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We Heard You
The COVID-19 vaccine is here, and it’s all about choice
+ by Ally Pruente
Thirty-eight students responded to questions about the likelihood that they would be vaccinated against COVID-19. Eleven said they would not, 21 said they would be vaccinated and six still aren’t sure.
FOR VACCINATION AGAINST VACCINATION I think that it’s great that we have a vaccine so soon. I don’t know if there will be any hazards, but if it’s FDA-approved, I think that people don’t have a reason to be super nervous about it.” — Hank Kniggendorf, junior I’m hoping that we will start to see an impact once all healthcare workers and essential workers get the vaccine, but I think we’ll see a huge impact around July of 2021.” — Kiera McDonald, junior “I’ve already seen news reports of people having allergic reactions to [COVID-19]. What if the vaccine makes it worse?” — Abbi Hamilton, senior “If the virus has a 99.99% survival rate, then I don’t need a vaccine.” — Tamara Harris-Webster, junior I think it will eliminate COVID-19 but I think it has unknown/ underlying side effects.” “ “ “ I don’t have concerns with the vaccine because I know that scientists have done a lot of research on it to make sure it is safe.” — Rose Cox, freshman
I believe a vaccine this early in the game is groundbreaking. I am very impressed with the trials outcome, even if it’s only 95% effective.” — Lillian Bowen, senior I am very excited about the vaccine… I am not afraid of long term effects as our environmental aspects will kill us quicker than this vaccine.” — Ali Windoffer, senior I think that everyone who can and feels comfortable getting the vaccine should get it. I trust in the scientists who tested and created the vaccine and believe it is very safe to use.” — Megan Freeman, junior
— Landyn Luttrell, senior
I think it will be like the flu shot, something we get every year, but might still catch the “ virus.”
— Adrienne Johnson, junior “I will not get it because I do not know the side effects three years down the line… vaccines are typically tested for years. This one has barely been tested.”
— Audrey Bennett, senior “ “ “I think they have rushed it too much, we still don’t have complete knowledge on this virus.” —Kendall Toomay, senior “I work in healthcare and I will not be receiving the vaccine. The fact is we are in a pandemic and multiple steps in the vaccination approval process were allowed I hope the vaccine will help return life to normal in a short time. [I am] not sure when that will be, though.” — Jackson Reese, senior “ to be bypassed in order to push it out faster.” —Grace Rippee, senior