6 minute read

WNC prosecutor also serves as military judge

BY QUINTIN ELLISON staff is proud — of his service. He puts a SPECIAL TO SMN huge amount of time and effort into both his

John Hindsman Jr. leaves his civilian job assistant district attorney work and his milithis week for his military one, transform- tary work.” ing from local assistant district attorney Recruited by the Army and U.S. Marine into Maj. Hindsman, U.S. Army Reserve Corps while in high school, Hindsman elected judge advocate. instead to attend Appalachian State University

As a member of Judge Advocate General in Boone. He soon found himself in ROTC, his (JAG) Corps, Hindsman deploys for monthly first step to becoming a judge advocate. training to Puerto Rico with his unit on Hindsman holds two bachelor degrees, Thursday, Nov. 12. During the unit’s battle one in criminal justice and the other in politassembly, soldiers will spend four days hon- ical science, as well as two minors, one in ing their military skills. business management and the other in mili-

When at home, Hindsman works in the tary leadership. After college, Hindsman 43rd Prosecutorial District for District joined the Army as a signal corps officer, Attorney Ashley Hornsby Welch. Though his commissioned as a second lieutenant. He was duties can take him into any of the seven granted an educational delay to attend law counties that make up the district, he typically works in Macon, Clay and Cherokee counties.

The 38 year old is a Clay County native who lives near Hayesville with his wife, Michelle, who is an interior designer. His parents are Jane and Steve Hindsman.

“The district attorney has been exceptionally supportive of my double duties, as has my wife,” Hindsman said.

Hindsman frequently works on his military cases at night or on weekends, after his assistant district attorney duties end for the Assistant District Attorney John Hindsman during the day. Additionally, he participates in murder trial of Alex Crisp in Bryson City. Quintin Ellison photo the monthly training with his unit, as well as spends up to 30 days each year on school and selected Campbell University. active duty. He was recommissioned in 2009 as a

In 2013, Hindsman was mobilized to judge advocate. The JAG Corps typically serve as trial counsel within 4th Infantry selects only 10 to 20 percent of civilian appliDivision in Fort Carson, Colorado. cants and junior officer applicants each year,

“While there, I worked numerous sexual according to information compiled by the assault cases, a high-profile murder case and Army. an international child sexual abuse case in During his years of service, Hindsman has conjunction with the Colorado Springs Police worked in a variety of roles for the military, Department,” he said. “No one day was like including helping service members with wills, another.” powers of attorney, notarizations, income tax

“You receive a broad legal education and preparation and landlord/tenant issues. learn how to be part of a team. I do not have Currently, Hindsman serves as judge advoa problem expressing my opinion, but within cate for the 1st Mission Support Command in a command structure, you have to say it in a Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico, and as operational respectful way. And, ultimately, I know it is law attorney for 402d Civil Affairs Battalion. only my opinion and advice.” The battalion conducts civil affairs missions in

Welch said Hindsman’s experience as a Central and South America with support from military lawyer benefits the office. He and the 1st Mission Support Command. Assistant District Attorney Kimberly Harris, In his role as a judge advocate, Hindsman a Cherokee County native and veteran of the advises his battalion commander on operaU.S. Army, add depth to her team’s legal tal- tional law. JAGs are encouraged to have a ents, she said, thanks to military service. broad range of experience, and in the span of

Harris served four years on active duty as his military career, Hindsman has worked in an intelligence analyst with Second Stryker civil, maritime and international law and Brigade. served on the Rule of Law team for develop-

Hindsman has a family history of military ing countries. service: his father is a U.S. Navy veteran who “I have a very strong belief in public servundertook two tours in Vietnam. His uncle ice, as do my parents,” Hindsman said. served in the Air Force. “When home, as a senior assistant district

“John cares deeply about giving back, and attorney, I serve the community I live in and serving in the military is just one way he does the people I grew up with. When away, I’m that,” Welch said. “I’m proud — our entire proud to serve my country.”

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