The Northwest Passage: Volume 54, Prom Issue

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VOLUME 54 APRIL, 20 2023



A-line. Body-con. Ball gown. Italian. Hibachi. Mexican. Go with friends? My date?

How do I decide with so many choices? Do I want to play it safe and get an A-line black dress with thick straps? Do I want to risk spilling salsa on my dress? Do I want to spend the night with a big group and risk my social battery running out by 8 p.m.?

When operating on a budget, abandoning the idea of a “dream” night and finding ways to make it almost affordable is crucial. Sometimes I even wonder if the price of Prom is even worth it. Sure, I’ll be with a date and friends, but is spending $25 on a ticket and over $200 on a dress worth it for one night? That isn’t even counting the cost of After Prom and any other events I might want to attend.

Be honest, have you ever had a date to a dance? Like an actual, bona fide date?

Every year without fail, I hear about my friends getting asked to Homecoming, to Sweetheart, this year, to Prom.

And every year without fail, I would have to be supportive and excited for them.

“OMG, he’s so cute.”

“Tell me everything.”

“How are you not dating already?”

I’ve never been asked to a dance. I’ve never had that moment, my friends all screaming about my date.

Now, I’ll take some responsibility here and say that I’ve never made the first move, but neither has anyone else. I never had anyone in mind, because if I want to make sure they want to go with me too.

It’s also pretty slim pickings when you’re gay. We generally don’t hide at NW, so it may seem like there are a lot of us. But, in reality, nope. At least with us guys.

Getting lost in the details sucks the life out of an important event

While I’m being pessimistic and maybe a little cynical, I have to remember that it’s my last major high school event.

As the end of the year gets closer, I’m realizing I’ll never see the Marching Cougar Pride celebrate winning the Spirit Stick again. I won’t help distribute a newspaper we’ve spent countless hours on. I won’t stress with my Composition II class about our research papers and “1984.”

What’s wrong with going all out and celebrating the last event 400 of us will be together for the rest of our lives? Who knows what I might miss if my cynicism clouds this celebration with the people I’ve grown up with?

I want to enjoy Prom for what it can be, not what my preconceived notions believe it is.

Honestly, dances have never truly piqued my interest. The idea of going alone —- meh.

Don’t get me wrong, I always end up liking the experience. The music, dancing and laughter with friends is something I think everyone should experience at least once.

Getting myself motivated to go alone is really hard. Everyone had someone to plan with, to be excited with, but not me.

That’s why I’ve been dreading my first Prom ever since the start of high school. I’ve always worried that I would be walking through the doors completely alone.

I finally have someone to go with, and not just a ‘someone,’ my absolute best friend. Homecoming this year, we actually had a good time together. It wasn’t energyzapping, it was just fun.

For once in my life, I’m not scared for my first Prom. I’m not even worried about my date being romantic. Because I know now, I’m not alone.

At least not with her.

Prom is one of the most extravagant events of the school year. Senior Veronica Meiss worries about handling the cost of it. photo by Brody Carlson
Prom isn’t just about a date, it’s about having fun
Senior Izak Zeller and junior Elaina Hammes ask each other to Prom. .
02 | opinion April 20, 2023
photo by Haylee Bell


What is a valuable trait you see in yourself?

The most valuable trait that I see in myself is being able to complete goals I set for myself.

What is your go-to guilty pleasure?

Chocolate-covered pretzels.

What’s your best dance move?

Probably the Dougie.

What is your go to guilty pleasure?

Listening to music in my car with the windows down. 1000% percent.

feature | 03 NW Passage
Nominated by National Honor Society Nominated by Baseball Nominated by Link crew, BSU, Boys’ Golf Nominated by Girls’ Soccer KEATON BLOUNT KEITH BUFORD 1st Runner up ELLA SEIBOLD 1st Runner up VAIBHAV MARADA design by Greta Grist photo by Annamarie Torres by NW Passage Staff



Nominated by Link Crew, Sources of Strength, Young Democrats, DECA, The Northwest Passage

What’s something not many people know about you?

I have two dogs named after humans.

Nominated by Link Crew, Earth First, Girls’ Soccer, Young Democrats, Math NHS Best dance move?

I just jump up and down. I don’t have a dance move, I can’t really dance.

Nominated by Earth First, Young Democrats, Math NHS, Tennis, StuCo, weB, Latin Club

If you could run for president, what law would you pass?

Turn the Coast Guard into pirates.

Nominated by Croc Club

What are your icks? When people chew gum with their mouth open, and when people are ruder to restaurant staff.

Nominated by Photojournalism, Croc Club

What are your icks?

If you’re mean to waiters – it’s a huge ick for me. I cannot stand people who are just super rude.

Nominated by Band, Link Crew, KUGR

Who is your celebrity crush?

As a kid, it was definitely Cole from LEGO Ninjago.

Nominated by Special Olympics Unified Sports

Who are your role models?

My brother, mom and dad.

Nominated by Murals Club

What are you most excited for about prom?

Seeing my friends dressed up really fancy. Normally, we’re all in sweatpants or something.

April 20, 2023 04 | feature
Prom King Prom Queen 2nd Runner up


What do you envision for your dream Prom night?

I envision it as one last memorable high school dance with my friends that we will remember for years to come.

What are you most excited for about Prom?

To see my friends’ faces. It’s our last [one] and I’m just excited to see them all when I walk.

What’s something not many people know about you?

I’m scuba diving certified

What teacher would you prank and how?

Mr. Pisani. I would take one of his pets and hide it from him.



What are you most excited for about prom?

The food I’m really excited for is that prom food. You don’t get to eat like that all the time.

Where do you see yourself in five years? In law school, crying every night.

What teacher at the school would you prank and how?

Mr. Surely, because you just it seems funny to prank him his reaction would be hilarious.

What do you currently binge watching?

Oh my god, “Modern Family.” I just started season two. And “Young Sheldon” because it keeps popping up on my For You Page.

feature | 05 NW Passage
Nominated by German Club Nominated by Spirit Club Nominated by Band, NHS Nominated by Spirit Club, Track and Field, FCA and Teacher Ed. Nominated by NHS, French NHS Nominated by Earth First and BSU Nominated by Girls’ Soccer, Tennis Nominated by Young Republicans club Runner up


Two friends who made their prom dresses together share their process and inspiration


What does making your own dress mean to you?

“It made me feel unique and I got a lot of compliments so I felt really special!”

Why did you make your own dress?

“I was tired of trying to find a dress that I liked and was in my budget, so I decided to make my own.”

What was it like making your prom dress with another person?

“It’s so much easier and super fun with my best friend. It would be boring without him”

What was the inspiration for the dress?

“I got inspiration from crocheted corsets and dresses on Pinterest.”

06 | opinion April 20, 2023
photo by Cooper Evans
Most voted seniors will be featured in Senior Magazine, the 10th issue of the NW Passage.

“It was amazing to see him crowned. I’m so proud of him and especially how active he is in the school. I’m so happy Northwest has been so kind to him over the years.



After being crowned 2023 Prom King, senior Alex Tevis celebrates with senior Jake Congrove and junior Elijah Locke April 15 at Children’s Mercy Park. Tevis was nominated by Special Olympics Unified Sports. photo by Kara Simpson

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