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Retreat to inspire congregational care for the planet
A retreat for faith leaders and people interested in inspiring their congregations and communities to care for the planet will be held Feb. 6-7 at the Montreat Conference Center in Montreat.
Hosted by the Creation Care Alliance, this year’s symposium is titled “For the Love of All Creation: Practicing Resilience and Restoration in the Mountains” and will offer workshops on climate resilience, practicing solidarity with indigenous communities, community organizing, finding support for eco-grief and renewable energy and energy efficiency for congregations.
Avery Davis Lamb, co-director of Creation Justice Ministries, will be the sym- cant downhill lean in the structure and a support beam snapped under the large upper loft. posium’s keynote speaker. Lamb is a theologian and activist who has previously worked for Sojourners and Interfaith Power & Light. He serves on the board of The Center for Spirituality in Nature and is a Fellow of the Re:Generate Program at Wake Forest Divinity School and the Foundations of Christian Leadership Program at Duke Divinity School. His research focuses on the role of religious communities in building climate resilience and adaptation, with emphasis on the virtue of “climate hospitality.”
A proposal is now being considered to decommission the shelter and pit privy. In place of the shelter, a 12x12-foot covered picnic table area is being proposed as a place to sit, enjoy the view and provide a dry cooking area for campers. The fields around the shelter would remain open for tent camping. The Stan Murray Shelter just 2 miles to the south provides a covered overnight alternative for campers.
A 20-day period for written comments opened Monday, Jan. 23. To learn more about the project, submit a comment or join the Jan. 25 meeting, visit fs.usda.gov/project/?project=63432.
The program Monday, Feb. 6, is reserved for clergy and non-ordained congregational and religious professionals. The Tuesday, Feb. 7, symposium will be open to all creation care advocates and leaders.
Registration closes Jan. 30. Group rates and scholarships available. Learn more or register at creationcarealliance.org/2023symposium.