And the table will be wide. And the welcome will be wide. And the arms will open wide to gather us in. And our hearts will open wide to receive.
Vol 3 | Issue 10 | October 2019
And we will come as children who trust there is enough. And we will come unhindered and free. And our aching will be met with bread. And our sorrow will be met with wine. And we will open our hands to the feast without shame. And we will turn toward each other without fear. And we will give up our appetite for despair. And we will taste and know of delight. And we will become bread for a hungering world. And we will become drink for those who thirst. And the blessed become the blessing. And everywhere will be the feast. Blessing by Jan Richardson
World Communion Sunday • October 6, 2019
October 30 • 5-7 pm • Free Admission
Come for this free and fun event on Wednesday, October 30, 2019! from 5:00 - 7:00 pm. Dinner Tickets $5 for Adults, $3 for Children, $15 Family maximum
Wear your costume for Fall fun!
5901 Hugh Howell Rd Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Be c k y C a s we l l - S pei gh t Minister to Families, Faith Formation and Connection 678.533.0546
From the Pastor
Je re m y C o l l i v e r Minister of Youth, Missions and Communications 678.533.0551 Chris G e o r ge Senior Pastor 770.469.5856 Bart McNiel Associate Pastor 678.533.0540 J im S mi th Pastoral Care Associate 404.405.5467 smokerise
10 Serving 11
World Missions Sunday SmokeRiseBC
Smoke Rise
When people see in the church not arrogance, but humility, they are interested in learning more. People are not looking for all the answers, but rather a safe place to ask questions.
Membership in the Legacy Society is not based on the size of the gift or estate, but on notice of your commitment to leave a legacy gift to the church beyond your lifetime.
12 Family Ministry 13
Monthly Snapshot
Our goal for the Sixth Annual World Mission Offering is $50,000. The offering will be used in support of the construction project at the Rauschenbusch Metro Ministries center in New York City.
Danny Va n c i l Minister of Music and Worship 678.533.0560
A B O UT S M O K E RIS E 5901 Hugh Howell Rd. Stone Mountain, GA 30087 Tel: 770.469.5856 Fax: 770.498.3598 Office Hours M-F 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Smoke Rise Baptist Church is a loving and caring faith community where people come to grow spiritually, worship communally and serve faithfully. We are committed to fostering authentic relationships and engaging in meaningful ministry in our congregation, our community and around the world. We partner with others in an effort to be about God’s work. We commit to love God with all our hearts, all our souls, all our minds and all our strength and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. We seek to proclaim the Good News of Christ in all that we say and do.
When I was in 9th grade, I went on my first mission trip to Trinidad & Tobago. We went from school to school, playing with the children and singing songs about our faith in Christ. I made a decision before our departure that I was finally going to get a nice tan. (I wish my mind had been on higher things.) So, I decided not to bring any sunscreen because the best way to get a tan was just to let those sun rays soak directly into your skin. I did get some color on my arms and legs, back and stomach, neck and cheeks…the problem was the color was not golden brown, but rather bright red. I learned a lot on that first mission trip. I would never again forget sunscreen. And, I would never again forget that the work of God in the world is bigger than I had ever imagined. In Trinidad, we didn’t ask questions like “Are you Baptist or Methodist?” Because, God’s work was bigger than any single denomination. Those folks didn’t worship like we worshipped. They would sing and clap with drums and dancing. It seemed so foreign for a boy who had never heard a clap in church and rarely heard someone say “Amen.” But, the differences in denomination and worship, they really didn’t matter much. God was at work. I could see it. I could feel it. I heard it in their words and saw it in their actions. World Communion Sunday is an invitation to embrace that same perspective. It is born in humility. We don’t have a corner on truth. We can learn from each other. Contrary to what I was taught as a child, Baptists will not be the only ones in heaven. Communion, whether we use grape juice or wine, square crackers or round, is meant to bring the Body of Christ together. Those early disciples, they found someone who was different. Apparently, this person was doing good work, driving out demons. Those disciples ran to Jesus and said, “Listen, we saw someone doing good, but we told him to stop, because he wasn’t one of us.” And, Jesus shook his head in amazement and said, “Don’t stop him! Whoever is not against us is for us…” We need to remember these words. When I was a child, Christianity was characterized first and foremost by competition. Other churches were viewed with suspicion at best (the Presbyterians) and enemies at worst (the Catholics). But, today, we live in a world that is increasingly post-Christian. We have to stretch the bonds and model for the world Christian community that transcends differences. When those outside the church look at those inside the church and see us fighting, they don’t really want any part in it. If they wanted to watch a fight, they would just turn on cable news. But, if they look into the church and see brothers and sisters, who sometimes disagree, but still choose to love each other, those same people are intrigued. When people see in the church not arrogance, but humility, they are interested in learning more. People are not looking for all the answers, but rather a safe place to ask questions. Smoke Rise can be this place. We must protect this Holy Ground. Don’t stop him. Don’t stop her. Welcome them. Here. The invitation to the table is not exclusive, but inclusive. World Communion Sunday. October 6, 2019.
Music and Worship Page Header
DV Pic
DANNY VANC IL - Minister of Music and Worship
Hymn of the Month: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Words and Music: Written circa 1529 by Martin Luther • Translated in 1853 by Frederick H. Hedge and based on Psalm 46 Tune: EIN FESTE BURG
A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing; our helper He, amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing. For still our ancient foe doth seek to work his woe; His craft and power are great and armed with cruel hate, on earth is not his equal. Did we in our own strength confide, our striving would be losing; Were not the right Man on our side, The Man of God's own choosing. Dost ask who that may be? Christ Jesus, it is he; Lord Sabaoth is his name, from age to age the same, and He must win the battle. And though this world, with devils filled, should threaten to undo us, we will not fear, for God hath willed His truth to triumph through us. The Prince of Darkness grim,—we tremble not for him; His rage we can endure, for lo! His doom is sure,— one little word shall fell him. That word above all earthly powers—no thanks to them—abideth; the Spirit and the gifts are ours through him who with us sideth. Let goods and kindred go, this mortal life also: The body they may kill: God's truth abideth still, His kingdom is for ever.
This bold and majestic hymn that is affectionately know as the “Battle Hymn of the Reformation", is beloved among Protestants. Be listening for creative and stirring settings of this hymn by different ensembles in worship throughout the month of October. Our Youth Choir will be singing a stirring arrangement of the hymn on Sunday, October 27, which is Reformation Sunday.
Christmas Christmas
Reflections of His Advent • Impressions of the Annunciations • Scenes from His Nativity •Portrait of Our Joy
Presented by
The Sanctuary Choir with Orchestra Sunday, December 8, 2019 • 7:00 PM 5 | SM OKE RIS E BAPT IST.ORG
G ROW I N G AT S MOK E R I SE B E C KY CASWELL- SPEI GHT- Minister of Families, Faith Formation and Connection Good News Sunday School Class Raises $635.00 The Good News Sunday School Class is pleased to announce that it raised $635.00 in support of our church benevolence fund. The fundraiser was made possible by the generous donations of items to stock the bags, as well as the generous support of members who purchased blessing bags from class members in support of our benevolence ministry. It is the prayer of the Good News Sunday School Class that the bags purchased by members will be distributed to others, with love and grace, in the community. After taking into account the cost of food cards purchased by benevolence to include in the bags, the benevolence fund will net a gain of $435.00 in support of community benevolence through our church office and beyond. Carol Palmer, the chair of the Benevolence Team at Smoke Rise expressed gratitude on behalf of the entire team for the work of the Good News Class and the ministry staff is also grateful that the class took up the cause of supporting our benevolence fund. Thank you to every member who help the Good News Class make the Blessing Bags project at success! Ladies Holiday Dinner Lauretta Hannon, is the author of The Cracker Queen--A Memoir of a Jagged, Joyful Life. She has been a commentator on National Public Radio's All Things Considered, where her stories have reached 25 million listeners. On November 19 at 6:30 pm she will be the speaker for the Ladies Holiday Dinner. Tickets are $20 a person. Sales begin October 13th. This is a wonderful fellowship. Be sure to invite your friends.
October 27; 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm Childcare 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm Hosts: Graham and Lynne Felton 1853 Chedworth Lane Stone Mountain Connections is a once-a-month gathering for individuals and couples in their 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s. Light snacks and drinks provided. Childcare provided at the church. Parents can drop off children at the preschool area beginning at 5:30 pm. Please RSVP for children by the previous Wednesday through the church office (770) 469-5856;
Women's Event
GE N ER OS I T Y Join us for the Legacy Society Luncheon - Sunday, November 3 The Smoke Rise Legacy Society is composed of faithful stewards who are united by a shared commitment to designate the Smoke Rise Baptist Church Endowment as a named beneficiary of a will, trust, life insurance policy, stock holding or other investment account. On Sunday, November 3, All Saints Sunday, Smoke Rise Legacy Society and the Endowment Trustees will host our annual luncheon to express appreciation to our donors, to enable potential donors to learn about the ministry provided by the Legacy Society Gifts, and to celebrate God’s good work at Smoke Rise Baptist Church through our endowment fund. If you are interested in joining the Legacy Society, please make reservations to join us at the Legacy Society Luncheon in Stone Mountain Park at Stone Mountain Inn on November 3, immediately following morning worship. Membership in the Legacy Society is not based on the size of the gift or estate, but on notice of your commitment to leave a legacy gift to the church beyond your lifetime. If you have any questions about The Legacy Society or Endowment Fund, please contact the church office to make an appointment with the Pastor, Associate Pastor or an Endowment Trustee.
With Gratitude for the Endowment Earnings in Support of Our 50th Celebration On September 8, the church in conference approved the transfer of $17,000.00 in earnings from the Smoke Rise Endowment Wellspring Fund to help offset some of the cost of the 50th Anniversary Celebration. Because our Endowment Fund continues to grow and flourish, we are able to invest in special events like our anniversary celebration and in new ministries among us. We will also be better prepared in the future to draw on earnings of the Endowment to help offset unexpected capital repairs that inevitably arise in and around our building and grounds. Thank you to all our Legacy Society members who have made commitments to give above and beyond to our Endowment. Your commitment is making a difference and will reap blessings for years to come.
MONTH OF MAY Amount Given $151,925.05
Amount Spent $130,467.30
Positive Balance $21,457.75
(April 1, 2019 - August 31, 2019) Amount Given Amount Spent Negative Balance $847,178.32 $925,978.11 ($78,799.79) 7 | S MOKE RIS E BAPT IST.ORG
CARIN G AT S M O KE R I SE JIM SMIT H - Pastoral Care Associate Coping with Grief During the Holidays “Who’s going to carve the turkey this year? Grandpa always did it...” “Who will say the prayer?” “I don’t have the energy or desire to shop, decorate or visit others...” “ I just want to erase New Year’s this year. I feel empty trying to celebrate.” The questions and thoughts bombard us. Birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day and other holidays can be very difficult for people who have experienced the death of a loved one. Such holidays are filled with memories. But memories serve as a reminder of loss. Watching others celebrate can be painful and overwhelming. Particularly in the first year after a death, loved ones must learn how to cope with holiday rituals and traditions.
Celebrating the Ordination of Elizabeth "Ebby" Arnold to the Ministry Rev. Elizabeth Arnold was ordained at Smoke Rise Baptist Church on September 8, 2019. Rev. Becky Caswell-Speight gave the charge to the congregation and Rev. Ruth Perkins Lee gave the charge to the ordination candidate. Ebby was presented with a pastor's stole from her church family at SRBC and also with a special stole honoring women in ministry that has been passed from new minister to new minister as a symbol of solidarity and support of women in ordained gospel ministry.
The first step in coping with grief during the holidays is to acknowledge that the holiday season is difficult. Sometimes, anticipation of a holiday can be more difficult than the day itself. People grieve so differently. Some might prefer to stay busy and keep moving. Others may need time and space to be sad, to be quiet and to think. There is a way that is right for you. A special meeting is planned Wednesday, November 20, to assist families and friends of Smoke Rise in "Getting Through the Holidays." We will discuss how to allow yourself to grieve, how to set realistic expectations for yourself and others and additional helpful topics. Please join us from 6:00 to 7:00 pm in room 220 for a very special time together. - Jim Smith, Pastoral Care Associate
Getting Through the Holidays Wednesday, 20 CopingNovember with grief at 6:00 PM season through the holiday Room 220 Led by Adam Arnold and Jim Smith
BART McN IE L - Associate Pastor
Welcome Our New Members
Evelyn Caswell-Speight August 8
Lisa Brigman August 25
Deacon Selection Committee Report The Deacon Selection Committee has worked diligently over the last month to nominate 20 new deacons for service beginning January 2020. Deacons at Smoke Rise serve a two-year term with 20 deacons rotating off each year as 20 new deacons are elected to serve on the Fellowship of Deacons. The Deacon Selection Committee seeks to nominate members to serve from a diverse cross-section of women and men in our congregation. On Sunday, October 13, we will observe a special called church conference to vote on the following persons to serve for a two-year term as deacon starting in January 2020: Shane Brower, Nathan Reed, Joe Moore, Jeff Kelley, Graham Felton, Mark Manley, Gary Prophitt, Colin Harris, Jimmy Cobb, Paula Rowell, Jeri Boland, Lucy DeForest, Mitzi Ethridge-Cantrell, Linda Cantrell, Norma Green, Martha Abner, Deborah Leamon, Beverly Holmes, Jan Vreeland. We are grateful to these nominees for their willingness to serve. Nomination ballots will include photographs of the new nominees, and we will feature first-time deacons at Smoke Rise in our November Crosstie issue as we look forward to ordaining new deacons that month.
Dee Wilson August 25
Carol Harris September 15 CARD MINISTRY Sending personal cards to encourage and brighten the day VISITATION Visiting members with smiles, prayers and personal touch GRIEF SUPPORT Supporting others after the loss of a loved one
Gary Scheidt September 15
CAREGIVER SUPPORT Supporting caregivers for people suffering with Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia NANCY’S HEART STITCHERS Sharing the warmth of Christian love with handmade quilts and blankets
Contact Rev. Bart McNiel to volunteer to serve on a TouchPoint team. 9 | S MOKE RIS E BAPT IST.ORG
SERVIN G ON M I SSI ON J E R E MY C OLLI V ER - Minister of Youth, Missions and Communications SIXTH ANNUAL WORLD MISSION OFFERING Our goal for the Sixth Annual World Mission Offering is $50,000. The offering will be used in support of the construction project at the Rauschenbusch Metro Ministries (RMM) center in New York City. If we exceed of goal, the “over the goal” monies will be used to replenish our mission development funds. RMM is one of our mission partners, and we send a large team each year to Manhattan to minister out of the ministry center, which also serves as housing for the team. We have been involved with RMM since 1983 when we gave $50,000 to help purchase an old church building. Now is the time to help once again in a significant way with the building of a new and much-needed ministry center. It is perhaps not coincidental that in 1983 we gave $50,000 to RMM and that in our 50th year we will give $50,000! Missions is at the core of our DNA. Pray and plan to make your pledge or gift on Mission Sunday, October 20, in support of MISSION N.O.W.
Thank You, Page! Eighteen months ago I stepped into the position of Mission Minister here at Smoke Rise. I felt honored to be asked to serve in this capacity, but knew that there was a lot to learn about the rich mission partnerships that Smoke Rise has. Page Fulgham has been a blessing to me these past eighteen months. He has served as mentor and guide. He has propped me up and stood alongside me as decisions have been made. I have followed him in the ways that he builds and sustains relationships. He is a cheerleader and encourager. Most importantly though, he is a friend. Thank you Page for helping not only me, but Smoke Rise, transition into this new era of missions at Smoke Rise. You are a blessing. - Jeremy
Guest Preacher Rev. Tiffany Triplett Henkel Tiffany may look familiar to you because she has been to Smoke Rise on several occasions as part of our ongoing partnership with Metro Baptist Church. We are excited that this time, Tiffany will be preaching for us as part of our Mission Sunday celebration. Rev. Tiffany Triplett Henkel is the Executive Director of Rauschenbusch Metro Ministries/ Pastor. Tiffany's tenure with Metro began in 2005. As ED/Pastor, she focuses on the coordination, development and administration of our community ministries through RMM. A resident of Hell's Kitchen, Tiffany is deeply invested in the neighborhood and a recognized community leader. Together with her husband (and Metro's resident architect) Dan, she has two children: Hudson and Adi. We welcome Tiffany to the pulpit at Smoke Rise Baptist Church.
Visit with Our Mission Partners Smoke Rise Baptist Church has a rich history of missions and Mission Sunday is a time to celebrate our mission partnerships. We’re excited that this year all of our mission partners will be joining us on Mission Sunday. Some of our mission partners will be visiting various Sunday school classes, but all of our mission partners will be in the Fellowship Hall from 9:00 - 9:45 AM and attending worship in the sanctuary at 11:00 AM. We hope you will take this time to visit with our mission partners whether it be for the first time whether you need to give a hug to a partner that is more like family you haven’t seen since your list mission trip. Mark it down on your calendar, October 20th! It will be a great time to celebrate the missions of Smoke Rise Baptist Church.
FAM ILY M I N I ST RY AT SM OK E R I SE B E C KY CASWELL- SPEI GHT- Minister of Family, Faith Formation and Connection Meet Our New Intern Naomi Black I recently graduated from Mercer University, majoring in religion and psychology. I am from Bartlesville, a small town in Oklahoma, where my parents still live. I October 30 • 5-7 pm • Free Admission have one older brother who lives in Dallas with his wife. I enjoy reading, being outdoors and the companionship of cats. I also watch quite a bit of Netflix and am always down to play a good board game. I am in my first year at McAfee School of Theology and, even though the idea of starting seminary is somewhat daunting, I am excited. I look forward to furthering my theological studies, and pursuing my call to ministry. At McAfee, I will be studying toward a Masters in Divinity with a tentative focus in pastoral care. While I am not sure exactly what I want to do, I have a passion for the church. I am excited to be working with you over the next three years.
Come for this free and fun event on Wednesday, October 30, 2019! from 5:00 - 7:00 pm. Dinner Tickets $5 for Adults, $3 for Children, $15 Family maximum
Wear your costume for Fall fun!
Teacher Training
5901 Hugh Howell Rd Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Children's Choir Dates: October 27 - Music Makers and Young Musicians Choirs November 10 - Music Makers and Young Musicians Choirs December 4 - Nativity Pageant Dress Rehearsal - Music Friends Choir December 8 - Music Makers and Young Musicians Choirs December 11 - Nativity Pageant
YOU TH AT S M O KE R I SE J E R E M Y C OLLI V ER - Minister of Youth, Missions and Communications
The Senior Spotlight Name: Patricia Adams Grade: Senior School: Grayson High School... Go Rams! Favorite Memory: My favorite memory in our youth group has been our choir tour to Washington D.C.; especially singing in the Lincoln Memorial Center. Plans after Graduation: After graduation I hope to attend the University of Georgia to pursue a double major in business and psychology.
TAILGATE Beginner Skills You 25TH S oul Know OCTOBER Beginner Skills You S oul Know
Hobbies: Hy hobbies include being active in student government and performing in the musical theatre productions. Family: My parents are Gregg and Melissa Adams and I have a younger sister Elizabeth who is a Freshman at Grayson High School. New Youth Ministry Intern Hey everyone! For those of you whom I haven’t met, my name is Laure FitzSimons. I have been coming to Smoke Rise for children’s and youth activities since I was in the fourth grade, and it has greatly shaped my faith journey. I am now a senior at the University of Georgia studying health promotion in UGA’s College of Public Health. I have spent the last three summers serving with Passport Camps and getting to spend time with Smoke Rise youth and children in this way. At school, my time is split between classes, sorority life and UGA Miracle, raising money for Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. I am so excited to have this new role! -Laure FitzSimons
Important October Dates: October 25th: 5th Quarter after Brookwood vs Parkview November 15th-17th: DNOW December 21st: Christmas Progressive Dinner
NOVEMBER 15-17 Sunday Schedule 9:00 AM Worship in the Chapel 9:45 AM Sunday school in the basement 11:00 AM Worship in the Sanctuary 5:00 PM Choir in the Choir Suite 5:45 PM Dinner 6:00 PM Vespers in the basement Wednesday Schedule 5:00 PM Dinner 6:00 PM Youth in the basement
Blessing of the Students
Weekly Schedule
October Dates
Sunday 9:00 AM - Worship in the Chapel 9:45 AM - Sunday school for all ages 11:00 AM - Worship in the Sanctuary 4:00 PM - Liturgical Dance 5:00 PM - Youth Choir
6 World Communion Sunday 6-12 Women's GAP Trip 13 Deacon Election
5:45 PM - Youth Dinner 6:00 PM - Youth Vespers
20 Missions Sunday
Wednesday 4:45 PM - Dinner in the Fellowship Hall 6:00 PM - Journeys, Children's Activities, Youth in the basement
1-5 Men's GAP Trip
20 Harrison Litzell’s Service of Ordination 27 Connections
7:00 PM - Sanctuary Choir
Basket stuffing will take place on Sunday evening, November 24th following the Annual Thanksgiving Banquet which begins at 6:00. Food is now being collected and can be placed in one of the bins located around the church. 1 large can sweet potatoes 5 cans vegetables 1 canned or jarred fruit 1 cranberry jelly 1 cans/packets gravy 1 box stuffing 2 boxes mac and cheese 1 package cookies 1 can or 2 packets potatoes (no boxes) 1 package holiday luncheon napkins (6 ½” x 6 ½”) $10 - $15 gift card for meat (Please bring cards to the church office and deposit in the Thanksgiving box.)
November 3, 2019
Time to Fall Back!
Set your clocks back one hour Sunday, November 3rd Address Correction Requested