4 minute read

Truth, not lies, will keep us free

To the Editor:

If we really seek the truth, we go to primary sources — those who originate an idea, policy, or program. Mr. Ford’s letter of January 4 relies only on sources proven repeatedly to push lies. Instead, he read the social media posts of his hero Trump and the few loyalists left from his occupation of the White House. He should have watched the testimony of law enforcement officers who wer inside the Capitol on January 6: www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/watchlive-house-investigation-of-jan-6-attackbegins-with-police-testimony.

Republican secretaries of state and other top election officials who are Republicans all confirmed that the election was fair and the count accurate. Result: people who think like you have sent them death threats. Every challenge to the presidential vote count has been thrown out of courts, even those with Trump-appointed judges.

Mr. Ford, it was an insurrection: “an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence” (Cambridge Dictionary). Please look up the definitions of “republic” and “democracy” in a credible dictionary or encyclopedia. Calling the U.S. a republic does not allow you to overthrow our government. Who defined “republic” for you?

Of those arrested and tried for the insurrection, a number have pleaded guilty. If they were innocent they would not have done that. The evidence against them was overwhelming. No “leftist” would go to prison to “infiltrate” a mob, as you claim, copying Tucker.

Those thugs who filmed themselves bashing in doors of the Capitol and the House chamber, a sea of MAGA hats and extremist right-wing shirts, are Trump supporters from way back. Their own social media posts over several years damn them repeatedly.

This mob’s own videos show them trying to crush a police officer to death. They wrenched American flags and flagpoles and fire extinguishers from walls and used them to beat and maim police officers. One hundred forty (140) Capitol Police and Metropolitan Police were injured, some with lifelong incapacitating injuries.

The insurrectionists murdered one officer. The insurrectionists nearly succeeded in hunting down VP Mike Pence after putting up a scaffold to hang him. Had those brave police, far outnumbered because your hero Trump and his appointees refused them help, succeeded, the Capitol walls and floors would have been a sea of blood.

Evidence is overwhelming from Trump himself and those closest to him. Trump fomented the insurrection and allowed it to continue even after pleas from his daughter, his son, and some Republicans in Congress. More evidence appears daily. Mark Meadows’ emails and other documents given the January 6 committee add more proof.

Apparently you and your cohorts watch only Breitbart, Faux Fox and QAnon. For all we know QAnon is run by Russia, the world’s expert in disinformation campaigns, the nation with the most to gain by the fall of the US.

You committed these crimes, Mr. Ford — you and all sympathizers who are so truth-averse and naive that you only visit the extremist web sites that confirm your ignorance of American government and history. You follow media run by men who have only contempt for you and your family. To Trump himself, anyone not rich has always been a “loser.” He is the idol you worship, not the flag you desecrated, not the Constitution, not American tradition. Mary Curry Waynesville

Critical Race Theory with their scary word to infer our children will grow up communists if something is not done to keep discussions about race out of our schools. The concepts of diversity, equality and equity are further evidence of public schools veering into the morass created by liberals and their Marxist allies.

These same people tell us our government is risking the health of our children with mandates for mask wearing and vaccinations. They argue that such requirements are signs of socialism and growing dictatorship in a country with a Constitution protecting individual rights. They intimidate local school boards with this argument and threats of violence. So if this is the message intended by people recruiting school board candidates, what does the concept mean to me, a moderate business consultant?

Educate means we teach our children the truth. In history they learn about the total experience of our people in our communities, states and country. They learn how our country and state were settled and how many benefited while Native Americans and African Americans suffered. We learn how the Constitution denied the rights of many and how it has evolved. We learn through science and math the facts and theories that make our world work and threaten our existence. Our children learn civics and how voting works best when everyone participates. As they learn about democracy they begin practicing the ideas in classes and communities.

“Don’t Indoctrinate” means simply we identify lies and conspiracy theories distorting the truth. We point out the dangers implied in the words “fascism” and “socialism” and relate the concepts and threats to the messages we are hearing. We call out the lies about Critical Race Theory and other conspiracy theories. We pay attention to local elections and support candidates who practice civility and reason not threats and violence. So, let us maintain integrity in our schools. Let’s fight indoctrination of lies, fear and conspiracy theories with truth, facts and evidence.



Tellico Trout 4175 Tellico Rd. Franklin, NC

828-349-9034 • mike.macke@tellicotrout.com

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