26 minute read
Up Moses Creek: Buck Fever

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Buck Fever
I had read in natural history books about white-tailed deer that during the fall rut, deer hunters have sometimes been seriously injured when their prey — bucks hyped up to mate, and brooking no rivals — turned the tables on them and attacked. “A buck in the rut is always spoiling for a fight,” is the way one naturalist puts it. I’d also seen a video of a man who, quite sensibly I thought, perfumed himself with the scent of a doe in heat to see what would happen. What happened is that he got a severe pounding when a randy buck discovered the fragrant love of his life was a fake.
Bucks in the rut come armed to fight. Their heads are topped with antlers drawn to sharp points — nature’s pikes — powered by a body that bulks up in the fall. When reared up on his hind legs, a buck can also flail away with his front hooves as if they were nunchucks.
But none of this was on my mind on Dec. 14 when, taking my morning trail hike on the ridge behind our house, I heard a loud, emphatic snort, and, looking up, saw the hindquarters of a deer disappear into a laurel thicket not 20 feet away. I’d been seeing does most mornings, usually with their yearlings and other females. But this deer seemed to be solitary, and it looked big, so I thought it might be a buck — maybe the very buck that had rubbed small trees raw along the trail with his antlers and torn up a bush in a mock fight, the same buck that had been making scrapes and drag marks in the dirt with his hooves while strutting his stuff.
Assuming the deer was gone, I turned to hike back along the trail when several rapidfire snorts come out of the laurel. Deer snort by forcefully exhaling air out of their nostrils, a sound they make when startled or alarmed. The snorts also alert other deer to the presence of danger. But these exhalations didn’t sound startled or alarmed. Instead, they seemed to be directed at me, and they came with a challenge.
The repertoire of animal sounds I’m able to imitate is small, but I can do a pretty good deer snort. So, on a lark, I snorted back. And before I knew it the deer and I were engaged in a snorting match, the deer hurling snorts at me from the thicket, and me sending them back snort for snort.
Then I noticed the snorts were on the move — and not away from me. Instead, the deer was circling, as if trying to get behind me to catch my scent.
I was retracing my route along the ridge, giving a sportive snort from time to time,
when I spotted the challenger through some branches. He was now standing on a trail directly below — a trail that, if he kept on it, was going to junction with mine. Several times the buck looked at me then looked back toward the laurel thicket. When a doe suddenly walked out of the laurel and joined him, I knew why. I’d disturbed a mating pair. I started toward the trail junction again, and so did the buck. If this kept on, we
A fork-horn buck in rut peers
through a thicket. Fred Coyle photo were going to meet. When the trail led the deer into an opening, I got a clear view. Male deer mature through various antlered stages in life, from button buck to spike buck to “Y” or “fork horn” buck. This one had grown through all those to become a full-grown “rack buck” of at least 8 points. He’d probably never seen his own handsome antlers, but by the way he carried himself, it was clear he knew he was crowned. The buck eyed me back. That’s when the warnings I’d read about what can happen to people during the rut came to mind, and I started eyeing nearby trees to climb. I’d reached the end of my snorts. Suddenly the doe, still following the buck, and nudging him from time to time, turned and ran out of sight down the slope. She must have scented me. The buck watched her go and then followed — but not before giving me a last long look. I noticed there was no hint of fear in the buck as he left. His every movement was deliberate, proud. The doe was a lot more important to him than I was, and his departure was as simple as that. If I read his body language right, it was telling me, “Later.” (Burt Kornegay ran Slickrock Expeditions in Cullowhee for 30 years, and he is the author or “A Guide’s Guide to Panthertown Valley.” He lives with his wife Becky up Moses Creek in Jackson County.)
• The Jackson County Farmers Market meets every Saturday November through March 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and April through October 9 a.m.-noon at Bridge Park in Sylva, 110 Railroad St. Special events listed on Facebook and Instagram. • The Jackson Arts Market takes place from 1-5 p.m. every Saturday at 533 West Main St. in Sylva with live music and an array of local artists. • Cowee School Farmer’s Market is held Wednesdays from 3-6 p.m., at 51 Cowee School Drive in Franklin. The market has produce, plant starts, eggs, baked goods, flowers, food trucks and music. For more information or for an application, visit www.coweeschool.org or call 828.369.4080. • Jackson County Green Energy Park is once again welcoming visitors. It is open to the public each week 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Wednesday through Friday. Public classes will resume this spring. JCGEP will also host live glassblowing demonstrations at Innovation Station during the Lights and Luminaries festival in Dillsboro. For more information email info@jacksonnc.org or 828.631.0271.
• Haywood Waterways Association and The Town of Canton are hosting the 11th annual Plunge and Plunge Challenge will take place at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 11, at the Champion Credit Union Aquatic Center (Canton Pool). The event raises funds for Kids in the Creek and other Haywood Waterways’ other community education activities. For more information contact 828.476.4667 or info@haywoodwaterways.org.
• Jackson County Public Library will host a Vaya Seminar: Communication 101 at 1 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 12, in the conference room of the library. The seminar is free of charge, but registration is required. For more information or to register call the library at 828.586.2016 or email JCPL-Adults@fontanalib.org.
• The Canton Branch Creative Writing Group meets 10:30 a.m.-noon on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. For more information, email Jennifer at jennifer.stuart@haywoodcountync.gov or call 828.356.2561. • Knit Night takes place at 5:30-7:30 p.m. every second Tuesday of the month at The Stecoah Valley Center. The event is free and open to the public. RSVP is recommended: 828.479.3364 or amber@stecoahvalleycenter.com. • Sylva Writers Group meets at 10:30 a.m. on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month, starting Jan. 11, at City Lights Bookstore. For more information contact sylvawriters@gmail.com.
• The EcoExplore Program about owls with Patrick Brannon will take place at 3:30 Wednesday, Jan. 18, at the Macon County Public Library. For more information visit fontanalib.org or call 828.524.3600. • Yoga for kids of all ages will be offered at 4 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 12 and Jan. 26, at the Macon County Public Library. Yoga mats not provided. For more information visit fontanalib.org or call 828.524.3600. • Creative Writing Club will take place at 3:30 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of every month at the Macon County Public Library. The first class will take place at Wednesday, Jan. 25. The writing club is intended for ages 8-12. For more information visit fontanalib.org or call 828.524.3600. • Move and Groove Storytime takes place 10:30-11 a.m. every Thursday, at the Canton branch of the Haywood County Public Library. Exciting, interactive music and movement story time ideal for children 2-6 years old. For more information contact Ashlyn at ashlyn.godleski@haywoodcountync.gov or at 828.356.2567. • Mother Goose Storytime takes place 10:30-11 a.m. every Wednesday, at the Waynesville branch of the Haywood County Public Library. Ideal for children from birth to 2 years old. For more information, contact Lisa at lisa.hartzell@haywoodcountync.gov or call 828.356.2511. • Wiggle Worms Storytime takes place 10:30-11 a.m. every Tuesday, at the Waynesville branch of the Haywood County Public Library. Ideal for children 2-6 years old. For more information contact Lisa at lisa.hartzell@haywoodcountync.gov or call 828.356.2511. • Next Chapter Book Club Haywood is a fun, energetic and highly interactive book club, ideal for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The group meets every second and fourth Monday of the month. For more information, email Jennifer at jennifer.stuart@haywoodcountync.gov or call 828.356.2561. • Storytime takes place at 10 a.m. every Tuesday at the Macon County Library. For more information visit fontanalib.org or call 828.524.3600. • Toddler’s Rock takes place at 10 a.m. every Monday at the Macon County Library. Get ready to rock with songs, books, rhymes and playing with instruments. For more information visit fontanalib.org or call 828.524.3600. • Culture Talk takes place at 2 p.m. on the first Wednesday of every month at the Macon County Public Library. Travel the world from inside your library. This event features guest speakers and food sampling from the location being discussed. For more information visit fontanalib.org or call 828.524.3600. • Art afternoon takes place at 3:30 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month at the Macon County Public Library. For more information visit fontanalib.org or call 828.524.3600.
n All phone numbers area code 828 unless otherwise noted. n To have your item listed email to calendar@smokymountainnews.com
• “Flights & Bites” will be held starting at 4 p.m. on Thursdays and Fridays at Bosu’s Wine Shop in downtown Waynesville. For more information on upcoming events, wine tastings and special dinners, click on waynesvillewine.com. • A free wine tasting will be held from 6-8 p.m. every Thursday and 2-5 p.m. every Saturday at The Wine Bar & Cellar in Sylva. 828.631.3075. • Take a trip around the world with four different wines every Friday 11 a.m.-8 p.m. and Saturday 11 a.m.-6 p.m. at the Bryson City Wine Market. Pick from artisan Charcuterie Foods to enjoy with wines. 828.538.0420. • Cooking classes take place at the McKinley Edwards Inn from 6-8:30 p.m. on Thursday nights. To reserve your spot call 828.488.9626.
• Chess 101 takes place from 3:30-4:30 p.m. every Friday in the Canton Branch of the Haywood County Public Library. No registration required, for more information call 828.648.2924. • Wired Wednesday, one-on-one technology help is available at 3-5 p.m. every Wednesday at the Canton Branch of the Haywood County Library. For more information or to register, call 828.648.2924. • Uptown Gallery, 30 East Main St. Franklin, will be offering Children’s Art Classes Wednesdays afternoons. Adult workshops in watercolor, acrylic paint pouring, encaustic and glass fusing are also offered. Free painting is available 10 a.m.-3 p.m. every Monday in the classroom. A membership meeting takes place on the second Sunday of the month at 3 p.m. All are welcome. Call 828.349.4607 for more information.
• “Thursday Painters” group will be held from 10 a.m.3 p.m. on Thursdays at The Uptown Gallery in Franklin. Free and open to the public. All skill levels and mediums are welcome. Participants are responsible for their own project and a bag lunch. 828.349.4607 or pm14034@yahoo.com.
A&E • Maggie Valley Ice Festival will take place 3-8 p.m. Jan. 28, at the Maggie Valley Festival Grounds. • Paint and Sip at Waynesville Art School will be held every Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 7-9:30 p.m. To learn more and register call 828.246.9869 or visit PaintAndSipWaynesville.com/upcoming-events. Registration is required, $45. • Mountain Makers Craft Market will be held from noon-4 p.m. the first Sunday of each month at 308 North Haywood St. in downtown Waynesville. Over two dozen artisans selling handmade and vintage goods. Special events will be held when scheduled. mountainmakersmarket.com. • Women on Wednesdays is a six-week ski instruction program held from 10 a.m.-noon every Wednesday beginning Jan. 11, and running through Feb. 15, at Cataloochee Ski Area in Maggie Valley. Sign up at www.cataloochee.com or contact 828.926.0285 or infor@cataloochee.com with questions. • Families can visit Cataloochee Ski Area for a reduced cost on non-holiday Wednesdays starting Jan. 11. For more information visit cataloochee.com. • A birding trip will take place at 10 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 15, at Lake Junaluska will explore Western North Carolina’s premier birdwatching location, led by Kevin Burke. Sign up for the activity at haywoodcountync.gov/recreation. • Hike the Pink Beds loop on Sunday, Jan. 22. Located in the Transylvania County portion of the Pisgah National Forest, the hike is about 5 miles. Sign up for the activity at haywoodcountync.gov/recreation. • Explore Big East Fork and Shining Creek Saturday, Jan. 28, with a 4-5-mile hike in the Pisgah National Forest in Haywood County. Sign up for the activity at haywoodcountync.gov/recreation. • A wilderness survival class will take place 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 28, at REI in Asheville. Cost is $79. The course will repeat Saturday, Feb. 25, and Sunday, March 26. Sign up at rei.com/events. • Learn the art of Southern Appalachian fly tying with an eight-week course taught by local expert Ray Sugg. Class will be held 6-8 p.m. Mondays Jan. 23 to March 13 at the Folkmoot Center in Waynesville. Offered through Haywood County Recreation, the course costs $30 for instruction, supplies and equipment. Sign up at haywoodcountync.gov/recreation. • The 20th annual Business of Farming Conference is coming up Saturday, Feb. 11, at the A-B Tech Conference Center in Buncombe County. Organized by the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project. Register at asapconnections.org. • The inaugural Land and Lake Relay will be held Saturday, March 4. This 63-mile race is set up for fourperson and six-person teams, starting at Warren Wilson College in east Asheville and finishing at Fonta Flora Brewing at Lake James. Registration is limited to 60 teams. To register, visit gloryhoundevents.com. • The 16th annual Asheville Catholic School Shamrock 5K/10K will return Saturday, March 11, benefiting the O’Brien and William Edward Gibbs Memorial Scholarship Fund. Both races sold out last year, so early registration is encouraged. For more information or to register, visit gloryhoundevents.com. • The Gateway to the Smokies Half Marathon will return to its scenic course and festive start and finish in downtown Waynesville Saturday, April 1. The race will run alongside the Mighty 4-Miler to benefit the Riley Howell Foundation Fund. For more information or to register, visit gloryhoundevents.com. • The Fire Mountain Inferno will take place Saturday and Sunday, April 22-23, at the Fire Mountain Trails in Cherokee. The event will feature two days of enduro downhill racing. To register, visit gloryhoundevents.com. • The Strawberry Jam Half Marathon and 5K will return for its second year Saturday, May 20, at Darnell Farm in Bryson City. For more information or to register, visit gloryhoundevents.com. • The Lake Logan Multisport Festival is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 5-6, in Haywood County. This triathlon event will offer a choice of three races, a wetsuit-legal swim and the chance to see a bald eagle fly overhead. For more information or to register, visit gloryhoundevents.com. • Haywood County Master Gardener volunteers offer a virtual plant clinic to answer any questions. Leave a message at the Cooperative Extension Office at 828.456.3575 or email haywoodemgv@gmail.com with a description of any homeowner gardening issue, including lawns, vegetables, flowers, trees and ornamental plants; disease, insect, weed or wildlife problems; soils (including soil test results) and fertilizers; freeze and frost damage; and cultural and chemical solutions to plant problems. Within a few days, a Haywood County Master Gardener Volunteer will get back to you with research-based information.
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In Re: MCCALL a female minor child
TO: WHITNEY NOVA PARR Last Known Address: 252 Francis Asbury Road Waynesville, NC 28785
Take notice that a pleading seeking relief above-entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows:
The Petitioner, Larry E. McCall, II is seeking to terminate the parental rights of Respondent Mother, Whitney Nova Parr concerning the above named female child that was born on the 25 th day of July, 2019 in Haywood County, North Carolina to Petitioner, Larry E. McCall, II and Respondent, Whitney Nova Parr.
You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than FEBRUARY 6, 2023 being forty (40) days after the date of the tice, and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the court for the relief sought.
This 20TH day of DECEMBER, 2022.
DONALD N. PATTEN, PLLC Attorney for Petitioner 46 South Main Street Waynesville , NC 28786 828-452-1454 By:_____ Donald N. Patten _________ DONALD N. PATTEN
AMBER DUNCAN, Plaintiff,
Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows:
Complaint for Permanent Custody
You are required to make defense to such pleading no later than January 27, 2023 upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the court for the relief sought.
This 20 day of December, 2022
NIELSEN LAW, PLLC Joshua D. Nielsen 413 Walnut St Waynesville, NC 28786 (828) 246-9360
Publication Dates: December 28, January 4, January 11, 2023
An application for 2023-2024 Community Services Block Grant funding. Mountain Projects Inc. Community Action Agency is completing an application for the Community Services Block Grant Program for funding in 2023-2024. Mountain Projects will be requesting $214,681 for Central intake.
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THE SOUTHWESTERN COMMISSION Seeks the professional services to conduct a Community Broadband Assessment for the seven western counties of NC, to ensure that will they participate in the challenge process for grant funding levels for broadband. The project will contract with GIS professionals to assist local governments by helping them download county-relevant data, assess that data against their own data, and prepare and submit the protest documentation for local governments. The full RFP can be found at: www.regiona.org/ rfp-broadband-mappingfabric/ Proposals must be received by 5:00 PM ET February 1st, 2023. Proposals should be emailed (russ@ regiona.org) or delivered to: Southwestern Commission ATTN: Russ Harris, 125 Bonnie Lane Sylva, NC 28779
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• Amy Spivey - amyspivey.com • Rick Border - sunburstrealty.com • Randy Flanigan - 706-207-9436 • Steve Mauldin - 828-734-4864 Keller Williams Realty - kellerwilliamswaynesville.com • The Morris Team - www.themorristeamnc.com Lakeshore Realty
• Phyllis Robinson - lakeshore@lakejunaluska.com Mountain Dreams Realty- maggievalleyhomesales.com • Lyndia Massey- buyfromlyndia@yahoo.com Mountain Creek Real Estate
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• Rob Roland - 828-400-1923 Smoky Mountain Retreat Realty
• Tom Johnson - tomsj7@gmail.com • Sherell Johnson - Sherellwj@aol.com
1 "Pet" annoyances 7 Dance click 13 Extreme right-wing doctrine 20 Polio vaccine developer 21 2008 presidential campaign coinage 22 Caine/Ustinov adventure film 23 SKILglintLET 25 Scorn 26 Poem with six stanzas 27 PUsmackSS 29 Boob tubes 31 Born, to Luc 32 Arab ruler 33 COsimianRE 44 "Certainly" 45 Open with a click 46 "Star Trek" crew woman 47 43rd U.S. pres. 49 Prairie preyer 50 FORchildEST 57 Pursues prey 58 ISP with a butterfly logo 59 Be in the hole 60 Like wickerwork 61 Hobbit enemy 62 Actress Lupino 64 Tabriz native 68 Thin iPod 69 LAcobraWN 73 -- California (Mexican peninsula) 76 The Jordan River flows into it 77 CPR expert 78 Pas' counterparts 81 Kafka or Liszt 83 Freezer cubes 84 "I'm freezing!" 86 Fully grown 88 TUblazeMMY 93 Napoli's land 94 Retrovirus material 95 On -- to nowhere 96 Member of a sorority 97 Kenan's sitcom mate 100 DEVspiritICE 105 "-- to laugh!" 107 German cry of vexation 108 Column's counterpart 109 NIblastGHT 116 Caribbean island nation 122 Afternoon show 123 GRcreaseIT 125 One going in 126 "Hakuna --" ("The Lion King" song) 127 Vindicate 128 Little puzzles 129 Stage whispers 130 Neatens up
1 Shareable PC files 2 Writer -- Stanley Gardner 3 Those, to Juanita 4 Enormous 5 For grades 1-12, in brief 6 Factor influencing a dermatologic treatment 7 Blaster's stuff 8 Circusgoers' cries 9 Swiss watch brand 10 Spanish appetizer 11 "Do I need to draw you -?" 12 Grilled sandwiches 13 Went without food 14 Novelist Sholem 15 Oxford, e.g. 16 -- latte (espresso variety) 17 Extreme disrepute 18 Doll who is Barbie's 96Across 19 Bishops' headwear 24 Peaceful "Avatar" race 28 Outlaw Kelly 30 Gives the cold shoulder 33 Many, informally 34 "Time is -- side" 35 "Girlfriend" boy band 36 Lace snarl 37 Has dinner at home 38 Less -- stellar 39 Central area 40 Prior to, in poetry 41 -- tai 42 Size above med. 43 "How icky!" 48 Helpful things 51 Nada 52 Little branch 53 One listening 54 Reproductive gametes 55 Wildcat's lair 56 Lead-in to cone or Caps 58 Reach a goal 63 Pappy 64 Elected group 65 U.S. Hwy., e.g. 66 "Caught you!" 67 "Rambo" setting, for short 69 More reasonable 70 Per person 71 Concept, in Cannes 72 Crackling radio noise 73 Very close pal, for short 74 Onassis or Fleischer 75 Jam holder 78 Prefix with task 79 Non-earthling 80 Gawk rudely 82 Pizazz 84 Unexciting 85 Winona of "Stranger Things" 87 Quick sprint 89 Casual refusal 90 "Anna and the King" actress -- Ling 91 Suffix with southeast 92 Fate 93 "Caught you!" 97 Fate 98 Gas in fuel 99 Ray of "GoodFellas" 101 Westerns, in old slang 102 Univ., e.g. 103 Louise's film cohort 104 Over 50% 106 Hogs' homes 110 Concerning 111 -- -do-well 112 "Buenos --" ("Good day," in Granada) 113 Prefix with tank 114 Enjoy a novel 115 Toy flown on a windy day 117 -- Strauss 118 Exercised 119 Child's plea 120 "Bus Stop" playwright William 121 Fruit-flavored drinks 124 "One Mic" rapper

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