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MONTH IN PHOTOS A recap of October
18 | month in photos
October wraps up with Light Show, cross country, boys’ soccer and “Ghost Hunt”
1) Wearing a neon anonymous mask, sophomore Chloe Hanshew plays third bass drum Oct. 21 at SM North District stadium. Each bass drum has a diferent part to play. “Everyone’s excited when we’re putting on the glow sticks and fashlights,” Hanshew said. photo by Haylee Bell 2) Junior Gabe Hoskins celebrates with his teammates Oct. 14 in the SM North District Stadium locker room. Hoskins was awarded The Turnover Chain which is given to the players who force turnovers each game. “Getting the chain is one of the best feelings because you just made a big play,” Hoskins said. “Everybody is cheering you on.” photo by Evan Johnson

3) Senior Owen Hooper hugs his mom, Brittany, Oct. 15 at Rim Rock Farm near Lawrence. Hooper and the team placed ffth overall in the state meet. “We did pretty good,” Hooper said. “It was kind of sad that it was my last ofcial cross country meet.” photo by Cooper Evans
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4) Watching carefully, center forward Nester Reyes blocks his Olathe East opponent from stealing the ball Oct. 6 at the Shawnee Mission Soccer Complex. Reyes scored one goal as the Cougars defeated the Hawks, 2-1. “What I like about this position is that it allows me to be creative with and without the ball. It also allows me to score often,” Reyes said. “I have grown a lot just by playing because everything just becomes more natural.” photo by Sydney Jackson
5) Junior Sophie Horner passes an opponent from SM South Oct. 15 during the state 6A girls’ cross country meet at Rim Rock Farm near Lawrence. Horner placed 43 of 91 in the varsity race. “Rim Rock is a challenging course,” Horner said. “The hills are difcult. Having a good mindset is defnitely key to this course.” photo by Kara Simpson 6) Looking toward the video camera, junior Elaine Ghast hugs freshman Gabriel Larkin Oct. 25 in the Greg Parker Auditorium. Ghast and Larkin played the characters Heather and Greg in the play “Ghost Hunt.” “Gabe was super fun to work with.” Ghast said. “This is his frst NW play, but he fts right in.” photo by Kara Simpson
Senior Sarah Roberts plays the snare drum during the
Lightshow Oct. 21 at SM North District Stadium. Individuals
in the drumline wear matching light-up masks according to

what section they are in. “Lightshow, being one of our last
performances, is a celebration of all of the hard work we have
put into the season,” Roberts said. “It’s the only time we get to
see the reactions on peoples faces frst hand when we play.”