BY CORY VAILLANCOURT Canton’s downtown. POLITICS E DITOR The property next door, which was slated n addition to the devastating loss of life to become another location for Waynesvilleand tremendous damage to private prop- based Kim’s Pharmacy, will likely end up with erty, Tropical Storm Fred caused millions a buyout as well, perhaps giving the town the in damage to facilities owned and maintained opportunity to build some sort of flood mitiby the Town of Canton. During a Jan. 27 all- gation feature, like a wall. day budget retreat, town staff and elected Dr. Ralph Hamlett, the Canton alderman officials began to make some decisions on who lost his downtown home in the flooding, what, how and when to rebuild. cautioned against strong community push“We’re pursuing rebuilding and mitiga- back if the integrity of the theatre is comprotion on all these projects, but we’re also trying mised in any way. to prioritize fire, police and town hall,” said Canton Mayor Zeb Smathers opined that Canton Town Manager Nick Scheuer. the issue of the Colonial would likely require a As far as town hall goes, Scheuer said that special meeting dedicated solely to its fate — there was a “98% chance” the town would much like the 2018 meeting in which the buildtake a buyout on the William G. Stamey ing’s annual income was revealed to be around Building that served as town hall and police $18,000 a year, far below operating cost. headquarters for 53 years. Two other town-owned facilities, the In considering options for a new town armory on Penland Street and the 100-acre hall, Scheuer said the town must plan not just Camp Hope facility, were also damaged and for a reopening of the administrative center, but also for the population growth and resultant staffing needs over the next 40 to 50 years. Given the cost of building a brand-new facility from scratch, Scheuer estimates that a new town facility would have $9.9 million in unmet needs, even after FEMA and insurance monies arrive. Retrofitting an existing building would leave a hole of about $3 million and also produce a much quicker timeline. The door to the Colonial Theatre’s annex hangs For the next year, Scheuer and town staff will continue to operate limply from its hinges following flooding on Aug. 17, 2021. Cory Vaillancourt photo out of temporary facilities; during the retreat, the board approved a $100,000 contract to establish a temporary are in need of substantial repair. town hall in modular structures that will be During the flooding of 2004, Camp Hope located near the town garage, on Summer wasn’t damaged, but this time, it didn’t fare as Street. The town believes the cost will be well. The entry bridge has been compromised reimbursed by FEMA. and the bathrooms were destroyed, so it’s cur“We are happy to remain in our tempo- rently offline. Three cabins that were just rary facilities until we can make the right rehabbed were also flooded and will have to choices,” Scheuer said. be rebuilt, but the main building and the careThe future of Canton’s police station may taker’s house weathered the water relatively or may not be tied to a permanent town hall, well. The property did not carry flood insurand the town is still exploring its options. ance, so rebuilding will depend largely on how The fire department, located behind the much money the town receives from FEMA. Stamey Building, may be salvageable as long as The site is popular for church retreats, it’s retrofitted to become more flood resistant. family reunions and weddings, and is usually The same goes for the Canton Historical booked “pretty far out,” according to town Museum, located right next door to the CFO Natalie Walker. Stamey Building, on Park Street. Another popular in-town site, the But tough choices will also have to be Armory, will also see some changes to get it made regarding the town-owned Colonial back online as quickly as possible. Theatre, located just across Park Street. “It literally is a hub for our community,” The historic theatre has been the subject said Alderwoman Kristina Smith Proctor. of discussions before, as it’s been underutiThe wood floors, damaged by flooding, lized for years and costs the town a substan- won’t be replaced. Something like polished tial amount of money for upkeep each year. concrete will likely be utilized instead. A Scheuer said that all options are still on the flood wall could be constructed around the table, and Alderman Tim Shepard raised the property, and any available funding may idea of leasing it to an operator that would be include the addition of an elevator that would dedicated to making it into more of a bustling make the second floor compliant with the community attraction that would provide Americans with Disabilities Act, opening up entertainment for locals and lure tourists to more potential for the historic space.
Canton begins to explore rebuilding flood-damaged facilities
February 2-8, 2022
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