Spring 2023 CrossTie

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Spring 2023 | Your Smoke Rise Baptist Church Magazine
Photograph by Joel McLendon


From the Pastor

Satellite Ministry at Cobblestone

Where God Lives

Grief Support Group


A Celebration of Ordination



On any given Sunday, when you see some extra spaces in the pews, although people may not present in those spaces, they are certainly worshiping with us and being a part of us. I think of Mike and Karen Davis who live in Blue Ridge, Georgia. They cannot make the trip to Smoke Rise to worship in-person, but every Sunday they are streaming the service. So, if you look beside you one Sunday and see some empty spaces, just know that Mike and Karen are filling those seats.


As in other areas of Park Springs, the residents at Cobblestone are cared for in many ways. Sunday services are streamed weekly, and I lead a Bible study there once a month. There is a sweet communal presence shared in these gatherings. However, the real strength of this ministry lies in the individual pastoral care given across denominational lines.


At Smoke Rise, we continue to ask our members to worship, learn, care and serve and to make giving to support the general fund of our church a high priority. Whether one’s financial prosperity is large or small, each member is encouraged to prayerfully consider God’s call to give as he or she has prospered to support and sustain the worship, fellowship, ministries and missions of our family of faith.


Ten missionaries traveled to McDowell, KY, to aid people who were flooded in the middle of July 2022. It was named a 100-year flood and the devastation was disastrous. Many of the dwellings were flooded waist-deep or more and the mud, slush and silt were a foot deep in the houses and trailers.

Pledge Sunday Tithes and Offerings Walking with Jesus Retreat Reflections Going Out Easter Party Recognizing Our Seniors Success at the Junior Festival Weekday School 4 5 6 6 7 8-9 10 11 12-13 14-15 16 17 18-19 20 21
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EASTER Sunday Holy Week

April 9

Sunday School - 9:45 | Worship Service - 11:00

Our Ministers

Becky Caswell-Speight

Minister of Families, Faith Formation and Connection


Page Fulgham

Missions Associate


Chris George

Senior Pastor


Bart McNiel bmcniel@smokerisebaptist.org

Associate Pastor of Administration, Ministry Support and Congregational Care

Pastoral Care Associate

James Smith jsmith@smokerisebaptist.org

Danny Vancil dvancil@smokerisebaptist.org

Minister of Music and Worship

Hannah Vassar hvassar@smokerisebaptist.org

Minister of Youth and Congregational Connection

From Hosanna to Hallelujah and the Valley in Between

From the Pastor

Remembering Our Extended Family

At Thanksgiving and Christmas, at weddings and funerals, many of us have the opportunity to reconnect and spend time with members of our extended families. We see those who may live far from us and remember the times that we shared in the past. We leave those gatherings with a new appreciation for those whom we may not see frequently, but who will always be a part of our families.

I don’t know if you think of it often, but Smoke Rise Baptist Church is really a wonderful extended family. Some of us gather each Sunday morning in the sanctuary for worship and in our fellowship hall on Wednesdays for Bible study, but we have other members of our extended family that we may not see each week, but who are just as actively participating and are treasured as part of our church family.

On any given Sunday, when you see some extra spaces in the pews, although people may not be present in those spaces, they are certainly worshiping with us and being a part of us.

I think of Mike and Karen Davis who live in Blue Ridge, Georgia. They cannot make the trip to Smoke Rise to worship in person, but every Sunday they are streaming the service. So, if you look beside you one Sunday and see some empty spaces, just know that Mike and Karen are filling those seats. We literally have hundreds of people each week in Sunday school, in Sunday worship and at Wednesday Night Journeys who are participating.

In January, I had the opportunity to visit with Dick and Jenny Brannon at their new home in Cartersville. They have found a local church family in that community but, as Dick told me, “We may be members of this Presbyterian church, but we will always be Baptists too.” And, in the course of our

conversation, they expressed their desire to remain associate members at Smoke Rise Baptist. They are committed to following in the way of Jesus and to worship, to learn, to care, to serve and to give. We are so grateful that they want to be part of our church family.

Some have moved further away. Others may have health challenges or mobility issues, but want to connect or to stay connected with our church and to be a part of the church’s extended family. So, whatever the reasons, whatever the distance, we are finding ways at Smoke Rise to expand our understanding of what it means to be a church family and to welcome those who cannot always attend in person.

We also have our expanding satellite congregational ministry at six independent care facilities. Each month, people are worshiping on Sunday mornings participating in Sunday school, engaging in Bible studies, and sharing the Lord’s Supper. These are also a part of our church’s extended family and it is a privilege for us to build relationships with them. We are grateful for the leadership of Joel Harrison and thankful for all of the volunteers who take the time to touch the lives of those in this meaningful ministry. I am pleased to share that with the help of Mitzi Ethridge, our pastoral care intern, we have been able to expand our ministry to residents of Cobblestone Assisted Care Facility.

Last Christmas, my entire extended family celebrated together in Gatlinburg. We joined hands and blessed the food. We enjoyed the Honey-baked ham and the bowtie pasta, the green beans and the ice cream scoops. And, somewhere along the way, my six-year-old daughter Emma, seeing that every seat was filled and every room crowded, commented, “Daddy, we have a BIG family…” We do and I give thanks.

Smoke Rise, we have a big extended family! This is not a cause for concern, but for celebration!

I am pleased to report that our Associate Pastor Bart McNiel's sabbatical proposal has received the unanimous approval of the pastor, the personnel committee and the finance committee. Bart will be taking a 9.5 week sabbatical this summer (2023). During this time, Bart will find refreshment and renewal by spending quality time with his family, reflective time alone, and engaging in coursework in a continuing education program for Church Administration. We pledge to him our prayers as he prepares and embarks on this sabbatical. We will eagerly anticipate his return and his continued ministry at Smoke Rise.

As I look forward to the gift of my upcoming sabbatical, I truly believe that the best days of my ministry, as well as some of the best days of Smoke Rise Baptist Church, are ahead of us. I am excited about the new learning that will expand and strengthen my skills as your associate pastor with wide administrative and pastoral responsibilties. I also look forward to time for rest and renewal. Serving at Smoke Rise Baptist Church has been and continues to be the most meaningful and rewarding work of my life. There is not a day that I do not feel fortunate to be able to work in such a caring church and with such a wonderful family of faith. Thank you Smoke Rise family for your prayers and support.


Our Satellite Ministry at Cobblestone

The simple lyrics of this Taize chant reflect the heart of the Smoke Rise Satellite Ministry for those living in retirement communities. Under the efforts of Joel Harrison, coordinator for senior living satellite ministries, this ministry has thrived for several years. It began at Park Springs, but quickly expanded to several assisted living facilities in the North Metro area. Last August, Cobblestone, a division of the Park Springs community, was added to the list of retirement homes served by Smoke Rise. Joel invited me to support his efforts at this facility.

As in other areas of Park Springs, the residents at Cobblestone are cared for in many ways. Sunday services are streamed weekly, and I lead a Bible study there once a month. There is a sweet communal presence shared in these gatherings. However, the real strength of this ministry lies in the individual pastoral care given across denominational lines. Each week, on Tuesday afternoon, I visit the residents and caregivers throughout the home. Sometimes, Deasha, the activity director, will ask me to look in on a particular person---perhaps someone recently dismissed from the hospital or someone grieving the loss of a loved one. Often, my afternoons are filled listening to their stories. Many residents share stories about their families told through the photographs and artwork displayed in their rooms. On other occasions, I might read scripture to a bedridden resident. Sometimes, no words are spoken, as I simply hold a hand. In these sacred spaces, prayer is offered in the practice of being present.

Being available and present, offering Christ-centered love and care to all residents and caregivers, is the heart of this satellite ministry. At Cobblestone, God is present in the many ways Smoke Rise Baptist serves this special community.

"Ubi caritas, et amor, ubi caritas Deus ibi est."
Where there is charity and love, God is there!

Spring Gatherings for Our Grief Support Group

March 19 · April 16 · May 21

In May 2017, my loving wife of 36 years, Linda, passed away after a tough seven-month battle with cancer. I was devastated. Fortunately, a grief support group started at Smoke Rise Baptist Church the fall after Linda’s passing and I joined immediately. This group was instrumental in blessing me with the ability to work through the darkest, coldest and toughest time of my life, to now experiencing the joy, peace and hope of new life through the love and grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Adam Arnold and Jim Smith coordinate the support group, doing a tremendous job of leading this loving, caring and supportive gathering of people. Meetings are held monthly and include time for sharing our various challenging experiences of and with grief. We are also given reference materials to take home to continue our healing process throughout our grief journeys.

I would highly recommend this group to anyone who has been or is experiencing loss or grief in their lives. I have been blessed by the Lord to be a part of this group. It has helped me reach a level of reconciliation and understanding, opening my heart to the point where I have fallen in love and married again.

Peace and Blessings, Doug Wagner

Where God Lives

Recognizing the power of God in this community.

“In him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his spirit” (Ephesians 2:22).

I frequently say, "Everyone should know about Smoke Rise Baptist Church because it's where God lives!”

Really? This is where Jesus lives?

In this CrossTie, we celebrate how Smoke Rise engages in missions, prepares for and observes Lent, provides for spiritual formation of members and celebrates those "set aside for the work of ministry" through ordination. I gratefully realize I am privileged to see Jesus in the lives and hearts of people all around me in this place.

To some, we may appear to be beautifully ordinary. I look around and see a cranky person, a retired person, a struggling young professional, a lonely young man and a young couple navigating the complexities of raising children and providing for their family. I see very successful people at a time in life when health issues demand new priorities. In the ordinary and even in the weaknesses of our shared lives, the powerful presence of Jesus shines through!

The person that is sometimes critical and impatient actually has a heart of gold. They quietly provide for the needs of another individual and generously and faithfully support a mission cause that is close to a painful time in their lives that they remember well. The young professional stumbled over a few words in Sunday school but then spoke from his heart and was truly eloquent. A person once neglected, a family once at a loss for employment, a grieving daughter, a hurting senior, a struggling teen have found at Smoke Rise a place to weep and rejoice and to question openly the wounds of living in today's world. Smiles, hugs and warm handshakes abound. Love dwells here. Jesus dwells here.

The fact that believers in Christ are being encouraged together in a dwelling in which God lives is one of the great mysteries of life in Christ. Jesus, who was present when the stars were hung in space, is present as we gather in His name. Jesus stands with us in the hospital room and the pew and in the schoolroom and the workplace. He once said to Paul, the Apostle, "My grace is sufficient for you ... my power is made perfect in weakness." That kind of power and grace is regularly demonstrated at Smoke Rise where God makes His dwelling among us. Everyone should know about Smoke Rise Baptist Church. It’s where God lives!


Learn more about all of our Journeys classes at smokerisebaptist.org/journeys/.

Racial Justice Study Group

January 16 - April 24

Mondays at 7:00 pm | Zoom Meeting

Led by Dr. Page Fulgham

We welcome guest speakers from time-to-time and talk about books and articles we are reading. Meetings are open to all church members and friends.

Plans for the immediate future include a possible tour of the historic Atlanta Civil Rights Movement sites. This will be a bus tour of several hours to the sites and places significant to the Civil Rights Movement. In addition, we are in conversation with Alan and Michelle Shaw, founding pastors of Christ First Community Church in Snellville. They have a significant food distribution ministry and need volunteers. More information is forthcoming.

We want to be known not only as a people who welcome all races, but who engage our community, building friendships and building bridges of reconciliation.

The Sermon on the Mount

February 27 - March 27

Mondays at 9:30 am | Room 223

Led by Rev. Kathy Dobbins

Please register with Terry Shields at tms4him@ yahoo.com or 404-451-2294.

The Why Behind the What

April 12 - May 3

Wednesdays at 6:00 PM | Fellowship Hall

Led by Smoke Rise Baptist Church Ministers

How often have we questioned what we do in worship or wondered what words like "invocation" or "benediction" really mean? In our final Journeys of the Spring 2023 Wednesday Journeys sessions Becky, Chris, Jim and Danny will lead us through looking at the prayers we pray, the scriptures we read and the hymns we sing. Together we will discover the Why Behind the What of all the different things that we do in worship every week.

Wednesday, May 10 at 6:30 PM in the Chapel

Yonder Gospel Music Night
Featuring the 8th of January bluegrass band | Special guests include Doug and Terri Vancil

Mitzi Ethridge-Cantrell

February 12 at Smoke Rise Baptist Church

Some who are reading this may remember me as a little child skipping through the halls of our church. Or, perhaps you remember me as a young adult leading Children’s Worship or working alongside you in the children’s ministry. For others, I have served as your deacon. My parents are charter members and many of you shaped my faith from childhood. I am blessed that Smoke Rise has been my church home all my life. As my story continues to unfold, God has placed a desire in my heart to enter ministry, specifically pastoral care for the members of Smoke Rise and for public school teachers. I cherish how the Holy Spirit directs my steps. God has called me not just to serve the children, but those who loved and nurtured me as a child. Last August, I began an internship at Smoke Rise, shadowing Jim Smith and offering pastoral care to the residents of Cobblestone Senior Living facility. With a full and grateful heart, I am seeking ordination from Smoke Rise Baptist Church, a beautiful body of believers, who have and who continue to shape and form my faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Your An Affirmation

It is a joy to affirm the ministry of Mitzi Ethridge-Cantrell through ordination. Mitzi has served as a pastoral care intern with me this past year. She has helped in hospital and home visits, grief support, worship, satellite ministry Bible Study and other activities. She has a unique perspective for ministry to educators and has had a deep impact in her professional setting in the schools she serves. She is "one of our own," bringing rich knowledge and insight to our work from having grown up at Smoke Rise. She has the ability to relate well to persons of all ages and a passion for shepherding and spiritual formation. She has already had a profound impact on our congregation. I am genuinely excited to watch with interest all that God will do in and through Mitzi in the days ahead.

The Ordination of
A Celebration of Ordination

June 11 at Smoke Rise Baptist Church

When I was in 8th grade, I went to a summer camp, where I first felt my calling to ministry. I knew that I didn’t only want to work in ministry, but I also wanted to work with students. I knew then, just as I know now, that I wanted to make students feel loved and welcomed and able to build a relationship with God in the same way I had been able to. Through my time at Smoke Rise, I have worked hard to build relationships with students, and to let them know that they are loved by me and by God. I hope through being ordained; I can continue this calling for the rest of my life.

“Behold, I am doing a new thing. Do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert” (Isaiah 43:19). This is so much of my story. When I reflect on the last 10 years of my life, many moments are holier than when they first appeared. I can see God’s hand on my life when I attended LSU and studied social work, and how that led me to become an interim youth minister at First Baptist Church in Shreveport, Louisiana. I am honored to have been called to be the minister of youth and congregational connection at Smoke Rise and am honored to be considered for ordination in this church as well.

Call to Ministry Affirmation of Their Call

At Passport Camp two years ago, a Passport staffer asked the group who the loudest person in our group was. The entire group hollered back, “Caroline!” The look on the staffer’s face, when realizing the group had unanimously called out a chaperone and not a camper, was priceless. It is true that Caroline is known for being vocally loud; but the truth is that her love is so much louder than her voice could ever be. She manifests love in action toward everyone that she encounters. If something needs to be moved, she is the first to carry it. If a child needs a friend, she is the first to notice. If there is a game to be played or a concert to be watched, Caroline has rearranged her schedule to be there for support. For the last three-and-a-half years, we’ve been blessed to watch Caroline live out Christ’s call to “Love Out Loud” in every aspect of her life and she is flawless at it. Participating in her ordination along with her home church of First Baptist Anderson, SC, is an opportunity for Smoke Rise to share in celebrating the gifts of ministry we’ve experienced and had the joy of cultivating this whole time.

Hannah Vassar has already been a minister in our midst. Since her arrival in September, she has inspired our youth with her teaching, led our congregation with prayers and preaching in worship, visited those who are at home and in hospitals, and welcomed those who have visited our congregation. As both a pastor and a youth parent, I am so excited about this decision she has made to pursue ordination and respond to God’s calling in her life. She is uniquely gifted with a spiritual sensitivity and a relational model for ministry. Ordination is a consecration, but it is also an affirmation of God’s work in the life of a person who has answered the call to lead and to serve. So, I ask for you to be in prayer for Hannah as she prepares and offer prayers of gratitude to God for sending her to minister among us.

The Ordination of
Hannah Vassar
The Ordination of
Caroline Self May 7 at First Baptist Church of Anderson

Pledge Sunday . March 26

Pledge Sunday

The importance of pledging and giving to our general fund.

Smoke Rise observes a budget year (known in accounting terms as the fiscal year) that runs from April to March each year. We are currently in the fiscal 2022/23 budget year. The best way to ensure that we meet our budget is for our members to make regular and recurring gifts to Smoke Rise each week or month.

We encourage our members to consider pledging to give toward our ministry plan each year beginning in February with the mailing and distribution of our proposed budget.

General gifts to the budgeted ministry plan at Smoke Rise sustain our family of faith by fully funding our wonderful campus, facilities, staff and ministries every day, week and month of the year. Designated gifts are always welcome, and we receive many such gifts at Smoke Rise. But without general and regular gifts in support of the budgeted ministry plan as a primary and core commitment of our membership, the worship, fellowship, ministries and mission work of our church would not be as vibrant or sustainable.

At Smoke Rise, we continue to ask our members to worship, learn, care and serve and to make giving to support the general fund of our church a high priority. Whether one’s level of financial prosperity is large or small, each member is encouraged to prayerfully consider God’s call to give as he or she has prospered to support and sustain the worship, fellowship, ministries and missions of our family of faith.

Important Dates

Budget Q&A Sessions

March 1st at 4:00 and 5:00 PM

Before the church vote, you will have the opportunity to discuss the new budget and to ask questions pertaining to it. We will meet in room 223 or via Zoom using the meeting ID Number: 879 8632 4769 and password: SRBC (all uppercase). You can also access the zoom link at smokerisebaptist.org/budget-qa/ or in that week’s Wednesday Preview email.

Church in Conference

March 12th Immediately Following the 11:00 AM Worship Service

After the worship service the church will be called into conference to vote on the budget for fiscal year 2023/24. You will receive a copy of the budget in the mail ahead of time and it will be available in that week's Tie that Binds publication.

Pledge Sunday

March 26th

Pledge cards will be sent in the mail on February 23rd. If you don't receive one, you may pick one up in the office. You may submit your pledge card any time during pledge season. Then on Pledge Sunday we will invite everyone who has not submitted a pledge to do so.

Tithes and Offerings

A look at giving in the scriptures.

In the Old Testament, the Hebrew people were encouraged to give a tithe as a tenth of their increase to support the religious institutions and leaders among them. Although people often cite the tithe from the legal code as the basis for Israelite giving, careful scholars have noted that the Abrahamic families gave tithes even prior to the giving of the law in the days of Moses. Abraham and Jacob gave tithes prior to the giving of the law at Sinai. Israelites also gave free-will offerings and other gifts to support the religious work and service of their family of faith above and beyond regular and recurring gifts. In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul encouraged early Christians to give as each one had prospered, calling all to give prayerfully, according to their ability, and with joy. Early Christians gave not only on special occasions as there was need (such as benevolent offerings to support

A Snapshot of Missions

the poor throughout the wider and emerging Christian community), but also made regular recurring gifts on the first day of the week—a priority when Christians remembered in worship the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

There is no greater example of stewardship than the sharing and selling of possessions in the early days of the Jerusalem church, where gifts became part of a wide and general fund that was distributed throughout the church where there was need. At Smoke Rise, pledges of regular giving to our budgeted ministry plan each year help us sustain and support our general fund and maintain the ministry and commitments of our family of faith.

Prayerfully consider pledging a regular tithe and offering in the new fiscal year starting April 1, 2023.

Missions Budgeted Giving - These are funds planned for in our yearly budgeted ministry plan, supported by your gifts to the general budget.

Designated Missions Giving - This is giving beyond your pledges to the general budget that you designate for missions. This includes the giving received through our annual Missions offering presented on Missions Sunday.

Missions Circles and Sunday School Classes - These funds are not given to Smoke Rise Baptist Church, but given directly to mission organizations. This does not include every class or group and does not account for individual giving.

Thank you all for giving generously to serve our community and support missions across the world. Total:


How to Get Started

1. Create a digital account. A digital account is needed to participate in Kroger Community Rewards. If you already have a digital account, simply link your Shopper’s Card to your account so that all transactions apply toward the organization you choose.

2. Link your card to an organization. Selecting the organization that you wish to support is as simple as updating the Kroger Community Rewards selection on your digital account.

1. Sign in to your digital account.

2. Search for your organization at kroger.com/


3. Enter the name (Smoke Rise Baptist Church) or NPO number (YW458) of the organization you wish to support.

4. Select the appropriate organization from the list and click “Save”.

Your selected organization will also display in the Kroger Community Rewards section of your account.

3. Your organization earns!

Any transactions moving forward using the Shopper’s Card number associated with your digital account will be applied to the program.

$185,155 $229,785 $42,017


February 26 · The First Sunday in Lent

The Real Temptation · Matthew 4:1-11

March 5 · The Second Sunday in Lent

A Life Changing Conversation · John 3:1-17

March 12 · The Third Sunday in Lent

Wrong People, Wrong Time, Wrong Place · John 4:5-10

March 19 · The Fourth Sunday in Lent

What Must I Believe · John 9:1-11, 13-17, 24-25

March 26 · The Fifth Sunday in Lent

Dealing with Death · John 11:17-36



The Twelve Disciples

Led by Chris George

March 1 - March 29 | 6:oo PM

Located in the Fellowship Hall

Rythms of Attention

Led by Mitzi Ethridge-Cantrell

February 28 - April 4 | 6:30 PM

Located in the Parlor

Rhythms of Attention is a simple contemplative practice that nurtures Christian spiritual formation. This practice involves listening to your heart, affirming others, and recognizing the voice of Jesus in your life. Attention is our most valuable asset, the most precious gift we can offer ourselves, each other and God.

This year our devotional for Lent is On The Way: Walking With Jesus Through the Season of Lent by Amy Julia Baker. This devotion asks us to not only turn away from something, but to also turn toward a richer deeper walk with Christ.These devotionals work well for a single person but also provides questions for friend groups or family members to gather together to think how each member of the body can create a stronger walk with Jesus this Lent. Books are available for $5 in the church office.

Walking With

The Twelve Disciples were painted by Sarah Martin and Amanda Coe Burton.

From Hosanna to Hallelujah and the Valley in Between

Palm Sunday ‧ April 2 at 11:00 AM


Maundy Thursday ‧ April 6 at 7:00 PM

Behold the Darkness: A Service of Holy Communion with Tenebrae

On this day, we commemorate the washing of feet and the Last Supper. Tenebrae is a service of scripture readings based on the last sayings of Christ. Following each reading, a candle is extinguished until we are immersed in total darkness. Join us as we traverse the valley between the hosannas and the hallelujahs.

Good Friday ‧ April 7 from 8:30 AM to 8:00 PM

Stations of meditation will be set up in the chapel as we reflect upon the life and death of Jesus Christ through the eyes of the twelve disciples.

Easter Sunday ‧ April 9 at 11:00 AM


Holy Week With Jesus

Formation and Worship during the Season of Lent

On Friday, January 13th, a group of our youth and youth choir mentors traveled to east Tennessee for a winter choir retreat. This special weekend event was held jointly with the youth choir of First Baptist Church of Chattanooga. FBC owns and operates Dogwood Lodge Retreat Center located in Soddy Daisy, TN, on Chickamauga Lake. Over the years, this place has become very special to our youth who have attended many winter choir retreats.

FBC and their minister of music, Jeff Parker, were gracious hosts and they prepared scrumptious meals. A weekend of singing, fun and fellowship helped our youths grow closer to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. In June, both groups will travel to San Juan, Puerto Rico, to sing and do mission projects together.

Youth Choir Retreat

Children's Winter Retreat

The Smoke Rise children’s ministry recently participated in the first ever CBF of Georgia Children’s Winter Retreat. We spent the weekend playing capture the flag and Gaga Ball. We made prayer journals and learned about missions from field personnel in Bali and San Fransisco. We processed our own stories by looking at them through the lens of the greatest Story Yeller ever and His parables.

One parent said, “My child came home in such a calm and chill mood. They were happy and content. It was an amazing blessing seeing them not have the weight of the world on their shoulders for a bit.” That describes exactly what the weekend was for. It was the chance to be wrapped in the loving embrace of Christ’s stories and releasing our burdens of everyday life.

-Rebecca Caswell-Speight



Going Out

Providing aid in Kentucky to those affected by flooding.

Ten missionaries traveled to McDowell, KY, to aid people who were flooded in the middle of July 2022. It was named a 100-year flood and the devastation was disastrous. Many of the dwellings were flooded waist-deep or more and the mud, slush and silt were a foot deep in the houses and trailers.

We saw the destruction still evident everywhere. Houses and trailers were lifted off their foundations and moved yards away. Vehicles were carried downstream hundreds of feet. Many lives were lost. One man had his children strung together by an electrical cord in the middle of a raging creek. He was unable to hold on and lost four precious children. The death toll climbed to over 50.

Bobby and Marie were watching television and the weather. When they discovered the rising waters around midnight, they jumped in their car and forded the water, already up to the car floorboard, making it a mile or so to the Dollar General and higher ground. Realizing they had forgotten the dog and cat, they turned around and rescued their pets. They spent the next three days in their car in the parking lot. When they returned to their family home, they could not believe what they saw. Losing everything, they immediately began shoveling mud, with crews arriving later to finish the clean-up job. Bobby, who is disabled, and Marie are an unusual couple with a positive spirit and a determination to make it. More fortunate than most, they did have some insurance which enabled them to purchase new appliances and furniture. They set a goal of installing two sheets of drywall a day until finished.

Mary and Leon are living in their garage while their house is under construction. Our job was to redo the bathroom. We had to rip out most of the bathroom and start over. The Smoke Rise mission spirit prevailed and we accomplished much.

GAP, which serves hundreds of people in Floyd County, KY, sprang into action in response to the overwhelming needs of people they serve as well as others in the community. As partners with GAP for over 20 years, Smoke Rise responded generously in a financial way as have many other churches and individuals.

First responders from the South Carolina Baptist Convention helped remove the mud and slush from the dwellings and ripped out damaged flooring and walls. Our task was to replace the flooring in one house and reconstruct the bathroom in another. Our team made the best of the challenges we encountered.

The pride and determination of the Appalachian people to make life work for them is inspiring. The area has flooded before and will probably flood again. They are not leaving. This is home.

It is our distinct honor to work with people who can teach us much.

At the Lilburn Co-Op:

1. Drivers are needed to drive the co-op pickup truck and pick up food from Publix on Haynes Bridge Road in Alpharetta before 11:00 am on Mondays and Fridays.

2. Volunteers are needed to answer the phone on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm.

3. Volunteers are needed to receive donations and stock the pantry on Tuesdays and Thursdays after 2:00 pm.

If interested, please call Millie Norman at 770.931.8333 or email her at millie@lilburncoop. org.

At the NETWorks Co-Op:

Volunteers are needed on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm for the following:

1. Greet neighbors when they come in and coordinate visitors.

2. Visit with neighbors, coordinate access to shopping floor.

3. Interact with new visitors to the pantry during the intake process.

4. Screen phone calls, set up appointments, provide referrals.

5. Complete daily administrative tasks.

6. Help neighbors as they navigate the shopping experience.

7. Interact with neighbors as you weigh and record grocery items.

8. Pray with neighbors and/or for their prayer requests.

9. Restock the grocery floor, dry goods, cold/frozen foods (separate signup choices).

10. Weigh, check dates, put items in correct locations.

11. Pre-pack and bulk distribution prep –bag items for neighbors who prefer not to shop or for large groups.

Should you have any further questions about this, please call: Mike Holt – 770.402.8650 or Martha Holt – 770 235 9783


Easter Party

April 1st at 10:00 am

Four Age-Graded Hunts

An Easter Egg Store

Face Painting

Coffee Truck

Children's Sunday

May 7

The Children Choristers present The Tale of Three Trees

A musical by Allen Pote and Tom Long

5th Grade Ascension Group

This time of transition is a big change for parents and children alike. Our hope at SRBC is that our Ascension group activities will help make it all just a little bit easier.


March 5 and April 16 at 3:00 PM


June 2-4

Elizabeth Adams is a senior at Grayson High School, where she is an honors graduate and an AP scholar with distinction. She is a member of the Gwinnett Student Leadership Team and is active in her school's garden. In her free time she likes to read, hike, bake and talk about plants. She plans on studying environmental engineering in the fall with a focus in agriculture.

Recognizing Our Seniors

Ainsley Speight will graduate from Parkview High School this year. As a student, she has lettered twice for her academic achievements, and plays violin in the philharmonic orchestra. Ainsley loves spending her time babysitting, reading and being with her animals. Ainsley plans to start further schooling this fall, and is interested in studying nursing.

Maddox Mullee is graduating from Parkview High School. In addition to being in school, Maddox serves as the Marketing Director at Chick-Fil-A. Maddox enjoys watching sports, hanging out with friends, and considers his church family a huge part of his life. Maddox plans on attending college where he will study public policy on a pre law track.

Mackenzie Newcomb-Thompson is graduating from Parkview High School as an honor graduate. She plans to attend college with the hope of becoming a physical therapist. Mackenzie is a member of the marching band and was captain of the color guard. She also has been involved with the Parkview student leadership team, Parkview orchestra, HOSA-Future Health Professionals, and National English Honor Society. She has loved also growing up in the church and has given many hours of service on missions created by these programs.

Graduation Sunday Youth Choir Concert AND May 21


Success at the Junior Theater Festival

Junior Theater Festival was one of the most fantastic adventures for our drama troupe! JTF brings over 6, 000 students from around the world to the Cobb Galleria for a weekend of performance adjudication, learning sessions and exposure to Disney and Broadway stars! Our troupe of students have attended twice before (not in 2021 due to Covid) and have received Outstanding Performance trophies and remarks from their judges. This year, they were asked to perform excepts from a new work that had not been made available for school groups in addition to their adjudication performance. We were asked to remain quiet about the work until after the JTF weekend. We were thrilled to present excerpts from Disney’s Finding Nemo, Jr! This has only been performed by adults at the Disney theme parks using large puppets. We had the excitement of creating the choreography and costuming for the show and then presenting it on the BIG stage before the entire audience of 6,000+ guests! Disney executives came to see them and have shared photos of their performance, expressed their admiration for our excellent directors, Janet Chadwick and Greyson Chadwick, the exquisite costuming by Shantelle Grace, and precise choreography (Greyson Chadwick) as they are promoting the release of Nemo, Jr and Nemo, KIDS this spring. What a weeklong high for our kids!

Thank you to all those that came to our December Holiday Showcase and Holiday Market! It was a wonderful exhibit of our talent and raised and additional $3000 to help offset our expenses for the Junior Theater Festival.

The Academy of Arts is looking to add new teachers this semester. Julie Smith (daughter of Carole Mitchell) is joining our staff to offer morning/early afternoon lessons to some of our advanced students. We are also looking for another piano instructor with time for some of our preschool students as well as an additional dance instructor. If you know teachers who would like to join our team, please share our contact information.

In our last CrossTie article, you were introduced to the diversity of our school. In this edition of CrossTie, we thought you should meet some of our students! There are always ways for you to plug in with our Weekday School. If you are interested in volunteering with us, please let us know. You can contact us at srbweekday@smokerisebaptist.org. You would get to spend time with awesome students, just like the ones interviewed below!

Registration for the 2023-2024 school year is now open. Help us spread the word! We would love to see our school grow as we prepare to celebrate our 50th anniversary in September. Stay tuned for more information about the upcoming celebration!

What is your name? Sterling How old are you? Four. I turned three yesterday. Now I’m four! Do you have any pets? No. I’m going to have a pet when I’m bigger. A dog and a cat. Do you have a favorite book? I have a Mickey Mouse one but I don’t know where it is. I have too many books! What do you like about our school? I like everything! Everything is so shiny and clean! I only see a little dirt. I like to play and I treat my friends really nicely! What do you know about Jesus? I know he loves me. What do you want to be when you grow up? A police officer. Is there anything you would like to change about our school? I wish it was a ninja school.

What is your name? Arisma How old are you? Three. But I’m about to turn four. Do you have any pets? No. Do you have a favorite book? Llama, Llama Red Pajama Do you have a favorite song? Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star What do you like about our school? I love painting. My favorite colors are blue and green. I like to learn about calendars. What do you know about Jesus? Jesus wanted to be with the kids. I like the story about when Jesus was a baby. What do you want to be when you grow up? Police officer.

What is your name? Matthias How old are you? Four. Do you have any pets? No. I want a dog but I’m allergic. But when I grow up I’m going to get one. Do you have a favorite book? Paw Patrol. My favorite character is Chase. What do you like about our school? The playground. What do you know about Jesus? Love. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to build trucks.

What is your name? Felipe How old are you? Four. Do you have any pets? I have two cats. They are grey and black. Do you have a favorite book? The Dinosaur Book. I love the T-Rex! What do you like about our school? I like to play and learn about God. What do you know about Jesus? Jesus is the light of the world. What do you want to be when you grow up? Policeman.

What is your name? Matilda How old are you? Three. I turned three on my birthday! Do you have any pets? Well, I have a puppy. Do you have a favorite song? Well, it’s the song from TOTs. What do you like about our school? Well, I love my teachers. I love playing with babies. I like to go to chapel, but I was a little nervous. What do you know about Jesus? Well, I learned about him. (She runs over to the bookshelf…) See, this book (a children’s Bible)? It’s all about Jesus! What do you want to be when you grow up? Lots of things! A basketball girl, a singer girl and an astronaut!

What is your name? Raegan How old are you? 4. Do you have any pets? No. I want a cat though. Do you have a favorite song? I don’t know What do you like about our school? I love playing with Lego! What do you know about Jesus? Jesus made everything! What do you want to be when you grow up? A Magic Fairy.

Mark Your Calendars

March Dates

Budget Q&A Sessions (page 10)

Youth Atlanta Hawks Game

Men's Prayer Lunch

Church in Conference (page 10)

Youth Digital Learning Day Activity

Young Adult Gathering

Grief Support Group (page 6)

The Sound of Music Performance

Pledge Sunday (page 10)

April Dates

Easter Party (page 17)

Palm Sunday (page 13)

Maundy Thursday (page 13)

Good Friday (page 13)

Easter Sunday (page 2)

Office Closed - Easter Weekend

Men's Prayer Lunch

Young Adult Gathering

Fifth Grade Ascention Group (page 17)

Grief Support Group (page 6)

Ladies Spring Event

May Dates

Children's Sunday (page 16)

Caroline Self's Ordination (page 9)

Yonder (page 7)

Men's Prayer Lunch

Graduation Sunday (page 19)

Grief Support Group (page 6)

Presented by our Teen Cast

March 24-26

Friday at 7:00 PM

Saturday at 2:00 PM & 7:00 PM

Sunday at 2:00 PM

Tickets are $5 at the door and concessions / flowers are available.

Presented by our Big Cast

April 28-30

Friday at 7:00 PM

Saturday at 2:00 PM & 7:00 PM

Sunday at 2:00 PM

Tickets are $5 at the door and concessions / flowers are available.

1 3 9 12 17 18 19 24-26 25 26
Performance 1 2 6 7 9 7-10 13 15 16 16 18 23 28-30
Matilda, Jr.
7 7 10 11 21 21

Spring Ladies Event

Tickets will be sold on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings beginning March 5th for $20.

We meet every second Thursday of the month at 11:00 am at Old Hickey House. Below are our spring dates.

March 9 - April 13 - May 11

Young Adult Gathering

Smoke Rise Young Adults (18-32) are gathering once a month this spring to explore Atlanta.

To Register go to smokerisebaptist.org/ adults/ya-gathering/

Bury the Hatchet 3/18 at 7 pm

6450 Roswell Road Suite B, Atlanta GA 30328

Waiver needs to be sign at burythehatchet.com Closed toes shoes are required. Arrive 10-15 minutes early to sign waivers

Zip Canopy Tour 4/15 at 10:30 am

Cost is $30 per person for event event. It may be paid in person the day of or online at smokerisebaptist.org/adults/ya-gathering/.

Connections is a once-a-month gathering for young and middle age individuals and couples. Light snacks and drinks provided.

Parents can drop off preschool, children, and youth in the gym beginning at 5:00 pm.

Spring Dates: March 26 and April 23

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6:30 PM

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Save the Dates

As you begin to plan your summer schedule make sure to be here for all of our summer activities!

Wonderful Wednesdays

May 31 · June 21 · July 5 at 6:00 PM

5th Grade Retreat

June 2-4

Vacation Bible School

June 12-16 | 9:00am-12:00pm

Registration opens April 2nd at smokerisebaptist.org/family/vbs/

Youth Choir Tour

June 17-24

Patriotic Pops

July 2

Youth Passport Camp

July 3-7

PassportKids! Camp

July 16-19

Youth First Trip, Last Trip

July 26

Youth Senior Ascension Gathering

July 31

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