CrossTie: December 2020

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Vol 4 | Issue 8 | December 2020

Christmas Eve

Candlelight and Communion Service Thursday, December 24, 2020 at 6:00 PM Front parking lots under the steeple (Canceled in case of inclement weather)

Sing We All Noel A Virtual Christmas Celebration presented by the

Smoke Rise Baptist Church Music Ministry Airing on Sunday, December 20, 2020 at




Be c k y C a s we l l - S pei gh t


From the Pastor







Minister of Families, Faith Formation and Connection 678.533.0546

Je re m y C o l l i v e r

Minister of Youth, Missions and Communications 678.533.0551

Chris G e o r ge

Senior Pastor 770.469.5856

Bart McNiel

Associate Pastor 678.533.0540

J a me s S m i th

Pastoral Care Associate 404.405.5467

Danny Va n c i l

Minister of Music and Worship 678.533.0560

8 -9 The Season of Advent 10





Family Ministry






Monthly Snapshot smokerise





Christmas − we call it the incarnation. God, the Word, has come among us. This year, maybe more than ever before, “We need a little Christmas.” Herman wrote in his autobiography, “You don’t have to wait for a special day to celebrate Christmas. It was more important to celebrate Christmas when you need it.” Yes, Christmas comes when we need it most. On December 31, 2020, Pat and Glenn Herndon will be officially retiring from their position of service. They have been so much more than the mission assistants over these past 16 years; they have been the bedrock of the missions ministry.



This time of year brings extra rush to schedules and surprising emotions that bubble up with holiday events. Loneliness, irritability and depression threaten... We must choose to bow down in worship rather than to be bogged down with stress.

A B O UT S M O K E RIS E 5901 Hugh Howell Rd. Stone Mountain, GA 30087 Tel: 770.469.5856 Fax: 770.498.3598 Office Hours M-F 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Smoke Rise Baptist Church is a loving and caring faith community where people come to grow spiritually, worship communally and serve faithfully. We are committed to fostering authentic relationships and engaging in meaningful ministry in our congregation, our community and around the world. We partner with others in an effort to be about God’s work. We commit to love God with all our hearts, all our souls, all our minds and all our strength, and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. We seek to proclaim the Good News of Christ in all that we say and do.



CHRIS G E ORGE - Senior Pastor

It wasn’t Christmas, it was the middle of July. John Killinger and his wife were visiting Washington state and came upon a beautiful little Christmas shop. It was packed with Christmas items, even though Christmas was six months away. There were fuzzy-faced elves and jolly Santa Clauses, sleighs and reindeer of every size and description, bells and trees, and music boxes. The little shop was fairly bursting with Christmas, and a loudspeaker broadcast a medley of Yuletide tunes. It was infectious, even in the summertime. Killinger remembers, “Down in the corner of the front door, where no one could miss it, was the neatest touch of all. It was a small sign that said: ‘Christmas Spoken Here.’” “Christmas spoken here.” There is no better slogan for the Church and not just during Advent, but throughout the year. Christmas reminds us of why we are here... John’s Gospel tells the story this way, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not overcome it.” Christmas − we call it the incarnation. God, the Word, has come among us. This year maybe more than ever before, “We need a little Christmas.” You are probably familiar with the song, even though it is not a sacred one. Angela Lansbury first performed it on a Broadway stage on May 24, 1966. It wasn’t Christmas-time or even Advent. It was the first showing of Jerry Herman’s new musical. Herman was already famous for his work “Hello Dolly!” But this next musical entitled “Mame” would be set in New York. The scene was framed not in festivities, but cast in the shadows of the great stock market crash of 1929.With doom and gloom all around her, the main character, Mame, somehow found reason to hope and declared the need for “a little Christmas right this very minute.” When writing the musical, Herman sensed that the scenes after the fall of the stock market needed to lift people up by turning a tragedy into triumph. It was not an original idea. As he was growing up in New York City, the writer had noted that Christmas had been able to transform lives and moods even in the midst of the uncertainty of the Depression and World Wars. Do you remember the words? For I've grown a little leaner; Grown a little colder; Grown a little sadder; Grown a little older; And I need a little angel Sitting on my shoulder. I need a little Christmas now. Herman wrote in his autobiography, “You don’t have to wait for a special day to celebrate Christmas. It was more important to celebrate Christmas when you need it.” Yes, Christmas comes when we need it most. Like the Word, it meets us where we are, in the middle of the darkness and the shadows, and shines a new light into our lives. May this Advent and Christmas remind us that... God is with us. Pastor Chris



DANNY VANC IL - Minister of Music and Worship

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” I am clinging to that sentiment as I enter the second full week of quarantine following my positive Covid19 test result. I have always enjoyed preparing for the Advent and Christmas seasons — hearth and home, church, and community. I am determined that, in a year of unprecedented challenges, this year will be no exception. While grand gatherings and large productions may not be apropos, thoughtful worship will take place and lovely music will be presented. I am indeed grateful for our fantastic music staff and volunteers who have risen to the occasion and have led with confidence. Being able to call on Marc Burcham, Naomi Walker, Peggy Ray and Mike Holt for their expertise is a blessing. While Heather Huff never signed up to be an “on-call” music assistant, that is exactly what she is. Heather is an extraordinary helper who is always willing to go the extra mile. She along with Jason and Judy absolutely love sharing their talents in service to Smoke Rise. And talented they are! And of course, there is Lynne who constantly calls and texts to keep me on track. Not only does Lynne help me keep the music ministry afloat, she cares deeply for me and is always concerned about my health. Since the warm Wednesday evenings of August out under the tent, the sanctuary choir has been working on a lovely choral anthem by Dan Forrest called The Work of Christmas. The lyrics are by Howard Thurman, an African-American theologian, educator and civil rights leader. It is a good devotional guide to remind us of the deeper meaning of Christmas, even in the midst of a pandemic. Thank you, Smoke Rise Baptist Church, for your outpouring of love and concern for me these last several days. I look forward to being with you and celebrating the most wonderful time of the year. Danny

The Work of Christmas When the song of the angels is stilled, when the star in the sky is gone, when the kings and princes are home, when the shepherds are back with their flocks, the work of Christmas begins: to find the lost, to heal the broken, to feed the hungry, to release the prisoner, to rebuild the nations, to bring peace among the people, to make music in the heart.



BECKY CAS W ELL- SPEI GHT- Minister of Families, Faith Formation and Connection

Sunday School Schedule December 6 Pairs and Spares Class - Gym Berean Class - Fellowship Hall Faith Class - Choir Suite December 13 Cambian Class - Room 230 Friendship Class - Gym December 20 Open Circle Class - Choir Suite Crossroads Class - Room 223 Journey Class - Gym Faith and Issues Class - Room 304 Children - Children's Suite Youth - Youth Room *All class schedules and spaces are subject to change as needed.

Advent Devotional If you would like a devotional guide for this Advent season and didn’t receive one at Advent Inspiration contact Becky CaswellSpeight at rcspeight@ This year we will use the devotional book Prepare the Way. The daily devotions are built to help us daily prepare our hearts and minds through short meditations, journaling and prayer. And weekly online devotion based on the readings from Prepare the Way will also be shared to enhance our at home devotional work.

Sunday School Curriculum Sunday School curriculum for the winter quarter was delivered this week. The curriculum that you received is the curriculum that your classes uses. Please note that two classes asked to change this quarter. If your curriculum looks different this quarter that is why.

December Journeys Schedule December 2 Rediscovering the Bible - Dr. Chris George- Online Video December 9 Rediscovering the Bible - Dr. Chris George- Online Video December 16 Rediscovering the Bible - Dr. Chris George- Online Video December 23 No Wednesday Evening Activities December 30 No Wednesday Evening Activities

If your class curriculum uses one series and you would like the curriculum that is used for the online video lessons please contact Becky at or 502-727-1766.



J E R E MY C OLLI V ER - Minister of Youth, Missions and Communications

Smoke Rise continues to amaze me. As the mission team pondered ways to continue the tradition of collecting food from the congregation that would then be sorted and packed into baskets for Thanksgiving, there was some hesitation of how all this would turn out this year. That hesitation was quickly overcome as cars steadily drove through the portico at Smoke Rise with the youth collecting the food items and gift cards, and then sending them into the gym to be sorted and put into baskets. Smoke Rise Family, by 5:00 PM you had donated enough food and $15 gift cards for the 75 baskets that we needed for the Lilburn co-op plus surplus food that will go into their pantry. There were also 159 gifts cards valued at $2,500 given that will go to NETWorks! Smoke Rise family, you continue to amaze me! Thank you all for your generous gifts as we continue to be the hands, feet, light, and mouthpiece of Christ in our community.

Our Seventh Annual Offering for Global Missions We have received $51,673.50 for the World Mission Offering. Thank you for your generous heart and passion for missions. With your help we have reached our goal and funded each one of our ten mission projects.

Thank you, Glenn and Pat! Sixteen years ago Tim Adcox, then the minister of missions, approached Glenn and Pat Herndon about serving as the mission interns. When they accepted, they affectionately became known as the “World’s Oldest Interns.” On December 31, 2020, they will be officially retiring from their position of service. Pat and Glenn Herndon have been so much more than the mission assistants over these past 16 years; they have been the bedrock of the missions ministry. Mission trips don’t happen, offerings aren’t received, budgets aren’t created, partnership communication isn’t as smooth without Pat and Glenn. The list of things that don’t happen in the mission office could continue and fill up this page. Pat and Glenn have been an invaluable part of the mission team. Their warm presence and love for missions will be missed the most. Smoke Rise could not have asked for a better team to help launch and sustain the mission ministry that is now part of the Smoke Rise DNA. Thank you, Pat and Glenn. Thank you for your years of selfless service. You will be missed in the missions ministry, but we are grateful that we will continue to see you around Smoke Rise.


Advent 2020 1st Sunday of Advent: Hope Sunday, November 29 • 11:00 AM We Need a Little Christmas Isaiah 9:1-2 and John 1:1-5

2nd Sunday of Advent: Peace Sunday, December 6 • 9:00 and 11:00 AM A Season to Ponder Peace Luke 2:17-20

3rd Sunday of Advent: Joy Sunday, December 13 • 9:00 and 11:00 AM Mary, Mother of Joy Luke 1:46-55

4th Sunday of Advent: Love Sunday, December 20 • 9:00 and 11:00 AM Joseph and the Lens of Love Matthew 1:18-25

Christmas Eve

Thursday, December 24 • 6:00 PM Outdoor Candlelight and Communion Center-front and chapel side parking lots (Canceled in case of inclement weather) Sunday school classes will continue to meet on rotation. Please see the Growing page for when your class will meet.

UPDATED COVID-19 WORSHIP AND OPERATIONS PLAN The United States is facing a resurgence in COVID-19 cases that has resulted in extended public health warnings. On November 18, 2020, the Administrative Council reviewed and approved updated worship and operation plans for Smoke Rise Baptist Church. Worshipping “online� remains the surest, safest and preferred way for congregants to stay safe in worship during the on-going pandemic. If you are enjoying this option, we urge you to continue doing so for your safety.

more space to accommodate increased social distancing, the staff should institute two worship service times. (2) Continued observance of social distancing guidelines to include new set-up in the sanctuary designed to maintain nine (9) feet or more between persons and/or family units during worship (a 50% increase in distancing for worship over prior guidelines). (3) Temperature checks reading lower than 100.4 to attend worship.

to review worship and operation plans. (2) If the seven-day average of daily new cases per 100,000 residents reaches a combined threshold averaging 40 or higher in counties contiguous to the church (Dekalb, Gwinnett and Fulton). If the sevenday average of daily new cases per 100,000 residents reaches a combined threshold averaging 35 or more but less than 40, the Administrative Council shall convene an emergency meeting to review worship and operation plans.

You should not attend in-person worship unless you have thoroughly and seriously considered all the consequences to you and your health. Adherence to restrictions adopted for in-person worship does not eliminate the risk of COVID-19 exposure. Restrictions adopted by our church are designed to decrease your risk of being exposed to or contracting the virus. Before you decide to attend in-person worship, we urge you to read all the information about the potential risk to your health and safety at the following webpages:

(4) Wearing facemasks that cover the mouth and nose, with masks worn above the nose at all times while in the building during worship.

(a) coronavirus/2019-ncov/preventgetting-sick/prevention.html

Informed by consultation with contacts at the CDC, the Administrative Council authorizes immediate suspension or cancellation of worship based on any one of the following:

In the event worship is cancelled due to reasons (1) or (2) above, all other events and activities at the church will also be cancelled until conditions on the ground change, including all children and youth activities of all kinds.

(1) If combined local and/or regional hospital capacity to treat COVID-19 patients in the greater Atlanta area reach a threshold of a 75% or higher limit on capacity (excluding hospitals in Gwinnett County where need exceeds capacity under typical circumstances). If capacity reaches 70%, the Administrative Council shall convene an emergency meeting

If we cancel in-person worship for any reason, staff will make every effort to broadcast worship online each Sunday. If you do not have access to online worship opportunities, please contact the church office to find out how we can help you get access to online worship or other means of worshiping with us in a virtual or digital format.

(b) coronavirus/2019-ncov/need-extraprecautions/people-with-medicalconditions.html The Administrative Council approves updated restrictions consistent with the Georgia Department of Public Health and the Center for Disease Control as follows: (1) If attendance patterns require

(5) Compliance with all other recommendations of risk management that remain in effect, including sanitation, cleaning, handwashing, personal hygiene, disinfection, and special rules of ingress and egress. Under what circumstances would in-person worship be cancelled or suspended?

(3) If our ministry staff is under quarantine due to a COVID-19 exposure. (4) If the Administrative Council approves a cancellation for any other reason it deems prudent for the safety of persons in consultation with the ministry staff. The science and recommendations are updated daily. Specific markers may be revised over time if new guidance or information is provided by public health authorities.


JA ME S S MIT H - Pasto r al Car e Asso ciate

Our daughter’s married last name is Jolly. The Jolly family name fits her well. She has always brought joy to our life and has a contagious happiness and ability to light up any room with joy. As an educator, she has received countless gifts from students that reference her name. “Have a Holly, Jolly Christmas” is a standard. But my favorite is, “'Tis the season to be Jolly.” As we are entering the “season to be jolly,” we recognize it is also the season to be stressed. Although it should be a season of peace, December can make us feel more tangled up inside than the knotted string of last year's Christmas lights.

Grief Support Join us either in-person or through Zoom. Wednesday, December 16 at 6:00 PM in Room 223 Our gatherings are led by Adam Arnold and Jim Smith

This time of year brings extra rush to schedules and surprising emotions that bubble up with holiday events. Loneliness, irritability and depression threaten. Worry, busy schedules, family conflicts and unmet expectations press in on us. Such a season is a time of decision for Christians. We must choose to bow down in worship rather than to be bogged down with stress. Scripture that calls us to reflect on the birth narrative is helpful.

“We must choose to bow down in worship rather than be bogged down with stress.”

“Be intentional in the choices you make and the focus you keep.”

Luke’s gospel records that when Jesus was born, an angel appeared to shepherds to share the good news. Then many other angels joined together to praise God. A vast army of angels declared “glory to God and peace on earth.” The writer of Hebrews tells us when God brought His Son into the world God said, “Let all the angels worship Him.” The angels that bow down before Jesus serve as role models of worship. There is an incredible sense of joy in angels singing songs of praise. Through worship, angels demonstrate reverence and reflect the message of God’s glory. Angels are intentional. Angels are deliberate. Angels spend time praising God.

The intentional act of worship is a key to managing the stress of the holiday season. Keeping Jesus as the central focus of our holiday requires a heart of adoration, much like the angels demonstrated. Whatever the season brings your way, center your life on that focus—the love, peace and joy found in Christ. When worship fills our hearts, it often reaches our hands and feet. We turn from self and reach out to others. We give to others simply to enjoy giving. The holidays can bring a flurry of heightened emotions often resulting in unhealthy levels of stress that prevent us from true worship of the One we should celebrate and praise. There are many choices to make in December: where to go, what to buy, how to give, when to attend events and how to be safe during the pandemic. Be intentional in choices you make and the focus you keep. Choose to worship and focus on Christ’s love, peace and gift of salvation. With a heart at peace, your holidays can be at peace too! 10 | SMOKE RIS E BAPT IST.ORG

GENER OS I T Y BART MCNIEL - A s s o ci a t e Pa s t o r o f A dm i n i s t r a t i on, Mi ni stry Support and Congregati onal Care

End of Year Stewardship Campaign November 15-December 31 â– Goal: $450,000 Given to Date: $122,054.43 As we approach the final weeks of the calendar year, prayerfully consider what God is leading you to give to support our end-of-year stewardship emphasis, The Gifts of Christmas. All tithes, offerings and gifts collected during this time period will go towards our goal.

The Gifts of


Meeting our end-of-year goal not only sustains our church, but also empowers us to go the extra mile in support of ministry needs and mission partners. Join with us as we bring the first gifts of Christmas to the altar once again.

On Thursday, December 31, we will host our End-of-Year Hospitality Station as a drive-up station this year. We invite everyone who gave towards our end-of-year goal to drive or walk up between 9:30am and 4:30pm at our Portico to pick up a warm goodie bag from volunteers of our finance and stewardship committees. You can also drop off any last-minute gifts on this day, and volunteers will be sure it is delivered to our finance office in support of our end-of-year goal.

Ways to Give Mail




Give the traditional way by check or cash each week through the mail or in the offering plate.

Give through text, by texting "givesrbc" to 73256 followed by the gift amount to give.

Give online at Through online giving, you can set up a recurring gift or tithe.

To give through a transfer of stock, please contact Fe Williams in our church office at or by phone at 678.533.0545.



BE C KY CAS W ELL- SPEI GHT- Minister of Family, Faith Formation and Connection

In a year where everything is different this is the time to change how we all experience the Advent season. We can make Advent a positive experience. Instead rushing around and pushing to get it all done we can slow down and find new ways to put holy back into the holidays. In order to do this Smoke Rise is providing you with a way to discover 100 simple and fun Advent and Christmas family faith practices through Traci Smith’s book Faithful Families for Advent and Christmas. If you would like a book and didn’t receive one at Advent Inspiration please contact Becky Caswell-Speight to get one delivered to your house for your family advent experience. rcspeight@

CARnival To-Go The weather didn't let us have a CARnival so our CARnival went on the road. Hope all of their friends enjoyed the gift of goodies.

Chrismons were given out in the December Sunday to Go bags. If your family needs a 2020 Chrismon please contact Amanda at aburton@ 12 | SMOKE RIS E BAPT IST.ORG


J E R E M Y C OLLI V ER - Minister of Youth, Missions and Communications



Sundays for Youth Sundays for Youth 10 AM - Zoom Sunday School 11 AM - Worship via Streaming 5 PM the Tent 10 AM -- Youth Zoom Under Sunday School 6 PM via - Youth Choir 11 AM - Worship Streaming 5 PM - Youth Under the Tent 6 PM - Youth Choir


Starting August 16th bring your mask for all at church events

Starting August 16th bring your mask for all at church events

This month's senior spotlight is Ellie Smith... Ellie is a senior at Parkview High School. She has been attending Smoke Rise all her life. She grew up going to choir with Mr. Danny which eventually led to a love of singing and theatre when she started performing shows with Smoke Rise Academy of Arts. Ellie is currently an officer for theatre at Parkview along with being an officer for the Parkview Student Leadership team. She is also on the Varsity swim team and a staff member for the yearbook and The Literary Magazine. She plans on going to college to major in mass communications with a specialty in journalism.



Violin lessons on the porch offered a “fresh air” break!

Dancers in their Halloween costumes dance on plywood in the gym.

Pre-school dancers love to spread out in the gym loft.

Knolla Rose chose to take her zoom lesson in the church parking lot after enjoying some bicycle time!

The Smoke Rise Academy of Arts continues to reach our community through arts instruction and is looking ahead to future performances. To say Covid restrictions have added a level of stress is an understatement for us all and the performing arts are no exception! Without missing a beat, the Academy continued instructions via Zoom and FaceTime platforms when Smoke Rise Baptist Church had to close its doors last spring. Our students danced, sang, played violin and continued piano lessons virtually throughout the spring. In summer, some teachers set up outdoor options for lessons and dance recitals were held in the lower parking lot of the church on plywood dance floors. Summer ended with a bittersweet goodbye to our beloved Lois Sivert who retired after having taught piano with us for almost 30 years. Via a ZOOM reception, we wished Lois much happiness in her retirement years in California with her family. In turn, we were excited to welcome Faith Liu to our staff. Faith wasted no time engaging with her new (virtual) students. Though some of her students have yet to see her in person, Faith is connecting with them and expanding their lessons as they desire more time with her. August brought us the excitement of returning to

Smoke Rise for fall lessons and classes. Teachers are now offering a blend of in-person and virtual instruction with care taken to provide the safest of teaching environments. Many students were eager to return face-to-face while others remain faithful to their virtual lessons. Drama students could not wait to get back to their drama classes, giving us plenty of exercise in creative “socially distanced” lesson planning! Age divided classes are meeting in various locations to insure safe social distance is maintained. We are hoping, and praying for enough improvement in our current Covid situation to allow for outdoor performances of our teen and elementary shows late this spring. The Academy’s traditional Holiday Showcase is in the works – virtually! If you listen carefully you may hear “Jingle Bells” being played and sung as students prepare for their performances! Please check our website during the holidays for information about our video link. We always close our holiday shows singing “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” and this year is no exception! The Smoke Rise Academy wishes you a very Merry Christmas and a safe, healthy and happy New Year. Spring semester begins January 6 with spaces open for students of all ages in voice, piano, violin and dance.


Thanksgiving Basket Project

How Do They Celebrate Christmas in Heaven?

Weekly Schedule Sunday 9:45 AM - Sunday school for all ages online 11:00 AM - Livestream worship service 5:00 PM - Children and youth choir and studies Monday 5:00 PM - Weekly Devotional Video Wednesday 6:00 PM - Journeys Thursday 5:00 PM - Prayer Concerns Video

How do they celebrate Christmas in Heaven? Do they start in October decking the halls? Do they rush through November with hardly a pause? Are there trees aglow with sparkling lights? Carolers singing on soft snowy nights? Are there gifts galore for each family member? Likely forgotten by next December? How Do They Celebrate Christmas in Heaven? No need for trees with candles bedight. The Gift that was given serves as the light. He walks each day on streets of gold His beauty displayed for all to behold. What joy awaits when we meet Him above, Our Saviour, Redeemer, our Gift of Love. - Fredolyn Stitt


Sunday Schedule

December 3 at 7pm (Central) on Peter's Facebook Page December 4 at 7pm (Central) on Peter's facebook page December 5 at 9pm (Central)/7pm (Pacific) on Peter's facebook page December 9 at 7pm (Central) The show may be viewed on the ELCA Facebook page December 11 at 7:30 (Eastern) The show may be viewed on Peter's Facebook page

January 3 11:00 am Worship Service No Evening Activities for Children or Youth January 10 9:00 and 11:00 am Worship Services Regular Evening Activities for Children or Youth January 17 9:00 and 11:00 am Worship Services No Evening Activities for Children and Youth January 24 9:00 and 11:00 am Worship Services Regular Evening Activities for Children or Youth January 31st 9:00 and 11:00 am Worship Services No Evening Activities for Children and Youth

All are welcome to worship in the sanctuary beginning November 29. In addition, we will be hosting a 9:00 AM worship service in the sanctuary beginning December 6, in addition to the 11:00 AM service. While all are now welcome each and every Sunday, Sunday school classes will still meet on a rotating basis. Check out the Growing page to see when and where your class will meet.

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