks and [social] distancing, I think it’s fine.”

“I believe that everyone’s situation is different, and if you feel safe to travel and understand the risk, then you should go ahead and have a fun spring break.”

Freshman Emma Doleshal “I think other students should be able to travel and go on vacation because they have lifted guidelines for COVID-19 in some states and [COVID-19] is everywhere, so there’s no point in having to stay in Kansas when Kansas has COVID-19 as well as everywhere else.”

Senior Nessie Gragg “I think it’s okay for people to travel as long as they’re being safe and considerate of other people and hopefully have the COVID-19 vaccine. I think that by our age, people should be able to make their own good decisions.”

Junior Zel Nash “I think students should be safe about traveling. Even though people are getting vaccinated, COVID-19 is still a dangerous virus. Some people [have begun] to forget we’re in a global pandemic. I think this way because my grandpa that I’m close to is going through chemo and he can’t get sick.”

Senior Sarah Milks “Personally, I feel that at this point people are tired of the pandemic, I know I am, but with traveling comes responsibility. What I mean by that is when traveling, people should try to spend time outside. Most spring break trips do not lead to outdoor activity.” + design by Alden Norberg

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