October/November CrossTie 2021

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Vol 5 | Issue 8 | October/November 2021

World Communion Sunday October 3, 2021

October 17, 2021 Help us reach our goal of $50,000


Monday, October 18 - Sunday, November 21

November November 3,7, 20192021 Join us in worship at 9:00AM (Chapel) and 11:00 AM (Sanctuary) as we remember Join us in worship as we remember our our church members who have departed this life within the past year.

church members who have departed this life within the past year.

Basket Stuffing

Sunday Evening, November 21 • • • • • • • •

1 large can sweet potatoes 3 cans green beans 2 cans corn 1 can fruit 1 can cranberry jelly 2 packets gravy (NO JARS) 1 box stuffing 2 boxes mac and cheese

• 1 package cookies • 2 packets potatoes (NO BOXES) • 1 package Thanksgiving luncheon napkins • $15 Gift Card for meat (Please bring cards to the church office and deposit in the Thanksgiving box.)




Be c k y C a s we l l - S pei gh t


From the Pastor







Minister of Families, Faith Formation and Connection rspeight@smokerisebaptist.org

Chris G e o r ge

Senior Pastor cgeorge@smokerisebaptist.org

Bart McNiel

Associate Pastor of Administration, Ministry Support and Congregational Care bmcniel@smokerisebaptist.org

J a me s S m i th

Pastoral Care Associate jsmith@smokerisebaptist.org

Danny Va n c i l

Minister of Music and Worship dvancil@smokerisebaptist.org

8 -9 Serving 10





Family Ministry




Monthly Snapshot

facebook.com/ smokerise






It is good to be home. On the Sunday when I left for Sabbatical, I said, “I will miss you more than you miss me.” I did and am overjoyed to be back and serving at Smoke Rise... October and November are months filled with amazing opportunities for our congregation and community.

Every year Christians around the world observe All Saints Day which recognizes ALL the saints—including those known only to God. It is a day of giving God gratitude for the lives and deaths of saints.



Our theme for this year’s Mission Sunday, October 17, 2021, is MISSIONS— STILL GOING! Even though we have been physically unable to participate, the mission program at SRBC is alive and well, still strong, still going, still growing.

A B O UT S M O K E RIS E 5901 Hugh Howell Rd. Stone Mountain, GA 30087 Tel: 770.469.5856 Office Hours M-F 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Smoke Rise Baptist Church is a loving and caring faith community where people come to grow spiritually, worship communally and serve faithfully. We are committed to fostering authentic relationships and engaging in meaningful ministry in our congregation, our community and around the world. We partner with others in an effort to be about God’s work. We commit to love God with all our hearts, all our souls, all our minds and all our strength, and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. We seek to proclaim the Good News of Christ in all that we say and do.


FRO M TH E PASTO R CH RIS G E ORGE - Senior Pastor It is good to be home. On the Sunday when I left for Sabbatical, I said, “I will miss you more than you miss me.” I did and am overjoyed to be back and serving at Smoke Rise. During my Sabbatical, I had the opportunity to meet with 16 different pastors to engage in many different conversations about a variety of topics related to church life and ministry in the present and future. We talked about millennials and technology, pastoral care and Christian education, church growth and sustainable models for meaningful ministry. I emerged with an even deeper appreciation for our church and a sincere conviction that our future is bright because of the people who make up this amazing community of faith. While on Sabbatical, I attended worship services in Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist and Presbyterians churches with my family. It was a blessing to sit beside my wife for an entire worship service. With our four children sitting with us, I developed a new appreciation for the value of a short sermon. In the role of “visitor,” I also learned about the importance of extending hospitality to people in an effort to help them feel comfortable and welcome in the church. My middle son, Evan (11-years-old), discovered a significant difference between Baptists and Lutherans, namely that the Lord’s Supper in a Lutheran Church includes real wine! I look forward to sharing more of these discoveries with you in sermons, in personal conversations, and perhaps on a Wednesday night in the not-too-distant future. When I left in May, Covid was under control. But by my return in August, due to the Delta variant, Covid was once again a cause for concern. I continue to be thankful for the leadership of our Administrative Council as well as the attitude within our congregation as we try to navigate a course through these uncharted waters that is both cautious and courageous. We will continue to be committed to provide opportunities for both those who are comfortable attending in-person as well as those who will be actively participating through streaming and zoom. We want to ensure that everyone in our community of faith stays connected and can continue to worship, learn, care, serve and give, even in this strange season. We are also facing some new challenges and opportunities. I am grateful for those who have agreed to serve on the search committee for a new Minister of Youth, Missions, and Communications. Please take time each day to pray for Adam Arnold, Lynne Felton, Ryan Jowers, Walt Martin, Ruth Perkins-Lee and Beth Smith as they seek God’s guidance and direction during this important search and call process. We also want to be in prayer for our youth and our youth ministry during this time of transition as we express special thanks to our youth interns Naomi Black and Jonathan Hall for their leadership. October and November are months filled with amazing opportunities for our congregation and community. Mission Sunday will remind us of one of our core commitments to share God’s love and grace with all the world. Octoberfest will take a different form, but will be a great celebration and chance for us to connect with children and families in our community. All Saints' Day in November will give us a chance to pause, to remember and to celebrate the lives of those who have passed from this world into God’s presence. At Thanksgiving, we will express gratitude to God who has been faithful and will be faithful as we seek to follow in the footsteps of our Savior. I hope you are as excited as I am. It truly is good to be home! Pastor Chris



DANNY VANC IL - Minister of Music and Worship

I love the autumn season with the beautiful colors, the cooler temperatures, football and seasonal foods. For me, fall conjures up wonderful memories of growing up in the country, eating mom’s chili, harvesting the crops, and the having adults begin rehearsals on the church’s upcoming Christmas cantata. For some, the fall season is difficult because of the shorter days and cooler temperatures. The nights can become long and lonely as the season signals a long, cold winter ahead. The following is a wonderful hymn text written by William Livingstone Wallace that is filled with the hope and promise of new life. May these words serve as an inspiration to all as we worship and serve God throughout the seasons of life. Danny Autumn comes in all its fullness harvesting both land and hearts. Autumn has its birth in Winter * in the stillness where life starts. Every death brings hope of birthing, every birth enfolds life’s end, for the seasons of our living mirror patterns nature penned. Autumn gives us time for choosing seeds which bear the richest fruits, fragile life which we can nurture into just or vain pursuits. Every death brings hope of birthing, every birth enfolds life’s end, for the seasons of our living mirror patterns nature penned. Buried in Autumnal endings lies the shoot that bursts the tomb, for the letting go in Autumn sows the seed that births the bloom. Every death brings hope of birthing, every birth enfolds life’s end, for the seasons of our living mirror patterns nature penned. William Livingstone Wallace * The biological cycle of the year can be said to start with the dormant seed buried in the earth. (William Wallace is a frequent contributor to Progressive Christianity.org.)

Worship Highlights October and November

World Communion Sunday October 3

Missions Sunday October 17

All Saints' Sunday November 7

Thanksgiving Sunday November 21

Advent 1

November 28

Sunday, December 19, 2021 7:00 PM 5 | SMOKE RIS E BAPT IST.ORG


BECKY CAS W ELL- SPEI GHT- Minister of Families, Faith Formation and Connection

Smoke Rise Satellite Ministries There are 4 satellite ministries at Smoke Rise in local assisted living locations in Dekalb and Gwinnett Counties. These groups meet for worship, Sunday school, and a monthly in person Bible Study. Bible Studies are led by Chris George at a different location every Tuesday.

Racial Justice Study Group Led by Page Fulgham, the group will meet at 7pm on Mondays to study Jemar Tisby’s book, How to Fight Racism. The study will run from October 18-November 15

Recorded Sunday School

Connections is a once-a-month gathering for individuals and couples in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. Connections occurs during preschool, children, and youth activities. The next gathering is October 24th at 5:00 pm at the Felton's Home,1853 Chedworth Lane.

In October will be brought to us by Bo Prosser. Bo is a welcomed friend of Smoke Rise and has taught us many time over the years. He teaches from the Formations curriculum. This curriculum is used by the majority of our in person and Zoom classes. If you would like to receive the recorded lesson or Formations curriculum call the church office at 770-469-5856 and we will get that to you. Bo’s lessons can be found each week at smokerisebaptist.org.



JA ME S S MIT H - Pasto r al Car e Asso ciate

All Saints Day

Every year Christians around the world observe All Saints Day which recognizes ALL the saints—including those known only to God. It is a day of giving God gratitude for the lives and deaths of saints. In some countries, it is a public holiday with days off work and businesses closed. In some traditions, it is a day for paying respect to departed loved ones, usually with prayers, flowers and offerings.

Christianity. White is also a color of mourning. Gold represents divinity, power, reward and wisdom. Family members of the saints will be given the banner of their loved one at the end of the service of All Saints. They are encouraged to use the banner on holidays, in their homes and at other family occasions to celebrate and remember the gifts of God through the saints who have gone on before us to their heavenly home. The banners serve as a wonderful tangible reminder of each person, especially meaningful during the pandemic when families have been limited in their ability to celebrate and remember.

At Smoke Rise Baptist Church, we observe All Saints Day on the Sunday that falls after October 31. We give recognition to those who have passed from this life into eternal life during the preceding year, calculated from the date of November 1 of a given calendar year through October 31 of the following calendar year. We start over each year to keep a list of the deceased who were members of Smoke Rise. If you think of persons who have gone to heaven in the last year, but who were not included in the All Saints remembrance, it is probably because they were not officially members of the church. Some individuals actively attend Smoke Rise but, for one reason or another, keep their membership placed at a previous church they attended. This year’s celebration of the saints will be especially meaningful. During the pandemic, families were limited in their ability to celebrate and honor the lives of loved ones gone on to heaven before us. We recently were reminded in worship of how important it is to remember the things God has taught us and revealed to us. It is important to remember the lives of the faithful and to celebrate all they contributed to our church, the Kingdom of Christ and God’s world. This year, a cross-and-crown banner will be displayed with the name of each of the November 2020 - October 2021 saints. These are beautiful white and gold banners (the traditional colors for All Saints) adorned with the symbol and the person’s name. White is an important symbolic color in most religions and cultures. It is associated with Jesus Christ, sacrifice, righteousness, light and purity in

The Cross and Crown –a cross passing through a crown—is a Christian symbol used in various traditions, settings and heraldry. The emblem is often interpreted as symbolizing the reward in heaven (the crown) coming after the trials in this life (the cross). James 1:12 refers to the crown of life that saints receive. The cross is the principal symbol of the Christian religion, recalling the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the redeeming benefits of his passion and death. The cross is thus a sign both of Christ himself and of the faith of Christians. The crown, a traditional head ornament of monarchs is worn as a symbol of power and dignity. It is often a symbol of the monarch’s government. For example, the British Crown is often a reference to the British government. Anyone in the royal family can wear a crown. As a Christian symbol, the crown represents those who reign in the Kingdom of God. I am grateful for the special day of remembrance and invite you to remember and reach out to the families involved in your own personal ways. -Jim

S ERVIN G ON M I S S I ON Mission - Still Going I’m quite sure you’ve never done this, but I made a bargain with God when I was in my early 30s. It went like this: “God, if it’s okay with you, I’d like to pastor some great churches, work for some great Baptist institutions and, when I retire, go to the mission field somewhere around the world to offer temporary support and help to some tired missionaries!” Go figure. It kind of worked out like that, mostly. I’ll explain. I served the Morningside Baptist Church, Atlanta for four years, FBC Cordele for 10 years, and then FBC Lawrenceville for 10 years. Then I worked at McAfee School of Theology, Honduras Outreach and Atlanta (Union) Mission. And when I retired, I served mission endeavors in Honduras, Appalachia, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tijuana, Mexico, and Clarkston, GA. As best I recall, I have made over 50 trips for mission causes in the last 14 years. God granted me the privilege of working in the vineyard with people in need. Even though I imagined that I might be a professor or teacher, not one person in any of our mission efforts ever asked me what I knew, what I thought, or even what I believed. They mostly wanted to know that I cared. I am profoundly grateful for SRBC for giving me the opportunity to “go to the mission field” over these past

14 years. This has been a significant part of my service to God and, more personally, what I deemed to be God’s will for my life. Smoke Rise is a mission church. That’s what attracted me to this place; that’s what has sustained me; and that’s why I continue to be engaged. Serving alongside hundreds of Smoke Rise volunteers has inspired me and lifted me to a closer walk to God. For a season, we have been limited in our national and international travel engagements with our mission partners. I have missed that and I know you have too. But this is only temporary. We will once again be able to attend personally the needs of our friends and partners. In the meantime, Missions at Smoke Rise is alive and well. Briefly, we have been faithful in continuing our strong record of giving and financial support for our local, national and international partners. SRBC members continue to serve on the boards of directors for our partners; as a church family, we continue to pray for our friends on the “mission field.” Our theme for this year’s Mission Sunday, October 17, 2021, is MISSIONS—STILL GOING! Even though we have been physically unable to participate, the mission program at SRBC is alive and well, still strong, still going, still growing. - R. Page Fulgham, Interim Minister of Missions

Centro Shalom

$4,400 (Tijuana) • School Student Sponsorship Program

2021 Mission Projects African Children’s Mission

$10,000 • Women’s health project • 200 Bibles in Tribal Language • Sanitation project • Chairs for Church

Edgewood Church

$4,400 • Community Garden • Food Distribution

Family Heritage Foundation

$5,000 (Clarkston) • Building Fund to secure permanent housing


Thanksgiving Baskets of Love More than ever, we need to GIVE. The need for basic food stuffs is great in our community and so is our need to give. For almost two years, Americans have been hampered from going and doing the usual and normal things of life. It’s past time to get out to the mall, the football game or to visit our favorite tourist spot. But then there is the surge in Covid cases once again restricting our “normal” activities and threatening our wellbeing. (I did sneak in a visit to Ruby Falls a couple weeks ago and was reminded that I’m not in charge of the world!)


Monday, October 18 - Sunday, November 21

Basket Stuffing

Sunday Evening, November 21 • • • • • • • •

1 large can sweet potatoes 3 cans green beans 2 cans corn 1 can fruit 1 can cranberry jelly 2 packets gravy (NO JARS) 1 box stuffing 2 boxes mac and cheese

• 1 package cookies • 2 packets potatoes (NO BOXES) • 1 package Thanksgiving luncheon napkins • $15 Gift Card for meat (Please bring cards to the church office and deposit in the Thanksgiving box.)

Friends of Refugees

$4,400 (Clarkston) • Embrace Refugee Birth Support

God’s Appalachian Partnership $4,400 • New Summer Ministry • Day Camps • Life Skills Classes

We are urging you to share food items as listed. Bring them to the church and place them in the bins marked “Thanksgiving Baskets.” We’ll be glad you did; you’ll be glad you did.

Lilburn Cooperative Ministry

$4,400 • Used Cargo Van for Food Pickup

NETWorks Cooperative Ministry

$4,400 • Software and equipment to expand food distribution

Greater Restoration Baptist Church $4,400 (New York) • Support for ongoing programs

However, one of the things we CAN do, that we MUST do, is give! Not just because the need for resources is great, but because our need to give is greater. For years, the Smoke Rise family has gathered for a Thanksgiving meal on a Sunday night, then joined the volunteers in the gym to put together over 150 Thanksgiving baskets, overflowing with good food, a personal note, but most of all, our good measure of love. That’s the other benefit, the fact that I have finally done something that is positive, helpful and meaningful. That’s the power of giving!

Rauschenbusch Metro Ministries

$4,400 (New York) • Teen Center After School Program


G ENEROS I T Y BART MCNIEL - A ss o ci a t e Pa s t o r o f A dm i n i s t r a ti on, Mi ni stry Support and Congregati onal Care

Thank you for your continued generosity. Giving is generally lower in the summer, and this year is no exception. Historically, we tend to run a spending deficit through the second quarter of the fiscal year. In past years, contributions and spending have come back into line or better by the end of the third fiscal quarter due to increased giving as part of our end-of-year emphasis. We are grateful for the continued faithfulness of so many and especially for those who are making regular, recurring gifts to the church. If you are not making a regular tithe or offering, we encourage you to consider supporting Smoke Rise on a recurring basis. Regular giving helps us to better meet our financial obligations month-to-month. It also puts our church in a better position to meet our budget and to shore up financial reserves that sustain the ministries and missions of our church into the future. As we finish summer and move into a season of renewed activity and worship, let us continue to give generously and cheerfully to our church. -Bart Smoke Rise Legacy Society is composed of faithful stewards who are united by a shared commitment to designate the Smoke Rise Baptist Church Endowment as a named beneficiary of a will, trust, life insurance policy, stock holding, or other investment account. Membership in the Legacy Society is not based on the size of the gift or estate, but on notice of your commitment to leave a legacy gift to the church beyond your lifetime. In this fiscal year alone, our Endowment has been used to offset the cost of expanding technology in our church for Zoom Sunday School support and renovations to classroom spaces in our building. These expenses fell outside of budget, but were critical to our congregation as we sought to answer the call to

remain connected as a community of faith in a world changed by a global pandemic. Each year on All Saints Sunday, Smoke Rise Legacy Society hosts a luncheon to express appreciation to our donors, to learn about ministry enabled by the Legacy Society Gifts, and to celebrate God’s good work at Smoke Rise Baptist Church. Keep an eye on Eater’s Digest, Sunday informer’s, and your Smoke Rise emails regarding Legacy Society plans for this upcoming All Saints Sunday. Present members of our congregation include some who were at Smoke Rise on its first Sunday. Even more of us were not present on that day. We came later and were grafted into the Smoke Rise family because others

who came before us gave generously in support of a wider future. By giving in support of the Endowment Fund, we have the opportunity to partner with a rich legacy now and in years to come—for children and grandchildren, for neighbors yet unknown, for people who will need to know the joy of beloved community in good and bad times, for those who will answer the call to love God and others beyond the walls our church, for those who will take up the calling to be the presence of Christ in the world. If you have questions about the fund and ways to support it, you may contact our Pastor, Chris George or our Associate Pastor, Bart McNiel. If you would like to speak with one of our Endowment Trustees, you may contact the church office, and we will put you in touch with a trustee who can speak with you further about our Endowment.

CONNEC T I N G AT SMOK E R I SE Join the Fun. Do It For Yourself. Have you given any thought to learning a new skill? Perhaps learning to play piano or guitar or improve your singing voice? Perhaps you have always wanted to learn to tap dance but never had the chance. Well, it is never too late to try your hand at something new in the arts.

rts is looking forward to and preparing for a booming year after the long spell of COVID Did you know music lessons activity, help instructors reduce stress, and improve memory in adults? Voice masks, zoom classes andthat elbow bumps! Duringimprove the past 18brain months the Academy ated with zoom classes, outdoor lessons, filmed productions, and safely distanced lessons can actually improve your overall health and music in festivals generaland can make you a happier person! rama classes came together (with safe distancing and masks) to perform Jungle Book and Shrek How about tap dancing? Ever thought of the benefits of taking tap dance classes? Tap dance works the core for families and friends and live-streamed audiences in states coast to coast, Europe, and Central improved the muscle memory dance ma enrollment hasbalance. exceededTraining former summer enrollments with 80through school aged actorsimproves balance, coordination and control. And the benefits a strong core areperformed numerous, including back pain and eredith Wilson’sof The Music Man to be August 20-22 andless September 17-19. Werisk are of falling. The benefits of tap dance include pring productions a return trip to The Junior Theaterstrength, Festival in flexibility addition to expanded art, increasingand cardiovascular conditioning, and coordination. Tap dance combinations build strength in for allthe ages. legs and feet in addition to increasing flexibility in the hips, knees and ankles.

demy Now is the addition of know a new room for benefits our danceto classes. We up havefor been able to room that you all the signing music oroutfit dance classes with the Academy, what are you waiting for? fices,It with dance barres, mirrors and new flooring for our ballet, jazz, tap and liturgical dance is not too late to join in our Adult Tap class on Mondays from 6:30-7:30. Music lessons are offered all days of the week taught our dancers for several years. When she began with us, we offered only one pre-school in piano, voice, violin, drums, guitar, ukulele and banjo. Make this the year you “do something for yourself.” years Sydney has expanded her classes to include two pre-school classes, jazz, tap, ballet urgical dance class and our popular adult tap dancewww.smokerisebaptist.org/arts class. Greyson Chadwick, who co-directs Check our website for information: or email me at: artsacademy@smokerisebaptist.org s two highly energetic Theater Dance Fusion classes for middle and high school students. Our You will be glad you did! ed!

- Denise Burcham, Academy Director

lcome two new piano instructors to our staff to offer individual piano lessons. Debbie o Smoke Rise Academy after several years in SC. She brings with her extensive experience lts. We also welcome Tsai-Wei (Michelle) Li, a doctorate student at UGA. She has degrees in edagogy with studies in teaching the pre-school child. Both instructors will be great additions

The Work of a Day at Smoke Rise Baptist Weekday School

even when that investment Get out of the car. Say "hi" to the fish. Wash your hands. Greet your is not recognized. Luckily ugust 9. In addition to dance and drama classes, we offer the popular MUSIKGARTEN Family for us, we have a bounty of friends. Read a book. Play with children and parent, keyboard classes, art for children and adults and music lessons in voice, people who do just that. toys. Learn some science or go to r, and ukulele. Check out our website and come join us this fall! Chapel. Gather for circle time. Eat Teachers who come day after g/arts your lunch. Read one more book. day and year after year. Staff Debbie Heimberger Go outside to play. Go back home. who turn on the lights and sweep up the crumbs. And Collapse. Repeat. volunteers who take an hour or a day to come and serve and be a part of our community and our work. There is a lot that goes into a day of preschool. Children between the ages of 18 months and 5 years old join us day And you can join us too. We have opportunities for people after day and week after week as they learn the routine and to come read. Chances for work to support our teachers learn to play and interact together. by gathering and preparing supplies. Be a kind face to children and families as they come to school. And of course, all of this is led by teachers, staff, and volunteers. There is no class without a teacher. There is If you would like to be a part of our work, let us know. You no story time without a volunteer to read. There is no can come by the Weekday School Office Monday-Friday classroom without the people to prepare it and keep it clean 9-2 or give us a call at (678) 533-0558. and safe. There is no recess without someone leading the We will continue to care for the little children just as Jesus line down the hall. Smoke Rise Liturgical Dancers commanded, and we would love for you to join us in our The education and care of children takes a patient and work. caring person who is willing to invest in the lives of others, Pre-school tap class -Harrison Litzell, Weekday School Co-Director Spring semester



BE C KY CAS W ELL- SPEI GHT- Minister of Family, Faith Formation and Connection

Take a Glimpse Into Our

Preschool and Children's Ministries Imagination Station This is for preschool and Kindergarten students. We meet

outside at 5 pm on the gym side of the church for some games with Pastor Becky and Ms. Caroline. At 5:45 pm, preschoolers will move to the gym for Inspiration Stations with Ms. Amanda. Pickup is at 6:30 pm inside the gym.

Come one all for the Smoke Rise Scarecrow Scavenger Hunt. New this year! On October 27th beginning precisely at 5:00 pm. Family groups will be sent throughout the Smoke Rise and Lilburn community to search for 5 different locations along the Scavenger Hunt. Each location will bring a new peice of the puzzle and a fun surprise. At the end of the night we will crown the Scarecrow Scavenger Hunt champion, best dressed team, and other prizes. Be sure to get to the church dressed and ready to play Don’t have a child in your family or can’t travel around town? Throw on your best costume or Halloween attire. We have fun activities planned for you too. Jim Smith will lead the community in a fall activity that will be sure to bring a smile to those in Assisted Living facilities. Dinner and activities will be held outside by the preschool entrance. Various food trucks led by Island Chef Cafe and Soul Truckin’ Good will provide dinner for the entire community. This event has a little something for every age group.

More than a Scribble

Throughout the fall on Sunday evenings children are learning that they are “More than a Scribble.” They are learning about emotions and that they can have big emotions, little emotions and even different emotions all at the same time. They are learning that God made all emotions and because of that ALL emotions are good and necessary. Our emotions are best when we can claim and understand the emotions one that we are feeling. Children 1st-5th grade will gather in the first room in the gym or on the porch each week at 5:45 pm.

In October we will learn about the 3rd day of creation when God separated water and the land. God gave us the gift of green grass and growing things. We will continue to explore all the ways that God’s creation is good!


Meet Our Seniors

Dora Lee

Brookwood High School

Greenlee Martin

Brookwood High School

Madison Catoggio

Brookwood High School


Lily Burton

Brookwood High School


Growing and Learning Together

October Dates

November Dates

3 World Communion Sunday

7 Legacy Society Luncheon

10 Deacon's Meeting

14 Church in Conference

17 Mission Sunday

21 Thanksgiving Banquet and Basket Stuffing

27 Scarecrow Scavenger Hunt

24 No Wednesday Night Activities

31 No Sunday Evening Activities

25-26 Office Closed - Happy Thanksgiving! 28 No Sunday Evening Activities

Fall Back November 7

Daylight savings ends, so make sure to set your clocks back one hour!


Sunday, December 19, 2021 7:00 PM


November 14 Address Correction Requested

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